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Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

As you walk down the street you notice what appears to be a small, top covered wagon, near an alleyway. A young handsome dark skinned Arabic man steps out from the shadows.

"Welcome! Welcome! to my shop. I call it Arabian Nights." he grins and draws your attention to set of old oil lamps and bottles.

"I hope that didn't turn your interest too quickly. You see, these aren't normal lamps and bottles." he picks one up and shows you a strange symbol on one of them.

"I'd recongize that symbol anywhere, that's an Marid, dangerous, but interesting. Water based." he puts it up as you pick up a silver lamp.

He looks at you and smirks. "Don't believe me? Go ahead give it a rub..."

The Arabian Nights is a shop where we sell a new changing/growing pet:

While I set this up check out the interest thread.

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07/02/2006 - Updated Master's List, currently have the first two full-fledged (Efreeti). Should be recieving the Djinn Full-Fledged this weekend. Going to start posting a news update as I get the art in. I have all lamps, wisps, and younglings. Work has already begun on the first stages of flatsale genies for the shop's opening.

04/20/2006 - We've decided on a base 4k flatsale price. Remember each of these will be very customized and unique considering the number of different options we have to work with on expression, clothing, lamp, and other items.

03/14/2006 - Shop announces a new colorist, Antidia and releases it's first official Genie.

03/12/2006 - Call is put out for a good landscape artist to do the artwork for the City of Brass, a huge floating Arabic city where all the Genie reside. The artwork should have the city, and then the desert sands benieth it... please PM Arabian Nights if you are interested. We can discuss payment as well if you are chosen.

03/09/2006 - Main shop thread opens, still, lots to convert.
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Still opening shop, but soon... trust me.

Till then, take a look at a certed Djinn.

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Come closer, I will tell you a tale...

In a time before time, in a memory before memories, there existed a realm, a world alongside ours that has existed before and will continue to exist after, our own. In this realm, two beings existed, these were not beings of physical bodies as you or I, but instead of spiritual ones. But, despite this they were no more or less powerful than us in their own realm. Time passed, though the brothers had little to no concept of time as we percieve it. Till in the lands of the East, in a time of Arabia, a Vizier of the time, at the behest of his Sultan opened a rift to this realm of existance. The two beings that had for so long slumbed in their own land, entered ours.

Through an urn of metal, filled with oil, they came. The curious spirits first entered the mind of the Vizier. As creatures of pure spirit the physical body did not hinder their curiousity, and from him they learned many things. They learned of this world, it's customs, it's people, atleast from the perspective of the Vizier. They learned of the magic that he had tapped into, how he had opened the rift between here, and there, a magic that existed in the basic elements of our world.

The two beings went out into the land, this Arabia, the specific country is not recorded nor does it really matter. Using what they understood now from the Vizier, they attempted to use this... magic. They discovered that with no connection to the physical realms they could not. So to be better connected with them they each took and merged with an element. One brother, merged with Air and became the first Djinn, who appeared suprisingly human, attempting to mimic be the mortals ideal image of themselves. The second, merged with Fire, and became the first Efreeti, demonic and imposing, his form had been taken from the fears of the mortals.

They learned and adapted the customs of the land and took names to match their developing personas. The Djinn called himself Al-Majeed, the glorious. The Efreeti called himself Iblis, the cunning. It is not known if Iblis took his name from the very mind and belief of the Vizier or created it himself, those details are lost, even to the Genie.

The two first quickly learned that they could grow in power, they returned to the Vizier, and by granting his desires they grew stronger. Through using their powers to fullfil the will of humans, those very powers were allowed to grow. Though Al-Majeed considered this a fair trade, Ibilis grew bitter, and after a time, arranged an unfortunete desire of the Vizier to end poorly.

The two returned to their own realm, where they learned even in it there powers had greatly increased, as they began to give their realm substance and reality. Their own thoughts became real here and thus the landscape of the Genie Realm was born. After a time, they realized that like humans, there should be more of them. Returning to our realm they merged part of their own essence with the very elements.

Al-Majeed took the air, which had given him form and created more beings like himself, Djinn. Not satisfied he took and the ground, it's opposite, and created the first Dao. Ibilis took fire, his element, and crafted more Efreeti. Then, also not satisfied that his brother should have two, he swept up water, and created the Marid.

Al-Majeed and Ibilis created, in their own land, a city. Thus the Brass City was formed, a floating city above an expansive desert. As the first two, they alone had the power of the very fabric of reality there, though their children found they also weilded magic, and through crafted vessels of metal, lined with oil to act lubrication between our realm and their's. With these they were able to enter our world, and from us, gain knowledge, and power to return to their own and weild.

At first, Al-Majeed and Ibilis ruled wisely but factions formed, though the majority of the split was between the two races of genie created by the brothers, the factions included some of all races of genies, because they were all creatures of free will. The major division was a a disagreement about the power gained from humans, which was gained whether they were treated well or not, a wish granted that ended in the human's death still gave the Genie power. It also assured an end to the contract that much quicker.

Ibilis' followers, calling themselves the Shayateen, believed and practiced this. While the followers of Al-Majeed, calling themselves the Amaar, believed Genies should be greatful to the humans, and treat them well, for they were lesser beings through which the Genie were able to grow stronger. Al-Majeed saw no reason for the senseless trickery and meant to put an end to it. Ibilis resisted and resented his brother's sympathy. Ibilis and his Shayateen stagged a revolt, and attempted to overthrow the Amaar of Al-Majeed. But the Amaar of Al-Majeed had gained the trust of many humans, including a particurally powerful Magi and King by the name of Soloman the Wise. With his help they were able to exceed the power of Ibilis's followers.

Al-Majeed and Soloman the Wise combine their powers and crafted another realm, one of smokeless fire, further away from the mortal one. The fire was not to meant to be a torment to his brother, but to honor him because he cared for him still, and here trapped Ibilis, alone. His Shayateen were allowed to stay in the Genie land, for without Ibilis they fell under the rule and law of Al-Majeed.

Al-Majeed and Soloman created "Soloman's Seal" the rules which all genies would be governed by, to assure that this would not happen again. Rules bound my magic as much as word. Even the genies who had sided with Ibilis no longer had a powerful benifactor to stop the edict from affecting them. The rules were as follows:

First - A genie is banned from entering the moral realms without permission, a rub of a device that a genie had bound themselves to is enough permission.

Second - No Genie will be able to harm a mortal directly, nor twist their desires in a way that is meant to doom them. (Note: this does not band all twisting of their words.)

Third - Genies will require a period of servitude to a Master before they can properly enter existence in the Genie Realms. Even after they have been granted access they must still spend atleast 100 years in and out of the mortal realms.

Though Al-Majeed can change these, just as he can change anything about the Genie realms, with a mere thought. Centuries passed, Al-Majeed finding mortal servants who had in them in the blood of Soloman to go about binding wisps of genie spirits to containers, and allowing them to find mortal masters to serve.

This is where you come in... can I interest you in a lamp, or perhaps a bottle?
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By purchasing a lamp you become a genie's master. As most of the vendors lamps are new genies (freshly created by Al-Majeed). Most Genies will have three stages. The Lamp will be in every single stage as it is always important to them, and their gateway into our world.

Wisp - The Genie is nothing more than a small elemental "wisp" coming from their lamp. Some of the unique colorings may show up in this stage but they lack almost any definition.

Youngling New! Click Here - The Genie is more humanoid, and their specific gender has appeared and only have created sparse clothing for themselves. They appear as something of a pre-teen.

Full-Fledged - The Genie has reached their full potential, their physical appearance is very developed as are their clothes and hair and they even will probably carry a weapon they associate with themselves.

Noble - This is the highest class of Genie below the Lords, they have direct say in their world and demand the respect of lesser genies. They are larger and more elemental looking than normal genies.

There are (currently) four types of Genies.

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Djinn are known as the most regal of genies. They deem themselves above many of the other breeds of genie, (perhaps due to Al-Majeed himself being a Djinn) much to the annoyance of the other Genie. They have the ability to project themselves as noble and as powerful as they truly are. Unfortunately for the Djinn they are very flighty and will often change topics or loose interest with nary a notice. This has caused them to be taken less seriously than they feel they deserve by even their Masters. Djinn are the most famous Genies of legend and often do their best to come off as intimidating as possible, certain darker Djinn seem to feed and live for the fear of their masters. While other Djinn seem to feed more off of pride, respect, and appreciation .

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Efreeti are spiteful and capricious, although they can carry a very noble air they are notoriously known for having hot, and easy to set off tempers. Being both powerful and destructive, they more often demand respect than try to earn it. Efreeti rarely have tolerance for anyone they deem "lesser" and are often bitter servants. They have been known to try to corrupt their own masters and lead them down a path of eventual destruction. A wish from a Efreeti is often the most dangerous kind. This has caused them to be attributed to many stories of demons who will grant power for a soul. The first Efreeti (Ibilis, brother to Al-Majeed) was rumored to have actually collected souls.

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The Dao are a slow, stubborn, and contemplative breed. They are known for stoic personalities and dedication to a task, they can work one thing, for longer than most genies would care for. They often come into conflict with their Djinn brothers over just this. But because of this, they are known for being the craftsmen of the Genie. They will spend years using their magic to intricately create everything from engraved buildings to jewelry (which they often wear). They consider all of the other genies to lack patience and self-control. They tend to be blunt and calm with their opinions. Dao are hard to anger, but when they are finally driven to it even the Efreeti fear their wraith. Due to the fact they are slow to anger, they also can be nearly impossible to calm down. A common piece of advice when dealing with an angered Dao is... leave.

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Rough sketches, better to come.

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The Marid are probably the most malicious and deceptive of the Genie. They delight in beguilement and illusions. Particularly wicked Marid are often considered to be responsible for mermaid sightings that result in drowning. The Marid pride themselves in their tricks and illusions, and are often associated with imps. Some have reasonable senses of humor and others have more evil ones, but almost always, someone else is the blunt of a Marid's joke. Marids have very turbulent personalities switching betwen clam, excited, and dangerous with no recognizable warning. Marids take particular pride in their appearance and consider themselves to be the most beautiful and exotic of the Genie. One way to see the extent of a Marid's personality is to insult their appearance.

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Rough sketches, better to come.
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Genies weild minor powers of and teleportation, illusion, temporary transmutation, they will use these at will for their masters. The genie can use these powers as much as they like, they are natural magic to them, these are not considered "wishes" for them.

(Note: Al-Majeed has forbidden the use of genie powers to harm another person or genie).

Each genie is granted three wishes through Al-Majeed, and must be used on the genie. These wishes can be used on:

Changing one feature to an existing option(eyes, hair ect. and no color changing)
Aquiring a new Lamp
Becomming a Noble (Two Wishes)
Switching Faction

More wish choices may be introduced in the future...

Most wishes will have a gaia gold fee and some (such as breedings and becomming a noble) are subject to slot availibility.

A Noble Genie can also grant their master wishes in character (using one of the Wishes and providing they have any left). All granted wishes channel their energy through Al-Majeed and thus must meet his approval (not automatically granted).

Passage into the Genie Realm for the Avatar.
A large, in character, estate.

More wishes can be granted for exeptionally noted role play. Extra wishes will not be granted if the character is noted to have ecessively broken the "Decrees of Conduct" in character (or the out of character set). Particurally cheesy role play will not be earning any wishes. Extra wishes will be awarded privately to prevent (as much as possible) jelousy.

Starting Flatsale Price will be 5k

Yes we will be offering cosplays.
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First flatsale TBA


none currently


none currently


none currently


not open yet
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General Shop Rules
1.) No art theft. This is pretty self-explainatory. The art is not yours, don't steal it. This goes for unique/original coloring designs, certs, and the line art.
2.) No DramaLlamas. Leave the baggage at the door. Do not take out your personal vendettas in the thread. If you have a problem that needs to be addressed to managment, please PM the mule.
3.) Read the front page. Most of your questions should be addressed here.
4.) PM as the last resort. General inquiries should be aked politely in the thread. Only PM if you matter should not be discussed in public, or you can not get help in the thread.
5.) Pay. Do not bid/spend/order anything from the shop if you do not have the funds.
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Q: Even if it's Arabian set, can I have any name?

A: Technically yes, but we encourage the use of Arabian names for purposes of role play and also so that the other genies don't make fun of you... blaugh

Q: But I don't know any Arabiac names!

A: Got you covered.
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Chibi Hige - Owner
Felinxis - Colorist
Antidia - Colorist
Art by Antigra


Al-Majeed, Sultan of All Genies (Chibi Hige)
Gabal, Dao Lord (The Poison Arrow)
Djinn Lord (Antigra)
Adara, Efreeti Lord (Antidia)
Lahthan, Marid Lord (Felinxis)
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Not currently taking affiliates.

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Check out my original shop!
15/15 Whew done, sorry that took so long.

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