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Welcome to the official Shadow Fiend's Halloween Party thread! For more information one what Shadow Fiends are, please visit the main thread. Please feel free to join in on the roleplaying here and snag yourself a few freebies!
  • Follow common RP rules. (No godmoding, etc)
  • All non RP posts need to be ((bracketed)) in some fashion.
  • No whining if you lose a contest. That's not cool.
  • Only guardians are allowed into the back room, as always, so the party must stay in the front room ONLY.
  • Once Athan makes his brief speech next Sunday, that means the party is over and it's time to wrap things up!

Twilight Designs is the store front for the Shadow Fiend HQ. The front room is the main part of the shop where everyday, normal business is conducted. It's a prosperous little shop and is located in Durem -- fitting for the upscale jewelry that they sell. In truth, the shop is merely a smokescreen for what's really going on behind the scenes.

Athan stores his gems here, including the 'special' kind, but those can only be accessed through a small portal located in the back room. The only people capable of opening this portal are Athan himself and Reyna (so don't even try to get to those stones!).

The back room is where the Shadows lurk and is always open for Guardians to hang out at. The lighting is dim to make the Fiends comfortable seeing as they aren't particularly fond of light. The decor is sparse, but plush. Also, the ceiling was painted by Reyna to look like the night sky and Athan spelled it to make it move and shift as though it were real. There is a door leading to the alleyway that can be accessed by Guardians, as well.

Important Details:
  • The back room is off limits to everyone but guardians and shop owners. If any of you guardians out there want to venture into the backroom, start up a thread in the guild for it.
  • This is a costume party so you'll want to come dressed up!

If you have participated in the the party roleplay and events and do not see your name here (once the party is over) please mention something so that you may be added to the list. Everyone who participates will be entered into a raffle for a custom Sprite. You will be entered once for every time you post an RP post in the thread.

  • Reyna, Mystic, & Sam
  • Athan
  • Elysia & Labradorite (Sizzla)
  • Luthe, Azel, & Aislin (Thabara)
  • Ravija (maskedquerade)
  • Ying & Xue (DivineSaturn)

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More stuff shall be added here soonish. Still working on a couple of things. Everything you see here is available to anyone and everyone that wants it. Things that have a code attached to them you may direct-link to until they open up this Sunday when the thread closes.
Reyna hurried along with various bags and boxes in her arms as she headed towards Twilight Designs. How she managed to balance it all without dropping something was quite a feat and involved more than a little juggling on her part. Thankfully, Athan was already at the shop so he could open the door for her.

"By the gods, this stuff gets heavy after a while," the woman complained, mostly because she could and it always seemed to grate on Athan's nerves some even if he didn't show it often.

"I thought Mystic would be with you to help," the man replied in the calm, cool tone he seemed to regard everyone with. He lessened the woman's burden by taking a few of the boxes away from her to set atop one of the glass cases which had been covered with a decorative black satin table cloth for the occasion.

"Nah. I though we already had most of the supplies for the party," she answered conversationally, "And he's watching Sam for me at the moment."

"So he's not coming?"

"He should be, and he's bringing Sam with him," Reyna went on, "but Samara has to take a nap or she's less than pleasant to be around, and I doubt anyone wants to listen to a screaming baby while attempting to have fun during the party."

Athan snickered faintly at that. He muttered under his breath how she ought to try taking naps more often herself. Not but an instant after the words had left his mouth he found himself ducking to keep from being hit in the face with a roll of black crepe paper. He'd definately forgotten about how her new form enhanced her senses somewhat and allowed her to hear all those little remarks he had the tendency to make.

He managed to catch the roll of paper just before it hit the floor, and smirked faintly in a way that caught the woman slightly off guard. He held up the paper as though to throw it before pausing when he took in the woman's attire.

"What are you wearing?" he chuckled quietly as he eyed the demon thoughtfully.

"I'm a pirate," Reyna huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. She had her hair partially tied back with a red bandana and had tied in various small trinkets and beads into her hair as well. The knee high, lace up boots looked more like something she wore on an every day basis, but it went well with the breeches, lace-up shirt, and accompanying corset. The eyepatch she always wore even blended into the outfit quite well.


"I am!" she insisted, "It is a costume party. What the hell are you supposed to be? The ********? I totally should've bought you a fake scythe or something when I was at the party supply store."

Athan simply rolled his eyes at that comment and cut the conversation short when he moved to pin the end of the crepe paper to the ceiling with the aid of a latter. He smirked over at the woman again who was eyeing him a bit suspiciously, arms still crossed from his earlier comments. "Catch!" he called as he through the crepe paper towards her.

Reyna bared her now sharp fangs at him, irritated that he'd managed to catch her slightly off guard but it didn't keep her from catching the paper. She caught his drift easily enough as she moved to go pin it to the other side of the ceiling to toss back towards him. It was a little like playing a game, and it went on for quite some time until the ceiling was a spider web of black streamers.

Tombstones made of gray foam tastefully added to the graveyard-like decor. Some even boasted names of several of the guardians, and Reyna had made a point of writing Athan's name on one as well. Everything was set and ready to go for the party that would be starting within the next half hour or so.

All that was left to do was to set out food and refreshments. Reyna smiled with a sort of satisfied look on her face before it melted away into a slight frown as she gazed over at Athan who was scowling at the rug.

"It's entirely innaccurate!" the man declared a bit hotly when he realized the woman was staring at him staring at the rug.

The rug itself was a charming shade of blood red that Reyna herself had picked out. It was trimmed in a lovely black and silver fringe and depicted, in rather elegant scrollwork, a pentagram cast in a circle. She'd forgotten how the man had the tendency to pitch a mild fit when he came across items that had "fake" runes and circles on them.

She sighed with a huff and rolled her eyes. "Athan," she replied as calmly as she could muster, "Would you rather it be accurate and have one of our party-goers transfigured or potentially transported to another dimension? Or would you rather it be inaccurate, them not notice, and simply have a good time?"

Athan frowned and for a moment Reyna thought that he might resort to sulking over the matter like a small child, but Athan being Athan, wouldn't dare resort to such tactics. "Point taken," he grumbled. He sighed irritably before retreating to the backroom briefly to return with a large, festive looking basket that was filled with what appeared to be ceramic eggs.

"What are those?"

"Party favors," he replied simply as he set the basket next to all the other free goodies they were handing out.

Reyna's visible eye widened slightly when she ventured closer to peek at the contents of the basket. All the eggs were intricately detailed in some unique way that highly appealed to her aesthetic senses, but her attention kept being drawn to a small red one that had tiny little black horns.

Without a second thought she snatched up the little egg. "This one is so mine," she declared as she pocketed the small trinket somewhere in the red sash that was tied about her waist.

"You would want that one," Athan admonished with a smirk that Reyna chose to blatantly ignore, unmindful of the fact that technically she was taking something that Athan was handing out as a gift to strangers.

That alone should have sent off alarm bells but the fact that it was oh so shiny over ruled any logic her mind would have supplied her with. Unfortunately, all her mind told her was that the egg was hers, hers, hers, and no one could touch it.

That thought aside her mind was also preoccupied with making sure everything was ready for the party -- meaning she had to keep Athan from nitpicking at every little detail. First it was the rug, next it would surely be some of the party favors she'd bought at the store, or even the foam cups, and quite possibly the mini black cauldron she'd bought and filled with candy.

Idly, she glanced at her watch and then grinned. It was time for the party to get started!

6,700 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Citizen 200
Elysia trod carefully through the slowly arriving darkness, nervously looking over her shoulder for anyone that might be following her. She'd had a strange feeling all day that someone was watching her, but she didn't know who it might be. She'd never had these premonitions before, and was a bit wary of all people out trick-or-treating. She wouldn't know if anyone was out to get her until it was too late. Almost tripping over her long dress, she finally stumbled onto the front walkway of Twilight Designs, happy to have finally arrived.

This year she had reverted back to childhood when thinking about what to dress up as, and decided on a fairy princess. After all, she was already half fae, so the fairy part was easy. Her princess dress on the other hand, was not as easy to wear. The bodice of the dark purple velvet, silver-lined gown was laced up tightly, and she could barely breathe. The tops of her breasts were practically popping out of the dress, and though she felt a bit self-conscious, she told herself that it was for show only. She balanced a tiara on her silver updo, and in her hand, she carried a silver wand, tipped with an amethyst crystal. She was pleased with her costume, and was curious what everyone else at the party would be wearing. Halloween had always been one of her favorite holidays, up until her recent bout of holiday paranoia.

As always, Labbie was hovering just inches above Elysia's naked right shoulder. It had been in a cheerful mood all night, and hadn't reacted to Elysia's nervousness at all. The wisp bounced up and down in time with Elysia's gait, and gave off very happy vibes. The wisp had also dressed up for Halloween. Well, as much as a wisp could, Elysia supposed. She'd gotten the idea to dress Labbie like a butterfly, and after showing the wisp some pictures in a book, Labbie had crafted itself a pair of butterfly wings from it's shadowy tendrils. It'd also been trying to make it's wispy wings flutter like butterfly wings, and so far, it'd been quite successful. If someone had seen the wisp from afar, Elysia was sure that they'd think it was a real butterfly with exotic colors and patterns.

Pushing open the door to the shop, Elysia picked up the hem of her dress and crossed the threshold into the warmth of the jewelry store. Looking around, she saw that the place had been decorated. Labbie instantly began "flapping" it's wings, and flying around the shop, curiously inspecting all of the nooks and crannies. The wisp had only been there one or two times since Elysia had gotten it, and she could tell that it was more than curious about the shop.

"Hello! Happy Halloween!" Elysia exclaimed, seeing Reyna and Athan off to the right. "How are you all today?"

Questing Firestarter

"So, what are you supposed to be?" Aislin asked, arching a brow. "You still haven't told me." She herself was wearing a dark blue old fashioned dress, knee long, with a white - but blood stained - apron, and some rather gothic looking black boots. She was wearing only a single necklace today, with an omega shaped pendant.
In the apron's pocket she had tugged away the biggest kitchen knife she had been able to find.

"Shinigami," the boy walking next to her replied with a cheerful smile. "A death angel," he added upon Aislin's slightly confused look. He felt rather comfortable in the dark, asian looking robes he was wearing. The feathered black wings on his back were fake, but the scythe he had shouldered was most certainly not. He'd to be careful with that..

Azel was trailing only a few steps behind him, always staying within Luthe's shadow, but careful to keep his distance to Aislin - he had learned his lesson as it seemed. Since it was kinda hard to dress up a floating gem it had ended up in the classic halloween costume - a ghostie. A handkerchief had been sacrificed for this, two tiny holes cut in, and splattered with some red color to make it look a tad more creepy than silly. At least Azel seemed to like it, the Wisp had been very excited all evening.

"I still can't believe that you are supposed to be Alice," Luthe commented with a glance at the woman next to him. "I've read the books, and I remember her to look.. a tad more harmless."

"Well, it's Alice a few years later," Aislin replied with a wicked grin, and pushed the door open. She still wasn't sure if it had been a good idea to let herself being talked into coming along, but now that she was here, she was determined to have fun.
Ravija had come by the shop once or twice before, always browsing, never buying. It wasn't that the items in there were too expensive--they weren't, really, not with the salary the Moorgahaines paid them--it's just that she never found anything she really liked. But a party... no resisting that!

She had decided to dress in the minimum clothing possible. Clothing was always itchy and never felt right, but Halloween seemed to be the opportunity to dress up (or wear as little as possible). She'd decided she was going to be a belly dancer. Besides, she could use the costume year round!

The gauzy purple-pink pants she'd had made matched the purple-ish drapes she already had coming out of her chest. They were occasionally useful, but she'd never seen anyone with a cloth-like substance naturally growing out of there. Her wrists were adorned with half a dozen bangles made of a thin golden metal that chimed when she moved her arms just so, and Ravija had taken to doing that costantly as she walked down the street. The flashed of light and color matched the sash she wore around her waist, with hundreds of small metallic discs sewn to it; it was tied artfully over one hip, and the cloth-of-gold danced with a life of its own with every step and errant breeze.

Dressing up was fun. Ravija half-skipped, half-walked up to the store that had been advertising a party the last time she was in. The door had just swung shut after someone in a blue floofy dress had gone in, and she opened it up about a half-minute later with a cheery "Happy Halloween, everyone." So what if she probably didn't know anyone here?

((And this is what Ravija normally looks like!))

Shameless Ladykiller

Reyna waved and smiled warmly at the first guests that arrived, quite impressed by the costumes everyone showed up in. She'd been a bit worried she'd end up being the only one dressed up when Athan showed up in only his typical black robes. Then again, that was to be expected from him. She had a hard time imagining him in anything but those robes.

"Wow.. not even Mystic was that creative on Halloween when he was a wisp last year," the silver haired woman commented as she idly pointed towards Labbie. She looked like a butterfly! And she blended in so well with Elysia's costume. "We ought to be handing out prizes for stuff like that!"

Athan thoughtfully mused over that thought for a moment. "Hm. It might be arranged. We shall see," he stated quietly before moving away to greet the other guests as they arrived.

"Good evening, Aislin. Luthe," he replied as the two came through the door. Leave it to a demon and a woman as charming as Aislin to be carrying actual weapons. He idly glanced over in Reyna's direction as the woman continued to chat with Elysia. If he wasn't mistaken there was a dagger of some sort that accompanied her outfit. At least she hadn't brought in a sword.

"Happy Halloween," Athan replied to Ravija as she skipped through the door as well. He'd seen her a hand full of times browsing through the shop. It rather pleased him that customers who frequented the shop were showing up as well as guardians.

6,700 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Citizen 200
Elysia smiled at the warm greeting she'd gotten from Reyna. She'd always been a bit cautious of the woman, seeing as how she did sort of get duped into taking a wisp home from the woman's shop with her, but she'd come to like the silver-haired woman, and was glad to see her.

"Well, don't you look like a sea rogue! Arrrrghh!" She said jokingly, swinging her arm back and forth like she was a pirate. "Nice outfit. I'm impressed. Your eyepatch meshes so nicely..."

Nodding to Athan, she gave him a warm greeting as well. "Happy Halloween. Nice to see you again," she said, giving him a once over. "And let me guess what you are for Halloween...Athan? Am I right?" She was chiding him, but it was all in good fun. Giving a laugh, she smiled at him, and watched as he left to attend to the other guests who had come in behind her. None of them looked familiar, and she decided she'd introduce herself, and Labbie, in a little while.

"Yeah," she answered, nodding toward Labbie. "It did a really good job with the costume! I was impressed when I was watching it flutter around. It's been practicing all day!" Labbie fluttered toward Reyna, circling once around her head, and then landing right on top, looking pleased with itself. "It seems to like you too. I get a lot of positive, nurturing emotions from it. Let's just hope that when it grows, those will be it's preferred emotions...I'm not sure how I'd fare with something more...violent." Maybe it was the macabre nature of the holiday, but Elysia was having a hard time forgetting about the ominous feeling outside. Instead of dwelling on it though, she decided that maybe she'd have a good time while she could.

"Got anything to drink around here?" she asked as Labbie fluttered back over to her shoulder, wanting to be close to her bond as possible. "Something...strong maybe?" She smiled. Yeah. Liquor would definitely loosen her up a bit...make her forget about what might be lurking outside the shop's doors.
"Happy happy Halloween," Ravija said warmly, fluffing her feathered tail. That was one of the problems with pants: her tail never quite felt comfortable. "It seems I haven't missed too much of the party." Walking (and jingling) over, she examined him for any sign of a costume. "You look... approximately the same as ever. How have things been here?"

Shameless Ladykiller

Reyna smirked faintly. She was rather proud of her costume. The best part was she had most of the clothes already, it was just a matter of putting it together in a fitting way.

"Athan is the grim reaper for Halloween," Reyna threw in as she tossed her long hair out of her face, "But everyday is Halloween for Athan." She snickered faintly and absently decided that she really ought to have bought that fake plastic scythe she'd seen at the party supply store. It would've been hilarious!

"Yeah. Positive, nurturing emotions are definately better than being slammed with random bouts of violence," she replied as she eyed the little wisp that flittered about, "But as for something to drink, there's fruit punch in the big bowl over there and we converted the table next to it into a mini bar. Help yourself to whatever you like!"

Athan paid Reyna and Elysia's teasing comments no mind. He had no interest in sparking the playful banter into something more in the middle of their company party. Thankfully he knew the demon was well aware of what she could get away with and what would be considered entirely unprofessional.

"And you look.. lovely as ever," Athan replied as he peered curiously at the woman, "What was your name again? I don't believe we've been formally introduced.."

"I thought that since I hadn't bought anything yet, I shouldn't burden you with even the hint of a suggestion you should remember my name," she said with a smile. "It's Ravija. It's very nice to be introduced to you." She nodded to him, the bells she'd woven into her hair tinkling quietly.

((If he's got mega-power senses like Seso does, I'll give you a bit more information about what he senses. Also, if he (or any of the other characters) has a long memory of hell (presumably the same hell as Seso), I can give you a little of her history the character may or may not be aware of.))

Shameless Ladykiller

"I make it a point to get to know those who take interest in my shop," he answered simply, "My name is Athan." Idly he gestured towards the silver haired woman that was still chatting away with Elysia, "The woman dressed as a pirate is my business partner."

(( He does when it comes to anything and anyone that is even slightly magically inclined.. he's very in tune to that, so info would be appreciated! ^__^ ))

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