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.01. Contents
.02. News
.03. Plot 1 :: ._o A Fairy?
.04. Rules
.05. Games
.06. List
.07. Kasey's Post
.08. -Polar-'s Post
Oki, in honor of Kasey's Birthday coming up this week we are holding a B-Day Bash. x3 In this thread we will be holding games and we will also be giving away a free fairy Velah! {Actually two however one of those Velah will be given away in the main thread. ;3}

This breed of Velah is extremely rare at the moment, so take advantage of your chance to receive one for Free!

{Don't know what a Velah is? Click Here!}

There is currently one fairy Velah named Lumii, {Owned by Polar.} She can be seen below.

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{Isn't she shou pretty? =3}

Fairy Velah whose size allows them to fly with their transparent wings at swift speeds are slightly smaller than the common Velah whose size allows them to fly with their transparent wings at swift speeds.

Here is a preview of their stages.

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.::Giveaway Previews::.

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=3 Mwahaha. The swirly purple and green eguu Polar will be giving away to the first person to post on page 200 {Ameh won the egg!} in the main thread.

And Kasey will be giving away the red and black egg through a unique system which will be taking place throughtout this week. =3 Enjoy and stick around if you hope to win one of these eggs!
Plot One :: Fairy Velah

Graven, Dark Storm, Kasey, and Polar were walking through the meadow, talking peacefully, when suddenly, Polar stopped and stared into the distance, her mouth slightly open.

Kasey turned to her friend, "What is it Polar?" Polar frowned and shrugged.

"I dunno... I just have this weird feeling that we're being watched or something." Kasey looked around and blinked at her friend.

"Right..." Kasey tugged at Polar and they continued walking to catch up with Graven and Dark Storm. Once they reached them, Graven playfully pounced on Polar, knocking her over.

"Tag!" Graven cried before leaping off her and bounding into the meadow, followed by Dark Storm and Kasey. Polar got up laughing and starting chasing after them. Suddenly, Polar spotted a black head popping out of the field, which stared at her with alluring golden eyes before lowering back into the tall grass of the meadow. Dark Storm started yelling an insult about how slow Polar was, whilst Graven and Kasey laughed. Polar stared at the spot where she had seen the black face a moment before. Shaking her head, she continued chasing after the other three, who were now rolling on the ground laughing. Polar tackled Graven who let out a gasp.

"Oof!" Graven rolled over and shakily got to her feet. "Oi, Polar, how much do you weigh?" Kasey and Drak Storm continued laughing when Polar saw 'it' for a second time.

"Guys!" She whispered harshly. "Look over there!"
Polar pointed where she had seen the black face, but to her disma, it had disappeared again. A frown spread over her face. "What the... it was just right there..." Kasey stared at her friend with concern.

"Umm... are you feeling ok Polar?" Kasey reached her hand over to feel Polar's forehead but was shunned away by Polar who moved out of her friend's reach.

"I'm fine Kasey!" Graven suddenly tensed and spun her head around before baring her teeth and snarling.

Polar stared at Graven. "Umm... are you alright?" Silently, Graven slunk into the grass and out of sight. Kasey and Polar shared a glance before a few loud yips were heard not to far away. Kasey and Polar's eyes grew wide and they ran off to where they heard the yips. Graven's form was visible about ten feet away when a black creature took flight and hovered over Graven, Dark Storm, Kasey and Polar.

Kasey blinked. "Fairy?" The black fairy Velah kit tilted its head. Dark Storm nodded.

Polar squealed. "Oh my god! It's so cute!"

The fairy Velah blinked and looked down upon Graven. "What is it?" asked the flying kit in a soft voice.

"That's Polar, the human, and her companion Kasey."

Kasey smiled awkwardly up at the Velah waving its transparent wings steadily. "What's your name?" She asked, still smiling.

"Lumii," replied the small kit airily.

"Aww, that's so pretty!" chimed Polar, gaining a small smile from the floating kit.

Kasey chuckled. "We're playing tagged if you are interested in joining the game."

The kit nodded. Polar carefully crept behind Kasey. "Tag!"

With that Polar, Graven and Dark Storm ran off away from Kasey; Lumii flew steadily ahead of them just above the grass.

After running a while, Polar stopped the catch her breath. She looked around and saw Graven and Dark Storm trotting up to her, with Lumii still flying a little ways ahead.

Polar looked around. "Hey... where is Kasey?"

Dark Storm looked around too. "I don't see her... My god it's impossible to get lost in a meadow, but Kasey seems to have managed to pull it off."
Suddenly they all turned as they heard Kasey's voice and saw her not to far off.

"Guys! Come over here, you've got to see this!" She motioned them over to where she was standing, clearly holding two objects. They all headed over to her and Graven sniffed at the objects curiously.

"Fairy eggs," mumbled Dark Storm. Kasey and Polar smiled and with that the five of them headed toward the forest to find some shade with the mysterious fairy eggs...

.01. Have good-natured fun.
.02. Show interest in this event. {If you don't Polar won't kill you... but she will poke you with a spork.}
.03. Be nice and once again have fun! {Oh and wish Kasey a Happy B-day! x3}
::Fairy Event Games::


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biggrin You want this egg dontcha? heart

This egg will be given out through a competition/raffle. There will be many ways you can receive "tickets" for the raffle. In the end, randomizer.org will be used to choose the one winner.

{Special Note: The Gaians who participated in the last flatsale will automatically receive one ticket IF they make at least one post in this thread.}

.01. Questions will only be posted by Kasey, Polar and Velah.
.02. A little pixel Velah will be used each time a question is asked to let people know it is a question for a 'ticket'.
.03. The first person to answer the question correctly will get one 'ticket' on the list.
.04. All answers must be in blue font to be counted.
.05. There is no limit to how many questions one person can answer.
.06. People may give away their 'tickets' to friends if they wish.
.07. 'Tickets' may be purchased for 500 gold each if a person would rather buy a slot than particpate in answering questions.
.08. A maximum of 10 'tickets' may be purchased with gold.
.09. The first and last poster on each page will receive a ticket.
.10. More ways to win ticket might be added ^^;

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The winner will get to choose the gender of this fairy Velah heart


These people are entered for a chance to win the Red/Black Fairy Egg biggrin

*note* All Chieri Tickets = Dark Lunar Fox

.001. Chibbit-chan
.002. Kootaku
.003.-.004. Anniehh
.005.-.006. Chibbit-chan
.07.-.010. Chieri
.011. Erina_Nobara
.012.-.015. Anniehh ****
.016. Teh Cheryl
.017. Chieri
.018. Erina_Nobara
.019. Teh Cheryl
.020.-.021. Chieri
.022. Erina_Nobara
.023. Kootaku
.024. Erina_Nobara
.025. Chieri
.026. Erina_Nobara
.027.-.028. Chieri
.029. Teh Cheryl
.030. Ameh
.031. Chieri
.032. Teh Cheryl
.033. Ameh
.034. Erina_Nobara
.035. Dark Lunar Fox
.036. Teh Cheryl
.037. Ameh
.038. Anniehh
.039. Dark Lunar Fox
.040. Chieri
.041. Kootaku
.042. Dark Lunar Fox
.043. Anniehh
.044. Ameh
.045. Erina_Nobara
.046. Chieri
.047. Anniehh
.048. Erina_Nobara
.049. Kootaku
.050.-.052. Ameh
.053.-.054. Chieri
.055. Erina_Nobara
.056. Anniehh
.057. nooheadexplody
.058. Ameh
.059. Seifereru
.060. Ameh
.061. Chieri
.062. Seifereru
.063. Ameh
.064. Teh Cheryl
.065. nooheadexplody
.066. Teh Cheryl
.067. Anniehh
.068. Seifereru
.069. nooheadexplody
.070. Ameh
.071.-.072. nooheadexplody
.073. Teh Cheryl*
.074. Chieri
.075.-.076. Ameh
.077. Anniehh
.078. Seifereru
.079. Anniehh
.080. Erina_Nobara
.081.-.082. Teh Cheryl
.083. nooheadexplody
.084.-.085. Teh Cheryl
.086. nooheadexplody
.087. Chieri
.088.-.089. Ameh
.090. nooheadexplody
.091. Seifereru
.092. Erina_Nobara
.093. Seifereru
.094. Erina_Nobara
.095. Seifereru
.096. Ameh
.097. Teh Cheryl
.098.-.099. Dark Lunar Fox
.100.-.101. Seifereru
.102. Teh Cheryl
.103. nooheadexplody
.104. Seifereru
.105. Ameh
.106. Chieri
.107. Erina_Nobara
.108. Seifereru
.109. Dark Lunar Fox
.110. Ameh
.111. Anniehh
.112.-.113. Teh Cheryl
.114. nooheadexplody
.115. Ameh
.116. Chieri
.117. nooheadexplody
.118. Anniehh
.119.-.120. Teh Cheryl
.121. Seifereru
.122. nooheadexplody
.123. Chieri
.124. Ameh
.125. Chieri
.126. Ameh
.127. nooheadexplody
.128. Seifereru
.129. Dark Lunar Fox
.130.-.131. Seifereru
.132. Ameh
.133. Erina_Nobara
.134. Ameh
.135. Teh Cheryl
.136. Ameh
.137.-.138. Teh Cheryl
.139.-.140. Seifereru
.141. Ameh
.142.-.143. Teh Cheryl
.144.-.145. Kootaku
.146. Erina_Nobara
.147. Teh Cheryl
.148. Chieri
.149. Erina_Nobara
.150. Ameh
.151.-.152. Teh Cheryl
.153.-.154. Tiarana
.155. SpiderMistress
.156. Tiarana
.157.-.162. Chieri
.163. Elestren
.164. Tamiko-chan
.165. Chieri
.166. Teh Cheryl
.167. SpiderMistress
.168. Chieri
.169.-170. Anniehh
.171. SpiderMistress
.172.-.173. Chieri
.174. Tamiko-chan
.175.-.176. Teh Cheryl
.177. Chieri
.178. Teh Cheryl
.179. Ameh
.180.-.181. Chieri
.182. Ameh
.183. nooheadexplody
.184. Ameh
.185. Teh Cheryl
.186. Tamiko-chan
.187.-.192. Ameh
.193.-.194. Teh Cheryl
.195. Ameh
.196. Chieri
.197. Teh Cheryl
.198. Ameh
.199. SpiderMistress
.200.-.202. Teh Cheryl
.203. Chieri
.204. Teh Cheryl
.205. SpiderMistress
.206. Teh Cheryl
.207. Chieri
.208. Tamiko-chan
.209.-.210. Erina_Nobara
.211.-.212. Teh Cheryl
.213. spottedleef
.214. Teh Cheryl
.215. SpiderMistress
.216. Teh Cheryl
.217. spottedleef
.218. SpiderMistress
.219. Teh Cheryl
.220. Tamiko-chan
.221. Teh Cheryl
.222. SpiderMistress
.223. Tamiko-chan
.224. Elestren
.225. SpiderMistress
.226. Tamiko-chan
.227.-.228. spottedleef
.229. SpiderMistress
.233. Teh Cheryl
.234. SpiderMistress
.235. Elestren
.236. SpiderMistress
.237. Elestren
.238. Tamiko-chan
.239. SpiderMistress
.240.-.241. Tamiko-chan
.242. Erina_Nobara
.243. Teh Cheryl
.244. Elestren
.245. Teh Cheryl
.246. Erina_Nobara
.247.-.249. Ameh
.250. Teh Cheryl
.251. Tiarana
.252.-.253. Teh Cheryl
.254. Erina_Nobara
.255. Teh Cheryl
.256.-258. Ameh
.259. Chieri
.260.-.261. Tiarana
.262. Ameh
.263. Teh Cheryl
.264. Ameh
.265.-.267. Chieri
.268. Teh Cheryl
.269.-.270. Ameh
.271. Chieri
.272. Teh Cheryl
.273. Chieri
.274. Teh Cheryl
.275. Chieri
.276. Ameh
.277. Teh Cheryl
.278. Ameh
.279. Chieri
.280. Ameh
.281.-.282. Chieri
.283. Elestren
.284. Dark Lunar Fox
.285.-.286. Chieri
.287. Elestren
.288. Chieri
.289. Teh Cheryl
.290.-.291. Tiarana
.292.-.293. Chieri
.294.-.297. Teh Cheryl
.298.-.299. Dark Lunar Fox
.300.-.301. Tiarana
.302.-.303. Dark Lunar Fox
.304.-.305. Chieri
.306.-.307. Elestren

{Updated to pg 113::Top}

*=Ticket purchased for 500g

.People who get free tickets IF they post in this thread.

heart = posted

Chibbit-chan heart
Rearmost Tree Slug
spottedleef heart

.Kasey's Post.

^^ Hey, it's Kasey! biggrin Hmm.. well um I hope all of you will have fun in this Special B-Day Bash/Fairy Event!

This is brought to you by -Polar- since she's shou nice and giving me a gift of a fun event. {I'll be 17 years old on September 7th o_.}

Um.. really not much to say.. <3
=D Yay! Kasey's B-day is coming up so we ish having a celebration for her! -dances and throws confetti- x3 You all better be here or I will throw your Velah eggs out the window! >D

Polar dubs Erina_Nobara our official thread bumpersticker-er! =D ... Althoguh.... she... kinda did that herself. u_u

*dubs herself official thread bumpersticker-er* xD <3

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Party Hardy Folks ^^ <3
Stalk. ninja heart
Ouuuu.. Red and black.. Soooo pretty.. -Drools-

What about me?!

Eheh, you know I love you Hinata. -Grins and blushes, is embarrased-
Ouuuu.. Red and black.. Soooo pretty.. -Drools-

What about me?!

Eheh, you know I love you Hinata. -Grins and blushes, is embarrased-

xD What chu embarrased for silly luff?

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