Welcome to Gaia! ::

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Welcome -

In topics? In posts? In friendlists? In lasting memories?
In drama? In tears? Or goodbyes?
In gaming? In conversations? In art? In gold?

What about items?

Hi, I’m Icy. My relationship with Gaia has been a long one, filled with much of all the above. This thread is the twice revamped second thread of my original Sash quest; a quest that was only completed due to an old friend and her amazing generosity. For a while I thought I’d just quest for the December scarves, but what I didn’t realize was that real life would drag me away, kicking and screaming, so that I would graduate college in a timely fashion. That was back in 2008.

Two years later, I’m nowhere near those scarves, but more importantly, I realized that the same amount of gold would probably be better spent on getting some other things instead.

Long story short, I’m going to be questing for a number of items here, starting with the items from 2004 (my join year) that I never managed to collect due to my first quest.

They are the Chain Wallet and the ZONY Discman.

So, if you'd like, stop by for a while and enjoy some time chatting here. <3 I love new faces as much as I love familar ones and I only bite out of a playful spirit! most of the time. >3>;;;;

Dress Me Link! <3 <3 <3

Discussion Question of the Week

An interesting study that goes into people who commit extreme acts of sacrifice.
Who or what do you identify with so strongly that you would consider dying for it?

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Table of Contents -

All of the list is clickable and takes you to a different post on the front page. Any suggestions on how to jazz up this spot and the rest of the quest are more then welcomed. ^^

  1. Introduction Post
  2. Table of Contents (You are Here)
  3. Current Offer
  4. News Post
  5. Generious Donaters
  6. Gracious Charities
  7. Regulars
  8. Art Shop (closed)
  9. Links to Others
  10. Banners (under construction)
  11. Contests (under construction)
  12. Wishlist
  13. Dress Me! <3
  14. (Currently empty)
  15. (Currently empty)

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Current offer -

- ???% -

As a disclaimer, these are my rough estimation on values. I tend to undervalue my own offer and overvalue my goal so that when I try to exchange it with other people, I'm not as surprised by how much more they want then what I'm willing to give. ^^;;

- The Serious Part -

These are basically the items that are worth more then 100k now.
  • I have to figure out what I have. @_@; I lost a few mules a while back, and as a result, I am missing much of my old offer. DDDDDX

- The Working at it Part -

Anything that isn't over 100k will go here.
  • same as above. ;o;

- The Current Value of the 2004 Items-

Again, these values are taken at higher then tektek lists just so that I'm not surprised by how much more people want for them then I expected.

The Goal

User Image
- 3,000k
User Image
- 190k

3,190k Total.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Latest News -

  • 07/14/10 - Close to a year after my last Hard Reboot, I've refocused my goal, added some color to the text (perhaps to some people's annoyance?) and still wish my quest looked prettier. ;^; I need to figure out how much I have towards these goals and how to get them though. Also, first up on trying to get this place jazzed up, a banner!

  • 08/25/08 - Finished the Hard Rebooting of this quest so that when I find the time, I can get some serious make over advice from friends. I'm going to only been floating questing (nothing like, superhardcorevending for hours or taking a ton of commissions) until I know better what my situation at school is. I also changed the format of the News post so that anything that isn't from this year is supertiny. Like, unreadable. And I'm not sure why I'm stating this, since you can see it for yourself. Um. Yes. I want to thank again those who have donated to me since I started reworking this quest. Vanov, Evilconqueso, Tagra Nar, and [ Grynn Wolf ]! You guys helped make sure that I didn't lose my spot in percentage to completion, which is really a relief! I know my quest looks very drab right now, but hopefully I'll find a way to jazz it up soon. <3
  • 08/18/08 - Changed the format of the Table of Contents, Bumpers List, Donater's List, and Charities List. Will probably tackle more things later on while I'm at a better computer. Currently things are very plain as I haven't figured out how I want to have things set up yet.
  • 08/17/08 - Wow I suck at questing. XD I've managed to update my bumpers to page 557, and I am waiting until page 560 to do a front page capture. After that, it will be a very slow going as I basically wait until the school year starts and work my way into my workstudy job (hopefully I get the tutoring elementry school students one. <3) and my part time job (waitress at a local sushi bar; pray for the owner) to see if I really have enough time to quest. I'm hoping that I do. <3 I miss Gaia, even if it seems to have lost almost all of the charm that brought me here in the first place. But between real life drama and some seriously strong negative associations I had with Gaia for a while, I just had to leave. We'll see if I come back now. <3
  • 10/21/06 - And we are open to the general public again. <3
  • 10/21/06 - AHAHAHAHA. A year since my last update. Sad, no? Oh well~ Basically, a TON of things has happened between then and now. If you don't already know, then you probably don't need to. <3 I've finally caught up with my bumper's list, I'm in college, I'm 19, and I'm takin' numbers and kickin' arses. Just remember the wise words of MegaTokyo, 'ph34r t3h cut3 0n3s.'
  • 10/21/05 - Had an interesting Birthday. Wished my Ex a happy birthday. Threw away some things to try to clear up my life. Lots of work for college apps, grades, and anime club in these pasts months and upcoming ones as well. Gods I love music. Oh wait, this is about my quest, not my life.... sweatdrop Well, just updated the bumpers list a tad and I'm going to aim at updating them semi-often now. (yea, right)
  • 8/18/05 - Wow. The move was a hassle. I feel okish though. I'm sad about all of my good mates (as in friends, you perverts... stare ) going off to college. Ah well, what can you do? Time goes and people grow. Updated the Banners made for me. AJ has all of my luff and smex yo! heart Icy and her lil bro are addicted to Animal Crossing! CURSE YOU VEEBIE! scream 4laugh heart Who, is going to be the one taking me to Otakon! ninja *squeeie!* Agent 4 wants me to glomp VO for her, so I'll be all awkward, cause we all know what a big fangirl Icy is of Gaia. sweatdrop Erm, yes, quest... I updated the bumpers along with the offer and what not. >.>;
  • 8/4/05 - My time for being able to get on a computer regularly is rapidly dropping. After I get back into the States (is in Korea for those that didn't know), I'll be busy moving into a new apartment, starting school, running Anime Club ( heart ), figuring out what college I want to go to, and all of the other happy stuff. Well, that and I don't have a personal computer any more and the apartments we are moving to (That are suppose to be a bug's dream. -_-) don't have a computer lab. Soyea... >.>; On a happier note! Combat Medic (bless his heart!) donated a DEMONIC PITCHFORK to me! eek Making him so far the BIGGEST DONATER of this quest! surprised heart That coupled with the fact that the letter has dropped in price sent my offer soaring to a healthy 35% as opposed to 21%! xd Let's hope I can get some good items that will rise in price as the letter does while I have little online time, kies? <3
  • 7/24/05 - Managed to trade all of those annoying small items into an October 2004 Thank You Letter! surprised If that isn't happiness, I don't know what is! xd
  • 7/18/05 - Exchanged the two sets of Gotis and the Golden Laruels for an Angelic Pendent, an OMFG, and 3k pure with my new friend, XxX-Hellz-XxX. surprised He is a sweetie, even if he won't tell me his age! OX I just keep feeling bad, like I shouldn't make mature jokes near him just in case he is like my younger brother's age or something.... xD;; Updated the bumpers list and the offer. Seems like the letter went down by like 50k since the last time I updated! o_O; How very odd! <<; Mind you, I am not complaining! whee
  • 7/1/05 - Finally finished updating the bumper's list. Since it is summer now, I am going to change the colors of this quest! Blues and Greens will be the way to go this season! surprised
  • 6/17/05 - Updated the Bumper's list to page 180 before I knocked myself out from sleepiness and sickness.
  • 6/16/05 - WAH!!!! T___T I AM SO HAPPY! I can FINALLY re-edit these bloody damned posts! XD That means I have a heck of a lot of work to redo and such, but that is OK! Because that is over all, MUCH less work then what I would have to do if I had to remake the entire thread! Thank you Lanzer! T__T Anyway, the new page that the old quest is on page 136 instead of page 150. 3nodding
  • 5/1/05 - After being pelted with water balloons, screaming myself hoarse to get people to buy cheap water tattos, eating Wendy's food, and finding out a friend got a Sash donated to her (wow, this sounds familar! =O), I reveil to you, my new quest! *key trumpet music* The quest for a December Letter! Why this item? Simply because I don't know which Scarf I want yet! xD
  • 4/23/05 - Wow... After all of this time, I got it. Amazing. I could have never done it without all of the help of my donaters, bumpers, encouragers, and most of the, Friends. I love you all so much for putting up with my whiney-attention whorish self. I'll be cleaning up this quest page and setting it up for my next quest soon. Yes, I know, ANOTHER QUEST! x_X; But, I won't start that quest until May, so right now, just setting it up. Page 150 of this quest will be reserved for me to put down the entire first page as it was the moment I got my Sash. And, I know all of you will hate me for this, but in three days, I am going to loan it out to the person that has helped me the most over the entire quest. Dark. But, I know he wouldn't cheat me, because he is the best guy out there to ever help a quester, any one disagrees with me and I'll feed you to my Domos! domokun Peace out and play it safe.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Donating Gaians -

This quest has been going on for so long at a snail's pace that I decided to do a hard reset of the list for donaters so that I can better keep track of donations from this point on. However, the older list of donators to this quest are still intact on page 560. You can see it by clicking here. For the second reboot of the donations, you should click this instead.

- For the Chain Wallet -

Recent Donators

  • 07/21/10 - Abel Dmitriev ~ ZONY DISCman!!!!! [@___@;;; Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3]
  • 07/21/10 - Jaaten Syric ~ ZONY Discman!!!!! [I don't know what I didn't see, but thank you for what I do see! gonk heart ]
  • 07/15/10 - Sandraugiga ~ 45k & Cuttlefish! [O.O Wow! Thank you Sandra! TwT <3]
  • 07/???/10 - Extreme Nutcase 666 ~ Gift of the Goddess & Frostbite Blade. [ I am touched by your kindness. <3]
  • 07/13/10 - SmokedAlmonds ~ 5k [ ^^ Thank you kindly!]
  • 05/21/10 - Allegro ~ Grace of Aphrodite, MTV Hills Friendship Bracelet, Pink Sweetheart Teddy, White Bunny Hoodie, Brown Bunny Hoodie, Rich Camp Raining Money [ First Donation to this quest! ;^; Thankee Allegro!!! ]

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Helpful Chairites -

As I started this quest so long ago, I am afraid that some of the charities that donated to me went out of business already. However, a list of the charities that donated to this quest early on is located on page 560. You can get there by following this elegant link.

I will be attempting to seek the aid of more charities later on as I get closer to my goal.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- The Regulars -

Formally the post that counted the bumps, as this thread became a hang out spot, keeping up with the bumps became over welming to the point that I avoided this place due to guilt. Which doesn't exactly work well when you are questing.

However, the old list of bumpers can be found on page 560 by clicking this link here.

So, instead, this is going to be the place I salute my regular posters and send them love. Harassing them is as bad as harassing me, and will eventually lead to you being blacklisted from this thread. So please, remain respectful.

- The Redlist -

These are the people who come here regularly and chat with me, helping keep this thread on top and me on track! <3
  • Evilconqueso

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Minidoodles -

I need to figure out if I remember how to draw before I can really open a shop. Sad I know. XD

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Links to others -

Hello! I like linking to others, but I humbly request that your banner size be small if at all possible. ^^; I prefer linking to quests that are well thought out, active, and with people I know pretty well or are interested in getting to know. I might be a little slow updating this part, so if I am, please forgive me. ;-; If you'd like to be linked together, please post this request in my thread. I will hop over to your thread, check it out, and post back if I think we should exchange links. 3nodding

Oh! If you want to do links to places other then quests, then I will consider those as well! I might end up editing one of my posts into a non-quests link post if I end up having enough of those. @w@;

- Fellow Questers -

User Image

- Art Shops -

User Image

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Banners -

As always, any show of support is welcomed and has my graditude. Banners in signatures mean just as much as posts in the thread or donations. heart

Rejoice! For now we have banners! biggrin

.... though, it will be hard for people to put a banner in their sig if I have no banners.... sweatdrop

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- Contests -

I'd love to have contests again. Especially since I'm no longer spending all of that time trying to count bumps. So, I'd like some input on how I should run the contests, and what kind of contests I should do. All suggestions are welcome! heart

- Contest #1 -

A real simple one, first poster on any page that is all the same numbers in a row gets that page's amount of gold! So if you were the first poster on page 11, I'd send you a trade with 11 gold! ^^

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
- The Wishlist -

Hello~ This list is mainly here to amuse me. My main quest is still the scarves, but these are some things I wouldn't mind having on the side. With the exception of the Casino item, I'll be probably not really putting any serious effort into getting any of these. As for the Casino item, it is more of a "gosh I feel like playing cards randomly with my friends, what should I do with the tickets?" type thing. 3nodding

  • User Image Plumeria Headpiece 23,600 tickets
  • User Image Black Wool Top - 798 gold
  • User Image Maple Tavern Wench's Apple Cider Tray - 3,000 gold
  • User Image Suspenders - 5,100 gold
  • User Image Blade Of The Old Empire's Tunic - 9,300 gold
  • User Image Tsuru Furisode - 17,700 gold

I'll be updating this at best, randomly. I'll also probably not be having the items on this list on my profile wishlist.

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
Dress Me? <3

Hallo Lovely Gaians! I enjoy tekteking as much if not more than the average citizen of this fine forum, but I rarely have any creative ideas for myself! You know how it is, you own an item so long that you just keep feeling like you use it the same way over and over again or have forgotten how to use it when something shiner came along. As such, I'd love for people to come dress me up for a change! heart

Dress me? <3

I only request that we keep the hair colors towards darker brown and/or black. While I don't mind people changing the hair with wigs and whatnot, changing the hair overall means I'm less likely to use the avatar just because I'm very attached to my offline dark hair. Eyes are the same, keep the current ones unless you use an item.

Feel free to add whatever you want to the system, no credit limit. Just know the higher the costs outside of the avatar you designed, the less chances I'll be able to wear it. xd

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
~ Happily Reserved ~

Lonely Gaian

10,100 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
~ Happily Reserved ~

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