Welcome to Gaia! ::

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NOTE: I am back. Somehow I managed to get my account back. Anyways, this is no longer the thread to roleplay in. Dragons_Angel as made Many Thorns of Freedom II . I am very thankful that she did it. It shows how much she cares. I will join the second one but I will only be on weekends. Thank you for making this thread last a long time. My biggest yet! Feel free to pm me. Much Luff!

- Teh Ushi heart

Hello! Welcome to Many Thorns of Freedom! This roleplay is based in modern times. A gang/group by the name of Many Thorns of Freedom that is made of teens (sometimes called Thorns) walk the streets of downtown LA. The spring of 2008 has arrived and the U.S. becomes more corrupt by the day. This gang, the Thorns are against the evil goverment that controls their country. They wish to seize control of the U.S. and turn it back into the powerful and peaceful country it once was. The goverment is starting to acknowledge the Thorns and their threats. A war is brewing between the two. The rest of the U.S. seems to be taking sides once they hear about it. This roleplay has romance, comedy, and action. (Alot of the characters are Pre-made, but you can be a made-up if you like.)
Table of Contents

arrow Description of roleplay
arrow Table of Contents <- *Here* ->
arrow Rules
arrow Profile info
arrow Positions opened/filled
arrow Tours
arrow Announcements
arrow Banner/Links
arrow The story that has evolved so far in the rp.
arrow Reserved post (something coming later)

exclaim Follow TOS at all times.
exclaim NO godmodding/powerplaying/auto-hitting, just don't it causes frustration.
exclaim NO cybering what-so-ever, this is a PG-13 site... why the hell are you cybering?!
exclaim NO chatspeak. i.e. u or r
exclaim Try to use spelling and grammer as best you can.
exclaim You must be atleast semi-literate and no *'s, you must write story book style.
exclaim Please use some sort of brackets when talking in OOC. i.e. () {} [] || or <>
exclaim Please be respectful to users OOC. (Out of character)
exclaim Please put the word 'luffable' in your profile.
exclaim Please pm me your profile.
exclaim No one timers, I want this thread to last long.
exclaim No magic what-so-ever
exclaim Please keep to the personality of your character.
exclaim exclaim exclaim Have fun!!!

Please follow my rules, they are not hard rules to follow. I know they aren't fun but cope with me and help me out. Thank you for reading them.
Profile Info

Please pm your profiles to me. I do not want them to clutter up the rp. I will add you once they are pmed to me. If I am gone and two people have pmed their profile to me but want to be the same person I will automatically choose the first person. Please don't whine if you were not first. Thank you.

These profiles are for the main characters and are half filled out. Fill in the blanks if you want to be one of the main charries and pm it to me so I can update it. (I hope that makes sense.)

Username: Nario
Name: Kyros Tamilo
Age: 18
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/red4sure.jpg
Personality: Kyros is tough and determined. He can at times be strict but he just wants his gang to go far. He is a dare-devil. He is interested in getting his gang to the top and getting control of the U.S.
Bio: Unknown?
Position: Leader of Many Thorns of Freedom

Username: Curelara
Name: Yahto Hemiur
Age: 17
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/bluemaybe.jpg
Personality: Yahto is calm and laid back. He is very peaceful and also cool. He loves to sit back, relax and read poetry.
Bio: Unknown?
Position: Kyros's right hand man (boy XP Helps make big decisions for Thorns)
Other: Has little side obessions that he likes to keep secretive about sometimes. Like the pinapple keychain that hangs off his pants. Also he has a pet lobster.

Username: stellarbellar
Name: Tatum Chontal
Age: 16
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/blonde.jpg
Personality: Tatum is a cheery and happy-go-lucky. She also is very energetic. She loves to learn about life and it wonders... then live them!
Bio: Tatum was born into what you would call the 'perfect' family, or thats what she thought. Her mother died when she was 5 and since then the family turned upside down. Her father started to drink everyday and rarely came home. She would always be alone, and at her age she waas afraid. She ran away from home thinking that it wasn't worth staying at and always getting criticized by her dad. Now she is a member of the Many Thorns of Freedom gang and loves the fact that they are like family.
Position: Kyros's left hand chick (Helps make big decisions for Thorns)
Other: She has a puppy that she found stray on the streets and named her, Mini Me, not sure of what else to call her.

Username: wolfen_blaze
Name: Dmitri Corbun
Age: 17
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/greenmaybe2.jpg - (no wings and yes... the hair is green.)
Personality: Dmitri is a total pervert. He can't help it. He is also one to get jealous easy. He is really into girls.
Bio: Dmitri Corbun was actually higher on the scale of people. He was raised in a wealthy family with his mom, dad, and his six older brothers and one younger sister. Dmitri was the seventh child, the second youngest, and learned much from his older, mature, yet stupid brothers. He had learned about girls from them, strangely enough, and how to sneak into restricted places where boys aren't allowed to go and only fantasize about.

His sister Maximillienne, or Max for short, taught him manners and etiquette, which amazed Dmitri since she was younger than him. How to be proper was her main teaching thing, and as a reward, Dmitri would give his sister a cookie after each lesson. She taught him also how to steal, which she learned at the age of 4. It was funny to watch a 12 year old getting taught by a 7 year old.

Dmitri?s family were people who supported the government all the way. But Dmitri had seen the corruption that came from the government. His family just ignored it, casting the blame at the poor people of the country. Dmitri had made a final decision with his young sister when both of them were old enough to understand things around them. They sided against the government, against their family, and against the corruption. So one day Dmitri hurried to his room while everyone was sleeping, gathered some belongings and food with the help of Max, and headed out the door.

From there, Dmitri had bumped into the Many Thorns of Freedom, and joined them happily. He still contacts his sister through the sneaking techniques she taught him. He still isn?t really good at the moves, but he?s just good enough to not be found by his parents.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (Perv of the mainstream)
Other: Though Dmitri is a pervert, he also is quite the gentleman. The only reason for this is because of his sister. He is caring and understanding, but usually falls into the category of a misfit, sneaking and eavesdropping being his best abilities.

Username: Dragons_Angel
Name: Effie Bonfick
Age: 17
Appearance: http://tinypic.com/fkr5g2.jpg
Personality: Effie is very, very talkative and social. She is also very active and likes her friends and hanging out.
Bio: Effie is a very nice girl brought up in a good family but when She heard what the goverment was doing she couldn't take it anymore being student body persident at her school she knew she had to do something to stop the goverment even thought her dad is a poliction himself.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (prep of the core)
Other: She has a kitten named Puma.

Username: Ushiomo
Name: Sanaa Mantu
Age: 16
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/cha.jpg
Personality: Sanaa is very artistic not to mention very moody at times. Sometimes she can be a little crazy. She loves... what else? Art!
Bio: Sanaa was born into a broken family. Her dad and her mom never married and she seldomly ever say her dad, older sister, and older brother. She lived with her mother and her younger sister until she decided to run away one day when her younger sister was taken in by their grandmother and her mom started drinking. She is pretty moody but is a pretty cool person, just don't get on her bad side. She is now in the Many Thorns of Freedom gang.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (artist of the core)
Other: She has a tuxedo kitten named Nan.

Username: Tiger_Dream
Name: Kari Sheem
Age: 15
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/Tiger_Dream/Anime%20Pics/gift011.jpg
Personality: Kari is innocent and very child-like. She acts pure and sweet almost always. She loves animal and toys.
Bio: Kari was born into what most would consider a "normal" family, with a mother, a father, and an older brother. Her father, a cop, died when she was 7 though, and her mother grew overly protective of her children, moving them to the west coast (which is just so much less corrupt...), resulting in Kari's overly innocent and trusting nature. It was through her brother, who eventually became a political activist, that she realized the corruptness of the government, which shocked her. It was after his "mysterious disappearance" and her mother's subsiquent mental break down, that she joined the Thorns.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (baby of the core)
Other: Although sweet and innocent, Kari has a nack for seeing both sides of a situation, and can be very level-headed. She has a baby kitten she calls Rosie.

Username: _Dragon_Tamer_
Name: Sandra Uzata
Age: 16
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/Sandra.jpg
Personality: Sandra is a very kind, caring and thoughtful girl. She loves to help people out and the study of psychology.
Bio: Sandra-call-me-Sandy-please was born to a middle class family, with happily married parents, and went to a good school. For quite some time she was oblivious to the going on's of her country, but, when she found out the horros going on as she got older, she got angry. So, she found out about a radical peaceful group called 'thorns of freedom' and signed right up.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (helper of the core)
Other: She has the incurable habit of chewing on her thub when she's nervous or thinking

Name: Ciaran Jheta
Age: 17
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/blackguy.jpg
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (distant of the core)

Username: Morph_k_9
Name: Tristram Warner (Trist)
Age: 17
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/greyguy.jpg
Personality: Trist is pretty much depressed. That is his main feel... gerneral sadness about the world. He isn't into much... sorta just hates life and is sad.
Bio: Trist became depressed for many reasons, the most common known was that his mother died, leaving him in an orphanage for most of his childhood. He became a member of Thorns of Freedom because of its cause and because a couple of his friends were in it and he wanted to make sure they weren't getting themselves in trouble.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (sad of the core)
Other: He also wears a black collar around his neck wtih a golden small cowbell. Tristram is gay.

Username: icefire26
Name: Savvy Rewo
Age: 16
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/icefire_26/GirlDream.jpg
Personality: Savvy is extremely smart and a know it all. She loves science and books... and learning things.
Position: Member of Many Thorns of Freedom (bookworm of the core)

Name: Mohan Droke
Age: 38
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/baddude.jpg
Personality: Mohan is smart, convincing, and seductive. He knows how to tell lies well and how to talk people into doing what he wants.
Position: String puller for Many Thorns of Freedom (Hires people to do dirty work and gets people to listen to him.)
Other: He is actually planning to turn on the Thorns if and when the goverment is defeated. He is just using them but none of them can tell. He is too sneaky.

Username: Leon Barlone222
Name: President Vincent Toga
Age: 41
Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a146/Ushiomo/president.jpg
Personality: Rash, horrible at making decisions. Is against the Many Thorns of Freedom. Vincent Toga is also very greedy and selfish. A true corrupt president.
Position: Corrupt president of the United States

(When I say core... I mean the eleven pre-made teenagers. They are the heart or leaders of the Many Thorns of Freedom but they have people below them. Spies.... assasins... thugs... other people like that.)

This form is for the made-ups who are not one of the original thirteen. (That includes the string-puller and the president.) So if you are a lower part of the Many Thorns of Freedom, lower goverment person, or just regular in between person you need to fill this out and pm it to me.

Appearance: (Please do not put Siggi or Avi! Either a pic or an explanation.)
Bio: (Put something that tells us about you atleast.)
Job: (your occupation)
Side: (Thorns, goverment, or none.)

This is where I put the made-ups profiles so you can veiw them.

Username: Reeve-z
Name: Sylas Zero
Age: 21
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/calgar/sig.jpg
Bio: Sylas is a british assassin highered by the goverment to kill the thorns, he dosen't really care for people.
Job: assassin/ infultrtor /spy
Side: goverment

User ImageUsername: Nario
Name: Nario Belmont
Age: 18
Appearance: He appears to be an aloof guy. With his hair covering half his face, and with his lips always suppressed tightly, he looked as though he has a secret to hide. He has a strong, solid build at 5'9". Also refer to image.
Bio: Nario lived in LA and was raised by a single mother in the 'other' side of town. He became really well-known with the LA police for his recklessness and wild personality. After he graduated high school, he took up a job at McDonalds to keep him somewhat grounded. On his spare time, he works on his own fighting style.
Job: Employee at McDonalds.
Side: Leader of the West-Side Waves, allied with the Thorns. Also good friends with Kyros and Tatum.
Other: Nario usually appears to be cold, rude, difficult to talk to, and distant. Once you get to know him, he'll become more friendly and you'll find out that he is generous, down-to-earth, and a patient fellow. More than often, he can be spontaneous, prone doing reckless things he'll regret later on. Nario like fame and recognition from crowds of total strangers, personal privacy, surprises, bossing others around, weird friends and acquaintances. He also appreciates intellectual conversations and fairness. Nario hates people invading his privacy, people who show off constantly and try to be the center of attention. He also hates being taken for granted. He doesn't do violence and fighting, nor does he have respect for conventional authority.

Username: Morph_k_9
Name: Morpheus Warner
Age: 36
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v494/gepardo/sephi_acopy.jpg
Bio: Born into the Mafia like Tristam. Gained the titled of Godfather when his father died. He has been watching over Tristam for five years now, he knows everything about each member of the Thorns and his son. Recently he contacted his son and is trying to pull Tristam towards the 'family business'. Is as nuts and complicated as Tristam.
Job: GodFather of Mafia
Side: None
Other: Tristam looks like he is a clone of Morpheus but with shorter hair and gay. Loves to just make him son mad by calling him nicknames. [ex: Trist tree three star]

Username: yukiangel
Name: Sakura Mantu
Age: 10
Appearance: Sakura
Bio: Sakura doesnt really talk anymore, she just writes things down in a small notebook that she always has with her at all times. She really wants to be with her older sister Sanaa. Her grandmother has become sick and might even die. Sakura doesnt want this to happen for if it does she would have to live with her Mother who drink's and could hurt her at anytime.
Job: Being a sweet little girl
Side: Not really on any side.
Other: Beside's a Notebook she also has a light green laptop so she can look up anything at any time. Laptop:Laptop

Username: O Ren Ishii
Name: Pram Akayuki
Age: 17
Appearance: Pram has large, yellow eyes, and has incredibly pale skin. She has black hair that reaches to the back of her knees, and her hair is very untidy. She wears clothes that cover up her body, mainly her bruises. She is a very attractive girl, but she personally doesn't believe it. Her clothes are all black.
Personality: As a result of her beatings, Pram is very quiet, shy and obedient. She is always afraid of beigng hurt by people, so she does whatever she can to appease them. She's also smart, but she doesn't believe it.
Bio: Pram's parents died when she was very young, and she was put into an orphanage. When she got adopted, she was brought into a cruel family, where she was beaten extensively. However, she never left, because she was afraid that she'd never find anyone who would love her. Eventually, her family kicked her out and she joined the Thorns soon afterward, though she didn't say much.
Job: Waitress
Side: Thorns
Other: Because Pram isn't very good at communicating with other people, she mainly works with computers, stealing secret documents from the government. Also, she has read a variety of books in several different languages.

Username: Leon Barlone222
Name: James Todd Cassavic
Age: 17
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v462/Miclee222/b59d4781.jpg
Personality: He has a hot headed, arrogant, and loner type of individual. He absolutely refuses to get to know anyone because that is how he grew up. He always keeps his word, and has a very deffinite idea of what is right and wrong. James honestly is a very kind and gentle on the inside, but refuses to show it because he thinks that he should grow up the way the world treated him. If he owes a moral debt he will repay it, whatever the cost.
Bio: He grew up in the slums of New York City, and lost both his parents. Because he grew up in a very hostile environment, he has a very violent past. He frequently gets in alot of trouble, but because of how he grew up, he is possative of knowing what is right and what is wrong in the world. His most incredible history was his frequent murders of who he believes to be "backstabbing, indecent creeps" because of their actions. He is feared as an enemy, and respected as an ally, but he has few of both. When he joined THORNS he found it as a chance that he could maybe make himself known as a person instead of a killer.
Job: Mercenary, THORNS member, and self-trained shooter and assasin.
Other: He has three weapons of choice, berretta pistols, which he carries two of, an AMP sniper rifle, known as the most powerful single shot rifle to man, and finally a very deadly combat knife, which is always kept at his side, and always sharpened for the exact occasion is was meant for.

Username: Iago McDohl
Name: Krieg Wies
Age: 28
Appearance: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/Iago_mcdohl/App0003.jpg
Personality: A calm and calculated demeanor which seems almost inheirent across the board of the Black Guard often gives off the impression of being cold, and given the history of the unit, it is most likely that he is.
Bio: Most of the files on Krieg have been burned, suffice to say that he grew up poor, saw the military as an escape, and used his experience as a way to gain entrance into the franternal commando unit, the Black Guard(surprise!)
Position: Member of the Black Guard (No. C48012)
Other: Nope!

Username: drake-sama
Name: Drake (last name unknown)
Age: 24
Appearance: http://images.epilogue.net/users/dareevan/Ordinary-Prince.jpg
Bio: Drake joined the us military as soon as he had finished college. he then ranked so fast that the military was baffled at how he did it. at the age of 23 he had became comander of the us marrines. but as the military and the us began to go corupt drake rang the bell and began to search for a new organization that would fight the tyrany. as he came upon the Thorns he imidiatly joined and he now serves them as an ace gunfiighter and well trained assain.
Job: Thorns Ace Gun Fighter and well trained assain.
Side: Thorns
Other: None

Username: NexusNS
Name: Kazage 'Nexus' ShaoStromm Niergii. Call him Nexus or A.Sin.
Age: 24
Appearance: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/4306/a4xu.gif
Bio: He's the heir of the ShaoStromm family fortune. His father dealed with drugs and weapons to both the military and on the black market and streets. His mother had dealed with several whorehouses, and assassination. He started his training as an assassin at the age of 4, trained by his older brothers Kaine and Cyrus, along with his mother. He is formidible, for he has near infinite wealth at his command, as well as several important links. He took the job as a mechanic, as to not gain suspicion, and met Evan, and they immediately became friends. One day Nexus was sent to kill someone by the name of Roy Williams, and killed him, unknowing it was Evan's brother, until it was too late. Nexus decided to keep quiet, wishing not to terminate the friendship.
Job: Assassin, Sniper, goods dealer, Racer, Writer.
Side: Neutral
Other: He is known to have mood swings, but generally feels emotionless when he does his job.
Weapons: http://www.precisionrifles.com/Green%20Black%20Marble%20Rifle.jpg
Also 2 M-9 Pistols. http://www.3dactionplanet.com/redfaction/dp/images/art/rf/weapons/railgun_sm.jpg FCA-26 Magnetic Rail Driver.
Also carries a custom spear that he hides under his car, and could be folded up as well, to make a several section whip.

Username: NexusNS
Name: Evan John Williams(based off a real friend.)
Age: 33
Appearance: http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/188/evanwilliams4tr.gif
Bio: His parents were killed in a fire that a gang set on their store(in Italy). They moved to the US, hoping for better treatment, but they were wrong. They were too poor to go anywhere, so they decided to stay put and endure it. He brother taught him self defence, and when he was 22, he lived away from his brother, although in the same city. He had an honest living as a mechanic, where he found Nexus(but he didn't know that Nexus was A.Sin). Eventually, he heard that his brother was assinated for having ties with the Many Thorns of Freedom, and he became a bounty hunter, seeking vengeance.
Job: Bounty Hunter and Mercenary.
Side: Neutral
Other: He is totally reckless when fighting.
Weapons: http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models/previews/Lost%20Species/Rifle-02.jpg
Also two UAP-32/20 Ultor Submachine Gun. http://www.3dactionplanet.com/redfaction/dp/images/art/rf/weapons/submachine_sm.jpg
Also uses a spear with a long blade, that he carries only at night.
Postions open/filled List

Members of the core of Many Thorns of Freedom:
Leader: Kyros Tamilo - Nario
Right Hand Man: Yahto Hemiur - Curelara
Left Hand chick: Tatum Chontal - stellarbellar
Perv member: Dmitri Corbun - wolfen_blaze
Preppy member: Effie Bonfick - Dragons_Angel
Arty member: Sanaa Mantu - Ushiomo
Baby member: Kari Sheem - Tiger_Dream
Helping member: Sandra Uzata - _Dragon_Tamer_
Dark member: Ciaran Jheta -
Depressed member: Tristram Warner (Trist) - Morph_k_9
Bookworm member: Savvy Rewo - icefire26

Other members of the Many Thorns of Freedom or people on the Thorn's side but not part of their gang. (non-core... made-ups):
~ Nario - Nario (member of the Waves, an allied gang)
~ Pram Akayuki - O Ren Ishii (other member of the Thorns)
~ James Todd Cassavic - Leon Barlone222 (mercenary, shooter, assasin, ect. of the Thorns)
~ Drake - drake-sama (Ace Gun Fighter and well trained assasin)

Corrupt President: Vincent Toga - Leon Barlone222
Members of the goverment or goverment side (corrupt... made-ups)
~ Sylas Zero - Reeve-z (assasin)
~ Krieg Wies - Iago McDohl (member of the Black gaurd)

Regular people who get caught up in it and don't really join anyside but still lean to a side or just prefer none (made-ups):
~ Morpheus Warner - Morph_k_9 (Godfather of Mafia and father of Trist)
~ Sakura Mantu - yuki_angel (Sanaa's little sister)
~ Kazage 'Nexus' ShaoStromm Niergii - NexusNS (Asassin, Writer, Racer, sniper, goods dealer, ect.)
~ Evan John Williams - NexusNS (Bounty Hunter and Mercenary)

This is the list so you can see which postitions are filled and what are open. Plus it is an easier look up for users. It has what they are... the character's name... the user's name. Pretty easy.

Well, the goverment found out where the hideout was. So it is no longer being used by the Thorns. All of the Thorns' possesions are gone except for their pets. They are living in the streets as of now. So... I don't have any tours at the moment.

idea I have begun to make the thread. 10/19
idea The thread is finished and is open! 10/20
idea The story so far post has been updated. Check it out. 10/22
idea New banners! 10/22
idea Story update post has been updated 10/23
idea Check out Tiger's new rp! It is in the link/banner post. 3nodding 11/11
idea The Thorns no longer have a hideout/headquarters. 11/13
Banner and Thanks/Links

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
^ Made my Nario! ^

User Image

User Image
^ Made by Teh Ushi. (aka me) ^

User Image
^ Made by Icey! ^

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
^ Made by Tiger! ^

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
^ Made by Dragons_Angel! ^

User Image

User Image
^ Made by Virje! I luff him! ^.^ heart ^

User Image

User Image

User Image
^ Made by Leon! ^

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
^ Made by Curelara! ^

Okay... I took off the codes because someone said it stretched the page and bugged them. And since I am such a people pleaser, I did it. Pm me if you truely do not know how to make the pic... what is the word? Clickable.

No more banners! scream sweatdrop I don't want to say that in a mean way. Just no more... mmkay?

Icey's elemental roleplay! Whoo-hoo!

Tiger's rp! So interesting... @.@ Yay! heart

Leon's WWII roleplay! 'Tis awesome! 3nodding

Curelara's rp! This is THE rp to be at. I suggest you go to it. 3nodding NOW! scream

Special thanks to:
Tiger Dream
(All the members who have advertised. o.0 Thanks a bunch!)
The Story So Far
You wanna know what? I now despise this post! scream Yea, so all I am gonna say is that we are all together and at Trist's dad's mansion! So there, no more for you! domokun
Reserved for future purpose.
exclaim mrgreen
The rp is now open!!!

mrgreen exclaim

((Bump!!! heart ))


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