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Naruto or Bleach

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Bleach 0.86538461538462 86.5% [ 90 ]
Total Votes:[ 104 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 275 276 277 > >> >>> »|


((owners have the ability to instantly add you to the blacklist and hold total power but are also trusted.............and within living distance))

3.Kugi Shottogan

((co-owners can black list you so don't piss them off if they do abuse than pm the owner))
((everyone starts out as a human execept for quincy's humans have to be killed by a hollow and pass though the gates of the soul society really they just take a test if they pass than they become soul reapers and are put into squads or a soul reaper can train you and unlock soul reaper powers in your body))

1. No godmoding
2. No spaming
3. No autohitting

Currently empty yeah


To sign up it is simple Just put up your characters bio on a page here is the form


Character age:Roy Boy
Occupation: ((your race))((always starts as a human or quincy but you must remain quincy)) Human Or Quincy
Characters age:3000
Characters Ability's: can make copies of body to attack
Zanpakutou's Name: Dramades ((only fill in if you start out as a captain))
Zanpakutou's Ability: Death bugs ((only fill in if you start out as a captain))
And that's all


Kugi Shottogan
(( Attention all captinas and other members!! plz make URL codes out of your symbols or your something to represent the thread and get other people to join!! we need new people and this seems to be the smartest way!!! there are many fans out there and this im pretty sure is one out of a few Bleach threads that are successful so everyone please make url codes or put something in your sig to help spread the word!!! thank you!
Kugi Shottogan ))
User Image

((ok i know i have not been on lately and i'm sorry, so could someone please send me an update if there is one and i'm working on redoing this first page to make it more appealing if anyone has any ideas i'd love to hear them and look out for some new members that may be joining))


Story Line: It's the beginning of the soul society everthing has been reset. It is the year 2007. The world seems fine untill one day a soul reaper appears killing a horde of hollows, this soul reaper than disappers without a trace. Your mission is too pick your destiny in this new beautiful world, either it be to live as a savior or become the evil hollow and destroy.

After a close encouter with a hollow horde three captains return to the soul society with a new question. Why were the hollows massing in the human world and what was driving them to do so.

In a great battle against the Lord of Arrancar the soul reapers have to retreat but from their retreat they may have gained some knowledge from the Man named Inoko the lord of Arrancar's, about the master plan that would soon affect both worlds.

Cheering filled the streets the soul society cheered. It was apparent that the Arrancar Lord had either given up or was waiting for something for he soon disappered. The captains continued to argue with eachother some of them could not even back up their talk of their power, their arrogance bothered the elders the disapperance of the Arrancar lord had an effect on their stupidity and some of the lower ranks used that.



Divison 0:Shino Wanashi
User Image

1st Division:Toru Kaname
User Image
2nd Division: Symerone Lore
User Image
3rd Division: Kuro-awai
User Image
4th Division: Akiko Tajkin
User Image
5th Division:Alucard Kenpachi
User Image
6th Division:Ryu Kotuya
User Image
7th Division: Leo Myoshi
User Image
8th Division: Riaku Shibuya
User Image
9th Division: Kevi sykun
User Image
10th Division: Richter
User Image
11th Division: Shikkyaku
User Image
12th Division: Dante
User Image
13th Division: Hiro Take
User Image


1st Division: None

2nd Division: Kyo Tenshou

3rd Division: Kenji Anubis

4th Division: Kite

5th Division: None

6th Division: None

7th Division: None

8th Division: None

9th Division: None

10th Division: None

11th Division: Kuro-awai

12th Division: None

13th Division: None

Soul Reapers:

Squad 1:

Squad 2:

Squad 3:
Yoshitsune Minamoto, 1st Seat

Squad 4:

Squad 5:

Squad 6:

Squad 7:

Squad 8:

Squad 9:

Squad 10:

Squad 11:

Squad 12:

Squad 13:


Weak Hollows:

Strong Hollows:

Menos Grandes:
kaoru *Stage one*

Takuta-Kun Tenshouri
Kaguya-hime Kurosaki

Vice Captain of Arrancar:

Lord of Arrancar:
Inoko Sasuma

Vice Vizard Lord:
Sapphira Fenrir

Vizard Lord:
Koten Byaku


Normal Human((powers not awakened yet)):
Maru idgodten

Strong Human ((powers just awakened)):
Travus Gifford
Maru idgodten

Strong Human ((powers trained to a high level)):

Human With Mastered Abilities:

Human God ((a human with extrodinary powers that match a captains and sometimes even surpasses them)): Talon Freeman


((students can only shoot off one shot with their attack))

Student:Rokagu Nontuda

Weak Quincy's:

Strong Quincy's:

Master Quincy's:

Elder Quincy's:

Renegade Soul Reaper ((they are just people who where once in squads and now have decided against it, their powers vary)):Bryce Idasha



• Bakudou 1: First Restraint Obstruction
binding technique that makes it so you are unable to move or difficult to move.

• Bakudou 58: Kakushitsuijyaku - Invocation of the tracking birds
This technique allows the user to contact with anyone and can be used to contact more than one person.

• bakudou 61: Rukujyoukourou - Luminous Prison of 6 Bars
Kidou used to bind strong opponents much stronger than First Restraint Obstruction

• Bakudou 75: Gochuu Tekan
A strong Technique used to bind the opponents limbs

• Bakudou 77: Tenteikuura - Heavenly Rickshaws of Silken Air
Incantation: Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly through the heavens Effect: Transmits messages to anyone within Soul Society, works better is used in conjunction with Bakudou #58.

• Bakudou 99: Bankin
Huge box appears then drops from sky to crush opponent

• Hadou 4: White Lightning
A powerful attack that uses Kidou in the form of lighting.

• Hadou 31: Shakkahou - Artillería Carmesí
Kidou comes out of users hands like a strong ball or blast of power

• Hadou 33: Soukatsui - Way of Destruction
Kidou comes out of users hand like a big blue ball of spiritual pressure

• Hadou 54: Waste Flame
Generates a fire is able to completely burn and incinerate a target of a low reiatsu. Can be used to burn lost limbs and on funeral pyres.

• Hadou 63: Raikouhou - Lighting Tiger Canon
Kidou is gathered in hands and then shot off in a destructive blast

• Hadou 90: Kurohitsugi - Black coffin
Very powerful technique and is very difficult to use (Hadous over 90 are classified as Enternal Destruction)

• Negation
Menos Grandes use this to save there own kind. Light comes from the sky and bring injured comrand back to hollow world.

• Soul Burial
This is preformed by all shinigami's, its how they send souls to the Soul-Society.

Bleach Encyclopedia For Idiots Of The Series

• A

Abuelo - Grandfather (This is what Chad Called his Grandfather)

• B

Ban-Kai - Final form of Zanpuktou! Has Tremendous power and even when reached it takes many years to master.

Bird whistle - One of the many whistles Isshin uses to notify his family that he is looking for them.

• C

Center 46 - Also known as 'Chuuouyonjyurokushitsu'. It is a place in Soul Society that makes all the decisions and governs it. It consists of fourty wisemen and six judges gathered from all around Soul Society.

• D

Dagai - The crack between the living world and Soul Society. Inside it is filled with a current called 'Kouryuu' which can stop souls from moving in order to prevent intruders.

• E

Earth-bound spirit - Those who are naturally assimilated with the land. They will only show itself when someone trespasses their territory.

Energy Pill A pill that each member of the 4th division has to re-generate themselves.

Energy Pill (Hanatarou's) Hanatarou's superior played a joke on Hanatarou and gave him a fake energy pill thats main ingrediant is just flower.

Eyepatch - Zaraki Kenpachi's. Invented by the Intitute of Technological Research to suck out spiritual energy.

• G

Gates of Hell - Any time a Shinigami kills a hollow that is completly evil and cannot be forgiven 2 huge gates appear with massive chains the gates open and somebody pulls the hollow inside.

Gigai - An artificial body which physical ability is equal to a normal human, and it is to be used in emergency situations. A weakened Shinigami enters in to wait for his powers to recover.

Gikongan - Artifical spirit pill that forcibly pulls the user's spirit from the body. Normally is used on souls that have dies but refuses to let go of their bodies.

Grand Fisher - A name given to an infamous hollow who hides his body from being seen while his neck protrudes a lure that takes on a human shape, and devours souls with high spiritual density to increase his own strength.

• H

Hakuda - Hakuda is bare-hand military combat in which the Secret Mobile Corps is specialized in.

Heavenly Wild Suit Puppet - It has countless thread-shaped bundles of spirit particles intertwined to connect the Quincy’s immobilized parts and forcibly move them like a puppets. It was originally created to allow aged Quincys to continue fighting Hollows. No matter if tendons are cut and bones are broken, with the heavenly wild suit puppet, they mean nothing, so one can fight to the end. It is a high level technique.

Hirenkyaku - A high-class Quincy technique by gathering spiritual energy under the user's feet to achieve a high speed movement.

Hojikuzai - Heals body parts that have been cut off or severly injured during battle.

Hollow - All hollows are formerly human's souls or Plusses. There are many reasons why the Plusses become Hollows - they're not brought to the Soul Society by a Shinigami, escaped from Soul Society, not protected by other Hollows, or when they wanted to fill their empty heart and seek out their loved ones in their past life. Those who has become hollows eat souls to ease their pain and suffering, and cannot revert back to a normal soul.

Hollow-bait - Once it is crushed, it will take effect and lure the hollows out.

Hougyoku - A device Urahara Kisuke created in his days of being the 12th Squad Captain of the Gotei 13 and also the First Bureau Chief of the Technological Development Bureau. This device allows a Shinigami’s transformation into a Hollow and vice versa. It will then allow the Shinigami-Hollow hybrid climb a greater level, surpassing the limits of their abilities. Hougyoku was dangerous and Urahara Kisuke was exiled to the real world for his creation.

• K

Kenseikan - Hair-piece accessory to prove that one is from a noble family.

Kidou - Also known as 'Demon Arts' is split into two - Hadou (attacking spells) and Bakudou (binding spells).

Kikou - The true form of the spearhead of the Soukyoku and as the executioner which looks like a phoenix.

Konsoh - Shinigami must perform the Konsoh/Soul burial in order to send the souls to Soul Society. But usually Souls that have strong grudges or sadness are left alone because they are difficult to perform the Konsoh on. The zanpakutou will return to its normal form when its owner is unconscious.

• L

Lion Plushie - The lion plushie is what Kon was put in after Ichigo and Rukia could not find any road kill. They found it all tattered up on the side of the road.

• M

Memory Chikan - It erases the target's memory and replace it with a new random memory.

Menos Grande (Arankal) - Gillian - Gigantic hollow that is born from hundreds of hollows that pile and mix

- Ajuukaru - Much smarter and stronger than a gillian, like a vice-captain compaired to a seated officer. Not many of them exist or so it is thought!.

- Vastoorode - Looks like a shinigami and is much stronger than your average captain. Not many are known to exist the few that do exist are only seen in Hueco Mundo. It is said that 10 of them would bring destruction to the Soul Society.

Mod-Soul - From an operation called 'Spearhead', artificial battle-type souls were created, which when used can strengthens one part of the body to a higher level. This is called Mod-Soul. When the Spearhead operation is cancelled, the mod-souls that have been created are ordered to be destroyed, but some managed to escape.

• P

Plus - Plusses are the soul that has been seperated from the original body and would not harm any other creatures. However, they have the potential to become a Hollow because of several reasons, whether they are willing or not.

• Q

Quincy - Relatives of magic hunters who specialized in the war against hollows, but this clan was destroyed more than two-hundred years ago. Unlike the Shinigami who try to purify hollows and send them to Soul Society, the Quincy kill them without any hesitation because in their mind, the hollows kill their friends and relatives, and so the hollows should not be given any forgiveness. A Quincy fights by gathering the spiritual energy from the surroundings.

• R

Reisyukaku - Spirit core that resembles like a crystal ball. By providing spiritual energy to the core, the user can create a strong cannonball.

Reiraku - Spiritual threads. Something that compresses and visualizes the spiritual auras in the atmosphere. Usually, only the upper-level Shinigami can perform it.

Rukongai - Spirits in Soul-Society live here, That are not shinigami's. They are sent to random locations(north, south, east or west quadrant).

Ryoka - Souls that enter Soul-Society improperly, without the guidance of Shinigamis.

• S

Safety Charm - Originally belongs to Ichigo's late mother that is said to bring fortune and good luck.

Sanrei Glove - Glove with a powerful ward that deflects spiritual energy.

Sekkiseki - Mineral that can block spiritual energy and spiritual pressure.

Senzaikyuu - The tall, white tower that's facing the Soukyoku - that is also why its other name is the 'repent tower'.

Senka - A special type of shyunpo where the user move to his oppponent's back, directly attacking, and sealing one's hakusui in one strike.

Senkaimon - The door to the Soul Society. Usually, this door is made by adding Reishihenkankon to the top of the Sankaimon, and Ketsugoufu is used to cover it up so it stays intact. The time allowed to go through the Senkaimon is only four minutes, and the door will close once the time is up.

Soukyoku - Shinigami that has commited a serious offense will be executed using the Soukyoku.

Shi-Kai - Another form of zanpuktou most shinigami's can preform this all that is needed to be able to preform this is the shinigami just needs to know there zanpuktou name.

Shinigami - One must graduate from the academy to a become a Shigami, and then they will be assigned to a certain area for them to perform their duties; one is to guide Pluses to Soul Society by using Konsoh, while the second is to exterminate Hollows and wash away their sins. A Shinigami also has to treat all souls equally.

Shinigami Academy - A place where Shinigami attend school to learn techniques and after they graduate from the academy, they join the Gotei 13.

Shinigami Cellular Phone - Its really not a cell phone but an radar for hollows its gives the weilder the power to be able recieve orders and track hollows.

Shinigami Hand-cuffs - Theses are hand-cuffs that are put on prisoners so they cannot use any spiritual power.

Soul Candy - A soul candy is a small candy that replaces the soul of the user with a subsitute soul.

Shinten - A tranquilizer to put someone with low spiritual pressure unconscious. Gaten and Houten are the stronger version of it.

Shun Shun Rikka - Six little sprites that come from Inoue Orihime's spiritual power. Their power is the ability to build a 'shield' and 'repel' it - Santen Kesshun (ability to repel the outer shield) for Hinagiku, Baigon and Lily; Souten Kishun (ability to repel the inner shield) for Shonou and Ayame; and Koten Zanshun (ability to repel both sides of the shield) for Tsubaki.

Shunkou - A fighting-style also known as flash release. It is a combination of Hakuda and Kidou. It is a dangerous yet powerful technique. Only two people know this technique, that is Soi Fon and Yoruichi. the military uniform, both worn by Yourichi and Soi Fon, is designed with a back or sleeves because of the high pressure built up, surrounding the back and shoulders of the user as Kidou is gathered. It will then empower the user in battle, thus the material on the back and shoulders are blown off.

Shunpo - A technique also known as flash step. It allows a Shinigami to move a great distance very quickly within seconds.

Souls - There are two type of Souls - Plus and Hollow. Plus is the most common one that roams around places and does no harm, but those with strong regrets in the current world will bind themselves to their focus of regret by the Chain of Fate. If the focus is a person, they become 'obsessed spirits', and if the focus is a place, they become 'earthbound spirits'. Hollow, on the other hand attacks other beings (mainly those with high-spiritual density) and eat their souls.

Soul Society - Divided into two main areas - One is 'seireitei' where most the Shinigami live. It is surrounded by a barrier and a wall that is made by a special mineral which completely blocks out all spiritual energy. The second 'rukongai' - the outskirts where the souls live when they first arrive to Soul Society. It is also the poorest area, but still holding most of the souls. It is split into four portions: east, west, south, and north. Each of those is further split into eighty areas with the latter areas are the worst place to live in.

Souma-fixers - Something that helps the user to synchronize to their Gigai. But if used too much, it will be painful to leave the Gigai as the synchronization level is high.

Spearhead - This is the name of the program that was given to the development of mod souls in the Soul-Society.

Spirit-Scaterring Gauntlet - A glove used only used by the Quincy. It has the power to disperse spirit particles at a high level. When a Quincy puts it on and forms a bow, if he or she can maintain it for seven days and seven nights, the Quincy can come very close to the pinnacle of Quincy power. However, it cannot be taken off. If so, the ability to draw in spirit energy to form a bow will surpass the limits of a Quincy. The Quincy will temporarily gain immeasurable power, but he or she will surely lose all of his or her Quincy powers.

• T

Target Leeches - Some Hollows use them; There kinda like claymore mines they explode when ever they are detonated.

Tenshintai - A rare artifact of the special operation division that can forcefully materialize the soul of the Zanpakutou.

Tentouken - Sky flyer. A unique artifact in the Soul Society. The user will be able to fly using it by putting some spiritual energy in it.

• U

Under-Pod - Type of mod-soul that was designed to have leg strength(This is what Kon is).

• W

Wakizashi - A wakizashi was used as a samurai's weapon when the Katana was unavailable. When entering a building, a samurai would leave his katana on a rack near the entrance. However, the wakizashi would be worn at all times, and therefore, it made a sidearm for the samurai (similar to a soldier's use of a pistol). The samurai would have worn it from the time they awoke to the time they went to sleep. (thanks James)

• Z

Zanpakutou - The Shinigami gains their Zanpakutou when they graduate from the academy (central institute of spiritual art). Each Shinigami has their own unique zanpakutou, and it reflects from the owner's personality and power. The Zanpakutou has two levels of release - Shi-kai (Initial Release) and Ban-kai (Ban release) which will increase the user's attack power. But in order to do so, they must learn the Zanpakutou's name and its cooperation.



Bryce Idasha (Mr1and2)
Player Pic
User Image

Zanpakutou's name:Rengodun
Zanpakutou's Ability: Unknown
Ocupation: Soul Reaper *Supreme Commander*
Age: 16
Bio: A young captain not the strongest but one of the bravest the first chosen he sheath's his power

Hiroshi ((Hiroshi Kenta))
Ocupation: N/Human
Age: 16
Human Abilities:
Bio: He all was has been strong and most people dont like him because he dose not like anyone. People all ways fight him for no reason and he has never lost. He likes to fight but he only looks for a fight if he thinks its a good one.

Yuurei ((Kugi Shottogan))
Appearance:User Image
Age: unknown
Zanpakutou's Ability:lightening
Zanpakutou's name: Denkouijin
Ocupation: Soul Reaper *Secondary Commander*

Name: Ryu Kotuya ((Ryu Kotuya ))
Character Pic
User Image
Characters age: 16
Zanpakutos Name: Senbonzakura
Zanpakutos Ability's: has yet to use it
occupation: Soul Reaper *6th division captian*

Inoko Sasuma ((Sojiro_Omashi))
Character age: 30
Occupation: Hollow *Lord of Arrancar,Secondary Commander*
Zanpakuto's name: Ryushi
Zanpaktou Ability: The zanpaktou transform into two set of hand claws that apon any wound ((inluding small scratches)) injects millions of neuro toxins into the blood stream that go straight to the brain and instantaniously disables the limbs

Dante ((Kuromaru Kyma))
Zanpakutou's name biggrin ante
Zanpakutou's:unknown still
Occupation:soul reaper *Squad 12 Captain*

Hiro Take ((ShadedNinja))
Characters age:28
Zanpakutou's Ability:TBA
Zanpakutou's name: TBA
Occupation: soul reaper *13th Squad Captain*

Yi-Ch`i ((Jeanne Thore))
Occupation: Hollow *Vice Captain of Arrancer*
Characters age: 21
Characters Abilities: She's very flexible and fast. Was a hynotist at one point, and still uses the ability mostly to help people. The ablility can also harm people, but she isnt one for fighting.
Zanpakutou's Name: Ai
Zanpakutou's Ability: Dual fans that when used to cut an opponent, it sucks oxygen out of the opponent's blood. The lack of oxygenated blood starves blood vessels and weakens the opponent quickly.
Small bit of info: She isnt all to skilled with fighting and may need to learn a few things. Also, she is very timid and shy and that causes her great anziety and to run off and hide in certian situations.

Kevi sykun ((sykoon3223))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *9th Division Captain*
Characters age:26
Characters Ability's: Necromancy
Zanpakutou's Name: Necris
Zanpakutou's Ability: transforms into a large scythe that can absorb souls

Akiko Tajkin ((RIn_Akiko))
Character Pic
User Image
Occupation: soul Reaper *4th squad captain*
Characters age:3000
Characters Ability's: Can read the mind
Zanpakutou's Name: Calintz
Zanpakutou's Ability: turns to a huge Death fan

Koten Byaku ((Bleach_Lord_Koten))
Character age: 19
Occupation: Vizard Lord
Characters Ability's: powers of both Soul Reapers and Hollows
Zanpakutou's Name: Wabisuke ((same as Izuru Kira with same ability's))
Zanpakutou's Ability: not yet shown

Shikkyaku ((Shikkyaku Tenshi))
Characters age:800
Occupation: Soul Reaper *11th Squad Captain*
Characters Ability's: Immense reiatsu focused throughout his body making him difficult to injure
Zanpakutou's Name: Kagamimaru
Zanpakutou's Ability: black reflection: reflects enemy attack back at them times 10.

Rokagu Nontuda ((QuincyFreakRokagu))
Occupation: Quincy
Characters age:16
Characters Ability's: not unlocked yet

character age:500
character ability Cero beams rapid regeneration
zanpaktou's name N/A
zanpaktou's ability N/A

Leo Myoshi ((Ryu Myoshii))
Zanpakutou's name:Ryugan
Zanpakutou's Ability: Able to Turn into a Double sided Sword with Fire ability's.Bankai: Summon an great Dragon to help him fight.
Occupation:soul reaper *7th squad captain*
Bio:Leo was walking down the street one day in the human world, when he was crossing the street, a car had hit him. A year had passed, still connected to his chain, when it broke. He walked for a little bit, then heard a deathy scream. Moments later he went black. He was in and out the entire time he was a hollow then, a soul reaper cleansed him. He appeared in the Soul Society, and wanted to learn more about the Soul Reapers. He shorty after became a Soul Reaper. A year or Two and his powers Grew Greatly. He became a Captain within 2 years, as the captain of 7th squad had resigned and he took his place.

Talon Freeman ((son_#_3))
Occupation: human *Supreme Commanders*
Characters age:17
Characters Ability's:has the ability to shift objects into weapons
Bio: He is foreign exchange student from America, he has come to learn sience and literature, but has a dark secret.

Takuta-Kun Tenshouri ((KayoKunn))
Appearence: User Image
Personality:Overwhelming, and seeks power. An outgoing trusty comrade by side, torrent emotions towards battle. Lack of patience and time. But sought to be notorious and full of virtue.
Bloodline:Arrancar/Shinigami/Vizard Bloodline
Jutsus:Zanpakutō: "Illuminate, Takscuritan!"
Takscuritan:Truly powerful, spirited, flawless katana, within a spirit of a thousand of hollows." Takscuritan, a vizard of an hollow designated organization, Takscuritan seeked power and to obtain the hollow's inner core of power. Soonly, he was found to be a mismatch of relevance to the organization, "Sif Scator", and was unrightfully pursued to be slaughtered. As Takscuritan overwhelmed these events, he soon grabbed his Zanpakutō, 'Taisunein", and fought the organization whom which an end of no inner virtue to him. Takscuritan then reveliated his spirit core into the blade, thus creating an over-gauged source of power; slaughtering the organization, with-bidded his life into a katana, was Takscuritan and Taisunein, the rightful shatter-scorpse.
"Said to be a zankpakuto of ray shine serpents."

'Overwhelming power thrusted to both his speed and strength; forming
glistens of ultraradiar light between the zankpakuto.

Summons a whole hollow created armor sort of body, welfening the zankpakuto and both the beholder. Vastly increasing the agility and enormous strength of both the Zankpakuto and the User. Enemy is then, trapped in a binding of neverending hollow reincarnation, thus reincarnating the hollow sorted armor and bulps of the user and zankpakuto.
"Thus said to trap the opponent in a hollow world, where the user may never get injured of his hollow flesk.
Flesk:"The armor of the hollow emborded towards the user and the katana."

"Taisu, Takscuritan!" - Revelishing a sought light of slash towards the enemy
"Rankitan, Takscuritan!" - Causing a burge of slashes from underneath to be arisen in an incredibly speed towards to opponent."
Village:Unknown Village
Rank:Not yet to be known.
A born shinigami from the Shenzo community of Soul Society, drought to be enforced as a Shinigami, but was heavingly upsorted to a request from Aizen. Takuta likes to practice with his melee tactics, inform use of bankai, and shikai, talk to comrades, play around, activity, argue, fight, conflict.

Riaku Shibuya ((Mister Hat and Clogs))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *8th Squad Captian*
Characters Age: 2,839
Zanpakutou's Name: Sieru
Zanpakutou's Ability: Has the control over shadows. Able to manipulate the shadows around people and create shadow soliders within them. Able to dissapear into the shadow as an escape tacitc or stategy. When released, the sword turms into two sickles attached to a chain that has no end.

Kaguya-hime Kurosaki ((Ivory_Rose))
Occupation: Arrancar (Hime was a human, but she got turned into an Arrancar)
Characters age: 16
Characters Ability's: Speed, master of Shunpo
Zanpakutou's Name: Kukata Doragon (moon dragon)
Zanpakutou's Release: Mai (dance)
Zanpakutou's Ability: Hisakata Ouda (sky strike)
Character Description: Hime has orange hair that fades into silver and finally blue at the tips. She has dark brown eyes and a partial hollow mask similar to Ulquiorra, but on the opposite side of her head.

Richter ((00 Dante 00))
Occupation: Soul Reaper*10th squad captain*
Characters age: Mid 200s.
Characters Ability's: Keen sence of smell and hearing, far greater than that of a wolf.
Zanpakutou's Name: Tenmakoori.
Zanpakutou's Ability: Creates ice blades to slaughter hordes.

Kenji Anubis ((Kenji Anubis))
Character age: 20
Occupation: Soul Reaper *squad 3 assistant captain*
Characters Ability's: Intense speed and agility
Zanpakutou's Name: Moraku
Zanpakutou's Ability: Sonic Boom

Symerone Lore (nickname: raven) ((Symerone))
Appearance:User Image
Occupation: Human
Characters age: 17
Characters Ability's: Sight (sees ghosts and all that), visions
Zanpakutou's Name:
Zanpakutou's Ability:

Name: Sapphira Fenrir

Nationality: Mexican; Sicilian

Birthday: Born: August First 1827 Death: April 16 1850; Age when died: 23

Classification: Vizard

Appearance: [x] [Shikai Zanpakutou] [Bankai Zanpakutou] [Ship] [Flag Design]

Bio: Sapphira barely went by her first name, it not being hard enough for a pirate; but instead Fenrir. She had become captain n the far east right before the European navies were sent to eliminate all of them in that area.

She, having prized her beautiful ship, was attached to the shipwreck after death. Though, then her chain ran out, she had refused anything but to stay with her ship. Through a long and strenuous process of trying to somehow stay with her ship instead of whatever the creature it seemed she was becoming; she found herself in black robes with her pirate sword in sheath and a white mask on her face.

After having gone to shore she commandeered the navy ship that had shot hers down. Then after a little redecorating and the addition of a pirate flag, she accepted other lost pirate souls to join her ship. From that day on, though... it was known as the ghost ship. It has not been shot down yet, nor will it ever be from what it seemed.

She had met up with a group of Vizard that had followed her about since that day, and within a few years of practice, she had come to, not just full control of her body, but agreement with her Hollow side. When things got too tuff, she would let her Hollow side let loose instead of concealing it.

Zanpakutou: Not only that, but she had learned her Zanpakutou's name, Susanowa. Names after the Japanese Shinto god of the winds, the storms, and the ocean, also the god of snakes.

Susanowa is a full release Zanpakutou. It is always in Shikai form. The sword is 42 inches; the pommel, handle and hilt being 6 inches and the blade being the other 36 inches. The hilt is brass line design that is very hard to describe. Just above it is a black wavy line with a silver skull in the middle and brass caps on both ends. The handle is a thing dark brown leather, tightly wound around to make an amazing grip. The blade is double edged and silver.

Susanowa's Bankai is water and storm based. With the calling, "Bikou za harou, Susanowa!" or 'Follow the waves, Susanowa!' the double edged blade grows a half inch wider and 4 inches shorter. The pommel grows in size and turns to a dark brown glazed look. The handle remains its leather bound, but the hilt seems to become darker and more wild, like dark tendrils or tentacles.

Matching the sword is a small dagger that she holds in her other hand. It has a 6 inch handle, and 12 inch double edged blade.The pommel is the same dark glazed look as on the sword, and it has the same leather grip, but the hilt is a simple black arch facing the blade instead of the wild black hilt on the sword.

Both Sword and dagger come in a black blacker Sheath with silver on the bottom and top. (The top silver on the sheath has the imprint of a sea shell on it.)

In bankai form, Fenrir gains the powers to control the storm and ocean itself. She could use it to give herself a just of wind of her ship to escape; to cut off wind for the enemy ships, to create enough fog to cover the area and hide her ship, etc. There are many purposes for her bankai other than just for battling.

Motivation: Nothing; she doesn't fight unless provoked or if her ship is being attacked.

Symerone Lore ((Symerone))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *2nd division captain*
Characters age: 100
Characters Ability's: Travel through shadows
Zanpakutou's Name: Llaith (a.k.a. black heart)
Zanpakutou's Ability: Can manipulate shadows

Kuro-awai (( Ai Kusabana ))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *3rd Divison Captain*
Characters age:16
Characters Ability's: She can hide her identity by changing into a Pure White wolf, and having a different voice
Zanpakutou's Name: Chi-yuki
Zanpakutou's Ability: injects poison into what ever it cuts, causing imense pain
User Image

This is her Zanpakutou when not released

[ Unreleased Zanpakutou ]

Released Zanpakutou

[ released Zanpakutou ]


[ Bankai ]

Travus Gifford ((zazaleto))
Occupation: Human
Characters age:14
Characters Ability's: nails grow to form claws
Zanpakutou's Name: no zanpakutou

Kite ((Vampairic omni))
Age:looks to be 20 (real age unknown)
Occupation: Soul Reaper *4th Division Vice Captain*
Characters ability: power over Azure Flame
Zanpakutou: http://www.knightsedge.com/swords/odachi-samurai-sword-2042g.jpg
Zanpakutou name:Empty Skies
Shikai: http://images1.wikia.com/dothack/images/4/4b/3DKite.jpg
Bankai: (with appearance) http://images4.wikia.com/dothack/images/a/a8/Azurekitefull.jpg
Appearance: http://images2.wikia.com/dothack/images/e/e0/Kiteface.jpg
Personality:in normal form and shikai form he is kind but will fight if needed but in Bankai form he appears silent only breathing and growling loudly and his eyes seem to be always unfocused in Bankai form

Maru idgodten ((Im The Pimp Of All Pimps))
Occupation: Human
Characters age:15
Abilities: Still locked away
bio:he was born friday the 13 and when he was 13 his family dead on that day,ever since then he has lived with his grandparents,before the aciddent withnhis parents he use to be happy cheer and joyful but now he is depressed sad and lonly so,now he wishes he had died too but his grandparents sends someone to watch him to make sure he won't kill himself
User Image

Toru Kaname ((TousenFan))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *1st Division Captain*
Characters age:20
Characters Ability's: Even tho he is blind he can use his other senses better then anyone else so hes like super hearing and stuff like that
Zanpakutou's Name: Suzumushi
Zanpakutou's Ability: ((Not Shown Yet))

Yoshitsune Minamoto ((Mars The War God))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *3rd Squad, 1st seat*
Characters age:17
Characters Ability's: Speed
Zanpakutou's name: Mingetsu
Zanpakutou's Ability: slows down time for the user and anyone of there choice so they can block and counter at an extreme speed
Zanpakutou's Apperance: http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Andre3070/Ching.jpg
Zanpakutou unreleased: http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Andre3070/1FM-422.jpg
Ban-Kai: http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n68/Andre3070/1PSW-1001.jpg
Appearance:User Image

Kyo Tenshou ((Kyo Tenshou))
Occupation:Vice Captain of 2nd Division
Abilities:His main ability is to draw out a hollow mask, just as of the Vizard.Able to master Flash Step;Excellent combat/melee skills. Practices well with Zanpakuto. Kyo is also able to be well fonded with Water/Wind-element. A mysterious person, joining the Gotei 13 unexpectedly.
Zanpakutou's Name:Zakudou
Zanpakutou's Abilities:Zakudou's abilities are nothing known to others in the Gotei 13. The mysterious katana stiffens up spells of any kind; manipulating them in its own, giving a stronger extent of a weapon. Zakudou can scurry out bright cyan-blue slashes, much related to a Tenshou blast. Its other ability is to manipulate water/wind from beyond and use its extent of power to decease the enemy.
User Image
Appearance:He is said to look like somewhat of Ichimaru Gin. His relative appearance confuses foes and even allies.

Triana ((xo_-Darktail-_ox))
Occupation: Human
Characters age: 15
Characters Ability's: Her intense speed and agility make her appear almost invisible; can transform into a deadly lion when desired; she is really good with handling knives
User Image

Alucard Kenpachi ((ZarakiLordKenpachi))
Occupation: Soul Reaper *Captain of 5th Division*
Characters age:25
Characters Ability's: (not yet shown)
Zanpakutou's Name: Shinso
Zanpakutou's Ability: (not yet shown))

Shino Wanashi ((Sojiro_Omashi))
Ocuupation: Soul Reaper *Divison 0 Captain*
No info on file for this captain

Gin Ikaro ((shadedninja))
occupation: Soul Reaper *Secondary Commander*
No info on file for this commander



Kugi Shottogan
im in!!
sweet just fill out a form and if you like i'll make you a captain the captains are owners of the thread or you can start from the beginning if you like
Name: Hiroshi
Race: Human
Age: 16
(I want to add more)
Bio: He all was has been strong and most people dont like him because he dose not like anyone. People all ways fight him for no reason and he has never lost. He likes to fight but he only looks for a fight if he thinks its a good one.
captian sounds fun
Character name: Yuurei
Age: unknown
((if you guys want to start go ahead and if you know anyone who likes bleach invite them the first 3 captains are owners of the thread, i g2g for now i will find more people tommorow have fun and thanks for joining))
Hiroshi wakes up from his alarm clock and hits it to make it stop and he breaks it. "...dang." He said as he got up.
Hiroshi got up and got dressed for school. He got his stuff for school and left his house and walks to school.(g2g also work)
Hiroshi Kenta
Hiroshi got up and got dressed for school. He got his stuff for school and left his house and walks to school.(g2g also work)
((yeah i'm just getting off too bye have a good day))
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bye pic
- Ryu walks down the path way heading for his divisions building. He is wearing a sleeveless version of the normal robes and black pants his Zanpakuto is strapped on his back the red hilt in the air-

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