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Who's your fave character?

Aya 0.45454545454545 45.5% [ 20 ]
Hayato 0.11363636363636 11.4% [ 5 ]
Kamijo 0.068181818181818 6.8% [ 3 ]
June 0.068181818181818 6.8% [ 3 ]
Kaede 0.045454545454545 4.5% [ 2 ]
Ayumi 0.022727272727273 2.3% [ 1 ]
Hikaru 0.045454545454545 4.5% [ 2 ]
Miyabi 0.18181818181818 18.2% [ 8 ]
Total Votes:[ 44 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >


User Image

Hayato: User ImageYo! Welcome to the Tainted Joke art contest for all you Visual kei fans! This story was based on the famous manga 'Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi henge', the characters may seem similar, but believe me, it's different. Before you read on, we'll introduce to you the basic storyline of our band and story.

Tainted Joke is about a high school visual kei band trying to make it to the top. They've already signed a contract to one of the biggest record companies out there, but there's one thing they weren't expecting; They gotta take care of the boss's daughter and turn her into a proper heiress. If they don't transform her soon, it's goodbye stardom for these guys! It may sound easy enough, but how are they going to change a crossdressing, super strengthed, short tempered, martial artist tomboy into a proper lady. Not to mention we got crazy fangirls and a rival record company out to ruin the band! Fame has never been more troublesome.

Hayato: User ImageYosh! Now that's outta the way let's move on! Kaede I'm leaving it to you!
heart Rules heart

Kaede: User ImageHAI! First let's go over to the basic rules for this contest. Make sure you follow them or you can forget about entering! So please, stick to the rules!

Da Rulez:

No cussing in thread
Be polite
PM for questions
No trolling or spamming
Stay and chat for a while
Bumping is allowed

For the contest:

No yaoi/yuri (Shounen ai is fine)
Pg-13 only!
No full nudity
Send all entrants through PM or post them on the thread
You can send in more than one entry, but only one will make it in the final judging
No stealing other people's art
Make sure to leave your signature on your work
You can draw a single character, group shots, or couples. Up to you.

You can change the design of their clothes if you want and you can draw in any style, except abstract.

No entry fee required


June:User Image You ladies can draw me any way you want.

Hayato: User ImageYou better not draw any yaoi!!!

Kamijo: User ImageAnd I rather not be shown in my birthday suit.

Miyabi: User ImageToo bad. I was looking forward to it. heart

Kaede:User ImageHeheh, moving on... Aya-chan, can you do the next post?
exclaim Prizes exclaim

Aya:User Image......

Kaede:User Image Aya-chan!

Aya:User Image Fine, fine.

User ImageYo everyone, I'll tell you about the prizes. Also, all entrants will be posted on here. If you want to win these great prizes, work hard on your drawings, but have fun with it.

User Image

Aya: How was that?

June: You could at least said it more cheerfully.

Kamijo: A smile would have been good too.

Hayato: A rock has more enthusiam than you do.

Aya:User Image F@%k this s*$t....

June:User Image Well my cute little fans out there, since Aya-chan has left I guess I will finish up where she left off!

1st prize

Coco kitty, 120k, and a deluxe bouquet

2nd prize:

Two winners!

Sealed envelope, 75k, bouquet

3rd place:

Three winners!

Sealed envelope, 50k, single bouquet

June:User Image And remember, even if you don't win you will get a thank you prize for entering.


stephthehomocidalmaniac: Kamijo with a cracked face
CalmBeforeTheStorm:Cute Aya-chan

June:User Image Moving on with the characters is our silent drummer, Kamijo!
4laugh The Characters 4laugh

Kamijo:User Image Good day. I'm Kamijo and I'll show you the list of characters you can draw for this contest. Please know that all these characters belong only to the author. So don't steal them, please.

Main cast

Name: Aya Higurashi, Higurashi Aya
Role: Heroine and ticket to stardom
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light Blue
Height: 5'9
Piercings/Tattoos: None
Personality: Stubborn, independent, short tempered, intimidating, polite to elders and kids, compassionate, doesn't like to get invovled with others.
Random fact: She's a great housekeeper, almost blind without her glasses

Story: Talks like a boy, acts like a boy, and even dresses like a boy, Aya is indeed, a girl. Why she acts that way is still a mystery. Aya's mother is the president of a successful record company, who happens to be the ones supporting the band. She's next in line to run the business, but since she's an illegitimate child, her mother's family finds her unworthy. Therefore, she was sent to live with the boys, hoping they could make her into a proper heiress.
When they first met, Aya acted coldly towards the four boys and even got chewed out by Hayato. However, after some apologies from Hayato, everything was settled and she began to warm up to them. At first, they thought she was a boy by the way she acted, but it wasn't until after an incident by Hayato, the boys found out she was girl.
Though female, she refuses to act feminine, and wears a boy's school uniform instead of a girl's. This has gotten her many female admirers, because she looks like a very pretty boy. Not only that, Aya's father and his family trained her in a special style of martial arts. Giving her abnormal strength and agility. Mixed this in with her short temper and you got trouble, but thanks to her the boys won't have to worry about fangirls or thugs chasing after them.

Name: Hayato Nakamura, Nakamura Hayato
Role: Vocalist & leader
Age: 17
Hair: Bleached blonde with black bangs
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'12
Piercings/Tattoos: Earrings on both ears
Personality: Stubborn, impatient, confrontational, loyal to friends, kind to kids & elders
Random fact: Terrified of snakes and lizards.
Visual kei outfit: Wears mostly decorative trenchcoats

Story: Hayato is the second oldest and considered the leader of the group. Before the start of the band, Hayato was a brash young boy, living with his twin sister and grandparents. His father disappeared when he was a small child, and his talented singing mother died a couple years after. Miyabi was able to convince him to start a band after hearing him sing on the streets. With some help, he was able to form the visual kei band "Tainted Joke".
At first, he disliked Aya, but after some background info (and threatening) from Miyabi, he was able to make amends with her. He was also the first one to discover that she was a girl after a little showering incident, when he accidentally walked in on her. Since then, the two still bicker with each other and even go to great lengths in their arguments. He wishes for the band to progress the most, but doesn't feel right to change Aya for it. They both rely on each other greatly when in need, and yet there might be a little more going on between them. However, they refuse to admit anything.

Name: Kamijo Ishikawa, Ishikawa Kamijo
Role: Drummer, the quiet guy
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5'12 1/2
Piercings/Tattoos: Small dragon tattoo on left bicep
Personality: Polite, intellectual, patient, quiet, but can be intimidating
Random fact: Enjoys traditional japanese culture
Visual kei outfit: Wears kimono based outfits

Story: Kamijo is the oldest and second in command. Everyone mostly relies on him for advice or help in their studies. He has the personality of an honorable samurai, but when he starts drumming he's like a fierce warrior. Not only that, he's an expert in kendo, being on a skill level that could rival Aya's(Which is pretty damn good).
Before Kamijo joined the band, he was the eldest son of a powerful yakuza lord(Strange, huh?). His mother passed away and he was isolated by his fellow classmates. Like Aya, Kamijo was expected to run the family buisness, but wished to have no part in it. Therefore, he left his family and lived with the band ever since. Though his yakuza heritage does come in handy once in a while.(Like getting info or intimidating foes)
Out of all the boys, Kamijo seems to understand Aya the most as both of them are heirs to a high class family. They both spar with each other in kendo and have a mutual friendship. Kamijo appears to have feelings for Hikaru, the band's costume designer and his best friend.

Name: "June" Junichiro Ueda, Ueda Junichiro
Role: Lead Guitarist and ladies man
Age: 17
Hair: Light brown.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'12
Piercings/Tattoos: Two earrings on right brow, one on left ear bridge
Personality: Laid back, flirtious, friendly, goofy, and a tad perverted
Random fact: Parents own a transexual bar
Visual kei outfit: Wears clothes that shows skin

Story: Nicknamed "June" because of his birthdate. June is the playboy of the band. He enjoys flirting with the ladies and has no problem showing some fanservice. Though there are times when he can be a bit childish and get on the other band's nerves.
Before the band, June was a popular student at an all boy's junior high school, until Kaede came and unintentionally stole the spotlight. June became jealous of Kaede at first, but after some trials they became best friends. In their freshman year of high school, Miyabi recruited them for "Tainted Joke". June gladly accepted the invitation, along with Kaede.
June truly wants Aya to be more lady like, as he thinks it's terrible when a girl doesn't act feminine. When she does show signs of being girly, Kaede and him will usually hug her, much to her annoyance. Though a shameless flirt, he only seems to be interested in one girl, which happens to be Hayato's twin sister. He likes a good challenge, but Hayato's not handing her over without a fight, which makes it even better.

Name: Kaede Watanabe, Watanabe Kaede
Role: Bassist, guitarist, sensitive pretty boy
Age: 17
Hair: Auburn brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 5'11
Piercings/Tattoos: One on right ear
Personality: Naive, cheerful, sweet, affectionate, can be strong
Random fact: Has a huge appetite, loves sweets
Visual kei outfit:Wears gothic kodona outfits

Story: So cute that it's almost a crime, Kaede brings innocence to the dark band. His girlish looks and superb bass skills have brought attention to many fangirls and fanboys. He's the youngest in the group and is treated like a little brother.
Before the band, Kaede was always treated specially for his pretty face, but this has made him unhappy, because no one knew the real him. He transferred to June's school and was instantly a big hit. However, Kaede was completely clueless to June's dislike towards him. It wasn't until June became fed up with Kaede's naiveness, did he shouted out his feelings of hate. Instead of being hurt, Kaede was enthralled that someone actually treated him like a real person. Since then the two became best friends and later on recruited for the band(He mostly joined because Miyabi was one of his favorite singers).
Since joining the band, Kaede has found role models amongst his fellow band mates. Though he mostly admires Aya, because of her toughness and interesting view on life. Slowly, he's beggining to realize it could be more than just admiration.

Minor Characters

Name: Ayumi Nakamura, Nakamura Ayumi
Role: Band's hair & Makeup artist, caretaker
Age: 17
Hair: Black with bleached bangs
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8
Piercings/Tattoos: Both ears pierced, has a belly ring
Personality: Spunky, strict, mature, friendly, outgoing, enthusiastic
Random fact: When dressed like her brother, they look identical

Story: Ayumi is the younger twin sister of Hayato, but acts more mature than he does. She's a talented makeup artist and has been styling Tainted Joke since they first started.
When Hayato first started the band, Ayumi was not very supportive about it. However, after hearing how good they sounded, she changed her mind and decided to help them out. She has an almost motherly nature when it comes to the boys, which has earned her the nickname 'okaa-san', since she oftens scold the boys when they get into some trouble. June seems very interested in her, since she was the first girl to ever reject him. Hayato is overprotective of his little sister, but she seems to ward June off just fine. Weither she likes June or not is still undecided, but she has shown hints of jealousy.
Ayumi is also responsible for doing Aya's hair and makeup for events, but Aya would rather put up a fight then have all that on her face. Surprisingly, Aya and Ayumi seem to get along just fine, along with Hikaru.

Name: Hikaru Hanabi, Hanabi Hikaru
Role: Band's costume designer
Age: 17
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Eyes: Greenish brown
Height: 5'6
Piercings/Tattoos: None
Personality: Sweet, modest, gentle, sensitive, caring, intelligent
Random Fact: Can sew a costume within hours

Story: Hikaru is the talented costume designer of Tainted Joke. Her creativeness in costume designing has earned her much praise from the boys and their fans.
When Hikaru was a freshman in high school, she was new in town and was rather shy. When she looses her design sketches, Kamijo finds them and even compliments how good they were. Hikaru becomes intrigued by Kamijo and tries to get to know him, making her his very first friend. It was then that she discovered his hidden passion for drumming when she heard him play in the music room. Miyabi had also heard him play and asked him to audition for the band. Hikaru was able to convince Kamijo to join the band and has been their designer ever since.
Hikaru's sweetness balances out Aya's tough persona, but secretly Hikaru wishes to be as confident as her. Aya seems to have a soft spot for her and acts as her protector.
She eventually develops feelings for Kamijo, but has no clue that he feels the same way.

Name: Miyabi Higurashi, Higurashi Miyabi
Role: Band manager
Age: 27
Hair: Redish brown
Eye: Light Blue
Height: 6'1
Piercings/Tattoos: Has a tribal tattoo armband, lip ring, three earrings on right ear
Personality: Cheerful, outgoing, affectionate, over dramatic, flirtatious, has his serious moments
Random Fact: Only looks like his VK counterpart when he wears makeup

Story: Miyabi is the openly bisexual band manager of Tainted Joke and Aya's cousin from her mother's side. Unlike the other member's of his aunt's family, Miaybi frighteningly adores Aya and desperately wishes to see her dressed up like a girl again.
Before the band, Miyabi was once the lead singer of a visual kei band called, Kaiser. He was famously known as the 'Fanservice God', because he would always show fanservice on and off stage. A couple years later, the band broke up and went on with their lives, but Miyabi still keeps in touch with them. Afterwards, he decided to form a new band after witnessing Hayato singing on the streets. After some long convincing (and chasing) Hayato decided to join. Kamijo was the second to join, while June gladly accepted. Kaede was easily persuade, since Miyabi happens to be one of his fave singers. Thus, Tainted Joke was born.
Miyabi knows how to keep the boys in line. He'll use his fanservice skills to threaten them (ex: threaten to sleep in their bed, wraps his arms around them, blow in their ears), but he'll only use violence when it comes to Aya. Though an odd one, he's actually very intelligent and organized, earning him respect from the boys.

Name: Musashi-kun
Role: Pet/Mascot
Age: 9
Skin color: Green
Eyes: Yellow
Length: 3'5
Random fact: Likes to crawl into people's shirts

Story: Musashi-kun is Aya's faithful pet snake, who keeps her company while living with the boys. Musashi appears to be unusually intelligent for a snake. He has shown signs of personality, able to think on his own, open doors with his tail, even sense when Aya is upset.
The little snake adores Aya, and becomes protective of her when someone(mostly a guy) gets too close to her. Though he seems to get along fine with girls and has no problem around Miyabi. Musashi sees Hayato as the biggest threat and will try to scare him off if he gets too close to his master. Unfortunately, Hayato is terrified of snakes and will run away screaming whenever he sees the thing. The snake is starting to acknowledge Hayato as a good suitor for Aya and lessens his attacks on him, but will scare him off if necessary.

Kamijo:User Image And there you have our list of characters. Now, let's move on to-

Miyabi:User Image Step aside small fry, and let a pro do the work!!

Miyabi:User Image Hey all you sexy ladies and gentlemen! I'm Miyabi, the gorgeous manager of Tainted Joke and former lead singer of Kaiser. You see, we need all the support we can get, so if you would be so kind to donate to us. We would greatly appreciate it. And if you do donate...

User Image

You'll get a little fanservice.

The rest:......


Hayato:User Image Don't pay attention to this idiot, but help us out if you can. We all look forward to your entires!

User Image

Everyone: Until then, good luck to everyone! And don't forget to draw Aya cute!


User Image

Aya: I'm outta here.
ninja Banners/Links ninja

Hikaru:User Image We would be glad to host any other contest and what not for other people.

Ayumi:User Image We'll support you if you support us!

Link me!

User Image


User Image
I know procalim the contest *cuts ribbon* OPEN!!

Aged Dabbler

entry fee to enter art that is made for a contest on gaia? stare
entry fee to enter art that is made for a contest on gaia? stare

That way I can give prizes to all the contestants. A lot of contest do this. I can cut it down to 75g if that seems more reasonable.

Aged Dabbler

That's not the point sweety... if an artist spends their free time making something for you on gaia... then it shouldn't cost anything for them to enter. Most of the contest that are art related don't have entry fees. I understand having an entry fee in real life with contest that pay money, but not for this. This is for fun and thus shouldn't be treated like a job. sweatdrop
That's not the point sweety... if an artist spends their free time making something for you on gaia... then it shouldn't cost anything for them to enter. Most of the contest that are art related don't have entry fees. I understand having an entry fee in real life with contest that pay money, but not for this. This is for fun and thus shouldn't be treated like a job. sweatdrop

Fine, if it'll make it easier then no entry fee.

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