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Dark magic 0.31067961165049 31.1% [ 64 ]
Courage of light 0.36893203883495 36.9% [ 76 ]
Blind ambition 0.32038834951456 32.0% [ 66 ]
Total Votes:[ 206 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 114 115 116 > >> >>> »|

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Jenevive Wersteinsin
For owners with sprites still in development: If you don't want to wait for the thread's reopening for your sprite to grow, PM this account and I'll send you your sprite with all of it's stages.

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are here to act as saviors for the less fortunate, we offer refuge to those without and care for those in need. We are KS, Oaratis chapter and head offices.

Kingdom Sprite Headquarters,
18619 City of Oaratis

For a lighter alternative, visit our sister shop, The Bunashi Patch!

The guild: Sprite and Bunashi Corp.

Rosen Aura - Creator/artist.

PrincessEv - Keeps stat points updated.

PandaLily. - Our RP manager, controls most NPCs and plot happenings.

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| Rules and Regulations |
Information on our rules and policies which must be followed. Please read this section carefully and make sure you understand and are willing to follow our rules.

| Announcements |
Updates regarding events and news from the staff.

| Introductions |
The story behind sprites and their world.

| Sprite Growth |
For prospective guardians looking to adopt, we have the information you need on what to expect while raising a sprite.

| Nursery |
Only open during certain times, the nursery is where infants can be viewed by potential guardians.

| The Archives |
Information on sprites and their respective guardians.

| Blacklist |
Those who have been banned, temporarily or permanently.

| Quests |
Quests offered for various prizes.

| Partners |
Other shops we encourage you to visit.

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1. Please ask permission before using the art outside this shop and guild.
2. Don't ask if a sprite is available for adoption. We will tell you when the nursery opens.
3. Do as you are told by the staff and there will be no problems. Continuously act out and we will be forced to blacklist you.
4. Do not PM any of the staff on their personal accounts! If you have something to say, please PM this account.
5. Do not roleplay your Bunashi or Bunashi sprites in this thread. While the Bunashi Patch and Kingdom Sprite are sister shops, we are separated by tone and story, so please respect our wishes and keep your Bunashi RPs in the BP or in the guild.
6. Please keep fighting and negativity to a minimum. Doing so IC is fine, of course, but if you have an issue with someone else, please take it to PMs.

7. You must roleplay for your sprite to grow! These are roleplay required pets. If RP-required pets aren't for you, The Bunashi Patch is probably more to what you are looking for.

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So these really are RP required pixel pets?

I suppose, if you want to label them as pixel pets? They are roleplay required, which means if you own one, you MUST roleplay either in the thread or in your journal for your sprite to grow.

How can I obtain one?

The most common way is through a prompt sale. A RP prompt will be posted at the start of the sale that you must respond to. Sprites can be obtained through auctions and special events also.

How many sprites can I have?


How much are they?
Sprite blooms are 10k in sales if you are chosen.

How long after it's confirmed that I won do I have to send the trade?
You'll have 24 hours from the time the sale ends to send the trade. If the trade hasn't been sent, we will have to choose a new winner.

I don't like the way my sprite looks. I want you to change it.

That's terrible, keep talking that way and you'll give your poor girl or boy a complex. They can't help the way they look!

In any case, sprites will not be redrawn/recolored/altered in any way (certificates will of course be corrected and updated as needed.)

I want to give my sprite up then.

You may do so, but you will not recieve a refund. The sprite will be taken back by the shop and found a new owner. The sprite will return to infant stage. As well, you will not be allowed to participate in any auctions/events/sales for a period of two months.
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Is co-owning allowed?

No. Co-bidding in auctions is allowed, but know that only one of you can own the sprite.

I'm going out of town and will not be able to take care of my sprite.

If you have plans to go on vacation or be away from the computer for an extended amount of time (a week or more) then please let us know. Your sprite will be paused, it will not grow and it's stats will not change. If you are gone for longer than three months, your sprite is subject to repossession. Sorry!

Where is roleplaying allowed?

You may roleplay in the thread or in the guild under the Kingdom Sprite forum.

Can I roleplay my sprite outside of this? What about roleplaying my other pets with my sprite?

You may roleplay your sprite in other shops or guilds (so long as the owners approve, of course.) We ask that all animals/creatures not created by this shop be excluded when roleplaying here.

I don't see a breeding section, can't they breed?

Sprites do not reproduce as such, therefore "breeding" in the classic sense of the word is impossible. There may be a lover's quest in the future that allows two sprites to combine their essences and create a new life, however there is no such quest at the moment. If we do make this quest, it will be a challenge to complete.

What do the little meters on the certificates represent?

These are the allegiance and power meters. The allegiance meter (Top) measures the amount of loyalty the sprite has to each side. When the meter fills green on the left, that means the sprite's currently more loyal to the side of life and light than death and darkness. While no sprite can exist without both influences (the yin yang effect) a sprite can be primarily "good" or "evil" depending on the choices they make and influences around them. It all depends on how they are roleplayed. We definitely encourage those who wish to play their sprites towards the dark side, variety is a good thing!

What do the icons on the left side of the certificate represent?

Intelligence, strength, creativity and concentration. In that order. Stat points are earned during a sprite's academic career.

My sprite is taking too long to grow! I've met all the requirements and everything! LAAAAAME!

Argh, I'm sorry, but please keep in mind that save the first stage, each sprite is a custom job, and not a quick job either. Each sprite has to be sketched out, cleaned up, colored/shaded (pixel by pixel, naturally.) and that process takes time. I try to make sure I have all the stages for one sprite done before putting them up for adoption, but if your's is stuck in a stage then all I can say is have patience, it *will* grow. I promise. D:

Do you ever look for guest artists?

Depends. We look for those who can make sprites which are as good as or better than the current sprites. If you're interested, PM this account.

I'd like to trade links.

If you would like us to link you, PM this account with a 88 x 31 banner linking to your shop. If your banner is larger or smaller than this, we won't be able to accept, sorry! This is to keep everything neat.

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| 6/16/07 | Everything is pretty much up now, please PM this account if you notice a mistake somewhere, thank you! A sort of guide to Kaeros and roleplay has been posted on the second page of this thread, glance at it if you need to know something for roleplay and what not. ^^ If you have any questions about what works in Kaeros and what doesn't, just ask in the thread or in PM. Also, exciting news! I'm finally able to tell you the date of the first sale! It will be held in this thread on Saturday, June 30th beginning at 3:00PM EST and ending at 11:00PM EST! Hope to see you there! ^_^ Our nursery is currently open for viewing, go check out the sprite that will be in the upcoming sale!

| 5/30/07 | Obviously we're still under heavy construction, feel free to post if you'd like, just know that we're not open yet.

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Time: Three thousand years prior.
Place: Not known.

During the wars of the dark ages, one of the most powerful magicians on Kaeros had a vision. The reality of the world would one day be corrupted, which would trigger the summoning of a band of sprites who would play a decisive role in the world's continuing existence. These sprites would be of nobility and strong of mind and body. Once their destiny has been activated, they will rise from obscurity to become... Kingdom Sprite.

In modern times, this story is nothing more than a myth to the general population. However, there are those who still believe in the prophecy, which brings us to... Oaratis, the industrial capitol of Davrisce.

Time: Five years prior.
Place: Oaratis City

An orphanage opens in the busiest section of Oaratis City. It seems to have been named after the famous legend of the sprites, though most assume it to be a joke of some sort. While it gets off to a slow start, the orphanage soon grows and becomes a globally known company with branches in just about every major city in the world. It is now known as a company specializing in social welfare, and as an orphanage second, having only a handful of children in it's custody at once. That is... Until very recently.

Time: Now
Place: Global

There has been a rise in murders all over the world, nearly always leaving a child without his or her parents. The murders seem to be very calculated and precise. As the killings are not limited to one city (or even one continent) it suggests that the killers are a group of individuals, a gang or organization of some sort. While the authorities are doing their best, they have no suspects, no leads, and by the time they arrive at the scene of another grisly murder, the killers are long gone and all possible witnesses are either among the victims or missing. That is, with the exception of an infant, who is always perfectly safe.

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Unlike most creatures, sprites begin their life in a vegetative state. Unable to eat, sleep, breath, even think. At this stage, they are storing their energy. Their body will slowly develop limbs and change color. Each sprite is born with rule over a specific element, which may or may not be apparent during their bloom stage. While two sprites may share the same elements, the chances that they will develop the exact same abilities tied to the element is very slim. Some believe that a sprite's element is chosen by their personality and month they are chosen in, though this has yet to be proven.
(One journal RP and one week is required to advance.)

Once a sprite has evolved into what looks like a normal human infant, it's gender will become obvious. Although sharing the same size and physical appearance as a human baby, sprites are more developed mentally and will User Imagehave the intelligence of a three or four year old human. While sprites at this stage have grown wings, they are unable to sustain themselves in full flight, though they are sometimes able to hover in mid-air for a very brief time by flapping their wings quickly.
(Five journal RPs, two public RP and five weeks are required to advance.)

Sprites are born with a mushroom shaped cap on their heads, which becomes detachable in their second stage of life. They will not wear this cap again until they enter the third stage of their life. Sprite caps are their main source of power, without them they are considerably weaker, sometimes unable to do the simplest tasks involving magic. Generally, a sprite's cap is kept from them until their parents or guardians feel they are mature enough to wear it. This is usually when they become a child, when they are mature enough to handle their powers. The cleverest sprites learn their powers during their childhood, though they usually aren't able to harness their abilities until maturing into an adult. Sprite powers are linked to their emotions, therefore it is when the child is in an extreme emotional state that his or her abilities usually show, if only for a moment. When a sprite enters this stage, he or she will begin their studies at Oaratis Academy, located several blocks from the KS HQ. It is through these studies that they will learn intelligence, strength, creativity and concentration, usually choosing to focus on one or two main characteristics. These "stats" will be key later on when the sprite chooses their work.
(Ten journal RPs, five public RP and ten weeks are required to advance.)

When a sprite finally reaches adulthood, he or she has usually learned at least one of their unique powers and has gained control of it. Now is the time for a young adult to think about what they wish to accomplish in life, and what work will help them do it. The work that they will be able to do will depend on the stats they have accquired, some work will require them to be very focused and intelligent, others will require physical strength. As they become more and more experienced, their other powers will appear. The average sprite will learn one offensive power and one defensive. On occassion they are able to learn a third power by finding enlightenment. Special races such as the angelic races usually develop three powers, with a fourth ability being found through enlightenment.
(Only experience will bring the use of all a sprite's powers. Work paths can only be gotten through quests.)

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The nursery is currently closed.
Next sale: ---
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| Adults |

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| Children |

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| Infants |

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| Blooms |

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| None Yet. |
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| None Yet. |
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