Welcome to Gaia! ::

So, what would you think of a little comet (mini-auratus) coloring contest, hmm?

Heck yeah! Bring it on! 0.52427184466019 52.4% [ 54 ]
Eh, doesn't really matter. 0.067961165048544 6.8% [ 7 ]
Nah, not interested. 0.067961165048544 6.8% [ 7 ]
You's a poll ho'! 0.33980582524272 34.0% [ 35 ]
Total Votes:[ 103 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 206 207 208 > >> >>> »|


AUCTION. omgomg. Scroll down to the Availability post for details on the newest auratus - a special edition Emporer Angelfish, created by a u d e! (The auction will be held in-thread.)

-> HEY. Are you interested in guest-artsing for the auratus?! GO HERE. I'm looking for artists to do more special editions (like the lionfish)! <-

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I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. News
IV. Background Story
V. Rules/FAQ & White/Blacklist
VI. General Goldfish & Type Information
VII. Roleplay Information
VIII. Stages & Samples
IX. Owner's List
X. Availability
XI. Breeding
XII. Staff Information
XIII. Links & Affiliates
XIV. Donations & Pet Trades
XV. extra
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December 1st, 2008 - Began the SE Emporer Angelfish auction!
July 8th, 2008 - Going to try to update the thread a little bit.
February 17th, 2007 - Congrats to coffee` for winning the SE batfish auction!
July 16, 2006 - Congrats to Dragoil for winning the SE lionfish auction!
July 8th, 2006 - Opened the special edition lionfish auratus auction!
June 25th, 2006 - Custom auction is done with.. welcome Mint to the family!
October 19th, 2005 - Auction over.. congrats Allure! Everyone welcome our newest fishy, Nephelle!
August 11th, 2005 - Auratus minis? o-o;
August 7th, 2005 - Had our first flatsale.. yay for the 5 new owners!
June 20th, 2005 - Making the thread yet again. -.- I'm sick of all these errors.
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We decided to take a day trip to the country. Lord knows I was glad of that.. one more day of the big city and I would have spent the rest of the trip locked in my hotel room until the next flight direct out of Tokyo.

The rental car smelled like that spray-on 'new car smell!' Trying to hold my breath until I got used to it, I hoped we wouldn't be in the car for long. Something I couldn't understand was on the radio, and I just looked out the window at the scenery as we drove off. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the sill. "I hope we get there soon.." I thought to myself, before dozing off from the hum of the tires.

We must have been driving a long time. When I woke up I couldn't see the city anymore, just tall grass and the occasional hut. I felt the car turn right and drive a bit before it slowed down to a stop and I heard voices outside.

"We're here."

Opening my eyes and sitting up, I looked out the window. Some sort of small village, I guessed. It didn't look all that interesting. "Oh well," I sighed. "Might as well have a look around. Maybe they have some neat carvings or something."

"Be back by 3."

"Yeah yeah," I mumbled. "Whatever." I got out of the car and stretched from the long ride, then glanced around for a hint on which direction to go. An outside vendor surrounded with plants looked promising, so I made my way over and browsed through the miscellaneous vines and potted bonsais. I smiled at the shop-keeper to be courteous, as he was watching me with great interest as I looked at his wares.

He was old, I could see it in his face. His eyes were bright though, and his smile very comforting. His clothes were worn and faded, but very well kept. He seemed happy with his position as a simple street vendor. "You like plants, yes?" he asked, while I was inspecting a little potted pine in a very pretty ceramic pot.

"Oh, you speak English!" I said, rather surprised that he said something to me. "How did you know..?"

He chuckled softly at me. "Yes yes, speak some English. Many tourists."

"Ahh.. well, these are very nice plants you have here. I like them." I smiled at him, cheering up a little after my rather boring and uneventful car ride.

"Thank you," he said. "You like see more? Come, come.." He stood up slowly and motioned for me with his hand to follow him through some fabric curtains behind a very large potted tree. I was a little hesitant to follow him, but he seemed nice enough. Apparently he thought his plants would be alright with no one watching over them.

He walked with a bit of a limp, and his back was a little hunched over (and a bit sore, I could see), but I followed him through a room stacked with pots and planters out into a large enclosed garden of.. ponds? Ponds of all sizes were everywhere, with very thin walkways between them. They were all planted with reeds and fronds. Simply gorgeous. There were little ceramic bird feeders hung from the few trees planted at the edge of the fences, and a little wooden bench with peeling paint on it set back into one corner. Tiny songbirds hopped around in the trees above singing and twittering to themselves. "I could spend forever in here," I thought to myself. I could see little forms in the ponds as well – fish obviously. They must have been very happy too, to live in such a place. I looked at him at said with a smile "Goldfish.. they are very pretty. I have some back home."

"Ahh.. you like goldfish, yes?"

"I do. They are all so beautiful. I wish I could keep more. I love them." I just smiled and kneeled down on the path, reaching out to the goldfish in the pond. They all swam to the surface to greet me, their tails wiggling happily as they kissed my fingertips.

I looked back up and him and he was smiling at me, with a twinkle in his eye that made me wonder just what it was that he was thinking. "You different," he said. "Come." He turned away, and walked (seemingly much faster than before, as if he was rushing) to a small door with a rusty hinge and lock. It looked as though it hadn"t been opened in years. I had no idea where he was taking me, or what he meant when he said I was different. He fumbled in his pocket for a second or two, and when he withdrew his hand, he held a tiny brass key that looked just as old as the lock it was partnered with. He turned to look at me once more, almost surveying me one last time, then turned the key, making a tiny click as the inner gears rearranged themselves. As he opened the door, I felt a rush of warmth and energy. It was something like that feeling when the clouds part and let the sun shine through on a once-cloudy day, giving you a feeling of instant warmth and happiness.

It was almost like another world, yet so very much the same as the last garden we had come from. There were the same birds, but their song was anything but common. All sounds of the outside world beyond the gate were gone, and the only things I could hear were the birds and a small fountain where the walkways met each other in the center of the garden. There were still ponds covering the grounds, the same reeds planted in them, and the same fish. That is, it all appeared to be the same, at first glance.

"I, I don't understand.. what are you showing me?"

He didn't say anything, but held up his hand as if to say 'wait a minute,' before walking away, leaving me to wonder on my own. I knelt down again to look at the fish while I waited for him to return, but they didn't come to the surface like before. I could still see their brightly colored forms deeper in the water. I felt as though they were inspecting me first, wary of a strange girl in their beloved garden.

"They unsure of you. Must gain trust." It was the old man's voice. I turned around, still kneeling and looked up at him. He had a small bag of something in his hands.

"I don't understand. What do you mean, I must gain their trust?

"These fish special.. not like others. Must show them you friend before they let you see them." He held his hand out to me. Food, I guessed. They were six or seven little brown pellets, about the size of a very small pea. He tilted his hand and dropped them into my open palm. "Hold hand out," he directed. I turned back to the pond and held my hand close to the water. "Toss into air." I tossed them gently into the air, and a split second after I did, there was a splash, and a very large, and very bright goldfish lept out of the pond to catch them.

Time slowed down.. everything but me. He was about the size of the fantail I had at home, about eight inches long including his fins. His scales glittered in the sunlight, and he looked like any other typical goldfish, but different.. somehow, like he was glowing with purity and joy. His eye focused on me and studied me for a moment, then he snatched up the airborne pellets and splashed back into the water as time righted itself.

I sat there speechless and wide-eyed, then looked back up at the old man. He was smiling again, his eyes glittering as if he knew he had just shown me his biggest secret. "These.. auratus," he said matter-of-factly. That much I knew.. Carassius auratus was the Latin name for goldfish. "Very special." Indeed. These weren't normal goldfish. I still didn't know what was so different though, and it didn't look as though the old man was going to enlighten me, but I didn't care. These were gorgeous creatures.

"You take home with you," he said.

I just stared at him. Surely my meager tank was nothing compared to these ponds, I didn't feel worthy of owning such fish.

"Do not worry.. they trust now. You do fine." I was reassured by his warm smile once more. He reached into his faded robes and pulled out a small box. It was covered in blue glazing, and the patterns themselves seemed to glow. He handed it to me, and upon opening it, I saw it filled with tiny spheres. They looked like fish eggs. "Just put in clean water. They know what to do." I looked back up at him, still confused.

"I don't understand," I said quietly, "why me?"

"I old.. not much time left to take care of my beauties. You different than others, see true beauty in them, not just as simple fish. And they trust you. That most important." He seemed saddened by his words, I could tell he was going to miss them. But I nodded, still not quite understanding, still accepting this new responsibility with open arms.

Glancing down at my watch, I jumped when I noticed the time. "Omigosh! It's so late! I need to be back at the car!" I hugged the old man and thanked him for all he had shown me, and for giving me the box of eggs to keep for my own. "I promise, they'll be well taken care of." With that, I hurried to make my way out of his gardens, and back out into town and to the car for the ride back into the city. I found the car already running and jumped in the back, out of breath and holding onto the box for dear life.

"Find anything interesting?"

I looked down at the box, opened it again to look at the tiny eggs, and said quietly, "Yeah.. something interesting alright.." I closed the lid and smiled. I couldn't wait to get home.
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- OMGZLIEKDUNSTEAL. No, really. I'm not kidding. If you steal anything from this shop, you will be reported and your miserable little self deleted pixel by pixel. And permanently blacklisted from ALL of my shops.
- Be nice! It's not difficult to be civil. If you really have a problem with someone else in the thread, or a problem with me, talk to me about it privately (PM or IM).
-- If you have another reason for PMing me (as an owner with a concern) that cannot be answered in the thread or that you would like kept private, you may PM me.
- Only direct-link certificates until your auratus is full grown. That means the adult fish stage.. Save them to your own server as soon as they are grown!
- No co-owning.

- Flatsale auratus eggs will cost 5k each.
- You may purchase eggs with gold only. No items.
- Flatsales may be won by speed, Q&A/RP prompt, games, etc.. Whee. I'll try to mix it up, since I know everyone doesn't have high-speed internet.
- You may buy for someone else, but you must post each order in a different post (this applies to speed flatsales only).

-- Speed
ALL TIMES ARE BY MY CLOCK. I will make a post 10 minutes before the sale notifying you of the time. You will then be required to refrain from posting for the remaining 10 minutes, to allow everyone to see the GO post. After the GO post, the eggs are first come, first serve. I'll try to let everyone know as quickly as possible once all of the eggs are sold out.
-- Roleplay Prompt
Pretty self explanatory, really. I will post some sort of a prompt or situation, and you will be expected to write up a short RP session or other answer (depending on what I specifically ask for). All answers must be posted in the thread. For the length of time given to write, I may do a 30 minute time slot in which to write, or I may stretch it out over a few days. I will be judging, for the most part. If it's a particularly important sale, I may call upon a few of my close friends to assist.
-- More types will be added later!

- Auctions will run for varying times. A few days, at the very least.
- I will let you know at least a few days ahead of time when an auction is to occur. I may drop hints of one before that though. The more exciting the auction, the more notice I'll give.
- Most auctions will not have an autobuy.
- Some items may be used in bids for auctions. I'll take them at low marketplace value, fairy wings worth 35k. ADD UP YOUR OWN BIDS. Tell me what each item it worth AND give me a grand total.
--- Items include: All letters, all donation items, Halloween '03 event items, fairy wings, ANG/NM headbands, and any shop item worth more than 15k.
- Sorry, no sniping. It's fun on Ebay, but not here. :3 If you haven't bid before the last half-hour of the auction, you're outta luck. Only previous bidders may up their bids during that half-hour. If there is a bid made in the last 5 minutes of the original ending time, the auction will be extended another ten minutes to allow for a counter-bid. Once ten minutes goes by with no bids, the auction will officially end.
- NO EDITING POSTS. Nothing! If I find you have edited a post (and I have people watching this.. rawr), you'll be disqualified from an auction and greylisted. Editing is BAD STUFF. Don't do it.
- Don't bid if you can't pay. Simple as that. I expect payment in 24 hours. If there's some special circumstance, I may allow for longer, but if you haven't paid within a designated amount of time, the auratus will go to the next highest bidder.

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Q: "What cute fishies! Will you give me one?"
A: No.

Q: "But so-and-so got one!"
A: Yep. And there's probably a good reason. I can give eggs or adult fish to whomever I please. If someone has an auratus that hasn't been sold in a flatsale or auction, it's probably through a pet trade or as a thanks for something they've done for me. I own these, I can do things like that. :3

Q: Do you take bribes?
A: Not likely. Devil tails work wonders though.

Q: Can I reserve one?
A: Nope.

Q: Can I pay you in a few days? I only have this much gold right now.
A: Not unless you're waiting for an auction to end or something, no.

Q: I want such and such a color!
A: Gonna have to wait for that color to show up in a sale, or bid in a custom auction.

Q: Make me a custom!
A: Customs will be sold through auctions only. If you happen to do a pet trade with me I do give you the option of what colors you'd like, possibly the pattern, depending on the pet it's being traded for.

Q: Do you have real goldfish?
A: Yep. Seven of em. I have a betta too.

Q: What are these new 'auratus minis?'
A: Auratus minis are little auratus. Comet goldfish, actually. They're pretty darn cute. They'll be given to long-time stalkers of the shop, people who are nifty, as little door prizes, etc. I'll be giving them out here and there, as of now they can't be bought.

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White List

Grey List

Black List
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Auratus are goldfish, basically. They look like goldfish, they act like goldfish, but they have a slightly higher level of intellience. Most of them are rather small.. the larger ones being 8-10" long, including their fins, and the smaller types being 5-6". They live in water, obviously, and they eat just about anything. This includes plants, smaller little creatures (not fish), pellets that you can give them, etc. Treat them like you would any other goldfish - they require about the same amount of care.

They are genderless. That doesn't really mean a whole lot now, but once breeding comes along (when there are enough parents), it will mean that any auratus can breed with any other auratus. You can treat your fish as one gender or the other, but it will not be put on the certificate or made official in any other way.

As with real goldfish, auratus are rather smart. They'll greet you when you go near them, be happy to see you, and eventually may learn a few tricks if you train them well. They're limited by the water they live in, as they can't just walk around and interact with you and go everywhere you go. (For more about the interaction aspect, see the RP post.)

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This is just a rundown of all of the auratus types I will have offered here, with a little information about each type.

User ImageRyukin - Ryukins are similar to fantails, but
they have a higher, more curved spine.

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Oranda - Orandas are known for the growth on the top
of their heads. The bigger the growth, the healthier and happier
the oranda is. They come in many colors, from yellow to blue
to red/white.

User ImageMoor - Like the black moor! The majority are black,
but they can come in other colors. They have a
velvety appearance, and very graceful fins. They
also move a little slower than some of the other types.

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Lionhead ranchu - Ranchus do not have a dorsal (back) fin.
They are short and a little stocky, but very adorable. They do
not grow as large as the rest of the goldfish. The "lionhead"
refers to the growth on their heads, like the orandas.

User ImageVeiltail - Basically the same as a standard goldfish,
but with a longer, more graceful tail.

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Pearlscale - Pearlscales are immediately recognizable
by the raised "pearl"-like scales on their stomachs. They look
very fat, as if they swalllowed a golf ball!

User ImageBubble-eye - Bubble-eyes are easy to recognize,
with their long bodies and the water-filled sacs underneath
their eyes. They tend to not grow as large as most other
species of auratus.

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Roleplay is not a vital part of the auratus world. It can be difficult to RP a fish. If you would like to, however, I won't discourage it! You'll just need to be creative about it.

All auratus and auratus minis can be RPed!

If you do not show up at all after purchasing your egg or show no effort in coming into the thread, I do reserve the right to find another home for it. If you know you won't be around for an extended period of time, please tell me so!

During the egg and fry stages, you are responsible for your auratus. Carry it with you in a jar, keep it in a bowl on your desk, whatever. You can even get some of those shoes with the goldfish in the heels.. just walk slow. >>

Once your auratus has turned into an adult, you can do whatever you wish with it. You can continue to keep it in a bowl by itself, but it'll be pretty lonely. Some special trips to sit next to the community pond might be nice. Or you can keep it in a main "pond" that it can live in with all of the other auratus. There will be plants, and rocks, and caves.. all that fun stuff. You're not there. You can "peer down" at your fish and have them wonder what you are or make comments about you, but you can't talk to them and have them talk back. They'll understand what you say and they can talk to each other, though.

If you're really into RP and think you can keep up with an actual journal, let me know and I can make one for you. You can put RP sessions from the thread in it, buy it gifts (aquarium ornaments or something), whatever you want.

Roleplay Journals!

:: @ : Takara : mitsuguri yagyu
:: @ : Cypher : Apothecary
:: @ : Queezle : Torpid Panda
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Egg: It's.. an egg. O.o All auratus eggehs look alike in form. They'll have the coloration of the adult they will grow up to be, but not necessarily the patterning. They're just too young for that. Eggs are very fragile and must be watched carefully. Things like to eat them.

*When your egg is about to hatch (usually within a day or so), a little cloud will form around the egg to let you know.

Fry: A little baby fishie! It's cute, isn't it? Fry start to slightly show their eventual adult markings, and have a few physical features like the adults, but on a smaller scale. Fry are quick and curious, but things still like to eat them! Be careful.

Adult: An adult goldfish. There are many different kinds (the example is a ryukin), with many different features (eyes, headgrowth, fins) and varying colors. Adult goldfish have rather nice personalities. This is the only breedable stage! This may or may not be the last stage for your auratus.
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Standard goldfish:
:: @ : Flansburgh : Black Moor : [bustobrooklyn]
:: @ : Arubi : Ryukin : WhiteWallaby
:: @ : Shubetto : Ryukin : Pika-bunny
:: @ : Sushi : Pearlscale : Sarabi Adruenna
:: @ : Friedrick : Oranda : Orpheros
:: @ : Sherbert : Ryukin : EverDark
:: @ : Takara : Telescope : mitsuguri yagyu
:: @ : Mikado : Oranda : Presca
:: @ : Tatsu : Lionhead Ranchu : merangue
:: @ : Bubbles : Bubble-Eye : Spunky Dasher
:: @ : Peachie Sparkles : Veiltail : Zennie
:: @ : Cypher : Ryukin : Apothecary
:: @ : Queezle : Ryukin : Torpid Panda
:: @ : Loki : Lionhead Ranchu : Imbri
:: @ : Hansel : Pearlscale : Friday_Dora
:: @ : Tobiko : Lionhead Ranchu : Ameh
:: @ : Nephelle : Ryukin : Allure
:: @ : Grunnyfish : Lionhead Ranchu : Zo-Zo
:: @ : Mint : Telescope : Nekoteya
:: @ : Brynn : Pearlscale : Star Sorceress
:: @ : Gertrude : Oranda : a u d e

Tetra Series
:: @ : Artanis : Veiltail (Black Neon Tetra) : Ves
:: @ : Nilofer : Lionhead Ranchu (Glowlite Tetra) : DivineSaturn
:: @ : Hachi : Pearlscale (Neon Tetra) : coffee`
:: @ : Helemey : Bubble-Eye (Rummynose Tetra) : Sayuri_Nitta
:: @ : Chloe Rubena : Telescope (Bloodfin Tetra) : Quinny-chan
:: @ : Ramsey : Lionhead Ranchu (Head & Tail Lite Tetra) : Coronaviridae
:: @ : Jiltan : Ryukin (Albino Tetra) : Lime Colored Band-Aid
:: @ : Skyler : Oranda (Blue Tetra) : Star Sorceress

Special Edition Non-goldfish:
:: @ : Putabara : Parrot Cichlid (by WhiteWallaby) : Ballentine
:: @ : Velcaria : Volitans Lionfish (by Sarabi Adruenna) : Dragoil
:: @ : Batman : Long-finned Batfish (by Bettaspiele) : coffee`
:: @ : Mongkut : Crowntail Betta (by Silencer Wolf) : BlackPidgeot

Color codes:
:: - Egg
:: - Fry
:: - Adult

:: - Custom

Auratus-mini Comets:

:: @ : Lace : Allure
:: @ : Rose : Pinka
:: @ : Freckle : Zo-Zo
:: @ : Silas : Gullien
:: @ : Sky : Amaidel Winslow
:: @ : Wansu : Teralinth dKalin
:: @ : Othello : Gnatty-Bug
:: @ : Lerion : Atriz
:: @ : Raku : Jestari
:: @ : Cornwallis : Kamiki
:: @ : Kurashin : Keseren
:: @ : Snack : Nikkio
:: @ : Popcorn : Khomi
:: @ : Pickles : Green_Eyes
:: @ : Marcus : dani_tigger
:: @ : Marry : Lulu_Tiffany
:: @ : Ryu : dbz2004
:: @ : Sam : Soarin`
:: @ : Speedy : Veranique
:: @ : Gloria : Lulu_Tiffany
:: @ : Sevelin : Sinclaire
:: @ : LeBlanc : Ves
:: @ : Lavay : Ledell
:: @ : Noesis Jr. : Safaia
:: @ : Spot : Coronaviridae
:: @ : Belladonna : Laisewiel
:: @ : Darth Vader : Andrani
:: @ : Bokwus : Torpid Panda
:: @ : Eliris : Atriz
:: @ : Orrain : Halfling Elf
:: @ : Dragon : Syrie
:: @ : Tai : Orpheros
:: @ : Algae : Gabrielle Diamond
:: @ : Ale : hanging gallow
:: @ : Saniya : Eight
:: @ : Aleyn : Sinbari
:: @ : Fresca : pinkdog
:: @ : Haku : Cihiru
:: @ : Kailani : Aqua Drageen
:: @ : Koriander : Sosiqui
:: @ : Peanut : Prolixity
:: @ : Regal : Silencer Wolf
:: @ : Selke : Stereochrome
:: @ : Gullen : Gentaki
:: @ : Azhure : kalindara
:: @ : Bubbles : Kamileunaire
:: @ : Chaos : Ves
:: @ : Kana : Neko Girl
:: @ : Katsuhi : Mystaira
:: @ : LeBlou : Marushii
:: @ : Sin : Rylerion
:: @ : Voluptas : Apothecary
:: @ : Rebahk : Silencer Wolf
:: @ : Visca : Selona
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The shop has been rather quiet, and to help gear things up again, here's an auction that's been put off for a long time - finally, I'm setting it up! Yay! Just in time for Christmas, too.

This emperor angelfish colored by my good friend a u d e! It starts at 12:01 am on December 1st, and ends on December 13th at 11:59 pm.

Starting bid: 5k
Min. Bid Increment: 1k
Autobuy: None! O:

Unlike all of my other auctions, this auction will be held in the main shop thread!

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--& BONUS! Everyone who bids will receive a free mini pleco, also colored by a u d e! They're so cute. You know you want one.


As an advertising incentive to help bring more people into the shop, we're going to be having a few side-games! Yay! Custom comets are up for grabs! These are NOT easy to come by - only given away in special events or as prizes, so snatch them while you can! (For examples of comets, see the owner's list.)

Game One:
Advertising Raffle!

Step 1: Link the auction! You can link it in your sig, a thread, shoving it at people, etc. Get the code below.
Step 2: Fill out the form! You must include PROOF of your advertising - screencap, link, copy of IM convo, etc. I need to be able to see your advertisement. If it's in your sig and I can see it, you don't need to give me additional proof.
Step 3: Post the form in the thread!

Every time you link us to someone else, you'll get a raffle slot. Based on order of proven posts in the thread, I will issue slots as they come. (Two slots in a row = two-in-a-row raffle tickets.) At the end of the auction, I will draw a winner - they'll get a custom comet, colored by moi!

Post a different form for each advertisement!
[color=darkblue][b]I'M ADVERTISING![/b][/color]
Name: [Your username]
Time/Date: [T&D of Advertisement]
Where: [Tell me where you linked us!]
Proof: [Image, thread link, copy of IM convo lines, etc.]

Those advertising:
anemosagkelos - pg. 190

Game Two:
Posting Raffle!

This one's easy.. the first person to post on each page gets a raffle ticket! At the end of the auction I'll draw a winner and they too will win a custom comet! In the event I'm the one posting first, it'll go to the second poster. This one starts on page 186!

Ticket holders:
186 - Old Lady Cooper (aude)
187 - frost rain
188 - frost rain
189 - BlackPidgeot
190 - frost rain
191 - Pales
192 - coffee`
193 - frost rain
194 - koishi_kun
195 - BlackPidgeot
196 - a u d e
197 - a u d e
198 - a u d e
199 - purrrplekitty
200 - Mystaira
201 - Mystaira
202 - Eight
203 - Eight
204 - Eight
205 - frost rain

Game Three:
Page 200 mega-raffle!

This one's super easy - we're juuuust about to page 200. If we get to page 200+ while the auction is still going, everyone who posts on that page will get a raffle ticket for a FREE CUSTOM AURATUS. Not a comet, a full-size feesh!

The winner will be able to choose the type and colors of their fish - minimal design specification, no lineart edits.
This is huge! But so is our 200th page! <3

Link the auction!
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TinyUrl code:

Normal code:

Grunnyfish event is over.. the winner is Zo-Zo, with her grunnyfish poem. n.n

Twas a night like no other
Quietly in the shop
Came a little green bunny
With a shuffle and a hop.
Its eyes were as red as blood
Yet its tail as white as snow.
He gnawed his way into the cages
Even though the shop keeper told him no.
For afraid of the grunny he was
He had heard the tales
And how the infected people had yelled
The shouting and the wails.
So the grunny continued
To wreck the pet store
He set free the guinea pigs
Tore off the door
A puddle of red spilled onto the floor
Alas the shop keeper was no more
For upon his head, a bottle had fell
Nothing too fatal, nothing to tell
But the stain it had left upon the floor
Was tomato ketchup, nothing more�

So the shopkeeper sleeping
Grunny was creeping
Biting and gnawing
Spitting and sawing
His way through the shop
Where distressed fish could only gasp
As he undid the firm clasp
And 115 odd hamsters came piling out
A few curious people looked in to shout.

The grunny was chewing away once more,
Ignoring the people running from the door
He bit into a bottle of fish food
"Damn" he thought, he wasn�t in a seafood mood.
So the pierced bottle could barely be noticed
And now the food appeared to be infected
What could it bring�
There was only one thing�
The infections had just begun.

Young lass waited for her shipment of fish food
It had taken a while now, she was in a mood.
But alas it came on the 1st of November.
She was glad the shop keeper remembered.
Though she didn�t know he had more on his hands
She couldn�t really understand.
You see there was a fat fish.
He was a boring old thing
He looked as if he would explode with a PING.
He needed a lot of food you see
So he could be the fat fish he would always be
But as his owner poured in the flakes
He couldn�t help but hesitate
Yes he was hungry
But there was something strange here
He couldn�t help but feel a little fear.
He ate the flake nevertheless
But soon after that, he became quite grotesque.

He was green, green!
What a sight to be seen.
A grunny-fish was his new image.
Eyes red and glowing
Time felt as if it was slowing�
For the unfortunate fish
Felt as if he would now be a dish
Rather than a pet to a kind person
He only feared his condition would worsen.
He wanted a home, he wanted to be loved.
Maybe soon, his wish will come true.
Good luck Grunny-fish, good luck to you!

Upcoming events:
Contest to create an auratus familiar
RP event + freebies!
Special auction
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Breeding information will be posted once parents have been established!
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Orpheros - owner, colorist
WhiteWallaby - lineartist
Ballentine - certificate designer
And thanks to Pika-bunny for helping with those pesky banners!
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Link to the auratus! Feel free to direct link, if you'd like. More banners are in the making.
*I need to make a 200x40 banner. Just for my own reference. >>;*

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If you would like to affiliate with me, please post a link to your shop in the thread! 88x31px banners are highly preferred!

The Winged Pard Aviary
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Other Places I Demand You Go:

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People who have donated to the auratus:

- Pika-Bunny - 2000g

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Pets I would definitely be willing to trade an auratus for:

Pard <3
'Here there be Dragons' dragon (by Fyre)

These are only a few pets I would like (meaning, these are all I can remember right now X.x). If you are interested in an auratus, don't hesitate to ask me if I would be willing to do a pet trade with you. Please PM offers to me.

Note: Please note the value of my pets, and the value of the ones you wish me to consider trading. Each adult auratus alone takes a couple hours to color with the amount of detail I put into them, so I would at least expect somewhere around the same from those I trade with.

Also - Please keep in mind that I am very busy, as this is my second full-time shop, and I do indeed have a life outside of Gaia (imagine that!). I do not have time for very many role-play pets. I prefer those pets that do not have to be role-play religiously, though I may make an exception, depending on the pet. Please ask me, and as always, I reserve the right not to accept your pet trade if I am not interested in your particular pet.

Pets I have traded for:

Wethkin (Spring - falling sakura petals)
the Pacific Link

I <3 art trades too! mm.. art.
PM me if you'd like me to consider a trade, and send examples of your work. I like CG stuff.. headshots, busts, or full-body, doesn't matter. We'll work it out. :3
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