Welcome to Gaia! ::

<center>User Image</center>

Welcome to our modest little shop. Feel free to look around and find something that strikes your fancy. We just may have something for everyone.

By the way... could I interest you in one of the ancient chinese folding fans? They are very elegant and add a touch of flare to any room they are put in for display.

But I warn you.... they aren't exactly normal fans. I'll let you figure out the rest on your own. The surprise is well worth it.

<center>User Image</center>

<center>Flatsale dates:Soon

Auction dates:</center>

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01/28/2007 - Shop is going on a temp hiatus for a while. I am sorry for any inconvience.

04/20/2005 - Kithen is finally back from her hiatus and is working on updates. There may be an interuption in image hosting, but only briefly. And there will be a double auction this saturday.

03/10/2005 - Currently our head colourist is away on vacation, so we'll be taking this time to introduce some work that's been done by our newest full time colourist. The auction starts this Saturday.

03/05/2005 - The auction ended lastnight, with the winner being JadeEye! Our special white tiger tessen finally has a good home!

02/28/2005 - Auction starts tomorrow at noon EST!

02/27/2005 - Flatsale was a success. Things are being posted today, and the auction will be starting this tuesday. Remember to check out the previews for a glimp of what's up for grabs!

02/25/2005 - First update in awhile, sorry. Valentines went wonderfully! Plus we've also had a successful auction. Now, because we know some people want a chance for our full sized Tessen, we've got a flatsale running for this weekend, starting tonight. And we'll be having another auction before long.

01/20/2005 - We just opened A mini Valentine Tessen Sale thred, hosted by Jazzy. Stop in and get a Mini Tessen for a friend or loved one. Amounts are limited!

12/21/2004 - Well, the last Auction was a bust. But Jazzy did a nice Christmas adult for us. The link can be found above!

12/11/2004 - A one of a kind christmas tessen is now up for auction! This one was done by Siren. First attempt too!

12/07/2004 - The auction was a success! Thank you all for having our tessen find homes!

12/03/2004 - Our first auction begins tonight! Hope you all have fun! And good luck to all!

11/17/2004 - The flatsale went great, and the fans have already opened! Looking forward to getting the first batch complete for people, then we'll see what other beautiful tessen our colourists come up with for us!

11/11/2004 - Making further progress and getting closer to opening. Flatsale will be started at the same time. Link will be posted.

11/10/2004 - Started working on the thread to get it ready for opening. Got colorists working on flatsale items.


~Post #1 - Welcome, News and Events, Index, Credits
~Post #2 - History
~Post #3 - Shop rules, RP rules
~Post #4 - Prices, Flatsale rules, Auction rules
~Post #5 - Previews
~Post #6 - Owners list
~Post #7 - Breeding info, Breeding slots
~Post #8 - Pet pick-up
~Post #9 - Offspring pick-up
~Post #10 - Interest list
~Post #11 - FAQ
~Post #12 - Affiliates
~Post #13 - Whitelist, Greylist, Blacklist
~Post #14 - Steal's posty
~Post #15 - Kith's posty
~Post #16 - Jazz's posty


Original lineart by - Prolixity
Lineart and Shop Owned by - Steal
Colorists - JazzKat (Full), Moonpounce (Full), FelineOddity (Part), Bird Draggon (Part)
Permanent Lineart edits-
New Lineart-
<center>User Image</center>

Long ago in an ancient shop in china a set of fans were found. Inside the fans were traped guardians ment to guard or punish mankind for their actions. Out of fear for what could come from the fans the man owning the shop hid them rather than sell them to the public as it was ment, keeping judgement at bay until the time of his grandson.

This grandson finding the fans though it was strange that they were in the shop at all, and he took the fan's home, hanging one above his bed before he went to sleep. The fan he hung would not open yet come the morning the fan was open and a figure was seen on the silkscreen backing. Thinking that it was nothing but the shifting of the walls of his house that opened the fan he went to work.

That evening when he got back home, waiting for him was a rather strange young canine that followed him around, watching him as if judgeing his every action. No little worried by the strange animal and the fact that on later observation the image was gone from the fan in his room. This led the man to look through the items at his store, where he found out about the fans, and the strange canine.

Tessen Fukei: Fan guardians, those that would judge the good or ill in man, either guarding them, or being their doom as they are treated. Just like any guardian they can be swayed though, to serve man or to run wild.

Knowing what he had to do, he gathered all the other fan's and prepared to sell them to the public, and let the world decide what would come of the guardian's within.
<center>User Image</center>

1. Do not steal, edit, or otherwise alter these images if you don't work for us . Doing so will result in an immediate (and permanent) blacklisting and a report to a moderator.

2. Suicide threats in the thread is not tolerated. You will not be given your own way. People who use such extreme tactics will be PMed about crisis intervention organizations and be blacklisted from the shop. Threats against any other owner are also taken very seriously, and will be forwarded to a MOD, accompanied by a blacklisting.

3. NO COMPLAINING or whining or begging. Please no depressive behaviour either, emotional tactics are a big no no. Its pixel pets not real life. Speaking about problems in an appropriate manner is fine, we all have them. And everyone needs someone to talk to, in order to sort things out. But emotional ploys and cries for attention are not acceptable. Nor are they tolerated. Please refrain from using such things to guilt others or make them feel bad. We realize sometimes you may not mean to make others feel bad but please refrain from that behaviour. If you feel you must speak about serious problems, it is recommended to speak to someone in your real life. If that is not possible, direct this to Kithen in PM. Keep it off the thread. And keep in mind, you will be directed to appropriate crisis intervention help.

4. Feel free to RP in this thread. It's good for bumpage. No cybering. Violence is accepted, but be respectful of the wishes of others in the thread.

5. Everyone must listen to Steal, Kithen, the shop account, or staff. Your pet can be removed and taken away without refund for breaking shop rules, causing trouble for other owners from this shop, or for harassment or ill-treatment of shop owners or the staff of this shop, whether in the shop, PM, or messanger. You can be greylisted or temp banned if you choose not to listen to the staff, perm banned if its the owners or if the offense is severe enough.

6. a. DO NOT fight out of character in this thread. If you do, the persons who are involved will be immediately blacklisted and they will relinquish any claim to all pets they may own, without refund. This is done at our discretion; If it's not a bad fight, other measures may be considered. RP fighting between the pets is acceptable.

b. Do NOT harrass or hound other pet owners whether it be in the thread, PM, or on messanger. If proof is provided and received with a complaint, you can be grey-listed or blacklisted. Owners have no obligation to give offspring from a breeding to anyone who harasses them. And they are NOT permitted to simply give their pets away.

7. Do not lie to the shop mule, Steal, Kithen, or to the staff. If this is discovered it may likely be a bannable offence.

8. You are to notify the shop account within one week of changing your avatar name, or getting a new account. If we discover your name to no longer exist, we reserve the right to take your pet back at no refund to you, and resell it.

9. RP Rule- RP is optional with these pets, but definately encouraged. But you can only breed and recieve perks if they are actively roleplayed. And later when we add an elder stage, they can only obtain that through intense rp. You must RP in the shop thread, or in an appointed RP thread if it ever becomes necessary. RP in PM's or over a messanger does not count towards the actual storylines of this shop. And please do not RP your pets in other shops, or brings pets in from another shop. The RP takes place in an actual oriental antiquities shop, or out in the forming world that the Tessen can only reach. We do not want people RPing themselves or humans intereacting with the Tessen. They are a spirit guardian.

10. Bumping and Spamming of the shop thread is not needed or wanted. Warning will be given, and if not heeded, may result in a greylisting. This thread is for social interaction and RP. Bumping is accepted in auction or sale threads. Infact, that is the only place we encourage it.

11. No co-owning of pets unless otherwise specified.

12. Owners can keep one offspring each from breedings to keep or sell, the third they must agree on what to do with. If there is randomly a fourth given, that one will returnn to the shop. If at a later time we sell a potion or something that allows for an extra child, it would belong to the person who bought it, for them to do with as they please. Any unclaimed offspring will also return to the shop, after a period of approximately two weeks.

13. Breeding can only occur if the pets are Rped. But all inactive pets can be bred with, with an active one. The cost would be half the regular price, and they keep one offspring, and get half the sale price of a second one. This is offered as an OOC perk to RPers, and to mix and circulate the traits. Such breedings will be under shop permission only, and the offspring will not be counted towards the inactive pets lineage if they don't wish it to. Nor will it affect any breeding limits.

14. We reserve the right to refuse anyone permission to own one of our pets. A reason may be requested in PM politely, but one may not be given. Anyone on the blacklist if forbidden to ever own one of these pets.

Anyone breaking these rules will be warned, then greylisted if the behavior continues, and then blacklisted. There will be NO exceptions. Unbanning is unlikely, and would be for a very good reason. However if you do become unbanned, any pets you had removed will not be returned to you, however we may consider giving you new ones.

<center>User Image</center>

RP is to be in shop only at this point.
No god-moding
No power-gaming
No auto-hitting
Do NOT assume the actions of someone elses character
All RP sessions are to be freeform turnbased.
During RP sessions, keep OOC to a minimum or in OOC brackets.
<center>User Image</center>

Prices are subject to change

Common Tessen flatsale price - 6k each
Common Tessen auction price - unknown

Fancy Tessen flatsale price - 10k each
Fancy Tessen auction price - unknown

Customs - 50K +

<center>User Image</center>

Interest in the pets must be displayed in the sale thread.
Do NOT pm for pets.
Do NOT send trades before the sale starts.
Bribes will NOT work.
Be respectful to other buyers.
Items are accepted at MID GEN.
Trades must be sent to shop account promptly.
First come first serve.
One per person.

<center>User Image</center>

No bidding before start time.
No bribing.
All bids must be placed in the auction thread.
Rares and Donation items accepted at low MID GEN.
All bids must be tallied yourself or they will not count.
No change will be refunded.
Be respectful.
Serious bids only.
No retracting bids.
No new bidders in last half hour.
No sniping.
No starting fights or intimidating other bidders.
We reserve the right to not accept bids.
Payment must be sent within 24 hours.
Have fun! heart
<center>User Image</center>

Samples of the different stages of these pets can be seen below. But each one is individually coloured.

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<center>User Image</center>

Steal - Artex, Raziel, Chinthliss
Kithen - Seraphina, Masako
JazzKatt - Kuro
Mialee79 - Tayaki, Sandraya
Syrie - Saudaji, Ciato
Erithan - Mori Kiri
[.Pushing the Sky.] - Doragon
Mystica1366- Krystal, Hunter
Arrikanez- Caret
Drake Morraniss- Jaluk
TheSkyDemon- Petal
Dooma- Mirror
White Neko Chan - Nicholeus
JadeEye- Amelia
Star Sorceress - Unknown
DarkenedHorizons - Cerin
Badgercall - Unknown
Dark_Musashi - Aconite
Scrumpy - Unknown

<center>Valentine Owner List</center>

DarkMikazuki -Alichino
Demonic Curse - Osiris
xMMx - Fuumi
Yume Yumi - Fios
Meeki - Aikochan
Rylerion - Osee
pinkdog - Miko
Tsuki Sohma - Hartz
Krisgoat - Ling
Prolixity - Cherry
Caitlyn Hellcloud - Valentina
Mogwai - Bloom
cetus - Llynia
TheSkyDemon - Stach
Erithan - Silver Paw
Mr. Damage - Randy
Orisis - Vynx
pippi18848 -
HolyMarada -
Canationas -
Damia Grynn - Vespa
Elros Namasi - Mim
Violent Death Taker - Aubree
FelineOddity - Raen
Vertejaune - Charlie
Lilwerewolfgirl -
Bird Draggon - Inx
Dooma - Cela, Vince
Moonza - Pash'en
Sakura Chang -
Naysha Aysha - TingTing
CloseCall -
Unseasoned - Rory
Lord Niku -
SerasVictoria -
abbypet - Bo
Steal - Tobee
JazzKatt -
<center>User Image</center>

The breeding rituals of these strange creatures is unknown at the moment. But as we discover it, the information will be passed on here. But we do know that they only breed male and female. Except in very rare situations after intricate rituals to gain the privledge.

Breedings will only be given to those who RP their matings regularly.

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Currently closed
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No offspring as yet
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Newbs can PM the shop account to have their name put here. They will be notified by PM before sales or auctions till they have one of the pets.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


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Lamentthevampyre- Perm ban for safety and legal reasons. On any of his accounts.

Caitlyn Hellcloud - Banned on ALL her accounts, for personal attacks on the owner of this shop.

Kindred Collector

25,500 Points
  • Marathon 300
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
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My baby... he hates me xd
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Kithen is BACK! Be ready for updates and an auction or sale very soon! She's ready to kick some a** and get this shop running again. ^.^

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