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This is the Journal for Edelsteine Khiviance, the Seductive Heart. Please do not post unless you have the expressed permission of Johnathan.

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Aged Lunatic

7,450 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Brandisher 100
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"Sing throughout the streets, babe,
Sing throughout the night
You go and tell the people
People, my soul is aflight..."

--Sun Going Down, The Tea Party

Johnathan and Mintaka are the rightful caretakers of this journal, although most posts will be under Johnathan's name. Johnathan is an OC mule of Mintaka, and the 'victim' of the mergence - and considering the goddess he got, victim is quite appropriate.

Others allowed to post are any other Edelsteine owners. If anyone else wishes to come by, feel free to PM Mintaka or Johnathan about it, and we'll work something out. Always remember to try to stay IC, although anything OOC during it can remain in brackets. This IS a journal, after all.

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01. Ivy's Post/The Gem
02. Permissions & Contents
03. Johnathan
04. Khiviance
05. Mintaka
06. Other Edelsteine/Hosts
07. Other People
08. Pets/Other non-peoples
09. How Things Were [images]
10. The Past & Present
11. Personal Space
12. Encyclopedia [terms]
13. Memory
14. Keys and Notes
15. Other Words [OOCness]

[ X ] RP Portrait [so it's not lost]
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"We exist in a world where the fear of illusion is real,
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal,
Once inside we concieve and believe in a god we can't feel..."

--Temptation, The Tea Party

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((Art by Prolixity))

Name: Johnathan Shaw
Gender: Male
Species: Kanyi/Emerald Dragon
Age: Early 20's
Height: 6'0 1/2"
Eyes: Sky Blue to a Medium at it's darkest, like a crystal.
Hair: Golden blonde, falling around to collar length at the front and base of the neck in back.
Other Attributes: On a rare occasion manifests Emerald Dragon tail and small wings. His skin is typically a light tan to fair, and he has no scars or marks to speak of, and little body hair other then that on his head... he ever need to shave, apparently.

Personality: Quiet and reserved generally, though more outgoing with Mintaka, or was until certain events. He sometimes acts on impulse without thought, and tends to be honest about things. Once comfortable with a situation or people he'll open up, although he still tends to be guarded regarding certain things.
Habits: Smoking - although he gave it up years ago on rare occasions he will start in again, generally when very stressed and uneasy. He hasn't smoked in at least two years, but picked the habit up again since leaving Mintaka.

Magics/Powers: Johnathan gains minor powers over emotion detection/reading from his Emerald Dragon heritage, and has innate magic power in his blood from the Kanyi. He rarely uses magics, other then the ability to walk between worlds, aka planeswalking.
Combat: Johnathan is adept in many weapons, however he ahs given his weapons to Mintaka, a shapeshifting magic set of dagger [close-range emulation] and pistol [long range, including bow].

Status: Single.
Siblings: None.
Children: Mintaka is carrying his only child... (!)
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"Look, here she comes now,
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you,
No flaws when you're pretending..."

--Everybody's Fool, Evanescence

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RP portrait, Morph stage, by Ivynian

Name: Khiviance
Derived from: Khi - Love/Heart, Vian - to rend or break, ce - fem. ending origin language lost to most people.
Nicknames: The Temptress, Lady of Love, Heartbreaker, Seductress
Gender: Female
Favorite Colors: Pink, red, gold.
Personality: Primadonna, self-centered b***h with occasional nice moments - but usually has a motive. Somewhat calculating and cunning, easily angered though. Has moments of being mellow and calm however.

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Her Past: A Goddess with wanderlust, she has moved between many pantheons in search of men and in search of more followers. Worshipped by many for her influence over love, brining unlikely couples together against odds, and also making for quite the intriguing moments of politics with romance thrown in. Among gods she made havoc often with playing with the hearts of many, and sometimes making many an enemy - usually female ones, but some males as well as she seduced women away to other men. Rare was it she herself took anyone as her own, and only then for a momentary fling.

It was only over great time, and the part in plotting of the death of two gods that caused her fall from grace. Rumor had it she was also responsible for the downfall of her own sister, a goddess of insanity. The combination of these factors - especially getting down to the mortals, and the gods themselves turning against her brought down her fall. One too many games of change and matchmaker...

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About Her: Khiviance embodies much of the negative side of love; hot fiery passionate affairs that people regret, short-term rewards with long-term regrets. She has no faith in what most would consider 'true' love - there is no dedication or devotion. Love is wild, untamed, unpredictable and fickle as the other elements. Anything akin to true love is a lie; nothing is absolute in love -- at least according to her.

Although her aspect of Love is such meaningless, short-term bursts, her regard for physical contact is about intimacy and pleasure, rather then harm. Ironic then, that her nature is cruel, vindictive, and jealous often. She enjoys the mind games and emotional scars left by "harmless flings" and by rights she could be considered a trmap - that is, if she actually bothered sleeping with the people she played with.

She's all about mind games, rather then physical violaence. However, don't underestimate her -- though she may view contact and touch as a intimate, pleasureful thing she is not above attacking when angered. Her temper is as feiry as her passion, and that's quite dangerous - this is already obvious in her instant dislike of Beryl.

She believes herself better then others, greater then the whole. Arrogance, pride, envy... she is these things in her personality. She is the primadonna, the pretty bird everyone wants [or so she thinks anyway] and can't stand NOT being the center of attention. Perhaps this si why she so enjoys tormenting her host - simply to keep his attention. She's like a kid in many ways - has to have everything, be everything, and won't stand for it if she's not.

Khiviance's foils are calmness and 'true' love. She can't understand a long, meaningful relationship and it will frustrate her to no end to be unable to breka such a thing, nor can she understand unconditional love for another or even truly caring for another just as a person. Absolute goodness of love simply bothers her - in any of it's forms. She also can't stand people who cannot be ruffled, as it simply doesn't make sense to her, and she will go to lengths to try to get to someone.

When it comes down to things she is a cold hearted b***h who will do what she must to get what she wants. She is evil, and she really doesn't care what other s think regarding that - after all, it can't all be puffy cute clouds and fluffy rabbits and flowers in the world. She simply makes a point to prove it - after all, the good is only tempoary shielding form the bad, from the pain...

Will you regret what you've done by the morning's light?

Aged Lunatic

7,450 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Brandisher 100
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"Beneath the creeping vine a flower tries to change
It tries to satisfy it's thirst without the rains
I feel this change coming on
I can feel this change coming on..."

--Mantra, The Tea Party

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((Art by Devils_Halo, Color by Mintaka))

Name: Mintaka Khariel
Gender: Female
Species: Kha'rendri
Age: Unknown, although she appears and acts in her early-mid 20's
Height: 5'9" without ears/horns.
Eyes: Grey, from a bright shining silver to a dark gunmetal or storm grey. Occasionally has flecks of other colors when she hasn't willingly shifted it. Gold flecks seem to be prominent.
Hair: Green, occasionally blue or rarely black - mid-back length at longest.
Other Attributes: Long, lanky wings which show up on rare occasions - left is black with red tips and the right is white with blue tips. She often has satyr-like horns on he head, and fox ears, wolf claws and fur up her arms to the elbow, and below her knees she has fur and hooves instead of feet, and little wings at her ankles. Also sports a devil-like tail.

Personality: She's quiet in new situations but can quickly grow chatty and fiendly instantly once acclimated. She's friendly and outgoing generally, unless something is on her mind or has her bothered, in which case she is reserved and quiet, sometimes cynical and outright bitchy if it's bad enough. She can shift moods rapidly at times over the littlest of things.

Magics/Powers: Mintaka has powers over ice and fire magics, and some temperature/element invulnerability from that, the power to shapechange at will [almost] and gain traits of animals as well, and planeswalking. Her powers regarding memories is growing, and shifting as she grows into her new role.
Combat: Prefers swords as her weapons of choice, or magics. He can fight bare-handed as needed, with a favoring towards kicking when she has her hooves, and clawing with the claws on her hands.

Status: Single.
Siblings: Mishendra, a "half-sibling" from her father and a lucid Dreamer.
Children: Expecting Johnathan's child. She considers all her charges her children... exept Sandrien, who she sees as a guardian of her at best, and a royal pain in the a** most other times.
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"Cause after all animality's an instinct
And it's Luxuria's slave
To taste the Truth it's a seizure of the senses
And a foot in the grave..."

--Alarum, The Tea Party

Khiv is in crimson, and Johnathan is in the []'s.

Harmodius - What have I done to you... what you chose to do to me is well-erned, I suppose. [...]
Lucius - Where did we go wrong? Where did I fail you? [Colorful, individualistic, supportive.]
Gianfar - So very quaint... [Seems as though he knows a lot, yet absentminded.]
Byrne - So easily distracted, but perhaps that could be used... [Upbeat, lighthearted.]
Beryl - Cry victory if you like, feel pity but keep it to yourself. I want none of it. You do not understand.. [Too nice to deserve what has been dealt...]
Eamnonn - Too protective, without thinking or understanding. But admirable, one supposes. And rather touchy when it comes to lust. [...]
Spark & Reverie - ... [...]
Melanctha - ... [...]
T'Lai - So reclusive... so weak looking... [...]
Morpheus - Of similar mind and taste, I can get to like you indeed. Perhaps we shall be the beginnings of something new. [...]
Kaelin - One who left another behind as well, he handles it with grace. Morpheus' lover, eh? [...]
Revei - Not sure what to make yet... [A little odd, yet friendly.]
Illumin - Too pompus and know-it-all for my taste... perhaps Holier-then-thou sums him better. [The host and I take the journey together, losing the self into nothing... perhaps what she becomes is kinder, gentler.]
Lisana - ... [...]
Evadne - A sweet, honest girl who seems to want to please everyone. Is she really a host? [...]
Echo - ... [...]
Panacea - Your concern is admirable, but do you think you can fix anything - either your host or you? [...]
Yschadeh - ... [...]
Yu Huang - ... [...]
Tilion - ... [...]
Shen Lei - ... [...]
Kishara - Your Host is a most curious one, but her mind is like a steel trap. Wild, uncontrolled, and likely one who's lived the hard side of life. [Tends to be droll and sarcastic.]
Chalybis - Your choice fo host is curious yet fitting, even though she speaks one way and thinks another, much like me I suppose. [...thinking ahead, reactive now.]
Calico - You had to return, didn't you? Can we put the past behind? [Mintaka ...? Of another nature?]
Gelezis - ... [...]
Xuan Yi - ... [...]
Kawagiri - ... [...]
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"You've got me, I'm coming, my back to wall,
No bed of roses, ain't no bed at all,
I'm walking the wire, I stumble and fall,
I got my message but I ain't gonna crawl..."

--Comin' Under Fire, Def Leppard

Khariel: Mintaka's father, Johnathan was the one to bring him to Gaia on a promise to help the Kha'rendri [Memoria]. The two had a falling out when Khariel was being manipulated, and things were never truly resolved before the change. Khariel is still recovering fomr a severe attack which almost killed him, and ahs yet to know what's happened to Johnathan.

Sandrien: Mintaka's Kha'rendri, bound to her through manipulations and magics unknown to both until she finally took dominance over him. He now protects and serves her needs, although still quite independent. For the most part Sandrien and Johnathan were always at odds over what was best for Mintaka, and when Khiviance used his feelings and made them leave Mintaka alone afterwards, Sandrien was ready to kill him. Now, knowing Johnathan's fate, he's become indifferent.

Hannah: A woman from Johanthan's past he desperately tries to forget. A romance gone bad, she used and hurt him deeply, tormenting him even after they had parted ways. She was never really mentioned to Mintaka, and is a painful sticking point in his mind currently he can't seem to escape at all.

Karadontia: The other "survivor" of Johnathan's world, no one's really sure about him. Some speculate he is not humor, or ever living, but no one can prove anything. He has the ability to hook into his Systema, a massive computer... whcih lends much credence to his non-living status. Even Mintaka has no definite answers about the eprson who often ahs answers whens eh can find none. Karadontia and Johnathan avoid each other, having some kind of 'bitter rivalry' which causes them to spit insults towards each other often in offhand remarks.

Mishendra: The one whom seduced Johnathan recently in an illusional trickery of shapeshifting to look like Mintaka. He hasn't exactly forgiven her, but he's set aside what happened for the sake of everyone. He has troubles understanding how Mintaka can be forgiving, but knows, also, that Mintaka is just that way. She ahs no ill feelings for him, only a sadness that she caused such pains...
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"You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love,
You will not rise above..."

--Lies, Evanescence

~ Pets ~

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Requient :: Requient was once a normal dream, given to Johnathan by Mintaka as a sign of her trust [and affection] of him. Requient was a devoted, yet quiet companion, and went through thick and thin with him. Unfortunately, as Khiviance has gained strength and presence, Johnathan ahs faded away, until the point the presence was too thin for her and she snapped - broken by the strain, and became a Corrupted dream, turning nightmare and became rather mad in the process. She now has a cackling, ravenous way with a strong cruel streak, possibly gained through bonding with Khiviance.

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Forlorn :: Given to Khiviance by Mintaka, this young DemonHound is still learnign and adjusting to her new surroundings. She's a very curious type, but ahs learned to stay clear of Requient already. She's devoted to Khiv however, and though a child, already has a protective instinct of her master. Time will only tell what sort of influence Khiv will have on the hound.

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Heartbreaker :: Another more interesting 'gift' from Mintaka, this skeleton pet fits in with Khiv's likes very well. She adores Khiv, and seems to fit very well with Khiv's personality and a decent room guardian as well when the goddess is away. Heartbreaker rather enjoys the plush amenities Khiv's rom has, compared to the musty, dusty outdoors.

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Infatuation :: A gift from Mintaka, an Idle Thought. Not terribly bright and likes to stare intently at things. Still, it definitely is Khiv-like in colors, so she can't really hate it, plus it's someone for Requient to be around.

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Vindicate :: A friend for Requient from Samsara and Equinox's last clutch of eggs, given by Mintaka. Fiery like Khiv, and hopefully should e someone Requient can relate to and make things a bit more peacable.

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~ Items ~

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Some tiny dragons that were gifted to her from various places including Mintaka.

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Gifts from Mintaka, Sweet Seduction Wine and a single Love Wine set. Aptly fitting.
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"Why'd you have to go and pick me,
When you knew that we were different, completely..."

--Ex-Girlfriend, No Doubt

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The stone in which Khiviance rests quietly. Oh, how it feels, to be here again, and now to life ... only time!

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The change is beginning... Yes, how good it feels to become what I will... what I was, and shed the mortal shell. More myself, I feel.
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"I think I'm downing, asphyxiating
I want to break this spell that you've created,
You're something beautiful, a contradiction,
I want to play the game, I want the friction..."

--Time is Running Out, Muse

The Past

Johnathan's life can be recorded as mostly unnotable; he hails from a Shard of Crystara of little note. He was the only child of Asylia Angora and Joseph Shaw, and even so much as the only of Asylia - no half-siblings like in quite a few other Shards. His friends were Richard Angora [a only-son of uncle Mark], Rex Clark, and Joshua McKaye-Shaw [A somewhat distant cousin by all records]. They were tight-knit, but it still wasn't enough really to bring about what should have as forces conspired to force Johnathan's awakening silent and fail in his role.

He would, instead, join into the faction of Crystal Controllers, taking the place fo Silver by rights, following Lyrix's lead and being fairly close to the Star Diamond. It was during these years, as he approached his 18th birthday that the most changing events of his life would happen - meeting Hannah Osaka, his first love.

Many thought it was true, even those attuned to such matters of the heart, and no one questioned the love and devotion he showed for her, and her affections in return. Not even a year would pass before the blade figuatively went into the ribs, although some say it would have been iteral had he not caught the brunt of the verbal beforehand and became wary. [And, perhaps, Rex's timely intervention in their first fight.]

She hurt him badly, enough he felt he could never love again, and her constant torments for two years until he managed to get away from it all left him badly hurt and aching in many ways. While trying to recover, a nomad of sorts now and taking a respite from his duties [understandably; Lyrix knew Johnathan had suffered badly in many ways because of her] that he came across the woman in the tree who refused to name herself or even listen.

He knew she wasn't a local, and knew more that she was in trouble somehow. He never gave it much thought it could have been chanve or fate brinhing him here; and when he yelled "Mintaka, get down here now!" he gave it little thought to beign right about her name. He brushed it off as her having spoken, and they never discussed the matter at all. Once convincing her down, and getting her to talk, they became fast friends, both escaping a world of hurt of each own's. They never asked for details, or got into the how or why of their meeting; they simply found kinship in each other and in watching each other's backs.

They eventually aprted ways as Mintaka gained her powers [back] and began wandering worlds. It was in a major crisis she called on him once more, before lapsing into a comatose state. Called in quite the disheaveled state [it was early morning, mind] he at least was able to clean up soemwhat and get her back. He wandered again, and returned, and during this on and fof phase his world came to be destroyed, leaving him with a large sense of loss. Only one other survivor was known, that being the troublesome Karadontia whom he sometimes called a rival. Still, he was at a loss at this point, sticking with Mintaka simply out of virtue because he had nowhere else; he should have been with his world when it went.

Since then, he recieved a Dream Egg from the first clutch of Morphae, and named the dreamlet Requient. He also finally admitted feelings for Mintaka when she went in search of the diaries of Kimtana, and later saved her from the controlled Memoria Sandrien [who would later be discovered to be bonded to her]. Johnathan as well bonded to a Memoria at this time. Things became more serious in the attacks on Mintaka, and Johnathan intercepted a note, and sought to put an end to it himself without telling Mintaka; this would result in a beign caught in a bad trap, and being betrayed badly by a look-alike and betraying the one thign he still valued; his love for Mintaka. Seduced into believing it was her, he finally overcame the pain of the past... only to find it wasn't really her.

Mintaka would come to his rescue as he managed a breakout, but thigns woudl nto be the same - during the period of his capture he was suffering the pains fo betraying Mintaka, coupled with a forced link to Sandrien that caused memories best forgotten to rise once more and add to the pain. Compounding the pain, Mintaka's hair was now the color of she who hurt him, and enough of a resemblance at glance that being around her pained him by recurring memories even Avion could not repress.

He took his leave of Mintaka, if only for space and time to think; believing he cheated on her with Mishendra and violating all that was between them, the pain of memories he could not escape, and so many things tearing at him, he had to step out, and order his Dream to remain there and watch Mintaka where he had failed until he determined otherwise.

It was during this time of distress, walking aimless and lost, he found his way by chance or Fate to the Edelsteine shop, unaware of the calming lull driving him towards there. Late at night, and confused, he knocked, and from here all things perhaps would change. Weary of running, and seeking solace, he gave in to fate now after being on "borrowed time" - and accepted what may come...
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Khiviance's awakening has been on par with most fiery romances - a gradual build gaining steam. She hates that she can't simply be jsut yet, but instead toys with her host to amuse herself until she can finally come out to play properly. She sees a world of people who need lessons in love, and plenty to prey to pounce upon and move on among. However, someone bothers her more then the Creator itself; another female who threatens what she would want to do... and someone who could take away that she desires.

She's determined to 'do the best' for him yet also inflict pain on others - and seems to be doing quite well in meddling in what remains of Johnathan's personal life and fouling up Mintaka further. She's amused how mortals cna want so much, yet when given it, become so upset.

She's been gloating over her attack upon Beryl, mostly because she's managed to completely convince him it was his fault, and even now, is completly bemused by his confusion and blurred reality. As regards to paying for her actions? She has her answers regarding it... and points out no one's dead. Doesn't means she's not a cold-hearted b***h anyway.

Now morphed, she feels more akin to ehr old self, and ahs a lot less reservations ... and fears that her mortal - yes, her mortal - would interfere. Not that she won't call on him a bit here an there as she desires. She's not done with him, likely, but her new appearance brings her great comfort, and her being at hand in the control. She's hardly done with her plotting, but a little relaxation never hurt.

Gaia Journal in use for collection Storyline Synopses
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"All I needed was a little invitation
You said yourself you said you cradled complication
You don't know what you want but you make the dedication,
You said yourself you'd sell your soul..."

--Master & Margarita, The tea party

[[Coming Soon]]
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"Lady luck never smiles
So lend your love to me awhile
Do with me what you will
Break the spell take your fill
On and on we rode the storm
The flame has died and the fire has gone..."

--Foolin', Def Leppard

Crystara: A rahter confusion world in and of itself, it has a 'core' version and many 'shards' which reflect what-if's if certain thgins had or had not been, or choices made or not made. Johnathan and Mintaka's homeworld, but form different Shards. A highly magical, convoluted place which gives most people ehadaches, if Mintaka, Johnathan and Karadontia's opinions count for anything. Has a lot fo people politics and such. [[OOC: Crystara is my pet project, and in order to use the world safely here on gaia or any side stories, the "Shards" came to be.]]

Shard: When in reference as a place, a reality of Crystara - seperate from the 'core' [[OOC: The actual storyline I have in mind for it]] - which reflects some or a lot fo changed from the core. Often times having some form of differrence like a 'what if' - in Johnathan's case, his being an only child among other key differences. In Mintaka's hers IS her existence - no other shard had a crossing of Symphonia and Khariel that resulted in a child [let alone even happened]. The shards are a direct AND indirect effect of gods playing with Crystara.

Crystaran Doppleganger: What happens in Crystara when bloods that don't normally mix somehow DO. You can call them half-bloods, mongrels, aberrations... as most would. They becomes something more then half-blood of either parent, in essence they become a doppleganger - except they're not quite the typical dopple. They are living, breathing beings often with their own personality and appearance, yet cna take the form of anyone else. While many may use this blessing/curse for darker paths, some [like Mintaka] use it to help others. They're sensitive to magics and elements, and can't be revealed by "normal" means often when they are duplicating. They're much mroe efficient, and have traits from both parents, but are in fact a new race.

Faction: If Crystara is known for something, it's the inner politics regarding the world. Since about the year 300 after Kyanth's death, factions have played a major part in the way things are in the world through all Shards. The first two to exist were the Crystal Controllers and the Elemental Guardians - opposing sides of the magic spectrum of Crystara. Aside their difference in magics, they do have more political differences. From there, others came, eitehr absed on magic, race, neither or both. Many are based around either belief, but typcially magic or elements or race. They are often the heart of most wars [except Kanyi-related ones] and often the ones behind most things in the end.

Kanyi: A race fo people from Crystara who's magic powers are from wwithin, rather then without - that is to say they derive the power and elemnt from their own being then from an outside source or means. They are humans infused by the gods with magic, to put it simplest, but that is far from true now - the magic has made some into races like Phoenix, Dragon, Demon and Angel [among a small sample] as well as children from unions of Kanyi/non-humans. Not all phoenix/etc. are Kanyi, but not all Kanyi are any other specific race. It is a hard to define thing often, which causes much trouble considering how persecuted the race is for the errors of one person. [Granted, when you kill half a continent of people in your madness, people tend to be rather, ah, unforgiving.] The most distinctive trait they all share is the double-crescent that appears n the forheads of all kanyi during a rare lunar event in Crystara. There are actually three types, based on their raw elemental derivitives [either drawing from the raw light power, raw dark, or in very VERY rare cases, both sides] - but many base it on belief as to wether one si a certain type or another. A very misunderstood race, often hunted by those who hold a level of paranoia based on untruths or ancient prejudice.

Kha'rendri: Also sometimes referred to as Memoria, they are beings of memory origins. The race as a whole is a shifting chaotic mess, egenerally defined in three categories based on what types of memories they were formed from and their general behaviors/intents and powers. Mintaka herself is one, and several others in Johnathan's life also are of this perplexing race. Lately, since Mintaka took over control of the area, the race itself has changed too, which has made defining them this much harder...

*more to come?*
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"I know the blinding charm
Of the way you make things seem
But alarms are ringng
And I'm wide awake in your Land of Dreans..."

--Innocent, Lawrence Gowan

March 22 :: Khiviance fuses.
April 01 :: An understanding begins.
April 02 :: Khiviance begins to dictate how things will be.
April 08 :: Meets Byrne, first full 'public' take over. Hair tips reddening.
April 19 :: Makes influence on Johnathan, bringing forth buried feelings for Mintaka... takes control the morning after their little 'tryste' and brings them back 'home' without a care...
April 21 :: Khiviance and Johnathan have an argument over what happened.
April 21 [Late] :: Khiviance decieves and tricks Johnathan into an attack on Beryl after reading some very personal info in her journal. She convinces him it was completely his fault.
April 22 :: Strong regret ensues, guilt, pain and agony. Does not sleep well, nor eat the entire time.
April 23 :: Confronted by Draconayzia in the main room, who picks up on the attack [after all, he hadn't bathed yet!] - Khiviance is angry, and Johnathan is left confused, unsure now the lines between everything - real and not.
May 02 :: Khiviance ahs little regret for what she did, Johnathan withdraws in more, prefering seclusion and letting Khiv do as she will. Both realize each other has something they don't really care to remmer and Khiv makes a small attemtp to protect him, a form of caring about him?
May 09 :: Johnathan takes a walk but lets Khiv finish it. She muses on things, and really doesn't exactly find the answers she wants. She admits ot picking up habits form him, and considers certain other things. She expresses a certain concern for Johanthan but it's really thin...
May 12/13 :: Khiviance takes over, sliding into the Morph stage as the body finally begins to adapt to her. She gloats a little and revels in the change, and likely going to breka a few bank accounts going shopping soon for clothing and make up.
May 16 :: Khiv gets a taste of mortal life now, and also has a "showdown" with Beryl. Extremely cranky/unhappy with the results and a little more then unsettled.
May 16 :: Khiv meets Harmodius, talks awhile, and recieves her own place in the Edelsteine shop. She moves in, and out from Beryl's room.
May 28 :: Khiv and Johnathan discuss Requient, who isn't too well.
June 06-13 :: Requient falls further into unwellness as Johnathan slips deeper into Khiv's control, being thrust under her dominating presence and slowly being ebbed out of existence. The dream finally loses the bond and snaps.
June 14 :: Has an encounter in the woods with Devmani, whom she rather has the hots for. Unfortunately thigns do not turn out as she would like, leaving her somewhat bitter and distressed.
June 14 :: Khiv and Requient re-bond, the dream now corrupted into a nightmare who feeds upon misery. She is a broken shard of herself, but Khiv is pleased with her anyway.
July 15 :: Khiv angsts, havign kept to herself sicne rebonding to Requient.
August 08 :: Khiv goes out, actually begins to clear head from things, come to some terms.
August 20 :: Khiv visits Mintaka, Moriphae is angry at Khiv for Requient's state. Khiv finds out Mintaka is carrying Johnathan's kid - that her little control incident shall have lasting reprecussions. She makes note to stir Johnathna out enough to let him know, just for ehr own pleasure.
September 17 :: In a fit of frustration with herself and her physical state, Khiv discovers she can shift forms, first to female, then male, but ti takes a lot of energy to do so. Still it's a new step, and she is pleased.
October 12 :: Khiv hs a run-in with Lucius, and something is planned....
October 24 :: Khiv meets Pell-Mell and Danielle, hosts for future Edels, and gives them a bit of a heads up on things and gets to know them a little.
November 03 :: Khiv and Sandrien clash once more, leaving her with new of Mintaka's otherself.
November 05 :: Khiv has a run-in with the other Mintaka, sees Harmodius about, meets Memi, and then gets frustrated and upset because fo Johnathan and other things.
November 11 :: Khiv and Johnathan pay Mintaka Khariel a visit, and Johnathan resolves some issues and manages to soothe some problems, nd helps name his child. Khiviance comes home to find Morpheus making a disaster of her room, and gets to know him and offers aid. She finds a like-minded soul.
November 13/14 :: Khiv has a run-in with Min and discovers she is the host for Calico. Calico runs away, afraid, and Khiv tries to sort her feelings. She comes in to find Memi reading and attempts to help her with the Aristogeiton info but has little to offer. She finally retreats to rest as Nev'n appears.
November 18 :: Khiv and Lucius talk to harmodius, putting the plan into action. Upon striking Hamodius, things go south quickly as Beryl, others and then Ea show up - thew two youths doing the most damage to their plan. They end up giving up, and retreat to the roof. Khiv is left to ponder many things and si uncertain, although still holding to the vestiges of her pride and self.
November 24 :: Khiviance and Johnathan get into a serious argument, so much so she snaps him out fo her immediate mindframe and goes and gets drunk somewhat.
November 28 :: Khiv gets completely drunk, and passes out, her 4th day out drinking. Johnathan drings them back to the shop and encounters Calico and they talk awhile.
November 30 :: Khiv and Johnathan somewhat make up... although Johnathan leaves it end on somethign rather irritating to Khiv
December 04 :: Part 1 of "Love Me, Love Me Not" - Khiv meets Amethyste Lockhart, a young woman who has slight disbelief in gods and asks for help with ehr relationship.
December 06 :: Part 1 of "What Is Love" - Khiviance meets Triveni, and asks her what love is to her, and recieves an answer. She also learns of Calico and her's plans for the main room.

...stuff... [need to fill in]

December 29 :: Judged by Harmodius, branded as Sinned, and silenced. Loses Lust infusion.


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"I didn't really love you baby,
I didn't really love you,
I didn't really love you baby,
But I'm pretty when I lie..."

--Pretty When You Cry, VAST

This will be RP style with any "journal" entries written in a quote.

Color Key:

Khiviance: crimson
Mintaka Khariel: Black, Steelblue in entries past 11/12 or so.
Mintaka [aka Min2]: Black.

Moriphae: seagreen
Kashmir: teal
Samsara: dodgerblue
Requient: indigo
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"I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes, this rare perfume
Is the sweet intoxication of her love"

--Deserrt Rose, Sting

AKA the very OOC section of the front page. xd

Dec 06th :: Morpheus and Khiv drunk = OMGWTF brainthoughts from Rhia and I. D:!!!!!!!!!!

Artist - Album - Song (Date Considered)

Tommy Shaw - Ambition - Dangerous Game (01/04/06)

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Art Corner

[ X ] :: Khiviance, Morph stage by Mintaka -- sketchy watercolor fun done fast. whee

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