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Yes! I will do it! 0.23387096774194 23.4% [ 116 ]
Erm...Maybeh.... 0.20161290322581 20.2% [ 100 ]
Nope!! 0.13709677419355 13.7% [ 68 ]
Ask me tomorrow (Poll Whores) 0.42741935483871 42.7% [ 212 ]
Total Votes:[ 496 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 358 359 360 > >> >>> »|

Hygienic Swapper


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Thread Contents
POST 1 - About The Guild
POST 2 - Joining The Guild & Our Code Of Conduct
POST 3 - Hire The Guild Or Seek Free Advice
POST 4 - Avatar Contest
POST 5 - Guild Compound In Towns
POST 6 - Guild Banners & Codes
POST 7 - Allied Guild
POST 8 - News & Announcements

"Real-time protection services plus more! No RP, this guild does it for REAL, responsibly!"
Feel free to ask your questions or apply to join in this thread

The Guild
Our guild has been protecting, advising, training and supporting new and old Gaians since mid 2006. We provide user-level protective services to Gaians and Guilds in various environments from Game Rooms, forums to Towns, FREE of charge, along with free advice by PM. We also provide user-level investigative services to players or guilds. We host various 'Training' forums, and a Guild Academy, and include heavy screening of all members and "Officers" to ensure a quality, responsible service. Apart from offering services, we are also a great interest guild for those interested in Security, Police, Investigation, or Military themes. We also host a variety of other themes within the guild, from RP's, fiction stories, art, general discussion & word games, to polls and spam threads. Something for everyone! Simply hang out and have fun as a member, or if your looking to contribute become a Officer yourself! serious

Our Mission & Our Members
Primarily we provide a warm, welcoming forum atmosphere, for new users or old users alike with a wide range of forums. A zero tolerance attitude to discrimination, segregation or unfriendly/aggressive attitudes of any kind within our guild or membership. Join now, and escape the intimidation and stereotyping of the Gaia Forums. You can stay safe, and up to date in our guild with news on the latest scams and hack news floating around Gaia, along with tips to stay safe, and tools to help you.
Secondarily we provide a user level Security & Investigation Service to all Gaians. We accomplish this by maintaining a pool of guild-trained, professional, intelligent and responsible members as our Security Force. Installing strict guild entry requirements and member screening, various training forums and tests, a guild "academy" and a environment that encourages learning and caring for your fellow Gaian. We conduct operations in a organized and responsible manner as USERS. We aim to break the Gaian stigma attached to Police or Security style guilds and organizations by standing out from the crowd as the only "Serious" player in this field. All operations and training is conducted under strict, supervision by experienced and heavily committed guild staff and senior members. Fully aware of our status as simple users, we re-enforce this to members, and teach skills of communication, and refreshers in ToS, to equip users with the tools needed to de-escalate conflict, or diffuse a situation before it gets out of hand, rather than reporting. Sometimes reports are unavoidable, and as such you'll find guides and tips inside on the correct, responsible ways to report. We also serve as a hub for advice. And dispense independent advice to users who approach us with a problem. We're not Mods, but can help direct you in the correct methods of having your issue heard or resolved. We also link our members with the very best threads around Gaia concerning account safety, news and resources, and form close affiliations with guilds of similar goals.
You'll find a wealth of experience and knowledge within. Our membership consists of people from many fields such as: Students,Computer Techs, current/ex Police, military and security personnel, office workers, tradesmen/women, nurses, engineers, you name it! We have old Gaians, Newbies, and even some current and ex gaia moderators amongst our members, we come from all over the world, and in all ages, with a common desire to help, and make a difference as users. We place hours of work into making a guild your proud to be a member of, and a guild that really makes a difference about Gaia. users

Hire The Guild ~ Or Get Involved
Worried about a Gaia issue, or problem? Got a suspicious PM and your not sure if you should report it? Been hassled and don't know where you need to go? Click the link above to PM us for advice. Want to hire our Officers or Investigators to look into an issue? Or provide protection at a Towns event or in a game room? If so then also hit the PM link above. We will NEVER ask for any personal or account details. Just users giving users advice on where to go and who to talk to.
You can hire our trained, experienced and professional Officers and members to come to or host your game room, Towns event, or forums thread. Hire our Private Investigators to investigate issues for you, conduct research or surveillance. Or go through our training and become one yourself!
Visit our guild Owned & Run "Bumping Service". GSG Secure Bumpers will not only bump your thread, but maintain your shop/thread rules whilst doing so. We offer many more services, visit our forums threads and services shops by clicking the links above. We are a professional, active guild, with strong and active leadership, and wide resources. The guild is constantly evolving and building, to find out more click the links about and read about the guild. Our forums are hidden, so only members can view inside the guild itself.
Want to become a member, and maybe be a Officer yourself? It's not a easy process, and you will be tested and screened. Only responsibly, friendly, rule abiding and knowledgeable members will graduate. We are a SERIOUS guild. Read on and follow the instructions below to apply to join...

Our Guild is NOT the "Official Gaia Security", nor do we work for Gaiaonline. We are NOT Gaia Moderators, and have NO special authority.
We are simply a collection of experienced, friendly, security minded and knowledgeable users interested in helping & educating others.

How to join
Visit our guild home page, by clicking on any of the banners on this post. Read the guild main page to learn what we do, and if you feel the guild is right for you fill in the app form on the homepage, and paste it into your request to join. Please, if you are interested, visit the guild, or if you have any questions PM me, don't reply here, as I will likely only check now and then, or have bumpers visit ^^

Whats in the guild
We are currently conducting a exciting guild fce-lift and overhaul, but the guild is running, and is being updated with new, fun and interesting things to do all the time. We try and have something for everyone. You don't have to be very active to be a member, but we do like you to at least post a welcome, and then return to say hi now and then. You can enjoy being a member and just chatting, polling, reading and posting, or you can take advantage of several of our Guild Jobs on offer, such as Security Officers, Investigators and more....testing and training is hard, and the work can be dangerous whee but loads of fun guaranteed, and you just might learn a thing or two ^^

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Click To Give Our Guild A Thumbs Up!


  • Neat, tidy, easy to use & fun forums. Lots of Subthreads, neatly arranged.
  • Stay up to date with news on the latest scams & fake PM's circulating Gaia and stay safe. Help protect others from the same!
  • Get a job in the guild as an Officer, or just enjoy being a Member and hanging out!
  • Our Guild Training Academy to teach you to handle yourself on GAIA & refresh your ToS memory
  • Security/Military themed RP's (role play) Threads & On-Going, guild themed Fiction stories & reviews! General RP's.
  • Friendly & Intelligent General Discussion forums & Polls - Word games, bump threads, art & pic posts, anything!
  • FREE and intelligent advice & tips from our experienced staff & members, or share your own!
  • Competitions! Win big! And have fun competing and chatting! Earn money by promoting the guild or doing small jobs
  • DONATIONS!! Several services for newbies!! Or offer your own, and start a shop!
  • Shoutbox network! Innovative way to stay in touch!
  • Guild member of the month awards! Prestige & gold each month!
  • Guild being overhauled now! New exciting Subthreads opening soon!
  • MUCH MORE!!!


One warning if you disobey, second and we report you SIMPLE
  • No Flaming or Trolling. Spam is ok so long as it's not page stretching.
  • ALL Posts are to be PG13 and adhere to Gaia ToS and 'Rules & Guidelines'
  • No page stretching ^^
  • BUMP BUMP BUMP!! We love it!
  • No advertising in this thread.
  • NO QUOTING any posts from the first page!

Security Guild Shoutbox!
Leave Your Messages Or Questions!
(please use your Gaia Username if you wish us to be able to contact you by PM or respond)

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Abuse Of Shoutbox Will Result In Message Deletion and/or reporting if message violates Gaia ToS.

Feel free to use our Guild's Shoutbox Network. We have this same shoutbox placed in all our Gaia Forums threads, on the guild homepage, and also at points within the guild. Leave messages for members or staff anytime! And members across out entire network can respond!

A Registered Guild

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Affiliations Welcome With Guilds Who Share Our Goals
Guild Captains only - PM me for details and to discuss :3

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Please PM Any Public Guild Member Misconduct To Twisted~Fairytale

Hygienic Swapper

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1) Read this entire page. Visit the guild's Registered Guild Forum Thread, or our chatterbox spam thread, and read it [Recruting Center] If you are accepted as a member you will find a complete guild guide & FAQ in the main forum, along with the guild's full rules & guidelines. You'll also find hidden "white words" in the page here. And need to include those in your join request to show you've read this page.
2) Copy & paste the application form you can see below, into a join request and complete the questions. Requests without the entry form will be declined.
Take Notice - By applying to join you agree to abide by Gaia TOS, our Guild Code Of Conduct, and you declare you are not an agent for an enemy guild. Your profile, guilds, and all your posts will be checked by at least 2 of our staff before we accept or decline your membership. HAD YOUR REQUEST TO JOIN DECLINED? Check our Recruiting Center thread for common reasons why some requests are declined.

Answer all points!! Requests received without this form attached may be refused:
GAIA SECURITY GUILD MEMBER ENTRY FORM (Copy & Paste into your request to join):
NAME (avi):
WHEN DID YOU JOIN GAIA (originally):
IF IN OTHER GUILDS, WHAT RANK? (mbr, crew, vc, capt):



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Common reasons why we sometimes decline requests-

1) New character, we don't like accepting new avi's less than a week old unless you have PM'd a guild staff member first, or have a detailed ( a couple of sentences & the app form at least ) appllication.....
2) You did not fill out the application form or read the guild main page (main one we encounter)....
3) You are a member of a villain or Merc guild with goals opposing ours...
4) Details on your application did not match up when we checked your profile, or were found to be untrue or suspicious...

FEEL FREE to PM any of our guild staff to discuss if you have been declined. We are very approachable and open to new members who put the effort to communicate.

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Guild Members Code Of Conduct

And Requirements To Stay In The Guild

Being a appreciated, productive & active member
In this post is the rules and guidelines for how to behave in the guild, as a member, what is expected of you, how to be a good member, an active on, and how ot avoid ever being banned in the guild. As stated many times above, ALL members must read and agree to everything here in this post and thread. Otherwise you should leave the guild or ask to be removed. All conditions and rules are subject to change without notice, we will attempt to always post a news announcement when this happens, but it's YOUR responsibility to read these threads and check back. Please read on for detailed info....

Posting & Activity Levels
YOU MUST BE ACTIVE! Guild Crew regularly (about once every three or four months) go though the guild's member list. It shows each member's name and how much they have donated to the guild and how much they have posted. You pay 100g to join, so we never expect a donation unless you desire to donate to the guild or it's mule. WE WARN any members who have not posted more than 3 times in the guild since joining with a friendly PM reminder. We give up to or over a weeks notice. We then re-check the same list of people we PM'd, and will then BAN FROM THE GUILD any members who either:
  • Not posted a Welcome/Intro in the welcome thread soon after arrival
  • If you have less than 3 posts in the guild since you joined
  • If you have a blank avatar or profile suggesting your account has been hacked or scammed recently or you've left Gaia
  • If you have not logged into Gaia in over two or three months
  • Members who are banned cannot re-apply to join for two weeks, it also wipes their post & donation record in the guild (not our rule, it just happens when you quit or are banned)

So step one after you have joined is get to the WELCOME FORUM and post your introduction to the guild. For more info on our forums and what you can find, check out the WELCOME TOUR & FAQ thread. It has full links and descriptions for you. Three or four months is plenty of time to get yourself settled into the guild and start posting. Three posts as a minimum is NOT a lot to ask. We want a list of active members. At the time of this post we have 400+ members on our homepage total, but in reality, if you go through the list there is only about 200 there. We banned the rest for being in the guild and never posting or letting us know if they were to be away for a extended time.
If you are going to be away from the guild WE WILL NOT BAN YOU. Simply post your comings & going in our MEMBERS OWN UPDATES thread. We just want to be kept in the loop.
If you are ever banned and think it was unfair or wish to return to the guild and promise to be active simply PM a guild staff member, and explain your situation. WE ARE NOT obligated to take you back as a member, we will deal with each case individually. PM a staff member if unsure about any of the above.
Upset about your ban? Direct your inquiries MATURELY and POLITELY to one of our staff. Any flaming or abusive PM's or posts will be ignored and REPORTED. No warnings there....

We will not hesitate to pursue and report ANY members or users who are not members who copy ANY of our guilds posts, topics, forums, images, graphics or any content. This INCLUDES ANY of our concepts and ideas. We welcome sharing and affiliations, so please PM the Captain if you seek to use some of our ideas or wish to become a ally. You will get no warnings, we have caught members here who have tried to make copy cat guilds twice, and both times had them either shut down or made to remove our content, then banned any members involved from the guild permanently. Please don't make us do it a third time, and don't make us have to report or follow up you. You WILL be busted, its only a matter of time. One of our 400+ members will see it eventually, and we will inform a Gaia Moderator. Come up with your own ideas and concepts.

Conduct Inside The Guild
Gaia Security Guild's biggest aim is to have it's forums as one of the friendliest, most welcoming, tolerant, intelligent and active forums in the Gaia Guild Network. Of course we offer jobs, missions, and many themes, but aside from all that we want ANY user of ANY level, race, origin, religion, or education level to be able to relax, enjoy and be active within our forums. AS SUCH no abuse, intolerance, and sometimes even impatience will not be tolerated. Such postings will be deleted or moved and the member/s responsible warned or banned. If the offense is also a ToS violation it may be reported. If you have issues with other users PM a guild STAFF member.
Bashing (verbal or otherwise) of anyone with poor grammar, RP skills, Gaia knowledge, or any handicap within the game or real life will not be tolerated. Warm welcomes of these users are our hallmark.
We are forums you can visit when you want to be safe and with friends.
You must be ctive within the guild, as described in the Activity level section above.
The Staff (Crew, Vice Captains, Captain) are to be respected as the Moderators of this guild. You will follow and directions or advice of staff members in relation to behavior in the guild at all times, politely and with respect. Anything shown otherwise may result in a warning or banning. If you have a problem with ANY member of the Guild's staff PM the CAPTAIN only. Issues will be treated fairly and with discretion.
The CAPTAINS word is final within the guild, and overruling of any and all members or other members of the Guilds Staff. Although the CHAIN OF COMMAND still applies. If you have a problem then see a CREW member. Only go to the next step up if your not satisfied with their help. Never PM the Captain first unless it's a issue regarding Staff.
We treat everyone with the utmost respect, warm, and friendliness. All are welcome, and all are safe in this guild. No member will be harmed or asked to do things they do not wish. No member is ever obligated to take on a JOB in the guild. ALTHOUGH, this guild is a funny mix, and run similar to a part family/part business/ part hangout. One thing this guild is NOT is a democracy. We listen to, and need your ideas, help and activity. But at the end of the day the staff, and over-all the captain, have the final say in any internal guild issue.

Conduct Outside The Guild
As a member we DON'T require you to go out recruiting or working for the guild EVER. Taking on a job, or looking for new members is tasks we really truly appreciate, and are fully optional for you to take. You do NOT have to EVER wear a uniform, and you never have to display guild logos, banners, or links anywhere to be a member. All of that is up to you.
Of course, as members of Gaia Security and as the good, law abiding Gaiaonline users you are we EXPECT that at all times in the Gaia forums and any and all parts of the site you abide by all of Gaia's Terms Of Service and Rules & Guidelines.
We EXPECT as members when you enter a Gaia forum anywhere and post you have read the RULES of that forum first.
If you decide to place guild Logo's Images, or banners in your sig or profile you will be leaving a trail of your records around Gaia, and if you violate rules it looks very bad for yourself, as well as very embarrassing for the guild when our banner is sitting in your signature.
IF you are ever seen or reported to be violating a Tos rule or forum/thread in the Gaia forums of any kind we will REPORT your post ourselves as a guild, and ban you from the guild. No exceptions and no warnings.
NO BULLYING will be tolerated. You will NOT ever use the guild as a reason to break a Gaia rule or to intimidate or offend another user in any way shape or form. If we receive reports of members telling others such things as "Hey! I'm a member of htis bad a** guild that's gonna kick your a**!" then you will be immediately banned from the guild, and reported if your post is a ToS violation.


** Be loyal to Gaia Security & active within the guild & its forums**

** Adhere to all GS guild rules & Gaia Terms Of Service & Rules & Guidelines **

** Be patient with Newbies, tolerant & charitable **

** Use your GS chain of command for help or problems **

** Always encourage others to join Gaia Security **

** Set a great public example & image for Gaia Security **

** Chat online calmly, patiently, friendly, and be outgoing **

** Be patient with users who have poor English **

** Always be PROFESSIONAL, don't let idiots break you! **

** Never use the guild to intimidate or offend other users. Never act or claim to have any authority other than as a user **

** Never be rude, impolite, or insulting on GAIA to other users no matter what! **

** Be respectful of Guild Staff members and fellow members at all times **

** Never use the guild or being a member of it for bad purposes or to scare or intimidate other users. **

*** BE WILLING TO GO THE EXTRA MILE for the guild or other users! ***

Keep your Gaia account safe, always remember...

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Credit For Mod Color Banner Goes To kage-ookami4

Hygienic Swapper

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Hire The Guild Or Seek Free Advice



Hire The Guild!
Worried about a Gaia issue, or problem? Got a suspicious PM and your not sure if you should report it? Been hassled and don't know where you need to go? Click the link above to PM us for advice. Want to hire our Officers or Investigators to look into an issue? Or provide protection at a Towns event or in a game room? If so then also hit the PM link above. We will NEVER ask for any personal or account details. Just users giving users advice on where to go and who to talk to.
You can hire our trained, experienced and professional Officers and members to come to or host your game room, Towns event, or forums thread. Hire our Private Investigators to investigate issues for you, conduct research or surveillance. Or go through our training and become one yourself!
Visit our guild Owned & Run "Bumping Service". GSG Secure Bumpers will not only bump your thread, but maintain your shop/thread rules whilst doing so. We offer many more services, visit our forums threads and services shops by clicking the links above. We are a professional, active guild, with strong and active leadership, and wide resources. The guild is constantly evolving and building, to find out more click the links about and read about the guild. Our forums are hidden, so only members can view inside the guild itself.


Yes! You can hire Security Guards, Officers, Bouncers, and members of our Special Operations & Investigations Group. Being bullied in chat rooms? Having bad people crash your games or Towns experience? Someone on GAIA harassing or annoying you? Need some people to help control your special guild event in TOWNS? Need inside information on an enemy guild or player? HIRE ONE OF OUR OFFICERS to help you with your specific problem!! All our Security team members are hand selected, trained, and will do their best to meet your needs!!


]Sure! Just send a PM to our guild Staff telling us about your problem, and we will advertise your job to our members!! NEED ADVICE? Got a scam PM and not sure what to do? Got someone bothering you? Been hacked? We're not Gaia Mods but we can advise you of where to go and what to do, as well as identify scams for you. We'll explain the report system if needed, and forward you to someone who can help you if required. Hit the link below to send a PM to our staff and ask for help!

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Newbie Noob

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Hallo everyone! GAIA SECURITY is sponsoring an avatar contest in the chatterbox. This contest is open to everyone but maybe not VCs of GS, so if you think you have a cool avatar, then come and compete. Also if you don't want to enter but still want to help out, then come and bump or chat. Click here to go to the avatar contest thread.

Click the text link above or the animated banner below to visit the competition! Thank you! smile heart

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Hygienic Swapper

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Guild Banners

Codes & Pics Feel Free To Take Post Them

Our Guild's Banners
Welcome guild members and Officers. In this post you will find all our guild's banners and logos. Updated regularily as we get new ones. Each banner is also a link to the guild's homepage if clicked.
The codes have all been shortened already using tinyurl.com so should be ready for sigs. The banners have all already been "aligned=center" so simply remove this part of the code if it doesn't suit where your placing it.
Feel free to copy the codes and place in your sig's, profiles or anything of that nature. Please do not modify the banners, or codes beyond removing the alignment. Thanks! And enjoy!

NOTE!- Some banners below are too large in byte size for sigs. Still ok for profiles & posts though. 500X500 limit to sig dimensions (total) and 100KB byte size limit 3nodding Check the "properties" of banners below before posting in a sig.

Guild Logo

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Guild Banner

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Promotional Banners

More coming soon!

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Security Guild Bump Banners & Graphics

Guild Bump Banners/Pics
Here is a collection of bump logo's and banners your free to take and use when you bump to also help advertise the guild. The banners are also URL links back to the guild if clicked. smile The images are all pre-centered. Remove the [ align ] tags before if you require.

Remember to set a good example for the guild ALWAYS! And only bump in forums and thread that allow it. 3nodding

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Bump Images and guild banners are to be used for purposes in line with guild rules and Gaia ToS as well as Rules & Guidlines and any applicable forum or thread rules. Banners and graphics are not to be copied, modified without permission! <33

Hygienic Swapper

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Twisted's Tips If Your Worried
  • Change your password now if your worried
  • Do not give your account details to ANYONE
  • Do not accept random trades of gold or items
  • Contact a online Dedicated Moderator if you have information or concerns
  • DON'T PANIC! domokun

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Newbie Noob

Officer Donut
Oh snap.


Hygienic Swapper

Tipsy Hero

heart Please help me on my little quest heart

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None yet

sad Sorry if this break any thred rules sad

Newbie Noob

Hygienic Swapper

Hygienic Swapper

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