Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Iiiim back! I moved into ECU, and they didnt have my computer. xp IBM is a b*****d. Anyhoo, im back, so if anyone has been wondering (i doubt it)


heart I am no longer going to deliver ponies via PM. I am going to create a "pickup" section. If you have a doll or a centaur ordered, look in the doll or centaur sections. If you have a pony rdered, look at the last post in my shop.
heart The only base avalable for the custom ponies is the sitting pose. All other models are exclusively for special edition ponies. Do not ask for a special base for the ponies, or i will ignore you.
heart You do not have to pay me up-front, but i will be honest, it bumps you up on the waiting list ^^ if you dont pay straight up, you might be waiting a while ^^ hehehe

Check out my Pets! I finally Decided to enter the dreadful thread of Breedable Pets! ^^ These are my ventures into this fascinating realm! ^^

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Angelic Sash Quest Cone
Gift from Wafflechan, limited until i get my angelic sash.
Currently 50% complete
Price: 150g

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1. Tygra
2. Nobodyz_Angel
3. Evil Kitten Of Doom
4. Mein Kampf
5. Bunny Squeak
6. LP
7. Jiswyn

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1. Yuki Kitsune
2. Lull
3. LP
4. Evil Kittten of Doom
5. Mein Kampf
6. Keruchi
7. Kikyo the Elementalit
8. Ladywolf
9. Lithian Naurwen
10. Escher

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1. Mein Kampf
2. Evil Kitten of Doom
3. LP
4. Rainbow Fairy
5. Maegambriel
6. Kristen Dundeon
7. Tandemonium
8. Nedyfay Darkchild
9. Izumi Angel
10. Nariko 17

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1. Mein Kampf
3.Evil Kitten of Doom
4.Demonic Curse
5. Chibi_Dragonfly
6. LP
7. Nedyfay Darkchild
8. Elven Cherry

Yaaaay, ive decided to bring back custom ponies! Arent we all happy? ^^ Im also going to be less tolerant of people who cant read the simple steps to ponyhood. Yaaay, someone give me a cookie ^^

July 19 - Ive decided to dabble into emotocons because carramena closed shop-hopefully i can fill the void she left ^^. I do not have access to any decent animationsoftware at the moment (but jsut wait- im getting psp8!) but anyone who would like a non-animated emotocon, just let me know, and ill experiment for you (but no glasses)

July 10 - Well, i think some of you would be happy to know that ive decided to reopen. whee Howevever, i am going to do it like Pinque did, and redo the way my shop works.
There is no longer going to a build-a-pony where you select individual items. From now on, if you want a pony wearing gaian items, it is all a flat rate of 2k per pony, and i will dress it as close to your avatar as i can
I am still going to release limiteds, and also some unlimiteds. when you buy these, i am going to expect you to save them from my thread, no more PMing non-customs. You dont like it? Bite me 3nodding
Also, i am going to have higher prices in my shop, just because im pissed and im not interested in EVERYONE getting a pony. If you really want one, youll pay whatever price you have to, if that makes any sense sweatdrop
So there!

July 8 - well,i ever DO open shop again, its gonna be different... im not gonna be so nice... but im takign a break from here either way...
in the meantime, im making a contest, everyone! its to declare the goddess of gaia! its a contest to reconize the niest, cleverest, and coolest shop ownder in the gaian minishops! the eligiblity requirements are really stringent, though, so everyone, if you love me, go to the contst and nominate/second/sponsor one of your favorite shopkeeps! if your favperson is already officially nominated, nominate another person you like! Visit The contest here!

July 6 - Look, its very sweet of some of you to offer photobucket accounts for me, and to send me PMs, but that is not the only reason this shop is closed. Gaia isnt that fun anymore. People are rude and ignorant, many are selfish, and ive had some serious problems managing to make any friends on this site. for the amount of time i spend in and on here, i should have made at least one friend. This bandwidth thing is just the final straw.
Im also considering quitting gaia... it isnt gratifying anymore. If i do, ill proably give all my crap to my boyfriend or someone who I think deserves it. Like Stupid Guy, who likes to give away all kinds of good stuff (though i never won... sweatdrop )

July 5 - Well, i warned you guys. But i guess its too hard for you to listen, isnt it? My bandwidth is exceeded, and it is only 5 days into the month. I dont know what it is exactly what you are doing, but it has sucked up my bandwidth in 5 days.
As a result of this bandwidth problem, i am having to close my shop. It was fun making your ponies, at least those of you who didnt eat my bandwidth. The Kill Bill Pony raffle is still open, because i figure its going to take so long to fill the slots, my bandwidth will have hopefully come back. Otherwise I am shut down. I may open again at a later date, but I'd need some serious encouragement to do it again.

July 3 - I have recently been notified that the Limited Pegasus I was offering is not entirely genuine. the pony itself is an original drawing, but it was heaviy influenced by actual images from the site Neopets. I find the resemblance between to neopets pony and my limited to be too great for me to feel moral about selling the pony. So the pegasus limited will no longer be avalable. However, i think it was an honest error on both my and the artists part, so i do not deem it art theft, though i will no longer offer it.

June 28 - I just recieved a letter from photobucket. My bandwidth is nearly exceeded for this month. Granted, the month is nearly over, but I do not want to EVER exceed my bandwidth. If any of you are DIRECT LINKING me, PLEASE STOP NOW. I will be VERY sad if I have to close shop because of direct linking.

June 20 - 100 Pages! Huttah! I am going to make a freebie of some sort to celebrate... though i dont know what yet . There are only one left each of Leo, Virgo, and Cancer. I have completed Sagittarius as well as Libra, and I am almost done with Taurus. By the by, if anyone wants the Domo pony (come on, its a freaking bargain), i recommend they get it now, because i am going to retire it. Its been there since the shop began, and it aint worth keeping up. So buy some limiteds! The sooner you do, the sooner I'll Release the rest of the Zodiac! ^_^

June 17 - Well, the doll auction isnt going as well as I'd hoped... but its all good! I have also made two more Zodiac Ponies, Pisces and Sagittarius! Both are very nice if i do say so myself! The Pisces is a Hippocamp, and the Sagittarius is SPECIAL! It is a centaur avi edit! However, these are going to be a lot more expensive, because of the extra time involved with making them. They are going to be 500g. And ladies, the female centau is topless. if you dont like breasts, please dont order stare . I will need your avi naked for the Sagittarius. You can only wear relevant headgear (Ears, headbands, jewels, ect). However, i am going to release neither until the other Limited Editions sell out. I dont want to flood the shop with a million ponies xp . So if you are waiting for your Sagi or Pisces, get some of the current ponies to shorten your wait! ^_^

June 14 - As of late, a lot of people have asked me to sell items in my shop for them. Some, like Kikyo and LP, are friends and I am happy to help them. However, some people i dont know very well, and are asking me to sell ponies and the like in my shop. I am sorry for being mean, but I am no longer going to accept guest artists, unless the artist and i are friends and share more of a connection than selling ponies. I want to sell origional art, not comissions. Im sorry for being mean

June 12 - Well, ive goten bored, and my attempts at opening another minishop have gone fruitless. So im gonna revamp the layot of this place, and add some m,ore stuff, but im taking away some stuff too. Im going to trash the moria and domo ponies. This is the last night they will be avalable. To try ad get rid of them, they are going to be 50%off. yes, so the moria pony will be 150g and the domo is only 75g Please get them!

June 5 - Well, no one liked my Piksel Maus idea... so im back. Im gonna put the mice in here, though, just because I like them! I am also going to be adding a new section for dolls! Wahooo! Im not really that popular of a shop but i get pored, you know...?

May 28 - I am going to close down for a bit so i can focous on my other shop, Piksel Maus. As soon as i have the shop up and running, I'll put a link in here for you all to visit it. If you have an order waiting, i have not forgotten you! Unfortunately my ponies have burned holes in my eyes and i have to take a break from them. You will stil get your pony, but it will be much delayed. If you want a refund, PM me and i'll give you your money back. Otherwise, i promise you will eventually et your pony. ^_^

May 27 - Another mod ignored my request to delete suzaku_thunder's rude remark aboutmy shop stare . whats a girl gotta do to get rid ofa rude post? Im not going to move again... its too much of a hassle, andi know someone will post in the middle of it again (like they've donw twice before). anyhoo, i want to say again how much i love wafflechan, and i also love kikyo, she is such a terrific helper. Im going to be making a predent for them soon-ish... something nice....

keep your eyes peeled, im going to release baby ponies soon, as well as some tiny little mice that are gonna be CHEAP! mua hahaha... wel, thats it for now, love you all.

May 20 - Well, the mod i asked has decided to ignore me... figures. Well, soon to come, im going to have centaur dolls. They are gorgeous, you just wait!

May 15 - Due to people having posted BEFORE I OPENED stare , i moved my shop. However, PEOPLE POSTED AGAIN. Come on guys, i know you can read. Im not gonna move again, though. Im just gona get a mod to delete them.

Luck Ponies-400g (all 4)
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AFK/OMG Ponies: 400g each
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Link to the Ponies!
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So Ive decided to add a dollshop inside my pony shop. Enjoy.

Centaur Avi Dolls: 2k
Give me a general idea you want for the pose (i have seceral positions, and i will match them as bes as i can)
*NOTE - The Centaurs will not have shirts. Come on, centaurs dont wear clothes like that. if you want, i will not add detail to the breasts (leaving a sailor-moon-like effect), but centaurs JUST DONT WEAR SHIRTS. Hmf
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Gwyllion Base: Enquire
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Mary-chan's Anime Base: Enquire
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Rion Base: Enquire
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Centerfold Doll: 5k
Just send me a pic of your avi and which pose you want
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Some Examples:
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Adult Centerfold Dolls: 1k
Describe to me how you want it to look, and the pose letter and i will e-mail it to yo (e-mail, as in, NOT PM). I am 18 years old, and i will have to rely on the fact that you are 18, too. I trust you. And remember, these are not for gaian display. These are for you and you alone, privately.

Misc Large Bases: Enquire
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Link to Dollface!
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Congrats to Japi, who won this one-of-a-king doll! ^^

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You like it? Well bid on a freaking auction! hehehe

Kill Bill Pony Raffle TICKETS
Winners will be declared as soon as i can get the randomzer to work sweatdrop
1. AkiaZuri
2. Mein Kampf
3. Loves_Passion
4. Slicey
5. Mnemosyne the Dreamer
6. Gohankune
7. Gohankune
8. Gohankune
9. Gohankune
10. Gohankune
11. Gohankune
12. Gohankune
13. Gohankune
14. JK
15. Souris Maus
16. Pookie0986
17. - 92. Gohankune eek

Link Quilt:

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Other Links (Shops who need to make a banner for link-quilts scream )
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A lot of Various Goodies!
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NOTE: I DID NOT MAKE THESE BASES. See links below for true Creators! whee
Most my Bases Come from HERE!
The Centaur Bases Come from Here!
The baby ponies come fom Here!
My Doll Auction Bases come from Here!
]The Bunnies Come From Here!


These lovely ladies [and lad] have helped me become the semi-sucessful shop owner i am, and they've had a smile on their avatar the whole time! I would like to thank:
Kikyo the Elementalist - one day, she just began to bump my shop, without any apparent reason or motive whee . Even when i am not around (which is most of the time), she is in my shop, bumping her sweet little heart out and talking with my prospective customers. She even looked at my wishlist, and saw that i wanted blak stockings, and simply made them a gift to me. ^_^ She also made the Moria pony you can see (and buy!) in the first post, it is her first pixel ever, and i applaud her morale.
Wafflechan - Before I even dared try making my own minishop, i loved wafflechan's Munchie Meals Workshop. So origional, so clever, so CUTE! After the Tofubob Munchpants came out, she released the build-a-tofu for the whining gaian vegitarians, one of which was me. Considering how much i admire Wafflechan, you an imagine i felt damn good that my encouragement helped to convince such an artist to make something, especially something so... difficult... as tofu! Then, upon recieving her Emo Bag, i congratulated her and jokingly sggested she make a quest corner item for me. And she did! Wafflechan is an ANGEL if there ever was one!
A Starving Artist - I like to consider this special guy to be my first fanboy. You dont see very many dudes in the minishops if the shop does not involve cars or weapons, so he is a very refreshing variation from the typical visitors to my shop. He has a great sense of humor, and it always brightens my day when he's bumping in my shop. ^_^


Dark_Flora - ordered and didnt pay (unresolved)
chubbybunny91 - being an infantile moron, and not being able to spell 'f*****t' correctly (unresolved)
BloodyRoseGothic - Spamming in my shop. The shop she advertised was crappy as well! See page 69 for a link to her craphole. *EDIT* Then she had the gall to complain to a mod when i posted in her shop. When i explained the circumstances the mod immediately left me alone. stare

Kikyo the sdgsrgysdrfhedrfgsd -i lvoe ya, but i cant remember your name ^_^
A Starving Artist - My very first fanboy!
LP - A very talented and helpful sweetheart! whee Check out her pegasus!



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ME! - Deluxe Cat Ears
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ME! - Flower Writbands stare
Kikyo the Elementalist - Flower Wristbands eek (kinda suspicius, eh?)
A Starving Artist - Studded Leather Collar
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Kikyo the Elementalist - Sea Green Sports Vest
Past Limiteds

Guest Pegasus CANCELLED
2. Alexiel
3. Orple

Scorpio Pony SOLD OUT
1. ME nya nya
2. Mein Kampf
3. Evil Kitten of Doom
4. Twitchami
5. LP
6. Sirenz
7. Maegambriel
8. The Lady of Moof
9. Orple
10. Angel Myoku
11. Jennea Sexy Girl
12. Arianna Ki

Pisces Pony SOLD OUT
1. Evil Kitten of Doom
2. Mein Kampf
3. Chibi_Dragonfly
4. LP
6. Yaminomalik aka Djinnmei
7. [ talmbaa ]
8. Artemis003
9. Mythee
10. Maegambriel
11. LilTamaAngel
12. ShaquiraLake

Libra Pony SOLD OUT
1. Princess Erika
2. Feral Chicken
3.Dragon 908
5. Mein Kampf
6.Evil Kitten of Doom
7. Calico Kitties
8. LP
9. Chibi_Dragonfly
10. Lady_arwen_evenstar
11. Maegambriel
12. Voluptuous_Elegance

Virgo Pony SOLD OUT
1. LP
2. Fuzzy Hamster
3.Mein Kampf
4. A Starving Artist
5. Evil Kitten of Doom
6. Maegambriel
7. Gloomi
8. Candy_Canes
9. Chibi_Dragonfly
10. Yuka Marie
11. Darkesse
12. Kitsune Dragon

1. LP
2. Mein Kampf
3.Evil Kitten of Doom
4. Fuzzy Hamster
5. TiggerzH
6. Mew Mew Cherry
7. JK
10. Rampant Rainbow
11. Zurie
12. Takineko

Cancer Pony SOLD OUT
1. Maegrambaiel
2. LP
3. Evil Kitty of Doom
4. Mein Kampf
5. Jemafox
6. KawaiiCleo
7. Fuzzy Hamster
9. Yuka Marie
10. ~Cherrie Blossoms!!!~
11. Lady_Starwyn
12. SweetVengeance

Domo Pony SOLD OUT
3. Ishtal
4. Maegrambaiel
5. [ Talimbaa ]
6. Mein Kampf
7. JK
8. Bane_n_lore
9. Miniemae
10. Lissa QUON

Kikyo's Moria Pony SOLD OUT
1. Evaesis
2. Mein Kampf
3. Maegrambaiel
4. LP
5. JK

Gemini Pony SOLD OUT
1. Mein Kampf
3.Evil Kitten of Doom
4.Nariko 17
5. Maegrambaiel
6. Noflitter (a gift for her b-day)
7. LP
8. Kitty 18
9. Galslushies
10. Enyo-shalom
11. Aeria-Bethina
12. Mei-Chan

Demon Pony SOLD OUT
5.A Starving Artist

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