Welcome to Gaia! ::

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What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?
.:.6/22/06 -- RP Contest Flatsale Open [x]. And also, One of my custom slots is open >.> And I'm aiming for a flatsale soon =3
.:.6/22/06 -- Emotion thread in the works, almost time to sell them!![x]
.:.5/4/06 -- Flatsale! 6 Adults by me and 2 eggs guest colored by elf moogle.[x]

.:.5/25/06 -- Been a long time since the last update >.> The misfits can now be claimed. Read the "Behind The Scenes" post or go to page 22.
.:.5/4/06 -- Flatsale here ^^ [x]
.:.4/22/06 -- There is a new system for linking to artios. Please read it in the first section of the "Behind the Scenes" post. <33 Yay for organization!
.:.4/16/06 -- Check out the chocolate auction and easter flatsale here!
.:.4/16/06 -- S.E. Easter Flatsale Tonight. Time pending, but not before at least 7:30 pm est. Preview for one of the two in "Behind the Scenes"
.:.4/7/06 -- Eggs from flatsale will hatch next saturday on the 15th. This week is my spring break and I'm heading off to Boston by myself. Limited internet sad Misfit special may be the 17th or it may be the next weekend. Have fun to you all who also have break!


Welcome to the Artios Adoption Agency! This shop was started way back in early 2004. Back then it was owned by Silent Nyte, who received the lineart from Meeki. Since then, the lineart and shop was given to Ginger_Snap as a gift. As you can see, these little critters are little demonish dogs. The shop's sucess has mostly resembled a chart of the stock markets. It has major ups and downs.

The goal of the Agency 2.0 is to be more even in sucess. Hopefully to get more popular, but to not go down anymore! Most of this is due to the lack of spare time on my part. I plan to be more organized in setting aside time for the shop. It also has to do with a lack of help. I've never had any hired help. That's going to change! I'm going to hire one, maybe two other perminate colorists to help carry the weight of the store.

So please, take a look around and amuse yourself. Feel free to post, even if you don't plan on ever being an owner! Any comments/suggestions/questions are greatly appreciated. If you'd like to purchase one, please look down at the section dedicated to adoption! Thanks for looking and please stick around!


Agency Mappy Map
Post | Description
1 | Intro (You are here!)
2 | Know 'Em, Love 'Em
3 | Adopt!
4 | Rules
5 | Behind The Scenes
6 | Ginger's Section
7 | Other Colorist
8 | Other Colorist
9 | Guest Colorist Section
10 | Breeding
11 | Pending Ideas
12 | W/G/B List + Affiliates
13 | Artio World
14 | X-Tra Post
15 | X-Tra Post


Slaves..err *cough* I mean Staff
Ginger_Snap - Owner & Colorist
Emugasm- Colorist


Credit Where Credit Is Due
Meeki- All original lineart done by her + shop concepts based off of the Faekat Adoption Agency.
Sylent Nyte- Altered lineart and certs.
MysticalBlueRse- Came up with the name.
Mintaka- Angelix and Demonix Lineart Edits.
Ginger_Snap- Guardian and a little of Angelix and Demonix lineart edits. Drew familiars.
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The legend of the Artios is one of old. It is said that long ago, so long ago that the there was only one landmass on the planet, that Artios were the only creatures on the planet. As time went on, a great earthquake hit. The artios all fled to the two major oasis's of the land, one at the very east, and one at the very west.

As the land broke apart, the inhabitants of the East Oasis and the creatures of the West Oasis began to change. Some of the Easterners grabbed a bit of cloud and formed them into wings, as to get food for the others. Their wings were small and light, but did the job. Those same artios took rays from the sun and bent them into rings to put around their heads to show thier beleifs in the good in all creatures. Those certain angelic artios became quite well known in thier Oasis, and recieved tail rings from those who remained the same. With their new look, they slowly evolved into their own Angelix Race.

However, something similar and yet opposite was happening in the West Oasis, as it floated along opposite of the East Oasis. A small tribe of the Westerners came upon a cave of bats. Capturing those bats, they tore off their wings and put them on themselves. Over time, this tribe also grew vicious fangs and claws. Their horns grew long and crooked, as did their behavior. They tauntued and tortured the Artios that remained regular. This tribe became their own Demonix species.

Then, one day, the two landmasses made their to the opposite side of the planet that the original landmass was on. Ironically, the two drifting oasis' crashed into each other at the exact time an earthquake hit. The two oasis' became one island, and the artios where released into each other's territories. The East Oasis remained quite angelic while the West Oasis stayed rather demonic. The still simple Artios are free to roam in between the oasis', and sometimes venture into the Oasis'. In these times, the Artios must learn to cope with their new fellow creatures.


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Talkin' 'Bout My Generation
First Generation :: The most common generation of artios out there right now. First generations are still available in flat sales only.
First B Generation :: These are the children of the first generation. They are not currently allowed to grow past the baby stage.
Second Geration :: Second generation are the generation of the customs right now. They are not as strong as first generation.
Second Geration B :: These are the offspring of any couple containing a second generation and are also not allowed past the baby stage.
Special Edition :: Special editions are usualy lineart altered, themed, based of a character, ect. They are a bit stronger than First Generation, but not by much and that may change.
Royal Edition 1 :: There are not many artios of royalty, but the queen is to produce heirs. Only a few artios fall into this category. No owner is to have more than one Royal (excluding some cases)
Royal Edtion B :: These are the children of royals. Some may even be half royal. There will be slightly more of these than of the royals, but not by much. No owner is to have more than two Royal B.
Vampires :: Vampires are mainly considered special edition. They are strong physically, but mentally unstable.


Regular Artio :: This is one of the artios that ended up not evolving with the other artios, for one reason or another.

Angelix :: Most say that the alignment of an artio now adays is determined when the artio is still in it's egg. In this case, the egg was blessed by the Angelix Godess, chosen to follow the path of good. Imediately upon this, the side horns fall off, wings sprout out of the back of the egg, a halo is placed above it, and a small cloud is formed below it. The cloud is the main blessing, as it protects the egg from harm when it is still in the egg stage. Once the artio hatches, the cloud breaks up and wraps itself around the newborn Angelix tail and becomes solid, giving the artio blessed tail rings. The alignment of Angelix must always be either Good, Chaotic Good, or Lawful Good.

Demonix :: Most say that the alignment of an artio now adays is determined when the artio is still in it's egg. In this case, the egg was cursed by the Demonix God, chosen to follow in his footsteps in the path of all things bad and ebil. Imediately upon this, another side horn jolts on, while a large crack runs down the side of the egg. The top horns grow out really long and twisted while demon like wings painfully attach themselves on. The alignment of Demonix must always be either Ebil, Chaotic Ebil, or Lawful Ebil.

Vampires :: The vampires are usualy from the ebil side of the artios realm. They are your average blood-sucking feinds from hell ^^~ Vampartios cannot bite or sire another artio without OOC permission. If your regular artio mates to a vampire that vamp can sire the regular into a vamp. All pure vamps, not sired, have lineart changes and CANNOT be comissioned
(unless I'm heavily bribed).

Royals :: A Royal artio is one born of Amilia, the queen of all artios. Amilia only breeds with King Quincy, but they often send their children out into the world to rule smaller areas. Any of their children that breed with another artio produce generation Royal B. Two children of Amilia and Quincy cannot breed together...That's just wrong...

Demons :: Coming Soon

Familiars :: Familars are little critters that have adapted to living with the Artios. A familiar will find an artio that it likes and will attach itself to said artio emotionally. Familiars will NEVER betray the artio that they have attached themselves to and will NEVER leave them(artios cannot abandon familiars either). They have the ability to find their artio from a huge distance away.
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Ways to Adopt
Flatsale- Held every so often. Usualy 4-8 eggs sold
Auction- Special Editions may be auctioned if the colorist wishes.
Raffle- Raffles will be held for Special Editions mostly, and sometimes regulars. Tickets are cheap, to give everyone a chance.
Customs- You may order customs from any colorist at any time they are availible.
Familiars- Familiars may only be bought for one specific artio. They are always custom unless they come with a flatsale or any other kind of sale. Special Edition artios may get an altered familiar if they did not come with one.


Adult Artio - 3k
Egg/Baby/Adult - 5k
Angelix-Demonix Adult - 5k
Angelix-Demonix Egg/Baby/Adult - 7k
Familiars(all stages only) - 2k
Familiars(S.E. matching altered) - 8k
S.E. - Price Varies
Royal - Not for Constant Sale
Vampire - Not for Constant Sale


Either pm or post the form then send over the trade after the colorist has confirmed::

Pet Name:
Alignment: (Good, Neutral, Ebil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Ebil, Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Ebil,)
Personality: (Pick one word to describe your pet's personality. ie. mean, hyper, loving, etc. Should correspond to your alignment.)
Colors: (Colors you'd like your pet to have - fur, eyes.. BE SPECIFIC)
Patterns/Markings: (Any specific patterns or markings you'd like your pet to have... ie. stripes, spots, a heart under an eye, green ears, whatever!)
Colorist: (if post)

Colorist Availibility
Ginger_Snap:Open ^^
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1. Rawr. Don't bug/harass ANY of the Artio owners!
2. No begging or I won't sell you anything *shakes fist*
3. Show respect. If I see that you're doing otherwise, I'll be pissed
4. Please keep roleplaying in the RP thread, not here.
5. Steal Meeki's lineart and I'll hunt you down domokun
6. If you have any questions, contact me through PMs or ask here, do not PM any of the owners! (unless they say it's okay)
7. I have the right to not sell to you, respect that.
8. Don't bug any of the colorists or be mean to anyone in general!

...I think that's it for now, I'll add more if I see any problems. Hopefully I won't have to do that.


Q: Will you also alter the lineart for a custom?
A: Depending on what you want done, I MAY alter lineart for customs, but not TOO much 'cause I save that for special editions.

Q: When does the trade have to be sent?
A: Please send the trade before your Artio is started- Then the trade is left unaccepted until the completion.

Q: Can my Artio breed?
A: Yes of course! *cough* Just go down to the breeding section and read ^^

Q: Do you allow gay/bisexual/lesbian relationships between Artios?
A: *Nod nod* I don't have a problem with that what-so-ever! I'm open to pretty much anything heart

Please feel free to pm Ginger_Snap or post if you have a question/comment/concern.


Colorist Rules
1. Colorists are allowed to give away ONE (1) free Artio PER MONTH. No more than that unless I give you permission!
2. If I get more than a few complaints about your work, your timing, your manners, etc. then I very well may decide to fire you.
3. If you want to do a special edition set, INFORM ME FIRST. It's MY decision.
4. All Auctions, Raffles and Flatsale Artios must get confirmed by me before being sold. You may sell here or in a thread of your own.
5. If you have any questions, contact me through PMs or ask here, do not PM any of the owners! (unless they say it's okay)
6. Only ONE themed set of 3 or 4 artios every two months or so. Take your time on them, they're special!
7. All Colorists send 1/3 of what you make to me.

Colorists, I hope that these rules are okay with you. Please, if you have any problems/complaints, PM me so we don't have to argue in the thread. >_<
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Curious about what's going on with the shop or it's workers? Well, that's what's this is for. Get to know the staff and what's coming up in the near future! </3


Past/Sold Artios
The photobucket account "Artios Owner" is for me to use for stuff that is currently being sold/growing ect. It is private for me alone. Artios that are growing or not sold yet will be in the "flatsale" folder. Once they are sold(or reach the adult stage) the link will be broken and they will be moved to the "sold" folder. After one month of being in the sold folder, your Artio will be moved to a public storage account organized by colorist for safe keeping. You can visit that account at any time here. [x] . If it has been less than a month, you can ALWAYS find the correct link in the corresponding colorist pickup. If you cannot find your link anywhere, or it is broken and you do not see it in the storage account or in pickup, please feel free to pm Ginger. Thanks! <33


Current/Upcoming Sales

Current/Upcoming Themed Sets
*Emotions :: Currently Working
Emotion - Colorist :: Status
Love - Ginger :: Female Certed Male Certed
Sorrow - Ginger :: Certed
Anger - Chinnie :: Certed
Timid - Ginger :: Certed
Jelousy - Alex:: ??
Paranoia - Michael :: Certed
Hope - Alex :: Certed
Embarassment - Alex :: Certed
Guilt - Chinnie :: Certed
Confidance - Chinnie :: Certed
Confusion - Chinnie :: Certed
Zestey - Alex(for me!) :: Certed


Blah Blah Pic(avi) + bio


Colorist Two

Shop Manager

Rp Manager

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So you've made your way to my section! Good fer you! Ahem. So anyway just read on and find out what I'm planning, what I'm currently selling + more stuffs like that! <3


Planning: Vamps and Redos
Working: Emotions + Flatsale
Selling: Trying to do as much as I can with little to no time.
Current Themed Set: Emotions


heart - Paid
stressed - Not Paid
sweatdrop - Not Started
domokun - In Progress
blaugh - Done


Custom Spots
1. Open
2. Closed
3. Closed

Breeding Slots
1. Closed
2. Closed


Current Sales


Pick Ups


To-Do List
1. Get Emotion RP Contest Flatsale open
2. Open a few minor custom slots
3. Edit and Color some vamps to sell
4. Re-color some older artios
5. Flatsale
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** .:. Space for Rent!! <33 .:. **
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What's the secret handshake? No, seriously, what's the handshake.... Okay yeah just kidding. Honestly. I don't bite....much. (; Just read up and check out what's going on below. ^^


Planning: Nuu-thing.
Working: Nothing right now. ninja
Selling: N/A
Current Themed Set: N/A


heart - Paid
stressed - Not Paid
sweatdrop - Not Started
domokun - In Progress
blaugh - Done


Custom Spots
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Breeding Slots
1. Closed
2. Closed


Current Flatsales

Current Auctions/Raffles

Current Other Sales


Pick Ups

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Guest Colorist? Hmm?
Guest colorists are people whom I know and trust with the lineart that wish to color artios from time to time, but are not full time colorists. Some guest colorists may chose to set up a small post in here. They will get recegnition for they're work and be paid 1/3 of it. PM me if interested.


Guest Colorist Sales
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So, your artio has fallen in love and wants to have children? Well *cough cough* they better get busy then wink
Anyways, artio's do not actualy have children that way. When they feel they are ready to start a family, they ask one of the "Midwives"(colorist) to take the essence of both parents to create a child.


Breeding Rules
1. Artio's must be at least 2 weeks old to breed.
2. Gay/Bisexual/Lesbian Artios may breed. Just please mention that in the order form.
3. The baby cannot be completely random. He/she must have charictoristics only from his/her parents.
4. Breeding only take the children to the baby level. In the future they may be able to grow to adult but for now they must stay as children.
5. The generation of the artio depends on how many babies they can have. This may not always stay the same, as with new generations popping up, the older ones may get stronger.


Ammount of Babehs
First Generation :: 1 baby per parent
First B Generation :: 0 babies
Second Generation :: 1 babies per parent
Second Generation B :: 0 babies
Special Edition :: 2 babies per parent
Royal Edition 1 :: Unlimited babies
Royal Edtion B :: 2 babies per parent


Baby Packages
1. One Baby
Price :: 3k
Info :: This option is if only one of the owners currently wants a child, though it is not reccomended to split up the babies.
2. Two Babies (one to each parent)
Price :: 4k
Type :: Identical Twins
Info :: This is when both babies are exactly the same. The only thing different is the babies' names. This takes up both egg spots but saves on gold.
3. Two Babies (one to each parent)
Price :: 6k
Type :: Siblings
Info :: In this case, there are two babies, but they are different.

-* Note *- Gererations with more than one baby per parent can order more than one baby at a time per parent. For example, two S.E.'s breed, they can order two of number 3 and result in 4 different babies.


Post this form or PM it to the colorist of your choice for breeding:
Baby's Name:
Baby's Gender:
Mother's Name:
Father's Name:
Type: (1,2,3)
Colorist: (if posting)

-* Note *- Include the picture of both parents, preferable linkable through their names. Also, be as specific as you like. If you leave anything blank, the colorist will use creative license.
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Here I'm gonna put all of my ideas for the Artios shop for the future and even suggestions from others. Feel free to post what you think about them, because it would actually help me alot in definately deciding to do it or not. <33


Should I? (To do, or not to do?)
*A New Race? :: I'm thinking things that look very different when they're boys or girls. I'm no so sure!!


Definate Things Coming
*Guild :: A Guild for the artios where you can make your own RP threads and maybe even a store. The only thing is that it costs 20k, so I gotta sell me alot of artios! Ahhh!
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The whitelist is for people who do good things for my shop ninja like donate blaugh
*All of the peoples in the credits heart
*Sylent Nyte:: She handed over this store to me, and I will heart her for ever ^.^

The graylist is for people who do stuff to get on my nerves and get me agrivated but not enough to be on blacklist.
*Lethal pumpkin :: She accused me of art theft because the Artios look too similar to the Faekats, who where drawn by the same artist, and the artist gave me the lineart in full knowledge of what they looked like.

The blacklist is for bbbbbaaaaadddd people.
None, hope it stays that way as well 3nodding


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Link this button back to the shop in any other thread, then either pm the artios account or post in here and your link will be added.

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Here I will put all of the links to different places that involve the Artios in some way of another. The RP Island is the main rp place, but in the future if we ever get a guild(soon hopefull)


Role Play Places
Artio RP Island


Shops For Your Artio
None yet T.T

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