Welcome to Gaia! ::

Coming back for round two?

Yes 0.58536585365854 58.5% [ 24 ]
Maybe 0.26829268292683 26.8% [ 11 ]
No 0.14634146341463 14.6% [ 6 ]
Total Votes:[ 41 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 328 329 330 > >> >>> »|

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Welcome to The Rayori Hallows, the home of the elusive and spectral Rayori. These special pets would love to meet you, and maybe even go home with you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the thread.

Please make sure you read the front page thoroughly before asking any questions.

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June 13, 2007: The male anthro form is complete, and the items needed to make a Rayori into the anthro form are now in the shop.

June 5, 2007: I'm finally back from my extended hiatus, and there are new concept sketches for second generation Rayori on p. 314. I'll try to spend the next several days sorting out what needs to be done (growings, shop maintenance, etc), then I'll begin work on the line art for the new designs.

January 2007

January 3, 2007: I realize I missed several months worth of news, but I was very busy and didn't have time to announce things both in the thread AND right here. The busyness has been reduced now, however, and I should have more time for the shop. The female anthro stage has been released as of today!

October 2006

October 23, 2006: Something came up in real life and I was an hour late to the flatsale. In the spirit of fairness I have moved the Halloween flatsale to tomorrow at 7 pm Central / 5 pm Pacific time.

October 23, 2006: I never got around to making an official announcement on the front page, but if you've been following the shop thread you will know that we are holding a Halloween flatsale today at 7 pm Central / 5 pm Pacific time. Anyone may try to get a Rayori, and the sale will be on a first come, first served basis. Specific rules and information will be posted beginning 10 - 15 minutes before the sale. We have lots of growings lately! mrgreen

October 12, 2006: School is still hectic, but kelsey has come back! There is a new pet trade, and we're pushing out adult versions of pets for people who became inactive. I still refuse to say the "f" word though...I don' t like making promises I can't keep.

September 2006

September 17, 2006: So. School sucks. I've been incredibly busy and haven't had time to do much of anything with the shop except RP. I want to do a flatsale, but I've just flat out quit saying I'll do one because it doesn't work out. Once I finally do get some crystari, kits, and certs together, I'll give at least 2 weeks notice before a sale, and there will likely only be 4 Rayori for sale. In the meantime, please join in the RP. I've been enjoying it and would really hate to see it die. It's my birthday in 2 days, so I'm going to be doing schoolwork like crazy so I can free that day up for enjoyment.

August 2006
August 29, 2006: I'm back from my vacation and grinding away at school again. While things will resume, I doubt I will ever be able to return to the idea of having 1 flatsale each week. Instead, I plan to have one each month. The next one will be coming soon, so keep an eye out for the date.

August 8, 2006: Summer school ended for me today. I am going home for 2 to 3 weeks for a mini vacation before the fall semester starts up. I will have limited internet and computer access, so at the most I may be able to get on and say hello or RP for a bit. There will be NO UPDATES OR SALES while I'm gone. I do not have another staff member to take over during this time, and I do not plan to hire one. Feel free to RP and keep the thread alive while I'm gone. I will do my best to churn out the next stages of all the pets that aren't adults when I get back, since time will be passing regardless of me not being here. If you have a pet that hasn't grown in some time, remember that minimal thread participation is REQUIRED for growth. Any concerns may be PMed to me and I will answer them when possible.

July 2006
July 31, 2006: I have official dates for my hiatus now. I will be gone from August 8th to August 21st.

July 21, 2006: We had a surprise flatsale yesterday! Be sure to welcome the new owners.

July 17, 2006: All items are now fully available in the item shop.

July 12, 2006: Lots of growings going on, and I'm much closer to flatsale stuff. Stick around for updates and an impressive RP.

July 10, 2006: Still playing catch up, but getting there slowly.

July 5, 2006: School has finally slowed down for me some, so the pace of things in the shop should start picking up soon.

June 2006
June 29, 2006: I'm still unable to announce a flatsale date, but as soon as finals are over I'll get on it right away. There are a bunch of growings on 148! ^_^

June 23, 2006: I will not be here all day Saturday or Sunday! Feel free to roleplay and do whatever, but I will not be available for shop business. Any questions, concerns, etc, may be PMed to my account.

June 19, 2006: xkelseygurl185x will be losing her internet connection, so the next flatsale has been pushed back until all current growings have been colored.

June 14, 2006: The auction will be ending today, shortly before the flatsale begins. More growings are on page 80.

June 12, 2006: xkelseygurl185x will be holding an auction beginning today. A lot of growing has been going on lately - the newest kits are on page 68. Don't forget about the upcoming flatsale!

June 9, 2006: Both the auction and raffle are over now. Congrats to the winners! Some of the crystari from the last flat have begun to hatch, so come in and say hello to the new kits!

June 8, 2006: The next flatsale has been announced! Check the availability section for more info. There are only 55 raffle tickets left, and the auction will be ending today at 4 pm PST.

June 6, 2006: There is a surprise auction today! It's only running for 48 hours, so be sure to get in on the action. Something unexpected has come up this weekend, so the next flatsale has been postponed, probably until the middle of next week.

June 5, 2006: After experiencing some technical difficulties with Photoshop this weekend, the certs are going up quickly today. I plan to announce the next flatsale today.

June 3, 2006: The flatsale was a success! All of the crystari found homes within 2 hours. Newly certed Rayori will be posted in the Pickup section throughout the day. The winner of the post contest is Tasah! (See the Contest post for more info.)

June 2, 2006: The flatsale is today! The item shop has been opened up for use, more previews are up, and another crystari hatched yesterday.

May 2006

May 30th, 2006: Some of the first crystari have broken open! Check out the Owners section to see the new Rayori. The time for the flatsale has been announced! I've added a section on the front page for the contest. Be sure to double check the rules if you are participating.

May 28, 2006: Post Contest - since we're a fairly new shop, we've decided to hold a post contest to help keep us towards the top of the subforum. The contest will start on May 28th, 5:00 pm Pacific time. For more information, please see this post.

May 25, 2006: The Roleplay section has had a massive update, although it's not quite finished yet. We're also beginning work on the item shop. / We're working on the batch of Rayori that will go into the flatsale. Feel free to come in, look around, and stay for a chat.

May 24, 2006: Grand Opening Today! The first flatsale will be Friday, June 2nd. The times will be detemined and posted by Tuesday evening, May 30th. / Several minor shop updates. We're working on the first few Rayori that will go to staff and friends so that people can see some variety before the first flatsale.

May 23, 2006: I will be bringing a new species called the Rayori to Gaia as soon as everything is finished. Keep an eye out for the first flatsale!
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Do not PM me or any of the staff about prices/availability!
All of that info will be posted in the front shop posts. If it is unclear, you may inquire politely by posting in the thread.

Don't steal the art, concept, or anything related to the Rayori!
I and my staff have worked our butts off on this stuff and I won't hesitate to report you.

Do not beg for a Rayori!
If you can't afford one right now, come back when you can. If there are none available currently, you just have to wait. If I catch you begging once, you go on the greylist. A second time will put you instantly on the blacklist.

Do NOT edit your posts in flat sales!
It is unfair to all people involved. Staff will be watching the sales, and if you are caught editing posts you will be blacklisted.

Flatsales do not start until I say so, and when they're over, they're over.
Posts made before or after a sale will be ignored. Again, do NOT edit your posts in a flatsale.

No monster quotes or page stretching!
Neither I, my staff, or visitors to this shop want to have to wade through monstrous quotes and/or stretched pages to read a one line sentence. Please keep quotes to five or less at once.

If you want a Rayori, you must show some presence in the thread before purchasing it.
In order for your pet to grow, you must return occasionally. It's nice to know that people like the pets, the shop, or my company.

If you have been banned (blacklisted), you WILL NOT receive a refund!
Any Rayori you have that are not fully grown will have their growth halted at the time of your banning.

Follow the ToS.
No flaming, trolling, cybering, arguing, etc.

Be polite.
Do not come in and advertise for another shop or for your quests! Depending on my mood, random bumps may or may not be tolerated.

Random trades are considered donations.
All unexpected, unlabled trades will be treated as donations and will go into the shop fund, which happens to be my account.

You may not trade, sell, or give away your Rayori!
All such transactions must take place through the shop. If you would like to make your Rayori available for sale or trade, post about it in the thread.

Co-owning is allowed.
However, I must receive the usernames and payments from both owners before your Rayori will be released to you.

You may buy a Rayori as a gift for another person.
You will not receive the image, though. Once your trade has gone through, I will PM the proud new owner informing them how to pick up their pet.

Do NOT act like a noob!
Failure to read the rules or using excessive bad grammar/spelling drives me nuts.
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Info: There is currently no flatsale planned.



1. I will announce the date of flatsales roughly one week in advance.
3. Specific rules for each flatsale will be posted just before the event.
4. Even though the method changes, the sales will always be first come, first served.
5. Flatsales will run until all Rayori have been sold.
6. You may not offer more gold in an attempt to get a specific crystari.
7. Do not harass other people if they got the crystari that you wanted.
8. Do not ask me to "hold" a certain crystari for you. Ask for a custom if you want something specific.
9. Do not ask to see anoher stage of the Rayori. What emerges is supposed to be a surprise.
10. You may not own more than 3 flatsale Rayori.
11. To claim a crystari, you must fill out and post the form in the thread.
12. You will have 24 hours to complete a trade, after which time the crystari will go back to the shop.
13. Each person may only purchase ONE Rayori in a single flatsale.
14. If you want to buy Rayori for yourself AND a friend in the same flatsale, you must notify me beforehand.
15. If you are purchasing 2 Rayori as in Rule 14, the Flatsale Form for each Rayori must be in separate posts, not the same one.

Flatsale Form
Crystari #:
Rayori Name:
Owner Name:


Info: No auctions are currently planned.

Current Highest Bid: None

Preview: None


1. The length of auctions will vary according to their nature. Please consult the "Info" section for ending time. If it is unclear, DON'T ASSUME - ask questions instead.
2. Auctions are anti-snipe. If anyone bids within 15 minutes of the end of the auction, the time will be extending another 15 minutes.
3. You must have the gold that you are bidding, because you cannot retract your bid.
4. Fill out and post the auction form to make a bid.
5. Once a winning bid has been announced, the winner will have 24 hours to start and complete a trade for the appropriate amount.
6. Any specific auction info (pricing, etc) will be posted just before the beginning of the event and in this section.
7. Auctions will always be for only 1 crystari at a time.
8. No begging/sob stories/harassing, etc.
9. There is currently not an Autobuy for auctions.
10. If you increase your bid, please fill out the form again and repost it. Do not just say you are increasing your bid to such and such amount.

Auction Form
Bid Amount:
Rayori Name:
Owner Name:


Info: There is not a raffle planned at this time.

Remaining Tickets: 0

Participants: None

Preview: None


1. Raffles will run until all tickets have been sold.
2. Ticket prices and numbers may vary from raffle to raffle, but I will never change either during a running raffle.
3. Once the last ticket has been sold, I will use Gaia's random number generator to determine the winning ticket.
4. You may only buy raffle tickets from me, not anyone else.
5. If you no longer want your raffle tickets, I will buy them back at 75% of the original price and put them back up for sale.
6. Ticket numbers will be determined by the order in which the tickets are purchased.
7. You may buy as many tickets as you wish.
8. There will be an autobuy of sorts. If you are willing to purchase ALL of the tickets and you are the first one to buy ANY tickets, you have essentially bought the crystari and the raffle is over.
9. If the raffle fails, tickets will be fully refunded.
10. Fill out the Raffle Form and post it to purchase tickets.
11. I will maintain a list of who has what tickets in the Raffle Info section.
12. Raffles will always be for only 1 crystari at a time.
13. No begging/sob stories/harassing, etc.
14. You will have 24 hours to start and complete a trade for the price of your tickets after posting your form.
15. You may purchase tickets more than once during a raffle, so long as they are still available.

Raffle Form
# of Tickets:
Rayori Name:
Owner Name:

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This is where owners can come to pick up their newborn Rayori. After your Rayori has reached a permanent stage, please save the image and display it from your own image host. Until then, I recommend that you use the current image link so that you can see immediately when your Rayori has grown. Pets will be left in the pickup section for ONE WEEK ONLY.

User Image

Welcome to the Rayori Item Shop! This is where you can buy items to affect the growth and stages of your Rayori. Except for the Amethyst, the effects of all of these items will be permanent unless another item is used.

In order to purchase and use an item, you must fill out the form below and send it to me by PM with "Rayori Item" in the title. Right after sending me the form, please initiate a trade with me for the amount listed. Once the trade has gone through completely, I will work on your new altered Rayori. The change will be posted in the thread ASAP and you will receive a PM notification telling you what page of the shop thread to look for it on.

Item Form
Item Name:
Pet Name:
Owner Name:

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Halt growth wherever it is at.
This item may only be used on crystari, kits, and juveniles.
Price: 500 gold

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Go one stage back in development.
This item may only be used on kits, juveniles, and adults.
Price: 500 gold

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Resume growth.
This item may only be used on crystari, kits, and juveniles.
Price: 1000 gold

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Go one step forward in development.
This item may only be used on crystari, kits, and juveniles.
Price: 1000 gold

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Turn your Rayori into a kit.
This item may only be used on crystari, juveniles, and adults.
Price: 1500 gold

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Turn your Rayori into a juvenile.
This item may only be used on crystari, kits, and adults.
Price: 2000 gold

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Turn your Rayori into an adult.
This item may only be used on crystari, kits, and juveniles.
Price: 2500 gold

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Change the gender of your Rayori.
This item may be used on Rayori at any stage in their life.
Price: 3000 gold (if used as a juvenile or adult)
Price: 1500 gold (if used as a crystari or kit)

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Items used in the ritual that allows a Rayori to transform into a more human shape.
May only be used on Rayori that have been adults for at least 2 months.
Price: 5000 gold

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Interested in the people that own a Rayori? Looking for a Rayori to become friends with your own? Here's where you can find them!

Pet Name | Gender | Stage | Obtained | Owner | Cert

Aeryth | Female | Anthro | Staff | Arelyn530 | Pic
Rokosamii | Female | Adult | Staff | xkelseygurl185x | Pic
Flare | Male | Anthro | Gift | Caesar2075 | Pic
Sunrise | Female | Adult | Gift | KitKat1100 | Pic
Ramieus | Male | Adult | Gift | KitKat1100 | Pic
Bahamot | Male | Adult | Gift | kelthaden | Pic
Calcifer | Male | Adult | Gift | Kayian | Pic

Janri | Female | Adult| Flatsale | Tasah | Pic
Antares | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | [Llew] (_lions_pride_) | Pic
Jakk | Male | Adult | Flatsale | Sanasana-chan | Pic
Tuklama | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Malkut | Pic
Kyanda | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Cloudy Kitsune | Pic
Rizu | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale/Gift | Gemini_Alchemist | Pic
Citrus | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Angelic_Chic | Pic
Kerithee | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Cyzzane | Pic
Siouxsie | Female | Adult | Flatsale | DarkFaerie Oasis | Pic
Fleya | Female | Adult | Flatsale | ..Le Chat du Noir.. | Pic
Sage | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Chobi_Chocobo | Pic
Magnus | Male | Adult | Flatsale | kissitbetter | Pic

Neiro | Male | Juvenile | Auction | Turiko | Pic
Jazmiline | Female | Juvenile | Raffle | kissitbetter | Pic
Deere | Female | Adult | Pet Trade | Reikia | Pic
Morrow | Female | Adult | Auction | DarkFaerie Oasis | Pic

Aera | Female | Adult | Flatsale | Aysina | Pic
Sierra | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale | fatcat17 | Pic
Laosi | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale | rubber_ducky_ur_the1 | Pic
Vyn | Male | Adult | Flatsale | Tasah | Pic

Hikaru | Male | Adult | Adoption Auction | Cloudy Kitsune | Pic
Saika | Female | Adult | Custom | Konalou | Pic

Craven | Male | Adult | Flatsale | Purplesmoke | Pic
Mikanyli | Male | Adult | Flatsale | PhoenixGuardianMikazuki | Pic
Inverkle | Male | Kit | Flatsale/Gift | Crowfoot | Pic
Taure | Male | Adult | Flatsale | Cloudy Kitsune | Pic

Orion | Male | Adult | Custom | Tasah | Pic

Asira | Female | Juvenile | Pet Trade | liela_dragon_rayne | Pic
Pazfire | Female | Juvenile | Custom | Sanasana-chan | Pic

Keo | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | catloverofdoom | Pic
Cade | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | Sanasana-chan | Pic
Widow | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale | ~ Milk Mynk ~ | Pic
Kaitmea | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale | Rhody401 | Pic
Dusk | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | Solstis | Pic
Aiek | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | Konalou | Pic
Saitsu | Female | Juvenile | Flatsale | Purplesmoke | Pic
Cathaoir | Male | Juvenile | Flatsale | liela_dragon_rayne | Pic

If the stage says one thing, but the image is displaying a previous stage, you may need to refresh or clear your cache. See page 62 for instructions on clearing the cache in Firefox. If that doesn't fix it, please PM me with the name of the owner and pet.
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Breeding Rules:

Breeding costs 3k from each owner. Considering that you get at least 2 kits and the normal flatsale price is 5k, you get a discount! ^_^ This will also reserve an available breeding den of your choice.

The minimum litter size for Rayori is 2, but there could be as many as 6. The owners of the breeding pair will have their choice of 2 kits from the litter and the rest will be returned to the shop.

Both parties must consent to the breeding. You can't just decide another owner's Rayori would have lovely kits with your own and ask me to "make it happen".

A female Rayori needs at least 2 months to recover after breeding. There is currently no limit on the number of times a female may breed.

Male Rayori can mate every 4 weeks, but you must remember the limitations of his partner, especially if you are hoping for more than 2 kits. The poor guys just aren't as productive when they are used too frequently. ;P

Rayori are usually lifemates. A loving couple will have more kits per litter than Rayori who bounce around from partner to partner.

Only an adult male and adult female Rayori pair may breed.

Rayori may not breed with any relative closer than a cousin (and even first cousins are kind of frowned upon).

Owners must be active in the thread to breed their Rayori.

An owner may only breed one male Rayori and one female Rayori per month.

Owners may breed 2 of their own Rayori so long as they are unrelated.

If one or both Rayori are custom and you want custom kits, the price will be determined by the difficulty.

Offspring may or may not look like their parents.

Each owner must fill out the breeding form and post it in the thread.

Breeding Form
Female Rayori:
Owner's Name:
Male Rayori:
Owner's Name:
Breeding Den:

Breeding Dens:

Mountain Erie (Colorist: Arelyn530) - Closed
Forest Glen (Colorist: xkelseygurl185x) - Open
Desert Cave (Colorist: ) - Closed
Meadow Haven (Colorist: ) - Closed


Only juveniles, adults and anthros may be added to this list

Aeryth and Flare
Aera and Hikaru

Family Trees:

All generation one Rayori are unrelated.
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1. How long will it take them to grow?

A crystari will normally hatch within one to two weeks. You must return to the thread during that time and let us see that you are still interested in your pet and the species before the baby Rayori will emerge. The baby stage will last anywhere from two to three weeks. Again, you must come back to the thread before your Rayori will advance to the juvenile stage. After three to four more weeks, the Rayori will grow into an adult. Currently that is as far as your Rayori will advance. The more you participate in the thread, the faster your Rayori will grow.

2. Can they be gay?

No, they cannot be gay. If you want to have some fantasy that your Rayori is gay that I'll never now about, fine, but you are NOT to RP your Rayori as gay or all future growth will halt. If your Rayori is already grown and you decide to RP them as gay at that point, you will be added to the greylist. Further offenses will put you on the blacklist. Why are they only allowed to be heterosexual? Because that's the only way for them to breed.

3. How big will all the certificate and pet combos be?

They will all be about 425 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall. The file size will always be under 100 kb.

4. Can you recommend an image host?

I've been using Photobucket for a long time and I've never had any problems with it. It should be very easy to get an account set up. Just Google "photobucket" for the link.

5. How much should I expect to save for a special?

It depends on what you are asking for. Line edits, cosplays, super detailed coloring jobs, etc. are all very time consuming, especially if you want it for more than one stage. Be prepared to offer as much as 250k for all of the above (and more if you want something else too).

6. Is there a limit to the number of Rayori you can own?

Yes and no. You may purchase as many as you want from auctions and raffles, but you cannot own more than 3 from flatsales. Also, the owners of a breedable pair are only allowed to keep two at the most from each breeding. The other young (if there are more than two) will go back to the shop for a flatsale, auction, or raffle.

8. What positions will you hire for?

I am not currently hiring. If any positions open up, it will be posted here and in the news section. If you think you have exceptional skill and just HAVE to be on the staff, you may PM me and request a lineart sample for editing and coloring. Such submissions will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Be warned though! If I find that you aren't serious about it, you will be added to the greylist.

9. How do your flatsales/auctions/raffles work?

Specific rules for flatsales, auctions and raffles will be posted just before the event. Gotta keep you on your toes! The one rule that never changes is: DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS!

10. Do I have to roleplay my Rayori?

No, you are not required to roleplay your Rayori for it to grow. The roleplay is offered as an added bonus for you to enjoy. You must, however, have at least a minimal thread presence for your Rayori to advance in age.

11. Who do I send trades to?

That would be me, Arelyn530.

12. What is the plural/singular for the Rayori?

Rayori is both the plural and the singular, just like sheep, deer or fish.
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About the Rayori

The Rayori are a spectral species that have the ability to travel between this dimension and the next one. They do not belong in one universe or the other, and no one can seem to remember their origins.

An adult female Rayori does not give live birth, nor does she "lay" eggs. After mating, a litter of two to six gem-like crystari are produced. In this form, a new Rayori may stay dormant for hundreds of years. In order to stir up life within the crystari, it must come in contact with blood of some kind. A bond will be formed between the young Rayori and the one in who's veins the Blood of Awakening flows.

In the wild, the Blood of Awakening comes from the mother, the father, or both. This means that the children are bound to their parents, and you will find that wild Rayori have incredibly strong family ties. In the case of a human/Rayori bond, a human must travel to the Rayori Hallows to seek a bond with a Rayori. A millenia ago, when the Rayori were still plentiful, the human would also have to ask the permission of the parents to bond with one of their crystari. The ritual blood was taken by slicing a finger over the horn of the mother or father, then smeared across the semi-transparent gem. Now a human need only get to the Hallows (a trial in itself, since the old passage is long collapsed), slice their finger on a knife, and rub it over the crystari.

The life stages of the Rayori are as follows:

Crystari (0 - 2 weeks)

If a crystari is never introduced to the Blood of Awakening, it will remain as a crystari indefinitely. However, once it has been "Woken", it fills with light as the Rayori it contains begins to grow. One to two weeks after it has Woken, the baby Rayori will emerge from the crystari. When a great deal of attention is lavished on the crystari, it breaks sooner rather than later. The broken shards are often kept as a memento to make into necklaces and bracelets for the Rayori's bonded companion. Such items seem to have an innate knack for attracting magic and are sought after by mages.

Kit (2 - 3 weeks)

After emerging from their crystari, baby Rayori spend a great deal of time sleeping. They wake long enough to be fed and cared for, then tend to fall back asleep quickly. This is because a great deal of their development is still underway. (Did you really think they could get that much growing done inside a crystal of sorts?) Since Rayori are omnivores, you will need to feed it an assortment of fresh fruits and soft meats. As kits come closer to becoming juveniles, they will be awake more often. This is when personality first breaks through. Will your kit be a trouble-maker? A laid back companion? An avid learner? Only time will tell. At this age Rayori will begin to communicate with their companion through mental messages and exercise their tiny wings.

Juvenile (3 - 4 weeks)

When Rayori reach this stage in their life, they begin to try everything. They learn constantly, beginning with how to fly. Soon they are poking their head into the next dimension, getting a feel for how to travel. Socializing between Rayori at this age often leads to lifelong friendships and future mates. You will also find that you have to care for your Rayori far less than you did while it was a kit. It will find it's own food and water, but you will still need to provide it with love. You are bonded, after all.

Adult (for their remaining life)

While adult Rayori have reached the limit of their growth, it does not mean that they have stopped learning. They will continue to acquire knowledge as they age, and old Rayori are known to be incredibly wise. Humans are unsure what the Rayori lifespan is, but they do know that Rayori CAN die. There is currently no knowledge of what happens to a Rayori if their human companion dies before they do.

Anthro (not a natural part of Rayori growth)

The anthro form may only be reached if the Rayori and its companion (owner) are eligible to participate in a transforming ritual. The requirements to get an anthro are as follows:

- The owner must be active in the shop thread
- The chosen Rayori must be active in the shop thread RP
- The owner must collect and submit his or her RPs from the shop thread
- The owner must have an RP word count of 5,000 words or more
- The chosen Rayori must have been an adult for at least 2 months
- The owner must purchase the "Ancient Book & Notes" item from the shop
- The owner must RP the transformation from adult to anthro form

You may send the collected RPs to Arelyn530 via Gaia PM (please number your PMs if you do), or you may send them via email to rayori_hallows@yahoo.com. If you send them via email, please also send Arelyn530 a Gaia PM letting her know she needs to check the email account.

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*note: images are not to scale*

Their History

A millenia ago the Rayori were numerous and walked among humans as companions. The two races loved each other and each Rayori would be bound to a human at birth. Though they were somewhat aloof, the Rayori were extremely loyal. So loyal, in fact, that when their human companions became enveloped in a war, the Rayori plunged in right alongside them.

The enemy inhabited the smaller southern continent of their world and had depleted its resources completely. The massive population cried out to their government for relief. A military dictator was given power and he had but a single goal - to completely conquer the northern continent, which was home to the Rayori and their human companions, and claim it for his people.

However, he met considerable resistance. The uncanny Rayori were extremely useful to the war effort, for they do not exactly exist in this dimension. They are caught somewhere between this world and the next and can travel freely between both. They could step into the next dimension at their home, travel a short distance, and emerge in the midst of an enemy encampment. The ghostly wings upon their backs saw that they escaped easily, time after time.

At first, the Rayori were used only as spies. As the human forces of the northern continent slowly became depleted, though, they began to ask their companions to fight alongside them. The Rayori were unexpectedly fierce in battle. Wherever they fought, they moved like lighting, spearing men on their dangerous horns and rending holes in their bodies with glittering teeth.

Not all of the opponents the Rayori fought died, and the enemy surgeons soon noticed that men marked by the Rayori came down with a wasting sickness that drove them insane, eventually killing them. They credited this to the spectral nature of the Rayori, or perhaps to some remnant of the next dimension that infected the men when they were wounded.

The forces of the southern continent realized that they were beginning to lose the war and cowered in fear. The dictator, seeing the effect the Rayori had on his men, sought a means to destroy the creatures. He called on his scientists and ancient scholars, but only one wizened man had an answer, which he disclosed under pain of death. Even the dictator trembled a little when he heard the means for destroying the Rayori, but his heart had become rotten with evil and pride long ago.

He made a dark pact on a fell night and called forth a monstrous creature from the next dimension. He pledged that in return for the elimination of the Rayori, the monstrosity could reap as many human souls from this world as it desired. The thing was turned lose upon the helpless world.

The blackness ravaged the world, seeking out and destroying every last Rayori and it's human companion. It was injured numerous times, but always it reaped more souls, rebuilding its strength. People refused to leave their homes or the secret caves and hallows where they had sought refuge. Even the dictator began to fear for his life.

Then, one year after the appearance of the terrible thing, it vanished. Not a single Rayori remained, and all but one fifth of the human population had been decimated. The sad remnants of the southern continent turned on the dictator, savagely killing him. They had lost not only their loved ones and homes, but their reason for conquest.

The people of both continents emerged from their shelters and slowly began to rebuild their lives. Weeks, months, decades, and finally centuries began to pass. The world flourished, even if it was missing the Rayori, and the northern and southern continents began to quibble over resources again. All memory of the ancient war and destruction had been reduced to a little known myth that teenagers would tell on dark moonless nights to scare one another.

The world would have continued as it was if not for a few adventerous youths that roamed far into the depths of the northern continent's highest mountain. In the cramped darkness, they could hardly tell were they were going. So, you might say it was inevitable when many of them walking closely together missed their footing and fell several yards into a cavern.

They were bruised and scraped, with a few sprained ankles and wrists, but they were alive and there were still a few of their friends up above with ropes and lights. A lamp was passed down and the four that had fallen looked around...and gasped. They were in a long, low cavern that extended well beyond the light of their lamps. That wasn't so unusual - but the floor was littered with colorful stones or crystals that winked and glittered in the light. Each one must have been nearly a foot across at it's widest point.

The leader of the group reached out with a bloody hand to pick up a blue-green gem. As she admired it, it slowly began to glow with an inner light, illuminating the shape of...an embryo! She nearly dropped it then and there. The others came to examine what she had found, and soon they too noticed that the stones they had picked up began to fill with light in the same way.

They didn't know what to think of this discovery, but a few large bags were produced and filled with as many of the strange stones as they could take. They were pulled up by their friends and they all marveled about the cavern and it's contents on the long trek home. No one in the village had any answers for what they had found, and for some reason the youths decided to keep all of the gems but the lit ones hidden away.

The leader came back to check on her gem often, and sometimes she thought the creature inside might be moving. It's shape changed rapidly and it grew with each passing day, until one night she woke to a noise like cracking glass and found a small creature emerging from the stone.

The memory of the Rayori was dredged up in the nearly lost myth. The cavern was identified as what must surely be The Rayori Hallows, the sacred ground where humans would go to seek a bond with a Rayori companion. The four friends nutured their Rayori and slowly shared their stash of what they could now call crystari around the village.

And thus begins the current saga of the Rayori...

The Rayori World

The map will go here eventually...

Roleplay Information

Due to the expense of starting a guild and the singlemindedness of a thread, we will be roleplaying in the shop for now.

Rayori do not speak in an audible sense, but instead send meanings, words, and images to your mind. To convey this, please make sure that whenever your Rayori speaks, it is surrounded by quotation marks, asterisks, angle brackets, tildes, or something of the like. You could also italicize if you wish. I will observe the roleplay for a while, and if it becomes apparent that a lot of us use the same method, I will make it the standard.

Do not god-mode, and please remember that Rayori CAN be killed. However, only a Rayori's companion has the right to cause their death in the roleplay.
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Looking for a particularly special Rayori? Then feel free to try and bribe us if there is a slot open! The price will vary according to what you want.

1. Arelyn530 (Linedits/Coloring/Everything) - Kuro_Doragon
2. xkelseygurl185x (Coloring only) - Kaitaia
3. Waiting List - Celaestia

Custom guidelines:

If the custom is just a few simple colors, I'll just ask the normal flatsale price for it. If you want to be picky about what color goes where on the Rayori, then maybe 1k or 2k more. If we're talking multiple colors, all precisely placed, with the whole thing intended to look like something, then 5k - 10k more. Any special effects/texturing/added images (like hearts for Valentine's) would be another 5k - 10k. Lineart edits are an absolute pain in the butt, so anywhere from 20k - 200k more depending on what has to be added/changed/removed.

Interested in an elemental Rayori? Here are the options: Plain element, element + elemental marking, complete custom. For the plain element option, you tell me an element and I choose everything except a special hindquarter marking. That would cost the same as a regular 2 or 3 color custom. For the element + elemental marking option, you choose the element and maybe a main color, and I'll choose the rest of the colors and an elemental marking for the hindquarters. That would be probably 2k more than the Plain Element option. And then, of course, there's the complete custom, where you can tell me everything: colors, markings, patterns, elements, etc. The price of that varies with difficulty.

By the way, I will NOT do Harry Potter or Inuyasha cosplays. I think both series get way too much hype as it is, and I don't like them. If you want one, too bad, unless you can offer a TON of gold. Otherwise, you'll just have to hope I hire someone that would be willing to do it for you.
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I only have two other pets of my own, so feel free to ask.
I will automatically accept trades for:
- Kitsusagi
- Daeka
- Velah

Trades in Progress:


Completed Trades:

Deere for Anara

Asira for Kareah
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Arelyn530 - Owner/Line Editor/Colorist/Everything

xkelseygurl185x - Colorist
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Everyone loves to share their hobbies with other people, so this is intended to be a convenient list of breedable/changeable/feedable pet groups for people to explore.(If you're the shop owner, it's free advertising for you!)


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Seeking Affiliation?

Would you like to be added to the list of affiliates? If you are a new shop, you must have had your first successful flatsale before I will consider affiliation. I only want to include shops that are going to hang around. If you meet those qualifications, just leave a post in the thread with your link and do us the favor of linking back. ^_^

You may link to us using one of the images and url below:

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Whitelist - For donators, special people, and friends
Caesar2075 - for being my fiance and my roleplay help heart
KitKat1100 - for being my sister mrgreen
kelthaden - for being my brother domokun

Graylist - For those who have committed minor offenses
None yet biggrin

Blacklist - Banned for incurring my wrath, unwelcome in the thread
None yet biggrin
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The contest is over!

Be the first non-staff person to make a post on page 100 and you will be able to choose the theme for the next flatsale (so long as it's reasonable).

Suggested themes so far:

- Butterflies
- Big cats
- Hummingbirds

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