Welcome to Gaia! ::


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Welcome to Novelah Isle, home of the Velah. Velah are miniature foxy/feline/canine creatures that inhabit the Isle. They generally feature the personality of being loyal, calm and good natured. Novelah Isle is located in the Riqua Ocean and is extremely difficult to find, due to the fact it is rather miniscule. Take the time to discover all about Novelah Isle for yourself. {Just keep reading. ;3}


.01. Intro
.02. News
.03. Story and Stages
.04. Map and Breeds
.05. Rules
.06. F.A.Q.
.07. Current Event
.08. Owners List
.09. Breeding
.10. Familiars and Special Items
.11. Customs
.12. Status List
.13. Affiliates
.14. Works In Progress
.15. Staff
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Everything that happens around Novelah Isle can be found here. All important events will be listed in this section. It is suggested that this post is regularly checked, seeing how it is highly useful. So don't miss any spectacular events!


26.2.06 :: The Breeding Grove has appeared!
29.10.05 :: Congrats to lovely for being honored with the first Wild Velah biggrin ooo, and he's a spooky vampire as well!
.15.10.05 :: The Halloween Flatsale took place today and was met with great participation! It was the first Trivia-based flatsale and seemed fun. Thanks to Chieri for guest coloring for this sale!
.2.10.05. :: Gaming Events started to take place today! biggrin wh00t for Free Velah!
.30.9.05. :: -Polar- has taken a temporary hiatus from the shop due to real life events ;_;.
.17.9.05. :: The 3rd Flatsale was today! Wow, we had a great response and everyone mark your calendars for the next Trivia Flatsale on October 15th!
.15.9.05. :: Omg our albino Velah auction in The Black Party went for 166.35k! Congrats Rabid Jigglypuff and Koshiba! <3 Also congrats to Smergle who won the free Velah we gave away!
.4.9.05. :: =3 The event went really well and is now over. Ironically, Ameh won the second egg. xD;; Congrats to Ameh and thank you everyone who participated!
.3.9.05. :: We have started a Birthday Bash and Fariy Giveaway thread which can be found here~ {Congrats to Ameh who won the free egg on page 200! >3 <3}
.27.8.05. :: The 2nd Flatsale ended within one minute! o_O Congrats to the Winners, pickups are on page 130.
.17.8.05. :: The Raffle went very well! Congratulations to Chieri, Sodowen, Tamiko-chan, and Tiarana.
.13.8.05. :: A Raffle has started here.
.8.8.05. :: The Flatsale was a great success! Eggs are ready for pickup in the 'Current Events' Post. If you did not manage to get a Velah {or you just want another}; be on the lookout for another Flatsale in 2-3 weeks time.
.6.8.05. :: Flatsale Date Announced! {8th of August, 8 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time}
.5.8.05. :: Shop Thread Created and in the Process of Being Setup
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.::Story and Stages::.


Long ago in the northwestern portion of the Pacific Ocean, there used to be a single continent; it was united and peaceful. Small creatures, known as Velah, inhabited the continent. One day, a massive earthquake struck the land. Fleeing for their lives, all the Velah fled to the eastern side of the continent. Suddenly, due to the buildup of tension under the land, it unearthed a loud, deafening crack, and the continent shattered into pieces. As that island drifted farther apart from the rest of the old continent, it began to move in a spiral motion. Then, miraculously the motion ceased and the island stood still in the water. Soon after, a misty, eerie fog surrounded and engulfed the island. The waters around the island started to thrash violently and restlessly, preventing the Velah from leaving the shores. The creatures soon named the waters encasing their new home the Riqua Ocean, after their god, Riqus. They did so because they believed Riqus was responsible for storms, devastation, and sudden catastrophes. The little island was soon trapped forever, lost within its foggy veil. After humans appeared on the earth, this mysterious haze upon a select part of the ocean intrigued many sailors. The cowardly fled from it, certain that it would lure them to a watery doom. The brave were defiant and attempted traveling into the waters of the Riqua Ocean. However, they found they were not able to pass through its relentless barriers. They believed these waters were blessed by magical forces and were attempting to either keep something terrifying within; or guard something of extreme purity within. Soon people avoided this segment of the ocean completely, and it was entirely forgotten about. It became little more than a misty hoax...

A long time later...

One day, two friends were enjoying a day out on the ocean. Suddenly, one spotted an odd fog upon the ocean's waters. Interested, the two adventurous friends decided to travel into the mist. Amazingly enough, the magical waters did not push them away as it had done to many others.

After entering the mystical shroud, the girls spotted land not too far off . Carefully, they anchored their boat and decided to swim to land and discover what was upon it. {Umm hello buried pirate treasure is worth a fortune!} One girl jumped off the left side, while the other jumped off the right. The one on the left plunged into freezing depths while spa-temperature waters soothed the other.

"Oh my god it's freezing!" called the first girl through chattering teeth.

The second girl laughed.

"Oh don�t be such a sissy, it's not cold in the least."

The first girl was turning a pale blue as she swam around towards the front of the boat to join her amused friend. The second girl, instantly concerned upon seeing her friend�s complexion, swam to her side.

"Holy Merlin, you're right! This water is freezing! Come over here the water is warmer�" With that she pulled her friend into the warmer waters on the right side of the boat. The first girl warmed up, and then they swam to the island. Drenched, they walked upon the beach, panting a little from their tiring swim.

"Hmm," The second girl started, "this island must be uninhabited. There doesn't appear to be anyone here�"

Suddenly, the two girls heard a few laughs, and turned in the direction of the offending noise. Two odd creatures were walking together along the outskirts of beach. The two girls looked at each other, puzzled, and then walked cautiously toward the creatures. Upon noticing the two girls, the creatures stopped dead in their tracks. The gray one whispered, 'How did they get on our isle?' to the black one.

The first girl looked wide-eyed in astonishment. "Hey, it talked!"

The large gray creature glared at her. "No duh."

The girl frowned and the second girl titled her head. "Umm� what are you?"

The black creature laughed; it was a harsh, haughty laugh. "We are Velah. And what per say are you doing on our isle?"

The girl stared at the Velah. "Your isle?" She raised her eyebrows. The Velah scoffed. "Yes. Our isle. This is Novelah Isle, and I asked what you are doing here. I would also like to know� how you got here."

The girl blinked. "We are here exploring. And we got here by means of a boat."

The black Velah frowned. "There is nothing to explore here. And what do you mean a boat? Didn't the waters of the Riqua Ocean push you away?"

The girls just blinked. Precautiously, the first girl asked, "Riqua Ocean, you mean the portion that's surrounded by the mist?"

The gray Velah rolled its eyes. "No. We meant that big mountain up there." She motioned her head to a large mountain to the northeast of where they were standing.

The girl rolled her eyes defensively. "Whatever. Now if you don�t mind, we are going to explore. Have a nice day!" The two girls started to walk off, into a meadow toward the center of the island.

"Wait!" called the Velah. They trotted up to the girls. "We have made a decision."

The second girl frowned, confused. "About what?"

The black Velah cleared his throat. "Graven and I believe that you two must be the long predicted Chosen Ones, so we have decided to allow you to become our... Hey, what exactly are you two anyways?"

"We're called Humans," replied the second girl.

"Well, then we have decided to accept you as our Humans."

"Really?" The first girl said excitedly. With that she bent down next to the gray one and started stroking her ears affectionately. The Velah attempted to protest, but found it pointless. They started walking a little ways toward the meadow, the girl petting the Velah fondly as they walked.

The second girl turned back to the black Velah. "So� you're mine, are you?"

"Yes." The Velah replied grudgingly.

The girl smiled. "What is your name?"

The Velah stared at her. "Dark Storm."

The girl scratched her chin. "Hmm� I like that name." Dark Storm gave a faint smile and the pair of them walked toward the other girl and Graven.

Dark Storm frowned. "Hey wait, you didn't tell us your names."

The second girl grinned. "I'm Kasey. And this here is Polar." Polar smiled and hugged Graven...

::Plot 1:: ._o A Fairy?

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Velah currently have four known stages in which they go through during their life cycles. {No Velah do not die nor will they ever.}

.Egg. A small egg which needs to be watched constantly to ensure that the Velah inside grows properly. {You woudn't want it to be thrown out the window by -Polar-. >>; -cough-} {7 days to grow.}

.Kit. A young Velah emerges from the egg as a calm and curious kit. They often won't stray far from their owners and are startled easily. {14 days.}

.Adolescent. As a Velah grows, it progressively becomes more playful and has a tendancy to wander off in search of an adventure. {21 days.}

.Adult. As a full grown adult, it tends to become more independant from its owner, but it also becomes more loyal as it ages. {Final stage.}
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.::Map and Breeds::.

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{Map v. 2.0}


.Canyon. :: A deep gorge carved in the isle where Velah have been known to gather in masses from time to time. Wonder why...

.Forest. :: A place filled with large trees, Common Velah are known to live in this area.

.Meadow. :: A vast, open, grassy area where Common Velah will occasionally live and Fairy Velah have been found.

.Jungle. :: Densely filled with lush ferns and trees, this region is very humid. Common Velah would not thrive well in this climate.

.Beach. :: A warm and sandy spot where any Velah can enjoy a nice, ocean breeze.

.Ocean. :: Very misty, quiet, and high in salt content, the Riqua Ocean surrounds the miniscule Isle of Novelah. It is doubtful that there are any creatures living in such an environment.

.Desert. :: A hot and arid piece of desolate land. So far, no life has been found in this location...

.Mountains. :: Chilly rocks of steep altitudes, it is far too cold for anything to survive here.

.Cloud. :: A charming fluff of brightness that does not appear to be moving. It has been rumored that feathers occasionally float down from it...

.Volcano. :: Immense temperatures no creature could survive in are found here. Best hope it does not errupt, you never know what might explode from it...

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::List of Breeds::

.Common Velah. :: A medium seized kitsune based creature with intellect, they inhabit Novelah Isle.
.Familiars for Breed. :: Bunny, Wolf and Deer
{Clutch size :: 2-4 Eggs}
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{Availability:: Flatsales : Raffles : Auctions : Customs : Pet Trade : Contests : Events}

.Fairy Velah. :: Slightly smaller than the common Velah, their size allows them to fly with their transparent wings at swift speeds.
.Familiars for Breed. :: Unicorn and Butterfly
{Clutch size :: 3-5 Eggs}
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{Availability:: Auctions : Customs : Pet Trade - Depends : Contests : Events}

.Wild Velah. :: The are roughly the same size as the common Velah only they have a slim build. Their fur is scruffy and unkept.
.Familiars for Breed. :: Monkey, Snake and Parrot
{Clutch size :: 5-8 Eggs}
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{Availability:: Auctions : Customs : Pet Trade - Depends : Contests : Events}

.Cosplay Velah. :: These are Velah based off of precreated characters from movies, books, mangas, animes, cartoons, etc. They recieve lineart edits and sometimes, even props. More information is found in the 'Customs' post.
{Clutch size :: Breeding only available under special circumstances}
-Larger Images-
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{Availability:: Customs : Pet Trade - Depends}

.Character Velah. :: These Velah are incrediably rare. They are -completely- recreated Velah with fully done new lineart to truly turn them into their characters.
{Clutch size :: Breeding only available under special circumstances}
{Availability:: Auctions}
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.1. Don't steal any art. If you are caught stealing it, you will be reported immediately and blacklisted.
.2. Do not post rude comments about the art or the concepts. We don't want to hear your personal opinion if it's negative.
.3. Be respectful of everyone in the thread and do not instigate any fights.
.4. Do not beg for a Velah. Save up and purchase one at a flatsale or other event.
.5. Trading Velah is not allowed. You can always buy more however. {There is a limit of one Velah per person per flatsale.}
.6. You may not sell, trade or auction your Velah.
.7. To be on the mailing list you just add 'Velah' to your friends list. {Once we set it up that is...}

::Flatsale Rules::

.1. Flatsales will start when the account Velah announces, "
The Flatsale Has Started." In large red letters. {Like so.}
.2. The flatsale price is 5k per egg. You will have a full day to send the trade.
.3. You may only purchase one egg for yourself during a flatsale.
.4. No editing your posts during a flatsale. Polar and Kasey will be monitoring the thread.
.5. First come first serve. Whoever posts they want a certain number first will get the egg. Please do not be rude to the people who recieve eggs during flatsales.
.6. You may post for only one Velah per post. If the one you want is taken, you may post for another one in a seperate post.
.7. You may purchase a Velah for a friend during a flatsale.

::Auction and Raffle Rules::

.1. Auctions will never have an autobuy.
.2. Raffle tickets will always be 100 gold.
.3. There will always be an unlimited number of raffle tickets availiable.
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:: What format are the dates in? ::
.All dates found in this thread follow the format of Day-Month-Year.
:: How many Velah may I own? ::
.There is currently no limit on how many Velah a person is allowed to own.
:: Will you do a pet trade? ::
.Please check the 'Staff' post to see if -Polar- or Kasey are doing pet trades.
:: How do Velah grow? ::
.You must check back in the shop to pick up the different growth stages of your Velah.
:: Do we have to roleplay our Velah? ::
.Roleplaying is not required although people who roleplay will always get benefits, and -Polar- and Kasey enjoy having people who roleplay.
:: What is the plural form of Velah? ::
.The singular and plural forms of Velah are both 'Velah'. {PS the title of the shop is using Velah - plural xD}

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.::Current Event::.


.Saturday To Be Determined :: 9pm EST. US Time Zone

.During the flatsale you must post. ::

Pet Name::

{Note:: Be sure to check the owners list to clarify whether the pet name you want is taken or not.}

You may use the current links, although we would appreciate it if you used your own server.


None at the Moment.


None at the Moment.


None at the Moment.

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.::Owners List::.

:: Name | Owner | Gender | Stage | How | Background | Image ::

::` Egg | * Kit | ~ Adolescent | @ Adult ::

:: .M. - .67. | .F. - .66. | .`. - .3. | .*. - .37. | .~. - .6. | .@. - .86. ::

::Total Count :: 133 Velah::

.Common Velah :: Gen 1.
:: Graven | -Polar- | F | @ | Staff | Ocean Storm | .x. ::
:: Dark Storm | Kasey | M | ~ | Staff | Forest | .x. ::
:: Hinata | Anniehh | F | @ | Gift | Forest | .x. ::
:: Moonlight | Depletion | F | @ | Gift | Moonlit Night | .x. ::
:: Eliza | Sanura Panthress | F | @ | Pet Trade | Day at the Beach | .x. ::
:: Lyth | Sanura Panthress | M | @ | Pet Trade | Night at the Beach | .x. ::
:: Iyakuso | Keilin | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Roscoe | Shadow Myst | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Bastien | Elestren | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Atasha | Nokomis Midnight | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Minki | Toe Jam | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Masimo | Chieri | M | @ | Raffle | Forest | .x. ::
:: Wakka Wakka | Sodowen | F | @ | Raffle | Forest | .x. ::
:: Kalia | Tamiko-chan | F | @ | Raffle | Forest | .x. ::
:: Cocoa Cheri | Tiarana | M | @ | Raffle | Forest | .x. ::
:: Ryan | || FallenxAngel || | M | @ | Pet Trade | Bright Sky | .x. ::
:: Indi | Chieri | F | @ | Flatsale | River Flowers | .x. ::
:: Zima | TrigunKittie | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Atalia | Lagrimas | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Rein | ChaoticDivinity | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Shiba | Kootaku | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Mangue | nooheadexplody | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Miel | Seifereru | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Minchit | Chibbit-chan | M | @ | Custom | Savanah Night | .x. ::
:: Marissa | Tahja Estes | F | @ | Pet Trade | Beachy Waves | .x. ::
:: Puppet | Teh Cheryl | M | @ | Gift | Bloodred Night | .x. ::
:: Dominic | Heteromorphic | M | @ | Gift | Firefly Serenity | .x. ::
:: Frey | Teigra | M | @ | Pet Trade | Forest | .x. ::
:: Elyssa | JadeEye | F | @ | Pet Trade | Forest | .x. ::
:: Valkea | Rabid Jigglypuff & Koshiba | M | @ | Black Party | Forest | .x. ::
:: Warwick | Smerdle | M | @ | Black Party | Forest | .x. ::
:: Lezerah | Malaisra | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Charoite | Raqqasa | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Felix | Tatsudoshi | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Duo | Erina_Nobara | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Daffodil | Jupebox | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Lani | Inle-roo | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: M'haire | Jessie-kat | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Nate | Alex Kerrith | M | @ | Pet Trade | Forest | .x. ::
:: Vanilla | Chickies | F | @ | Pet Trade | Winter | .x. ::
:: Wellgunde | Ves | F | @ | Black Party | Forest | .x. ::
:: Adhari | dark_skada | M | @ | Black Party | Forest | .x. ::
:: Bubble | Kita 21 | F | @ | Black Party | Forest | .x. ::
:: Irina | Anniehh and Zero Dream | F | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Xander | Zero Dream | M | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Sanchez | Uennie | M | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Fi'ahriss | Marushii | F | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Tanchou | Triereikai-Hime | M | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Jiaka | Triereikai-Hime | M | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Gackt | Neama | M | @ | Giveaway | Forest | .x. ::
:: Shashi | koolkittenclub | F | @ | Custom | Midnight | .x. ::
:: Sarah | lilwerewolfgirl | F | ~ | Custom | Night Lights | .x. ::
:: Sushi | Andi Lei | F | @ | Custom | Forest | .x. ::
:: Skie | Steele_Glyph | F | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Igor Strolovensky | Tiarana | M | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Shirei | Dark Lunar Fox & Ameh | F | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Shesmu | EchoLimaFoxtrot | M | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Binx | Allure | F | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Mr. Freckles | Teh Cheryl | M | @ | Flatsale | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Verato | Laisewiel & Keseren | M | @ | Custom | Forest | .x. ::
:: Cimerone | Saiyukii | F | @ | Pet Trade | Forest | .x. ::
:: Raye | Candeh | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Riley | Leez0rz & Hakuo0000 | M | ~ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Setsuna | neokitsune | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Raike | Chieri & Keilin | M | @ | Flatsale | Scenic Waterfall | .x. ::
:: Dita | TrigunKittie | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Tye-ze | Chamain | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Aiko | SpazzyKoneko | F | @ | Custom | Enchanted Illusion | .x. ::
:: Kamaria | Andanielle | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Seminole | InfinitiesOfSoules| M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Midori | Featherbled | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Vaerael | Hime | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Nao | Teh Cheryl | F | @ | Gift | Snowfall | .x. ::
:: Mecoa | Huroggmeten | M | @ | Wild Event | Forest | .x. ::
:: Liulk | dinyana | M | @ | Wild Event | Forest | .x. ::
:: Minty | Remove | F | @ | Wild Event | Forest | .x. ::
:: Darth | Northern_Light | M | @ | Wild Event | Forest | .x. ::
:: Mika | Leez0rz | F | ~ | Wild Event | Forest | .x. ::
:: Synister | Teh Cheryl | M | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Iza | dinyana | F | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Twist | FallenMercury | M | * | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Armanee | Triereikai-Hime | F | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Spritz | Jupebox | M | * | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Lala | Leez0rz | F | * | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Jay | TAPS baby | M | * | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Mitsuki | Thalea | F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Aqua | Ajamoh | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Orion | agentgirl112 | M | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Holy | Xaki F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Aura | Teh Cheryl F | @ | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Cirrus | Archnasa | M | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Magick | Shikon Miko | M | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Saria | Sinbari | F | ` | Flatsale | Forest | .x. ::
:: Zacharias | A Spoonful of Agent | M | @ | Event | Halloween 2006 | .x. ::
:: Karupin | Teh Cheryl | M | ~ | Staff | Forest | .x. ::

.Common Velah :: Gen 2.
:: Ina | Chieri | F | * | Breeding | Mountain Springtime | .x. ::
:: Iyota | Keilin | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Ianthe | Xaki | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Soma | Gullien | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Snapdragon | Luminous Imp | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Oath | xx_Bullseye_xx | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Cameron | Alex Kerrith | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Takara | Master Wild Mage | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Poe | Chickies | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Gypsy | -Polar- and Depletion | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Devdes | AnimeChickie | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Flora | agentgirl112 | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Crumpet | Teh Cheryl | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: ??? | Jupebox | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Traho | Teh Cheryl | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Neeklu | dinyana | F | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::
:: Kozu | Platinum Pluto | M | * | Breeding | Forest | .x. ::

.Fairy Velah :: Gen 1.
:: Lumii | -Polar- | F | * | Staff | Crescent Moon | .x. ::
:: Remi | Ameh & Chieri | M | @ | Fairy Event | Alpine Crossing | .x. ::
:: Black Luck | Ameh & Dark Lunar Fox | F | @ | Fairy Event | Red Twilight | .x. ::
:: Serenity | Einna Firekeeper | F | @ | Custom | Outer Rim | .x. ::
:: Veo | Leez0rz | M | @ | Fairy Event | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Hypnotiq | Ernan | F | @ | Custom | Misty Lake | .x. ::
:: Merlon | pepsigirl444 | M | @ | Wild Event | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Jacinthe | Faewynd | F | @ | Wild Event | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Dakota | Kougress | F | @ | Wild Event | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Kamala | Platinum Pluto | F | @ | Custom | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Jax | Anniehh | M | @ | Gift | Morning Glory | .x. ::

.Fairy Velah :: Gen 2.
:: Kara | Teh Cheryl and Depletion | F | * | Breeding | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Fihadore | Triereikai-Hime | M | * | Breeding | Meadows | .x. ::
:: Majik | Platinum Pluto | F | * | Breeding | Meadows | .x. ::

.Wild Velah :: Gen 1.
:: Drake | grimgod316 | M | @ | Auction | Halloween 2005 | .x. ::
:: Brichubi | Jupebox | M | * | Custom | Oblivion | .x. ::
:: Gathoni | Jiraiyah | F | ~ | Raffle | Jungle | .x. ::
:: Shock | FallenMercury | M | ~ | Auction | Jungle | .x. ::
:: Jabari | Jiraiyah | M | * | Auction | Jungle | .x. ::
:: Zehn| Triereikai-Hime | M | * | Raffle | Jungle | .x. ::
:: Kikensei | Xali_Shadow | M | * | Auction | Jungle | .x. ::
:: Bintu | Ballentine | F | * | Auction| Jungle | .x. ::
:: Piku | Jupebox | M | * | Raffle | Jungle | .x. ::

.Cosplay Velah.
:: Willy Wonka | Sanura Panthress | M | @ | Custom | Wonka World | .x. ::
:: Kaylee | timeerkat | F | @ | Custom | Serenity | .x. ::
:: Echizen Ryoma | Teh Cheryl | M | ~ | Custom | Seigaku | .x. ::

.Poke Velah.
:: Irvine | Leez0rz | M | * | Event-Larvitar | Forest | .x. ::
:: Megumi | Jupebox | F | * | Event-Vulpix| Forest | .x. ::
:: Lacrimas | Teh Cheryl | F | * | Event-Lapras | Forest | .x. ::
:: Glyph | Steele_Glyph | M | * | Event-Absol | Forest | .x. ::
:: Lady | Airborne Hana | F | * | Event-Eevee | Forest | .x. ::
:: Nixie | Seiei | F | * | Event-Vaporeon | Forest | .x. ::
:: Raikou | Chibbit-chan | M | @ | Custom-Raikou | Forest | .x. ::

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::Breeding Rules::

.01. You must reserve a breeding grove. {10k.}
.02. Velah may mate for life or have multiple life partners but may only breed when they are adults.
.03. Velah may only breed twice. {Unless Dalie powder is used.}
.04. Breeding Velah results in two to four eggs.
.05. It takes roughly a week for Velah to breed.
.06. A Velah may only breed once per month.
.07. An owner may only breed once per month.
.08. The eggs may be kept by the parent owners, given to friends, or given away in a non-profit contest.
.09. You may not redistrubute Velah offspring for any form of profit (gold/items/artwork/other breedables/etc).
.10. Eggs from breeding will generally have the same marking or colors of their parents, however, not always.
.11. Velah of differing breeds may breed; o_O Wonder what the offspring will be like.
{Note:: Additional future rules possible.}

::Breeding Groves::

.1. .Mr. Freckles x Daffodil. {-Polar-} <3
.2. .Liulk x Nao. {-Polar-} <3
.3. .Tanchou x Kamala. {-Polar-} <3
.3. .Mecoa x ???. {-Polar-}

{<3 :: Done.}

::Reservation Form::
Please post and PM the following form to Velah. PMs should be titled Breeding. After posting and PMing, please send a trade to 'Velah' containing 10k.

Male Velah:
Female Velah:

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.::Familiars and Special Items::.


Common Velah Familiars :: Bunny, Wolf and Deer.

Bunny :: User Image
{Not shown at actually size}

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::Special Items::

.Used To reverse, halt, speed up and alter the Velah's stages.
{Note: Using some of these items will prevent the Velah from completing their life cycle or perhaps breeding.}

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-Katri Petal :: A petal from the rare Katri Flower that blooms in the deep woods of Novelah Isle. This magical petal will allow your Velah to remain a kit throughout its life.
Note :: It may only be fed to a Velah during its kit stage.
Price :: 1k-

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-Brawn Seed :: A seed from the Brawn Tree, which grows in a select area on the outer rim of the Meadow. Eating the Brawn Seed halts the growth of a Velah at the stage of an adolescent.
Note :: It may only be fed to a Velah at the adolescent stage.
Price :: 2k-

User Image

-Kanth Branch :: A small branch taken from the rare Kanth tree that only grows in select portions of the Desert. This unique stick allows the Velah who owns it to change genders.
Note :: This branch may only be used on a Velah when it is an egg.
Price :: 2k-

User Image

-Othy Potion :: This complicated potion allows a Velah to turn from an adolescent or adult back into a kit.
Note :: The effects of this potion will not wear off unless a separate item is used.
Price :: 6k-

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-Cadura Concoction :: A special concoction giving a kit or adult Velah the ability to become an adolescent.
Note: The effects of this concoction will not wear off unless a different item is used to counter the effect.
Price :: 6k-

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-Pewice Formula :: Delicately procured, this formula may be used to turn a kit or an adolescent into an adult Velah.
Note: Other items must be used to reverse the effects of this formula.
Price :: 6k-

::How to Order::

.When purchasing a special item, just send a trade to 'Velah' with the '::Item Name. Price . Pet Name::' in the trade title. You will be sent a pm after the item is purchased to inform you when your Velah has been effected.
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::Custom Velah::

-Starting at Adult Stage :: Starting at Egg Stage-
Common Velah :: 100k . 150k ::
Fairy Velah :: 150k . 250k ::
Wild Velah :: 150k . 250k ::
{USD Special} :: Click Here biggrin

{Note :: Send trade to Velah.}


.1. {USD Special} .Teh Cheryl. {Kasey}
.2. {USD Special} .Open. {Kasey}
.3. .Jupebox. {-Polar-}
.4. .Open. {-Polar-}

{<3 :: .Completed.}

::How to Order a Custom::

.1. Check to see if custom slots are open.
.2. Send a pm to 'Velah' with the form below entirely filed out.
.3. Send a trade 'Velah'.

Subject :: Custom Velah

Breed ::
Name ::
Owner ::
Gender ::
Main Colors ::
Eye Color ::
Ear Color ::
Nose Color ::
Markings ::
Starting Stage ::
Reference Picture(s) :: -Optional-
Price ::

Since Custom Velah come with an optional Custom Background, please also send a Custom Background form if you would like one.

{Note: Once you PM the form, please start a trade with whomever you are requesting the Custom from. She will not accept the trade until your Velah has been sent to you.}
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::Cosplay Velah::

-Cosplay Velah are one-stage Velah with lineart edits done to make them look like a certain characters.
-Cosplay Velah cost 500k each. If your cosplay is extremely fancy and requires redoing almost all of the lineart/shading, it might cost more.
-Cosplay Velah may be acquired for less if purchased as an USD special.
-As they are only one-stage Velah, you may choose which stage you wish to use (kit,adolescent,adult) to best fit your character.

::How to Order a Cosplay::

.1. Check to see if [custom slots] are open.
.2. Post in the thread with the character you would like and the type of edits you would want.
.3. If your Cosplay idea is not already pre-planned to be turned into a Character Velah (refer to 'Breeds'), you will be allowed to order by sending to 'Velah' the following form through a pm.

Subject :: Cosplay Velah

Name ::
Owner ::
Gender ::
Main Colors ::
Eye Color ::
Ear Color ::
Nose Color ::
Markings ::
Velah Growth Stage ::
Lineart Edits ::
Reference Picture(s) :: -Mandatory-
Price ::

Since Cosplay Velah come with an optional Custom Background, please also send a Custom Background form if you would like one.

{Note: Once you PM the form, please start a trade with 'Velah'. We will not accept the trade until your Velah has been sent to you.}
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::Custom Backgrounds::

You may order custom backgrounds for your Velah here. The price is 6k.
All backgrounds are created from scratch. If you provide a reference picture, that will be what Kasey bases your background from, she will not just paste it into your cert and call that done.

.1. One slot equals one background.
.2. You may purchase as many backgrounds as there are -open- slots at once.
.3. There is no limit on how many custom backgrounds you are allowed to purchase.
.4. You may not share custom backgrounds with any other Velah.

{Note :: Send all trades to this account, Velah, please.}

Please post in this thread and PM to this account the following order form.

Background Title::
Background Description::
Background References:: -Prefered-

.Status. :: Closed


{<3 :: .Completed.}
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.::Status List::.

::White List::

.8nero.net. - Provided some beautiful brushes.
.Andi Lei. - Guest colorist. <3
.Chieri. - 'Learning' Kasey something. xD <3
.Jupebox. - Made lineart for 'Velah RolePlaying Tags'
.Uennie. - For supporting the shop by helping to pay for bandwidth! <3

::Gray List::

.No one is here and I'd like to keep it that way.

::Black List::

.No one is here and I'd like to keep it that way.
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To become an affiliate, just send a PM to this account (Velah) with the coding information to your shop.


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::Link to Us::

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.Isle of the Velah.
[URL=http://tinyurl.com/axv9x].Isle of the Velah.[/URL]
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.::Works In Progress::.

ninja Yeah, that's all you guys get xD


Charoite, Velah of raqqasa

I am a Velah eggu
don't you just want to coo

a Velah am I
so young and shy

as I mature
I will be an observateur

and then I will age
into my final stage

to seek and explore
what came before

to learn and know
what happened long ago

but do not fear
my sweet dear

I will not leave
you must believe

for I am loyal and true
and now I must say adieu

nooheadexplody, Human of Mangue

Green, orange, yellow
Personality to fit his
Funky coloring


A is for Animal, which is what a Velah clearly is.
B is for Beautiful, illustrating their graceful trot.
C is for Candid, for their spontaneous humor.
D is for Delightful, each of them has a personality.
E is for Eccentric, as the owners are, for loving their Breedable so much.
F is for Flying, a favourite past-time of the Faerie Velah.
G is for Grand, how high they hold their heads.
H is for Helpful, when you are in need.
I is for Irreplaceable, which is what the Velah are.
J is for Journey, something we all take to obtain our goals.
K is for Kit, their first stage.
L is for Love, which you bestow upon the Velah.
M is for Murr, their own brand of purr.
N is for Novelah, their home Island hidden away.
O is for Open-hearted, they don't judge you by your appearance.
P is for Patient, they know someone will come to love them.
Q is for Query, when they tilt their heads in awe.
R is for Requited, which is the love they return to you.
S is for Sturdy, they will never let you down.
T is for Tangled, as they often get in vines.
U is for Understanding, they listen forever.
V is for Vivify, they give life to all they touch.
W is for Wayfarer, they are excellent traveling companions.
X is for Xeric, as they can adapt to even the dryest of climates.
Y is for Yearning, the deep longing for love we all feel.
Z is for Zoic, as we all belong to some animal existence.


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::The People Who Brought You The Velah::

.-Polar-. :: Shop Founder. Owner. Velah Creator. Cert Creator. Certist. Graphics Creator. Colorist. Items Creator.

.Kasey. :: Co-Owner. Lineart. Templates. Eyes. Backgrounds. Items. Map{it's Icky}. Colourist. Certist.

{Basically we both just Co-Own the shop since we are making it together and stuff.... <3}

We are currently not hiring anyone or anything. =3;

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: razz et Trades::

.-Polar-. :: Open. {Only to people on my list.}

Pets Polar wants. {But won't ever get. u_u}
Kitsusagi {<3 o.o Omg thank you Sanura!}
Shaoilin {<3.}
Gaian Humane Society {<3 and Flatsale.}
Forget Me Not
Menyhert {<3.}

{<3 :: .Traded For.}

Polar's Pet Spotlight.
Eeee. Smexy custom GHS I did a pet trade for. ^---^

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.Kasey. :: I'm closed for now ^^;

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