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...Welcome to Incantation of the Spirit...

Spirits are all around us...
    They are in the air we breath, the water we drink, and the earth beneath our feet. Spirits have different effects on us that can lead us to feel relaxed, feel excited, or even feel afraid. There are good spirits and there are bad, and all spirits are, in some way, connected. We do not yet fully comprehend the vast nature of the spirit realm, but we do feel them, and recognize them all around us.

    A spirit is an essence that can manifest itself as a mind and soul through any level, trancending the boundries of it's element to become concious of itself. It can be in anything, a rock, a leaf, a creature... even a single cell can attain conciousness. The only limitations to this is the spirit itself can not attain a physical form.

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3.09.08 - Our lil Koi baby has finally arrived
3.06.08 - Amagad I's been gone forevers :<.... Barghest is on page 1566
- Sadie on page 1568
1.11.07 - Please welcome Kyrianna, now guardian of Serra~ And send Black Duvet hugs >3< <333
1.10.07 - Lots of things have happened, which I've been too lazy to update the news about... Growths, new babies, etc. MOST IMPORTANTLY~ The art contest has begun! Please see availability post for link and details ^o^
11.12.06 - Congratulations Naita for winning the Auction!
- Kimi-Ryu has arrived! Page 420
11.7.06 - Congratulations to the winners of the flatsale! Cerena, Black Duvet and Renault.
- There will be an auction on friday, so get ready!
11.3.06 - The flatsale is tomorrow, be ready!
- A few minishops have opened in the guild, be sure to check them out!
10.27.06 - Elazu and Ziya have also recieved growth quests, good luck!
- The FS end time has been extended till MIDNIGHT as I will not be able to make it home at the previous time.
10.24.06 - Nayeli has shown her face in the thread. Who is she? And what does she have to do with the Spirits?
- A date has been decided for "No Boys Allowed!", see availability post for more details.
- I have added a new link banner since the old one was lacking some of the new babies. <3
- I am slowly, but surely, completing the front page. Rules have been added, as well as a link to The Daisy Code in the first post.
- Lillan and Shye have recieved quests! Good luck~ <33
10.16.06 - "No Boys Allowed!" - Another event will be coming up in the next few weeks to make up for my little oversight.. "What?! No girls!!?" Well that will be taken care of shortly. There will be a FS/Contest for female only characters. Good luck and stay tuned!
- The first half of the Story has been posted!
10.15.06 - The contest is over! Congratulations to Midnight_medea, Smerdle, and Sika-chan!
10.13.06 - The contest has begun! Please be sure to read the availability post for information, and worry not! The contest will last until Saturday evening at midnight. So get your entries in, and let the fun begin!
10.12.06 - The contest will be held this friday and will continue until Saturday evening at 11:59pm PST. More details will be added as the contest approaches.
10.11.06 - Updated some of the G+D Section.
- Added Full-size Images to the Guardian Section.
10.10.06 - Finished the tag, began working on first character artwork
The first one's always free! - Ok, I've decided to hold a contest for the first Spirit to be born, it will be completely free for all and I will be providing details later in the day. I suggest you start working on concepts!
Oh bother bother! - I'm also looking for someone to help out with the shop, preferably with concepts, orginization, ideas and other things, so if you're interested, please feel free to send me a PM.
- Growth and Development section updated
- Katja has arrived! Say hello~
- Toddler example added to Growth and Development section.
10.09.06 - Began refurbishing the thread and starting anew

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Page 1...
    1. Introduction
    2. Updates
    3. Navigation
    4. Story
    5. Rules
    6. Stages
    7. Current Incantations
    8. The Guild
    9. Availability and Events
    10. Frequently Asked Questions
    11. Miscelaneous Lists
    12. Affiliates/Links
    13. NPCs and Employees
    14. Incantation's Post
    15. Credits

Page 2...
    1. Flatsale Prompt
    2. Custom Form
    3. Minor Edits Form

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Many years ago, long before you and I were born, a small house sat at the edge of a dense forest. In that house was a young woman, a witch, who had dedicated her life to spirits. Learning about them, learning from them. She had high spiritual power, and so she was able to sense things much more than other people, and even go as far as to see through the physical world, into the spiritual world. But she was never fully able to contact them, or fully understand what they were trying to say. As much as she tried.

As time went by she began to grow old. Her vibrant red hair faded to gray, and the enthusiasm she had with her in her youth began to fade. Her desire to contact the spirits had faded as well and she began to remember back through her life. Sadness overwhelmed her as she realized she had spent all of her years focused on one thing, and she completely forgot about love, life, and... children. As she dwelled on this, her heart grew weaker, her body deteriorated, and little by little she faded, till she passed on.

Her spirit, however, freed from her mortal body, crossed over to the spiritual world. It lingered where she had lived and died, clinging desperately to a pendant she had held nearly her entire life.

Years passed. The house itself cracked, crumbled, and rotted as the forest around it grew over, consuming it and returning it back to the ground. The pendant, buried under the trees and rocks, and the woman's spirit, slowly stirred. Perhaps it was the desire to find the love she'd forgotten, perhaps it was the years she'd wasted when she was human, but her spirit was restless.

In a flash, she was conscious of her surroundings, the trees swaying, the brook bubbling in the distance, the birds chirping. It was all very familiar, but, at the same time, foreign. It wasn't what she remembered. Time seemed non existent. She couldn't smell, she felt no thirst or hunger, but she still felt hurt.

As more years passed, she began to realize where she was, and what she was. Somehow, she felt she had to cross back over. She had to somehow reach the spiritual world. But how could she? She was merely a spirit, trapped in a spiritual world, clinging helplessly to a pendant from her past life.

Spirits that were conscious of their existence rarely crossed her path, and when they did, they were usually careless spirits, or tricksters. Spirits of creatures of the forest, spirits that traveled with the changing weather, wandering spirits of anger, lust and forgiveness. The spirits she enjoyed the most were those of the seasons, when autumn blew in, he would always pay her a visit, let her know that he'd come again the same time next year. It made her both happy and sad. She didn't want to just see these spirits as they passed by, she wanted to see them everyday, she wanted... to bring them life, and watch them live it, not restricted by the spiritual world. Most of all, she wanted the freedom she once had.

...A New Life...

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Thread Rules...
    1. Read the ENTIRE front page. There's lots of information posted on the front page, and most of your questions will be answered if you read through it. This saves both you and me time and energy. If your question is not answered, please post in the thread.
    2. Do not steal or edit Incantation's Artwork. I put a lot of time and effort into making them what they are. My artwork is filled with love and a little bit of myself. Please do not steal it!
    3. No Fighting. Please do not flame or fight in the thread. I want this place to be as peaceful as possible. Just because we're on Gaia, doesn't mean there aren't real people behind the screen. Remember that and treat others with respect and courtesy.
    4. No Co-owning. Spirits can be quite a handful and even more so if two different people assume guardianship. I'd prefer to keep them to one person.
    5. Only one Incantation per person. Everyone is welcome to own one, and only one, Incantation. Please don't try to own more than one, they're far too much to handle.
    6. Do not PM me unless you're asked to PM or it is a very serious issue. I don't want my inbox to get overflooded, so please try to keep PMs to a minimum. That means don't PM about availability. If you can get one, you'll know by looking at the availability post. Don't PM unless it's completely urgent.
    7. When RPing please use basic knowlege. This means don't God-mode or go OOC. If you must go OOC please use brackets so people will understand that it is YOU talking and not the character.
    8. Please remember Real Life. I understand that many of you have lives outside of Gaia, because I too, have a life outside of these pixels. So do not get upset if I don't answer your question right away, I'm probably busy offline. Thank you.

Guardian Rules...
    1. Incantations of the Spirit are RP manditory! It is required that you stay active with your Spirit. When you RP it is prefered that you post a log of your RP in your Journal. Please note, you do not have to extensively organize your journal or write diary entries. It is encouraged, but not manditory.
    2. Please try not to bother Incantation about growths. I will get to each of them as quickly and reasonably as I can, but please remember that Gaia is not my only home. I do live in the real world as well, and that takes higher priority.
    3. Stay In Character. For the love of God, please stay in character while you are roleplaying. Do not chameleon your child in order to please whomever you are roleplaying with. Roleplay is for character development, and if you stray from your childs character, then there is no character... Also, yes, I know babies are increadibly difficult for some of us to roleplay, but please, PLEASE keep them as babies while they are babies. Babies can not talk fluently, maybe a word or two, but nothing like full sentances and conversations. They can not run around, they can not buy their own lunches or build elaborate and beautiful models. They are BABIES. If you have a terrible time with roleplaying a baby, don't worry about it. The most you have to worry about in Baby and Toddler stages is finishing your quests. While Roleplay is encouraged, it is not entirely required until toddler and child stage.

Flatsale Rules...
    1. Flatsales spirits will cost 20k Please don't complain about the cost, every flatsale is fully custom right down to the color of your childs toenails. I don't think it's too much to ask.
    2. Payment plans are allowed If you can not afford the 20k on the date of the flatsale, you will be allowed to take up a payment plan. We're not going to penalize your excellent writing skills just because you don't have 20k.
    3. Do NOT edit your posts once they are submitted We are watching weather you like it or not. Editing your posts is HIGHLY frowned upon in any flatsale situation. Do not worry about a few misspelled words, we're looking for talent, not perfection.

Auction Rules...
    Coming soon...

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The Tag...
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    This is the spirit, before transformation, raw and free. It is still hard to tell what the spirit is exactly, but it is visible to those with a sense for it. It has it's own conciousness and mind and can be either very active or very subdued.

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    In this stage, the spirit has just become a physical being. While it has some conciousness of it's existence before the transformation, it is limited in it's abilites. In this stage the spirit is easily frustrated and usually very fussy, much like a human baby. The key difference is it does have an advantage in strength, mobility and intelligence to human babies, because it is more aware and more concious due to it's previous form. The spirit needs a lot of support and attention in this stage.

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    The spirit is starting to get more comfortable in its form and has begun to test it's limitations. In this stage the spirits tend to get into a lot of trouble and cause a lot of mischief. They are still very fussy in this stage and tend to get frustrated a lot. They need a lot of attention and guidance in this stage.

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    Spirits in this stage tend to be much more independant, but still need a lot of attention. While they're getting more mobile and more energetic, they seem to often times forget their limitations and can end up getting hurt easily. HOWEVER, they are a lot less fussy in this stage as they are getting older and much more comfortable in their form.

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    During this stage, the Spirit will go through a LOT of physical and mental changes. Aside from growing more, the Spirits physical form will finally start reaching maturity. In this stage, Spirits tend to find themselves in a lot of confusing situations. While they're still very curious, they're slightly less care free in this stage. They don't need as much attention but they still need constant supervision and guidance.

    It is also important to note that in this stage, your Spirit may develop certain abilities it didn't previously have. If, for example, the spirit is that of a river, it may develop the ability to control and manipulate water. These abilities are limited, however, due to their physical form.

    Your spirit is finally at it's peak! It is (usually) fully developed enough to be completely comfortable in it's body and mind.


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    Name . Stage . Gender . Guardian . Spirit . #
    Katja . Teen . Female . Incantation . Fox . 001
    Lillan . Toddler . Male . Paper Ghost . Water Lily . 002
    Shye . Adolescent . Male . Smerdle . Paper Airplane . 003
    Elazu . Toddler . Male . Sika-chan . Shadow . 004
    Ziya . Adolescent . Male . Midnight_medea . Desert Sand . 005
    Shayla . Adolescent . Female . Ballentine . Frost . 006
    Taji . Toddler . Female . Cerena . Star . 007
    Ashe . Adolescent . Female . Renault . Ink . 008
    Serra . Toddler . Female . Kyrianna . Rain . 009
    Kimi-Ryu . Toddler . Female . Getsurei . Kirin . 010
    Connor . Toddler . Male . Raife . 1950s Comic Book . 011
    Aube . Toddler . Female . Endia (Naita) . Horizon . 012
    Uziri . Toddler . Female . Glass Crow . Loa . 013
    Irizu . Toddler . Female . Rabid Ice Weasel . Loa . 014
    Caden . Toddler . Male . Ethan (Rebelli0N) . London Fog . 015
    Ryder . Baby . Male . Logan (Golden and Gray) . Phoenix . 016
    Gabrielle . Baby . Female . Clockwork Romance . Springtime . 017
    Christine . Baby . Female . Rylerion . Brigadoon . 018
    Sanghyang . Baby . Male . Syrie . Rothschild's Mynah . 019
    Yazu . Baby . Male . [kaleido] . Tottori . 020
    Tirasei . Baby . Male . Fai Li (Ogre) . Jiang Shi . 021
    Mistral . Baby . Female . Raja . North Wind . 022
    Valrino . Baby . Male . Fweedle . Guardian Angel . 023
    Liadan . Baby . Female . _Shouko_ . Banshee . 024
    Satsuma . Baby . Male . Reihai (Britain) . Tennin . 025
    Barghest . Baby . Male . DeMoNtAiNtEd . Hellhound . 026
    Sadie . Baby . Female . More (tooaya) . Siren . 027
    Jiang . Baby . Female . Shu Lai (cupcakette) . Koi . 028

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Frequently Asked Questions...
    Q. Can the spirit be anything? Or just living things?
    A. Yes! Pretty much. The spirit can be the spirit of a rock, a river, a fox, a fish, a building, even a season! If you have a question about a specific concept, please ask in the thread.

    Q. Does the spirit have to be a ghost?
    A. No, no, no. A thousand times, no. The spirit CAN be a person that passed on, but in most cases it's not. it will usually be some other entity in itself that was born in the spirit realm.

    Q. Can the spirit be a cerberus, pegasus, unicorn, fairy, pixie, ogre, headless horseman, etc.?
    A. There are some spirits that have had the power to manifest themselves into visions and project into the physical world. Long story short, yes your spirit can be that of a mythical creature.

    Q. Can I join the guild?
    A. Of course you can! Just go and apply to join and I'll get to it as soon as possible. ^_^

    Q. What's the flatsale price?
    A. Flatsales will cost 20k

    Q. How can I get one? Do you take bribes? Pet trades?!?
    A. You're welcome to send me a PM and ask, but most cases I'll probably say no. Flatsales and regular shop events take priority over personal trades so in most likely, I'm afraid you're probably going to have to wait for a shop flatsale/contest/auction.

    Q. I see a quest thread, what is it for? What are quests and how do they work?
    A. Quests are basically dream threads. They're a place where you can write down your concept, work out the kinks, get critique, etc, etc. Having a quest thread does not necissarily mean you're going to get an Incantation of the Spirit. Of course I hope that everyone can achieve their goals someday, it is ultimately with hard work, determination, and passion that will lead you to victory!... *cough* Anyways, quest threads are just places to write down your ideas and dreams for a future IotS

    Q. Where do babies come from?
    A. Uhm, I think you should ask your parents about that...

    Q. ...I mean where do SPIRIT babies come from?
    A. Oooohh.. that makes more sense. To put it simply, Nayeli finds spirits that have a strong bond to someone in the physical world, and helps them to cross over by using a specially developed spiritual type magic and turns them into babies! To do this, she has to actually be IN the spiritual world, which only herself and the spirits are currently capable of being in. If you'd like a more detailed explaination, feel free to send me a PM and I can try to answer it more thoroughly.

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Gold List...
    Mtnevermind - Donating his guild for the shop ; ; heart
    Rebelli0N - For donating elf ears and for being so awesone heart

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NPCs and additional information - Guardians, if you'd like me to add an excerpt for your child, please send me a pm with a short paragraph description, something like Nayeli's. Thank you.
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    Nayeli - She is the "mother" of all of the spirits. A mysterious figure, not much is known about her at this point. When she is close by though, there's a feeling of warmth and contentment in the atmosphere. It is possibly because of this aura that people so willingly accept the children she brings to them. Working mostly in the background, however, still very little is known about her, and few have ever actually seen her.
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    Katja - Katja was the first spirit child to be born. While still very little is known about what extent the incanted children's powers will reach, one can get a fairly good view from watching her. She's currently teen, and has gained the ability to run at incredible speeds, almost to the point of teleporting around. However, she is limited as she can only run in sprints, short distances, before running low on energy and needing a rest. In the simplest of terms, Katja is a trickster. She enjoys sneeking up on people, giving them a fright, and sprinting off before anyone even knows she's there. While most of her actions are purely childish, she has started to develop a somewhat sinister side...

    Incantation Esprit - Shop Creator, Manager, Artist, Event Coordinator, Etc.
    Getsurei - Staff, Sheriff, and Event Coordinator.
    Ballentine - Part-time Staff

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About Incantion...
    Likes - Fanart, Nature, Salads, Lil creatures, Hearts heart , Colorful things.
    Dislikes - Disrespectful people, Hatred, Being Sad.

Currently working on...
    - The Story/Background
    - The Art Contest
    - Working on Commission Babehs~
    - Giving out quests
    - Working on growths
    - Much, much more~

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Shop, Artwork and Ideas are © Incantation Esprit.
Some Photoshop Brushes provided by beloved-sin.net
Journal idea © Anya XD

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