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Mystical Shapeshifter

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Look in the events (third) post for a future contest for guest colorists!

Announcement for older owners, p.131!

Table of Contents

1 - Intro/Rules/Stages
2 - Updates/Future Ideas
3 - Flatsales/Auctions/Events
4 - Breeds and sets info
5 - Breeding info
6 - RPing info
7 - Items
8 - Customizing Certs and Custom Jerles
9 - Watch Window
10 - Owners' List
11 - Familars Owners' List
12 - Lists
13 - Misc.
14 - FAQ and Links
15 - Mailing List
16 - Extra


1. Read everything on this page before asking questions.

2. Be polite, and do not annoy anybody. I don't want any spamming, fighting, insulting, etc.

3. I don't mind some swearing, but if you use it to harass or insult someone else, it can get you on the grey, or maybe even the black list. I'd also like to keep this shop rated PG-13, so I don't want anything vulgar to be posted here.

4. If you end up on the blacklist, or don't do anything with your Jerle or at least appear once in a while, I have the right to take it away without a refund. I will notify you before I take the Jerle away so you get to have another chance. I only want you to have one if you are going show at least some interest in them. I also have the right to not give you a Jerle. If you haven't shown up for about a year, it is unlikely that I will take your Jerle away, but they could get bored and may end up breeding without you knowing...

~~ If you decide you don't want your Jerle(s) anymore, notify me and we can work something out.

5. Please do not steal or edit any of my art.

6. You can own as many Jerles as you want.

7. You can direct-link your Jerles while they are still growing, but once they are adults or as old as they are going to get, you must host them yourself.


Jewel (egg) - Pup - Teen - Adult - Anthro

Mystical Shapeshifter


7/31/07 - Naturals flatsale and raffle held.
10/22/06 - Halloween events have started.
8/18/06 - Another flatsale held, includes cosplays of Dragonite, Poochyena, and Mightyena.
3/26/06 - Draconics' auction ended a while ago, and the first flatsale has started.
3/18/06 - Auctions for the Draconics are finally up, and there's important info in the event (third) post.
2/3/06 - Previews for Draconics up.
11/27/05 - Mailing list added.
11/25/05 - Two previews up for different types of shading.
11/24/05 - Almost-final preview up for the Common adult Jerle.
8/2/05 - Sketches for the new lineart is up.
7/16/05 - The first Angelics auction has ended.
2/16/05 - Previews for a few breeds are up.
10/24/04 - Made an update in the roleplaying section.
9/5/04 - Some updates here and there, and quite a few growings have been gowing on.
7/19/04 - The auction for the first two Originals is finally here!
7/9/04 - Previews for the first two Originals are up, and some Jerles have been growing.
7/2/04 - The time it takes for Jerles to grow has been lengthened, and work on the Originals are slowing down, unfortunately....
6/22/04 - Added in the future concepts section, which you can see right under here.
6/21/04 - More info has been added and samples have also been added.
6/20/04 - The shop has been started and is being set up!

Future Ideas

Nothing at the moment

Mystical Shapeshifter

Flatesale Rules

1. Don't start any posts until I post Go! in big, red letters, even if it's after the time I said it would be. If you are too early, you will be disqualified.
2. You can only buy one Jerle per flatsale, but you can also post for one other person. If you do this, it has to be a seperate post from yours.
3. If you're buying for someone, I'd like it if they could at least post once after they get the Jerle, so that I know it's not too likely they'll completely forget about it.
4. Do not send the trade until after I post, saying you've won it. If eggs sell quickly, I'll wait until the end before I post the winners.
5. Basically make your posts "I'd like #(insert number here)", the numbers are to next to each egg, along with the gender.
6. Please also tell me whether you would like a large cert (500x375 pixels), a small cert (400x300 pixels), or somewhere in between.


Commons - 3000g
Demonics - 4000g
Angelics - 4000g
Draconics - 4000g
Faeries - 5000g
(prices may vary for certain Jerles, then their price will be announced)

The flatsale is over!


Nothing at the moment...


Nothing at the moment...


Nothing at the moment...


I would like to have a contest sometime for guest colorists, however, I don't think I'd be able to get enough people to participate at the moment. So, if you are interested, please ask to be added to the Coloring Event Mailing List. Once a sufficient amount of people have been added, I'll send PMs out to everyone, and start the event then.

Mystical Shapeshifter


Common - These are your average, everyday Jerles. They are generally playful and friendly creatures.

Angelic - These feather-winged Jerles are mostly positive, loyal, and they are very eager to be helpful. They have the ability to use Light magic.

Demonic - These bat-winged Jerles are mostly negative, mean, and enjoy playing pranks on others. They have the ability to use Shadow magic.

Draconic - These dragon-like Jerles are able to breathe fire, ice, water, a bolt of lightning, a blast of cold air, or razor-sharp leaves (You decide which, but only one). They can also use magic associated with the element they can breathe.

Faerie - These graceful Jerles are slightly smaller than the rest. Most of them are either very hyperactive or shy. They are able to use Nature magic.

Rare Breeds

Quetzalcoatl - These Jerles are covered in bright scales and feathers, and resemble the mythical creature, Quetzalcoatl. They can use Nature, Air, Water, and Fire magic.

Ki'lin - These Jerles resemble the Ki'lins from mythology. They can use Nature, Air, Fire, and Water magic.


_____ mutant - The blank is for the regular breed they are counted as, but they are slightly different (for example, a Common mutant may have wings of some sort).
Unkown - These are any Jerles with unique lineart that don't match any of the other breeds.
Hybrid - This when a Jerle has more than two types of breeds.


Original set - These are the first Jerles that have been created (as in designed). This will include six Common Jerles, two Angelics, two Demonics, and two Draconics.

Natural - Jerles who are colored to look like certain animals. Possibly even flowers, gems, and minerals...?

Cosplay - Jerles who look like famous (or not-so-famous) characters. You can't buy items for these Jerles, unless otherwise noted.

Mystical Shapeshifter



When a slot is open, just post the names, images, and owners of the Jerles that are breeding to claim a slot. If one of them has a different owner, they must post confirming the breeding. If they take longer than a week to do this, the slot will be up for grabs again. I will then randomize the number of eggs (2 to 4), and their genders*. After that, I will post the uncerted eggs, and you can send the trade for them and say who they go to (and you can also post their names if any have been decided yet). I will then accept the trade and cert them.

*Note to self: When rolling genders, use 1 and 3 for males, and 2 and 4 for females.

Basic Rules

~ You can only breed your Jerles when there are slots open
~ They must be adults.
~ They can not breed with family.
~ Each Jerle can only breed up to 4 times.
~ When two Jerles have different owners, both must post saying they agreed to this.
~ Each owner can only claim one breeding slot each time a group of them open.
~ You may not sell any eggs you get from breeding. However, you are allowed to give them away, or hold a free event for them.
~ Familiars can also breed, the only real difference is that familiars of two different species cannot breed. (Also, familiars normally just have one stage, but they have an egg stage when bred, the lineart for the eggs is the same as the one used for the Common Jerle eggs.)

Other Info

~ Jerles lay 2-4 eggs per breeding.
~ Jerles can breed with any gender, and any species.
~ You only need to pay for the eggs you're keeping or giving away, I'll hold a flatsale or auction for the rest, depending on the rarity of the offsprings' breed.


If one parent is an anthro, each pup has a 25% chance of having an anthro stage, or a 50% chance if both parents are anthros.

Lineart edits:
If both parents have major lineart edits, there's a 100% chance that each of the offspring will have a minor lineart edit, and a 50% chance for having a major lineart edit. If one of the parents has a major lineart edit, then there's a 75% chance that each pup will have a minor edit, and a 25% chance for a major edit. Lastly, if both parents have minor edits there's a 50% chance for each pup to have a minor edit, or a 25% chance if only one parent has minor edits.

Price per Egg

Commons: 3000g
Demonics: 4000g
Angelics: 4000g
Draconics: 4000g
Faeries: 5000g
---if both parents are the same species: 4000g

(for example, Common/Demonic x Common/Demonic. This also includes Unknown x Unknown.)
---if both parents are different species: 5000g
(for example, Angelic x Dragonic)
Familiars: 1000g

Breeding Slots -

1. Kaz (Tekkiana) x Kali (~girl of black and white~) - 4 eggs, all male
2. Flames (Violent Death Taker) x Tengai (~girl of black and white~) - 3 eggs, 1 male and 2 females
3. Closed

Mystical Shapeshifter


You don't have to roleplay your Jerle (though if you do RP often, there are rewards). If you just want to do light rping, you can post it in this thread. I haven't set up the official thread yet for roleplaying, so you can create unofficial ones if you like for now. I am still creating the lands that the Jerles live in, so I'll create the thread when I'm finished.

Mystical Shapeshifter


If you use items that effect your Jerle's growth, they aren't completely permanent. If you ever change your mind, you can always buy another potion to change your Jerle's age again.

Water from the Fountain of Youth lv.1 - This will keep your Jerle in its Pup stage. Remember, you can't breed your Jerle unless it's an adult.
100 g

Water from the Fountain of Youth lv.2 - This will keep your Jerle in its Teen stage. Remember, you can't breed your Jerle unless it's an adult.
100 g

Aging Potion - If you used a potion which kept your Jerle in one of its younger stages, this can be used to let it age to its next stage, and it will continue to grow naturally after one potion. This cannot be used on a Jerle to make it grow quicker than normal.
100 g

User Image
Collars (colors are customizable)
---Regular: 250 g
---Studded: 500 g
---Spiked: 500 g
---Bow: 400 g

Custom Items

- When you buy custom items, they'll only last for one stage.
- Prices may change at any time.
- There must be a slot open for you to buy items.
- Cosplay Jerles cannot have items equipped, unless otherwise noted.
- I'll only do pants and shoes for anthros, they just look really bizarre on regular Jerles.
- Each person cannot order more than 5 items at a time.
- If a slot is open, just ask for it.
- The prices are x1.5 for cosplay items of non-original characters.

1. Closed
2. Closed

Very Simple - 1000 g
------Simple accesories, for example, earrings, collars, bracelets. (Please keep in mind I may be creating some premade items like these sometime)

Simple - 2000 g
-----Accessories with more details, for example a collar with spikes and star-shaped jewels. Also, very simple clothing like shirts, pants, gloves, etc with one color.

Regular - 10,000 g
-----Fairly simple medium-sized items with small details, and it can have more than one color. Also, smaller items can have more details.

Detailed - 25,000 g
-----Slightly more complex items (ripped shirt, kimono, cape, etc) with nearly any kind of detail (except crazy stuff like paisley).

Complex - 50,000 g
----Complex items (for example, something with a lot of lace or chain-mail) with any kind of detail.


Very Complex
----Extremely intricate clothing, such as a lacey Gothic Lolita-style dress. These types of items are rarely done.

Mystical Shapeshifter

Customizing Certs

When you want to customize your Jerle's cert, just PM saying which parts you'd like changed (specific info below the default cert).

Default cert:
User Image

There's no cost for changing the cert back to default, or changing the size.

Text: This includes the information, the paw print, the gender symbol, and the Jerle's number. These can all be seperate colors.

Border: This can be one color, or two colors (one for the border, one for the "gems" wink . The border can also be a gradient (two or more colors fading to each other).

.....A solid color or gradient
.....A simple pattern, like stars or swirls
.....A scene, like a field at sunset, or something

Additional Decorations: This is if you want something like vines curling around the border or charms hanging from the top. The price depends on the complexity of what you want.

Custom Jerles

I'll only do customs when I auction them, hold a contest for them, etc.

When there is a custom auction, contest, etc, you can also request a cosplay Jerle, but I may refuse if it's a character I already have plans on making, and auctioning.

Mystical Shapeshifter

Watch Window

User Image
User Image
User Image

Mystical Shapeshifter

Owners' List

Currently, there are 62 Jerles.

If you want me to make you a smaller version of your Jerle, feel free to ask. You can also ask for the full-size image.

Note - All customs are Gen 1, unless otherwise noted

age|#|Jerle's name|owner|breed|picture
(If this part is brown, that means this is the old lineart)

<> = egg
<> = pup
<> = teen
<> = adult
<> = anthro

Gen 1


<>|002|Peaches and Cream|Raechal|Common|pic
<>|005|Flames|Violent Death Taker|Common|pic
<>|007|SlipKnot|[Double Feature]|Demonic|pic


<>|025|Kohari|Current|Common mutant|pic
<>|033|Candice|Violent Death Taker|Angelic|pic


<>|038|Raja|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic (Tiger)
<>|039|Misa|Twilight Wielder|Common|pic (White Tiger)
<>|040|Kaname|Violent Death Taker|Common|pic (Golden Tiger)
<>|041|Eris|Ice_Dragon_Demon|Common|pic (Cobweb Panther)
<>|042|Xiu|Dooma|Common|pic (Giant Panda)
<>|043|Gdarsil|Dooma|Common|pic (Red Panda)
<>|044|Galen|Tekkianna|Common|pic (Zebrula)
<>|045|Nyoka|Tekkianna|Common|pic (Malayan Blue Coral Snake)
<>|046|Akutabi|WyvernScale|Demonic|pic (Jakou-ageha Butterfly)


<>|013|Rhiannon|Creme de la Chrome|Common|pic
<>|014|Namid|Draug Heltikana|Common|pic
<>|016|Spring Frost|Grey Dragon|Common|pic
<>|017|Gatrie|Liquid Kitsune|Common|pic
<>|018|Nishiki|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic
<>|019|Wednesday|[Double Feature]|Common|pic
<>|020|Buki Silinrul|Ice_Dragon_Demon|Common|pic
<>|023|Anith|Mia Sharra|Common|pic
<>|028|Tengai|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic

Gen 2

<>|048|Donovan|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic
<>|050|Ori|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic
<>|052|Ryoku|Moon knight21|Common|pic
<>|053|Setsu|~girl of black and white~|Common|pic
<>|054|Twilight|Violent Death Taker|Common|pic



<>|37|Urahara Kisuke|Aerouge|Common|pic

Fooly Cooly


Kingdom Hearts

<>|036|Kali|~girl of black and white~|Common mutant|pic (Shadow Heartless)

Neon: Genesis Evangelion

<>|Eva Unit 01|Sarabi Adruenna|pic

Outlaw Star

<>|47|Aisha Clanclan|Houseki|Common|pic


<>|030|Anubis|Twilight Wielder|Common|pic (Poochyena)
<>|031|Altair|ReynaUsagi|Common|pic (Mightyena)
<>|032|Benjamin|xx_Bullseye_xx|Draconic|pic (Dragonite)

Spyro the Dragon

<>|Spyro|Kitsune aka Cettie|pic


<>|UFO|Kitsune aka Cettie|pic
<>|Thunder Child|Syrius Lionwing|pic

Mystical Shapeshifter

Familiars Owners' List

Name | owner | breed | picture

Gen. 1

Loki | Ice_Dragon_Demon | Bat-Jerle | pic
Tj | Violent Death Taker | Bat-Jerle | pic
Xuchilbara | WyvernScale | Bat-Jerle | pic
Isto | Ice_Dragon_Demon | Bat-Jerle | pic
Audax | xx_Bulseye_xx | Bat-Jerle | pic
Ferrus | Grey Dragon | Bat-Jerle | pic
Doon | Twilight Wielder | Bat-Jerle | pic
Neon | Liquid Kitsune | Bat-Jerle | pic
Stonehenge | Dooma | Bat-Jerle | pic
Logos | ~girl of black and white~ | Bat-Jerle | pic
Skiz | Houseki | Bat-Jerle | pic
Magnum | ~ Milk Mynk ~ | Bat-Jerle | pic

Gen. 2

??? | Grey Dragon | Bat-Jerle | pic
Byakhee | WyvernScale | Bat-Jerle | pic
Kana | ~girl of black and white~ | Bat-Jerle | pic
Electra | Twilight Wielder | Bat-Jerle | pic
??? | gweet4 | Bat-Jerle | pic

Mystical Shapeshifter



White List

Grey List

Black List


Doodie Lover - Really annoying troll that's been making idiotic demands around the breedables forum...-_-

Mystical Shapeshifter


User Image
Halloween treats from Current!

To-do List

(more or less in order of importance)

Red = completed
Blue = working on

-Lineart for Demonics
-Lineart for Angelics
-Notify older owners of new lineart?
-Lineart for Anthros (male and female)
- Lineart for androgyne anthros
-Cosplays (SH)
-Banners and such for new shop layout
-Sketches for Faeries, other breeds of Anthros, Ki'lin, and Quetzalcoatl

Mystical Shapeshifter


Q: How do I get one?
A: You can get a Jerle by winning an auction, flatsale, or contest. The auctions and flatsales section of this thread will show when there will be an auction or flatsale, if there is going to be one soon.

Q: How tall are they?
A: The pups are about 1.5 to 2 feet tall, the teens are about 2.5 to 3 feet tall, and the adults are about 3.5 to 4 feet tall.

Q: Can my Jerle have magic / abilities?
A: It depends. The only Jerles that have magic / abilities are the cosplays (they can do whatever the character they're based upon can do), customs (you make these up yourself, but it can't have too many or too powerful abilities), and certain types of breeds (their magic is mentioned in the "Breeds" section).

Q: Do you do pet trades?
A: At the moment I'm not. But maybe if it were a kitsusagi....

Link to Me!

If you link to me, I'll link to you! Copy and paste the code below to use my banner as a link;

User Image



Mystical Shapeshifter

Mailing List

If you want to be added, just ask! (I won't be using this until I have several people on it).


Coloring Event Mailing List

Look at the event post for more details!

Creme de la Chrome
Ms Fallen Angel
Twilight Wielder
Violent Death Taker

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