Welcome to Gaia! ::

A smile is said to be contagious.
Let’s make charity the same way.

Status Sparatic

April 04
New contests
and more info on some old ones

neo sorvin
Hello my name is as you can see is neo sorvin . My name has also been Sorven Tenshi_hanta and a number of others but Sorven was the first. I have been on Gaia Just over 3 years now; my Gaia Birthday was on the 28th of February. So why am I telling you this? Well I am not on much any more so I have decided to sell off most of my stuff and start a charity. I love to randomly give away gold to people. I love Getting the messages I get from people I give the gold to, they are always fun to read. So I will be selling off my stuff and giving gold away. Now if you ask for gold you don't get any. Also I don't just give gold to the people who post hear, it could be any one any where. I have decided to add some contests to the page all contests are listed in a post below. Now some may wonder where I got the gold for this, and I had no intention of telling any one more then donations, but my real life sister Jiswyn as she is known on Gaia advised me to reveal how. How was simple I sold my omg hat to fund the charity.
Thanks for reading this and have a nice day.


Post 2
Helpers & Donators

Post 3

Post 4
Black list

Post 5
My inventory

Post 6
Close to 100k to be won.

Post 7

Post 8
Contest Winners

Post 9
Thank yous

Post 10
Animated picture

Neo sorvin
lanz romon
lanz romon
ok I’m here and I have a few things to say to those that may have tried to hack me... if you are currently questing and need some help just pm me and let me know and please don't use the old scamming pm that ask for my email and password cause that just won’t happen ... but I do offer assistance to help aquire the item(s) that you seek the right way and to those of you that are conserned about me being mean about all of it I promise that I won't be mean until my account is hacked.... and with that being said....

how are you all doing?



Lanz roman Is the first person to donate
cutie angel2007
The crying angel
sketch fox

Thank you very much to every one In these lists.
with out the helpers there would probly be no C.S.C but these are not just bumpers they do more and thats why they are on the list.
with out donators the chairty will run out of gold sooner then it would with out them. every lil bit helps. but the more items and gold I get the more I can give away so the longer the thread will be around.
Right now the rules are simple
I will add more as I see necessary

Be Nice

Don’t ask for charity
It’s given out freely
And randomly

Don’t pm me Asking for anything
If you want to chat That’s different
Something I hope I don’t have to use
Black list
No one
And I want to keep it this way.
These are most of my items some are not there because I want to keep them for my avi or because They are gifts.

User Image
Oh and for store items I go with 75% of the store Price.
Other wise I use the MP or TekTek.
Items sold so far


will up date the picture after every few sales.

Contest 1
I want a banner for the charity so there will be a banner contest.

I have got the top five they are posted below I will pm each person in the top five. the top five each get 2.5k for being in the top five. I will give 10 k to my personnel choice. Then the winner will receive 20 k. All for a banner. Please take a look at the charity before trying to do a banner. And the only rules are that it has to be no more one half the size of the max siggi size.

lanz romon
this is now being ran by lanz romon
Contest 2
Random post contest. I will list 5 random pages and post numbers and the person who posts in that spot will recive 1k. after the first five are done I will salect a new random five and so on. the first random five will be.
page 740 post 11 [~expoding~pie~]
page 745 post 9 divasri
page 750 post 2 divasri
page 755 post 7 Ecstasty!
page 760 post 15 Vee angel
page 765 post 5 lanz romon
page 770 post 1 Mari Kumi
page 777 post 7 Bon sam2 (recived an april 07 letter)
page 785 post 10 ragabash
page 790 post 3 Vee angel

pg 836 # 6: lanz romon
pg 841 # 10: lanz romon
pg 846 # 7: BearyTheBear
pg 851 # 15: riandor
pg 856 # 1: Aria_Laine
pg 861 # 3 BearyTheBear
pg 866 # 11: lanz romon
pg 871 # 5: lanz romon
pg 876 # 2: Seiy-Chan
pg 881 # 12: Frankas Adomas
pg 888 # 8: BearyTheBear (won 1k + 2 items)
pg 893 # 9: Frankas Adomas
pg 898 # 4: lanz romon
pg 900 # 1, 7, 15: angelcandy won 2 and lanz romon won 1 (these posts were worth 2k each)

pg 950 - 6 Frankas Adomas
pg 955 - 9 mushy_mia
pg 960 - 15 divasri
pg 965 - 4 Frankas Adomas
pg 970 - 11 angelcandy
pg 975 - 1 halfphantom
pg 980 - 3 Frankas Adomas
pg 985 - 7 pains n chains
pg 990 - 5 pains n chains
pg 995 - 10 frouddle

(after i send out the gold ill start a new pages ^^ btw all the gold i win i give away)

Sorry for spreding out the random bumps more but CSC has alredy sent out over 1 mill so going to slow the pase a little. I don't want to give away every thing to soon.

Contest 3
There will be a bumping contest. 10k to the first person to reach 1000 posts. please keap track of your own posts. now there will be five other prises for the top five bubers other then the winner. each person in the top five will recive 10 times the number of posts rounded down to the nearest hundreds spot in gp. so if you have 859 posts when some one hits 1000, then you will get 8k.

Contest 4
What’s my name?
Is over
I have four names and I want some one to guess each one and the first person who can come up with my full name wins. There will be one hint for each name. feal free to place theories hear but pm me if you are guessing.

First name:
He is a Greek king of legends.
First Middle name:
A name this roman emperor was given later in life.
Second middle name:
This mans first and last name are often used when calling some one a traitor.
Last name:
Also known as Tnorala I shear a name with this landmark

The first person to give me all four names will get 25k

Contest 5

is over

secret word

at some point I said in a post that the first person to repeat something I said would get 5k I am now uping that to 15k but now you have to find the post with small font. and then post the secret word.

simple right. only problem is there are over a hundred pages and I am not telling you anything about where it is.

Contest 6
This is a strange one
There is a music video I saw this past summer. a young band plays both a group of soldiers forming a firing squad, and a the intended targets. If I remember correctly the uniforms were old American style. That’s all I can recall there is 30k for the first person to give me a link to this video. And before you ask I do not recall any more, not even a name of the song or band. Or any of the lyrics.
I can tell you a lil more now.
the band is not my chem romance.
and the song is not empire.
some members of the band had long hair.
I saw the video on much loud. a canadian music show.
Thats all for now

Contest 7
Stalking contest

And this is over
Now you have your name I want you to track me down, right now all you will given is my name Jason Augustus Arnold Gosse. The prize is 30k in one week I will revel the country and maybe the state/province I live in and reduce the prize to 25k after that every weak I will give another hint and reduce the prize again. There are hints on gaia if you care to find them.

Sorry for the delay I am from st'johns newfoundland canada.

Contest 8
We have a winner
You have my name
And where I live.
Now find my picture.
15k to the first person to post my picture. an extra 5k if it is less then a year old.

Contest 9
post 10000
the person to get post 10000 will get 20k. that should if my math is right. page 666 post 10.

winner lanz romon

Contest 10
Page 1000
Every post on this page is worth 1000
the 5th 10th and 15th are woth 1000 X post number extra.
this page is worth 30k

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

These will be the banners I have gotten for the banner contest

User Image
User Image
User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image
Contest winners

Random bump contest

If "no one" is listed it was some one who does not want the prize. the next winner recived it the gold for that bump as well as his own.

page 9 post 13 razzledazzle
page 15 post 4 lanz romon
page 17 post 9 lanz romon
page 21 post 2 hunnybunbun
page 25 post 11 Hot n Devilish
page 26 post 15 lanz romon
page 29 post 7 Hot n Devilish
page 31 post 9 c o o k i e`
page 32 post 12 AsilynneOutlaw
page 35 post 1 lanz romon Forfeited it to Different...Very.
page 39 post 5 Agent_T
Page 39 post 13 Agent_T
page 42 post 7 Inverted_Butterfly
page 47 post 3 no one
page 47 post 8 no one
page 47 post 11 no one
page 47 post 14 no one
page 50 post 2 no one
page 55 post 6 Hot n Devilish
page 60 post 3 no one
page 67 post 7 [BxB]
page 70 post 11 Agent_T
page 73 post 2 Szmanda Banana
page 75 post 6 Szmanda Banana
page 115 post 1 C u n t y!
page 118 post 2 The crying angel
page 120 post 3 The crying angel
page 123 post 7 BartDude
page 125 post 11 no one
page 130 post 13 [BxB]
page 138 post 2 no one
page 140 post 1 C u n t y!
page 143 post 7 no one
page 145 post 14 no one
page 150 post 15 (15000 gp)
page 158 post 2 lanz romon
page 163 post 11 lanz romon
page 167 post 7 divasri
page 170 post 4 divasri
page 175 post 5 divasri
page 178 post 12 The crying angel
page 180 post 1 Naisou
page 182 post 7 divasri
page 185 post 14 The crying angel
page 187 post 6 riandor
page 190 post 3 Agent_T
page 193 post 13 Reychielia
page 197 post 7 lanz romon
page 200 post 1 agent T (20000)
page 225 post 5 divasri
page 228 post 12 divasri
page 230 post 11 riandor
page 233 post 9 divasri
page 237 post 4 divasri
page 238 post 15 the crying angel
page 240 post 2 divasri
page 243 post 11 snow_storm8
page 245 post 7 The crying angel
page 247 post 4 The crying angel
page 250 post 1 The crying angel (25000)
page 254 post 13 lanz romon
page 256 post 3 divasri
page 257 post 7 The crying angel
page 260 post 4 lanz romon
page 278 post 2 divasri
Page 280 post 6 divasri
page 282 post 13 riandor
page 287 post 15 [BxB]
page 313 post 10 The crying angel
page 320 post 5 pains n chains
page 333 post 3 divasri (3000)
page 335 post 7 riandor
page 337 post 14 pains n chains
page 344 post 9 pains n chains
page 345 post 1 x.Masterpiece.x
page 345 post 5 The crying angel
page 345 post 7 x.Masterpiece.x
page 348 post 8 lanz romon
page 351 post 2 starlight_312
page 352 post 2 [BxB]
page 353 post 2 [BxB]
page 359 post 14 mushy_mia

page 740 post 11 [~expoding~pie~]
page 745 post 9 divasri
page 750 post 2 divasri
page 755 post 7 Ecstasty!
page 760 post 15 Vee angel
page 765 post 5 lanz romon
page 770 post 1 Mari Kumi
page 777 post 7 Bon sam2 (recived an april 07 letter)
page 785 post 10 ragabash
page 790 post 3 Vee angel

Secret word

The secret word was won by [BxB]. she posted "me please" on page 125

Whats my name

[ s a g e _ v i x e n ]
contagious smile charity
[ s a g e _ v i x e n ]
Here is a guess. Could you let me know how close I am?

Jason Augustus Benedict Gosse

You are only the thrid person to get 3 right on there first guess.

What about Jason August Arnold Gosse

Find my picture

Vee Angel
I feel stalkery. lol.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Thank yous

I have decided to post all the thank you pm’s I have gotten from people who Have received a donation.

HOLY CRAP MONKIES!! Thank you so much. That was very kind, generious and very unexpected!! Thank you. I dont know what else to day....its greatly appreciated and your kindness will be returned to others down the road I assure you. Thank you so much...Happy Day After Valentine's Day to you!

This peson Recived a donation befor I started the charity, It was her telling me "your kindness will be returned to others down the road I assure you" that gave me the idea for the charity, Dream if you read this thank you for the insparation.

thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much
you are probably the nicest person on gaia
but then again I hang out in the GD so maybe there ARE nice people on gaia

[ Pumpkin ]
Thank you so so so much

Oh Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you! biggrin ~*Hugs*~

Uhm. Thank you very much? xd heart

Wow. I'm positively speechless. I cannot express in words the magnitude of thankfulness I have right now... A simple thank you will have to suffice.

So thank you, thank you, thank you for the donation. heart mrgreen

Thanks so much to this awesome charity! I finally was able to get a fox tail blaugh heart I will now put a special ty to this charity in my sig! heart heart

Ishoku Othello
Thanks much for the donation. heart
Now all I need is another 2.5k to get my chobits-like ears to complete my avatar! I'll finally have it done tonight~

Celtika Bloodmoon
Thanks so very very much! You really HAVE made me smile! *hugs* Thanks so much for your kindness!

thank you smile

contagious smile charity
contagious smile charity
omg are u really really sure??

yes I am sure.

omg ty so much!!!!! is there anything that i can do for you in exchange??

no you don't have to do anything. thats what a gift is. you don't have to do anything in return although if you would not mind a post or to in my charity would be welcom.

razz thank you so so so so so osos ososooso much razz .... wow.... you just made my day extremely good.... i've been having a pretty bad day today razz

Vee Angel
Thank you so very much for the gift!
Though words seem hardly enough after seeing the charity you started and the people that contribute to it.
It takes a truly a wonderful person to act upon an idea like that.
heart heart heart
Animated picture

I want to comision an animated picture that will have this avi say hello to two others, who then will grow smile heads, and then pass it on to 4 more and then 8 and so on Lanz and agent_T I woul like you to be the first to, if any one else is intrested please pm me. with a pic of the avi you want used with and with out the head.

also If any one knows some one who may do this I would be gratefull.
contagious smile is now open. I hope you all have a nice day
And I do hope you have a nice day as well. surprised
And I do hope you have a nice day as well. surprised
Thank you very much
Also I have an 2k3 donation item I may be putting up for sale at a later point
If you need help I would love to help

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