Welcome to Gaia! ::

Are You A...

Big Brother / Sister 0.38216560509554 38.2% [ 120 ]
Newbie 0.26751592356688 26.8% [ 84 ]
...donator...? <3 0.04140127388535 4.1% [ 13 ]
Randomer XD 0.30891719745223 30.9% [ 97 ]
Total Votes:[ 314 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 26 27 28 > >>

~ Adopt A Newbie, The Big Brother / Sister Foundation ~

1: Welcome, Brief Explanation & Announcements
2: Gifts & Donations
3: Rules, Procedure, White List & Black List
4: Codes
5: Newbie List
6: Big Brother and Sister List
7: Happily Adopted
8: Banners & Affilates
9: Opening

Now I know there is a Guild for the newest members of Gaia. But when you first arrive here, all the features, along with Guilds, can seem awfully confusing. So I decided to make this thread, to aid our newest members, and help them become accustomed to the World of Gaia.

Here, new members will be able to post, requesting a Big Brother / Sister. Our more experienced members, who are willing to help out the new and confused, will then be able to select a newbie who takes their fancy, and take them under their wing.

As a Big brother / Sister, you will be required to firstly become friends with your new compadre. This will help to get them used to the friends system.

It might also be a nice idea, to take them on a tour of our Towns. Go for a walk with them, tell them about the features of our virtual world. Introducing them to other members wil help to build their confidence.

A tour, of Gaia, is provided when you first join, but it still leaves many with unanswered questions. Help out your newbie, if they have questions which to you may seem obvious, please do your best to answer them politely and as clearly as you can.

Newbies, if you are feeling lost and confused, then this is the place for you.
many of you will already have made your first post in the Welcome To Gaia forum. If you have not, then just n** over there and introduce yourselves. The Welcome To Gaia forum is teeming with older members who are eagre to welcome the new. This thread will give you the chance to learn from the veterans of Gaia.

There are of course Guides, and if you are a new member, you should check out A Newbies Guide To Gaia as it will illustrate the key points. However, we all know threads like that, can be daunting and confusing. So, it may be easier for you to ask any specific questions you have, to your Big Brother / Sister, they will be happy to help you out.

If you are new to the whole concept of Forums, then never fear. I remember the first forum I joined, I almost got banned from for bumping dead threads and spamming by mistake, as I merely didn't understand.

Don't worry. This is what we are here for. Ask, and we will answer.

Useful Links:
How To Make Your First 100k without Begging or Bumping
Price Guide
Complete List of Mods and Admins

Announcements - updated 19th Feb 08

Feb 19th 08 - We have our first adoption since the reopening! <3 YAY! heart as well as a donation <3 <3

Feb 12th 08 - Hello all. I've been away for a few months travelling abroad.. i DID leave this thread in the care of another.. but it has dwindled and died... i am now going to again be taking up the mantle for a while, and i will be reopening the Newbie Adotion foundation. <33

30/05 - Well we have had quite a busy day. Lots of adoptions and applications to sort out. Lol.. mebe I should employ some staff? .. ahh well im coping alone for now ^^
We also recieved our second donation from Lasimir heart THANK YOU!! And we now have three different banners... one poorly made by myself, lol sweatdrop . Now the gift giving thing, you WILL get your welcome gifts, i dont know why my system is screwing around so much, but dont worry.
Anyway, other than that, just spread the word as much as possible around the Welcome To Gaia Forum and try and attract lots of Newbies. We have lots of Big Brothers and Sisters, but no Newbies left right now, so just hold tight and you will soon find yourself with a lil friend to take care of <3

28/05 - We have our first Banner! YAY! Many thanks goes to Sceletus who made it! heart So, please please please put it in your sig! We want to advertise this thread as much as possible! =3 Also, if anyone else is good at making Banners, then i would LOVE you!! AND another piece of news.


27/05 - Well, we have our first adoption. As founder of this thread, I decided to adopt our first Registered Newbie. The Guardian Angel7. he has recieved his welcome gifts, and I hope I can be a great help to him, and give him a head start on Gaia. We have an abundance of willing experienced members, but word needs to be spread to the Newbies of Gaia. I really need to get some banners made, to help spread awareness. Anyway, the thread, so far seems dominated with aplication forms, I hope to get discussion and conversation moving soon too. I DO have exams approaching, so depending on how well this thread does, I may need to employ some members of Staff.


Gifts & Donations

Well, as new Members, you will be looking around at other Avatars, and wondering how you will EVER get ones like it. I know I did. Well... gold. Thats the answer to most of Gaia's questions.

At first, its hard, we all remember making our fist 1000g and thinking how tough it was. Some people find it easier than others due to circumstance.

Most people, however, earn it the good old fashioned way: The Hard Way.

on gaia, to earn gold you need to Post, Play , Surf, and Comment. But, this does take time, and when you are new, it seems like an impossible task to raise 10k.

Thats why, at the Big Brother / Sister Foundation, we are kind to the newbies.

When a Newbie is paired with their new Brother or Sister, that newbie will recieve a free gift from the foundation. It could be anything, from expensive items, to trash, to a sum of Pure gold. (to revieve pure gold, the newbie must be equipped with a trading pass) It may even be Gift credits, which can be used in the Stores. Whatever it is, it will be utterly free, and usually ranging between 300g - 1000g it may even be over. ^_^

heart Gifts Given heart

The Guardian Angel7 - Gracie's Soccer Ball, Elf Style Shirt & Ripe Taj Pants.
xubavelka - Dark Head Fins, Natural Amethys Oblong Beads, Blue Checker Skirt.
anne35 - Demonic Anklets
meto04 - Egyptian Feather Fan
Maudthecat - The Masque, Grey Peasants Top, Cute Chicky
mandi505 - Buck Rabbit Teeth & Blue Scarf
Shattered_Sword - Black Tie, Morgana's Gloves & red paintbrush
KruncherKone - Green / Blue Winter Scarf, Gracie's Soccer Ball & Giant Green Brown Eyeball
mrperson_jbf - Dusk Zebra Pants, Suede Ribbed Boots & Wine Hippie Shoes
cook line - Egyptian Blue Linin Dress, Blue Winter Wrap & Missy Lavender Ribbon
Spite_fire29059 - Mimzy, Black Beatnik Top & Jenny's Youthful A-line Dress
SlaveBoyofAthena - Anti-Fashion Green-Orange Head Wrap, Cast Away White Shirt, 4th Anniversary Red Candle & Black Workjeans
LosTxCauzeXguRl- Drop Dead Gorgeous Moonlight Gown, Violet Winter Wrap & Spirited 2k6 Gloves
Dying Dark Moon - Fairy Wand, Red Tiger Pants & Heart Shaped Box Of Sweets
MandaDaborah - Black Skeleton Top, Skeleton Pants & Drop Earrings
Burtonite22 - Violet Mink jacket, Mimzy & Were Claws.
Rayna_Bahi - Red Sleeveless Silk Top, Natural Jade Pendant & Gracie's Soccer Ball.
Eithryn - Citrus Snug Balloon skirt, The Fly Suit, cowhide Santa Hat & Alien Mask.
FluffyPuffBall - Sunset Lavender Wrap, Missy pearl Dress & Pearl Cast Away Top.
Bioshock - Sumo Suit, Snowboard Jacket (red) & Gracie's Soccer Ball.
blazevan - Black Vest (male) & BSS Top.
Ryan_Sheckler89 - Green Paper Hat, Space Bubble, 10x Gracie Soccer Ball (kick), & Anti-Fashion Technicoloured Dream Coat.
ryu140 - Snowman Suit, Snowman Hat & Blue Flame Shirt.
Josh - Garbage Mask, Green Paper Hat, 1000x Token, Gracie Soccer Ball, & Spirited 2k6 Boots.
Shinigami-lord - Space Monster Mask, Doctor's Parabolic Reflector, Green Flame Shirt & 500x Tokens.
ShikamaruNara89 - Blue Checker Cap, Monkey Ghosty & 700g.
Mr redM o o n - 4th Amigo Lucky Hat, Charcoal Sketchbook & Black Tank Top With Highlight.
xYuko - Angelic Mood Bubble & Glamrock Belt
Just Jealous. - Android Damage Prosthetics & KoNfUsEd BLoO PaNtZ & Brown Star Face Tattoo.
Cute_Explosion - Giant Green Eggshell & THE MASQUE.
G A B R I E L -7195- Magic Swamp Ord & Elven Ears & Cola Bottle.

To the Big Brothers and Sisters. There is no obligation to donate and give huge amounts to your Newbie. However, it would be an extra help to your new friend to perhaps impart upon them something worth, or pure gold, of around 500g.

Of course, if you chose to donate more to them, that is perfectly fine, and I'm sure you won't hear any complaints from them ^_^

As this Foundation will be giving out free gifts, helpers to the cause would be appreciated. I only have limited gold and items. If you do not have time to Adopt a Newbie, a donation to help out would be loved.
heart Donators: heart
Bloodwire - 1000g & 7 tickets
Lasimir - 2885g & Long Black Socks (male) & Morgana's Gloves & 2x Gracie's Soccer Ball.
Melancholic Soul - Newspaper Combover, 4th Anniversary Roman Candle, 100g, mimzy, Tokens x 563, Gracie's Soccer Ball (kick) x 5 Castaway White Shirt, & Tickets - 595
Raven-mantle - Cowhide santa hat, Spirited 2k6 Boots, 2x Spirited 2k6 Gloves, Hockey Mask & 3000g!
SlaveBoyofAthena - Citrus Snug Layered tees, Citrus Snug Baloon Skirt, Citrus Snug Slip-On Sneakers
Zomordar - 3x Green Paper Spikey Hat, Gracie's Soccer Ball, Heart Shaped Box Of Sweets, 12x Gracie's Soccer Ball (kick), 12x Grade F Fish Bait.
Raynell - 4th Anniversary Blue Roman Candle, 4th Anniversary Red Roman Candle, Monkey Ghost Sheet, Space Monster Mask & 1000g
Rogue Seraphim - 2500g


1: Follow the ToS
2: Absolutely NO BEGGING!! Anyone who begs will be Blacklisted. Newbies, do NOT beg for gold and items from your Big Brother or Sister, if you do, they will PM me and if I see fit, I will have you UN-Adopted.
3: No flaming, if you have problems, reslove them elsewhere, and if you have problems with ME, then PM me.
4: PG-13, I will have no cybering here.
5: All Newbies who apply MUST have under 100 posts. If over that limit, then you will not be classed as a newbie.
6: Once the Adopted newbie has over 100 posts and feels confident, then the Adoption can end, but hopefully the friendship and bond will continue ^_^
7: Lets try and be literate. I would prefer not to see any words such as "PLZ" "Don8" and other such abreviations. To me it denotes a lack of respect, and your Big Brother or Sister deserves that. =3

To Adopt, or be Adopted, then you will need to fill out your relevant form (below). Once you have, post it in this thread. DO NOT PM IT TO ME!!!
If you are accepted, then your profile will be posted, ready for others to look at you.


If Newbies see a Big Brother / Sister, they like, then it might be possible to PM them and ask them about adopting you. However, if they have said that they do NOT want Newbies PMing them, then please refain from doing so. If you do, they will NOT adopt you, and if you continue then you will be removed and Black Listed.
A Big Brother / Sister will Either:
1: Talk to you and form a relationship in this thread.
2: PM you (if an arrangement i smade through PM's please inform me, so I can remove you from the Available Newbie / Brother / Sister lists)
3: Ask me to PM you, informing you of your adoption.

Once the Adoption is complete, an Big Brother or Sister will have a responsibility to answer any questions, to look after and advise their Newb. if for some reason you wish to terminate the relationship, please let me know, and provide a valid reason why.

After one month, or after your newbie has reached 100 posts, the Adoption will be complete, adn your Newbie will be ready to face the World of Gaia alone.

Brothers and Sisters may want to adopt more than one at a time, and after the adotion is complete you can return and apply again.

White List
Melancholic Soul

Black List

can i join?
im not really a newbie sweatdrop


Newbie Form

[color=brown]Newbie Name:
Date Registered:
Reasons For Wanting a Big brother / Sister:
Number of Friends:
Number of Posts:

Big Brother / Sister Form

[color=indigo]Brother / Sister Name:
Date Registered:
Reasons For Wanting to Adopt:
Number of Posts:
PM Preference:

Newbie List

Here is the list of Accepted Newbies. Once they have been Adopted they will be removed, so there is no confusion.

Big Brother / Sister List
Here are the profiles of the members who wish to Adopt. IF THEIR PROFILE SAYS NOT TO PM THEM, THEN DONT! - This means that THEY will chose YOU.

Happily Adopted
Here is a List of Big Brother/ Sisters who are happily settled with their Newbie.

Wild-Roze Has Adopted The Guardian Angel7 heart

Red Has Adopted xubavelka heart

Sceletus Has Adopted meto04 heart

[Cereal_Killer] Has Adopted Maudthecat heart

Los3rLov3 Has Adopted mandi505 heart

Charlie / GunBlade Has Adopted Shattered_Sword heart

kyo-yoo Has Adopted Anne heart

kn-kun Has Adopted KruncherKone heart

Cannibalistic Pixels Has Adopted mrperson_jbf heart

Crazy-Love-Megan Has Adopted cook line heart

cesrox16 Has Adopted spite_fire29059 heart

UnlovedSorrowfulAngel Has Adopted SlaveBoyofAthena heart

Half Vampire Has Adopted LosTxCauzeXguRl heart

Chewy Fruity Has Adopted Dying Dark Moon heart

Whoregasmic Has Adopted MandaDeborah heart

Toboekyo Has Adopted Burtonite22 heart

Miyavi J Has Adopted Rayna_Bahi heart

-_-Deep_Forgoteness-_- Has Adopted Eithryn heart

Melancholic Soul Has Adopted FluffyPuffBall heart

Nana Hachi Has Adopted shinigami-lord heart

Sango89 Has Adopted blazevan heart

Hia00 has Adopted Ryan_Sheckler89 heart

Puppylove#1 Has Adopted ryu140 heart

Daria Has Adopted Josh heart

missmaio Has Adopted xYuko heart

Rogue Seraphim Has Adopted Just Jealous. heart

[ LadyMidnight ] Has Adopted Cute_Explosion heart

DarkBochongo Has Adopted G A B R I E L -7195- heart


This Thread Is In Need Of Some Banners. Please Help!

User Image


User Image


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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


PM me to put up a banner here!

User Image
*~* Grand Opening *~*
*Cuts Ribbon*
Welcome All!!

Beloved Lunatic

Brother / Sister Name: Los3rLov3
Date Registered: December 31, 2006
Reasons For Wanting to Adopt: I want to help out someone in need if I can and I remember when I was new it was confusing
Number of Posts: 502
PM Preference: I will be happy to accept PM's
Number Of Adoptions Willing To Make: Just one for right now
Redimus Prime 6
Name: Red
Date Registered: WTF? With which account?

Reasons For Wanting to Adopt: I like taking advanage of people in compromising situations.

Number of Posts: Whatever it is its nowhere near as impressive as the number of times I've been banned. lol

PM Preference: I only accept PMs from friends, and females.

Number Of Adoptions Willing To Make: Redimus will adopt all the "toys" who need him.


This idea will probably fall flat on it's face since most newbies are afraid of this sort of thing.

Lol thanks for reminding me. XD I'll go try round some up from the WTG forum razz
^_^ anyway, hopefully this will pick up a little bit sweatdrop I'm trying to advertise it around the WTG forums, hopefulyl some Newbies will find us and not be afriad :3

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