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Home of the Wethkin: Kisetsu no Yousei | Season Sprites

November 6th: Sorry for vanishing! OMG I missed Halloween on Gaia X_x!! I got a new fulltime job a week after I got fired so everything has been confusing and busy. I hope to update soon. I got a new baby snake too! Her name is Pomegranate. I'll try and take some pics soon (always seems to be dark when I get home from work now T__T ). I entered a Halloween corn snake photo contest with a friend and we won 2 second places! XD One of the prizes is another baby snake! Woo XD Thanks for hanging out and keeping the shop alive <3

October 4th: Today I got fired x_x **curls up with tissues**

September 30: Sorry everyone waiting on updates to items, Spritkins and hatchings! I have a full time job now so only have Thursdays and Fridays 100% open, plus I am doing an independant art study at the college @_@! I will get stuff done eventually!! I promise. heart

August 13th: OMGosh a new Toxikin egg has appeared!!! CLICK

August 9: Shooting stars... on page 933?

July 14: A new Toxikin has hatched... CLICK

July 10: Notice on p.922 CLICK

July 5: An egg has hatched. What could this cute thing be? CLICK

July 1st: Happy Canada Day! Another new owner has appeared with a Toxikin! O_O! CLICK

June 30: A little petal puff has grown! CLICK And we have a new wethkin arrow CLICK

June 26: Jayoku and I both had a great time with you all doing this event! Hopefully we can do more in the future! But now, our winners:

1. Spectrum Warrior (Mist egg)
2. Xenostatica (Dust Storm)

Thank you both for participating and I hope you have fun with your new charges. If you need any wethkin care tips feel free to drop by the shoppe and see who's around.

And thank you owners who participated! I'll be sure to come up with something nice for you all ^.~

June 19: The winners of the RP Event will be decided soon as possible! Unfortunately Thymal had some serious internet failure and will not be back till Wednesday. He will be conducting private interviews with the event's participants from then onward! mrgreen

June 15: The RP Event/Contest is on NOW! eek http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14598809

June 12th - The event for the Mist egg and the Dust Storm puff will be held on Thursday the 15th if everything goes as planned!

May 28th - Another Wethkin puff has grown into a child... CLICK

May 21st - Jayoku and I share a birthday on the 23rd! Events should be starting soon...

March 22nd - two puffs have hatched... CLICK CLICK

March 19th - Another child has grown. St.Patty's Day must be lucky... CLICK

March 15th - A new wethkin child has appeared! CLICK

February 21st - There seems to have been 2 egg hatchings today... CLICK CLICK

February 14th - Spritkin will start to hatch this weekend and on past the 21st <3 Sorry for the wait but I got tons of homework!

February 1st - Writing winners have now been announced in the contest thread! CLICK

January 29th (again) - there's a new spot for the RP Notebooks in our guild sub-forum.

January 29th - a Christmas Sprikin egg has appeared... CLICK

January 22nd - Candy Gram Spritkin eggs have made an appearance... CLICK

January 20th - and another! ... CLICK

January 17th - and another! ... CLICK

January 16th - it seems another Spritkin has appeared... CLICK

January 15th - after a long wait it seems a Spritkin has appeared... CLICK

January 9th - Spritkin will be coloured soon! Hopefully I remembered everyone who's supposed to have one... ^.^!!

December 18th - there seems to have been two hatchings... CLICK CLICK

October 31st - shadowicedragon1 will be looking after Ichigo the red Sun wethkin ^_^

October 30th - Some eggs seem to have hatched... CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK

October 19th - Who will get the sun egg since Robo-dream hasn't replied...? ??? > sun (red egg)

October 12th - FlatSale eggs ready for pickup on page 666...

October 11th - The last winners of the flatsale last month are:

Einna Firekeeper > breeze (green egg)
Antidia Grims > sun (pink egg)

shadowicedragon1 > custom Spritkin (of your choice of candy at your choice of stage: egg, puff, child, young adult) - no cost unless you want to tip for it XD
trev27 > custom Spritkin (of your choice of candy at your choice of stage: egg, puff, child, young adult) - no cost unless you want to tip for it XD

Please send trades to Pika-Bunny and if you have a name chosen please let me know!

October 9th - Contest is over and judging is on. I am having Thanksgiving dinner tonight so Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone in Canada! mrgreen

September 27th - Don't forget the art and writing contest is still going on! CLICK

The first 4 winners are:
werewolf > monsoon
yannay > brushfire
Skada (dark_skada I presume?) > monsoon
Torpid Panda > breeze
Stay tuned for more winners ^.^

September 22nd - FlatSale ends Friday night, 9pm PST. And the Contest is still going on. Why not enter both? heart

September 18th - FlatSale prompts are up!

September 15th - Egg previews going up. Next FlatSale: September 18th - 23rd (BrushFire, Sun, Breeze, Monsoon) ... And a Contest on now! CLICK

September 14th - Fall is in the air... CLICK

September 12th - Oh yes, I forgot to mention that there is a custom slot open at the moment, and it will close at the end of the week ^_^

September 11th - Scanner up and running! Flatsale, contest, auction and raffle to come!

September 10th - Softly, the golden-orange egg began to glow until... CLICK

September 8th - Reux is here so you guys better get your Wethkin to school on time! ... CLICK

Notice: I start school (Visual Arts second yr. w00) on Sept.6th. With that and my job, please realize my Gaia hours will be cut down T__T Thanks for your patience!

September 2nd - Fall is coming! ... CLICK

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:2: - Basics of Wethkin & Life Stages
:3: - The Rules & Owner's List
:4: - How to Get One?
:5: - Seasons of the Year & Availiability
:6: - FAQ
:7: - Quests, Jobs & Weather Log Notebooks
:8: - The Mini-Shoppe
:9: - All About Breeding
:10: - The Mailing List & Link Us?
:11: - Spritkin Candy Grams
:12: - List of ... & Fan Art
:13: - Links Out

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. . . // ____________________Staff

Pika-Bunny - Yup. I am the manager, artist and colorist - no wonder I am so busy! Watch the custom slots if you have an idea!

Miro Sakai - Monthly (*coughyeahrighthehe*) News-letter-thing sender to entire Mailing List + Wethkin/Toxikin owners! Applaud his fortitude! heart

Jayoku & Vanille Chocolat - they will be the two people helping me with managing RP in the guild! Each soon shall have an NPC to run...also may be guest artists!

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The season sprites are small creatures formed with magical energy. They embody elemental magic that is found within nature. Each one is related to a particular type, and helps change the seasons and weather in kind. Not everyone can see Wethkin because they are made of magic. If a person doesn't beleive in magic, they are made completely invisible to the senses.

Some Wethkin sprites may never reach their full adult forms without your help (light RPing). Teach and interact with your Wethkin in the nymphchild stage to encourage it to grow into a crysalis. If you are patient, it will grow until it is reborn in an adult form, possibly with some effects that result from your RPing in the child stage :3

Good and bad, Wethkins are gender neutral as they are made up of energy. Breeding is a special process in which the sprites join their magics together to form new sprites. As such, 2 to 3 sprites may chose to mate at a time. RP is required to attempt either numbered partnership :3

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1> egg | 2> larvapuff | 3> nymphchild | 4> crysalis | 5> full adult sprite | 6> ??? mystery stage

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An Egg -stage lasts 5-10 days- :

- about the size of a gumball, the egg must be protected from predators and accidents

- sensitive to changes in temperature and weather, therefore be sure to always keep an eye on your egg for its safety

- when the weather's right your egg will hatch into the next stage :3

~ - - - - - ~

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A Larvapuff -stage lasts 1-2 months- :

- the puff staged Wethkin is about the size of a ping-pong ball

- can emit small amounts of magic of their weather type

- most can also float or hover about (though not all can at this stage)

- some may talk in short sentences, but they usually babble nonsense

- tolerance to temperature is much better now so warmth should not adversly affect a winter Wethkin (however, fire is another subject...)

~ - - - - - ~

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A Nymphchild-stage lasts 1-?? months- :

- growing up fast your puff is now a rambunctious child!

- have more mastery over their weather type and can talk in quite
understandable sentences. Teach your Wethkin well, as in this stage they love to learn new things and mimic you on a daily basis.

- about the height of your hand length (6"-7" wink

- some nymphs may never leave this stage and as a result can become quite the little adults in their attitudes and personality

~ - - - - - ~

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Season Symbol - icon of what seasonal type the Wethkin is from, tag color border matches icon/season
Emoticon Bubble - shows general personality or outlook of the Wethkin
Info Tab - shows all the basic information on the Wethkin
Ratity Symbol - common is the triangle, rare is the star
Wethkin Spot - where the Wethkin sits

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Please, please read them before posting~!

General Rules

- Read all the info. before posting a question. Please don't PM me questions either cause answering them in the thread helps everyone :3

- Be polite. No one likes to deal with rude customers sweatdrop That means no PMing, begging, harassing anyone or otherwise being difficult :/ There is no reserving. Don't ask.

- Don't PM me unnecessarily. If it can be answered on the thread, save it for the thread.

- Pay attention. If the post says none availiable, no pets are there~! This goes for other front page updates as well.

- Send your trade promptly. If you do get a chance to purchase a Wethkin, please send the trade within 48 hours (2 days) of me notifying you. If not someone else more interested may get it instead.

- Stay alive. You do not have to RP every week (or at all if you don't want your Wethkin to gow very much) but please do stop by the thread to show you are still on Gaia! If you go on vacation please let me know so allowances can be made. If you do not stop by for a period of 2 months, I will raffle off your Wethkin for adoption.

- Only one Wethkin egg per customer, until yours grows to a child. At that time you are allowed a max. of 3 Wethkins at a time unless you have twins (then you may have 4, only 1 from a flat sale though). If you wish to/must give up gonk your Wethkin, contact me and it shall be raffled through the shop (sorry, but no gold or item refund - you can have 15% from the raffle ticket sale if you want it).

- Please save the images to your own hard drive once your Wethkin is an adult and owners must host their adult Wethkin on their own servers. If this is not possible, tell me so and I will give you a list of free image hosting sites.

- If you break the rules, I do have the right to take your Wethkin and give it to someone else.

- Don't bid if you can't afford. This pretty much deals with only auctions but please, don't bid if you can't pay. It makes things confuzzling and everyone annoyed at you.

- Don't steal art or concepts. domokun Respect others creations. These are not free for you to take, copy/paste or alter in anyway without my persmission, art or story. If you are found stealing or altering artwork, you shall be reported to the a Moderator, Gaian Blacklist, and banned from the shop. Quoting and paraphrasing text is fine as long as you give credit to the original author. Similarities within my story to other stories, are purely coincidental and no characters are based on real people, living or dead.

- Involve yourself. Please feel free to talk to other owners in this thread :3 a separate RP may be set up in a guild the future, but until then discuss your Wethkins in here or in your RP Notebook :3

- Have fun~! That's the point of course 3nodding

RP Rules + Info

- People who do not own a Wethkin are welcome to RP in the shoppe given that they follow the rules below.

- When RPing in the shoppe thread, keep the setting in the shoppe! Not the guild, or the Notebooks (unless you want to write about your day at the shoppe) or any other random place. You may post Notebook entries in the thread for others to read though.

- If you RP in the shoppe thread, I will not count it towards your Notebook unless you re-write it into your Notebook. This means you can be as silly and non-formal as you like but you must edit it to follow the RP rules if you want me to count it towards your Wethkin's growth.

- When you're in Out Of Character/OOC during an RP, use double brackets (( )) or Brackets { }. This way, we can tell if you're out of character or not.

- Please FORMALLY RP always in Notebooks and Guild (unless stated otherwise in particular guild sub-thread)

- No God-modding or godly characters. No Mary-Sues or other annoying stereotypes. No one is perfect. No Copyrighted characters either, fan characters, if not breaking of any other rules, are fine. No relations of any Copyrighted characters either - you are not Sailor Moon's great-grandmother.

- Other 'children' or pets are alright to RP if it makes sense (ie. if the shop they are from says not to then don't) but please post a picture of them so we know what you are talking about. Please try and RP only 3 at a time at most.

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These are all the current Wethkin owners!

Toxikin ~ Pollution Imps:

~ Silverpelt - - - | Acid Rain | *rare

~ Arafel - - - | Red Tide | *rare

~ - - - - - ~

Wethkin of Summer:

~ Pipermints Alula | Sea Breeze |Summer| 'common

~ Hime Pheonix | Fire Storm |Summer| *rare

~ Antidia Nyla | Sun |Summer| 'common

~ x.Skada.x aka. dark_skada Kaskazi | Monsoon |Summer| 'common

~ Einna Firekeeper Broll | Breeze |Summer| 'common

~ shadowicedragon Ichigo | Sun |Summer| 'common

~ Zophia Albert | Breeze |Summer| 'common

~ Werewolf Ryoko | Monsoon |Summer| 'common

~ yannay Enya | Brush Fire |Summer| 'common

~ Deadre - - - | Brush Fire |Summer| 'common

~ Xenostatica Jaser??? | Dust Storm |Summer| *rare

~ Spectrum Warrior - - - | Mist |Summer| *rare

~ - - - - - ~

Wethkin of Spring:

~ Orpheros - Anthea | Falling Petals |Spring| 'common

@ Xennik Droid - Regen | Showers |Spring| 'common

~ Caroline_Cupcake - Winny | Falling Petals |Spring| 'common

~ karma_k - Grue | Dew |Spring| 'common

@ Pales - Toki | Falling Petals |Spring| 'common

~ mooshroom - Kianga | Sunlight |Spring| 'common

~ Chalda - Mai | Falling Petals |Spring| 'common

~ Ebony Dragon - Bindu | Dew |Spring| 'common

@ Allure - Rune | Rainbow |Spring| *special

~ --Marie--Wolf--Demon-- Taki | Showers |Spring| 'common

~ Gullien Rossi | Dew |Spring| 'common

~ AuroraFiara Cira | Sunlight |Spring| 'common

~ Ganty Ixal | Mud Puddle |Spring| *special

~ Tasah - - - | Whirl Pool |Spring| *special

~ - - - - - ~

Wethkin of Winter:

@ Pika-Bunny - Noctryn | Black Ice |Winter| *special

@ Chayse - Blizz | Blizzard |Winter| *special

@ Jayoku - Chera | Snow |Winter| 'common

@ Vanille Chocolat - Egg-kun | Snow |Winter| 'common

@ Deshi - Himitsu | Icicle |Winter| *special

~ Cerena - Seraion | Cloud |Winter| 'common

~ Fushidane - Shimopi | Frost |Winter| 'common

~ elleth celebren - Aeryol | Cloud |Winter| 'common

~ evangelin - Blanché | Frost |Winter| 'common

~ Devastation aka. Jin-ko - Lani | Hail |Winter| 'common

~ Sinclaire - Syuuri | Hail |Winter| 'common

~ Nessybaby - Aurenieve | Flurry |Winter| *special

~ Veranique - Ramu | Snow |Winter| 'common

~ Miro Sakai - Serenade | Hail |Winter| 'common

* Keilyna & Jinxeh - - - & - - - | Falling Star |Winter| 'rare

~ - - - - - ~

Wethkin of Fall:

@ Kimi the Great - Nicco | Falling Leaves |Fall| 'common

~ Jinxeh - Raindrop | Rain |Fall| 'common

@ Inle-roo - Nebel | Fog |Fall| 'common

@ Avenorell - Callidora | Wind |Fall| 'common

~ Silverpelt - - - - | Fall Hollow |Fall| *rare

~ Keilyna - Zuri | Fall Equinox |Fall| *rare

~ Potato Lord - - - - | Fog |Fall| 'common

~ Lady Mist - - - - | Rain |Fall| 'common

~ - - - - - ~

Spritkin: Holiday, Original And Rare
(of Active Owners - just PM me to be listed):

~ yannay - - - - | Ferrero Rocher | 'original

~ keilyna - - - - | Fruitcake | 'original

* Lady Mist - - - - | Pointsettia Bundt Cake | 'original

~ Shadowicedragon1 - - - - | Grape Candy Cane | 'original

~ LP - Minty | Mint Chocolate Fudge | 'original

~ mooshroom - Brandy | Christmas Pudding | 'original

~ trev27 - Shokora | Chocolate Coconut Ball | 'original

~ Petite Kitsune - Sadira | Sugar Gummy | 'Valentine's Day

~ - - - - - ~
* egg stage
~ larvapuff stage
@ nymphchild stage

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There are two main ways to get a Wethkin. When they are availiable, it will be in the title of the thread and listed in the Avaliability section (one post down).

A Flat sale is when a wethkin egg is sold for a flat price with no haggling. The flat sale price is 10k (donation letters accepted at 5.5k value for current month - donation items @ mid. Teh Guide).

To get a flatsale egg when a sale is occuring, you must show you have read the front page and can answer a question or two.

- A situational RP is also included

- There is a period of 3 days in which you can enter a sale form (that's right, only ONE per person please!).

- Submit your entry to the Wethkin-chan shop account by PM.

*** Please proof-read before submitting (no smart quotes)!

After that 3 days, I will go through and read all the entries and pick the best to sell Wethkin to.

If you are accpeted, please send the trade soon as you can to me, Pika-Bunny. I will post your new Wethkin tag in the shoppe after you confirm the trade.

The next way to get a Wethkin is by auction. Auctions are typically for special and rare Wethkin only. Examples would be twins, or rare & uncommon weather types ie. rainbow. Auctions are also announced well ahead of time and in the Availiability section and Updates (first post). Rules will be posted in the auction thread at the time of the auction.

A third way is by Raffle. All raffle details shall be posted as raffle occures.

A fourth way is not avaliable at this time. The option of getting a Gen.2 egg (from breeding of Gen.1 parents). This option includes flat sales, auctions and perhaps even raffles.

A new way to get a custom Wethkin is by purchasing a custom slot. The price for a spot is 700,000 plus in gold or donation items or a combination of both (items worth mid-LD). How does this work? When there is a space open, PM your offer to my Pika-Bunny account. The highest offer(s) received there within 1-3 weeks will get the space(s).

There are only 3 spots at a time and you may get one if you already have a Wethkin. If your Wethkin is not yet at child stage, the egg will not hatch till near that time.

You cannot pick a type that has already been in an auction or is going to be used in a future shoppe event (I'll let you know after you get some ideas which ones are ok). If you simply MUST have a rare type that someone else already owns, the cost will be 1.7 mil in gold/items.

If you want custom twins, I will only ok it if I like your idea (for the type). The cost will be 2.2 mil in gold/items for a Rare type of your choice, or 1.7 mil if you are chosing a Common type for your twins.

If you wish to pick a type that has been listed as a Common type (triangle symbol) the custom price is roughly half (400,000 in gold or donation items or combination at mid-Teh Guide (inflated value) plus) Same as above, when there is a space open, PM your offer to Pika-Bunny. The highest offer(s) received there within about 1-3 weeks will get the space(s) (thus it is more likely full customs will get the spaces):

1. Tasah ( -drawn & coloured! | needs to hatch- )
2. Jinxeh + Keilyna ( -drawn & uncoloured | twins!- )

3. (pet trade only) Arafel (-drawn & coloured! | D-Corp child-)

Here is the custom form:
(if you leave anything blank I'll make it up for you ^_^ <3 )

Season: (fall - summer - winter - spring)
Weather or seasonal change type: (anything from sunshine to mudpuddles! Look at what kinds there are to get ideas of what's ok - or ask me ^_~)
Egg stage idea?:
Larvapuff stage idea?:
Gender-look: (though they have no gender I can make it look a little more girlish or boyish as you prefer)
Eye Color: child/adult (Any color - bicoloured - tricoloured?)
Eye Shape: child/adult (the usual cute, lots of eyelashes, no eyelashes, you tell me!)
Hair Color: child/adult (up to five colours. Streaked, 'dipped' or you specify)
Hair Length/style: child/adult( short and wavy? long and straight?)
Skin Color: (pick up to three tones - less is more X3)
Marking Style: (Any markings? a few spots or swirls?)
Marking Colors: (usually lighter or darker then skin colour)
Wings or None: child/adult (What style would you like?)
Overall size: (tiny, tall etc.)
Personality: (A short summary ^_^)

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Season Calender for Wethkin:

Fall - 2nd week of September -> 2nd week of December
Winter - 2nd week of December -> 2nd week of March
Spring - 2nd week of March -> 2nd week of June
arrow Summer - 2nd week of June -> 2nd week of September

~ - - - - - - - - - - ~

Fall - 3/8 sprites
3 On hold till ??? - Rain, Leaf, Wind

Winter - 0/8 +0/4 sprites
Cloud, Frost, Hail, Snow all gone to owners...
+ auctions of 3 special/uncommons (Blizzard, Icicle, Flurry) all gone to owners...

Spring - 0/13 +0/2 sprites
Falling Petals, Dew, Sunlight, Showers
+ auctions of 3 special/rares (Rainbow, Mudpuddle)

Summer - 8/8 +4/4
Breeze, Monsoon, Sun, BrushFire
+ auctions of 3+ special/rares (Thunder, Lightning)
+ contests of 2+ (Dust Storm/rare, BrushFire/common, Mist/rare)

+ Specials (by auction only)
Super secret X3 - eek -> Blizzard, Icicle, Flurry, Rainbow, MudPuddle...

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There seem to be -1- egg/s in stock:

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FlatSales & Event Dates____________:

    next FlatSale: To Be Announced
    Over: September 18th - 23rd (BrushFire, Sun, Breeze, Monsoon)

    next Raffle: To Be Announced
    Over: August 21st - 25th Rain wethkin adoption - winner Jinxeh

    next Auction: Toxikin Auction (HayFever) - August 14th - 18th
    To Be Announced (Thunder, Lightning)
    last auction ended August 12th - Acid Rain egg went to Silverpelt!

    arrow next Contest: To Be Announced
    Over: June 15th! (Mist, Dust Storm)

FlatSale Form

-Sale Form- (PM to wethkin-chan)
Your name:
The date:
Why you want a Wethkin:
What type (- - -) for this season (- - -) are you interested in most and why:

RP Situation - Chose One of the prompts (it is necessary to include the Wethkin - your guardian character must be a normal human with no 'powers' unless you have a most excellent excuse ie. are going to a magic school for training, have a minor gift -which is not predictable or command-able, like random forsight).
Winners are chosen based on creativity, description, interest, vocabulary, effort:

1. You are a Wethkin child (they have no legs! Look at the pictures XD - pick a type of your choice - choose from those that currently have been discovered in the shoppe or are in this sale), - - - To Be Announced

2. You are a guardian of a Wethkin, puff or child (pick a type of your choice - choose from those that currently have been discovered in the shoppe or are in this sale), - - - To Be Announced

Stuff in italics are suggestions for what you could address in your rp. You don't have to answer all of them, or any, if you can think of another way to go with your rp ^_^

Your Responce to the situation
(in formal style narrative RP please,
the longer is better, but quality is better then length :3
font size 10 -in your PM- :3 ):

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Q: Can I be on the mailing list?
A: Of course :3 just post in the thread that you would like to be added to it and send a Friend request to the Wethkin-chan account.

Q: Do we have to RP?
A: No you do not, but your Wethkin will not form a crysalis and grow into an adult. If you are happy with your Wethkin nymphchild then that should be fine for you :3 It's not like you need to RP a lot; two good paragraphs a month would be fine.

Q: Can we co-own a Wethkin?
A: You must both want to share the Wethkin equally and RP it. Either one person does all the RPing or you both have to share the responsibility. Since this is often hard to do, I don't recommend it. I will evaluate each case before deciding if such a pair can co-own. If you can show an example of already having co-owned something RPable successful that would be to your benefit.

Q: Ok, we know how the baby stages look but what about the children?
A: All the children look different! They each have their own lineart and personalities :3 their upper bodies are chibi and their lower body is made up of a ball of energy reflecting their weather type :3

Q: So what about the higher stages?
A: All of them will look different as adults too. They each have their own lineart and personalities and look reflecting your RPing of the character :3 The crysalis stage will have close similarities if the Wethkin are of the same weather type.

Q: Can you reserve one for me?
A: No - it's unfair to everyone else who is interested domokun

Q: Can we do a pet trade?
A: Sorry not very often. I can't afford to give away a 5 stage pet (so much work) if the equivalent isn't traded to me. It's not fair to others either, who took the time to save up. If there's a pet I am interested in, I will contact the store to see if they will trade.

Trades so far:
-Auratus (done)
-Sugar Fairy (in progress)
-custom Pud (done)
-Felixi (done)

Interested in:
-Forgotten Document OR Legend of the Tale (not both X3 I have a few character ideas that would work for either)
-Eden Project
-Lab 305
~Go Go Sushi (won Kurimu Puffu in contest!) heart

Pets Wanted that don't do trades (far as I can tell):
-Tohu: Nonreal Dimensions
~Treebaby (got one in auction!) heart

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Coming soon~!

- RP quests

- apprentice > journeysprite > adept > mastero/mastera

- Final test quest (for adulthood)

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Ok, owners that would like a Notebook ~ They are for your private RP (like Diary entries). It's also a place to put up all the pictures you have of your wethkin (like all the stages so far) and the story of how you got your egg. It's no longer an optional thing to do, but now they are free unless you want me to make banners for you :3

Also, I check them on a regular basis. If I like your latest RPing, you may receive a little art gift for your efforts :3

It costs 700 gold for 14 title banners of your choice (pick 2 colours and pick what the titles say and pick font)

If you want less banners then take off 50 gold for each one you remove.

If you want to do your own banners then a Notebook is totally free.

Current Notebooks are in the Guild!

Here's the Notebook's sub-forum.

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For all your Wethkin needs, just click the item pic to see what it looks like on our example puff (it's name is Peachie and is a snow puff) :3 The shelves appear to be rather bare currently...

Items in Stock for all stages

Antenae Potion - gives your Wethkin slim and curled butterfly feelers | price: 300g

Gold Halo - ring of gold floats above your little **cough** angel | price: 500g

Silver Halo - ring of silver floats above your little **cough** angel | price: 400g

Sparkle Dust - shimmery magic glitter coats your Wethkin shedding sparkles everywhere | price: 1,500g ~ you get 2 tag versions if I have the time (one full ani' & one sig sized) / cannot be used with Shu-shu Berries most of the time (an puff/egg stage item)

Burble Bubbles - beautiful bubbles surround your Wethkin wherever they go | price: 600g ~ bottle image by Jayoku

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~ - - - - - - ~

Items in Stock for Eggs/Larvapuffs only

Leaf Umbrella - shades from the sun and hides from the rain | price: 100g / add 25g to change to any colour

Shu-shu Berries - if you want a hyperactive Puff/Egg, this is the item for you (makes bounce or jitter)! | price: 600g

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Items in Stock for Nymphchildren only


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Items in Stock for Crysalis/Adults only


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Good and bad, Wethkins are gender neutral as they are made up of energy. Breeding is a special process in which the sprites join their magics together to form new sprites. As such, 2 to 3 sprites may chose to mate at a time.

- RP is required to attempt any partnership

A partnership can produce (randomly):

1-3 young for a 2/pair
or 1-4 young for a 3/trio, with a slim chance of identical twins (2 larvapuffs from same egg)

Gender-look has a 50/50 ratio on average.

Eggs can be sold by the parents through this shop by a flat price of 10k each with 15% of the total egg sale going to each parent (that's 7.5% each).

Eggs can be auctioned here as well, but the cap is 30k (unless the egg is special, cap is then 100k ie. mixed type egg or indentical twin egg).

20% of the total egg sale goes to the parents by auction (that's 10% each).

It costs 10,000 gold from each owner involved to breed your 2/pair and the same for a 3/trio.


- both/all 3 owners must agree to breed their Wethkin

- Wethkin must be in final adult stage and have met each other at least once

- All Wethkin types and gender-looks are compatible (dominate type usually more common in young ie. leaf over fog, rather then mixed types <special> wink unless they are within 1 degree of ralation to one another (eg. parent/child is no, twins is no)

- Wethkin can only breed once max. in a season (3 months in a season) and that's only if the breeding list has room for a second try (everyone needs a chance X3)

- If owners wish to keep an egg (1 each max. per breeding) a contract must be written about what happens if there is less then 2/3 eggs

- If only one owner wants to keep an egg, they will not get gold from the other owner's egg sale (unless they decide to share it)

- All owners must pay breeding fee before eggs are produced

- Eggs can be given away but only through a raffle in through this shop ie. no favouratism unless it's for a pet trade (then contact me first)

- All auctions/flat sales must be through this shop (otherwise no eggs will hatch)

- All owners & their Wethkin will be listed in order of turn below

- Only 2 breeding slots will be open at a time (so many babies to create gonk )

Current Slots

1. N/A

2. N/A

***No adults yet~!

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All people on the Mailing List, please accept Wethkin-chan since all the PM updates will be sent out through that account :3

Mailing List
Extreme Punk Dancer
Donna the Vixen
7Speaker For The Dead7
Miro Sakai
Enzu-chan aka. Avenorell
Lonely Existence
[...[Heartless Dream]...] aka. Morning Moonshine
Kokuei Chaos
Xennik Droid
Vanille Chocolat
Tsuki Sohma
High Princess Sioned

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Link us please? heart

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5420752][img] pick one above [/img][/url]

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: heart : to Deshi who did this comic and the "Things you should never say..." X3

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What is a Spritkin you ask? It's a little puff of magic that likes to inhabit enchanted items. These candies have been carefully made to attract the puffs so you can give them to the ones you love (or keep em yourself XD). You may eat the candy after the puff hatches (otherwise it might not get enough magic out of the candy before it hatchs). These puffs will always be puffs, never growing any larger since they are tied to the magic of the holiday.

* heart Also, any Egg/LarvaPuff/All Stages items from the Mini-Shoppe can be used on the Spritkin & you may RP them with the regular Wethkin in the shop, as well get a Notebook if you wish heart *

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7Speaker For The Dead7
Einna Firekeeper
Lady Mist
Miro Sakai
pLexio Gatz
Enzu-chan aka. Avenorell
[...[Heartless Dream]...] aka. Morning Moonshine aka. Dot.Panda

...tell me ninja

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Thank You~!

trev27 - 900g <3
Keilyna - 400g <3
Where we never smile - 600g <3
Allure - ??? <3
Ganty - ??? <3
Fushidane - 700g <3

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Hope to see you here heart

- evangelin - for making such a silly scene:
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- caroline_cupcake - for being a sweetie heart

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- fushidane - for making these~! <3 very cute:
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- Jayoku - for making this XD lamo~! :
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- TheHarlequin - for makinging these X3 little cuties <3: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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- Deshi -for drawing this X3
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- Cubi -for making these: User Image
isn't she teh awesome?

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- Renault -for drawing me and some Wethkin puffs~! heart
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(you better not get on here)

imaginary_friend_sergio - did not follow rules. PMed me a question that is quite clearly on the front page.

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1st post! Long live thread! I hope I can get a Wethkin someday.....

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