Welcome to Gaia! ::


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Welcome to Hamusuta-. These cute and fluffy critters are sure to warm your hearts and bring you more joy than you could ever know. So please, feel free to look around, and stay if you'd like. We always like the company, as do most of the Ham Hams here.

Copyright (C) Lady_Peridot & PJ_Pocky
Any type of theft won't be tolerated if no permission is given.

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[Post 1] You are here
[Post 2] Rules
[Post 3] Peri Info
[Post 4] PJ Info
[Post 5] Pet Info
[Post 6] Flatsales/Auctions/Raffles
[Post 7] Forms
[Post 8] Construction/Hamusuta- Mall
[Post 9] Breeding
[Post 10] Customs
[Post 11] Pick-Ups
[Post 12] Owners List/Past Events
[Post 13] Donation/Mailing List/Appreciation/Rotten Lists
[Post 14] Link Shop/Affiliates
[Post 15] FAQ

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The time had came, just like before, where Pj started thinking about closing her beloved shop. She needed something new, something that would get peoples attention. Just then, Peri came by and randomly said "Maybe we should open a shop together?!" A few moments later, Pj and Peri began brainstorming for ideas. Pandas were definately out of the question, for they reminded the two of them of their dear friend Knil, who they miss every day. Humans were out of the question, for Peri wasnt too keen on that idea, especially after her shop "Persocom Boutique". One idea that they both had, was Hamsters. It was decided. If they were to own a shop together, they would have Hamsters. They also decided to give the pets a little sidekick, Faeries! Yes, the faeries would be the Hamsters translators. They will tell the owners when their little pet needs something, as well as keep the Hamster company. Now before Pj and Peri even agreed to start a shop together, they began making lineart, items, backgrounds and tags. Before they knew it, they had the shop set up and had created their first four eggs for a flatsale. The shop you see before you, is that same magnificent shop created by the two marvellous pixel artists, Pj and Peri. Respect them, Love them, and buy their pixels that they worked so hard on.

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February 20, 2006: Hamusuta- is now on Hiatus. Why you ask? It is because Peri and PJ have been busy. Peri has work and real life stuff. And PJ has another shop and real life stuff as well. By putting the shop on Hiatus, it takes alot of stress off of us. Though Peri and PJ will still work on Hamusuta- V.2, but in a slow pace.

As soon as we get the time we will update the pets in the Photobucket account for the last time. If your pet is not an adult, then your pet will continue to be updated until it is in its adult form. If your pet is an adult, please save its image. Once Peri and PJ re-open, it will be for Hamusuta- V.2 so all of the older pets must be saved. Thank you.

January 28, 2006: Pet Updates. Thats about all thats new with this shop right now. With Pj busy with RL stuff, and Peri busy with work, the shop is moving kinda slow. Please bare with us. =3

January 08, 2006: Backgrounds! Lp has decided to lighten her backgrounds, so that all pets will look okay with them. Before they were far too dark and both light and dark pets didnt work well with the backgrounds. At the moment, two of the backgrounds still need to be made with a night time version, so right now all that is available are the day time ones. We also have a new background called "Hamster Hills". Its nothing special, just something people can purchase if they so choose.

Custom slots are all filled right now. Lp will be working to get her orders finished as soon as possible.

Events? At the moment we have none scheduled, but there has been talk about a possible auction in the near future. We will keep you all updated.

January 04, 2006: CUSTOMS! Lp has opened TWO of her custom slots! Make sure to get one before they are full! More information in post 10
December 29, 2005: All in-active S.S. Pets must be saved before January 10th! Also, if you want your pet to be active, you must send the 4k to the mule account before that time as well. Please make sure you post in the thread letting us know. All S.S. pets that are inactive will be deleted on January 10th.

ALSO! The Customs post has been filled in. Finally! Keep on the look out for spots to open =3

December 19, 2005: Hamusuta-'s S.S. Event is now closed. No more orders can be placed at this time. All boxes will open on the 21st.
November 29, 2005: Poll is complete. We will have a guild in the future! In other news, Secret Santa!!! The event is now up and running. Feel free to start ordering now =3
November 24, 2005: Pets have been updated! In exception to Skada's. Hers is on hold until she returns from her trip. Please bare with Pj and I as we try to catch up on things. I've noted there are some trades we need to tend to. We will get on it ASAP!
November 08, 2005: The Flatsale was Successful again! =D Now all the old pet owners must either save their pet, tell either Peri or PJ how they want their pet to be saved(please don't make it to complex), or Order a potion that will keep your pet active. (Meaning you wouldn't have to save it.) Please do not PM us, just post. Thank you!
November 6, 2005: Flatsale preview is up! Flatsale date is set as well! (November 8th)
November 1, 2005: Poll is over. Next flatsale theme is Hamtaro!

October 23, 2005: Flatsale Over, Wow that was fast xD
October 23, 2005: First flatsale is Today! =D
October 20, 2005: First flatsale is Oct. 23 (Sunday) =3
October 19, 2005: Opened Shop! Arg~
October 16, 2005: Setting up Shop

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(These rules go with another rules for this Shop)
- No Steeling anything.
- Swear to a Limit.
- No typing in Sticky Caps, invisible talk, n00b talk, or unreadable things.
- No advertising in here unless you have my permission.
- All trades go to Hamusuta-
- Have some Common Sense -_-
- Be respectful.
- More rules will and can be added when we choose to.
NEW! (-When sending trades to Hamusuta-, PLEASE make sure you label your trade correctly. It would really help us out =3

EX: Hamusuta Order: pg _____ or Breeding: Pg ____

Get the picture? If you could all try and do this, it would make Pj and Peri's work A LOT easier. )


- When Peri or PJ say "Go" then you post your order.
- When Peri or PJ say "Stop" then no more order forms.
- You may only purchase 1 egg per flatsale
- Reserving is NOT allowed
- First come first serve
- All purchases are final, there are no refunds
- No editing your posts until the winners list has been posted. Then you may edit to add onto your form.

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Name: Kayla
Nick Name: Lady Peridot, Lp, Peri, Peridot, Satine, Sati...etc
Age: 19
Gaia Birthday: Jan 31, 2004
Pixeling: 1-2 years
Past Breedable/Changing Shops: Satines Petshop, Mistress Creations (Frooples + Moon Drops), LeafyLeaf/Flops, Wormsy, Persocom Boutique
Past Mini-Shops: Kitten Kuties, Mistress Creations, Domo Inc.
Likes: Pixelling, Friends, Gaia, Music, Hamsters, Cats, Fairies....etc
Dislikes: Art Thieves, Spiders, Rap Music...etc

LP's Note: Hey everyone, as you can see, i am one of the shop owners here. The other is Pj_Pocky. We've tried our best to create a unique and adorable pet shop for people here on gaia. Please do not steal our art, and treat us with respect. In return, we will be nice and continue to create these fuzzy pets for you. =3

Lp's Fave Shops: Creature Bliss, Cocoway, Magnolia Story, The Bunashi Patch, Pearls, Tots, Kitsune Village, Moonlit Dreams,

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Name: PJ
Gaia Birthday: 09 Sep 2004
Pixeling: About 3-4 years.
Current Shops:Creature Bliss
Past Breedable/Changing Shops: Blinks & Octies
Past Mini-Shops: Kirby Sig Mart
Likes: Kawaii Stuff, Pixeling, Saying Boo! O-o;;
Dislikes: Silence, going BLANK, copy-cats, backstabbers, & all those other people who do mean things >=[
Quick Scribbles: I am the other owner of this shop with Lady_Peridot. We worked on this shop together with nobody as the leader. We split the work 50/50.

Hey you know what, how about you ask me a question and I might add it up here because I get brain-dead at times. xD

ASK PJ A QUESTION!: (that is appropriate!)

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1. Egg: 3-5 Days
2. Cracked Egg: 3-5 Days
3. Average Hamster: 3-5 Days
4. Adult Hamster: Forever >=D

Hamsters are fun, little critters who come in all sorts of colors. They love to play and roll around in bedding. Though hamsters are not always jolly. If there treated with neglect they become depressed and might even die. =[

Hamsters always have a fairy by their side to direct them in the right way. If they come across a path to be tempted to bite someone their fairy will tell them that it is wrong. Fairy's won't die unless your Hamster dies.

Fairy's also play the role of the "Interpreter". Meaning, when your hamster needs something, whether it be food, or more attention, the fairy will let the guardian know.


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1 - Here is where a little icon of your pet goes. What also goes here is your pet's name and gender.


2 - This is where your food points are shown at. Food Point Score Below.

10g Items: Gives you 10 food points
15g Items: Give you 15 food points
30g Items: Give you 30 food points


3 - This water bottle not only is the source for your pet to drink, but it also tells your pet's status for health. More info is on the Water Bottle Chart Below.

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1: Your doing very Good!
2: Your doing Well.
3: Your doing Okay.
4: Your doing Bad.
5: Wow, your doing terrible. =|


4 - This is the living space of your little pet.

Red Circles - These red circles are circling the strings that are on your pet's cage. You are able to change colors for these as well as the cage frame.

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-Flatsale pets cost 800g each

Next Flatsale: N/A

Time Zones for Flatsale
(NOTE: currently the times are set; May be wrong)

GMT: 12pm
EST: 7pm
CST: 6pm
MST: 5pm
PST: 4pm
ALA: 3pm
Haw: 2pm

Tell me another Time Zone so I can add it. By the way please tell me what time it is where you live when you tell me your Time Zone.


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Below are other events where you can obtain a Hamusuta-

-none scheduled-

-None Scheduled-

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Flatsale Form
[align=center][b]Flatsale Form[/b][/align]
[b]Egg #:[/b]
[b]Border Color(s):[/b]
[b]String Color(s):[/b]
[b]Grand Total: [/b]


Miscellaneous Form

[align=center][b]Miscellaneous Form[/b][/align]
[b]Border Color(s):[/b]
[b]String Color(s):[/b]
[b]Grand Total: [/b]

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(Above are the border colors.
This chart applies to the strings talked about a few posts up, as well)

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(Please make sure you specify if you want the Day/Night version of the background(s) that give you that option)


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10g Items: Gives you 10 food points
15g Items: Give you 15 food points
30g Items: Give you 30 food points
Carrot & Lettuce: Give you no food points, but will feed your pet up to 5 days.
String: Gives you no food points. Its there as an acessorie to the Carrot & Lettuce.


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☺ Boat Colors: (Left - Right)
Red - Blue - Purple - Black - Orange
☺ Goop Colors: (Left - Right, Top - Bottom)
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Purple
Blue - Pink - Cyan - Grey - Black
☺ Ball Colors: (Left - Right, Top - Bottom)
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Purple
Blue - Pink - Cyan - Grey - Black
☺ Mask Colors: (Left - Right)
Red - Blue - Black
☺ Kitty Plushie Choices: (Left - Right, Top - Bottom)
Tiger --- Original --- Zombie
Panther --- Kiki --- Coco
☺ Plonto Colors: (Left- Right, Top - Bottom)
Orange/Original - Purple
Blue - Pink

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(Potions take effect instantly.
Do not buy them until you're ready to use them)

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☺ Wheel Colors: (Left - Right, Top - Bottom)
Red - Yellow - Green - Blue
Purple - Pink - Grey - Black
☺ Tire & Wheel Note: These Items can only go into the Hamster Bedding room.

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Breeding for 1 Owner: 750g
Number of Eggs Recieve: 1

Breeding for 2 Owners: 375g each
Number of Eggs Recieve: 1 for each owner

Owners can only let there pet's breed 3 times. Genders must be one boy and one girl. The pet's breeding time will last for 4 days. The stage the Hamsters can start breeding is, "Stage 3: Average Hamster". If you are going to breed send trade to, "Hamusuta-".

Available Rooms

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Room 1: Will + Chibi

Room 2: Closed

Room 3: Closed

[align=center][b]Breeding Form[/b][/align]
[b]# of Owners:[/b]
[b]Name of Owner(s):[/b]
[b]Pet Names of Owner(s):[/b]
[b]Grand Total:[/b]

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Want a Hamusuta- but there are none available? Well this might be your lucky day! We offer Customs, but they are limited and costly.

*All customs come with 1 free room of your choice, 50 food points, and 1 ball, your choice of color*

*Customs are also automatically active. Meaning, no need to purchase an Active potion when your pet becomes an adult. If you do not wish to have it active, let us know and 600g will be knocked off your grand total.*


Custom Coloring: 5k
-With this level of customization, you can only choose the colors for your Hamusuta-, as well as any simple designs.

Semi-Custom: 10k
-With this level of customization, you can choose the coloring, designs, and any basic additions to the pet. Such as wings, a scarf...etc Just nothing too big.

Complete Custom: 20k - 50k
-With this level of customization, you will get to completely decide on how your pet will look. It could be anything from a cosplay Hamusuta- to an OC Hamusuta-. You name it, we'll make it.
*Price will change, depending on how much detail is included. Something on the simple side of the spectrum will be 20k, something more elaborate will be above that. Just post what you want and we'll help figure out the price*


Seeing as how we have two different owners of this shop, we felt it best to give them each their own list. That way, if one wants to open up a custom slot, they can.


oO-Lady Peridot's List-Oo

Spot 1: Closed
Spot 2: Closed
Spot 3: Closed

oO-Pj_Pocky's List-Oo

Spot 1: Closed
Spot 2: Closed
Spot 3: Closed


Customs Form

[b]Pet Name:[/b]
[b]Pet Gender:[/b]
[b]Customization Level:[/b] Coloring/Semi/Complete
[b]Pet Description:[/b] (picture referrences are nice)
[b]Border Color:[/b]
[b]String Color:[/b]
[b]Ball Color:[/b]
[b]Grand Total:[/b]


Extra Notes
*Pj and Peri have the right to decline your order form if they feel they cannot make the pet you want.

*If Pj or Peri find they cannot complete your order, due to it being too difficult for their skill level, they will let you know, and something can be worked out.

*Please let Pj and Peri know if you are not satisfied with the way your pet turns out. Either a refund can be made at that time, or we can try to re-do it.

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Didnt pick up your pet? Post in the thread to let Pj and Peri know that you need the link =3


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Batch #1
Torpid Panda - Malachy
[.Medea.] - Will
Red_Rayn - Chibi
oO(S q u i s h y)Oo - Chu

Batch #2
Airborne Hana - Lapis-Chan
Faded-Screen - Naomie
Shiakutsu - Penelope
agentgirl112 - Hamtaro
x.Skada.x - Kawaii

Batch #3: Secret Santa (active)
oO(S q u i s h y)Oo - Puko
Isryth - Rudolf
~(0.o.Freya.o.0)~ - Kringle,Holly

Batch #4: Sakura Festival Faeries
Airborne Hana - Cereza
Renna-Usagi - Haruna

XcobaltX - Aurora
[.Britt.] - Oxnard


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No Events

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Want to donate to the shop? Then send trade to Hamusuta- with the ammount of gold you wish to donate.
Please include "Donation" somewhere in the title. That way there is no confusion.

~Fox n Sox~ (5000g)
(0.o.Freya.o.O)~ (1000g)
Torpid Panda~ (975g)


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Want to be on the Mailing list? Then post in the thread letting us know.
Also! please add Hamusuta- to your friends list. =3

Torpid Panda
Airborne Hana
yGGis (?)
Catahoula (?)

(?) We had gotten friendship requests from you, but arent sure whether or not you wanted to be on the mailing list.


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Feel free to link us with any of the Hamusuta- Banners below =3


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Want to be affiliates? Post your banner code in the thread =3

Kitsune Village

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Q: Can I please Have one?
Peri: Sorry but these arent free. Though we do respect the fact that you asked nicely, we still cannot rightly give you one. If you really want one, then stalk the shop and wait for a flatsale.

Q: Can you exchange my Habitat for another one?
PJ: No, we will not exchange. This goes for all.

Q: Can you hurry up in my order?
Peri: PJ and I both have busy lives, so please be patient. We are both trying the best we can to get your pet to you. Continuation of pesturing us, will only get you on the rotten list.

Q: Why are they so pricy?
PJ: Well Peri & I need to be able to split the profits. We also take our time with this shop.

Q: Will you do a Pet Exchange with me?
Peri: Sorry but Pj and I have both decided we will not be doing Pet Exchanges. Our reasoning is this, we are both very busy and dont have time to take care of the pets we would get from the pet trade. If you wish to get a pet, then wait for a flatsale, or for a custom spot to open.

Q: Do we have to Roleplay?
PJ: Nope, if you want to Roleplay then do it here.

Q: Can you put something over there and move my pet there.
Peri: No. Pj and I prefer to place things where we want to, that way it make it easier on us, rather than scrambling around trying to figure out just where you want everything.The only time you may ask for certain things to be placed in ____ spot, is when you are going to be saving your pet in its adult form (that is, if you decide not to pay the fee to keep your pet active)

Q: Why is this update taking forever!?
PJ: First off we have other things to do than this. So if your update for your pet is slow then be patient.

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