Welcome to Gaia! ::

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The great but savage warlord has arisen! Do you wish to be on his side?

The Great Pirate Celebration!

Winners announced Pg 622

Good morning everyone!

This is an official announcement! As of NOW The bumping contest is open!

Simply bump or chat, or simply post something and every top fo page you get you will be enterd in to the prize draw for the fox captain!

First Mate Competition

So you want to win the first mate of the Ghost do you? Then write me a pretty prompt and PM it to Anthrosia. Heres the prompt you will be writing to ::

It was a dark and stormy night and the sea was against us....

Writing prompt due in by Saturday @ Midnight PST

The Trivia competition is now open there will be random trivia questions through out the next 7 days to win free Cat Pirates

The Flat sale for the first Pirate foxses now over

Cook & Fiddler Raffle

Win a cook or a fiddler for the ship The Ghost! Tickets will cost 500 G each but if you post in the thread you can claim a freeeee ticket ^-^! Plus if you DO NOT own a POA of any kind you can claim 3 free tickets for the raffle! Click HERE To go to the Raffle

I think thats all the announcements for now! Watch this space for updates!!

We have a guild! she be located HYAR!

Some where in the depths of space and time floats a planet entirely made up of the antro kind. This planet, aptly named by it's inhabitants, anthrosia, is a quiet place..or so it was beleived. Every port and peir terrorised by pirates, bands of cut throats, theives and scallywags out to plunder, pillage and ransack your village. As luck would have it though, one town popped up, where strange ships of unknown ownership peir and call forth the men (and women..even though it's powerful bad luck to have a woman aboard.. Hush you!). They birth beside the great long navy vessels, happy men (and women of course) come, eat, drink, recruit and leave, the question is, when you're recruited will you be raising the flag of truth, or will the skull and cross bones be your mark? Welcome to the Port of Anthro my friend, you have stumbled upon, The Pirates of Anthrosia.


1. Welcome & Index
2. About Pirates
3. About the Navy
4. About Others
5. Rules and Guidelines
6. FAQ
7. The Merchants Port - Flatsales, raffles and Auctions
8. Events
9. The Island of Lurve
10. Where the heck am I? aka the map of the world
11. The docking port - pick up point
12. The Familiar Bazaar
13. Affiliates
14. spare
15. spare

Who runs this shop?

Co Owner, Colourist & Line artist: Padfootspaws
Co owner & Colourist: Syrius Lionwing
Guest line artist & colourist: Amy D

The Mailing list... wanna be added?
Leave a message in the thread

Mailing list

Pata lover
Chibi Sorka
Mia Sharra
Pink Lemonade
Three Tailed Fox
Tymiko the Pirate Girl
Carrot Ironfoundersson
Miss Melee
Amy D
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So you want to know about pirates do ya? well a scurvier bunch of ruffians you've never met. Aye , that?s what I said. Somehow though these looters of the sea manage to have some sort of order, or at least general guidelines to go by. The following ranks is what I be on about so listen up and listen up good ye scurvy naves or I'll hang ya by the giblets I will!

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Red Beard the Pirate, a more infamous pirate never sailed the seven seas, with his crew of back stabbers, cut throats and plunderers, he's one of the richest too. Harhar, tis true! Dont't ya love it when ya speaks in thard parson? Aye, be aware me'hearties, thar don't be no going easy on upstarts, you's either rutheless or hangin' from the gallows! Beware matys when you out on them seas cause the ol' navy be awaitin' around every corner to take out an eye, just like that scurvey nave dogbert, but thats okay cause 'e walked away without an ear! harharhar, off ya go now, get to plunderin you bunch of rotten dogs and don't let me catch you sniffin around 'ere again!


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Thar be legends on the seven seas of pirates so feared that the likes of them are never again seen on these 'ere seas. Some says they be myths, others? well others they knows better!


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Captains is the most respected and hated people on a ship. They are the people most likely to get it in the neck when ..uh I mean if a mutiny happens However they are usually very powerful men (or women of course..it's powerfu**gaggs that person** HUSH!) They lead raids on the small coastal towns always, or mostly always returning to some trove where they keep their bounty, only he (or she **glares at the gagged person**) truely knows how to get there the secret usually dies with them!

First mates

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First mates are the captains most trusted recruits (or their most hated rival) Either way they seem to manage to work in unison to keep the rest of the crew in check that is of course unless he (or she) is just that little too ambitious and talks the crew in to mutinying!

General Crew mates

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General crew mates of pirates are both men and women! Pirates aren?t too discriminative about sexes. Hardy rough around the edges men and rough and ready wenches out for adventure and a chance to cut throats, plunder pillage and maybe even get their leg over XD! The crew is generally obedient to the captain, or just generally scared half to death of him! Occasionally they band together under the first mates call to mutiny against a particularly tyrannical captain or simply because they want his treasure for themselves!

The cook

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There?s usually only one cook on a ship and he (strangely it's usually a bloke) is a very influential character on a ship! After all if you annoy the cook you could end up with a belly full of poison!

The Fiddler

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The fiddler is exactly what he sounds like! A player of songs a singer of great stories. There is one on every ship and they are highly important for ships moral! More importantly the fiddler never gets thrown over board he's usually the most likable rogue on board!

Cabin Boys (or girls)

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There are usually only one or two cabin boys or girls on a ship they do a lot of running and general scrubbing of the decks, fetching food and running errands for the captain. They always seem to know an awful lot as they are virtually invisible to the rest of the crew, it's even said that sometimes a cabin boy is a captains only true friend, so maybe, just maybe they know where the treasure is?
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The Great Anthrosian Navy

Aside from the scoundrels of the Anthrosian waters, there just so happens to be one of the finest Navy battalions out there too! The gentle folk of the Anthrosian islands feel a lot safer this way, as Admiral Dogbert the second commands his great ships of trustworth men (and wonmen), who guard the shores with their lives. It all comes down to Dog vs Kitty Cat in the never ending battle between the good the bad and the kind of inbetween?

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[Sir Admiral Berthold Dogbert the second]

Admiral Dogbert the third is the greatest Mariner that ever lived, and he's still living today. Although he's rather ancient and needs the help of a cane to stand, he still has than lust for pirate blood he's had since he was a young deck swabber. Leading his Navy to victory against all enemies of the crown and everything 'propper', Admiral Dogbert is one mutt you shouldn't mess with.

Sworn enemies with the Legendary Long John Silver (Who took a chunk from his right ear in a cat fight), and just about every pirate captain that ever lived, Admiral Dogbert proves himself both out on the sea and behind a desk planning offense tacktics. If you want to be a captain of one of his ships, then you'll really have to do out on a limb to impress... this is one mean puppy!

RANKS (In order of ... um... rank?)


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The top dog on deck as they say. The Admiral is in charge on whichever ship he sets foot on. Usually he won?t bother the captain, but will over see battle tactics and how a ship is run. They will usually have the first and last say in everything, unless royalty is involved. Admirals take orders from the queens, and usually whatever she says goes! Admirals also have the power to sentence a pirate to death, once sentence is past though? anything could happen?


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Ahoy captain! Appointed by Admiral Dogbert the second, Captains are at the head of the ship. They are the organisers, navigators, mediators and general pain in the arse sometimes. But don?t let their bossiness fool you, if it weren?t for the captain the boat would be swimming with the fishes right now. There is normally one captain per ship (unless their under training), in which case there may be two.


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As with the pirates the Navy captains also choose to confide in and give out orders through a first mate. These are usually the most trustworthy member of the crew (so it?s believed) and they are treated more as a friend by the captain than a coligue.

Ships Doctor

The most important member aboard ship, and usually the cleverest. The ships doctor is the saviour of severed limbs, sea sickness and cabin fever. It?s a tough and often disgusting job, but somebody has to do it. A doctor is permitted to bring on board a nurse? though it is said that a woman on ship is really bad luck!

Ships Cook

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Every ship needs a cook, and for the queen?s ship, only the best will do. Surviving on apples, biscuits and rum? a ships cook needs to disguise rations into plates of marvellous delicacies? though they?re still just apples and biscuits! XD

General Crew Mates

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Lookouts, cannon operators, toilet cleaners, and every other basic job you could think of on board a ship comes under here. From here you can work your way up to other roles, but you?ll have to prove yourself! wink

Cabin boys

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The lowest of low, and of course! You're a kid, what else would they do but have you cleaning the floors and tying lifelines. Besides you get what you're given! Shouldn't have left school should you! *Glares*

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There are of course other people in the land of anthrosia , the port of Anthros is a bustling city filled with people! Heres just a small list of them.


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Kings, queens, general royalty. They are head of the navy. Young up coming princes will join the navy and instantly become captains due to their ranks (this isn't always the best idea but it happens!)

Govorner / Govorness

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The govorner / Governess is a very powerful person. they basically run the show when the royalty arnt around. They are usually shrewed buisnessmen and women with apt minds. They were often navy men or simply very powerful women whom seize the power by the throat.


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The gentry of any town are basically your snobs, people born with silver spoons firmly lodged int heir gobs. They are likely to go on small voyages, when they get bored.


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Scientists in this day and age are sort of frowned upon, but they often have quite alot of money at their disposal and occasionally they will do something rather wreckless like higher a crew to sail off in to unknown waters. They are educated men if a little wrekless at times.


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The royal hunters are a roudy bunch full of them selves and cocky as out! However they are noble men and they are always out to help a damsel in destress if they are lost in the woods, now if you're an ugly damsel,it might be a different story but still! These guys do much of the hunting for royalty and gentry in the port of anthros and earn an awful lotof money doing it!


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With ships come merchants! they come fromt he seven corners of the world to bring items to land lubbers, pirates and navy men alike. They also run places like the Rusty bucket the faviorite watering hole of the port of Anthros.

Peasants (both male & female)

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Peasents of course have the power to stop being peasents and join the navy or, if they are particularily naughty, run away and become a pirate! Peasents also include dock yard crew people! These peasents clean, paint and generally look after the dock for minimum wage....


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Gypsys are wandering peasents though they certainly earn alot more than your average peasent! They come enne mass to the port of anthros a few times a year for mass celebrations where booze and pleasentry run amoc!


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Can I ave a penny mista?? A common sound on the treets of the port of anthros as the many orphans whom have escaped the work houses or orphanages wander the streets earning a *cough* hoest living by begging or stealing.


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There are many hidden races that reside in Anthrosia. The discovery of Amazon Isle has created a lot of talk lately, and more and more is known obout this small civilisation everyday. Explorers are still unsure where the people (if you can call them that) actually live, but rumour has it that if you see one you shall die withing 36 days! Oo


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Little is known of the savage race known as barbariens but it is said that they live on a dark, obsidian island where there is only one port of entry. High cliffs and shallow shoals prevent most ships from even entering here. It is said that they however have ships of ther own, slim low birthed ships which they have no problem coming to otehr shores upon. Beware these creatures! So little is known of them so few have survived to tell the tale! We hardly know anything about these ceratures so far all we have seen are mere glimpses of them!

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So here we be in the rules and guidelines section Thar only be a few, we pirates don't much like rulins, it's more, guidlines HA! Any ways these hyar rulins are subject to changin at any time so just be good arg!

DO NOT steal, edit or other wise use padfootspaws art without her express permission. You WILL be reported to a gaia mod if you are found using this line art or stealing any pets that don't belong to you!

2. Be civil to one another, people found bickering, complaining or guilt tripping people will be hung by the gallows!

3.There will be an rp thread, please, no god modding, it makes me sad crying

4. Please do not PM padfoots paws or Syrius Lionwing with questions, leave them in the thread or pm this account. Please be aware that we are busy people and harrassing makes us sad **sniffles**

That be them all for now ship mates, if we thinks of more arg we'll be sure to add them we will!
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Tis FAQ time so here we go most frequently asked questions around these here parts, any others? we shall answer them here.

Q. OMG They are sooo shuuweet! i want one how do i get one?
A. Simple, either wait for a Flat sale, Auction or even a raffle. Just scroll down to the sales section to see whats going on at the moment!

Q. EEp I got one Can I name him Captain jack sparrow?
A. I'm sorry but no, you can'tname your pet Jack sparrow, there will be a special POTC set in the future, until then please refrain from naming your pets after the chracters from there, thankyou!

Q. I want to be a colourist, are you taking anyone on?
A. At this time no, though we may consider in the future if the shop gets mobbed to take on a colourist, so stay tuned!

Q. How much are flat sales?
A. Flat sale prices are as follows
Navy men - 3 k
Regular Pirates - 5 k
Cabin bois / gurls - 8 k (they grow ohh O.O)
Others will be decided later XD!

Q. Ugh, why are they so expencive?
A. the prices arn't very expencive, considering the work that goes in to these guys they take alot of time to colour!

Q . Okay okay, but could you lower your prices I'm a newbie?
A. No, we won't lower prices, However we may consider having events / quests where new people (people without any of these pets or generally people who don't have that much G) will be able to win Free ones.

Q. Okay so what about auctions? How much will they cost?
A. Auctions will be very special Anthrosians, possibly they will be new line arts, special editions, or just line edited, they will be captains and admarals and special people like govoners (or governesses as the case may be) Auctions will start at 5 k a peice, with no auto buys, they will run for 5 days from the start of the auction.

Q : Wa hey okay, now raffles how much will they cost?
A. Raffle ticket prices & amounts will be decided depending upon the pet being raffled. Extra special pets are bound to have more people interested and will definately have taken more time. Please no mules thats totally unfair!

Q: Do you do customs? I want one to look like my cat/dog/pet that is cuter than anyone elses in the world.
A: At the moment no. However in the future there will be customs available they will be expencive though I'm afraid! We would like to make customs special and having them cheap will simply mean there will be loads of them!

Q: Okay so no customs yet, when they do open will you do character customs?
A: We'll have to think about this one as there will be sets of 'chracters' like POTC. Character customs will cost even more than regular customs though! This is because they will be line edited more than likely!

Q : Do you do pet trades? I really want a custom!
A : At this time no. Tho Syrius is a big time pet horder theres only one pet she wants right now and paddy prefares G all around. Thankyou for offering though ^-^!

Q: Are anthrosians rp necessarry?
A : No but we like it if you do come and rp! we have a guild and everything for you to rp in ^__^! Also if you rp and come around we are more likely to grow your pets cause we know you're here see so it's a win win sitch! Also if you rp you could be in with a chance of becoming a captain either by mutiny or **other** means teehee!

Q : Can I make a journal for my Anthreosian? I want to map what he/ she is doing .
A : Of course you can! feel fere to set up a thread for yourself in the guild!

Q: Okay so cabin kiddies grow up..uhm how / when?
A: Well cabin kiddies do indeedy grow, but I know alot of people like to rp their pets and if their kiddie grew to adult after a week they may be unhappy. So heres how it works. After a month (30 days from flat sale) you can request for your anthrosian to grow. Your anthrosian will then grow simple as that! If you wish your pet to stay a cabin boy/ gurl for longer / ever thats fine too it's really up to you though the minimum time you have to stay a cabin kiddie is a month okies?

well thats it for now, any more questions? ask away!
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This is the sale point all sales will either go from here or there will be links to auctions / raffle threads from here!

~~Flat Sales ~~

Todays flat sale @ 7 pm GMT (11 am pst)

Todays FS rules

1. As there are only 20 of these guys period you may only claim 1. No you cannot claim one for a friend I'm afraid that would be unfair!
2. Please no squabbling over them! If you want one coloured to your specifics You can commission them for 50 k each.
3. Do NOT claim a pirate until I say GO in big green letters!
4. Thee seven seas be calin' my name so I be runnin away to join the ghost as kitty number **insert number**
5. These rules may be added to or changed at any time. Have fun and good luck!

Cabin Kitty's! 8k Each.

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Barbarien ~ 15 K

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Custom coloured Cook & Fiddler raffle starting this Saturday!

previous raffles

Raffle for first mate & cook of the Obsidian located HERE


Barbarien Warlord Auction will happen @ 8 pm GMT (12 pm PST) Sunday 14th August Thread will be set up and a link will be heer auction will last 1 week!

none at the mo


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None at this time!

Don't worry things will happen heer soon teehee ^-^!



Syrius Lionwing only, please PM and She will get back to you asap!

Prices ::

Captains, first mates, cooks and fiddlers will be staying at a december 03 there are only a few left I wish to keep them rare and or they will be auctrioned / raffled at a later date.

Pirates (male and female regulars) - 10 k each

Navy bois - 6k each

Kabin kittys / puppies - 16 k each

Pregnant kitties - 40 k each

Amazons - 30 k each

Barbariens - 30 k each

Barbarien / amazon kiddies - 36 k each

Peasents (mousse / giraffe) - 10 k each

Urchins - 16 k each

Gentry - 40 k each

These will all be custom coloured. if you pm Syrius Lionwing she will send you a form to fill out. No gold is asked for until the order is done and you are satisfied thankyou![/
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The Great Pirate Celebration!

Greetings matey! The pirates of Anthrosia be havin' a special celebration! It be partially because we missed talk like a pirate day, arrr, but we be makin' up for this greivance by 'avin' a 'ole week of Celebratin'!

Startin' Saturday the 1st of October A whole week of pirate like celebrations will happen!

To kick off the fun there will be a Pirate flat sale and a raffle to win custom coloured Cook and Fiddler for the mighty fine new ship The Ghost! There will also be a Writing competition, we likes to see a bit of writing's, it will be free to enter and the prize will be A cusom coloured first mate! Arg now hold ye horses cause I have one more competition to be dishing out yet! When the competition starts on Saturday start chattin'! Every person that gets a top of page post will be enterd to win an Extra special prize that at the moment be a secret! Plus there will be freebies all week to people whom answer trivia questions!

We do hope we be seein' ye thar we'll ave a bottle of rum a waitin' ye arrival!

~~**The Pirates of Anthrosia Team**~~

Barbariens are attacking the port of anthros! They are a mighty force to be reaconed with! We need your help defeating this mighty, savage foe! Will you come and help? or hide in the shadows like a cowardly dog?!?

Click HERE to visit the thread and sign up to help your fellow beast!

((signups are now open the war will start when we have enough people in attendance!))

There be something Afoot!

A hunter, brave, strong, powerful, ace with his bow, crumpled under a mass, his body broken, limping, face gashed one eye swollen completely shut, he stumbled up to the central square and collapsed, the last line of defence in to the port of anthros was a great forest, filled with hunters and archers, known world wide for their skills with a bow and arrow. This one, had obviously been caught close at claw. "I saw them." he whispers rolling on to his back "mean beasts, LIZARDS! I saw them, so many, strong creatures!"

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He flails his eyes going wide pointing wildly up the main street of the port of anthros. The great wooden gate, open to visitors as always, it had stood for a hundred thousand years, some said it was magical, it had never been broken down once closed. There on the creast of the hill, that surrounded the main port, the trees peerd over the top of it and there stood the towering beast, a shadow in the darkness but his sillouette was clear. A voice broke the silence a cry for war.

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The gates were closed and deep inside the port of anthros, people worried, who would help them now the hunters were gone? would the navy come to aid or would they all have to pile on to ships and escape?

Sunday the 14th of August, the war begins will you be there to help or will you flee like a coward?

A whole group of peasents flooded the streets of the port of anthros, they were all talking amongst them selves. They had come from the third village on the outshirts of the port of anthros. They managed to escape the massacre of the first two villianges, though it seemed they only escaped by a hairs bredth.

"My husband stayed behind to defend the village!" one woman sobbed, "I saw them, I nearlly saw them, their dark, misty sillouettes on the horrizon!"

The woman sobs softly as she it embraced by a second villager.

The surgeon appears on the street then, his brow furrowed deeply, "I beleive, it is time to start worrying, are these people fool enough to attack the port of anthros with the navy in the docs?" He frowns and licks his lips "Make your selves comfortable good villiagers, all will be well, you will be safe here!" He swallowed hard, would they be safe? He questioned it himself as he dashed off towards the govoners house, he would know what to do, he hoped.

The barbariens draw near, is anyone safe from this rabble of vicious beasts?

"Gods help us all!" a young woman stumbled in to the port of anthros, she clung a bundle to her chest which made an awful lot more racket than she did, but she didn't seem to mind. "HELP!" she cried above the childs weaping "PLEASE HELP US!" tears stained her cheeks as she stumbled in to the central square and once again the people of the port of anthros left their homes to find out what the racket was "Please, theres been an attack..my husband..my children..they are all..." she broke down then falling to her knees and weaping "we didn't beleive him..thought he was insane now it's all gone!" she yelled huge wet tears staining her face.

"but what was it that you saw? whats happend?" one of the many peasents asked while another went to get the harrassed surgeon.

The young woman weaped softly, calming enough to give a description "i don't know what they were I only caught a glimpse of them! But they tore through the villiagers like a knife through butter, they are barbariens!"

The Sergeon came soon after and took the poor woman to rest, she was in such shock.

What is afoot in the lands of anthrosia? who or what are these barbariens? are they truely simply savages or do they have a greater cause? stay tuned to find out!


"THERES BEEN AN ATTACK!" A peasent stumbles in to the port of anthros, blood dribbling down his forehead, running in to his mouth. He spits out quickly a bloody cough following this outburst. "theres been..an attack" he whispers, collapsing from exhaustion.

The Local surgeon runs to the rescue lifting the poor unfortunate anthrosian to one of the town square benches.

"listen, listen" the peasent whispers "something..s..s..something is attacking the villages to the east..run away" he pauses coughing up more blood "while you still can!"

"something?" the surgeon exclaims "but what did they look like?"

"I..I only caught a glimpse of them!"

The surgeon looks worried at the little information but shakes his hand "pish posh, nothing would be stupid enough to attack the port of anthros! Nothing!"

Something is afoot on the continent of anthrosia, will you be there to find out what? Stay tuned for more updates!

old events
~~Contest Over~~

winners announced on page 300! congrats to everyone!

Welcome to the first ever anthrosian contest! This contest (though a little late) is dedicated to all you americans and your freedom! Up for grabs is a 100 % free 4th of July anthrosian!

So what do you have to do you ask? It's simple! When we hit page 190 start posting! every post you make MUST have a number in it, you can bump, or chat, or well rp if you like as long as your post has a number in it it will be counted!

Example :: post number 1

The person whom bumps the most between page 190 and 300 will win! PLUS! 6 Runners up will win a freebie just for being the other best bumpers! So what are you waiting for? Lets get to 190 and get this contest rolling!

Oh and just so you know you will have a choice of the type of anthrosian you get though I will be colouring him / her to my idea of 4th of july colours ^-^! the choices will be

Reg Pirate female
Reg Pirate male
Reg Navy male
Reg amazon female

so get posting and good luck!
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Welcome to the island of love. As we all know, pirates and genrally peopple are randy lil fellahs so we seem to get a whole lot of people havin babehs! However, bredings only happen when we see activity from the couple involved. Thar be a few rules when it comes to choosing a partner (or even just having a tustle in the hay with the land lady at the Rusty bucket!)

1. Characters Must be active. Anyone just breeding for breedings sake won't be allowed to.
2. They must be adults, no cabin boys knocking up old ladies okay O.o!
3. There doesn't have to be romance! If anything pirates are more likely to 'knock boots' and go seperate ways. Usually this means that the female looks after the kids, though occasionally, the guy gets lumberd with them while she goes back to see (scurvey wench XD!)
4. Navy men are very noble gents and usually don't just jump ship, though there are those who jump on a ship to get away from responsabilities. The noblemen and gentry usually go about it the old fasioned way asking hands of fathers and all that jazz.
5. Anthrosians generally go through this whole ritual of you know having the big S word XD! So if your pirate/ navy man / woman is gay they can't have babies theres no possible way for them to have them.

Oi think thats aboot right for now! Finally prices!

Breeding is a rarety even though it is of course possible. they cost 5 k a peice and the people involved must decide who stays home! Remember if you're a pirate of the seven seas you're very unlikely to want to be tied down, so think about this before asking ye wench to marry ya !
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[insert map image here]

The great wide world of Anthrosia!

The port of Anthros

The port of anthros is a very important place. Most people travel heer to jump on a ship, Ships of unknown origin and ownership dock here to recruit hords of burly men and strapping women and even cocky young lads and lassies to help run a ship.

The navy also docks here though they of course have a recruitment office, there are several navy ships, the most powerful of course run by the Admaral. Others are run simply by captains.

The port of anthros is a bustling town and the main watering hole, where everyone goes for some scully and rum is of course The Rusty Bucket. It's a very large pub, where alot of fights happen, it's also rumoured to be a favorite hiding place of Pirates when they wish to discuss their hunts. Of course, that is just a rumour.

To the west of the port of Anthrosia lay many smaller villages where people of various origins travel to the port to seek their fortune on the seven seas!

The Sea of the Tranquil Beast

This sea feeds directly out from The port of anthros, noone truely knows whats beyond the main island, theres a thousand rumours of islands, filled with treasures and midgets in loincloths, maybe when one of the ships sales, you'll be able to find out.

Here Thar be monsters..well..we don't acctually know whats here do we? Thar may be monsters tho O.O!!
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This be war thee owners of the anthrosians can pick up their pirates it is also our owners list yar!! (in alphabetical order and everything)

Thee Pirates


Captain Dylan Foxglove Owned by ~ Kotatsu-Chan

Captain Jay redbeard Owned By ~ Syrius Lionwing


Captain Johannsen 'Black Eyed' Morgan Owned By ~ Presca

Maggie 'The Wraith' Calisto Owned by ~ Mira

Scarlett 'Sadi' Killigrew Owend By~ Angua Von Uberwald

First Mates

Keona Aliikai Owned By ~ Meemo

Rein Keyensen Owned by ~ fallen child of Summer


Brendan Owned By ~ Kotatsu_chan

Hopscotch Owned By ~ Angua Von Uberwald

Indy Pindy Sea Owned by ~ Ty-Chan


Jack Raleigh Owned By ~ Rearmost Tree Slug

Purange Owned By ~ Peach-Soup

Fox Crew

Basil Owned By ~ Arrikanez

Breathless Owned By ~ Pata Lover

Mary Redwaters Owned By ~ Foo-Foo

Max Villemaire Owned By ~ Kotatsu-Chan


Albedo Owned By ~ Coronaviridae

Ambrosia Owned By ~ Allure

Aoife McRuairi Owned by ~ D00mpixie

Bremusa Owned By ~ EchoLimaFoxtrot

Catnip Owned By ~ Bdaichi

Caylis Owned By ~ Pata Lover

Crow Owned By ~ Arrikanez

Erik Owned By ~ Mia Sharra

Grim Owned By ~ Sporkishness

Gingivere]Gingivere Owned By ~ Ciorrawolfmage

Hetha Morgan Owned By ~ Hellzmassiah

Jaques Owned By ~ Lenta

Kali Owned By ~ Kilynn

Keesa Owned By ~ Dragoil

Kelly Baker Owned By ~ Cheeky_Chill

Les Owned By ~Anvion

Magpie Owned By ~ TY-chan

Meeki Owned By ~ Polecat Junkie

Mojo Owned by ~ spookyx7

Neeko Owned by ~ Kayleigh-Chan

Nikki Owned By ~ Ves

Raven Owned By ~ Ty-chan

Ronnie Owned By ~ Kotasu-Chan

Rufus Sharkchum Owned By ~ Miss Melee

Takumi Owned by ~ Jack Takhashi

TealieOwned By ~ Overfiend Katsumi

Zillah Owned By ~ Kieko

Cabin Crew

Armen McFaye Owned By ~ Triereikai-Hime

Babe Blue Owned By ~ Neonibbles

Bandigar Owned By ~ TiggzH

Blackspot Eliza Owned By ~ Silly Hizoko

Don Juan Draven Owned By ~ Roddy mcmay

Dylan Quickpaw Owned By ~ Amy D

Joseph Owned By ~ Lightning Shadow X

Kiori Owned By ~ fallen Child of summer

Minerva Flower Owned By ~ Byagone319

Patch Owned By ~ were girl

Raspberry Owned By ~ SilverPelt

Sandingomm Owned By ~ Ciorrawolfmage

Talitha Owned By ~ Massrevenge

Thee Navy


Sir Admiral Berthols Dogbert the second Owned By ~ Padfootspaws


Captain Rusty Feverfew Owned by ~ SummerRaven

First Mates

Ship Doctors



Indivar Owned By Sporkishness

Boris Jemison Owned By ~D00mpixie

Casey (Mad dog) Mortin Owned by ~ Jack Takahashi

Cobie Owned By ~ Aquira

Hawthorne Owned by ~ Kynthari

Indivar Owned By ~ Sporkishness

Kisho Owned By ~ Dovaxy

Seth Owned By ~ Mia Sharra

Toro Heertsan Owned by ~ fallen child of Summer

Sir Roland Owned By ~ were girl

Victor Maple Owned by ~ keetabirdy

Cabin Crew

Big-Ears Owned By ~ carrot ironfoundersson

Babur Owned By ~ fallen child of Summer



Sanzhari BahatiOwned By ~ Tara Jenkins


Lyssipe Owned By ~ Angua Von Uberwald

Melan Owned by ~ Sadinen-Mutaki

Rari Owned By ~ Mia Sharra

Torri Harper Owned by ~ Jack Takahashi

Marfasha Owned By ~ were girl

Warriors In Training

Bellatrix Owned By ~ Amy D


War Lord

Mavros Owned By ~ Jerryhargabyte


Crstell Owned By ~ Amirynth

Enyo Owned By ~ Enoh Love

Italzor Owned By ~ Oniyxia

Kali'hana Owned By ~ Keiko

Kuroi Ongama Owned By ~ Ice_Dragon_Demon

Rhett Owned By ~ Roddy mcmay

S'ryan Owne By ~ Pi-Sama

Ssthyr Owned By ~ Jerryhargabyte

Tuli Owned By ~ TY-Chan

Venatrix Owned By ~ were girl


Abby Owned By ~ shoebandit

Sy'll Owned By ~ Aquira

Szek Owned By ~ Charlotte Kitsune

Thylen Owned By ~ fallen child of Summer


Elenor Owned by ~ Dragoil

Kitara Owned By ~ chemicalstar



Gerrard Owned By ~ Sporkishness

Jeffery Owned By ~ LP


Aurora Dawkins Owned By ~ Keiko

Julia Owned By ~ Pi_Sama


Kelly Owned By ~ Faerierain

Natalie "Pockets" Vonle Owned By ~ Kitsune_Takeru

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Jeramia Jones - Licensed to sell all variety of beasts, living or dead

You walk into a smoke filled building, brimming with a range of different smells and sounds. The shop keeper, looking rather bored with the who arrangement, coughs abruptly in order to get your attention. "Is there anything I can do you for? Looking for something in particular?" he quirks as he smiles sarchastically and leans upon the counter top.

Familiar Sales

Want something special for your pirate or Navy officer? Then your in the right place! We have a range of different familiars for your pets, more of which will be created each month, so check back often! :3

All familiars are priced at 2K each, unless otherwise stated. Commissioned familiars will also be available, but at a later stage! 3nodding
Familiar will be sold in flatsales, check this post to find out when the next FS will be.

Preview of pets:

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Jeramia Says:

"WE'RE SHUT! I have to clean out the Glomites, and it won't be pretty! Please check back later, I might be alive to serve you then."

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Hyar be our affiliates and banner type thingies arg!! If you weould like to link to us send us your banner / url and we shall do a banner trade yarness ^-^!

Our linkie banner

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Our Affiliates

Shadows of Africa -Just go and see, the sweetest lions in da worlde O.O!!

E-Mice - the cutest little computer mice ever!!

Dream Castle; Over The Rainbow - my lil ponys!!!

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okay over theres the oport and over heres the flibble and OMG mister gfibble nyooo!!
all hands to port..uh which ways port again?

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