Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Chimuian Beastiary is probably one of gaia's finest breedable/changeable adoption. We have many different varities to choose from. Here owners can role play as their creautres throughout their lives from baby to elder. Intricate care was taken in each and every creature and in each and every aspect of the guild itself from role-playing to the layout. Owners are encouraged to play their creature(s) out with others so your pet(s) can attain a class, rank, and eventually a life partner and offspring of their own to later be passed onto future gamers. All that we ask is that you read the rules and abide by them to keep this as wonderful of an experience as possible for everyone.

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Important Links
Hiring Thread
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Mailing List
If you want to be on the mailing list and get a newsletter of all the recent updates is by befriend my mule: 'ChimuianGuide'.

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[Story Coming Soon...or maybe not]

02-16-06: *cough* Let's just say that there will be no updates in this section from now on. XD All updates will be posted on the title and on the stated pages. ^__^;;
07-01-06: Congrates Satin Regret! She won the Stellar Jay Auction! XDD

05-07-06: Well now we have the winners of the two male Tropiclaw royals, Congrats: Nel_Zelpher_2005 & Satin Regret! Also Lady is taking a little breather.. meanwhile Dragoil is updating what she can, Expect to see Babies and growths soon!
9-10-05: Note to self: look at all the suggestions on and after page 82.
7-10-05: Nikomas Torren won the Cos-play for Buckbeak!
06-30-05: Flatsale went well enough. ^^ Got everyone adopted.
06-22-05:Flatsale tomorrow and Dragoil is officially our Story Guide! W00t!
06-20-05: Growth spurting like crazy! :O
06-17-05: Flatsale previews are up!
06-16-05: Setting up new thread.
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General Rules

1. EVERYONE MUST READ THE ENTIRE FIRST PAGE BEFORE TRYING TO GET A CRITTER OR BEFORE POSTING. Don't ask questions that are already answered on the FAQ or anywhere else on the first page.
2. No whining, fighting, flaming, begging, or otherwise causing any sort of negative feelings in the thread. PLEASE take it to PMs or another thread. We don't want unnecessary fights or quarrels in our thread,. (However, play fighting is allowed)
Please don't PM me. If you have any questions, post in the thread and I'll get to you when I can. I'll try read every post and if I don't respond, just post it again.. Also, please read the first page before asking a question. Chances are, the answer's already there. If you do PM me with something that's already in the thread, I'll simply point to you the shop, SO DON'T PM ME!! Though if you have an urgent PM and I don't answer you within 24 hours or if you feel it's a personal private question, please PM Lady_Shinigami and she will get to you as soon as she can.
4. You're not permitted to take or modify Thalion's artwork, design, or anything without permission. You steal anything from us and you will be black listed for life! Owners however, are allowed to crop out the faces for signatures.
5. If a beastie is not in the auction/ flatsale/event post then it is NOT FOR SALE! Self-explanatory.
6. Please keep cursing to a minimum, and things in general at a PG-13 level (as is already in the general rules of Gaia). I don't want anyone harassing anyone else here, or causing trouble.
7. Do not argue with any of the staff, if there is a problem please contact me and talk civil in the PMs.
Please do not make Lady repeat herself more than 3 times. That is one of her pet peeves and will get very antsy about it. You can tell when she is getting annoyed or pissed when she stops using 'XD' '^^' 'XP' or any other emotions.
9. If, for some reason, you're missing a cert because we didn't make it, don't hesitate to ask! Odds are the only person guilty of not doing certs right away is Lady, so pester me to do it. XD
RPing is highly recommended but not required.
11. If you are intending to leave Gaia forever, please let Lady know whether or not your creature may be given to a new owner.
Don't grab a pet and never return. All we ask is that you come by once in a while and tell us that you're still alive. (Unless your's a gift, pet trade or if you have a Non-visit Pass) If you don't come and visit for a long period of time, we will assume that you have no interest in the shop anymore and have to take away your abandon pet and have some else take care of it.
12. Conversations are loved and appreciated as they bring up the thread.
13. You can own up to two without RP required. You can have as many as you want as long as you RP at least one of them. If you do not plan to RP at all, you can only have those two.
14. You may NOT, under ANY circumstances re-sell your critter! Once you have it, the only way to get rid of it is to either give it back to the shop, or give it to a friend. You will not receive gold in either of these ways, however.
15. Please don't stretch the thread or have excessive bumps that others have to scroll down. It's not convenient and it's annoying. If your signature stretches the page, turn it off please. Also, don't quote a very long message. Shorten it if you can.
16. If you cannot pay for your Chimuian within 24hrs of winning, then do not enter the event(s). However, if you do enter and you still can't pay, your prize will go to the one next in line.
17. Be A Good Sport If you've lost a pet in a sale to someone else, please don't whine and complain. It's not nice and it's annoying.
All sales goes to Lady_Shinigami.
19. Make an effort to use proper grammar and spelling, please. We don't want to try to figure out what you are saying. sweatdrop
20. Don't use guilt to get a pet. We feel for you and want you to have one but that's not the right way to do it.
21. Do not ask for a critter if you can't pay for it.
22. Rules can be changed at any time.

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Q: How can I get an Chimuian?
A: You can acquire a critter through either a flat sale / auction / a raffle/ or another events.

Q: Are their any available?
A: If there are none available in the preview or event post(s), then there are none.

Q. I wanna hab one!!111!1!1 Gimme gimme11!1!
A. Uhh...no. I dare you to do that again...and then greylist. stare

Q: When's the next Flatsale?
A: NO CLUE! Please stop asking... gonk

Q: Are you Hiring? I would like to work for you.
A. I'm sorry, but we aren't looking at the moment. I will post in the announcements when or if we do.

Q. If I PM you, will you sneak me one under the table?
A. Um.....no. Sorry, but just like everyone else, you have to tough it out here and prove your metal.

Q. Give me creature now. I'm too lazy to read all of this junk!
A. I'm disinclined to capitulate to your request. Means "no". Read, you lazy bum!

Q: I don't like my pet anymore, can I trade it in for another one?
A: Nope. You knew the risks before paying for your critter and if you didn't, you're a moron who didn't read the rules now who's fault is that?

Q:Is there a limit to the amount of Chimuian I can own?
A: Not really. If you plan to RP at least one of them, then there will be no lmit for you. However, if you do not want to RP, then you can only have up to two beastie total.

Q: How do I breed my Chimuian?
A: Look under the Breeding Center. Your answer should be there, if not go ahead and ask in the thread.

Q: How long does it take for my Chimuian to grow up?
A: It can take anywhere from 1 month to 3 months, maybe longer. Do not worry your critter will grow up! We might just not have the time in our busy schedule.

Q. My creature isn't growing! ;_; Why is that?
A: We are sorry but we do have lives you know. The colorists are coloring/drawing as fast as they can and sometimes RL problems get in the way of Gaia life. Please be patient. Besides, this gives you a good chance to bring the Chimuian's personality. Most likely, it would take almost two months before it grows, maybe longer.

Q: How much do Chimuian cost at a Flatsale?
A: 8k flat price. If you win one at a flatsale you have 24 hours to send me the trade. If you do not send it to me on time you shall lose your Chimuian, it will go to the next person unless you have a good reason for your lateness.

Q: Can I get a custom Chimuian?
A: Yes you may. For more info, go down to the 'Mission Pot' post.

Q: That's alot! How am I going to get that much?!
A: You can get it the usual way; either by posting, donating to gaia or voting on the polls. OR you can come by the shop more often and once a month, I will pick someone who was most active in the thread and give them some gold (points really) towards a custom. For more information, look in the 'Mission' post.

Q: Do I have to role-play to own a creature? / How active must I be?
A: No, you do not have to role-play; however, this does not mean that you're allowed to purchase a critter and hop off never to be seen again. Just talk to us a little/stay alive and you'll be fine. But you will have to RP at least one of them to be able to own more than two at a time. There are however exceptions to this rule. More info coming soon...

Q: Do role-players get extra perks?
A: Always. Role-players can have as many pet as they want. There's more too, of course-- this is just the start!

Q: How do I get a rank or a class for my Chimuian?
A: Well, this is another perk of RPing. ^^ For those who RP or visit the thread often enough will have a choice of what class they want. As for rank, they are different critters with different lineart which has to be earned.

Q: What if I don't visit the thread often but only every once in a while?
A: We would be glad if you came here more often but it will do. Though you won't be able to pick a class for your Chimuian. Either we pick a class for you or you don't get a class and just be a normal creature. ^^;

Q. Where do we RP?
A: You, of course, roleplay in the Guild. The link is on the first post. But for casual RPing, you do it here in the main thread.

Q: This is too much for me. Can I sell/trade/give away my pet?
A: Talk to me about it first, but most likely I'm going to say yes. You can give away your gryphon at any time for free to a friend or me, but you may NOT re-sell your beastie. Like I said in the rules, no re-selling at all.

Q: Can I do fanart?
A: Yes. xd heart *glomps j00*

Q: Can you make the event start/end sooner? Please?
A: No, I can not. I might in some cases when everyone interested can't make it to the event. I will try to make everyone happy but I can't please everyone. I'm just one person and Thalion is, also, only one person.

Q: Can you lower the price of the item/flatsale/raffle? They are too expensive!
A: Sorry, I can't, once again. If I feel incline to, then I will but I will not do it just because you ask/beg me to. sweatdrop

Q: Why are there different lineart? Does it mean anything?
A: Different lineart means that it's from a different tribe or it's the next stage of growth. If you want to see what lineart goes with what then click here.

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White List:
Thalion - Founder, Line-Artist & Guest Colorist
Lady_Shinigami - Shop Keeper & Cert-er
Dragoil - Colorist
Slann' - Item-maker
Seifereru - Certs
Malhyanth - RP Manager
Valeria - Extreme Loyalty Since the Beginning
Izzy Makani - Volunteer Helper

Grey List:
None yet. Let's keep it that way.

Black List:
HoneyAnne - Begging for lower prices, refusing to read the rules, IMing Thalion to complain- just read the bonehead of the year...
Daimyn - Turning on her friends over a petty matter unrelated to her, flaming Thalion in an unrelated site and over aim.

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Regular Flatsale Rules

1. The price is 8k.
2. Do not post your entry until a
BIG RED LETTERS 'GO' post is posted. A flat sale only starts when this appears in the thread.
3. Once you post your entry, you MAY NOT EDIT. Editing results in an immediate disqualification and you won't get another chance for that flatsale.
4. Those with grypons are free to participate in flat sales unless specified otherwise.
5. I'll post the chimuians a few of days before the flatsale itself.
6. You can only get one chimuian per flatsale, though if you want to get one for a friend as well you can do that.
7. Please post only one selection. Do not post, "I'd like #1 please, or if that's taken then #3, or if that's taken then #4." That's not fair to anyone else.
8. Post either the color or type you want. And please be specific, I do not want to guess which one you want. If I can't figure out what chimuian you picked, I will skip your entry.
9. I will post the rules again right before the flatsale(10 minutes).
10. Please refrain from posting within that ten minutes because it makes others jumpy.
All flat sale must contain the phrase "Gryphons who fly high will live long"
12. If you cannot pay for your chimuian within 24hours of winning it, then do not apply.

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RP Prompt Flatsale Rules

1. The price is 8k.
2. Do not post your entry until a
BIG RED LETTERS 'GO' post is posted. A flat sale only starts when this appears in the thread.
3. Once you post your entry, you MAY NOT EDIT. Do not worry about minor typing errors. Mistakes happen. We are more concerned with RP style and structure than every little typo possible.
4. Entries received the same minute as my STOP will be accepted but none after. No exceptions unless gaia is being an absolute pain. Then it is our call if we wish to extend the sale.
5. All flat sale entries must contain the phrase "Gryphons who fly high will live long" somewhere in the post. It can be at the bottom of your entry, at the top, or even in the middle of your entry. It must be there to prove you read the rules.
6. If you cannot pay for your chimuian within 24hours of winning it, then do not apply.
7. Those with gryphons are free to participate in flat sales unless specified otherwise. It is encouraged, however, for current owners to let some new folk get in on the fun of RPing.
8. I will post the rules again right before the flatsale(10 minutes).
9. Please refrain from posting within that ten minutes because it makes others jumpy.
10. After the judging, I will pick the winners by 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place and they will get to pick their gryphon according to the order you won in.
11. You have 24 hours after the 'Go' post to get your entries in.
12. You may only try for a gryphon for yourself. Gifting your gryphon away is not allowed unless it is from a breeding.
13. It's highly recommended to read other RP post in the guild to get a better feel of what you are expected.
14. Please spell-check your entry. It helps on my eyes.

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Auction Rules

1. Starting Bid is 3,000g.
2: You have to start at the level of the starting bid... there are NO ACCEPTIONS to this. It's called the starting bid for a reason.
3: Bid increments are by 1000g each increase upon the previous bid.
4: No amount of whining will change the winner or the price of the starting bid. Get that out of your head and deal with it.
5. The auctions will run for varied amounts of time. Be sure to check for starting and ending times!
6. Co-owning, at this time, is NOT allowed unless stated otherwise. Sorry. XD;
7. Under NO circumstances may you edit your posts.
8: Once you win- send the trade and a name for your gryphon.
9. All bidders are responsible for knowing all the General Rules
10. No sniping. New bidders must bid before the last hour. If people are still bidding in the last 10 minutes, there will be an extension of 10 more minutes until no more bids are being made.
11. No retracting bids without damn good reason.
12: Once the auction is over, it's over. End of story.
13: Items are allowed- but letters will be taken mid LD price and we ask that you post it's worth along side it when bidding. Please no Mummy Masks, Grass Skirts (of any kind), or things like that. If you simply must bid those, they will be taken at sellback price.
14. Bids are to have item prices included if you are using items and a final total at the bottom.

I bid: 1 x Solar Headdress - 4,400g
1 x Spirited Socks -200g (OMG please don't bid one of these)
Total = 4,600g

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Raffle Rules

1: You are allowed to buy tickets up to the maximum amount. Each raffle will vary in price for each ticket and the max amount you're allowed to buy.
2: All raffles will be chosen by Randomizer.org to keep it fair.
3: Tickets must be paid for up front.
4. Specific numbers are not available, so slots are awarded in the order people post.
5. Sending me a trade without telling me how many tickets you want will result in the trade being denied.
6. You may buy tickets for others however much you want.
6. Understand that we have lives. Really, we do. The ticket list may not be updated right away!
7: If you lose better luck next time. Feel free to lurk on the page for another raffle later on.

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Chimuian Auctions:

Information: Fish Themed! Start Time: ??th 0:00 pm -----(----) End Time: ----------

Up for grabs!

Clown Fish
Copper-Banded Butterfly

Newbie Raffle:

Information: ---------- Start Time: April 5th NOW End Time: April 8th 11:00pm CST
This raffle is for newbies only! Current owners are allowed to puchase a chimuian for a newbie to the shop only but not themselves! Current Owners are just allowed to purchase 10 tickets for the newbie. Order the tickets in Bold Red. Trades are sent to Lady_Shinigami If the randomizer lands on a person twice, it will be rolled again.
Price: 100g per ticket
Max: Unlimited

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1-5 Thamin
6-10 Lady Aria Starstone
11-20 AmbrelDraconis
21-30 Coljas (paid by Split)
31-80 Rhea Hyuga
81-82 Russianblue (paid by fuKurohane) $
83-92 Raidy Takashi (paid by Anthro!Sparky) $
93-102 Thamin
103-132 Ashtiel Pantheras
133-182 Rhea Hyuga*
183-192 RonsoStryder
193-292 Thamin

* Unpaid
$ Unfinished

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Adoption an Orphan: Closed~

Sadly, not all of the creatures here in Chimuian find loving homes the first time around. Those pets who are abandoned are taken care of by Lady until a fitting owner can be found. The creature who are ownerless and presently in her care are placed here in hopes of finding them a loving owner who will be able to care for them.

How To Adopt A Orphan

All Chimuian (that are orphans) are roleplay required save for a few exceptions. Due to the fact that these Chimuian have been abandoned once before, we take extra measures to make sure that doesn't happen again. Meaning if you adopt a creature and end up not RPing/visiting it at least once a month, YOU WILL BE BLACKLISTED. If you have the time and ability to care for an abandoned Chimuian, follow the instructions below:

In order to be eligible to adopt a Chimuian you must fill out the form below and send it to this account, ChimuianGuide. We have the right to either accept or decline your application, so no objections if you get turned down. This will result in an automatic greylisting. Also, to adopt, it will cost you half the prize of a regular flatsale; 2.5k(2,500g). However, if, in the end, you feel that you can't keep up with RPing them; tell us beforehand that you can't and we won't blacklist you. But if we catch you not RPing/visiting then that's a different story. We will read up every application and will judge on who would give the best care for the orphans at the date of when adoption ends or if RL does not permit then we will do the judging when time is at hand.

How many Gaian pets do you own?:
How many of them are RP-required?:
How often are you on Gaia?:
How much time can you set aside to RP?:
Which Chimuian creature do you wish to adopt?:
Small RP sample (few paragraphs long at least):[/size]

The Orphan(s)

None at this time, yet.

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Growth Form

Please fill out this form and send it to the mule, Chimuianguide if you want your Chimuian to grow. In the title, put 'Growing Form'. Mind you, we can only do so much at a time.

[size=9][b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Chimuian Name:[/b]
[b]Next Stage:[/b]

Now if there's something on the certs that you wish for someone to fix or edit that doesn't have to do with the chimuian itself, please send this form. In the title, put 'Edit Cert' or 'Fix Cert' or something along those lines.

[size=9][b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Chimuian Name:[/b]

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Updated: 12/10/05
**Note: The ownerlist is may not be updated often. If you don't see your name here, please don't be alarmed. I have all the owners names and will update this when time permits. Though if after the update and you still don't see your name, please contact me.**

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The Original Tribe of the gryphons is founded in the eastern lands. The gryphons of this tribe will divide into one of the many classes and ranks as they grow older. The plumage of the Gryfeathers ranges from the markings of the imperial to more ancient designs along their bodies. They don't tend to take any set pattern of plumage from one generation to the next.

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A tribe of gryphons founded in the rainforests of the eastern continent. Gryphons here grow in class/rank as the Gryfeather do but magic isn't as highly stressed. Gryphons within the Tropiclaw tribe tend to take pummage simular to birds and wildlife found in the jungles- often times the colors will be vibrent.

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A nomatic tribe of gryphon exiles or rejects. Misborns and trators are common in this tribe but dispite their reputation among the other tribes they formed a brotherhood under their young leader, Ti-Kar. They have no classes or ranks, magic is used rarely, if at all.

Members List

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----Information Coming Soon-----

Members List

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----Information Coming Soon-----

Members List

* = Does not have to visit the thread occassionally. Either it was a pet trade, gift or got a 'Non-visit Pass'

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There are many graphitic traits that begin to show towards puberty. It's then that the young gryphon is given his or her class to further train and become prominent in. These classes assert their place and function in the tribe and insure that the whole population is benefited from defense to providing of care for basic tasks.

Young gryphlets who are naturally agile are most likely to become sky-dancers. They must show agility and air maneuverability at an early age that surpasses those of their fellow gryphons. Their functions mainly include performing ceremonial dances at festivals and other special events, but in battle they are particularly useful. Their agility and grace makes for a target that isn't easily hit and it's them that relays messages back and forth, delivers the wounded from danger, and lure foes into traps.

Basically graphitic mages. Each spell weaver can feel the aura from the sentential and is assigned an element from the elder resting within the sentential. Over the course of their life they train to better understand and use their magic. Gryphons, however, cannot use staffs instead they rely on weaving magical knots to summon their elements. They resemble cat's cradles to dream catches- each knot differs for each element.

Gryphons who have a natural ability to treat the wounded go on to learn healing magic and techniques. Though gryphons are not the most capable or healing-magics they are gifted with functional front claws that can serve as hands which help in bandaging, surgery, and what not. There are a few that are gifted with a high sense of white magic.

Gryphons who are naturally kind-hearted and understanding towards each other are put in charge of the hatching eyrie and the youngsters there until they are old enough to fend for themselves. They often times will hunt for small game for the gryphlets to eat- later bringing them back alive to give the young ones something to practice on. Often times there will be more female care-takers than males and it's perhaps one of the more common classes in the tribes but also one of the most essential.

A very rare trait that is often found among gryphlets with glowing eyes. These are the gryphlets able to see the future or the present elsewhere. They are useful in predicting trouble from other tribes and disasters. However, it's been recorded that only one seer has ever lived at one given time. (The seer will be chosen to be one of the staff members so the plot doesn't get out of hand with their future sight.)

The more courageous and strong of the gryphons become warriors. They train from an early age to learn to fight- using the most of their entire body in battle. They are perhaps the most glorified of the classes as they are the ones to defend the tribe from trouble.

The more studious of the gryphons find an early interest in the history and writings of the tribe. Once selected for their post they study for hours a day to become scholars themselves, historians, song-writers, and map keepers.

Gryphons with a passion for music become bards at an early age. Very few instruments are usable by gryphons as they have no lips for winds. Lutes (which are plucked carefully by the rounds of their fingers) and drums make the majority of their instruments. Songs are learned and often sun to accompany the sky dancers at ceremonies and festivals.

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Gryfeather: Ryune [Thalion]
Tropiclaw: Trealious [Nel_Zelpher_2005]
Rouges: Ti-Kar [Malhyanth]
Hippogriffs: N/A
The head male of the tribe. Power is equally shared between him and his chosen mate. The chief is usually the heir of a long line of chiefs leading as far back as the original elder.

Gryfeather: Peach [Goddess Autumn]
Tropiclaw: Crealia [Dragoil]
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The head female of the tribe. She is usually mated to the chief but there have been periods of recorded history where the daughter of the chief before led the tribe and chose her mate to be the lead male.

Gryfeather: N/A
Tropiclaw: Terali [Satin Regret]
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The male successor to the rank of chief. Often if a clutch is had in the royal family one male egg is produced. If more than one is produced the males must prove themselves by deeds to see who succeeds.

Gryfeather: N/A
Tropiclaw: Noelani[Lady_Shinigami]
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The female successor to the rank of Queen. They often mate with the nest mate succeeding to the throne to become the matriarch. It's not unheard of for an heiress to prove herself more than the heir and become the successor of the clutch.

Head Scholar:
Gryfeather: Cyean [no player]
Tropiclaw: Tropurnicous [Valeria]
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The advisor to the chief and most learned of the scholars. Often the head scholar is the one to teach the younger scholars.

Head SpellWeaver:
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The most experienced spell weaver of them all- often knowing the secrets of each element to the extent where they are at least able to teach them to the younger ones.

Master Healer:
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The most experienced of the healers. They often know a great deal of white magic and are called upon to heal the more serious wounds at times of need.
Head SkyDancer:
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The most agile of all the dancers- they are often the center dancer at ceremonies and the ones to dance in solo performances.

Head Bard:
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The most experienced of the bards- talented in both instrument and song. It is they that plays solo when needed- often working hand-in-hand with the head sky dancer.

Head Caretaker:
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The most experienced of the caretakers. They often assign the tasks of the other caretakers.
Gryfeather: N/A
Tropiclaw: N/A
Rouges: Jalajha[Dragoil]
Hippogriffs: N/A
The one and only living gryphon within the tribe able to see the future and present elsewhere.

Gryfeather: Trianeil[no player]
Tropiclaw: Heagol[no player]
Rouges: N/A
Hippogriffs: N/A
The head of the military, it is they that issue the orders of where to post who and how to attack. Often times they work hand-in hand with the head scholar.

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Temp Pickup

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Temp pickup while i'm helping Lady update:

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Growings * on new certs*:
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Currently working on templating, Colouring FSs & getting Breedings done..

My Pet trades!
I'm so open for Pet Trades its not funny.

I'm most interested in *Because I don't have one*:


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'Mission' is to help those without the funds or luck to obtain a gryphon character to get an gryphon character. 10% of whatever we make from the shop from this point on (whether in auctions, flat sale, etc.), and 100% of donations will go to Mission. Every month, I will pick (based on activity in thread) one person, and they will get all the funds in the Mission pot at the moment for either a discount on a custom. That person keeps those 'points' they use them, and can keep adding onto them if they wish.

In order to sign up for Mission, just fill out the form below. Please do this in the thread. I got this idea from Dustfeather and I have her permission to use it.

arrow You may only choose a Gryfeather, Tropiclaw, Troytalon, Leatherwing, Rouge, or Flightless gryphons.
arrow You may not roleplay your Mission character until you actually get him/her. That's what this is for; to help you earn the money to get one.
arrow If I don't see you posting on the thread, I remove your Mission. If you aren't posting, you aren't going to win the pot anyways.
arrow You have to pay at least 25% on your own.
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Status: Open.
December First Place Quest Pot: 20k
December Second Place Quest Pot: 10k
Former Quest Characters Recieved: None.
Former Quest Pots Won By: Jupiter_Sabre, Valeria, Syrius_Lionwing, Nel_Zelpher_2005

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Custom Cost:

Adult Only Color: 50k
Color Custom: 100k (simple coloring, nothing too complex, all stages)
Complex Color Custom: 150k
Simple Custom Line-Art Edit: 200k
Complex Custom Line-Art Edit: 300k
Cos-play Lineart Edit: 500-600k
Full Custom (Current Species Only/Special Lineart): 1 Million
Full Custom (Brand New Species/Special Lineart): 1.5 Million

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Current Quest Characters:

Your Name: Syrius Lionwing
Gryphon's Name: Colche
Gender: Female
Tribe: Rogue
Physical Description: Slim, built like a cheetah with 'king' cheetah markings ( I can get a pic if you don't know what they look like) white in colouration with black spots include tear lines please. Tail has to be long and cheetah like. Blue eyes, white wings with black tips on the ends.
Any LineArt Edit? yesh she has to be built like a cheetah maybe she could be running?
History/Personality: Colche was born quite happily under the pretence that her father loved her mother. Her mother, a king cheetah, slim and perfect in her ways fell head over heels for a snow white grey feather. With love in ehr eyes she bore a single egg / cub, colche. Her father furious that her motehr would dare bring such a thing in to the world punished the mother by striking her down. he then, instead of killing the little female simply bricked ehr up in to a cave where he would occasioanlly show her off as a beast to his friends. That is until one day a male took pity upon her and though he thought of her as an animal and nothing more he set her free on to the unclaimed tereritorys to survive on ehr own. Wandering the plains lost and alone. wills he ever find a place to feel safe in?

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Your Name: Valeria
Gryphon's Name: Eliathanus
Gender: Male
Tribe: Tropiclaw
Physical Description: Pretty much like this
Any LineArt Edit?: Yes, please. I would like for him to look somewhat slimmer than the others of his clan, vaguely cockatooish head feathers.
History/Personality: Personality:: Anti-social
History:: Eliathanus was found by Tropurnicous wandering out in the forest by himself. He never knew his parents, since they had happened to die mysteriously before he was hatched. Since he is pretty much raising himself, he is somewhat anti-social, unsure of meeting others and very cynical.

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Your Name: Nel_Zelpher_2005
Gryphon's Name: Kai
Gender: Female
Tribe: Tropiclaw
Physical Description: Colored like a tiger, only with blue where orange should be. Glowing violet eyes.
Any LineArt Edit? No.
History/Personality: A shy one, somewhat a bit of a loner. She wants nothing more than to belong and to have friends, though.

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Your Name: Lilly_Foxx
Gryphon's Name: Scar
Gender: Male
Tribe: Originaly Greyfeather, I assume, but then definatly the Rogues
Physical Description: *reference pic* http://www.100megspop2.com/kayasps/screengrabs/myfriends.jpg
Any LineArt Edit? Cosplay edit
History/Personality: He's been an outcast since birth and always dubbed second rate. His exodus from Greyfeather caused quite a stir. Of course, being exliled, he left as much destruction in his wake as possible. He's not the most brawny of beasts but has the gryphon's share of intelect...as he puts it. Sarcastic, dry wit, coniving, and roughisly handsome all sum up this beast.

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Your Name: Malhyanth
Gryphon's Name: Maikhael
Gender: Male
Tribe: Mansclaw
Physical Description: Maik' is a male harpy, and his colouration is like that of a Rosella Parrot. He has amazing bright blue eyes, and his colouration is like the fire that sometimes sweeps the plains of his once loved homelands. His wings are massive, and his hands are of a pale yellow colour like his beak like marking around mouth, and have long grey claws. His 'feet' are bright red like the rest of his legs and are of a lion like paw. His clothing consists of a kind of loincloth of leopard print fur, possibly of a gryphon in the past, and it is quite ragged, ending around mid-thigh. At his waist, there is a long, flint dagger.
Any LineArt Edit?: He is standing somewhat straight, hands on hips, a smile to his mouth, with longish bright orange hair that makes an almost mane around his head. His long ears are perked up on his head, one swivelled back. His eyes are slightly slanted, and he has a quite muscled build. He has a lion like tail that is curled at the end, almost as though it has been wagged and the heavy tuft has bent over. He looks a lot like Shenzi.
History/Personality: Maikhael is a very brave, unafraid Harpy. He is the kind of guy that would stand tall in the face of death itself, and most probably laugh. He has a tendancy to get himself into trouble, and couldn't care less whether someone sees him. He is very playful, but also knows when to be serious and is an excellent hunter. His colouration got him the nickname 'Quick Flame'.

Maikhael came from a far realm, over the boarders of the Chimuian's, where there was little rain and the eventuality of forest fires were a common threat. His Tribe lived deep in these forests, and they hunted within its trunks, migrating year round to keep themselves supplied with food. A massive forest fire wiped out many of their number, but Maikhael and a few others managed to escape. Finding a new place was very hard, and when Maikhael arrived at the Chimuian realm, he was the only one left alive. Taking this as a sign from the Tribe's Forest God, Maikhael set up home on the lush, rain loving plains of the Unclaimed Lands, and since then, has hunted alone, always wondering how many had survived.

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Your Name: Malhyanth
Gryphon's Name: Tawali
Gender: Male
Tribe: Rogue
Physical Description: Tawali's eyes are jade green, and have cyan blue swirls in them. Under his eyes are two red lines that follow the curve of his eye. His main body colouring is a pale tan white, but his hind right leg has a red sock up to the knee joint. On his throat is a tattoo, and also one on each flank(seen in image section). His hair colour is a shocking blood red, with a short, scruffy mane and a long tail, blue wraps going down his tail some way to keep it under control. He has a long scar going over his left eye. His wings are also prodominately the pale tan white, but the tips are the same blood red as his hair.
Reference Links:Throat Tattoo, Flank Tattoos
Any LineArt Edit? A small green-blue crystal around his neck with a large red feather attached to it. It belonged to his mother.
History/Personality: Tawali is a very misunderstood little gryphon. He wants to be big and tough, but also kind and caring. Two sets of feelings that make him all confused. He likes to play around with other gryphons, and looks up to the Fighters and Raiders of the Rogue Tribe, even though he himself wants to be a Trickster. He noticed that the crystal around his throat made his body do strange things, and that things moved when he concentrated on them. The item belonged to his mother, who left him in the Rogue Lands, leaving him in the care of Ti-kar, knowing that the Leader could look after her son better then she could. His mother was a Tropiclaw, hence the bright red of his body, his father an Outsider of the Chimuian lands, returning to his Territory outside the Chimuian Lands after mating with Tawali's mother. He had been known as Ghost, and gave Tawali his white feathers and eerie duel coloured eyes.

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Your Name: fuKurohane
Gryphon's Name:Aden (meaning "fiery" wink
Gender: Male
Tribe: Rouge
Physical Description:He has a black-and-red (maybe with a little light blue somewhere) fire pattern rising from his legs, going to the tip of his tail, and on his wings. I mean the kind of printed fire pattern you see on cars and motorcycles. The rest of his body is a dark, dark indigo color, with some green flecks on his rump and the top of his head. He has a black beak, and an orange sun on his chest. He has glowing cyan eyes.
Any Lineart Edit?: No
History/Personality:He has a fiery nature, true to his name. He can often be easily angered, but he has a gentler side to him. He can be very loving to his friends and allies, but he would also be happy to tear the face off of a foe. He is sometimes energetic, but also, at times, very laid-back. (he's bipolar)

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Your Name: Inejwstine
Gryphon's Name: Raffkesh
Gender: Male
Tribe: Gryfeather
Physical Description: Raff is unusually skrawny for a griffin, though not sickly. Because he spends most of his time alone in his hiding places and doesn't fly as often as perhaps he should, he hasn't become as physically strong as the others in his tribe. His feathers are a dark blue/violet color. He has gold, curvy designs on his wings, flank, and neck. His eyes and beak are black as onyx. He has one fairly large ring made of shiny dark blue metal near the tip of his tail.
Any LineArt Edit? Yes. In all three stages, he looks skinny, especially as a baby, in which you can barely see his ribs. He's also always wearing a frown. He has a different pose in each stage:
Baby - shoulders slumped, pouting expression, face looking slightly off to the side, as if avoiding someone's gaze.
Teen - crouched, staring at something near his front paws with one eyebrow raised and a curious, quizzacle expression on his face.
Adult - Sitting, paying only attention to the glowing strands of a spell he is weaving between his fingers.
History - Raffkesh contracted a disease very early in his life that stayed with him for months and nearly killed him. It got to the point where he couldn't even eat, which explains why he's so skinny as a child and only slightly less so as a teen and adult. His guardians finally called upon the help of a healer. After about a week of working on him with various herbs, plenty of broth and bed rest, and finally with the aide of some white magic, Raff was finally well enough to get out of bed and his body mended quite nicely after that. He became intrigued with magic after that however; the powerful force that had saved his life. Instead of running off to play with the other Gryphlets, he began to devour anything he could which could tell him how he too could learn magic, though the art of spell weaving eventually stole his interest more than that of healing magic.
Personality - Raff isn't very nice to those he meets, and often not even towards those he's known for some time. He sometimes comes across as mean spirited, even though he's not particularly good at sarcasm or comebacks. He doesn't pick fights, because he knows his physical strength is very limitted, but he's not afraid to mutter behind anyone's back. This behaviour has earned him very few friends, but he doesn't care; the books and tomes of power he is constantly absorbing are his real friends. Every once in a while however, he feels a bit guilty for cruel words he may have said, especially if he can see his words hurt someone.

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