Welcome to Gaia! ::

The Menyhert Era is on hiatus. While we are on hiatus, the thread will be going over some major changes. Please sit back tight and feel free to watch us change over the course of time. When we come back, everything will be new and improved~ just you wait!

Don't AIM/PM me/Ameh questions. Feel free to post any questions you have.

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Welcome to our organization for Menyhért. I am Professor Nana. I have made this organization and normally, only those of the who have been searching all their life for a "breedable pet' will be led here, and you poor souls. Commoners will not be tolerated. No matter, now that you have stumbled here, I will tell you the meaning of this organization we call "Menyhért." If this secret should be revealed, all your memories and everyone else's will be erased as well. You friends and family will be in grave danger. Our organization exists for the capture of of these creatures you would call lions. These creatures as you know are the kings of the jungle but in other terms, they rule overall. Their level of aging increases rapidly, but they live much longer than the average human lifespan. So far our reseach has led us to this fact. To know more, continue on.

Now you know, our infomation is higly accurate since we DO have tons of professors working at desks researching something or doing something otherwise. From our research, these lions are able to understand the human language unlike others, but unable to speak it. Lions have human emotions, able to feel sad, angry and such. But they can also form herds. (If you'd like to form a herd, post in the thread or PM me, kthxbye) Sometimes lions can go ROGUE, if left untended or kicked off from a group for a long periods of time. So we please ask you to take care of em. With a lot of love and caring, your lion may grow faster even! Dream lions with tons of Rp may in fact become real.

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This shop is owned/runned by Saiyukii, and The lineart is copyright to Ameh. I said tons of professors worked here, didnt I? Here are our main professors ^__^
  • Saiyukii, Professor Christopher = Manager/Scary Lady (owner and colorist)
  • Ameh, Professor Amy = Lab Technician (lineartist and colorist)
  • Infinite Duck, Professor Ducksworth = Nurse (colorist)
  • Dark Lunar Fox, Professor Elf = Physiologist (helps Amy dissect things)
  • Ayuoh, Professor Ayu = Trade Manager (gold hoarder)
  • Allure and Inside You I Was Reborn, Professors Katrina and Reborn = Roleplay Managers (helps keep thread and roleplay active and... helps Amy and Chris out!)

Thanks to Beat Fu for the Menyhert Fanart she has done on the front page. n_n

Allure was here!
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November 14 ~ Sai's birthday is tomorrow! XD; Wish 'er a happy birthday? XD
October 27 ~ Another Halloween auction And raffle guest colored by Leez0rz here
October 8 ~ Halloween auction here!
October 3~ Celebrate Allure's birthday! -luffs on-
September 30~ Flatsale done and ova!~ kthx to everyone for participating. Congratuations to the flatsale winners. ;D
September 14~ Flatsale soon to come!
August 13th ~ There is an RP event thread for a couple's female cub from a breeding!!
June 4th ~ TLK Series Auctions ended~! Growings next, plus... ???
April 23, 2005 ~ TLK series soon! ^__^
April 11 ! EEEE. I forgot to update the annoucements all this time ;;
March 14 ~ Starting to set up the thread. Just you wait =3
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Beyond the plains of the wilderness, a new species of lions were discovered. These lions were very much like normal lions but different in their own special way. Most are comfortable living on land, and carnivorous due to their ancestors before them. Menyhert lions dont prefer to get themselves wet.

Cub // A little new lion, rambunctious and ready for the world! Most curious/playful at this time since they are still exploring the world. The often tend to stick to their parents/loved ones at this time, afraid of the new world. He/she will need alot of care to grow. Takes 2 - 14 days to grow.

Teen // Grown up, Menyherts start to mature and understand. They will awkwardly going through life's obstacles. Hunting, peer pressure, and etc. You know the rest. They often grow fussier/picky too. They take on more responsibility, searching for food by themselves, attacking off predators, and whutever else you can imagine. But their body is slowly changing. Takes 14 - 28 days to grow.

Adults // At this wonderful time, they are finally adults, but life is much harder or easier from ones point of view. Most of the time, An adult's view changes. The things they did not understand when they were little, they start to understand than regret. But the body has finished changing, and the body is bigger, faster, and better.

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A new discovery...??!!?!

Winged Menyherts have been seen soaring through the skies, witnessed by several menyherts, reporting to only have caught a glimspe of them before dissapearing. What does all this mean?!

Stay tuned!
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  • Respect everyone and everything. ^_^
  • No stealing the Menyhert art OR anyone else's, for that matter.
  • Please do not edit any Menyhert image without permission.
  • Don't PM anyone, post all yer questions/comments here.
  • Spamming my inbox takes you directly to the black list.
  • No trade = No pet.
  • Please send all trades to Saiyukii. Thank you!
  • These rules are subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of the shop-owners.


  • You MUST wait for me to post the green 'Go'!
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to edit posts. HOWEVER you can post a second time if the lion you asked for was already taken. Just don't edit your posts. That will get you blacklisted.
  • You must express some interest in these lions at LEAST before obtaining a flatsale lion.
  • No talking 5 minutes prior to when the Flatsale starts.
  • You MUST specify exactly which lion you want ^_^
  • It's first come first serve. Anything else, I'll annouce it... but just assume it's a speed flatsale it for now.
  • If your trade is not sent in 24 hours, your lion will be taken away from you.
  • Once winners are announced, post your lion's name shortly after.
  • And as always, have fun and be respectful!


Autobuy: None
Starting Bid: 5,000g
Min Increment: 100g

  • ALL basic rules from the main thread apply here. If you're not familiar with them, please go to the thread and read them.
  • Donation Items/Letters accepted Mid-LD (Lucky Devil).

  • Commons/rares are NOT accepted unless specified.
  • If you're co-owning, make sure to include it in your bid.
  • Anti-snipe is in place. No new bidders 30 minutes before the end of the auction. If a bidding war begins in the last minutes of the auction, there will be a 10 min. increase.
  • Total your bids.
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Ah, so you want a Menyhert? Well here's how to get one:

Menyhert are 5k/Sealed Letter at flatsale price. Mostly, it's first come, first serve. (I will announce when it's not.)

Current flatsales:

At auctions, get yourself some gold to get yerself to the top bid! x3
Current auctions:


A Contest will pop up.. sometime.

Current contests:


Raffle contestents, i hope you all good luck!

Current contests:

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RP is NOT mandatory! However, there will probably be things given to those who do, or are at least active in the thread, to chat or just hang out. For the time being, RP may take place here in the thread, and if enough people think it'd be nice later I will make a separate thread or possibly a guild. Journal-style RP is also encouraged, for those owners who would prefer that or would just like to have one. Rping may bring some special things though ;] I'd really prefer journals, and if you want one, Just PM Ameh and we'll talk about setting you up with a journal.

Please read these rules before you RP.

  • No godmoding. This means you cannot control someone else's Menyhert in anyway or let your it kill everyone. Only RP your OWN character.
  • Be nice! Don't leave ANYONE out no matter what.
  • Please keep the content of your RP PG-13 and under.
  • Always keep OOC interaction between players polite.
  • Keep swearing/bad language to a minimum.
  • Menyhert cannot talk to humans, but they do understand their human companions whom they are bonded to. And of course, they can talk between their own species.
  • Menyhert(s) CANNOT die.

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This is where you pick up your lion(s). Please direct link :3

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Silver Baron - 1k heart
OverfiendChocobo - Kiki Plushie! Thank joo!
Demi-Angelic Natsuki Kuga - 2k heart

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Ameh - Lineartist and best friend. ~O:
Allure - Awesome friend you'll ever find. *pokes*
Inside You I Was Reborn - Quirky individual. 8D
My fellow colorists and stalkers!

samus x- Probation..

(Why must people fight? Can't we all just get along?)
Panda_Stocking (1189629) - Please learn to follow the rules.
Poke~masta (1292834) - Begging for raffle tickets/spamming my inbox.
IBelongToU (1244336) - Didn't I just say not to PM me again? >O
DarklordZidane (29715) - Harassment of Reborn.
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Feel free to request affiliation in the thread; feel shy? ;o; PM me.
Under Renovation (cuz it was ugly D:< wink

In order to Request to Affilate, Your shop must have the following

    + Only Breedable/Changing pet. Afterall, this is one.
    + Active Shopowner(s) And Active Roleplay
    + 10 Pages or more
    + Activity/Interest. Im sorry but Shops w/ pages only with Bumps are pathethic. Really. D:
    + Decent coloring and Decent pets.
    + Affilate Banners must be around the same size as the ones below/ Or I can make them.
    ----- Im sorry. But i think these small l'lil banners are actually attractive. And makes the affilates section look nicer. =3

User Image <-- Around Same size.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Pet Spotlight 8D~
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Q - Do you do pet trades?
A - Sure! PM me an offer and i'll take up on that when I'm on. Please dont be offended if i don't accept tho.

Pets trade, No asking

Gaia Humane Society
Shaolin Wolf
Nummy Numas.
Amehs/Winterfalcon's/Leelakin/DFA/DFL's Art <3~
-More to come

Pets Traded
Chickies - Gaia Humane Society
Tsuki Sohma & Chibi Sorka - Neko Flurry
Jinxeh & Silverpelt - Equu
Dragoil - Blathanna
-Polar- - Velah

Q- Can I get a custom? Pleaaase? ;__;
A - Why not?.. But than you'd have to pay now. PM me the details of your custom and I'll give you a price quote. Check if they're open first.

Q- Hey! Why did so-and-so get a custom fer free? I wanted one!
A- Dont whine. I give it out as presents to my good friends, if it were to be a special occasion and so. And maybe Presents to people who are active around the thread, who may not have a menyhert yet.

Q - Uh. -slips envelope under teh table- *whispers* Can I get an Angelic/demonic custom.. ne?
A - There'd bettar be a sash or devil tail in there. xDD

Q - Can I be your friend? Like friendlist, AIM and stuff. -blushes-
A - Sure! The more the better, I've heard. n__n

Q - Hey! What is that adorable red pet up there?
A - M'dear. That's my koru. She's one of my most treasured pets. >: I wont appreciate anyone trying to steal her, if your thinking about it.

Q - Homigawsh! I love your Menyherts and i want to RP wif them. DD: -offers socks-
A - I'd love to! ^__^ But put away your socks first please. They're starting to smell.. really bad. ;;

(pst. If you ever want to make avvie art for me, Please dont draw my avatar. Images. ->


I <3 Cute PJ's like those and The Witch costume. Adorable~ fwee!


Closed at the moment k thx.

Owner's Name:
Base Color:
Eye Color:
Underbelly Color: Chest and stomach area.
Hair Color:
Nose Color:
Pattern: (if any) Try to be specific if you'd like a pattern on your Menyhert's coat.
Pattern Color:
Other Details:


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v300/AncientsofChina/Owners/Maleficent.jpg - Ancients of China
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a39/aurden/cert/mahdi.jpg - Aurden
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v23/Dragoil/Blathanna/cert198copy.png - Blathanna
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/Pets/Soliel2.png - Cait
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/Pets/Chiron.png - Chiron
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/sparkz/57Pillow.jpg - Daeka
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/Pets/CallistaFull.png - Feli
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/EevaLeena.png - Feli
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/Rochelle.png - Feli
http://photobucket.com/albums/v476/Saiyukii/peace.png - Equu
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/TealDawn/cert_Nandita.jpg - Equu
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/TealDawn/cert_saiyukii.jpg - Equu
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/dragongirl78/sai1.png - Equu
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y12/CallofEden/vday_saiyukii.jpg - EOE- Predator
http://kitsu.sorla.com/Owners/Angelic/saiyukii_kitsu.jpg - Kitsuagi
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/koruh/cert/saiyukii1.jpg - Koru
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/koruh/cert/saiyukii2.jpg - Koru
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/koruh/cert/saiyukii3.jpg - Koru
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v174/koruh/cert/saiyukii4.jpg - Koru
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/Miszjazzie/Owners/Solange.gif - Menyhert
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/Miszjazzie/Owners/Deos.gif- Menyhert
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/Miszjazzie/Owners/Maia.gif - Menyhert
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/midoriSeicho/keturah.jpg - Midori Seicho
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y149/NekoFlurry/Certs/Saiyukii-Dai.jpg - Neko Flurry
http://infiniteduck.ca/pamura/40.jpg - Pamura
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y190/fullmetalpygmy/shaoilin/feleti1.jpg - Shaolin Wolf
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v115/ballentine/sion/tags/panther.jpg - Sion
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Sirenz/Tags/edam1.jpg - Soquili
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/Certs/Angelics/saiangel.jpg - Sunchildren
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y159/Talaye_/Tala%20certs/tala05_027.jpg - Talaye
http://astros.sorla.com/Cert/saiyukii.gif - Zodiacal
http://www.sonicverseteam.com/waveadventure/zoombinis/Certs/Quinn/Saiyukii.jpg - Zoombini
To-Do List

Inside Menyhert //
[ ] Lineart/color items |||||||||||
[ ] Uber rare lion lineart ||||||||||
[ ] Re-make Menyhert lineart ||||||||||
[ ] Angelic/Demonic Menyhert ||||||||||

// Outside Menyhert
[ ] preshade stuff ||||||||||
[ ] lineart oweage ||||||||||

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Beware. domokun

Pet Trades

Pets Wanted //
Whatever Sai wants above, but offer two for both of us if you will. ;o Unless you only want to offer one, in which case Sai will get it or Sai will be nice and let me co-own it with her! LOL. ;;
Cait Eibhilin
Gaian Humane Society
Shaoilin Wolf

// Pets Traded
x2 Zoombini - Overfiend Katsumi
x2 commission pieces - Beat Fu
x1 Midori Seicho - Ashuu

Seika -> weregirl

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