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Grunny, the Great Lord and Master, has declared unto me to express his words to each and every individual upon this world, regardless of affinity or supporter. The faithful may read upon the Green Lord's words and become enlightened, while the heathens of this world may take into their being this doctrine and place it upon his or her own soul it's very meaning, for it does not matter once the coming of the Undead Savior arrives.

And these, through the mouth of the messenger, are his words:

"Those who lay upon with faithless ears, unclog them.
Those who look upon with blind eyes, open them.
Those who live in bliss and despair, cleanse thineselves for when I approach.

My coming is nigh and there shall be a powerful sweep across this and every other land. The world of Gaia will break open into a new age of despair and tyranny. Those who shield themselves from the light shall be cleansed with razing fires, while those who open thine arms shall be taken in and nestled in my empire. Mind you, your faith shall be put to service and your talents employed. Not a single creature under my watchful eyes will go unnoticed, nor will any deed lay unseen and unheard.

Good and bad.

Harken and open your souls to me, for I shall render them anew and open your minds to a world unfit for the filth of the present day and age. Yea, for this society is polluting the world with it's pestilence and ignorance. You are all but blind to the truth, and seek only selfish gains. For this, the world must be punished.

Your Master's claws shall transfix your bodies, and cleave through all the plague and sickness in your souls. For once, your minds shall be immaculate; clean of all your trangressions. Praise be that day with which you all will burn away your muck and raise up on wings into a new era of chaos. Enbrace this chaos that I bring, and you shall know the true meaning of life. Your service unto me will be rewarded greatly, and your hunger quenched if it's wants and needs. However, those who dare oppose this salvation will know the true meaning of agony.

For I shant have misguided sheep in my flock lest they wish a quick and painful death.

Retribution for thine sins will be paid by thine's own service unto me. Not a single one of you is clean of sin, and that which has sullied you much be washed away with atonement. What I wish to do with thine talents shall be done, lest one wishes for swift punishment from my claws.

Know ye now, mortals, that my word and action are both absolute. Go against these and you shall surely fall victim to the fate with which so many before you have suffered.

Know ye now, vermin, that my power is infinite in strength, and I shant hesitate to express this power to set an example.

I am he that shall pave a new era of reform. I am he that taketh and giveth by my own will. All predecessors that you may have worships shall be vanquished under my reign, and that which you once sought comfort in will ultimately destory you.

But I am your salvation. I am your light and darkness. I am you sun and moon. I am your life and death. Know ye now, people, that I am your Lord and Master, Grunny.

Weep with joy... or weep with fear.

Thus is the will of the Green Master. His words are to be heeded and taken into account upon one's character. Remember him and his doctrine, for you shall live it every day.
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____________________________...//About Our Green Master...

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  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Length:
      24 inches
  • Weight:
      5 & 1/2 pounds
  • Fur Color:
  • Eye Color:
      Crimson Red
  • Tail Color:
  • Origins:
      The forests of Barton

    ...//The Crazed Diciple...____________________________

    Master Airez's information coming soon...
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    The story of his Green Master is a long and dramatic one, yet it is one that must be told in order for a better understanding of his Lordship to be had. Many of those have heard but rumors and myths about the Undead Bunny who escaped the treacherous G CORP, which was famous for it's incident with Gambino's Mansion during the Halloween Season of 2004.

    However, few know the real truth behind the Great Master's life and history, and how he came into power. For those out there, this saga has been written for their enlightenment and their knowledge of his utter reign. This is a story has yet to have been told and revealed to the eyes of Gaia, and now it may come into the knowledge of the masses. We dwell upon the life of his Great Lord and Master, Grunny.

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    ~ "Good evening, my lovelies. I am the Lorekeeper of the literary works brought forth by Lord Grunny's Empire. I house the many books of Lord Grunny's life, the events of the past, and the events of the future. You may look upon me as your guide into the backstory of our Master - into the very history that shall unfold upon this world. The chore of compiling all of the works this Empire produces is quite a task, and I'm very honored that Master Airez and Lord Grunny have granted me the privledge of doing so. I look forward to seeing your pretty faces drop by the library soon and discover the workings of your sovereign.

    Do take a trip to the Library some time.

    Now, if you'll please excuse me, I must get back to work sorting and cataloging the reports and files from the Empire."
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    And yea, unto the world Grunny spoke and acknowledged his followers. Those whom offered their services and promised loyalty to the very end of days. With their souls rendered and a flame burning anew in their hearts, the followers of Grunny were given new strength and a burning passion like no other they had felt before. This was the will of the Green Master, for he desired strength and power more than anything.

    And to have such power, one must have powerful followers. No power is greater than that of faithfulness. This, the Great Lord held above all things. Those who chose to give up their lives to serve until his allegiance. The vassals would serve the lord without question for they knew what power lay hidden behind those blood red eyes of his. That unmistakable stare that drove women into tears, and cause the moxiest of men to insanity.

    For those whom served the Undead Lord would raise their heads high and cry out their loyalty.

    "Hail Grunny!"


    Grunny's Right-Paw Man / Propaganda Spreader / Crazed Diciple / Throne
    ___________ Airez

    Grunny's Chew Toy / Eternal Servant / Airez' Stranglee
    ___________Absolute Shadows

    Loyalist of Grunny / Advocator of Grunny-ism / Grunny Acolyte

    Loyalist of Grunny / Grunny Pirate

    Loyalist of Grunny / Provider of Unsuspecting Suppers / Animator of Events

    Loyalist of Grunny / Proclaimer of Grunny
    ___________Elessar Elanesse

    Loyalist of Grunny / Advocator of Grunny-ism
    ___________Dix Infernal

    Loyalist of Grunny / Eater of Bob

    Loyalist of Grunny / Research and Development

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________Teh Bunnicoon

    Loyalist of Grunny / Grunny's Jester / Chef of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________angelic elf

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny / Grunny's Blackmailing Chimney Sweeper
    ___________Final Act

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________Bondage Teddy

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny / Holder of the Bulge

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________Captain Wickit

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________ Rushlight`

    Loyalist of Grunny
    ___________ Qwake
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    The Grunny's Empire Military Armada is an organization dedicated to eliminating every and all threats that stand in the way of our savior, Lord Grunny. Throughout the many years, there have been many who try to break the grasp our Master has over this land, and all attempts have failed. The reason for this is due to the elite soldiers found within the military power found within his Lordship's Empire. Each unit is trained immensely to deal with every and all general situations - from espionage, assasination, to full-out assault - while relying on specialized units for more particular objectives.


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    When dealing with enemy forces, one must be strong enough to deal with such opposition. With this in mind, Lord Grunny has prepared state-of-the-art technology and training. Each soldier is to be in top-notch condition at all times, as unsatisfactory results are not tolerated by our Lordship. They are to be ready at all times to counter-act anyone or anything that seeks to do any form of harm towards their Master's objectives, or go so far as to hinder those goals. The sheer power alone of G.E.M.A. is a matter never to be underestimated.

    Still, sheer force is not the only thing that can win victories, nor is it aspect in fighting battles. Data and information is a necessary requirement for today's battles, and it is a very important matter to Lord Grunny's military. Within the armada, specialized units are send out for reconnaissance. In order to learn about opposing factions and potential threats, these units set out their time to learn about these forces, analyze them, and theorize any and all information they can possibly find in order to report them to their superiors. By doing so, proper strategies and decisions can be made to avoid any disasterous outcomes.

    And not to left out is the persuasive power held by both Power and Intelligence. The underlining goal of the G.E.M.A. is to express the strength held not only by the military, but also that of Lord Grunny. This organization wishes to influence the common populous into realizing the truth of the world and to enlighten their mind to the word of Lord Grunny, and to allow them to enter into the salvation of his almighty empire. The work shall never be done until all of existance realizes the greatness of our Lord and Master, Grunny.

    With all of these, the G.E.M.A. runs as an efficient and capable organization to decimate every and all threats that dare to show themselves.

    Hail Lord Grunny.


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    Uniform Guidelines:
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    Cheaper version: Here.

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    Cheaper version: Here.

    Why a uniform?
    The reason behind having a uniform is mainly for recognition and unity. With a uniform, people can look around the forums and spot your outfit, then it'll remind them of the organization you take part with. Also, it brings you together as a group, and it can make a powerful statement with multiple soldiers with uniforms are present in a since area - intimidation can be a powerful weapon.

    Do I have to buy those exact items in the examples?
    Truth be told, we're going to be rather lenient on the whole uniform policy. You don't have to wear those exact items, nor do you really have to have any relation to those examples. They are called guidelines for a reason: they're suppose to inspire your outfit. Rather than just any lanky little outfit involving suits, black pants, white shirts, or what have you, we're looking for more combat oriented outfits to serve as our member's uniforms. As long as it's dark and combat-oriented, there's a good chance you'll be accepted.

    Can I add my own style and flare to the uniform?
    Hey, knock yourself out, soldier. As per the examples, we do allow personal customization of these uniforms, and we actually ENCOURAGE our members to mix their own style. I'm hoping that while the uniforms are all very recognizable, they'll also show some individuality.

    Do I have to wear a uniform?
    -sighs- We'd really prefer it if you made an effort towards the uniform guidelines, but we're not making it mandatory. We just really, really prefer it if you wore something combat-based for the organization during the crisis season.


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    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Commander-in-Chief of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Airez

    Special Forces / Intelligence Operative / Commander of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Ailek

    Special Forces / Intelligence Operative / Head of Intelligence
    ___________ Aero`jin

    Special Forces / Intelligence Operative / Artillery Division Head
    ___________ Sol Ryong

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Captain Wickit

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Danaidae

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ coerul

    Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Qwake

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Elessar Elanesse

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A. / Lord Grunny's Chew Toy
    ___________ Absolute Shadows

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Sila-chan

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ ~KiraKaguya~

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Teh Bunnicoon

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Rain-claws

    Loyalist of Grunny's Empire / Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ Rushlight`

    Soldier of G.E.M.A.
    ___________ LeonDusk
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    As his prominence grows, the embodiment of his Great Lord shall be immortalized forever in visualization. The galleries shall flourish with his presence and being, and forever shall he be known amongst the denizens of this world as their leader and savior. Those whom give their faith in such a fashion shall be remember and known, for their loyalty is to be rewarded thusly. For those whom stand back and gaze... will see the face of he who is magnificent.

    Grunny Art Creator: Pixelshoot

    Grunny Basket Presented by Tohcohm

    GiGi Plushie Pesented by Tohcohm

    Grunny Twinkler Creator: Sav506

    Grunny Bunny! Presented by Pyro Warrior

    Serving Only Grunny Creator: Danaidae

    Marshmallow Fluff! Presented by Trinity Raven

    Grunar Candy Presented by Gallows

    Sweet Sweet Grugar! Created by Gallows

    Grushi? Created by Gallows

    Grunny: Olypmics Banner Created by T e h J u n k i e

    Cyborg Grunny! Created by Sephiroth E. G. Mousser

    Gromo! Created by coerul

    Grunny! Created by Epsilon Genesis

    iGrunny Created by Triskdemon

    Grunny Empire Symbol Created by Epsilon Genesis

    Grunny Cookies? Created by angelic elf

    Grunny Man Created by Epsilon Genesis

    Grunny King! Created by angelic elf

    Grunny DDR? Created by coerul

    Obey Grunny! Created by Baneful

    Grunny's Rich! Created by Epsilon Genesis

    Vaccine Gun! Created by Final Act

    Grunny's Watching! Created by LilyChan

    Grunny's Cuteness Created by BarbicFeline

    Grunny Reunited! Sorta? Created by Evil Author

    ____________________________...//Those Whom Relate...

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    ...//A Declaration To Whom It May Concern...____________________________

    If anyone is some how offended by this thread in any way (which they shouldn't be), then I apologize in advance. Grunny's Empire is a thread built around the praising of Lord Grunny, and if you think we do it religiously, you're correct. We do it every live long day and we have a lot of fun with it, however... we're not trying to drag anyone into some insane cult of sorts, nor are we looking to cause any bit of trouble to users around Gaia.

    Grunny's Empire is not held responsible for any form of collateral damaged caused by the members of our organization, though we're proud they're showing such enthusiasm for their goal. Any fires and flooding caused by ritualistic dancing of members is also not affliated with Grunny's Empire unless stated otherwise. Any form of Grunny Propaganda spread about the site that is beneficial towards the Green Master's ultimate plan is totally cool with us; keep up the good work guys.

    Any empire looking to asurp the rule of Grunny's shall be met with extreme prejudice and big words (we'd just have fun with you). Anyone trying to sabotage the Green Lord's plan shall be promptly taken into trial, convicted, then tossed into an endless abyss where little, plastic baby dolls with sharp, pointy teeth will be waiting.


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