Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Silver's Ghostie Auction!: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=10688004#551767219

Equus Halloween Writing Contest:

1. Welcome and Announcements
2. Rules and FAQ
3. Information and Story
4. Sales
5. Owners
6. Classes
7. Calls and Gifts
8. Attitudes
9. Zodiac
10. Item Store
11. Breedings
12. Listings
13. Credits and Staff
14. Information and Status for Jinxeh
15. Information and Status for Ivy

Welcome to East of Eden
You step up to a rusty gate, plain fields lay before you, you can not see what truely lies there until you open your heart. You sware you can hear thunderous galloping in the wind and the heavey breathing of a pure heart raceing though the tall grass.
The wind flows though your hair and your heart races with excitement that you can not explain but you want to run, and so you do. Drawn in toward the golden field you run, laughter hitting your lips, the sound makes it way to your ears and you sware its sounds more like a whiney then a laugh, you pick up speed, the wind flows though your mane . You come to a halt, your hooves digging into the soft dirt, you hold steady on your new legs, rearing up and flapping large wings. What has happened to you, you look back towards the gate but it is no longer there, you have stepped on the plains East of Eden. You feel strange, a wildness taking hold of you and as you stare back a forgetfullness falls over you. You have no idea where you have come from, your past erased, on instinct you follow a narrow stream though the fields, down to a lush valley, you whiney and gallop down to join the many others of your kind as if you have always been a part of the valley


Nightmare Jester Twins Auction: ]http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=10488699#539281171

Bug catching info on page 3561 of this thread!

Link for West of Eden: ]http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9670362&page=1

29th August 2005 - Naita has kindly offered to fund someone's custom equus - to be coloured by SilverPelt! See pg 2743! And with the birth of the gods Judgement and Retribution, there has been a rift in the fabric of reality.... and some strange strange things are walking in East of Eden. What could they be??

Harry Potter Event over, but was held: ]http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=9021626#439426175

17th July 2005 - Need a proper update, haven't had one for a while. There is a new potion now in the items store, and the breeding rules/info have been updated! Also, there has been a giant raffle for my birthday and a few god equus have been auctioned off! There is only one more to go - the Air goddess!

12th July 2005 - Advance notice: An equus/predator flatsale is going to be held on Tuesday July 19, at 5pm PST. Previews coming soon!

10th May 2005 - Customs info revised! See the sales post for the updated version.

Rationale: I had been wondering what actually separates the auction equus from customs if you can custom anything, so I have changed it. Now, you can still custom the special lineart types and such, and items such as armour on your equus... But you can no longer custom any lineart edits to the equus itself. Now, the only way to obtain such is through auctions or a substantial bribe.

It shouldn't affect anyone who has asked me for quotes so far since any edits people have been wanting have been item-edits. Also, the other reason for doing it is whilst I enjoy adding items and the like to equus, editing the equus itself... takes a lot more work!

6th May 2005 - Mothers Day Event, Thread in the Guild:
+ Naita's Custom Predator Auction, see link in the Sales post!
+I have done some of the SS growings, see the pickups section under the equus/predator listings!

5th May 2005 Announcement: I have not heard from Toushin and it looks like Toushin has quit Gaia according to his sig. As such, it looks like I will have to be taking over his growings. So I will do any growings from auctions and Secret Santa without any action on the owner's part (except to remove a feather if they are feathered). Equus gained from ANY other way from Toushin, you will need to purchase a growing potion to make them grow each stage.

Obviously, Toushin will no longer be on staff.

(And just another thing on that note. Lauryn has also resigned from staff, I will NOT be accepting any more new colorists or new staff for a long time. I do, however, have other plans for RP plots... I would like to allow everyone to be able to run a plot or an event if they check with me first, rather than having a position of RP manager. Not got the time to work out the details right now, but some time in the future, expect to see these new things implemented!)

2nd May 2005 - Several things have happened in the meantime. Did start the first of the god auctions a while back - the earth god was the first! Next will be the water goddess. Completed an auction for the second aqualondi. Customs also seem to be quite popular, with a lot of new custom equu out on the grid! There has continued to be some tweaking of the thread: rules, faq, custom info. Perhaps there is a little something planned in the near future, too!

17th April 2005 - It's official! We have new types of equus.... they will be considered to be a new class, the Aqualondi.... seaponies! They will be fully RPable, and grow. About the only thing they cannot do is breed with the normal equus... for various reasons, but they will be able to breed amongst themselves! Will be adding info on them shortly. And I did a quick raffle off for the first Aqualondi.... (raffled between those who commented/voted on). And she goes to underthered!

24th March 2005 - I now have the elder lineart! So now both equus and predator potions for elder are now available! Keilyna will be certing the V-days, and the thread has been tweaked a little!

18th March 2005 - Update on Status.
1. I am now doing the V-day certing. I will use information on the naming thread, however I have just realised that I have no idea who sent what V-day to whom. So before I can cert yours, I will need you to edit your post of information and say who gave you the valentine (if you know it!) Then, and only then can I cert it for you. I will post links to the certed EoE on the 2nd page of -this- thread.

2. I have most of the equus files I need from Ivy save for the adult/elder lineart. What does this mean? It means that you will not be able to grow your teen to an adult until I manage to get it. I do not know when this will be. But it will not affect flatsales and breedings. Other than that, things will generally progress the way they have been going.

3. Ivy's Growings - At the moment my main focus will be March flatsale and easter event, not to mention V-day certings. After they are done, I will look at Ivy's growing list and start to grow some of them. I will start with flatsales first, and then I will look at the customs. If you do not wish me to colour your custom/auctioned one, and would rather wait and see what Ivy will do later, then please post here and let me know! Otherwise, I will go ahead and colour (Of course, I will not be able to colour adult stages at this moment). As of this moment, I do not plan on colouring any pet trade growings, as these tend to have a lot of lineart edits I am not sure about mimicking.

4. If any staff/colourists for East of Eden DO happen to have the adult/elder lineart then please do contact me! I don't need it just -yet-, but I will need it at some point, and the sooner I can get it, the better.

8th March 2005 - Thread set up, will likely continue to tweak, however. The dreams information is now all in the Guild. Also, because I have had many queries, with regards to the V-day equus and predators:

"To all who have been asking, they have not been certed, I do not know when they will be certed, Ivy has said she will cert them, so please be patient, Ivy has a lot going on in her life right now! But she has said she will do them so they will get done. I assume that you should keep an eye on the V-day event thread, and also here, there will be an announcement here when they are done!"

6th March 2005 - - Still feeling very honoured that Ivy would like me to run things for EoE and WoE... but here is my plan! I shall endeavour to keep things as much the same as they used to be. There will still be a flatsale every month, there will be events and so on, and the Dreams will still happen. I would also like it very much if all the other staff could contact me (PM is good!) so that we can coordinate things with the transition. But what to look out for in the next month:

*March Flatsale (This one will be both equus and predators, and then a dragon flatsale - need to get the dragons up!)
*Easter Event (You will just have to wait and see what this will involve! *g*)

These will probably be the first things done before anything else, not to mention a good amount of settling in. Also, there will be one new staff member to help me out (one only! Not hiring at the moment!) This will be Keilyna, who will be a colourist for both EoE and WoE. Other than that, there will not really be any changes! And I do hope that all will find this version of EoE and WoE to be as wonderful as Ivy's work has been!
-- Jinxeh


March 5th
*waves to everyone* I just wanted to make an announcement on things
Ivy is going to be handing over the EoE and the WoE over to other management. I will still be a part of both, but not as much. I will finish everything that I have to do, so do not worry about that. The only thing I will be continueing is custom orders. Other then that I will be handing it over to someone reliable to keep this open and get more Equus out to the world. I just can't be on gaia as much as I want anymore, theres a world out there and I need to get into it. My life it about to take changes and I hope for the better rather then the worse. Gaia has been fun and I will pop in to see how the Equus are doing every once in a while. For I shall still be the owner of them as well as WoE. Do not worry the Equus will never close down, I need a break from the computer it is sucking my life in and I can't do it anymore. All my work will be finished up, so do not worry if you have an Equus with me, they will grow to where they are supposed to grow smile I just need someone to get more out, someone with more time then me to sit and color and such. I just am tired of gaia feeling like work rather then a place to come and have fun

Feb 14th! Ohhhh the beltane Festivities starts!!
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Check it out peoples!! hehe Also had a V-day auction! will be having another for a little boy soon.

Feb 1st
Haitus is over, I will continue with the V-day cards tomorrow and have one more after it having 60 slots in total. Which will give for a great introduction to predators as more then half will be. There is the beltane festivities coming soon for owners in the guild, sign ups are there. The jans flatsale went a little crazy but everything got worked out and have created twins to match. They will be staying foals until after the festiival, in order to allow for some youngins to attend. Hopefully if this one goes well, we shall be having a festsival every new season.

Jan 26thGoing on Haitus over an inncident with the GMFC and so many people hating me at the moment... is decideing if she should even stay on gaia, don't worry though I would pass on the Equus I wouldn't let them die. Please stay away from the GMFC if you are going to post hurtful things in the thread, And if you have hurtful things to say to me about what happened there keep them to yourself.
Sorry everyone but all foals and such that is supposed to grow will grow I just will not be relaseing any more at the moment, V-days sent out so far will be the only ones unless I come back before V-day. I never realise how many people could say so many hateful things and even AIM you about it...

Jan 16th Valentine event started! Also all you Equus owners watch for the week long spring festival coming!
You can find the Valentines Event here
Valentines Event!

Jan 8thRudolth has found a home with Amyla Edana XD, the december dream Equus has been awarded out to Aquira XD Keep up the good work. I have did some coloring growings, and the rest will soon follow here so I can make way for a flatsale. Also something moves in the west!! You can check it out here XD Head West

December 30thHaving a quick raffle for an abandoned Equus, it can be found Here Went over well Congrats to Krisgoat for winning the little guy XD

December29th Updated names on the SS Equus still missing some people, those with SS Equus just refresh your browser to see the updates, those who don't have any updates please pm ..IvyCurse.. with your name and attitude thank you.

December 28thOpening new thread, hopefully I can keep it more updated, had the last of the fairy flatsales, had a jellybean count contest, had secert santas for christmas, still need nameing and certing done.

November 23rdXD It seems I tend to type in here once a month!
Halloween went well and I hope Christmas will go well too, I will be talking it over with the staff on what we will be doing, maybe some kind of christmas draw XD I am doing them in Cell shading now which has seemed to please a lot of people. Auctions are surpriseing me! and a few changes have been done to the guild as well as the rules and such XD I also got a little Eskie pup! That I can't decide on a name for! Either Nanook, Willow, Whisper, Echo, Equinox, Solstice, Storm, Winter.. What do you all think?
October 21st XD It seems I only ever update about once a month but mostly everyone knows what is happening, one way or another. Had a wild cat flatsale, which went really well XD. Also had 4 auctions with the halloween Equus and 1 with a fairy Equus. All went really well with them. Mostly caught up in my growings XD Shouldn't be long until I am done everyone and then I can work on the teen to adult growings. I know some people have been waiting a long time, but it shouldn't be a fast a process, after all you do want your Equus to be a youngin for a while heart . Also having an halloween event which hopefully will go over good smile

September 23rd Well I am back from Australia XD It was fun, lots of sun and waves, the airplane rides sucked, 32 hour trip from hell lol. I held a raffle for the first breeding spot, Moochilove has won it XD. I also started the Equus Guild XD which can be found here
http://cluster.gaiaonline.com/forum/guilds/index.php?page_mode=4&guild_id=1484 I have a lot of growing up to do and as soon as all that work is done. Then an auction and flat sale will come about XD

Augest 20th
Well its been a while since I wrote here XD as you can tell, but new lineart edits are coming! As well as some my little pony colored Equus. I also have changed the rules around a bit, no rp is needed for anything here. I will be raffleing or auctioning breeding slots instead. As well as awarding them in the roleplay. So if you do Roleplay you can expect to be awarded with a few things and such. I also did a lot of grow ups and catch ups on promised Equus. XD So I am happy with that. Also might have a custom semi twin custom auction (whats semi- twin mean? Well it means twin Equus though not exactly alike, but will be the opposite of one another in color sceme that you pick XD.)

June 14Custom Auction over, flatsales were excellent and new foal line art is in. Will be having a foal flatsale soon and also opening breeding and started the story contest XD.

June 10th Well Winterfalcon hasn't been online in the last few days I don't think, as I haven't seen her on in the nin thread crying So there will be a bit more of a wait. For now there will be a teen flat sale as I want to get a bit of an rp going XD I think I might 4 to 6 of them flatsaled, depending on how many I get colored by tomorrow. I think I will hold it around 2pm my time, which I believe is 1 pm gaia time.

June 7thGetting ready to hold a teen flatsale, I want to rp a bit and coloring them is so fun, that I can't keep coloring them for myself. Changed a few things, as I had a poll for who would want both types of Equus's lineart avaliable in female and male. So now you can get both male and female in both types. Still waiting on the rest of the line art, hopeing I will get it soon heart

May23/24Opened up the shop, still waiting on some line art XD and still need to make some banners and a certificate but overall looking good.
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1) NO STEALING! Steal anything from here, and you will be put on the blacklist, you will never be allowed to participate in any EoE or WoE things again! Also, you will be reported to the mods. There will be no excuses.
2) You may not enter any of the art work you recieve in any art contest, art rateing site, or any place such as Elfwood.
3.)The image use is for Gaia and pet Web pages only or your personal web page, you may not redistrubute any of this art.
4.) The East of Eden pets are NOT RP-REQUIRED pets. They never will require RP. However, people who do RP will always get more perks!
5.)Do not argue with any of the staff, if there is a problem please contact me and talk civil in pm.
6.)Do not flame anyone in this thread or start fights, you will be grey listed for a period of time if you do so. (However play fighting is allowed)
7.)Please do not pm me asking for an Equus, unless you are requesting a custom.
8.)Please do not bug other owners for there Equus.
9.)Please be helpful to new people in the thread as everyone is welcome here (unless your black listed)
10.)Please do not harrass or call down the Equus, or complain about prices.
11) NO ADVERTISING HERE WITHOUT PERMISSION! The only shops I will allow advertised here are approved affiliates. Anyone breaking this rule will be immediately greylisted. However, if you are advertising in your sigs that is fine, you are allowed to do that, I just object to posts advertising. I'm pedantic, yes.
12) If a pet trade is taken away it gives us the right to remove and resell the pet trade we have done.
13.)Only those owning the Equus may rp the Equus. No other gaians may rp the owners Equus as they are not a required rp pet and do not need babysitters.
14.)No more co-owning, unless it is for a pet trade or already co-owned, or an auction (And then a maximum of 2 owners)

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Q. How can I get an equus or a predator?
A. The main way is through flatsales and auctions. Sometimes, there will be raffles and thread events. There is also a Dream Equus system for those who do not have an equus, but who RP and hang about the main thread a lot. Rarely, there is the opportunity for breedings and customs. Jinxeh will sometimes take art/pet trades.

Q. Are these pets RP-able?
Yes they are, they can be Rp'd in this thread and the Guild. However, they are NOT RP-REQUIRED, and they never will be. But keep in mind that those who RP will ALWAYS get more benefits (such as the chance for having their Dream pet come to life, winning breeding tickets, and maybe other prizes in the future... that remain a secret!)

Q. I have a foal. How long does it take for my foal to grow up?
A. This can vary. I will certainly try to grow your foal within 2-3 weeks. However, things can come up, and the growings may sometimes take a little longer! Even so, do not worry as the foals will ALWAYS grow to teen stage! They will also be done before the next flatsale if they are flatsale foals.

Q. How long does it take for my teen to grow to and adult/elder?
A. Firstly, it will depend on whether your equus will even grow to that stage! At the moment, the only equus that will grow to elder are auctions and customs (Unless you purchase a growing potion). Flatsales and breeding foals will only grow to teen. As for how long it takes, it may take anywhere from 2-3 weeks or longer. Again, it depends on how busy we are, but do not worry as your equus will eventually get there, if it is meant to be (at least those coloured by Jinxeh or Keilyna!) But remember. Patience is a virtue.

Q. Whats the difference between elder and adult?
A. Nothing the stage is the same, its the final stage in the Equus Which ever you concider it to be an adult or elder. The only time this would change is if I got more lineart, which I don't think winter had the time for right now to do and Ivy would have to save up some more before she could even ask her .

Q. So how much do the equus cost?
A. In flatsales, they are one sealed envelope.
Customs are somewhat more expensive, due to time and availability. Price-lists guidelines are in the Sales section, along with the information on how to go about ordering.

If you want a custom, at the moment only Jinxeh is doing them, Ivy is away from Gaia. See the sales post for guidelines on custom prices.

Q. Do you take art/pet trades?
A. Jinxeh does take them, but it is a rarity. There are a few pets she will definitely trade a custom equus for, and they are (Feli, Talaye, Stymphalian). Sometimes she will accept other pet trades, but this is the exception rather than the rule. It would have to be something on the order of the equus, and, well, an offer she could not resist! Because Jinxeh is rather a busy one, and she'd rather have time to keep on doing growings and so forth. She will also - possibly - take art trades. There are a few things she is looking for art for (characters, landscapes and so forth). Preferably not anime, and unfortunately she is rather picky about style used, so please do not be offended if she says no. (Added: Always check Jinxeh's post at the bottom of the page, to see whether pet/art trades are open before asking).

Added 2: Please also note that only Ivy and Jinxeh can do customs/trades.

Q. I don't understand. What are the Dream Equus/Predators?
A. Under revision - expect a new write-up soon.

Q. My pet is too big for my sig!! its over the KB limit!??
A. They are mostly saved as pngs, if they are too big for you sigs I ask you to save the pic change it to a jpeg yourself and host it on your own server... jpeg make pictures look crappy and so I don't save them under that.. OMG... How will I see my pet grow then?... Easy Just post it somewhere you can check on it such as your journal or a shop.. Other then that I can do nothing for you... I am not about to redue the entire list to jpeg's.

Q. kan i w0rk f0r j00 plz thnx bai????
A. No. The answer is no. Don't even PM me asking for work. It's an automatic blacklisting. (Offers of help do not fall into this category, if you have something specific in mind. But generally asking for a job, particularly when I don't even know you, is a waste of my brain space to even read.... hence the blacklistable offence)

Have a question? Just pm Jinxeh with your concern and she will post it here

These are The Equus, They were split by certain ways! There is the clan known as the Sleipnir, these are meat eaters. they can be any type of Equus, They hate humans for what they did in the past. They are organized like the military and prefer to run things in order and strength. Then there is the clan known as the Freyja, they are vegtarians. They have forgiven humans for what was done. They come in all types of Equus and are very loving. They care a lot for there members in there clan and are good hearted, great story tellers and are very truthful. Both types can breed together and get along together, except during feeding times

1.)The Feather winged Unicorn Equus
2.)The Nightmare Winged Unicorn Equus
8.)Aqualondi/Seaponies - NEW!

For the wolf like lineart, we have two kinds that do look all the same, just different groups, the first group the Aikenka, they are very rare,and are a fun loving, caring group that tend to hunt small prey and only take what they need to survive and also can live happily with the Equus, though they tend not to mingle too often.
The other, which are most common, these are loveing and careing to there packs. They are playful and are close to one another. The only thing different here, is that they hunt larger prey and have a hate for Equus. They are the Canis

For the kitty type we have the Suteneko or the adandoned cats, these hunt larger prey, tend to stay in groups of family as they are larger then the Aikenka and Canis and can easily bring down the Equus with only 3 hunting. They too have a hate for Equus that runs in there blood.
There also is a rare group, mostly loners that tend to eat smaller prey and can get along side by side with the Equus. Which will often use the Equus for shelter and protection from there own kind that would tare them apart. They are the Noraneko.

1) Canis/Aikenka
2) Suteneko/Noraneko

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"Momma, Dar and Meli won't lemme play with 'em 'cause I gots feathers." The youngling muttered angrily, ambling up to her mother who turned her head to peer at her. A ghost of a smile danced upon the older mare's muzzle as she contemplated her bright little filly, cheerful as sunshine on any other day.
"Now, why did they do that?" she uttered patiently, stepping towards her child so the foal could press herself into her mother's comforting embrace. Velvety wings wrapped around the foal, caressing her sides and making her shiver lightly.
"I dunno, momma. They jus' said I couldn't play with them an' the others 'cause I had different wings. They were really mean."
"I think," The mother declared softly, "that it might've been because you're a bit too young to play with Daryo and Melirin and their friends. They want to fit in with their big friends, so they act rude when they don't mean it."
"I don't get it, momma?"
"It doesn't matter, sweetie. Now come on, let's go find some berries, you and me, okay? That'll cheer you up."
Brightened at the prospect of stuffing her face with juicy fruit, the filly nodded several times in rapid succession. They set out on the well-known trail, sunlight pouring over them, almost painful in its radiance. Each blade of grass stood out with crisp freshness, for rain had fallen the night previous and nature proudly showed its mettle. The child was quiet, and it wasn't until the two Freyja were well on their way across the valley that she spoke up again.

"Mom, why do I have feathers, and you have feathers, but Meli and her mom have, um?" she looked up.
"Leathery," her mother supplied.
“Leathery wings?"
The mare sighed, tossing back a bright red forelock. "That's a long story, sweetie, and I don't think you're up to it."
"But mama, pleeeaaase??"
Turning her head downwards, she nickered at the filly. "Fine. But I warned you."
Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment to recall the words of the stallion who had taught it to her.

"Back when the world was young and the two first humans still roamed Eden, there was a great herd of horses living here. Like the Equus, but wingless, the horses ran in the plains of the east, leaving humans and the other animals in the forest, the birds in the sky and the fish in the water. They were happy in the valleys, and lived long lives full of great joy. Those were times of great peace and lush life under the rule of the Creator, the god that Man worshipped. The horses were soon to find, however, that the god of Man was sometimes too lenient with His children.

One day, when exactly none can tell, it came to be that members of the herd began to disappear; it was so that the group would fall asleep with a hundred members and wake with ninety-nine. You see, as they were horses and thusly common animals, they didn't have classes and Calls like we do, so no Guardians or War Steeds to protect them.

As they wizened, they began posting sentries in the night, and it was soon discovered that man, prize achievement of the Creator, had taken to kidnapping and taming members of the herd. They would put harnesses upon them, constricting them, such as ropes around their muzzles and sheets of rugged cloth on their back, and attempted to tell them which way they were to run. The horses, having never had such limits set on them, responded poorly to the uneducated training, and Man, frustrated, slaughtered those who disobeyed.

Outraged, the horses went to the Creator, to ask that He bring their lost brethren back by giving them fruits from the Tree of Life at the centre of the Garden. He refused their request, saying that the humans had no knowledge of right or wrong, and did not know their deeds were a slight. He gave his word, however, to tell them to cease at once. True to His promise, the living captives were brought back with profuse apologies, and all was right, or so most thought.

For some of the herd, though, this was not enough. Some had lost family and friends to man's stupidity, and wished to see wrongs righted. So when the Snake presented himself to them with a deal, some could not resist.

"Help me!" begged the snake to the horses. "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that sits at the centre of the Garden--the Creator has forbidden the humans to eat its fruit. It holds knowledge of right and wrong, and surely, if Man should eat it, he shall be banished from Eden."

The herd was split at this offer: some wished the snake be gone from their valley, whilst others would gladly take the opportunity. One of the stallions walked up and spoke on behalf of his part of the horses:
"We shall not help you in this quest! It is naught but malice that leads you, wretched creature. We will forgive Man for his wrong."
Another came with a different view:
"We would see Man's horrible slight be justified. We ask for retribution!"
The snake hissed with pleasure as the unwilling half of the herd ambled away in disgust.
"Very well! I shall need one of you to get the forbidden fruit from the tree, for you already know of right and wrong and thusly, will not arouse the suspicion of Man's god. Afterwards, I will give this fruit to the mate of man, so that she may banish them both."

The stallion that led them volunteered to do it, and, by nightfall, brought back the fruit to the serpent. What happened next is common knowledge. The mate of man ate the fruit and gave some to her husband, who also ate. They were indeed banished from the garden, and the Creator, all-knowing as He was, sought out the horses.

"A number of you," He bespoke them, "have greatly sinned this day. Come forth, those of you whose spirits were consumed with vengeance."
Daring and unafraid, the stallion and his followers came before Man's god.
"You refused us the return of our children, siblings, parents and friends! This would not have come about without Your lenience, deity."
As he was fair, the Creator thought about this and spoke again:
"I hear and understand your plea, stallion, but you knew your doings were wrong. Yet, you acted in free will, and now comes your punishment."

"As the snake was to forever crawl upon his belly and at dust, you shall now take his features as your own: ugly fangs to render flesh and hunts so bloody that no others of the herd shall be capable to watch it. However," he added, as the horses shifted, taking on their new appearance, "I concede I was also too lenient with Man and as it is just, I give you all two gifts."
"You will from now on join the birds in the sky on great wings. Those of you with forgiveness in your hearts have wings like the angels in the Heavens, and those of you who would have vengeance soar upon the wings of demons. As my second gift?"
He called up the spirits of the deceased horses and with their essence, gave these new creatures great magic and the command to use it well.

"Also, because man diminished your ranks so, here is one last blessing: when those of the race of man who are magically inclined die, they shall come back as one of that which they killed, either demon or angel-winged."
When many demon-winged lifted their heads and shouted their anger at this idea, the Creator lifted a hand, "They will have no memory of what they were, and believe only that they were a part of your herd from the beginning. I hope that with time you will accept them as your own." He let their half-hearted protests die before continuing.

"There shall be no mingling betwixt your new races for one thousand years." He decreed, "That the blood remains pure. However, do as you wish from then, as I shall not look over you any more. Go your ways and be well, for I know none of you are truly evil deep in your hearts."
With his blessing, the two races began to roam the Valley again, and soar in the sky. They saw they were no longer horses, and so called one great meeting of the entire herd.
"What shall we name ourselves?" demanded one of the carnivorous. "We are no longer horses, for we have wings, and, some of us, teeth that tear the skin."

"We will be the Equus," declared the leader of the feather-winged equines. "But this is not enough. We are two separate breeds now, and there may be no crossing between our kinds."
"There is no need to debate this now, my brother," spoke up the demon-winged leader. "In a thousand years we shall see each other again, and then, we will see who we are."
The two races split then and there, going to separate parts of the valley. There was no mingling for all the time of the split, and the only time the races met was at war.

A hundred decades later they met again, this time in peace and merrymaking, and announced their names.
The breed with feathers called themselves Freyja; literally, 'those who carry truth'. The meat-eaters announced themselves the Sleipnir, 'people of justice'. And so it was, and still is, that the two breeds have lived in harmony together."

As she marked the end of her tale, the older mare looked to her child. With a sigh, she realized her story had been in vain, for the silly little one was already stuffing herself silly with berries!
"You'll make yourself sick," the mother chided gently, nipping the filly's rump. Startled, the foal leapt back, tripped, and landed with all four feet in the air.
"You're done? I mean, uh, nice story!" she grinned lamely, and they both burst into giggles.
"Sorry momma, but it got a bit boring when you got to the, um? Well, it was boring."
"I told you it was long. That's how histories are. If we don't keep them properly, we lose sight of whom we are. The past shapes us. Someday, you might like studying the ancient speeches, like mommy does."
"Nah? Well, maybe, if it's not all boring stuff."
"It isn't, believe me."
Smiling indulgently, the mother nipped a berry off the bush and munched it slowly, watching her daughter eat ravenously. She'd be a great storyteller someday. Oral tradition was frighteningly important, and so few understood that. Sunset gaining on them, they set back, the rolling sounds of ancient hoof beats and whinnied laughter echoing around them.

Story by: Arach

User Image


Flat Sale Rules
1.)You must make the one you are buying obvious, no just saying I will take one. You must say something along the lines of which one. Such as I will take the blue one please or #1 please
2.)The payment for Flatsales is always the months letter that the flatsale is being held. So a Sealed Letter, which can easily be found on the gaia market for 3-5K. You have 24 hours to start the trade if you win.
3.)You may only buy one per flat sale or auction
4.)First come first served (keeping the old way of breedables alive) unless specified otherwise.
5.)Please no fighting XD
6.)There is only one flatsale a month
7.)No editing posts! This will result in Blacklisting.
8.)Please I can not stress it enough for no whining, flaming others or making other feel guilty for getting an Equus.
9.) You may post for only one equus per post.
10.) If you have a graphics sig, you must disable it if you post when the flatsale is on.



Custom Prices Guidelines:


Jinxeh: Currently closed. Except where I work with Kei on conceptualising ideas ( heart Kei's colouring skills!)

Keilyna: Currently open.

SilverPelt: ?Currently open?

From Silver: Ok people have been requestion customs by me on payment plan!
I have decided that I will open three spots for this! otherwise I might be overloaded
Again foals will not grow until all paid in full.


3.) ?? wasn't sure if muffin wanted this spot or not..
but its up for grabs

Also only those who can not afford there customs may apply for the spot!
Spots will not reopen until one or all spots are paid in full

The custom pricelist has been changed and updated to give more information, since the interest in customs has been growing. Note - if I have given you a previous quote for a specific equus and it is different to this list, I will still keep that quote, but only for the equus you described to me, and only in your case. (I actually keep records of this, too, so I know who I have quoted in the past). I will generally keep to the same guideline as before, but reserve the right to lift the higher ends, given that some of these customs with more complex changes are a lot of work, and I do not have unlimited time.

200k - 300k - The standard lineart types. Colours, simple patterns customisable (eg. based upon a normal horse, colouring or other animals colouring) only. No lineart edits, no new calls or gifts.
300k - 400k - You may custom some of the special lineart (ie. Large-winged pegasus, aqualondi, heart-winged equus, NOT fairies). Colours, simple patterns for these would be in the lower range, more complex patterns in the higher range and closer to 400k. You may invent a new gift.
Alternatively you may have an equus wearing up to 3 items (eg) a simple saddle and bridle would = 2 items) You may invent a new gift.
400k - 500k - This is the price for more complex items or more numerous items on your equus, or items plus some of the special lineart. You may invent a new call and a new gift.
500k + - This is the starting price for /all/ cosplays. You can choose from any of the lineart types, and you can specify what items the cosplay is to wear. The only body edits you are allowed to request are mane edits (to reflect a character's hairstyle), but I may, at my discretion, alter the equus body further if I believe it fits the concept. All cosplays are adult stage only, in this price range.

Note 1: You may include up to 3 donation letters/items in your payment for a custom. I will value these items according to mid-GCG.

For 2003 donation letters/items, multiple East of Eden and West of Eden pets can be gained with a single 2003 donation item, depending on what customs are wanted.
Note 2: Customs will grow from foal - teen - adult/elder. They will cost the same regardless of what stage you choose to start at or stop growth at. The exception to this is cosplays, which will be single stage only.
Note 3: Equus twins will be considered two separate equus in the quoting price.
Note 4: Please bear in mind when ordering a custom equus of the more complicated kind, I MAY require a reference picture. If it is armour, masks, or tack you are wanting, then I will DEFINITELY require a reference picture!
Note 5: I know that some people are worried about others copying their ideas that they may have. Unfortunately, I cannot 'reserve' ideas for them. If someone approaches me and wants to order a particular idea first, then they will get the idea. So if you are that possessive of your idea, it might be a good idea to keep quiet on it until you have it! smile

Jinxeh and Keilyna will currently take the following bribes:

Angelic Sash - For 1 complex custom equus with 1 or 2 lineart edits to the equus body itself. Alternatively, I will do up to 5 equus/predators/dragons, where you can have ONE body edit each equus/predator, but simple colouring.
October 03 Letter or Devil Tail - I will do a complete custom of your choice of the following: Twin God Equus (with multiple lineart edits to the body), or twin Fairy-winged equus (of which the only way to obtain a custom one ever again will be through this offer), or equus twins with multiple lineart edits to the body.
User Image
Please note that I am not responsible for Equus growings that are not done by me; you must contact the colorist for information. I do not get any profit from other colorists' Equus, and therefore it is their responsibility.
Pet Name/Owner/Gender(F/M)/GEN/Stage/Full growth without action on owner's part (Y/N or D=done.)/Origin/Picture link
*=Can breed with any sign

Blue - Adult

Green - Teen
Pink - Baby
++=denotes error or missing info

Gen 1
1.) Jinaji/Winterfalcon/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Present @
2.) Lance/Mizuyousei/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
3.) Celusse/Spunky Dasher/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
4.) Daewyn/Lauryn de Vampyre/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
5.) Ravija/Draconayzia/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
6.) Kanaye/Xaki/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
7.) Marigold/Allie23/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
8.) Dimitrus/Moochilove/M/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Auction @
9.) Jazzelle/Riana/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
10.) Shayde/Mizuyousei/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
++11.) Fiore/Shinzick of Teh/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flat Sale @ - owner name change (shiznick of Teh)
12.) Amarion/Krisgoat/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Auction @
++13.) Gethin/Purrasha/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no gender symbol
14.) Zimra/FoenixFyre/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
15.) Shetan/TormentedAngie/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
++16.) Sakari/Xaki/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade @ - no zodiac sign
17.) Namtai/Dragoil/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
18.) Mayuma/Arach/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Origin? @
19.) Apocalypse (War) Deus Guerra/Moochilove/M/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Auction/* @
20.) Apocalypse (Death) Pestilence/Matisha/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction/* @
21.) Apocalypse (Famine) Famine/Xaki/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction/* @
22.) Apocalypse (Peace) Aaya/Saiyukii/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction/* @
23.) Soleil/Carramaena/F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Staff @
24.) Calliope/Akina Tokuwa/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Staff @
25.) Trinity/ReganWolf/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Staff @
++26.) Lyne/Skippylives/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Promise @ - no zodiac sign
27.) Xicati/Kuyalu/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
28.) Zlata/Anya! XD/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Avatar Art Trade @
29.) Saint/Mizuyousei/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Staff @
30.) BowTie/Allie23/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
31.) AppleJack/Kiita/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
32.) Glory/XFlamexKnightX/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
33.) MoonStone/Miasako Chan/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
++34.) FireFly/Kamileun/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @ - no attitude
++35.) StarShine/Kolina/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @ - no attitude
36.) Epona/BuffyNick/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Pet Trade @
++37.) Yang/lilwerewolfgirl/F/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Auction @ - no attitude
38.) Yin/Eragon Elder & ReganWolf/M/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Auction @
++39.) Fia/Kaioto/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Gift @ - no zodiac sign
40.) Gawain/Kaioto/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Gift @
41.) Lily/Katanya/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Raffle @
42.) Myrtus/..IvyCurse../Gen 1/Adult/Y/Done for Self @
43.) Kiyoshi/Archwind & Chavi/M/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Pet Trade @
44.) Gold Rush/Toushin/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Staff @
45.) Damasko/Naita/M/Gen 1/Adult/Y/Pet Trade @
46.) Dravelta/IvoryRyu.20/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Auction/* @
47.) Ovejas/Naita/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Auction/* @
48.) Zucca/MoochiLove/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Auction/* @
49.) Minx/LadyShinigami/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Auction/* @
50.) Marrok/Allie23/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Event/* @
51.) Atiya/The-Shocker/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Event/* @
52.) Rio/Ryuhana/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Halloween Event/* @
53.) Astral/ZeroDream/M/Gen 1/Teen/?/Gift (by Toushin) @
54.) Whisper/..IvyCurse../F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Done for Self @
55.) Dio/Naita/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade/* @
++56.) Shadow/symphonic/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @ - no zodiac sign
57.) Kiron/White Arsenic/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Raffle/* @
58.) Vasile/Kamiki/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Toushin's Auction @
59.) Isis/Lauryn De Vampire/F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Staff Custom/* @
60.) Mashiro/Safaia/M/Gen 1/Baby (feathered)/Y/Thread Event @
++61.) Donner/Dustfeather/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Toushin's Auction @ - no zodiac sign (random)/no attitude (benevolent)
62.) Mrs Donner/Invader_Piale/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Toushin's Auction @
63.) Momoko/DocLight/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
64.) Kakashi/Shiranui/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Custom @
65.) Secretariat/Kireiryuu/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
++66.) Justice/Jinxeh/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Staff Custom @ - no attitude
67.) Thimble/Eragon Elder/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
68.) Kokoro/Kashikoneko/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Valentine Auction/* @
69.) Valentino/Rein Carnation/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Valentine Auction/* @
++70.) Shuichi/Kyosuke_S/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/1,000 page Equus @ - owner name mispelled on cert
71.) Sunday Silence/Rein_Carnation/Male/Gen 1/Adult/D/Gift @
72.) Jazyrah/Kireiryuu/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
73.) Baron/Doclight/M/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Beltane Prize/* @
74.) Duvessa/Kireiryuu/F/Gen 1/D/Custom @
75.) Caboose/Mikomi Akari/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
76.) Edward/Manda/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
77.) Aesculapius/Jinxeh/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Done for Self @
78.) Khan/Saiyukii/F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Custom @
79.) Belthor/Dante-Sayre/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Pet Trade @

Gen 2
1.) Tasiym/Tasah/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
2.) Amber/Foalen/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
++3.) Al-Fahl/symphonic/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no gender sign
4.) Kaif/Allie23/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
5.) Rou/Jiora/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
6.) Gypsy Rose/Lady_Shinigami/Gen 2/F/Adult/Y/Auction @
7.) Blue/xMMx/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Donation to GMFC Door Prizes @
++8.) Rani/FoenixFyre/M/Gen 2/ Teen/N/Breeding @ - no attitude
++9.) Honour/Kitsunepilot80/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @ -no attitude
10.) Madon/MidnyghtIce/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
11.) Kei/Xaki/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
12.) Kestrel/Jinxeh/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Auction @
13.) Eos/Tanzanite Cloud/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale/* @
14.) Demonis/AlmightlyAce/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
15.) Li'Laerdri/Marushii/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
16.) Shark/Xaki/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale/* @
17.) Breckin/Choucho/F/Gen 2/N/Teen/Flat Sale/* @
++18.) Morpheus/XiaoRen/M/Gen 2/N/Teen/Flat Sale/* @ - no heart sign
19.) Ecco/_Azalie_/F/Gen 2/Adult/Y/Halloween Event @
20.) Flicker/Keilyna/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Auction Fairy @
21.) Piccolo/Naita & SableRose/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Auction Fairy @
++22.) Lunette/Lady_Shinigami/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @ - link broken
23.) Kururugi/Leena-Chan/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Breeding @
24.) Ambrosia/Naita/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Breeding @
25.) Avalon/Archwind/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
26.) Caine/Lucifer Force/Gen 2/Adult/D/Raffle/* @
27.) Arya/Kireiryuu/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Monthly Giveaway @
++28.) Claireh/ShadowIceDragon1/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/10,000 post Equus @ - 1 missing from owner name on cert
29.) Squall/Shiranui/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Auction Fairy Twin @
30.) Tempest/Shiranui/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Auction Fairy Twin @
31.) Cathay/Spunky Dasher/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
32.) Earen/Springloaded/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
33.) Spirit/Risth/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
++34.) Rain/Alera_/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale @ - missing zodiac sign
++35.) Esperanza/---/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - new owner
36.) Roki/Foalen/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
37.) Loki/KasaiLoki/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
38.) Merriweather/Rylerion/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Christmas Raffle @
39.) Spearmint/MegaRose/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Christmas Raffle @
40.) Lunai/ArtsyWolven/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
++41.) Ebaretto/Saiyukii/M/Gen 2/Baby/N/Breeding @ - no attitude
42.) Lumiere/XFlamexKinghtX/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
43.) Bailey/Miasako-Chan/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
++44.) Rudolph/Amyla Edana/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Thread Event (by Toushin) @ - no zodiac sign
++45.) Spartus/Naita/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Staff Custom @/@ - no zodiac sign
46.) Attina/Naita/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Staff Custom @/@
47.) Nandita/Saiyukii/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
48.) Citreyu/Keilin & Roladex/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
49.) Avari/Elros Namasi/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
50.) Atlas/Lemonlime/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
51.) Beau/FantasyRocks13/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
52.) Keishu/Ginsei88/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
53.) Rinka/Terrenity/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
54.) Vircail/Lakitra/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
55.) Jenna/Rein_Carnation/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
56.) Maximus/MoonVixen/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
++57.) Tulja/pippi18848/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no attitude
58.) Alia/Raika/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
++59.) Kveairo/Amyla Edana/M/Gen 2/Teen/Y/Monthly Giveaway @ - no zodiac sign
60.) Rakesh/Ja-aku Kitsune/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Monthly Giveaway @
61.) Redemption/symphonic/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Easter Auction @
62.) Egyptian Phantom/KasaiLoki/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
63.) Frost/Tanman44/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
64.) Arashii/Hime/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
65.) Otieno/Terrenity/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
66.) Cleopatra/symphonic/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
67.) Hantu/Kireiryuu/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
68.) Jericharn/Jinxeh/M/Gen 2/Baby/Y/Done for Self @
++69.) Onystra/elleth celebren/F/Gen 2/Teen/Y/Beltane Prize @ - no zodiac sign
++70.) Ombra/Naita/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Staff Custom @ - no zodiac sign
++71.) Luce/Naita/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Staff Custom @ - no zodiac sign
72.) Keela/Shia-san/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
73.) Mortis/Lilwerewolfgirl/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
74.) Nostaligic/Matisha/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
75.) Liathan/Tasah/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Gift @
76.) Shima/Xaki/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @
++77.) Razi/Xaki/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @ -no Gen number
++78.) Taizou/Xaki/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Breeding @ -no Gen number
79.) Ambrose/AnimeChickie/M/Gen 2/Teen/Y/Semi-Custom Auction @/@
80.) Vilok/AnimeChicki/M/Gen 2/Teen/Y/Semi-Custom Auction @/@

Gen 3
++1.) Afina/Allie23/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @ -no attitude
++2.) Remy LeBeau/xx_Bullseye_xx/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @ - no zodiac sign
3.) Dyne/Daisuke-Kun/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
4.) WildFlower/KristaDarkAngel/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
5.) Iilan/DivineSaturn/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
6.) Meiling/DocLight/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
7.) Solstice/Foalen/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
8.) Akito/Invader_Piale/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
9.) Maeko/Kamaya/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
10.) Kurama/KasiLoki/M/Gen 3/Adult/D/Secret Santa @
11.) Traelena/Kynthari/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
12.) IronHeart/Lady_Wildmane/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
13.) Berry/Leelakin/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
14.) Soyala/Mau/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
++15.) Sakura/xo MenaAngel ox/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @ - no zodiac sign
16.) Dunkun/ox MenaAngel ox/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
17.) Thestral/SabinDuvet/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
++18.) Sinatra/Naita/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Secret Santa @ - no attitude
++19.) --------/Ryuhana/F/Gen 3/Baby/N/Secret Santa @ - no name
20.) Cheveyo/TimeerKat/M/Gen 3/Baby (feathered)/N/Secret Santa @
++21.) Sabbath/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @ - no zodiac sign
22.) Boromir/Nokomis Midnight/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
++23.) BellaDonna/Nyao-Chan/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @ - no gender symbol
24.) Turoc/Nearra Sinshi/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Secret Santa @
25.) Duncun Idaho/Ryugen/M/Gen 3/Adult/D/Art Trade @
26.) Fawkes/Sarabi Arudenne/M/Gen 3/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
27.) Y'Fandes/Aquira/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Monthly Giveaway @
28.) Malakai/Kireiryuu/M/Gen 3/Adult/D/Breeding @
++29.) Isiss/Misty55/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @ - no zodiac sign
30.) Kazuya/Xaki/F/Gen 3/baby/N/Breeding @
31.) Dakarai/Marushii/F/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
32.) Descant/Keilyna/M/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
33.) Melody/Tasah/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Breeding @
34.) Harmony/Jinxeh/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @
35.) Cordelia/Sirenz/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
36.) Kumori/KasaiLoki/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @
37.) Brice/Trelweny/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @
38.) Elvis/Zennie/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @
39.) Zorfilio/Alanna_Undomiel & shadowicedragon1/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Breeding @
40.) Ragazza/Naita/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Breeding @
41.) Calliste/Epine de Rose/F/Gen 3/Adult/D/Breeding @
42.) Azhar/Kireiryuu/M/Gen 3/Adult/D/Breeding @
43.) Grumpy/LP/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
44.) Nauka/semhirage/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
45.) Qia/Uennie/F/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
46.) Shadow Magic/CaitlynHellcloud/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
47.) Thaddeus/Cyrami/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
48.) Tahir-Jamel/IvoryRyu.20/F/Gen 3/Baby/Y/Pet Trade @
49.) Artemis/Naita/F/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
50.) Bacchanalian/Naita/M/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
51.) Yu Huang/Jinxeh/M/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
52.) Podagra/Jinxeh/F/Gen 3/Baby/N/Breeding @
53.) Eiji/Kiawna/M/Gen 3/Baby/Y/Custom @
54.) Cosmic Sunshine/ChaoticShardofSanity/F/Gen 3/Baby/Y/Custom @
++ 55.) Technicolor Lodis/Mister Muffin Man/M/Gen 3/Baby/Y/Custom @ - no gender symbol
56.) Sondraes/White Neko Chan/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/? @
57.) Nacht/Baneful/M/Gen 3/Baby/Y/Custom @

Gen 4
1.) Dancer/Rein_Carnation/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
2.) Mizuho/Safaia/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
3.) Capella/cetus/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
4.) Misawa/Shiranui/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
5.) Aradia/Yayoi/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
6.) Rosalind/Varsha/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
7.) Shi/Meeki/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
8.) Lorelei/Lady Mystique/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
6.) Manna/Guardian Yami/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
10.) Caoimhe/Iris_Virus/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
11.) Verdandi/Sosiqui/F/gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
++12.) Elijah/Saiyukii & Ameh/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Pet Trade @ - no zodiac sign
13.) Skylar/Naiiki Minomoto/M/Gen 4/Baby (feathered)/N/Flat sale @
14.) Kieri/Tasah/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
++15.) Neptune/Zo-Zo/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no zodiac sign
++16.) Korryn/Xaki & Lilwerewolf/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no zodiac sign
17.) Ember/Lady_Shinigami/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
18.) Kain/Kohenkyo/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Art Trade @
19.) Miru/Getsurei/F/Gen 4/Teen/Y/Art Trade @
20.) Antares/Allegorical/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
21.) Hjorrdis/Meepfur/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
22.) Celeste/Xaki/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
23.) Aliana-Rae/MoonBeamDancer/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Monthly Giveaway @
++24.) Aki/Spiritweaver/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @ - no zodiac sign
25.) Wildefyr/Freodwyn/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
26.) C'tailek/Keilyna/M/Gen 4/Baby/Y/Staff Custom @
27.) Cloudshifter/Keilyna/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
28.) Seabiscuit/Rabid Jigglypuff/M/Gen 4/Teen/Y/Custom @
29.) Raziel/Kohenkyo/M/Gen 4/Teen/Y/Art Trade @
30.) Morgan/Foalen/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
31.) Scratch/underthered/M/Gen 4/Adult/N/Flat Sale @
32.) Alex/Kohenkyo/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
33.) Thorpe/Dovaxy/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
34.) Wimbledon/spookyx7/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
35.) Liliaea/Amyla Edana/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
36.) Shoshana/Freodwyn/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/1000 Page Giveaway @
37.) Tarotis/Epine de Rose/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
38.) Marieko/Mialee79/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
39.) Fazlian/Redskull_Reaper/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
40.) Atriposti/IvoryRyu.20/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
++41.) Liliane/Bluefire Dragonz/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @ - owner name change
42.) Quill/Shiranui/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
43.) Fiona/Overfiend Kasumi/F/Gen 4/D/Custom @
44.) Kiri/Shiranui/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
45.) Kael/Ice_Dragon_Demon/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Valentine @
46.) Stones/randi0515/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
47.) Celahir/Rapidashtrainer/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
48.) Bentley/Luminous Imp/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
49.) Mocha/Amy D/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
50.) Calhoun/Presca/M/Gen 4/Adult/N/Flat Sale @
51.) Firespark/Khomi/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Masquerade Birthday Prize @
52.) Dyandes/Alanna_Undomiel & shadowicedragon1/M/Gen 4/Y/Gift @
53.) Anson Mikael/MoonBeamDancer/M/Gen 4/Adult/D/Custom @
54.) Kaia/Star Sorceress/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Masquerade Birthday Prize @
55.) Ankhesenpaaten/Pata Lover/F/Gen 4/Teen//N/Flat Sale @
56.) Aros/Tanzanite Cloud/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
57.) Azzaka/Lady_Ourania/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
58.) Iris-lanthe/Avenorell/F/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
++59.) Faris/NeoAkira/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Flat Sale @ - no zodiac sign
60.) Harley/pippi18848/F/Gen 4/Adult/D/Pet Trade @
61.) Athreiu/Renee55/M/Gen 4/Teen/?/Gift @
62.) Koene/Renee55/F/Gen 4/Teen/?/Gift @
63.) Kibeth/Randi0515/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Breeding @
64.) Aden/Bluefire_Dragonz/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Breeding @
65.) Charlie/Le Fantome/M/Gen 4/Teen/N/Breeding @
66.) Moondancer/Caitlyn Hellcloud/F/Gen 4/Baby/Y/Custom @

Gen 5
1.) Renor Vlos/Ice_Dragon_Demon/M/Gen 5/Teen/?/Raffle @
2.) Firestorm/Kynthari/M/Gen 5/Teen/?/Raffle @
3.) Helaku/Kireiryuu/M/Gen 5/Adult/D/Breeding @
4.) Talia/Freodwyn/F/Gen 5/Teen/N/Breeding @
++5.) Nightmare/DevilNightShade & RPDOfficer/M/Gen 5/Adult/D/Custom @ - no zodiac sign
6.) Wayte/Lethrossen/M/Gen 5/Baby/Y/2000 Page Giveaway @
7.) Harry Potter/IvoryRyu.20/M/Gen 5/Teen/N/Harry Potter Event Auction @
8.) Ron Weasley/keetabirdy/M/Gen 5/Teen/N/Harry Potter Event Auction @
9.) Draco Malfoy/Kamiki/M/Gen 5/Teen/N/Harry Potter Event Auction @
10.) Hermione Granger/Naita/F/Gen 5/Teen/N/Harry Potter Event Auction @
11.) Albus Dumbledore/Syrius Lionwing/M/Gen 5/Adult/D/Auction @
12.) Iali/Andanielle/F/Gen 5/Baby/N/Breeding @
13.) Xander/Moonbeamdancer/M/Gen 5/Baby/N/Breeding @
14.) Lyann/Kohenkyo/F/Gen 5/Baby/N/Breeding @
15.) Miette/ --- /F/Gen 5/Teen/N/Raffle @ - new owner
16.) Glistening Rain Drops/MisterMuffinMan/F/Gen 5/Teen/Y/Custom @
17.) Bloody Tears of Disillusion/MisterMuffinMan/M/Gen 5/Teen/Y/Custom @
18.) Aithops/Naita/M/Gen 5/Teen/Y/HP Auction Custom @
19.) Constantine/Bluefire_Dragonz & Star Sorceress/M/Gen 5/ Baby/N/Event @

Gen 6
1.) Roho/Remove/M/Gen 6/Adult/Y/Custom @
2.) Fauve/Copic Markers/F/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
3.) Aki Ha/Artemis003/M/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
4.) Cedar/RadiantRuby/F/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
5.) Oskan/SummerRaven/M/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
6.) Nikolas/BeckieV & RayniaSky/M/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
7.) Argo/Harperking/F/Gen 6/Adult/D/Custom @
8.) Raizael/Spork Ninja/M/Gen 6/Baby/Y/Pet Trade @
9.) Aren/Firkasa/M/Gen 6/Teen/N/Flatsale @
10.) Warugi/Getsurei/M/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
11.) Strawburri/chemicalstar/F/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
12.) Nirajana/AnimeChickie/F/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
13.) Mint Ice/Kitiarou/M/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
14.) Leo/|| FallenxAngel ||/M/Gen 6/Baby/Y/Pet Trade [url-http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/TealDawn/cert_leo.jpg]@
15.) Fayth/Chemicalstart/F/Gen 6/Teen/Y/Art Trade @
16.) Alberich/Shadowstar13/M/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
17.) Illumanati/Getsurei/M/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
18.) Keiran/Allure/M/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
19.) Wasp/Kohenkyo/F/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
20.) Mooniana/Firkasa/F/Gen 6/Baby/N/Flatsale @
21.) Dei/Kohenkyo/F/Gen 6/Baby/Y/Bug Bribe @
22.) Macabe/Kasailoki/M/Gen 6/Baby/Y/Bug Bribe @

1.) Verdana/Underthered/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Thread Raffle @
2.) Vivaldi/Underthered/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Event @
3.) Agartin/Tasah/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Auction @
4.) Oceana/Jinxeh/F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Done for self @
5.) Samharon/Catiescarlett/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Auction @

Equus Gods
1.) Indrakhil/symphonic/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction @
2.) Amphitrite/Tasah/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction @
3.) Kagutsuchi/Overfiend Katsumi & brokenraven/M/Adult/D/Auction @
4.) Seraphina/Renee55 & Kireiryuu/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
5.) Coenea/Renee55/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
++ 6)Judgement/Jinxeh/M/Gen 2/Baby/N/Breeding @ -no zodiac sign
++ 7)Retribution/Naita/M/Gen 2/Baby/N/Breeding @ -no zodiac sign
8.) Luna/SilverPelt/F&M/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Done for Self @
9.) Vita/Naita/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
10.) Althus/Naita/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
11.) Eponine/Naita/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Auction @
12.) Brabantio/Naita/M & F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Custom @
1.) Laut/Jiora/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
2.) Songaa/Kokuei Chaos/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
3.) Cyllo/Dawnie,_,Chan/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
4.) Akino/lilwerewolfgirl/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flat Sale @
5.) - Terra (owned by Naita) Needs picture!
6.) Auld Lang Syne/Kamiki/F/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Thread Event @
7.) Chardonay/Nayo-Chan/F/Gen 1/Teen/Y/Thread Event @
8.) Kiphri/Jinxeh/F/Gen 1/Adult/D/Staff Custom @
9.) Ashalon/Jinxeh/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Staff Custom @
10.) Solas/Tasah/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Flatsale @
++11.) Sahar/Duke Clayton/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flatsale @ - no zodiac sign
12.) Hiasobi/Spiritweaver/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flatsale @
11.) Jylena/shadowicedragon1/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flatsale @
12.) Hrimgicel/Freodwyn/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flatsale @
13.) Sanake/Hakari-chan/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
14.) Darwin/Star Sorceress/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
15.) Zanir/Vashtya/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
16.) Slade/FRICTIONfighter/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
17.) Brina/Foalen/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
18.) Petalled Snow/Dawnie._.Chan/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
19.) Aries/Dante-Sayre/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
20.) Sarieah/Marushii/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Valentine @
21.) Kirkuk/Keilyna/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
22.) Amos/Saiyukii/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
23.) Alliyo/shadowicedragon1/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
24.) Pyro/The-Shocker/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
25.) Tycho/xx_Bullseye_xx/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
26.) Serenity/x_Harlequin/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
27.) Sano/TheSkyDemon/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
28.) Silmarian/pippi18848/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
29.) Koyuki/Naiiki Minomoto/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
30.) Cintara/Rein_Carnation/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
31.) Aja/Nearra_Sinshi/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
32.) Sarieah/Marushii/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
33.) Sky/Alanna_Undomiel/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
34.) Angel/Kireiryuu/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
35.) Liam/Tasah/M/Gen 2/Adult/D/Gift @
36.) Tailchaser/Safaia/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
37.) Hushpad/Tasah/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
38.) Pouncequick/Kiawna/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
39.) Amava/Lady_Shinigami & Naita/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
40.) Hecate/Phoebe Kyra Luna/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
41.) Nashorme/Manda/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
42.) Kharl/Karill/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
43.) Gerik/Dragonfire Rikku/M/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
44.) Inazuma/Ginsei88/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
45.) Qydascar/Keilyna/M/Gen 1/Adult/D/Custom @
46.) Blizz/FullMetal_Dragon/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
47.) Asaka/Ameh/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
48.) Melantha/Kithen/F/Gen 1/Teen/N/Valentine @
++49.) Corinne/KasaiLoki/F/Gen 1/Baby/Y/Auction @ - no zodiac sign
50.) Alonso/Shinzick of Teh/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
51.) El Alpine/Spunky Dasher/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
52.) Enya/Teigra/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
53.) Charlie/pippi18848 & BlackFireKitsune/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
54.) Ephiny/Harperking/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
55.) Tirya/Tasah/F/Gen 2/Adult/D/Gift @
56.) Aximili/RayniaSky/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Masquerade Birthday Prize @
57.) Zareru/Spiritweaver/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Masquerade Birthday Prize @
58.) Andir/darcy1992/M/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
59.) Fyriel/Celeanor/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
60.) Mariska/KasaiLoki/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
61.) Rosecrack/hanging gallow/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
62.) Snowblood/MegaRose/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flat Sale @
63.) Elemmire/keetabirdy & SunFireDemon/F/Gen 2/Baby/?/Harry Potter Event Prize @
64.) Tempest/Twisted Fairytale/M/Gen 3/Teen/N/Valentine @
65.) Lyrian/SpiderMistress/F/Gen 2/Teen/N/Flatsale @
66.) Bune/Mister Muffin Man/M/Gen 2/Baby/N/Flatsale @
67.) Fukai Mori/Ginsei88/M/Gen 2/Baby/N/Flatsale @
68.) Elaine/[ Celeste ]/F/Gen 2/Baby/N/Flatsale @

<center>User Image</center>

Class definitions for the Equus

Show: A show Equus is known for beauty; they are the most sought after for mates. They are said to have a power to enchant other Equus to do their bidding. Their voices are made of pure song and can lure other Equus with their music. However, these effects hold no power over the more intelligent Equus such as Guardians and War Steeds. (except for a few exceptions). They are indeed on the lazy side and tend to have others do everything for them (don't want to break a nail, now). In battle they are cowards and will turn tail and run.

Wild: Very little is known about the wild Equus; you will hardly ever find them in a group. What is known is that they can hold their own, survive on very little food and water, and they have a great direction sense. Though there appearence is not up to par, they are said to carry great hearts. In battle they fight to the death or until the other gives up. They are the least likely to mate and they never stay in one place for too long.

War Steed:Protectors of the Equus, this class is always sent out on missions. They are fast and strong but do not have high intelligence such as the Guardians', but that doesn't mean they're dumb! They love to fight and will spend a lot of their time play fighting with each other when there is nothing to battle. They are the most sporty of the Equus and love games and events. They are the most likely to be scarred and marked from battle, they carry them with pride and often tell the same tales over and over on how they got them. They are the most likely to fall in love fast, but stray easily. They usually have a shorter life span then other Equus. sweatdrop They are well trained in fighting abilities and war strategy.

Track Steed: Outgoing and funny, this class is where those who jump the highest and run the fastest fit in! They love sport and tend to compete with one another as often as they can. They also tend to have a gambling side when it comes to betting on their abilities. They are great talkers and have the ability to get others to follow them, as they are the popular crowd and go well with show Equus. This class has caused many of the great wars within the Equus's history. They compete fiercely for their mates. Depending on their area of sport they are great at racing and obstacles. However, they always tend to get too caught up in themselves, as they are quite arrogant.

Guardian: Guardians are very moody, they do not speak much and tend not to spend time in big groups. They are biggest of the Equus and the strongest. They carry a mystery about them and do not show there true feelings. They tend to answer questions with questions and will leave any Equus confused. There the last on the list to be invited to events. However once a Guardian has warmed up to you, they are loyal and make great friends. Never break the trust with a guardian for you will never be forgiven. There promise to the Great Elders is to protect their way of life. Though never sent to battle, they guard the tribe itself, holding the grounds and not allowing enemies to enter. They are the most feared.

Tamed: This is your average Equus, they are great mothers and fathers and love the simple home life. They are the ones that make the shelters and keep the fires going on cold nights. They are very family orented and love children. They cook and clean and gather for tales by the fire. They are the heart of the tribe and what the fighters and guardians protect. There attitudes and abilities can come in a wide range.

Demon: This is a very special class, the Equus is one reborn from the past, this Equus is part living and part dead and possess great powers of Hell itself. These Equus often feel out of place and lost, having no memory of where they were before. Being freed from hell to have a second chance. Rode by the devil himself they often feel like they have a heavy weight on there backs. In love there often really confused as they do not know much about emotions as they just have been given them.

Earth Pony:This class is very special as the Equus have no horn or wings. The earth pony is concidered one of the rarest Equus. They are sometimes Jealous of other Equus with wings and horns but generally fun loving and honest. The only way to get an earth pony is if two breed together but since the usually the earth pony doesn't want the same fate for there young they tend to get together with an Equus that has wings, horn or both. Usually has a subclass.

Unicorn: This class is the result of an earth pony mating with a full Equus. They are magical and playful and love to play tricks on one another. They are usually intelligent and sometimes other Equus long to be around them. Having no wings tend not to bother this Equus and they are the best magick users. They are usually picked as the healer for the herd. Usually has a subclass.

Pegasus: Again this is the result of the earth pony mating with a full Equus. Pegasus love to spend more time flying then walking and fly more then the full Equus. Though sometimes they tend to branch off into there own groups rather then mix. There wings are usually bigger then that of the normal Equus and they love to flant that. They love air battle and will tend to pick fights with other Equus that are not pegasus. Though most are really friendly and calm, it is mostly the obnoxious ones that ruin it for the rest.

Vampires:These Equus are mostly found in dark colors and are marked with a runeic symbol. They tend to really only like sticking with there own crowd rather then mingleing. They have a fondness for the night. Sunlight does not burn them but they do find it really hot against there skin and tend not to spend too much time in direct sunlight. They live off of blood and tend to find an Equus that will freely give it to them when needed. They can pass on there Vampireism to other Equus only in there full adult state.

Fairy:These Equus are fast and light. They are friendly and always almost appear happy. Others tend to be attracted to them because of there friendly nature They can be mischeivous and pull pranks as long as in there minds there not hurting the other Equus. They love nature and tend to have some powers over it. They love family and tend to be likely to have more foals in a breeding then normal. There always bright patterns and colors and tend to love shiney things a lot. (Will never again be released, save through breedings)

Celestial: These are special equus, it is said by many that they come from beyond the stars. They are characterised by their starry manes and tails, and at times their colouring will represent a celestial body. They have a tendency to be rather aloof, and they have a preference for going about at night rather than during the day. It is rumoured that these equus never sleep. Whether or not this is true.... the rest of equuskind has yet to discover.

Masquerade: Revellers at heart, these equus like a good party, and they are of the more flamboyant sort. As a matter of fact they get along best with the Show Equus and Fairies. These equus can always be found at a celebration, and they are distinguished by their masks.

Aqualondi: These seaponies have their own lineart, and in fact they tend to operate a little differently from the normal equus. They can only survive in the sea, and they need water to live. Their stages are also a little different from the normal equus (Baby-Child-Teen). At the moment, it is uncertain if elder Aqualondi even exist! And if they do... well, they'll not be able to be obtained by conventional means....

God: Spirit beings of great power, they were formed from the essence of what they represent. They are very rare, and they have total command over their chosen domain. The only gods known to date are those of the elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air...


Class's for the Aikenka, Canis, Suteneko,Noraneko

1.)Hunter: This group that tend to be the most nutral of colors so that they can blend into there back grounds, they are the sleekest of the spieces and can hide, track and kill prey easily. They are fast, hard to see, hard to sence and can easily make there way to a Equus herd without being noticed. They are well built and tend to be the most wanted for mates, as they are seen as providers for future young. They tend to be bitter and have war paint markings that they dress themselves in before hunting. They take life very seriously.

2.)Guardian: Guardians are very moody, they do not speak much and tend not to spend time in big groups. They are biggest of the Spieces and the strongest. They carry a mystery about them and do not show there true feelings. They tend to answer questions with questions and will leave any Spieces confused. There the last on the list to be invited to events. However once a Guardian has warmed up to you, they are loyal and make great friends. Never break the trust with a guardian for you will never be forgiven. There promise to the Great Elders is to protect their way of life. Though never sent to battle, they guard the tribe/pack/clan itself, holding the grounds and not allowing enemies to enter. They are the most feared.

3.)Loner Loners tend to be by themselves, either they have been kicked out of there pack/pride/clan or have choosen solitary life. They sometimes find a mate to be with and start a small family. They also will sometimes be a part of an Equus herd, using them as shelter from other packs. They can join other packs, but because the chances are high of being ripped up by the clan, they usually don't take the chance. They are thin, weak and tend to be scavengers, following behind other packs to eat leftovers or small prey. They are someitmes gulliable attaching themselves to those who will accept them. They are careing towards family and will fight there hardest for the ones they attach too or fall in love with. Some take to a darker side, thinking that there will never be anything good for them, others keep trying until they build a small clan for themselves.

4.)Alpha Male/Female:These are the leaders for the packs/clans. They are well respected, usually but not always wise, they are decision makers and usually the ones only allowed to have pups or cubs out of the clan/pack. They are dominate and can have a second class, such as a Alpha/hunter. They are either loved or hated by the clan, but always obeyed. The Alpha rank only rarely passes down to the pups or cubs and usually only with the first born. Those that refuse to obey an alpha leader in the rp can be kicked out of the clan. This can result in a class change to loner. An Alpha is always confident in there decisions and are very highly intelligent. There can be only one Alpha male and female in a clan, and the Alpha male sometimes chooses more then one mate.

5.)Beta This rank too may have a second to go with it. The Beta are the caretakers of the clan, they look after the pups or cubs, make sure the others in the clan are following orders, they help the Alphas with decisions and is the second from the Alpha to be choosen to mate with. They make up a small percentage of the clan and tend to be the main guardians and hunters for the group. They are very loyal to the clan, and usually will fight to the death to protect the clan. They sometimes breed, if the alpha male or female has permitted it and usually it is the Alpha males pups or cubs.

6.)Omega: This is the bottem of the list for the clan, those with this class are usually first sent out where there are traps, or places that most likely will result in death, to test out if a area is safe. They are usually used by the clan to distract Equus herd leaders, which can easily result in death if they have to fight with the Equus. They are weak like the loners, living off scraps from the rest. Sometimes omega are respected in a group but are always last to know what is going on. They never breed within the clan, but can breed with loners and sometimes tend to leave there pack/clan to go with the loners. They are usually good hearted and love to play with one another, they are scared of the Beta and Alpha and usually will stop everything there doing when in there presence to sit quietly out of the way. They are not the smartest, but are the most merciful and loving out of all the class's. They make wonderful parents and usually have the most pups or cubs. A pregnant female omega is usually sent out of a clan or killed.

7.)Shaman:This class is highly respected, they are magickal and usually even the Alpha back down to the Shaman out of fear. They know how to cure the wounded and can preform many magical abilities. As well as make many potions to help with ablities as well as poisions. They usually live outside the clan, just on the boarders. They watch over the clan making sure everything is keeping its balance. They are neither good or evil, but believe everything has a purpose. They hardly ever breed but will occassionally find a mate. They often when time is right, will pick one of the Alpha's offspring to train them to be a shaman for the clan. A Shaman can be female or male, and usually never say much. Any rank will do exactly what they are told by a Shaman with no questions asked. They are stand offish and tip toed around by the others, the others being very careful what they say. Occasionally there can be a very evil or very good Shaman, which are usually very special loners
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Calls are your Equus's/Predators power source. Equus's/Predators are highly attracted to there call, it is what you can call there life force. This can get them in trouble as well as save them.
Each call has an opposite, the calls opposite will cause weakness to your Equus's/Predators Gift and abilities. Though oppisite calls can live quite happy side by side. Its when they call forth there powers is when the trouble starts. Equus's/Predators usually group together according to there calls, the more of Equus's that get together that have the same call, the more powerful there gifts can get. Some form groups of two kinds that mix well such as Water and Earth. Very rarely will you see a complete mix together in a tribe. Calls sometimes bann together to try and beat off there opposites.

Earth:Earth calls get there energy from all plant. Fire is there Drain. Earth calls are great healers by nature and have abilities to make all plants grow. Earth go well with Water calls, Solitude Calls, Dream Calls. Other call signs that cause some Drain effect on Earth Calls are:
Winter Calls, Autumn Calls and Dark Calls.

Fire: Fire calls get there energy from heat. They thrive will with Air Calls, Summer calls and Light Calls and nightmare calls. Water is the fire calls Drain. Fire calls carry a natural ability for sight and can see as well in the dark as they would in the daylight. They also can withstand great heat. They have the ability to bring forth fire from there bodys. Other calls that hold some Drain effect over this call are:Winter Calls, Spring Calls, and sound Calls.

Air: Air Calls get there energy from the winds. They go well with Fire Calls, Sound Calls, and Autumn Calls. Earth Calls are the Air Calls Drains. Air calls can hear great lengths and have the ability to conjure up small amounts of wind. The also can hide there scent and throw there voices. Calls that can have some Drain effect over this call are: Water Calls and Solitude Calls.

Water: Water Calls get there energy from any water flow, this includes storms. They go well with Earth Calls, Water Calls, Spring Calls, and Light Calls. They have the ability to breath underwater, and can appear to look wet at times. They also can make it rain. There Drain call is Air. Some other Calls that might cause Drain are: Winter Calls, Nightmare Calls, Solitude Calls.

Summer: Summer Calls get there energy from the Heat. They go well with Spring Calls, Fire Calls and Air Calls. They have the ability to Dry things up completely and can raise another Bastats temperature. There Call Drain is Winter. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are:
Dark Calls, Water Calls, Nightmare Calls.

Winter: Winter Calls get there enery from the Cold. They go well with Autumn Calls, Dark Calls and Solitude Calls. They have the ability to freeze things and can give other bastats short term blindness. There call Drain is Summer. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are: Light Calls, Fire Calls and Sound Calls.

Autumn: Autumn Calls get there energy from the passing of life. They go well with Winter Calls, Air Calls and Sound Calls. They have the ability to take little bits of life from other things and add it to there own, they also have the ability to see in the past. There Drain Call is Spring. Other Calss that might cause some Drain are Earth Calls, Water Calls and Light Calls.

Spring: Spring get there energy from new life. They go well with Light Calls, Earth Calls and Water Calls. They have the ability to bring small things back to life. They also have the ability to see into the future.
There Drain Call is Autumn. Other calls that can cause some Drain are: Winter Calls, Fire Calls, and Dark Calls.

Light: Light Calls get there energy from Rays of light. They go well with Earth Calls, Fire Calls and Dream Calls. They have the ability to create light and can appear to have a glow around them. They also have the ability to reflect images. There Drain Call is Dark. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are: Nightmare Calls, Solitude Calls and Winter Calls.

Dark: Dark Calls get there energy from the shadows. They go well with Nightmare Calls, Solitude Calls and Autumn Calls. They have the ability to create shadow like hands in which they can inclose there victims. They also dim well lit areas. There Drain Call is Light. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are: Fire Calls, Summer Calls and Dream Calls.

Dreams: Dream Calls get there energy from Wishes. They go well with Light Calls, Solitude Calls and Air Calls. They have the ability to grant small wish's and to bring hope where there is none. There Drain Call is Nightmares. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are: Dark Calls, Autumn Calls and Winter Calls

Nightmares: Nightmare Calls get there energy from Fears. They go well with Dark Calls, Autumn Calls and Winter Calls. They have the ability to envoke fear, They also have the ablity of illusion. There Drain Call is Dream. Other Calls that might cause some drain are: Light Calls, Spring Calls and Earth Calls.

Sound: Sound Calls get there energy from Music. They go well with Earth Calls, Water Calls and Autumn Calls. They have the ablity to enchant creatures with there singing voices. They also have an ablitiy to cause a creature to be Deaf for a short period of time. There Drain Call is Solitude. Other Calls that might cause some Drain are: Dream Calls, Winter Calls and Dark Calls.

Solitude: Solitude Get there energy from Silence. They go well with Winter Calls, Dream Calls, and Dark Calls. They have the ability to take away ones speech for a short period of time. They also have the ability to put creatures in a sleep. There Drain Call is Sound. Other Calls that might have some Drain are: Autumn Calls, Air Calls and Water Calls.

Hell: Hell get there energy from everything evil. They go well with Winter Calls, Dark Calls and Solitude Calls. They have the ability to see in ones heart to tell if it is good or evil, they also have the ability to see what is behing the shadows and often catch sight of many of hells creatures that creep in the night. There Drain Call is Heaven. Other Calls the might have some Drain are: Light calls, Dream calls or Summer Calls.

Heaven: These calls get there energy in the holy light. Everything that is pure of heart or innocent. They go well with Light calls, Earth calls, and air calls. They have a innocent like appearance and attitude. Being such light hearted they hold no fear and are only curious. Once they find the realisation of fear they are often left scared with there light not as bright. There Drain is Hell. Other calls that might have some drain are: Dark Calls or Winter Calls.

Spirit: These calls get there energy from the cosmos. They have the ablity to foresee future events. They are mysterious and tend to seem almost lost at times within themselves. They always know more then they are willing to share, letting one find out what is needed on there own, with only riddle like clues. There Drain is Hollow. Other drains that might have some effect are: Dark Calls, Hell Calls or Winter Calls.

Hollow: Hollow calls get there energy from emptiness, from sorrow or loss. They are also mysterious in there ways, they seem distant and lost among a world of life, they have the ability to move invisable if they wish among the realm of the Equus and are often found where sorrow and saddness are. They get along great with Dark calls or Solitude Calls. There Drain is Spirit Calls. Other calls that might have some drain effect are: Dream calls, light calls, and Fire calls.

Universe: Universe calls get there energy from the cosmos, like the spirit calls. They are mysterious and tend to have one of the planets powers. They are well liked and have excellent charisma. They get along great with Solitude calls,Spring calls and autumn calls. There Drain is Celestial. Other calls that might have an effect are: Dark calls, Dream calls, and Winter Calls.

Celestial: Celestial calls are mysterious, not much is known about them, they are heard to be playful and have ablities to call forth godly powers from the heavens. They are very very rare.They get along great with light calls and heaven calls. There Drain is Universe. Other calls that might have some drain effect are Hell Calls, Dark Calls and Winter Calls.

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The Gifts

Gifts is either an attack method, a magick method or a deffence method, that is special and different from others (please note that it is possiable for some Equus's to have the same gift)
The gift is meant to help your Equss in some form in its lift to achieve greatness to become an elder. The power of your gift can only be used properly in RP, please no god modeling with it and yes your gift can back fire on you!

List of Gifts and there meanings
(Some gifts are not filled out I need info from there owners on what to put there)

Please note that the effect of ones gift is effected by the Calls of the Equus around the Equus at the time being, the gifts will not work on the Equus call drain. It is also up to the person rping on how bad ones gift has hurt them, if at all hurt them. Please no god modeling! Your gift will not give you ultimate powers to contol the Equus. Also the older the Equus the better the gift will work. Foals have the most problems and mistakes and should practice there gifts on one another. No real physical damage, or pain can be caused during the foal stage.

Slumber Fall: Slumber fall is a magickal defence, in which it may cause those to be put under a deep sleep. The Equus's strenght of this effect depends on the others call drain.

Cyclone Rift: This allows the Equus to conjour up small cyclones or gusts of wind, and if used correctly and depending on the call drain can cause some light blindness for a time if directed at the other Equus's face.

Rain Shower: This gift allows the Equus to conjour up small showers, within a small radius. With this gift comes the ability to sence storms before they happen and find water easily.

Quake Stomp: With the tapping of ones hoof, this gift can cause a small earth quake within a small radius, it can also cause confusion in the opponent, causing the others attack to be directed else where. Can sence earthquakes before they happen.

Petal Pierce:This causes a gust of wind that carries in it rose petals, this when directed at another Equus can cause great stinging, like being hit by bee stings. Can knock an opponent down.

Wind Whirl:With this gift the Equus can cause gusts of wind that swirls around its opponents body, causeing unsteadiness and dizzyness. May also be used to pick up items or reach them from high places.

Screech:This gift causes a high pitched noise, causeing some opponents to run in fear. If heard can cause tempory deafness. Has great ablity to pick up high pitchs noises from a long distance.

Dream Weaver:The Equus with this gift has the ability to create desires into being. However great this might sound, it lasts only if for a short while and is much of an illusion. If the illusion is is found as an illusion, it loses its effect on the other Equus.

Fear Strike:This causes a sence of uneasiness in another Equus if used. When used it strikes fear into there opponent, causeing some to turn tail and run. It can give the illusion of the Equus being bigger then its normal size as well.

Summer Haze:Summer Haze when used properly causes the opponent temperature to raise, creating some confusion and tiredness to the Equus it is used on. This gift also can can cause the opponent some blindness in which wavey colors and objects can be made out.

Ice Bolt:If used correctly this can cause a bolt of ice. When the bolt hits its opponent it cause the opponent to freeze for a short moment, leaving them inmoblie for a short time. This can be used also to freeze objects as well.

Solar Bite:This gift when used causes the other Equus to feel like it is being bitten, leaving small burn bite marks on the Object or opponent it is directed at. The Equus with this gift tends to love spicey things and hot places.

Voice Breaker:This gift is sent out in a silent sonar effect and when it hits its target, it causes muteness. Leaving the opponent in a confused state. Can cause an area to be mute for a short period of time, leaving a deafening effect.

Pure Heart:Pure Heart causes an enchantment upon the opponent. Causeing the Equus to be in love with the Equus that uses the gift for a short period of time. In which when used correctly and at 100% will cause the Equus to do what the other Equus would like them to do. With this gift the Equus can cheer up the saddest of hearts.

Shadow Dance:When used correctly this causes shadows to dance around the opponent, causeing great confusion and in some cases fear. The Equus with this gift can hide easily without being seen and sometimes appears to cast no shadow.

Frost Bite:This is the opposite of Solar bite, when uses correctly it can send out invisable bites upon the opponent, leaving an icey frostbite burns on the skin. The Equus also tends to leave icey foot prints.

Gust:Gust is a burst of air, that when used correctly can knock the opponent off its feet. Can be used to blow opjects over or push objects. Can even be used to cool one down from being too hot.

Tide flow: This causes a small burst of water that can be sprayed at the opponent. When near bodies of water, the Equus can make small waves. With this gift the Equus is immune to the coldest water and will not freeze.

Soft Song: This gives the gift of song to the Equus, its voice is magick when the Equus talks and if sings the Equus will draw all close to listen in a trance to stop and listen. In battle the Equus may start singing to draw those around her/him into a trance, giving others (if not in the trance also) enough time to attack or for the Equus to get away.

Blood Lust: This gift often causes the Equus to become in a trance when they smell blood. In battle when blood is drawn they often become in this trance that causes the Equus to feel no pain and gives them strength, that will lead them to fight to the death. With this gift they hold the uncanny gift to heal if they over come the trance.

Burning Horn: Burning horn is almost what it sounds like, this gift causes the Equus horn to become aflame in which the Equus can send a fire blast as its opponent. The Equus is also immune to fire and can use its horn as a torch to see in the darkness.

Death Rattle: No Equus wants to hear this sound. With this gift the Equus can cause a horriable low tone sound that causes great fear in the other Equus, for it is the sound of death itself. It causes most Equus to freeze in fear. This gift also allows the Equus to call upon a invisable like hand that is seen as black smoke.

Flesh Peel: This gift is not the pleasentest one, when using this gift it causes the opponent to feel as if its skin is peeling from his body. It of course is an illusion but the pain is very real. With this gift the Equus can call upon worms and bugs of sorts to attack the opponent. As the saying feeling your flesh crawl. The Equus with this gift can also go days with out food or drink.

False Hope: What a lovely gift one must think, at least at the begining. This Equus can almost make anyone believe in things that are not real. When the gift is used the opponent see's what ever it is that the Equus heart desires, but once the realiseation of the desire not being real it causes the Equus to be in such sorrow, it will give up the fight.

Fire Whip: Fire whip allows the Equus to use a whip of fire that leaves burn like lines where it touchs, when another Equus is hit it stings like a whip and can leave a burn mark. This Equus is also immune to fire and burns as well.

Star Gaze: This gift allows one to gaze into the future, past or present when used correctly. Mostly the Equus will catch only small glimpes into another Equus past, present of future. They can never see there own future. Star Gaze can be used in batter and cause small stars to circle the other Equus causing confusion.

Fire Dance: This gift when used causes ones hooves to catch flame, a kick from the Equus using this gift can leave an awlful mark as when used strength as well is added to it. The Equus with this gift is also immune to fire.

Glitter: When Glitter is used by a Equus with this gift, it causes beautiful speckles to come forth over the Equus it is aimed at, in which will either make the Equus confused or fall asleep. This gift often tends to leave small sparkles where ever this Equus walks.

Roar: Roar is somewhat like screech except what is heard is a rumbleing roar, when used it causes the ground to shake under the Equus used upon. It also can cause tempory deafness. This Equus is immune to loud noises.

Golden Shower: This gift causes a bright light to blast outwards at the opponent, the light appears to be shards that can hurt as well as tempory blind the opponent aimed at. Equus with this gift glow in the dark.

Ribbon Tie: This gift allows the Equus to use a magickal ribbion that when aimed at the target will wrap itself around, tieing up the opponent. Equus with this gift often play around with the gift to make pictures with the ribbon.

Harvest: This gift allows the Equus to bring forth food from the ground, though not a whole lot, but enough to keep from starving. When used in battle this gift can cause pumpkin vines to come from the ground under the opponent to tie up there victim.

Moon Beam: This gift works best at night and when the moon is shining down. When used the Equus sends a warm white bright light upon the Equus which heals all wounds, poisions, and sickness's. Most effective when it is a full moon. This Equus has a shimmery light around them in the dark.

Lightning bolt: This gift causes a bolt of lightening to come forth and strike its opponent, though not enough to kill the opponent. The attack can cause the opponent to faint or come confused if no harm is done. The Equus with this gift will never be hit by lighting.

Star Flare: Star Flare causes a bright light to come forth in small stars that can knock over or blind the opponent. The Equus with this gift can see in the dark and is immune to blindness. Also when the opponent is hit with this gift, it can cause a slight burning.

Tri Force: This gift uses the tri force of the elements fire, water and air and when used the elements combine to cause a hurtful blast of steam in the form of a small tornado at the opponent. The Equus with this gift can also use there gift to heal burns.

Leaf Burst:

Water Shower:

Winter Wind: This gift calls forth and icey cold wind that can freeze there opponent for a turn or tempory. Also can bring forth winter storms when used during the season of winter. The Equus with this gift is immune to the cold.

Crystal Cloud:This gift calls forth a bright light that blinds the other Equus. It also can be used to send out shards of bright crystals that reflect the light blinding and injuring the other Equus. Reflection is an important part of this gift and relfecting another image of the Equus is not a problem to try and confuse opponents. It also can be called forth to create a special healing cloud of light. Thougth this gift sounds like its unbeatable 60% of the time, the gift does not work properly or only has a small effect.

Healing touch: This gift is a strong healing gift, though there are no real attack methods with this gift, when the Equus is attacked an injured it can heal as its being attacked. This is also the only gift that can bring back the dead to life.

Truth Call: This gift is great for any Equus wanting to know the truth, when used upon another Equus that Equus must tell the truth for a period of time. It also lets the Equus with the gift to know the other Equus's and other creatures fighting status, as in how strong they are and how effective there gift or attack is.

Claw: Upon rearing up and stomping ones hooves on the ground this Equus can bring forth a powerful slash, which can cut and knock over other creatures and Equus.

Hiss: When the Equus with this gift use this a loud hissing can be heard and causes the other Equus or creature it is directed at to become confused. If used long enough on the other Equus or creature it will cause the creature to become hypnotized.

Purr: When used this gift causes a loud rumbleing to be heard, the creature or Equus it is directed at will feel the ground sway and rumble under them and loss there footing. It also can be used lightly when the Equus is resting to heal there injuries.

Pounce: This gift allows the Equus to have exceptional hind leg strength causeing a kick that can easily cause death in small creatures with inpact. It also allows the Equus to run faster then normal.

Growl:When this gift is use a loud deafing noise is made, not only does it cause tempory deafness in another creature of Equus but it also strikes fear into them, making them picture the Equus with this gift as another preditory creature.

Scatter:This gift brings forth a glittery sparkle that falls around the other creature or Equus. It cause confusion in the opponent which makes them focus on the beauty of the glitter, giveing them a happy feeling and forgetting about the fight. Can also be used to cheer up other creatures or Equus.

Unmask: The ability to peel back a layer of anothers consciousness, seeing into their inner thoughts. Giving the Equus the power to mindread what other Equus or creatures are thinking.

Soft Light: This allows the Equus to bring forth a glow around its body, causeing others that touch this Equus to warmed. If the Equus that is getting attacked, they may use this to its full strength causeing a red glow around the Equus and the creatures or Equus that tough the Equus will be burned. Can be used to see in the dark places or at night.

Pitch Fork: When used this causes the Equus to call forth a small amount of tiny devil like creatures that are about as big as a small bird. They only stay for a short time period and obey the Equus who called them forth, when they attack they swarm the creature and poke it with small pitchforks.

Sleepwalk: When this gift is used on another creature or Equus it can have two effects, it may either put them into a short sleep or cause the other creature or Equus to be in a state of confusion which they will act like a sheep. The Equus with this gift can heal itself when sleeping.

Pumpkin smash:This gift allows the Equus to stamp on the ground bringing forth small pumpkins to fall above the creature or opponent that the gift is used upon. Can also throw pumkin innerds at other creatures and Equus.

Halloween Howl:The Equus with this gift can conjour up small catlike creatures about the size of a bird, these creatures will obey the Equus that called them forth. When they attack the use there catlike claws and little bites, which cause the creature attacked to go into a state of confusion as well as being slightly injured. Also when the Equus calls them forth with a howl like call it can cause some deafness in other Equus and creatures near by.

Warm heart: This gift is a motherly gift. When used upon a creature or other Equus it makes the one using the gift seem motherlike to them and the creature attacking will go to add the Equus with the gift protecting that Equus as if the Equus were its own mother. Can also be used to shield young from harm when danger is near, but gathering foals near the Equus with the gift.

Howl Strike When used this gift lets out a deafing howl, causeing tempory deafness in those near by. Can be used to find others who are lost as can be heard over a long distance. When used as an attack it causes a force when aimed at a creature or Equus that will knock the other creature or Equus down.

Luck: When this gift is used a shineing light surrounds the Equus increaseing there chances of luck. In battle and used, it will give the Equus the upper hand by switching the wounds with that of the other creature or Equus that is fighting it. Careful when using as the Equus will recieve the other Equus health status for the time being and some Equus can hide how injured they really are and the Equus might end up in worse shape.

Sheilding: When this gift is used it creates walls of mind energy, that sill seperate the Equus from the creature or other Equus. Causing the Equus with the gift to seem invisable to that creature or Equus. If used well can effect more then one creature or Equus at one time.

Angelic Song: This gift allows the Equus to bring forth a heavenly melody that has a very diverting affect on the opponent. The opponent is drawn into the music and is unable to focus or think clearly. If sung in a more soothing manner this gift may also have healing properties.

Ancient Aura:

Christmas Lights:The Equus/Predator with this gift has an ability to glow and give light in dark places in any christmasy colors. This gift also allows the Equus/predator in battle to look another in the face, upon eye contact the other creature can not drop the one with the gifts gaze, causeing the creature to become hypnotized and in a dream like state.

Candy Stripe This gift sends out a splash of color in the from of stripes, the creature hit not only will be colored with a stripe pattern for a short time but also can be knocked ot the ground the stipes of color leaveing a burning feeling like a whip. The creature with this gift tends to have stripes of its own that taste somewhat like candy.

Call of the Elements:

Entomb:the ability to bury pain for a short period of time, masking it's effect, but not healing it.

Night Echo:

Freedom:This gift allows the creature to become free from almost any trap. The gift allows the creature what it needs to break free when the creature feels trapped or finds itself in a place it does not wish to be. The gift can give strength, speed, jumping boost, unlocking and many other things. The creature must deep in there heart want to be free for the gift to work, otherwise the magick will fail. It only works for the creature itself and not for use of others. As for example if another Equus wanted to enter a blocked cave but there was no danger to the creature with the Freedom gift isn't the one that really wants in, the gift will not work.

Prism This is a playful gift, the creature with this gift can happily pounce around letting off small prisms of light where it steps, leaving splashs of color on the ground for a short period of time if it wishs. When dancing it can leave other in awe of the beauty of colors and light mixed plays a part in it. When in battle the creature can confuse its enemie by creating light and shadows that give off illusions of movement making it seem that the creature with the gift is in one spot when really it has moved ahead to another.

Rune: The gift calls upon great magick of the past, the creature with this gift can foretell the future. When in battle the creatures eyes will start to glow calling upon the runes themselves, the runes fly in swirling light around the creature protecting it from attacks and damage. The creature may also use the runes forcefuly at the enemy causing the enemy to feel that its being hit by sharp rocks, leaving a burning pain behind.

Kinetic Charge This gift gives one the ability to awaken kinetic energy stored inside inanimate objects. The one using it must be in contact with the object to charge it. Once an object has been "charged" the next object it comes in contact with will cause it to explode, whether its been thrown, or merely touched by something other than the one who charged it. Touch from the charger themself will not cause the object to explode.

Stalk: This allows the creature to move silently behind someone with out them knowing that they are there, they can swiftly hide themselves and are able to track down the hardest to find trails that someone leaves behind. They are excellent trackers and are often used to find lost creatures. They can move from a group or into a group without notice.

Sand Glass: This gift is a special one, it allows the creature with the gift to go back in time within a period of 2 minutes, allowing for small change. If used this way the creature is usually left feeling like they have lost something when time is placed back to where it should. This gift when used as an attack will spray sharp sand at the enemy.


Jingle Bells:The creature with this gift lets off a light jingling noise when they move. This gift when used to attack the creature stomps his front feet causing a loud ring sent forth at the enemy causing confusion and deafness. It may also cause the emeny to fall.

Silent Night This gift when night falls can cause the creature with it to become invisiable and move silently. When used for an attack this creature can cause deafness and blindness upon another creature.

Silver Bells:With this gift it causes the one with it to let off a light chimeing that is soft and pleaseing to the ears of those who hear it. As an attack this gift can lure the enemy into a hypnotic state with the chimeing. They also tend to live a shimmery trail of silver at night.

Deathknell: the ability to strike fear into another's mind, giving them a vision of their mortality.

Armistice: the ability to appease another from rage, striking a peace.

Bridal FlashA veil of pink and red energy, shaped like hearts, combines into one giant heart that attacks the opponent. Sometimes can purify a darkened heart for a limited of time.

Triple CrownThe ability to create three different equus illusions in the hopes of confusing and warding off attackers. If the attacker figures out the illusion, they will get attacked by three types of flowers, Black-eyed Susans, Roses, and Carnations, while the equus flees with an enormous burst of speed.


Guard The creature with this gift can connect to another creature or those it loves and can sense when there in danger. This allows for the creature to find and help or protect those it loves. It may also put a shield around its self and others to protect from ememys.

Bark: Bark can be used as a call that can be heard by others in order for them to find the creature or for others to come to the creature. Bark can be heard only by those who the creature wishs it to hear. when used as an attack it sends a forceful blow upon the enemy almost always knocking the enemy over and leaving them deaf.

Dig: Dig allows the creature to be able to swiftly dig into any type of ground wither it is frozen,quicksand or stone, this gift can allow the one with the gift to go through any type of ground to find or save someone from certain things. As an attack it sends forth a blast to the enemy causing the ground below them to shift and the enemy to lose there balance.

Ice Shard: This gift allows the creature to walk saftly on any form of ice, even thin ice over lakes. They will not slip or fall and can stand a very cold climate. When used as an attack, it sends forth an illusion of shards of Ice that when the ememy is hit it causes freezeing in the area hit as well as pain.

Rose Whip A beam of green light shoots out from the attackers horn. The equus would then whip their head around at their opponent like a whip. It can also be used like a rope.

Wolf Howl - Upon need of fight or flight, this ability allowes an Equus to let out a howl that mimics the howl of a mighty alpha wolf causing any predator, or foe to become confused and truly believe the Equus before them is actually a power Alpha Wolf. The duration of the illusion is momentary to a few minutes when inacted by a foal, a few minutes to an half hour when invoked by a teen, and for adults/elders the time can vary, on rare occasion the illusion becomes nearly permanate for the attacker the ability was used on.

Dream Song - A song that is as powerful and magical as it is beautiful. When sung, the melody is truly heard more by the mind than the ears. It allows the singer to slip into the dreams of the target, helping to aid the target in healing of mind and body at accelerated speeds. It has sometimes been heard those who posse the ability, can bring visions of the future to their own dreams.

Thunder Pounce - Upon coiling back and launching at prey or foe, this ability causes a thundering to sounds when the invokers paws/hooves touch down that rings within the ears of their target causing them to be temporarily stunned and deafened, while also giving the invoker added power and strength within their pounce causing double damage, and a chance of instant death to the prey/foe.

Fast Find - When the need and desire to find something, this ability helps guide and direct one through instinct and visions to what is being searched for, whether it be a small sparkle gem, a lost cub or foal, or hidden trap. Those who hold this ability are often favorites of those who are often losing things.

Cloud of Stupidity - The Equus is, overall, pretty dumb. For example, they tend to ask stupid questions, repeat themselves a lot, and not "get" things. When the Cloud is used in battle, it gives these effects to the opponent.

God Gifts:
(These gifts may be used by the god equus only, and one gift per god!)

Lord of the Forests: Indrakhil, God of Earth, has command of all the forests and all things within it. With the ability to make any greenery grow, the terrible force to make a great tree fall, with the tongue that speaks with all forest creatures, the gift to make any forest creature do as he would have them do, he can be challenged only by the Lord of Flame.
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-Under Construction-

List of attitudes and their definitions:
Moody, Curious, Skittish, Lusty, Hyper, Cold, Merciless, Sulky, Spunky, Shy, Depressive, Obnoxious, Insane, Adventurous, Quiet, Enraged, Distant, Flirtatious, Cheerful, Gentle, Malicious, Friendly, Kind, Arrogant, Cynical, Passionate, Optimistic, Pessimistic, Sadistic, Skeptical, Nervous, Aloof, Devious, Pensive, Thoughtful, Antagonistic, Enthusiastic, Greedy. More attitudes will be added to this list later!
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Zodiac Sign Compatiblity: For all Speices of East of Eden

Compatibility Chart

Your sign........Ideal sign...........Favorable sign...........Unfavorable sign
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East of Eden store: Open XD

(You will need to post a request to buy in this thread and then start a trade, with the trade title being the page number of the request... else I will likely miss it!)

Love Potion #9
This little potion will effect your breeding, How you might ask? Well it ensures an extra foal or cub! This little potion is an expensive one and can only be given with permission of the person handling your breeding.
The cost! 40K, Expensive? yes but who can put a price on a baby xd
(You can use only one potion per breeding, ie. a maximum of 3 foals from any breeding)
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Love Potion #4
This potion is a special one. If given to your equus/predator, it will make them able to breed even if there is not a breeding spot already open. You will get 2 foals from this breeding.
The cost: 100k Why so expensive? Breedings should be a special thing, not something that can be obtained at will.
(Image of potion forthcoming)

Growth hormone
This little potion can be taken to grow your equus or predator into a full adult! Because I do want to keep adults as rare as I can (at least until maybe I can get a further stage for them) the price is a bit pricey.
cost 40K
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Feather of youth!
This little feather, placed on any Equus foal or predator cub and they will stay in there foal form until you wish to remove the item. It is not permanant, unless you never remove the item XD (please keep in mind when you remove the item, the effects of the item might take a week to wear off XD)
The cost is Free XD comes in matching colors to your foal.
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The Breedary Stalls- Breeding costs 5K

The Stalls

1.)Run by Jinxeh
-Closed - but is the only one accepting love potions to open breeding spots -

2.)Run by Naita

3.)Run by SilverPelt
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Those who have halloween event breeding slot tickets that can be used at anytime are: (if these tickets are given away to other people to breed there Equus, you owe the person who had won the ticket a foal from your breeding)
1.)The MadHatter

Waiting List sad people who have to wait a month before breeding again - the exception to this is if a love potion #4 is purchased)

1.)Kireiryuu (15th August)
2.)Freodwyn (15th August)
3.)lilwerewolfgirl (15th August)
4.)Matisha (15th August)

Breeding rules
1.) The equus/predators of the couple wanting to breed must have different owners. This includes co-ownership.
2.)Any couple can now have babies I thought it over for a while and I don't want to restrict the rights for any couples. And so! Two males can indeed get pregnant as well as two females XD and both male and female also. (Though when posting your breeding please put who you want pregnant)
3.)Both the male and female must be at least a Teenager to be able to become pregnant. And you must have owned them for at least two weeks.
4.)Each couple will have two foals. Sometimes these foals will be exactly the same and sometimes not. Sometimes a couple will have more then two foals on rare occasions.

Characteristics passed down in a breeding:

There are a number of different special-lineart classes for equus (equus only at the moment). These include gods, fairies, heart-winged, pegasus equus. Any such equus obtained from a fs/auction/event/custom can be considered a fullblood.

If they breed with another class of equus not their own, the babies will be considered to be half-bloods. This means that they may or may not show the special characteristics of the special class parent, but in most breedings at least one foal will have the special characteristics.

Now if these halfbloods breed again, there will be less chance the special class characteristics will be passed on (At this stage, there will be approximately a 1 in 4 chance that you will get 1 foal from the breeding that will have the special characteristic).

If the 1/4 blood equus then breeds again with a different class equus, I consider their characteristics to be too diluted to be passed onto their offspring. However, just occasionally, there may be a throwback in a later generation. Just as there may be throwbacks with any equus breedings that occur.

Note: Items worn by all equus will be considered as markings and so will not follow the above rule.

5.)Each couple can try and breed as many times as they like, but the older the characters become the less chance a pregnancy will take. Additionally, once a couple has had a breeding, if they go separate ways and breed with another partner, they will have one less foal in the new breeding, regardless of whether the breeding spot was obtained through normal spot openings or a love potion #4 purchased.
There is a waiting period though of a month for the next foal.
6.) With the foals you gain from a breeding, the only things you can do with them is keep them for yourself, or give them away as gifts! They may not be sold at all, or used for a pet trade. Anyone found breaking this rule will be immediately blacklisted!
7.)The breeding slots are open to anyone, even if they do not rp. This is no longer rp required.
8.)How do I get a slot???
1. Random openings. These are rare, because breedings are supposed to be a special thing for couples who are very much wanting to start a family. The majority of these random spots will be for couples where both owners have not had any breedings before for their equus/predators. They may also include a little task.
2. RP. Occasionally, I might spot a couple who has been RPing a lot, and the owners have been contributing a lot to East of Eden. I may give them a breeding spot for all the help they have given to the shop. However, this is for special occasions, so please do not RP just to try and get a breeding spot because you will probably be disappointed.
3. Events. Sometimes there will be raffles, holiday events, where a breeding ticket is a prize. There are no restrictions on who can use these tickets, so even if you have bred equus/predators before, then you may still use these tickets.
4. Purchasing a Love Potion #4. This is an option newly introduced for those who may really want a breeding spot but have not been able to get one. (See Items Post for more details).
9.)Breedings cost 5K, which is to be shared inbetween owners XD
10.)You must post on claimage of the spot which Equus/Predator are breeding with who. The slot will not be held for anyone!
11.) Most equus can breed with any other equus, the only exception is the Aqualondi. They can ONLY breed amongst themselves.... for various anatomical reasons.
12.)Rules are subject to change (there will be a post about changes, however)
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seababy250 - for spamming the guild with an unrelated avatar contest

BlackList: ohhh the dreadfullness!! (these people are banned from ever owning a Equus)

1.) Claia - for saying this to SilverPelt:
"IVY. Swallow your goddam ******** pride, grow up, forget the fact that you're a rich whore and just apologize."
2.) Jestari - for discourtesy to SilverPelt
3.) Sanura Panthress - for discourtesy to SilverPelt
4.) Caitlyn HellCloud/Caitlyn Hellstorm - For causing trouble on the East of Eden thread.
5.) Lockesly L`Crit - for causing trouble on the East of Eden thread.
6.) Mialee79 - for discourtesy to SilverPelt.

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Wonderful thanks to WinterFalcon for bringing these beautiful creatures to life! Creator of the Equus Lineart

Special thanks to ArtsyWolven for bringing to life the Predators

Thank you Presca for the banner!


SilverPelt:Owner of shop and Colorist
Jinxeh: Shop Manager, Colorist, RP one, generally is running things in East of Eden and West of Eden!
Keilyna: Assistant Shop Manager, Predators Manager, Colourist, Jinxeh's lackey, mwahah!

Rylerion: Keeper of Ivy temper, so she stays out of touble heart
WinterFalcon:Line Art designer and may color Equus as she pleases XD
Naita: Breeder colorist
Kireiryuu: Owners list updater!
Tasah - much luff goes to Tasah for ever so kindly hosting us!! heart heart

Retired Staff:
Shiranui: Retired Owners list updater!
Toushin: Retired colorist
Regan Wolf:Retired Rp manager

Information about the Jinxeh!

Name: Jinxeh
Nicknames: Jinx, Jinxie
Is: Air Element, but Cancerian, Australian
Birthday: 3rd July
Hobbies: Organising Things, Writing, Politics, Shopping, Colouring, *g*
Likes: Fanart of her book-to-be, is in love with deserts, books, masks, Star Wars
Dislikes: People who do not read the rules.
Most Favourite Authors: Jennifer Fallon, Janny Wurts, Tad Williams (Especially War of the Flowers and Tailchasers Song), Diana Wynne Jones, Ricardo Pinto (The Stone Dance of the Chameleon Trilogy)
Favourite Food: Many
Favourite Drink: Water
Favourite Quote: "Medicine is my lawful wife and literature is my mistress. When I get fed up with one, I spend the night with the other" - Anton Chekhov

Status: Working. Customs - Closed. Trades - see below.

Customs -

See the FAQ for standard custom prices referenced in pure gold.

But Jinxeh is interested in acquiring the following items. So in lieu of pure gold for customs, she will accept these (and their value equus-wise is negotiable, for example, you could get multiple customs for one of these, depending on what you are looking for. I can also do a mix of equus/aqualondi/predators/dragons I tend to take their value at roughly mid-GCG). PM me if interested:

*Nitemare Scarf (or Dec 03 Letter)
*November 03 Letter
*Devil Tail/Angelic Sash/Oct 03 Letter

Pet Trades - Partially open. The only offers I will take are for Feli/Talaye/Stymphalian/Ieldi, I cannot think of anything else I want at the moment.

Art Trade for an Equus? - Temporarily Closed
Jinxeh is looking for some art of her characters in the writing piece she is working on. So it is, that at the moment, she would be willing to do a trade of a custom equus for a piece (or a few pieces). Style - realistic. Either black and white pencilled or cg, though what she's really looking for is full body-length and poses, maybe even landscapes, scenes. If interested please PM her some samples of your work. Though Jinxeh -is- a tad picky here, so please do not be offended if she says no. Note: It's a very middle eastern theme.

Please note: I will not trade god equus or fairy-winged equus for art trades. And depending on what custom you want, I will ask for an equivalent amount of art valued by my own system.

To Do List (Not in order):
-Revamp Main Thread and Guild Threads
-Elemental Gods for Auction
-Update gifts


*Miru - adult
*Raziel - adult
*Breeding growings
*Dyandes - adult
*Vasile - adult
*Rain and Disillusion - adult
*Rapidash gift/custom
*Tasah gift/custom
*Vilok and Ambrose - adult
*Fayth - teen - adult
*Roho and Harley breeding

Ivy is back and doing her growings again (as SilverPelt) so if you see your equus not on this list and it was coloured by Ivy, check her list!


Information about the Kei!

Name: Keilyna
Nicknames: Kei, Kei-Kei
Birthday: 18th December
Hobbies: Reading and colouring/drawing
Likes: Badminton, Japanese, Jinxeh's book-to-be, other books, the periodic table and volleyball
Dislikes: Various things
Most favourite authors: Jennifer Fallon, Trudi Canavan, Diana Wynne Jones, Ian Irvine, Janny Wurts/Raymond E. Feist (Empire Trilogy)

Customs: Closed.

Pet trades: Closed, unless for Feli/Stymphalian/Wethkin.

To do list:
- Athreiu/Koene (sp?) growings
- More predators for later flatsales
-Epine de Rose's custom


Information about the Iveh!

Real Name:Candy blaugh
Age: 26
Gender: Female heart
Birthdate: November 11th
Location: Alberta Canada (somewhere nears the Edmonton!)
lOccupation:Artist xd
Likes: Horse (Duh! I am a girl lol) Magick, kitties, puppies, any type of art, boys lol! and girls xd , Beanie Babys, MLP!, her 52" TV, bagals and kiwi's, pokemon, scarey movies!, divination...
Dislikes:Mustard! Her neighbours, EverQuest, StarWars Online, cleaning the house! lol...

Status: Hiatus

What Ivys working on at the moment:
In random order

*Do something for Shiranui for constantly updating my owners list!!
Grow up list (This is so I can keep track of things, it doesn't mean they have to grow right away but its so that I don't forget who is growing, have one done by me and it is not listed here please please pm me so I can add you to it. If your Equus was done by another colorist it will not show on my list. Feathered foals will not be listed until I am notifed of the removal)

*Thimble - Adult (July 9th)
*Kokoro - adult (July 9th)
*Valentino - adult (july 9th)
*Shuichi - adult(July 9th)
*Kakashi - adult (July 5th)
*Rakesh - adult (July 9th)
*sunday Silence - adult (June 29th)
*Jazyrah - adult (July 9th)
*Spartus - adult (July 10th)
*Attina - adult (July 11th)
*Jinxeh's customs XD- adults(July 9th)

work on pet customs/ trades for
*Caitlyn HellCloud ??????? Never ever got the info to do it
East of Eden Halloween Bug-Catching Event:

At last! The bugs! The bugs you have caught have mutated into... something... see below! Sorry for naming them already, I didn't really have the time to cert them to a name of your choosing, so hopefully you can bear with the names! wink But yes, they are yours to keep! Sadly, they cannot be given away however.

I am also allowing the option of purchasing a potion to turn your bug equus into a large, real life equus that grows to teen). Cost - 50k. 10 spots total because of the interest (depending on further interest may add more later but is 10 total now that I added some extras! (This is more of chance for people to get equus if they have not got one already though existing owners may get potion if they wish!) Start trade and I will automatically do it for you. Plus PM me a new name if you wish to give a different name, as well as an attitude and starsign! smile

All bug spots taken. Pickups:

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Plus I entered everyone into a raffle for a zombie doctor equus... based on the number of bugs they caught! Each bug = 1 ticket, save for rare bugs = 10 tickets!

Congrats to Andanielle for winning the zombie doctor!

And for everyone to collect prizes, look for your name below! Your prize is underneath (Andanielle's zombiedoctor included!)

Tally of all the bugs caught so far:
[Celeste] - 1 x yellow butterfly
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|| FallenxAngel || - 1x Blue Dragonfly
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.[.- Hershey -.]. - 1x Green dragonfly , 1 x blue butterfly
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Aijou - 1 x Red butterfly
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Alanna_Undomiel - 1 x firefly
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Allergorical - 1x House Fly
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Allure - 1 x red butterfly
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Amyla Edana - 1x Firefly
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Andanielle - 1 x demonfly
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(Andanielle - I will need a name/attitude/starsign for this babe, please!) wink
BeckieV - 1x Red Dragonfly , 1 x blue butterfly, 1 x firefly
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BlackFireKitsune - 1x Red Dragonfly
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Bluefire Dragonz - 1x Blue dragonfly
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Celeanor - 1x Blue Dragonfly, 1 x house fly, 1 x purple fly
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chemicalstar - 1 x red butterfly
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dbz2004 - 1x Red Fly
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DarkenedHorizons - 1 x blue dragonfly
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DevilNightShade - 1x Blue Dragonfly
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Dragon_Bluey - 1 x blue dragonfly
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Fallaryn - 1x Red dragonfly
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faerierain - 1 x red fly
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Firkasa - 1x Green Dragonfly, 1 x housefly
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Foalen - 1 x red dragonfly
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Freodywn - 1x Green Dragonfly, 1x Firefly, 1 x yellow butterfly
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glamquacks - 1 x yellow butterfly
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Harperking - 1x Red Fly, 1 x Red Fly
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HelMel - 1x House Fly
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Huroggmeten - 1x House Fly, 1 x purple fly
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Ja-aku Kitsune - 1x Red dragonfly
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KasaiLoki - 1x Green Dragonfly, 1 x Green Dragonfly
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Kireiryuu - 1 x firefly
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Kitsune Youkai-Chan - 1x Green dragonfly
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Lethrossen - 1 x yellow butterfly
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Mister Muffin Man - 1x Green dragonfly
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MoonBeamDancer - 1x Blue dragonfly
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Naita - 1x House Fly, 1 x house fly
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Phoeby Kyra Luna - 1 x yellow butterfly
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RadiantRuby - 1x Firefly, 1 x green dragonfly
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Rapidashtrainer - 1x Firefly, 1 x red butterfly
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randi0515 - 1x Blue dragonfly
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RayniaSky - 1x Red Dragonfly, 1 x green dragonfly, 1 x blue butterfly)
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SilverCivet - 1 x blue dragonfly
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shadowicedragon1 - 1 x firefly
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SpiderMistress - 1x Purple Fly
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Steele_Glyph - 1x Blue dragonfly, 1 x blue butterfly
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SummerRaven - 1x Red Dragonfly
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Synta - 1x Green Dragonfly
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Tanzanite Cloud - 1 x Blue butterfly
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Tasah - 1x House Fly, 1x Red dragonfly, 1 x firefly
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timeerkat - 1 x house fly
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Yuqui - 1x Demonfly
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Though is anyone is interested if they can't afford a Equus by gold or items they can donate to gaia and I will accept 25 donated october letters. Though you must pm me the information showing that you were the actual donater supporting gaia.
It will count as a 500K custom

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