Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Sometimes, the people we love don't get to stay with us forever.
Their lives or taken, or they are forced away from us.

That is simply the way of life.

Some people call it cruel.
Some call it fate.
Others just try to make the best of it.

The story of a heartbreak could be a family member, or a pet.
The type one case would be friends.

Yes, friends, those who shared everything, from secrets to snacks. They tease you and take things from you, but they are also a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold.

Their main job is to give you support, though they like to take breaks from that when it's not completely necessary.

What is our story this time?
It is simply the life of a small group of friends, who have been together since kindergarten.

Since times were innocent and young, to the times of teenagers in high school.

But now, their high school days are over.
The class of 2006 has graduated.

Some friends left for college, while others went to seek their fortune.

Apart of their heart is left behind in that school...

Can only time repair it?

Of course not!
When you have someone that you carry close to your heart, the step to healing your own is to keep in touch.

So keep in touch.
Don't let those thoughts of happiness and joy be turned into memories just yet.

Yes, I am happy to say that this group of friends forever is communicating. Through letters and e-mail, they have managed to keep their memories abridged...

What is their story now?
Only you can decide.

    :: T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: The Rules ::

One ::

For those who don't seem to understood what being literate means, let me give you a breif qualification list...

You use COMPLETE sentences, but not run-ons
You don't go crazy with emoticons
You mark your OOC's somehow
You use correct punctuation!
Don't be afraid to use grown-up, descriptive, words!

If I catch you use IM lingo more than 3 times, you're out of here.
Oh, the literacy rules don't apply for OOC, for the most part...

Two ::


This means you start with a salutation, the middle is the body of the letter, and the ending is a closing.

You don't have to have addresses, but if you want to, be my guest.

This is not your typical roleplay.

That means there is no direct dialogue.
There is no thinking.
Your character is you, so please use first person.
Stick around present tense, but it can, obviously, be adjusted.

Basic letter knowledge.

Here's an example...

Dear AJ,

I am very lonely. I miss you, and find myself holding a pen. What else to do when the mind wanders, but to note down these ideas? My parents are keeping me caged up, and I feel restricted. More than anything, I wish for my own freedom. That was the original reason for college, but it seems I can't escape my chains, even here. Hearts are forever stilled in this frozen landscape. Education is pointless when motivation is not present, and spirit is drained.

Please help me change the atmosphere.

Write back,

Got it?

Just so you know, I don't expect you to write in riddles, like I did in the above example. I do, however, expect you to be literate enough to KNOW how to write like that!

Three ::

Everyone is a friend here!
Don't leave anyone out.

That means if someone new joins, you pretend as if your character has known them their whole life, but they have neglected to respond.

The group of friends if forever expandable!

Guys and girls can mix.
Also, guys can play girls and girls can play guys.
I don't care, and it doesn't matter.

Four ::

There is romance allowed!
Sometimes, friendships are taken a step further.
Don't even take it to the PM's!
Break that rule, and it's a one-way trip out of the roleplay.
No questions asked.

Five ::

Five is an interesting number. If you change the first letter "F" to a "G", it becomes GIVE. If you change the "G" to an "L", it becomes LIVE. If you change the "I" to an "O", it becomes LOVE. I happen to enjoy these little word games. ^^

Six ::

I have the right to add or change rules and anything else I want to.
If you don't like the way I run things, then don't join.
It's as simple as that.

Seven ::

These are the basics that I don't think deserve much thought, or their own rule number.

-Keep the roleplay alive. If you're going to be gone, PM me.

-Don't advertise

-You can't create more than one character, so don't ask me

-Highlight the next bullet (The entire line!)

-When you PM me your profile, title it "The End is just The Beginning.
Life is too short to give up hope."

Eight ::

Have fun!
This is one of the most important rules of any roleplay, and I expect you to follow it without say.

If you are getting bored of the roleplay, please tell me instead of never posting. It won't hurt my feelings, so just tell me PLEASE!

    :: T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: The Profile ::

Please follow this layout...

I was born with the name
{This is your characters born name}

But my friends call me
{This is your nickname/alias}

People often compare me to
{This is your build. If you have nothing specific, I would just put human}

I am trying to keep in touch from
{Your current location. Specify colleges, please. Towns and states!}

I smile at
{Likes. Can be specific things, such as food or items. Or, just something in general, like TV. Can also be a person~}

I whack people or turn away when they show me
{Dislikes. Can be specific things, such as food or items. Or, just something in general, like TV. Can also be a person...But we're all friends, right?}

I can spin you a story...
{History/Bio. You can make it sad if you want to, but remember that these are NORMAL PEOPLE. It's OK if they live normal lives. On this one, be descriptive! Use complete sentences~}

I have been stereotyped before because
{Personality. Please, try not to repeat previous personalities! Be descriptive on this as well.}

My most precious item is
{Your character's favorite item. Please, also say why it's your favorite item!}

People get annoyed when I say
{Quote or Saying. It doesn't necessarily have to be something your character will always say...Just something to summarize them, really.}

I am not camera shy
{MUST be a picture! No descriptions; I'm sick of them! If you can't find a picture for your character, then take one that's close and make text corrections. That's OK, but I reccomend searching for pics first! I'd prefer if it was a real life picture, but if you can only find anime, that's OK too I guess...}

~NOTE: Remember that on Personality and Bio, you use FIRST PERSON! Also, don't forget to put your age in one of the two~

Here is the copy-code:

[b]I was born with the name[/b]

[b]But my friends call me[/b]

[b]People often compare me to[/b]

[b]I am trying to keep in touch from[/b]

[b]I smile at[/b]

[b]I whack people on the head or turn away when people show me[/b]

[b]I can spin you a story...[/b]

[b]I have been stereotyped because[/b]

[b]My most precious item is[/b]

[b]People get annoyed when I say[/b]

[b]I am not camera shy[/b]

If you don't know the PM title, read the rules thouroughly!

    T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: The Girls ::

I was born with the name
Annaliese Cecelia Thomas

But my friends call me

People often compare me to
A rabbit. They say I'm cute, but I normally try to counter with a fox.
Then they walk away laughing. You get tired of it once you're in college, though.

I am trying to keep in touch from
Good old New York, New York

I smile at
Flowers :: Poems :: Cute boys :: Curtains :: Chocolate :: Sports :: Valentines :: Sharpies :: Dancing :: Shopping :: Smiles :: Lollipops :: Coke :: Doves :: The beach :: Lace

I whack people on the head or turn away when people show me
Dictionaries :: Alchohol :: Homework :: Tests :: Gum :: Valley girls :: Moving :: TV :: Poisonous snakes :: Snow

I can spin you a story...

Everyone says they want to be perfect, right?
Well, I have a story that might change your mind.

When I was a little girl, I wanted nothing but to make my parents smile. I was always kind, and I tried to excell in everything. Sports, school, and even singing. I could do most of it pretty well. My mom used to pat my head and say I was a good kid. The perfect little child. That's what I wanted to be.

When I turned 8, everything changed. My mom declared that she had wasted her life with my father and I. I had become the perfect child; I had become boring. She could expect nothing less, neither nothing more. She had wanted a life full of daring and adventure. She had gained none of it. She promptly left, never to return. After that, my father was extremely overprotective. I wasn't allowed to do anything unless it had recieved his approval first. He told me what to do, and I obeyed. He tried to give me the world on a silver platter...but I was tied down to a chair, and he was the one telling me what to pick.

I have finally escaped from my father's clutches by getting into college. He can't be disappointed with me, but at the same time, he will leave me alone. I guess the entire country was enough to lay down between us so he wouldn't follow me. After all, I used to live in Oregon.

But, I guess my dad's forcefullness has paid off. Now that I'm good at 'everything', I can do pretty much anything. All the doors are opened for me. That's my life now. Being the 'little girl' at YALE, playing sports, and keeping up my grades.

I have been stereotyped because

Trying to put me in words? I won't work.
My energy can never be contained.
I'm always hyper, always smiling.
I'm trying my best to forget the past and work towards future happiness!
That's what everyone aims for, right?

At 17, I guess it's kind of strange to always be cheerful.
That's what a 3rd grader would act like.
But I'm fine being different, so call me a weirdo if you want!

I'm the little one of the group, but I'm find with that, too.
Apparently, I'm everyone's little sister...

But they respect me, and that's why I like them.
Friends are friends no matter what!

My most precious item is
My lucky bracelet!
It got me through YALE entrance exams and high school finals with 100% both times!

People get annoyed when I say
"Go for it!"

I am not camera shy
User Image

    T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: The Boys ::

I was born with the name

Zackary James Bell

But my friends call me


People often compare me to

Wolf, Why?
Simple, I happen to be sly, smooth, devious and at times mysterious unknown to strike at times with words or a fist.

I am trying to keep in touch from

Orange County, California.

I smile at

Boys // Girls // Alcohol // Parties // Baking // Cooking // Modeling // Acting // Reading // Drawling // Singing // T.V. // Movies // Bubblegum // Fruit // Strawberries // Oranges // Water // Sunglasses // Tea // Music // Dancing // Hair Gel // Talking // Hanging out // Shopping // Working out //

I whack people on the head or turn away when people show me

Spiders // Bugs // Bees // Getting attacked by dogs // Blood // Needles // Drugs // One Night Stands // Iiliterate people // Annoying people // Pestering fans // Little Kids // Rap // Biting nails // My eyes //

I can spin you a story...

It all started when I was a little kid, the troubles, the yelling.
My parents could never stop fighting and I never had the courage to say anything about it.
I guess it was because of my age, but now that I look back on it, Your never too young to defend the ones you love.
My father was a bit of an abusive person. He didn't mean to, but it happened whenever he got drunk.
One time, he was so drunk in the morning from a massive hangover, my mother was cooking eggs...
Well he ended up shoving hot eggs in her face because he said she didn't cook them right..which was false.
But he passed away when I was around the age of nine, so now it was just me and my mother in a large house due to the inheritance of his death.
We didn't know it, but he had been filthy rich.

After that, my mother married another man, this one wasn't abusive, oh no, he was an attention hog.
Whenever I needed my mother, he'd tell her to go off with him.
Sure, I had all the latest clothes, cars, video games and what not.. But that wasn't enough.
When I was in my freshmen year I turned to drugs and almost lost my life from an overdose of speed.
My heart had went a bit too fast.
But everything is fine now, I hate drugs and I hate alcohol due to things that had happened to me.

I'm Now Nineteen, Going to college?...
Nope, Don't have to.
Not just the fact because of me being rich, but the fact that I already have a modeling contract.
I'm going to be staring in a move pretty soon as well.

I have been stereotyped because

How should I describe myself? I know that deep down inside, you could careless. I have feelings, but I'm not emo. I like to be outgoing, talkative and helpful. But i don't let people run all over me. But hey, not like anyone gives me a chance at school. Everyone's prep and listens to brittney spears. But I like to rock out. I can be fun, sparky and creative. I love hardcore/screamo music. I Like Secrets but I never keep any from anyone. I can be a bit too naive and trust people too easyly. But sometimes I have to lie to get people to like me. Just like the internet, I figured if I showed what I looked like everyone would reject me, just like everyone does now.

I'm not the perfect angel that my mother and father want me to be. I'm not a little devil either. I never went to any parties or events at school cause I was never invited. I never just hung out with some friends and talked about those good times, cause I never had any real friends to have good times to talk about. I was always taken avantage of and never got the respect I had deserved. People choose who they want to see when they don't know what to believe or understand.

My agents tell me i'm too good in my acting. I could cry on stop, say lines that could make you fall in love with me. Sometimes people don't know if I'm acting or being true. It's the major reason why I haven't been in a relationship. I try to be perfect, try to be honest, try to be everything you could ever want. I try to be stronger, smarter and trying to be the guy that the girls and boys want.

My most precious item is

My Sunglasses.
Why? To hide my eyes, my mother happens to be filled with envy since I have green eyes and she has simple brown.

People get annoyed when I say
" Jackpot "

I am not camera shy
User Image

- - x - -

I was born with the name
Tyler Roberts Adelman III

But my friends call me

People often compare me to
The owl.
Why? I see everything, but stay silent. I think a lot, and write even more, and the pen is my silent voice.

I am trying to keep in touch from
Seattle, Washington

I smile at

The little things, the passing cool wind, a good book, the rainbow in the puddle, the things no one else takes time to see.

Things done with quality, things that people pour their souls into.

A good idea, for there is nothing more special, nothing more you then the original intention of what you want, what you think, what you feel.
Lemonade, which needs no words to explain it.
The guitar, whose melodies, can speak all the words I need to say, without me having to say it. With it m ideas can be understood by everyone
around me.

I whack people on the head or turn away when people show me

Things that are fake, both people and objects. Realism is for reality, lies are for stories.
Insults on creativity, people try their hardest, and a person who can't understand that is lower then dirt.
Guacamole, if there is a fowler substance on this earth, then I have yet to find it.
I can spin you a story...

Of my life, my life as the dreamer, my life as the reader, my life as the thinker.
All my life I had ideas. Ideas of changing the world, ideas for politics, but mostly ideas for stories.
I wanted others to hear my ideas.
To fulfill a certain purpose, my purpose.
So I wrote, the words pouring from my pen, and stories that lit the imagination of others ablaze.
But now I've hit a roadblock, the words no longer come to me, and now, my ideas rust away in the caverns of my mind.
The guitar still speaks to me though, so I spend most of my time writing melodies. I now live a life of simplicity, which is another word for poverty. It isn’t as bad as one might think.
My place isn’t so bad, and my job as a store clerk is easy if tedious.

I have been stereotyped because

I think a little too much, and say a little too little.
But I was never good at talking, only writing.
But others understood this, and it made me who I am today.
I suppose that makes me lucky.
I am quiet, shy, and only open to those who have accepted me for who I am, and not who they want me to be.

My most precious item is

My pen, my mother gave it to me before she died. She told me to be true to myself, and it was these words engraved I engraved in my pen, to remind me.
People get annoyed when I say

Nothing, but when I do say something, it makes my words all the more important.
I am not camera shy

Darek [x]

    T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: Roleplay Updates ::

O1/28/O7 ::

The roleplay has been created!

    T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: White and Black lists ::

White List ::

As of now, I deem zen_fry {Darek} worthy of being on the white list!

He is the first person that has joined any roleplay I have ever made and had the correct PM title!

Black List ::

There is no one here, so let's keep it that way please!
You absolutely DO NOT want to be on this list!

    T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
:: Misc. ::

Pretty much random things that I want to write on here.

Hey, a banner!
A pretty banner~

I think it fits nicely, don't you?

User Image

Here is the code, in case you would like to put it in your signature:


I would like to keep different colors for everyone.
Also, make your posts in size 9.
It's easier to read.

Here are the current taken colors ::

Anna :: Hot Pink

Zack :: Steel Blue

Darek :: Dark Green

    :: T O C ::

[ O ] ___ The Story
[ 1 ] ___ The Rules
[ 2 ] ___ The Profile
[ 3 ] ___ The Girls (Accepted characters)
[ 4 ] ___ The Boys (Accepted characters)
[ 5 ] ___ Roleplay Updates
[ 6 ] ___ White and Black lists
[ 7 ] ___ Misc.

- - x - -

Abridged Memories
Scribble scribble scribble.

This is the sound of pen desperately scratching away at paper, trying desperately to form words. Words that will be seen, heard, and understood. Words that would carry the message to all:

"Friendship is forever.
It is an inseperable, and inescapable, bond.
We are all friends, no matter what the time.
We will always be there for eachother.

If you are a real friend, you will understand my cries of loneliness, and my words of pure truth.

If you are a real friend, reply to me please.
I don't want proof.
I want feelings.
I want to know that you care, not by making you send a letter, but because you turn an ear on what I have to say."

:: Thread officially opened ::

All roleplaying begins on the next page.

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