Welcome to Gaia! ::

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//. [News]

--October 08 :: Not dead, simply just had a lot on my plate since August in real life which took priority, and other random complications. Hopefully getting back together, plotting new things, getting systems together, etc. Guild soon hopefully. heart

--August 03 :: Congrats flatsale winners. X3 Stay tuned all for morechaos and insanity. And people's computers behaving and working~!
--August 02 :: Mintaka's computer should be fixed, Chae's getting a new computer soon. Flatsale from Mintaka tomrorow at 6pm. blaugh So on and so forth.
--July 19 :: Mintaka is planning a flatsale, Chaeval's on somewhat mostly hiatus from modem problems ntil she states toehrwise or tells me. Growings for Min-flat to occur... somewhere soon. X3
--July 06, 05 :: Chaeval's flatsale is over! Stay tuned for more stuff!
--July 03, 05 :: Chaeval's flatsale will be Wed. July 6th! Don't miss it!
--June 29, 05 :: Congratulations to our first flatsale winners! Chaeval will have a sale in the near future, and there will be that RP contest for the Alphas in the near future!
--June 28, 05 :: Mintaka will have a flatsale June 29th, and Chaeval also will have one soon. As well, the Alphas of each clan are being done, and there will be an RP contest of sorts for them, so keep your eyes open for more on that!
--June 27, 05 :: We are now open, after spending time working on reapplying information, doing graphics, and other fun things. Chae's still working on her sections, Mintaka's still occasionally tinkering, but we're good to go. And for your entertainment:

@ :: Kethiel
@ :: Soraiel

Two examples on the certs. *winks* I figure interested parties might want to see those too. We do ask you try to read as much of the information as possible to understand more, but pelase, read at your own pace!

//. [Introduction]

--Everywhere you look, there has always been talk of guiding forces, beings of greater powers putting their hands into the lives of mortals for whatever reason. People have always wondered, pondered why or who it was and what it was they wanted. Be it the legends of myth, realities of other worlds, the possibilities have been endless as to what and why. The epic struggle of good versus evil, life and death, chaos and destruction vying to threatenen creation as we know it. Some people say there are many forces at work out there, and maybe this is true. For some though, that force comes as beings known as the Zoaria. A race divided, struggling for their own views and place, taking on abilities and beliefs to further their own goals in the grand scheme.

//. [Credits]

Reivan :: Lineart
Mintaka :: Most/All graphics, certs, concepts and story, coloring...
Chaeval :: Refinement of ideas/concept, coloring ...and our name! <3

//. [Information]

I can sum it up into two very good words: Don't Steal. Mintaka's worked hard to get things rolling, Chae's input ahs helped in getting things going. Reivan did an awesome job on the lines. DON'T disrespect us as artists and thinkers by stealing our stuff. Min hates thievery of art with a passion, and plagerism of things and will report as far as she can. We all worked hard on our parts.

//. [Table of Contents]

Page 1
01 :: News, Intro, Credits, Info, ToC [You are Here]
02 :: Rules and FAQ
03 :: Story
04 :: Traits and Basic Society
05 :: Familiars and Pricing
06 :: Mintaka's Flatsales
07 :: Chaeval's Flatsales
08 :: Mintaka's Other Sales
09 :: Chaevals Other Sales
10 :: Owners
11 :: Roleplay
12 :: Breeding
13 :: Items
14 :: Lists
15 :: Links

Page 2
01 :: Introduction
02 :: Law, Chaos, and Clan Breakdown
03 :: Rank & Job Basics
04 :: Alpha, Beta, & Gammas
05 :: Delta - Theta
06 :: Iota - Omega
07 :: Diamond
08 :: Onyx
09 :: Sapphire
10 :: Ruby
11 :: Emerald
12 :: Amethyst
13 :: Sunstone
14 :: Moonstone
15 :: Clanless
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//. [Rules]

Read them, know them, obey them. It's not that much to ask. Offenders will at the least be warned and at the most blacklisted and if needed, reported to a mod. Take this seriously. We're not asking for your firstborn, but we do ask that you at least respect the rules in our house.

01. Do not steal. I cannot stress this enough. Just don't do it. Don't steal the art and don't blatantly rip the work. Try to be original.
02. Check the drama at the door. I don't care who did what to you, who's saying what about another. You have problems with the poster above you, take it to PM. If it's specificly about the shop, and you can't resolve it, come to us. But non-shop stuff, keep it out of here. I don't care what happened in that shop over there -- it doesn't belong here. I hate shop drama above almost everything else, especially intershop drama.
03. No trolling or harassment. Not only does this mean for the staff, but don't stalk down someone visiting our shop, either. Trolls of the shop will be reported and so will harassment. It's against the Gaia ToS, people, you should know better.
04. No begging. Just don't. Constant whining, grovelling, and pleadings will not endear you to anyone - staff or shop regulars. It's not worth it, and persistent annoyance will earn you a graylist. Flatsales will happen then they happen, etc. We like that people have interest, but we don't like people bugging us to death.
05. No altering things! While you can use them in your sig images/maps and such, don't go adding to things without permission. Also, you're not allowed to alter the cert - if you need a change, let us know.
06. Mintaka & Chaeval have final say. When we say something, that's how it is. We try to be fair, reasonable, and considerate. We respect your rights, and you should respect ours. While we won't be evil dictators, we do expect that fi we say something, you should listen. If there is a problem, PM the mule, and we'll talk.
07. Don't PM the staff unless given permission! Please... my PM box gets enough traffic. unless asked to PM, don't PM us individually. Ask questions in the thread. If you absolutely can't, PM Zoaria and one of us will get to you. Please respect this and chae and I both get a lot of PMs for other things.
08. These rules are subject to change as needed. Mind, you'll be notified of them, and I don't really see the mass need to have more, we do reserve the right to alter or add them or remove as needed. Shopkeep's right.

//. [Frequently Asked Questions]

Or, things you're likely wondering about.

01. Are these RP Required?
--- Generally, no, but if you hold one of Alpha status, we would really... really like it if you'd RP. Inactive Alphas are subject to removal [especially by other ambitious clanspeople!] and demoted. Also, the final stage is unavailable except through RP or being sold as such [and that's rare]. Other methods may open, but it'll be costly to avoid the RP requirement. The final stage ROCKS however. So loosely, no, RP isn't required, but we really would love it, and would love to see the clan interactions among their own!

02. How many can I own?
--- Considering that you are in essence playing them, an unlimited amount. Do note that Zoaria do not openly share secrets with non-clan members, or openly otherwise share information to the other side or rogues - or even those fighting for the same side, so if you own more then one, what one knows, the other may not.

03. How can I get one?
--- Flatsale is the most likely way to aquire one. Also, we will auction them, and occasionally raffle or have a contest. And there will be customs time to time. Just be patient and something will happen. Bribery would be an extremely heafty price [we're talking 100k min.] to get us to do one otherwise, and we still have lives off Gaia and around Gaia.

04. What's this 'elder' stage and how do I get it?
--- Those seen to RP frequently and well [or at least try] will be rewarded at some point with the elder stage. We won't give exact guidelines or timeframes because they require us to actually do them up, and they aren't exactly tiny. Also, it's quality and quantity both that will factor, and other matters. It will likely vary case to case.

Have something not answers? Please ask in the thread after reading both pages!
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//. [Story]

The Zoaria as a race date back a long time ago, in another world. They actualy had somewhat humble beginnings, and after time and evolution in it's natural course, they rew more powerful. Those with greater power were enlisted under gods to aid in their efforts to convert followers towards their ways. In time, two gods became clearly the ones holding sway, each with opposing views. Light and dark, law and chaos. These two, and the Zoaria they employed struggled over the fate of their world and trying to convert mortals towards one goal or another.

The Zoaria adapted to become mediators, comforters, priests, guides, and even jobs more suited to the celestial war at hand. Blessed were some to be given wings, and other adornments - ones we might consider angelic or demonic in nature. More and more Zoaria became like this, until the whole of the race was one way or the other. Particularly dedicated individuals were granted a greater, higher form and higher powers by their gods.

Milennia passed, the eternal struggle continued onwards, in a endless cycle of struggle with neither side attaining what they desired. Finally one day, everything changed; their world, and the gods they served were taken forcibly away in a cataclysm of insane proportions. The gods - particularly the goddess of balance - cast the Zoaria away, granted powers of interdimensional travel and the gift of life for their services. Some mortals as well were spared, but have long since vanished into history.

The Zoaria, now without a higher pwoer, were lost for awhile in a new land. However, the two sides reconciled somewhat, thanks to the blessings of the lost goddess. While they both agreed they could never set aside their desires, long bred into them, they did acknowledge that open warfare would not entirely serve them well. Not now, anyway. From ehre, they decided that this new home needed guidance, lacking any form of higher life. A careful balance was maintained once more as they struggled to find their place, and bring their views to pass on the world - but not by simple fighting directly unless it was needed. It was agreed that whenever one or the other side had taken a majority hold, they would move on.

Time passes, as it will, and they have since moved form world to world, adapting and adjusting, and passing down traditions and laws of how thigns were to be. Now they have arrived here, in our world, intent on trying to bring their view of life to us. The eternal struggle of light and dark, law and chaos ... it continues once more, the endless cycle. Perhaps here, in a land of possibilities, one side or the other shall become triumphant, and perhaps in their game of chess, shall end the game and remain here? Or shall the struggle go on forever?

The Zoaria are intrigued by this land, so different, and watch from their hiding places the mortals and others who walk. What will happen? Well, we shall find out.
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//. [Traits]

Zoaria all share similar basic traits of their physiology, as told below.

[[ Appearance ]]

All Zoaria have the same basic build, slightly alien in appearance, and certainly not a rabbit. Don't call one that if you happen to see it. Some will take great offence, while others will laugh it off. They do have long rabbit-like ears and as kids can sometimes be very indistinguishable from one if they have similar natural colors... but they are not bunnies. First and formost are the wings which set them apart - note however that the wings are never attached to the body - they do however really close though. There's a magical bond between wing and Zoaria that keeps them close, and they cannot be pulled away. Those of the Chaos have bat-like wings and horns protruding from their skull, while those of the Law have feathery wings and a halo over their head [which behaves much like the wings in nature].

Zoaria adults stand between 5 to 6.5 feet high, generally prefering to be taller then the average adult of the world they inhabit [thus they can change size] but not all Zoaria choose to be so tall. Elders stand anywhere from 6.5 feet to 8 feet with some going as far as 9 foot tall at the top of their skulls standing upright. Note that they can also, if they please, shrink down to be no more then a few inches - like a conscious on someone's shoulder.

[[ Stages ]]

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The eggs are designed to protect and nuture the baby inside, having an extremely tough shell, and an appearance clearly defining which path they follow. This is so that there is no confusion of where the child will be, or what even. Zoaria born into either side have their path bred into them - they will always lean towards what their appearance dictates, no matter who or what really raises it, but Zoaria as a general rules take care fo their own - and msising eggs/children are a serious matter not to be taken lightly. Eggs can take roughly a week, with some being quicker, and some being longer.

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As children they are roughly one and a half feet long laying down, sometimes larger or smaller. The egg splits, soemtimes violetly, to spill out the child. It's during this point the child begins to learn about the world, society, and other things. They are fairly intelligent, and will learn to speak quickly enough to at least make basic needs and sentences clear. As they grow older they will become clearer, and pick up telepathy as well. They will begin also to learn their future place in the clan, and the skills to do so. They will spend anywhere from two weeks to a month as a child, with many factors playing into this. [Read: Partly activity in the thread, partly colorist having time. We have lives, honest.] Children are incapable of flight.

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The transition to adulthood is a great experience for the child, and they are welcomed openly into the clan completely now as a full and active member. It is now they take up their role and place, observe the world and take part in everything. Thier powers have developed and manifested, often geared towards their role within the clan. They're at the elast as strong as the average human, but those of a more combat-orinted place will be stronger. All Zoaria have latent magical ability, while those of certain classes hone it, and generally have greater ability. Zoaria as adults tend to be well-balanced in mind and spirit, and extremes on either view are somewhat rare -- though they are dedicated to Law and Chaos, they will not go to extremes in their quest ... some however are exceptions. Still, they are mindful of life in their world as they need them alive in order to bring about their chosen path, after all.

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Little is known about these elder forms, aside a rough guess of how they look, the fact that they are indeed taller, and that they are more powerful then the adults. How and when this transformation occurs is beyond the understanding of most, but it is understood that if one has done enough to earn this, they will intuitively know. Even without the gods they once served, the transformation runs in their genetics and powers.

[[ Gender ]]

Zoaria are genderless, having lost the need for this ages beyond recollection. This works in their favor, as theirs no need to concern about 'gender restrictions' among their kind of any such judgements based upon this. Their personalities may lean towards male or female, although some do manage to toe the line between easily, or simply give off no gender. [You cna use your pronoun of choice, but generally 'gender' does not have to play into mating/breeding].

[[ Procreation ]]

Considering they have no gender, how the species furthers itself definitely becomes an issue in the minds of most, but then, Zoaria aren't quite average, are they? Zoaria are not limited by their physical 'limitations' but instead share a strong mental and spiritual rapport [in isolation] in order to further their kind. Note that Zoaria of opposing sides have been known in varying amounts to join together in this act - although they may be seeking different goals, this will not stop them from socializing openly with the other side. [They just don't discuss clan business to the other side.] Eggs and the children inside are created from a combination of a portion of the parents magical, spiritual, and mental energies. Those ofmr a mixed pairing will turn out one way or the other - there are no half-breed Zoaria. Note that those of higher rank in a Clan will oftne not associate with the other side at all in such matters.

[[ Diet ]]

Zoaria eat a variety of thigns ofrm your average food to the inherent magical energies, rocks, leaves, air ... they can consume just about anything and break it down to sustain themselves, or not eat at all. It's not a requirement, but it sure can be tasty!

[[ Temperment ]]

Zoaria of the Law path tend to be balanced, forgiving in nature, although they respect all things good and lawful. While they dislike chaos and evil, they are far mroe patient regarding it then some might think - thoguh exceptions abound. Lawful Zoaria tend to be much more plesant in demeanor as well, although again, exceptions exist. Chaos Zoaria on the other hand are much more wild, sometimes unpredictable and violent, but will avoid killing [well, unless battle dictates]. It is much like ngiht and day with them sometimes, but often the Chaos can be as reasonable [and cunning!] as the Law.

[[ Magic ]]

Zoaria are magical beings, and contain latent magic within. They actually bleed a liquid magic when injured. Those who are of a path of magical inclination will tap into their reserves within and hone that into their skills and abilities. Those of a more physical combat class generally don't, aside a few select skills.

//. [Basic Society]

Zoaria society is split first by the chosen path of Law and Chaos. While both sides will intermingle at times and talk, they will never share details of their plans, actions, or other things which may jeopardize their ability to win. Further, each side is broken down into Clans, and almost every single Zoaria is either born into, or joins a clan.

A clan is based around their views of achieving their goal, and four main clans exist per side currently. Some believe they should do nothing to further their goal then exist, and perhaps occasionally get involved with others of their kind - they believe Law and Chaos happen on their own with a lot less help from them. Another believes in using physical force to further - often in conflict and war, but also smetimes in physical threat to the wellbeing of something if it doesn't cooperate, and is highly important to their goal - still, they won't kill unless it is to save their own life. Another believes in conversion to the path through material means - gifts of wealth and other tangible things or power. And the last major existing view is conversion and fulfillment by mental and emotional gain - promises of comfort or rage, or other such vague things of an emotional or mental aspect.

Clans are broken down further by rank. One Alpha leads the clan, with a Beta to assist in the running of the clan and organization. Two Gammas as well take up a position of a "High Knight" and "High Priest" - the 'best of the best' of those fo physical and magical prowess respectively. Past this most rankings are based on skills and abilities, although those of Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, and Theta are much more limited in numbers then the rest of the ranks due to their intricate and special natures of skills and powers. All the others hold a fairly equal rank, although the Omegas are often viewed a bit differently due to their roguish nature.

[More on the clans and ranks are available on Page 2, where the ranks and 'jobs' are defined far more clearly.]
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//. [Familiars]

Every Zoaria born also has a familiar created to watch the egg, and then guide them through life, like a conscience somewhat, and a friend and aid. Some have eben used for spies, others simple companionship. They share a unique bond of friendship and love, and all are gifted with wings to be able to follow the Zoaria anyplace they can go.

[[ Trillith ]]

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The Trillith pretty much looks exactly like a normal bird. Small, light and agile, they're about twice the size of a sparrow at most. They can fly the fastest and highest of the familiars, and are generally happy-go-lucky in nature and temperment. They tend to eb hoenst and forward about their thoughts, although some are much darker and shrewd, being crafty, sneaky and unlpesant sorts.

[[ Kethel ]]

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Kethels are winged cats, and share many of the same traits as a cat. They are overly curious, sneaky, and playful, though they can be quite tempermental. They're locing and dedicated however, despite their fickle nature, and trusted companions who often find thigns unexpectedly. They also have sharp hearing and good balance.

[[ Doreax ]]

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The Doreax is a winged fox, and much like foxes are thought of - devious, crafty and tricky with a good ear for eavesdropping and information gathering. Sly by nature, and willing to trick someone out of something for gain, the Doreax knows when to run and when to stay, and will talk their way out of a conflict when they need to.

[[ Lorain ]]

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Lorain vary from the otehrs, having leathery bat-like wings as opposed to the feathery wings of the others. They are actually warm-blooded in activity, but share the same bloodstyle as the Zoaria, and are much more active then lizards you'd normally think of. They are likely to attack and otherwise be mean, but some can be very warm and loving. Lorain are generally the most protective of their Zoaria, though, which makes them as invaluable as the others.

Familiars are created at the creation of the egg. Some resemble the egg, while others look radically different then the egg. Currently, the only way to get a custom familiar is through custom Zoaria [and perhaps selected auctions/other sales].

//. [Pricing]

Flatsale: 6k egg, 3k adult [Kids will be 4.5k if they happen]
* Flatsale Zoaria will come with a random familiar.

Custom: 10k adult, 15k egg [This may vary time to time, check the individual other sales sections]
* Custom Zoaria will come with custom familiar.

Currently Elders are only available through RP, you cannot buy your way into it, unless an elder goes up for auction or otherwise.

Aged Lunatic

7,450 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Brandisher 100
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Mintaka says: Yay, my computer works!

Next Flatsale: Over! Next TBA
Style: Unknown



Mintaka's General Flatsale Rules

01. No post editing!
02. No fighting, bickering, or other nastiness over who won what.
03. No whining if you didn't win.
04. Claim ONE per post.
05. Trades must be sent to Mintaka upon confirmation of win. You have 24 hours to send, but there should be no excuses generally for not sending it right after winners are declared.
06. Have fun! <3

Pick Ups!

Torpid Panda
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Next Flatsale: Sunday, July 3rd 8PM EST

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chae's General Flatsale Rules

01. No post editing!
02. No fighting, bickering, or other nastiness over who won what.
03. No whining if you didn't win.
04. No rule 04.
05. Trades must be sent to chaeval upon confirmation of win. You have 24 hours to send, but there should be no excuses generally for not sending it right after winners are declared.
06. Have fun! (or else...)

Aged Lunatic

7,450 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Brandisher 100
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//. [Auction]

None planned.

//. [Raffle]

None planned.

//. [Contest]

Upcoming Alpha RP contest - chae/Min collab. Mintaka is handling: Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst, Sunstone.

//. [Customs]

Customs are available as either an egg growing to adult, or straight as an adult. You are allowed to chose the Influence and Clan, but not the rank. All customs will be of Iota-Omega rank currently. Please note that if the slot is full, the slot is full. If more people try to claim then there are slots, it's first come, first serve. I ask that at confirmation of slot a trade is started for the appropriate amount so that I can confirm upon completion.

01. OPEN
02. OPEN

If there is an open slot, please post in the thread to claim it, and when verified in one fo the two slots above (and ONLY THEN), send your order via PM to Mintaka amd start the trade. Don't PM that form unless asked/told!

Custom Form
Stage: Egg/Adult
Type: Law (Angel)/Chaos (Demon)
Body Color:
Wing Color:
Halo/Horn Color:
Eye Color:
Markings/Patterns: (if desired)

Familiar Type:
Familiar Name:
Familiar Colors:

The more clear you are, the more I am able to try to match your desires.

//. [Bribery & Special Offers]

Mintaka is bribable after July 3rd with either a Jan 04 item/letter or 03 donation item/letter, Royal Cloak Black, Royal Crown Black, Onyx Family Jewels, Royal Scepter Onyx, Parisian Blue Fan, any rare [10 fish to make] fish mask [esp. looking for Lionback masks], the Tin Can hat, or a Green Striper Helm. I have a lot fo various wants I don't expect anyone to meet, but if you have it and don't want it, I'm willing to barter, And, yes, on the higher end items [Crown, Cloak, Lionback Mask, 03's from Nov and back] I'm willing to consider auto-elder if desired [aka no RP requirements].

Also, occasionally Min may have a special offer related to a certain item/items. Keep an eye out!

//. [Pet Trades]

Status: Open for those on the list.

Currently, unless it's on my list, I don't want a pet trade offer. My list reads as follows:

The Dream Realm
Star Dust
Audio Rhetoric
Cait Ebhilin
Pokemon Genesis

Depending on the nature of the pro-offered item, I may even include an auto-elder stage [of course, elder would not happen for at least a month, unless you wanted your custom AS an elder right off] in the trade.

If interested, and trades are open, please PM Mintaka.
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//. [Auction]

None planned.

//. [Raffle]

None planned.

//. [Contest]

None planned.

//. [Customs]

Customs are available as either an egg growing to adult, or straight as an adult. You are allowed to chose the Influence and Clan, but not the rank. All customs will be of Iota-Omega rank currently. Please note that if the slot is full, the slot is full. If more people try to claim then there are slots, it's first come, first serve. I ask that at confirmation of slot a trade is started for the appropriate amount so that I can confirm upon completion.

Custom: 10k adult, 15k egg
* Custom Zoaria will come with custom familiar.


If there is an open slot, please post in the thread to claim it, and when verified in one of the two slots above (and ONLY THEN), send your order via PM to chaeval and start the trade.

It would behoove you to visit this page to give specific HTML numbers for the colors you want. I would appreciate it.

Custom Form
Stage: Egg/Adult
Type: Law (Angel)/Chaos (Demon)
Body Color:
Wing Color:
Halo/Horn Color:
Eye Color:
Markings/Patterns: (if desired)

Familiar Type:
Familiar Name:
Familiar Colors:

//. [Bribery & Special Offers]

Chaeval is not currently bribe-able unless you're offering crazy amounts of golds or donation items from Jan 04 or before then.

Acceptable Bribes:
any 04 item
Gold Family Jewels Belt

//. [Pet Trades]

Status: Open for list only

Currently, unless it's on my list, I don't want a pet trade offer. My list reads as follows:

The Dream Realm
Star Dust
...( Halcifus Glade )...
~Here there be Dragons~

Depending on the nature of the pro-offered item, I may even include an auto-elder stage [of course, elder would not happen for at least a month, unless you wanted your custom AS an elder right off] in the trade.

If interested, and trades are open, please PM chaeval.
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//. [Owners]

Name :: Player | Influence + Clan + Rank // Familiar = Type // Parents [if applicable]

[[ Gen 1 ]]

Kethiel :: Mintaka | Law + Ruby + Delta // Aether = Kethel
Soraiel :: Mintaka | Chaos + Sapphire + Iota // Astriale = Doreax
Amita :: maskedquerade | Law + Diamond + Lambda // Giotto = Trillith
Sivorn :: FelineOddity | Chaos + Onyx + Sigma // Leef = Lorain
Ilurin :: Ithiltari | Law + Emerald + Epsilon // Faroth = Kethel
Slite :: Stormy Hound | Chaos + Moonstone + Pi // Entropy = Doreax
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//. [Role Play]

Roleplay happens in the thread currently, and if there's RP going on, please use brackets ( that would be (()), [[]], or {{}} ) for any OOC talk unless it's clear the RP is over. We ask that if there's an imminent flatsale to please pause your RP until it's over though.

The Zoaria are currently inhabiting a small unexplored area of Gaia right now, moderate temperatures in a foresty region near some plains. Some do come more in towards where people are to scout and investigate, but for the most part, remain among themselves. You are free to have your Zoaria perhaps meet ICly with other characters in journals, etc. if you like, of course. We won't mind that.

We do have a few rules though, of course...

[[ Rules for Roleplay ]]

01. No Godmodding. Don't control another's character, no inflicing fatal wounds, etc. You may talk and plan something which will have a clear impact, but Zoaria do not kill one another as a rule. Also, controlling another character without permisison is wrong, and any fights resulting from this will result in reprecussions. Don't do it, m'kay?
02. Zoaria are not all-powerful. While they are pretty spiffy, they aren't gods, and have weaknesses and such all the same. Please don't act like yours is invulnerable and can't be taken down - it's like godmodding. Even the Alphas have their own issues.
03. PG-13 please! Remember the Gaia ToS - no graphic fights, etc. Being that Zoaria are genderless, I don't think I need to voerly warn about sex and cybering, but just don't try. You will be reported, and I will be unhappy. Clean shop, people!
04. As a general rule, Zoaria of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are held in respect by the others of their clan, and by other clans. Please act accordingly towards them. Delta through Thetas as well are somewhat mroe respected then the rest, and Omegas generally get none unless they manage some great feat to further their clan greatly. Note though Omegas are not for kicking around. Please remmeber your places, and what your Zoaria will likely do - a Wizard isn't going to hack and slash. X3

More rules will occur as needed, but use your common sense. If you are concerned, please ask about something. If you're wondering about ranks and places, see Page 2.
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//. [Breeding]

Breeding will be filled in more appropriately when there's enough adults. Mmhmm.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

//. [Items]

Items will be available as soon as Mintaka figures this one out.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

//. [Lists]

This section is for those on the good, bad, and banned lists.

[[ White List ]]

For those in the shops good graces and overly loved just cause, and never in a particular order.

No one is here. >.>

[[ Grey List ]]

This is for those who've done something wrong, but not so far as to get completely banned. Good behavior and no further problems will get you removed - those who persist in behaving wrng after their warning and placement are blacklisted.

No one!

[[ Black List ]]

Those here are no longer welcomed in the shop, lose rights to roleplay, and otherwise their Zoaria no longer exist. You should quit displaying the image, and otherwise go away. Further harassment after blacklisting will get a mod involved, so just don't. If you truly think your placement here was wrong and wish to talk about it, PM the Zoaria account, but we'll try to Grey list first - unless you break some serious rules right off, or otherwise cheat, scam, or steal.

None and lets keep it like this!
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

//. [Links]

Want to affliaite? PM Zoaria with the banner and we'll link up. Want the code? Currently we offer a text link, to save everyone's bandwidth just a little.

// Zoaria :: The Beginning //

[code:1]// Zoaria :: The Beginning //[/code:1]

[[ Affliliates ]]

[ X ] :: E-Mice
[ X ] :: Impossumble Pets
[ X ] :: Kaelin Lachlan
[ X ] :: Lotus Foxes
[ X ] :: Puck's Wood

[[ Other Links ]]

Coming soon!

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