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[size=15]READ THIS OR DIE!!!
News Flash: This is DEAD.

Seriously, around 20k replies and an estimated 16k signs; have we gotten our sigs back? No, so why bother? There's no way I could get all your sigs even with extra help, and honestly, I don't even care much about this anymore. The mods are very unlikely to take this seriously no matter what I do to it. So, please, for your sanity and mine, no more posting. No more thumbs-upping. Let this die. It was fun while it lasted, but it's time to let this go, mmmkaaay?

And please, the sake of all that is good and holy: STOP PMING ME. kthx.
I don't care WHAT you want to tell me. Just don't PM me! Do you have any idea how annoying it is to get all these random PMs? They're like death on a PM server. Spam my inbox with worthless, "Don't give up!" spam, and I will report you without hesitation. Yes, it is spamming. So don't be surprised when your account gets suspended for PM spamming.

Seriously, I'm not even going to bother updating the blacklist anymore! Even when the above sentence is the first thing anyone sees on this page, every day I get at least thirty illiterate PMs saying, "y0 h0m13 s1ghn m3 up 4 t1hs p3t1sh0n!!one11!!1" If it weren't for the few intellectual PMs I get from people who bother to read at least the first couple of paragraphs, I'd have set my PMs to friends only by now! </rant>

Announcement 3/30/07, Friday
Okie-dokie... my PMs are OFFICIALLY friends only now! I'm sorry, I just get too much n00bish spam, and I can't take it anymore! Affiliates are still open; keep reading for details. But until further notice, my PMs are FRIENDS ONLY!!

Hello, I'm Becs1234. As a lot of you may have noticed, our forum signature limit has suddenly been lowered to a frugal 255 characters. 255 characters is barely enough room for a questbar-- let alone all the other things we just have to have in our signatures! A lot of us can't live without a questbar and something funny in our signatures!

(For those of you dumb enough to not notice, "can't live" is what we call hyperbole, AKA exaggeration to express a point.)

And please, read the WHOLE THING through before you post or say anything!

This here is a petition to get back our normal, 1500 character signatures back. (Please note: "1500 character" is crossed out. I realized I made a mistake with it and crossed it out. Kthnx.)

Awesome Idea you should all listen to!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Click it. Now. If you truely want more sig room, take a look at this, because it brings up an excellent point. If we boycott one of the ways Gaia makes a shitload of money off us, THEN they might listen!

Okay, everyone? I'm officially 150-something pages and 30-something PM's behind in this. I think we've attracted enough attention. So go ahead, bump away, make my job a bit easier.

Now, before ANY of you read on, read this message first. This is not for infinite signature room. It's for more room. 255 characters is ridiculously small! All we really want is a questbar, a random image, and a funny quote or two. There will ALWAYS be n00bs who want to pagestretch with signatures, and that can't be helped. N00bs will never go away, as much as we all want them to. But we just want more room!

Moreover, this is not, as someone called it, a "vendetta against the mods." I know our mods work hard to keep this place running, and I do respect them for it. I am not by any means intending to criticize the way the mods are running Gaia. I just want to get the point across that 255 characters is ridiculously small. So anyone who says "I hate those ******** mods" in relation to this is not understanding what I'm getting at. The only reason I would put up someone's story that contains this sort of thing is because other than that, they bring up a good point.

Plus, it's just SO ANNOYING when you go update your signature, when it was fine before, then you find out it's one character over the limit. So you go back to fix it, and BANG-- there's no unnecessary words or anything to take out!

Also, if a mod by chance runs into this petition, it would be nice if they could either PM me or respond to this with a little response on the matter. heart

Oh, and one more thing:

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By fudgie10

Update 3/4/07
2000 SIGNATURES!! Can I get a "Booyah!" from everyone? Once again, how many signatures will this take, Gaia?

More stories added, blah blah blah... you know the rest by now.

Update 2/17/07
New affiliates, and I added a few more things: a preface, more arguments, and more banners among them.

255 Characters

1010101010101010101010101010001111010101010101010101010101 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101
0101010101010101010101010101010101010010101010011111101010 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010111111111111111111 00001010

I know we can't have n00bish, infinitely-big siggies, but 255 is small. See above demonstration.

Blacklist which I won't bother with anymore

  1. Kiki_Cat: PMing me
  2. Ceestan: PMing me
  3. Sacred Demon Heart: Quoting first post
  4. chibbie7636: Quoting first post
  5. Crouching_Tiger: Pagestretching
  6. Asuka Red: PMing me
  7. [.[]Heart[].[].[]Soul[].]: PMing me
  8. darkshark105: Quoting first post
  9. Soccer_basket-ball: Quoting first post
  10. Darien108: PM'ing me
  11. okami_of_konoha: PM'ing me
  12. errorz: Quoting first post/ pagestretching
  13. Haruhi10114: n00bish PM
  14. PSO_Stephen: Quoting first post/ pagestretching
  15. cameron1194: quoting first post/ pagestretching
  16. kute kittee: n00bish PM
  17. Black_Rose10: PMing me
  18. Retainer456: PMing me to sign
  19. Zimary: PMing me to sign
  20. bleeding nitemares: PMing me to sign
  21. Crissangel1010: PMing me to sign
  22. kawaii maho: PMing me to sign
  23. bmlkiddo: PMing me to sign
  24. Leonna: PMing me to sign
  25. dark prince of fire: Sending a n00bish PM that I don't even know what the hell he's trying to say
  26. Lady_Kaoria: PMing me to sign
  27. David Ruffin: PMing me to sign
  28. goldenmare: Some illiterate PM of some... sort


Terms: (Subject to change at any time.)

  1. The signature limit must be brought up to anywhere between 325 and 450 characters.

  2. To avoid abuse, there must be limits on everything else. The limit for images should remain the same: 500x500px maximum. The limit for the number of images per signature is a maximum default of 4. But...

  3. The four images in the signature might be relatively small. That being the case, this limit may not be fair. There should be a way to make it so that if the images are small, there should be more images allowed in the signature.

  4. The Gaia admins cannot, under any circumstances, over-fine Gaians for a small infringement of the signature limits.

  5. There must be an option so people can turn off signatures. This is in case some people have slow connections.

  6. If increasing our limit for signatures isn't "feasible," as it would be called, then the admins can at least make it so BBCode doesn't add to the character count.

IE: Let's say that someone has a gradient text, or something similar, in their signature. The only part of anything that significantly takes up connection time is the text that people actually see. It's not like we're putting Javascript or PHP in our signatures or anything! Get my drift?

  • There must be something on the signature editing page that will tell you that you're outside any limit, not just the character one. This way, fines for signatures "over the byte limit" are actually fair, because we actually knew.

  • Stories worth reading:
    (Hey. Moved them all to My Journal. Go check them out!)

    Arguments and Counterarguments

    1. "It was a glitch in the system before!"
      And we liked it that way. Deal with it.

    2. "Longer signatures take up more bandwidth on gaia!"
      Perhaps I should introduce you to the Gaia donation system. This is something in which we can donate money to Gaia, so it can run properly. There are many Gaians who donate money to Gaia every month, and some donate a lot of it on a monthly basis. They don't just donate for the special donation items-- We're actually trying to help Gaia function well. The least they can do with all our money is buy more bandwidth so our signatures can be longer; not spend it on themselves, that is. 255 character signatures is simply not enough, I'm sorry.

      And if people have so much money to donate to Gaia monthly, then why can't they spend it on a better internet connection instead? Then you can see signatures without having to deal with a slow connection. Thus, this problem dissappears.

      And if it's a server problem, can't they just buy better/more servers? I think a good estimate for the donation money Gaia receives monthly is in the millions of dollars. Let's say ~ $8,390,000 (Since we're growing so fast, these numbers will steadily increase; info from this article, a fairly recent one, for that matter). They have to pay their workers, let's say there's ~1,000 of them getting payed ~$4,000-$5,000 a month. That leaves about half of the donation money--$4,000,000-- to be used for other things. They put a quarter of that in savings-- left with $3,000,000. Pay for their bandwidth/web hosting, probably ~$200-~$500, left with a grand total of $2,999,700. With this they can surely get some better/more servers.

      Actually, I have the full right to say whatever the hell I want. The internet is not owned by any one specific entity. Thus, no one person can say you have no freedom of speech on the internet.

      (I changed the whole America thing, okay? Please, stop pestering me about it!)

    4. "I think they should spend our donation money on making more games, the quest system, the battle system..."
      Did I say they have to spend it all on more bandwidth? No, I did not. You greedy bastards.

    5. "YOU are being greedy too, you want more signature length!"
      Yes, and that's all. We just want more signature room. You want a whole battle system. And a quest system. And more games. Talk about the stove calling the kettle black.

      Also, more bandwidth would mean more room for games and all that crap you want. Half the time, they don't even load right, so you lose. Futher evidence that we need more bandwidth.

    6. "If you can't fit something in your signature, then put it in your profile!"
      Forum signatures have become, at least normally, something funny or otherwise entertaining at the end of someone's forum post. If you can't fit it in your signature, then no one can see it. Sigs have really become a way to express yourself within a small space. But if you can't fit anything in there, it's useless. Everyone needs to express themselves somehow.

      Besides, people look at signatures more than going to their actual profiles because signatures just happen to be on the forum page. Even if you're one of those random comment whores, you still hardly ever look at the actual content of the profiles.

    7. "A lot of people have really slow connections, so longer signatures would make their connections even slower!"
      Then here's another simple solution: there should be an option so people with slow connections can turn off signatures. That way, they DON'T hold up people's connections.

    8. "Use Tinyurl and Tinypic if you have to!"
      Ah, yes. This one's my favorite. I do use both of them in my signature. But I can't do anything, even with them being used. I still won't be able to update my questbar soon enough.

      And questbars take up a lot of space. And you can't exactly use tinypic and tinyurl to shorten a questbar, can you? Well, I guess you can Tinyurl the Tektek pricing page, but it makes little difference.

      By the way, you can use Tinyurl to shorten a url from tinypic by about 5-ish characters. Moreover, Metamark makes url's 52% shorter than Tinyurl.

      That has absolutely nothing to do with this petition. That is just going on a tangent about the mathematical properties of the number 255. The proposition that the mathematical properties of a number has anything to do with our current signature limit is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard!! rofl I can get on a tangent about the number 600 and it wouldn't mean a thing!

      "255 is prime. So it should be our signature limit."

      Guess what? 255 is NOT prime. 521 is. Does it mean anything here? No.

    10. "If Gaians are given more wiggle-room, they'll abuse it!"
      Well, duh. There will always be people who try to abuse the rules, no matter what they are. Whether our signatures are lowered to twenty characters or brought up to fifteen-hundred characters, there will always those people who try to abuse the rules. It's part of human nature to want to expand your limits. We can't help it. So, whether this petition has any real effect or not, people will ALWAYS try to break the rules.

      As long as there are computers, there will be hackers. As long as there are rules, they WILL be broken.

    11. "Pagestretching!11!!one!11! People will pagestretch with longer sigs!"
      Read the terms. In bright orange. I won't even bother to say anything more to n00bs who don't read the whole first post. *kills n00bs with a machine gun*

    12. "Don't bash Rina!"
      Don't yell at me for that! Those were made by other people! Personally, I can't stand censorship, so why should this be any different?

      And maybe Gaia shouldn't make Rina the one saying, "Your signature is too long."

    13. "Well, personally, I find it mean to bash an NPC."
      Well, personally, I'm the one in charge of this petition. Not you.

    14. "I don't want to have to give up my ability to view sigs just because your sigs are ridiculously big!"
      Well, sucks for you. We all have to make sacrifices sometimes. I'd rather have complete feeling in my arm right now, but I had to sacrifice that to put salt down in the freezing driveway so I don't fall on my a** and kill myself tomorrow.

      And our sigs won't be ridiculously big! Anyone who says this without any further backup obviously didn't bother to take five to ten minutes to read the first couple of posts.

    15. "If you're sig is over the byte limit, then OMG use a JPG! It's smaller and almost identical quality."
      Not really. Let's take my petition-sigining image, for example. PNG on the left, JPG on the right.

    Image Comparison

    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

    The JPG quality sucks. And it's only about one KB smaller. Try again.

    (And I know I made a typo. Leave me alone!)

  • "That image is SO fake! You definitely tried to make it look bad!"
    No. WRONG. I used average run-of-the-mill software to convert it. Why? Because anyone with half a brain cell can download Irfanview for free. Sure, you can make JPG's look better in Photoshop, but not everyone has it, do they? I don't! It's too expensive for me.

  • "So why not use The Gimp? That's free, too."
    Because it sucks beyond all reason. Its interface is extremely difficult, and hell, it DOESN'T WORK. I've heard people say it's a lot like PSP or something like that. Well, if you're downloading that, chances are you've never used PSP before in your life. So it's not that easy to get used to unless you've already gotten used to more complicated systems.

  • "If images are more than 500x500px, they'll pagestretch!"
    And OMG have you noticed that Gaia CUTS IT OFF if it's more than that? Pagestretching is NOT a problem, as long as that stays the way it is.

    I know it only works in firefox, but firefox is a FREE browser, which you can download for FREE here. I find it a lot better than IE7, because IE7 gives me too much login crap here. Games don't load in either browser for me, and I find that firefox goes A LOT faster than IE.

  • "Don't cuss so dang much!"
    Oh, can your abstinent eyes not handle it? People swear. Deal with it. And you DO have the option of filtering out swearing, so don't ******** complain.

  • DON'T keep the arguments coming! I have quite enough here already, thank you. My PMs are friends only now.

    Or, here's a new idea. Register if necessary and take this IQ test. If your IQ is within 10 points below, equal to, or above mine, you can email me ( khobsessor_NOSPAM_@hotmail.com, remove/emphasis on "_NOSPAM_" wink an argument with a screenshot of your result. If you email me without a proper screenshot or just randomly spam up my inbox, I'll report you to hotmail, then you'll get in trouble with Windows/Microsoft.

    If you want to keep your signature for after we get our siggy's back, but need to constantly update something in your siggy, like a questbar, take your current siggy, copy-and-paste it into notepad (or something similar), and save it to your computer, while we deal with our smaller signatures for now.

    Want to Affilate with us? The affiliation fee is a mere 50g, please send it to Becs1234, and be sure to specify what the trade is for.

    NEW RULE: The fact that you've read this far probably means you're intelligent enough for my attention. My PM's are set to friends only now due to all the spam I get. If you want to affiliate, send an email to khobsessor_NOSPAM_@hotmail.com (remove "_NOSPAM_" wink and fill out the following form. Be sure to put "Y HALO THAR-- affiliate" as the subject.

    Gaia name:
    Link to page:
    Link to banner: (If nothing here, there will be a text link)
    Any other comments?

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    The Shop of SHOCK!

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    Blueberry Waffle's Avi Art Shop

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    eYeBaLl hUrTeR; The quizola

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    And one last thing:

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    By opolong
    1. Follow Gaia ToS. Please. That means no cybering, no abuse...

    2. To sign the petition reply to this thread with something along the lines of, "I sign this petition." You must say "I sign" in there somewhere, or I will not add your signature to the list. You must be clear in this.

    3. Do. Not. Sign. Twice.

    4. Do NOT PM me if you don't see your signature up on the list yet. Surprizingly, I DO have a life outside of Gaia. My real life is a higher priority than updating this petition. I'll add your name to the signature list when I'm good and ready.

    5. Now that I think of it, don't PM me at all! Unless you want to affiliate a thread with this one, DO NOT PM ME. DO NOT PM ME. DO NOT PM ME. Don't PM me with anything on the lines of, "1 lyke th15 petish0n LOLZ." Only PM me for a thread affiliation, a long-term argument (avoid pagestretching), or a banner to add. Or anything else intellectual. No n00bish PM's.

    6. Do not sign for other people! Mules are okay, but you must SAY THAT THEY ARE MULES. AND I MUST FIND THIS TRUE.

    7. No. Quoting. Original. Posts. PLEASE!!!

    Link Banners:

    (If you have one for us, just PM me)

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    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.(from charm312)

    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.(from skullgrl)
    Signatures: (3000+ ???)
    (Collected with some help from Mezacoo, Dark Cloud y Heaven Mist)

    From This Petition for the same thing (108, some possible repeat sigs in


    1. mezacoo
    2. Best Of Both Worlds
    3. RazorX
    4. freezep0p
    5. [ Polkadot Princess ]
    6. Regardless of Fact...
    7. Roxy the Rock Chick
    8. Cherrimu
    9. babynyu
    10. Shadow Of Secrets
    11. NekoNekoNyuNyu
    12. 1.2..3... GO!
    13. irocku35
    14. musicc_x3
    15. masked fox ninja
    16. Kingdom_Hearts_2_Fanatic
    17. Odnish
    18. konspiracy
    19. [Star.Raver]
    20. Chiruro
    21. LovelyCrimson
    22. NeoDemon2588
    23. Roasted Ham
    24. Kurogane Chan
    25. xXbunnybooXx
    26. [M e o w]
    27. Nyru x3
    28. NightEmber
    29. sandyyxn
    30. ...AndThenWeDrankSomeBeer
    31. [urotsuku]
    32. Bibliophile17
    33. Tazzy Wolfstar
    34. x_lunaheart_x
    35: Teddy Meyer
    36. boreddarkangel
    37. crystalove
    38. dragonflie87
    39. sasukesgirlisME
    40. Yami_the_Ninja
    41. Hiro Hiwatari
    42. ButteredLemon
    43. angelwingsmichael
    44. Yazmina
    45. All You Wanted
    46. chibichibisora
    47. LovelyCrimson
    48. Dynamite.Denni
    49. CrashMD *
    50. Freeze-Dried Romance
    51. Siou
    52. megymoomo
    53. Smitty_Smith
    54. LadyKarin
    55. `Kyouto
    56. kitsune_keyblader
    57. Kiarone
    58. phillly cheese cake
    59. Orochimarufan523
    60. Neppie Fairycat
    61. eldarmunkeyz
    62. l-laseo
    63. `Aeris
    64. Sparkle 3xAngel
    65. MorganHimura
    66. xramenxcraziix
    67. Kurogane Chan
    68. sai_taisho
    69. Lolita Roze
    70. moonbeam5003
    71. Sheawn
    72. Venessa_Sage
    73. Pizaru
    74. mad_hatting_around
    75. Sarah005
    76. HellionzGate
    77. lets_get_some_shoes
    78. kotoami
    79. YukiOnizuka
    80. Ms_laughsalot
    81. uma910
    82. LeClub_DyFirsity
    83. Vampire Angel Freadric
    84. Kiki Yashima
    85. [Insane.Pillow]
    86. shadowscar12
    87. Sabaku no Kura
    88. swimfan120
    89. sup-qt
    90. Midnights.Only.Angel
    91. TriggerHappyGirl
    92. Magic Sharpie`
    93. Ratherin_Of_Arcadia
    94. Butterrr.Cookie.Doom
    95. [.A.Fallen.Angel.]
    96. Angel~Cat2006
    97. deadlykill7
    98. Jisatsu N
    99. Silent Blessing
    100. MaohHime
    101. Gruelgrimm
    102. BatChic
    103. bishielurfer
    104. .Fallen.Dawn.
    105. NinjaRapunzel
    106. Zippy T
    107. cloud124
    108. mizzshy

    From This petition for the same thing (135):

    1 ) felinoel
    2 ) KuraiNeko
    3 ) BbyFireGurl
    4 ) Demented and Evil
    5 ) x_cyn
    6 ) evenstar2390
    7 ) MelonIce_LittleBlacksmith
    8 ) Lady_Jaime
    9 ) DontCountOnMe
    10 ) Siriah
    11 ) mattsparks
    12 ) big_mapo
    13 ) BunnySkull
    14 ) Tear Drops tear
    15 ) Yupui
    16 ) emi_uchiha
    17 ) yukifan
    18 ) Meisco
    19 ) Azusa Fuyutsuki
    21 ) PrincessByDawn
    22 ) Secira
    23 ) Electric~Rose
    24 ) Botud
    25 ) smilylady
    26 ) Goddess Ace
    27 ) ~Godess_Anthopa~
    28 ) Lady Star
    29 ) ricky_reaper
    30 ) Iris_Minimino
    31 ) kendelle_may
    32 ) hieisfuzz
    33 ) slam156
    34 ) darkemolover
    35 ) Vaulkyrie
    36 ) GinjiOfThunder
    37 ) Washu_Takahashi
    38 ) Sargent Stupid
    39 ) Darkness_Sniper
    40 ) WindPriestess.Hotaru
    41 ) DawsonsWife
    42 ) LiLchiRikO
    43 ) Scari-Mari
    44 ) Foxy_the_lovable_smidget
    45 ) poofacupcake
    46 ) Bishounen Otaku
    47 ) Midokee
    48 ) XNevermoreX
    49 ) zac.g
    50 ) Elyes
    51 ) Rody Frudnick
    52 ) Be Rii
    53 ) unknown_zoso05
    54 ) Honeybee2299
    55 ) Metachronism
    56 ) hamsterclb
    57 ) cjcard21
    58 ) Kiorio
    59 ) MitosisK622
    60 ) `Aeris
    61 ) Machika Balfaltin
    62 ) YakuVega-Nari
    63 ) Kirara-Chan32
    64 ) Shinning-Moon
    65 ) Soraki
    66 ) kirby531
    67 ) ~Angel~Loving~
    68 ) Bastas knife stolen
    69 ) Sanctus Hotoni
    70 ) WatersMoon110
    71 ) Ookami_Miko
    72 ) theSinlessSinner
    73 ) l0ve4sessh0maru
    74 ) lyl_usagi_chan
    75 ) the_mego_rock
    76 ) XxFillerx_xBunnYxX
    77 ) -Lustful.Indecency-
    78 ) illusionsofmyth
    79 ) Miss.Seonag
    80 ) Eldest_dragon_flame
    81 ) Evalai
    82 ) Wolf Princess of the Moon
    83 ) Angelic_Moon_Kitty
    84 ) GuardianAngel of Betrayal
    85 ) gReeNnPiNkAnGeL
    86 ) Kakashiman556
    87 ) ShuichiBoy
    88 ) xXoddxprojectXx
    89 ) lunar_beam
    90 ) mean dark lord
    91 ) Trapped Soul of Death
    92 ) Lost Symphonies
    93 ) Miss Epilepsy Face.
    94 ) 3-tails
    95 ) Kitty_Elric4
    96 ) Hitori808
    97 ) Kiyotarou
    98 ) AeroPiuWind-wing
    99 ) Jarrid
    100) BambooPanda124
    101) OtakuGoddeness
    102) Half-Demon Kaoru
    103) Puddytatt
    104) Mr_Moo695
    105) Joanne xXx AennJo
    106) vbtweety13
    107) Mark Gomand is #1
    10 cool jennypenny93
    109) MaronaPossessed
    110) Trusis
    111) anlexjules
    112) 2felinoel
    113) FullmetalEDlover
    114) chii236
    115) (dreams_down_the_drain)
    116) Chiyo-ChanKira
    117) KittyWitty-Chan
    11 cool Demon Within Darkness
    119) KittyWitty-Chan
    120) DesertDarky
    121) nozakis_suck
    122) morbid_apathy
    123) [ Silver Angel ]
    124) Earth _Guardian
    125) loopylemur
    126) [ Mountain Dew ]
    127) Judas Gabriel
    12 cool Asakura_Demon
    129) Jonny Prophet
    130) Charlie Prophet
    131) Alexander Prophet
    132) Jessica Prophet
    133) Julie-Sue Prophet
    134) Gambitx13
    135) Koala~Bear

    From This Thread:

    1. becs1234
    2. leeplanet
    3. Amaniett
    4. Xackuu
    5. sweetangelgirl29_87
    6. kenani_star
    7. Sayo Hitachiin
    8. The Colour out of Space
    9. Xeno Greywolf
    10. SorceressEdea7
    11. Raven_Demon_Assasin
    12. DarkDragon951
    13. Hikk
    14. BladeSniper
    15. ~Fashionably~Challanged~
    16. Apples_The_Cat
    17. Kris Islanzadi
    18. Ghostly_pretender
    19. Pirate Alchemist
    20. Faeriekirara
    21. Ladyinthebluedress
    22. my~pet~Nathaniel
    23. Paresthesia
    24. tsuyoi_kaze
    25. Meisugi_Jaganshi
    26. Kira__Yamato
    27. 17 Oclock News
    28. Twighlight Gaze
    29. Splash_78
    30. RoyalXhamster
    31. ~.~Pretty~Lovely~Angel~.~
    32. lost and lonley
    33. x_Darkest_Twilight_x
    34. BdMurphyS
    35. reidenfire
    36. Fanella the Weasel
    37. LuckyCMallow
    38. KitsuneBandit
    39. Cresent Nyx
    40. BuffySlays
    41. D.i.r.e.H.y.m.n.o.d.y
    42. Trixareforrabbits
    43. Paying in Naivety
    44. `.S A R C A S M I C.
    45. fatal kirby
    46. Nadia Minx
    47. basket_case
    48. theotherandrew
    49. beautiful_disaster91
    50. Marlett
    51. Maz_TheFoxDemon
    52. Rikumas
    53. Keade
    54. [Hushed]Blue.Brown[Eyes]
    55. Anome Obsessed
    56. meldoy1991
    57. x~X PokeyX~x
    58. demonic_dingo
    59. Hop_to_God
    60. Starboy
    61. Hitsu-kun117
    62. DuctTape Rainbow
    63. Fire Temptress
    64. [ Oblivion ]
    65. Fouxen
    66. buttercup2375
    67. Wildcat_X7
    68. ForgottenGhost863
    69. [ Clobo ]
    70. emo andy
    71. Emo_Emily69
    72. Laydee_J
    73. dreneo
    74. cinnamon_roll
    75. Xes_Retsam
    76. lX Darkro Xl
    77. chihiroSan
    78. Lxi
    79. cute_baby217
    80. Neko_Bunny
    81. ForeverxSweet
    82. Dark_Judje
    83. [Epirertu]
    85. ~[Ellizybeth]~
    86. jamie_hart
    87. Suna_Kunoichi
    88. KaGurl
    89. `x0_chibbieSUkEx
    90. VampireLover 24747
    91. Kitsune_Kurotsuki
    92. ((Dark+Demon+Naruto))
    93. Regretted Harmonies
    94. Esten
    95. Comrade Ravenhawk
    96. Xx Falleb_tear x
    97. FourFalls
    98. LovelyRoyal
    99. PrincessWatermelon
    100. Frost_wing
    101. Sacred Demon Heart
    102. Leon_Black_Heart
    103. I Love Sarcasm
    104. its-tim
    105. The Wicked Jugler
    106. QueenJenn
    107. romantic fairytale
    108. ~Cute Is What I Aim For~
    109. chibbie 7636
    110. Drunken Toga Party
    111. .A.Hated.Love.
    112. beautiful~but~broken~heart
    113. Unknown_Zoso05
    114. Ceribri
    115. jeff nero hardy3
    116. Inanimatelylovable
    117. cmc_xox
    118. Zolgear
    119. wwp azn girl96
    120. ~Vampire Piggy Hunter~
    121. Asian_angel3260
    122. xXxCrimsonxXxRainxXx
    123. [.Luna.]
    124. [ Kyo-Sama.]
    125. Anbu-4ku-Chaotic
    126. leewolfia
    127. Keikou Tenshin
    128. GoddessoftheDeep
    129. AngelicWulf
    130. [-Lemony Snicket-]
    131. PatrickStumpKoala
    132. Beautiful_Lightning_04
    133. Parabelle
    134. Spite + Malice
    135. rjctdangel16
    136. Luvstinx
    137. x.Rinelle.x
    138. Inwe Nolatari
    139. [. Sex Kitten .]
    140. .[Suicidal Romance].
    141. =Otaku Punkette=
    142. Himiko_chan
    143. Crazed-neko313
    144. lone-alchemist
    145. teenie_wahine23
    146. KLLR
    147. Catastrophic Failure
    148. Shini_sara
    149. Frogogog
    150. Rika_-chan
    151. darkfire411733
    152. brad_simpson
    153. KeeperofOblivion
    154. Sakitiashi
    155. Darkflame Angel
    156. [ o_O ]
    157. Pasque`
    158. just-me 14- 16
    159. Mystic Fire Ninja
    160. flying_pigs_will_rule_you
    161. princesszz34
    162. [phospholipid]-bilayer
    163. Kiaters--cuz
    164. New York Babii
    165. conejito
    166. Lliba
    167. Okaasar_aibu
    168. neomattlac 27
    169. Sumoko-chan
    170. Snew Chan
    171. axsinglextear
    172. Lunasariel
    173. lizzie893
    174. lEE_x
    175. Coco am I
    176. Revolting Slob
    177. the(sic)nessWithin
    178. X.gaara.kun.x
    179. Kuro_Hinote_Katana
    180. Ms. Alice Cullen
    181. digitalnebula
    182. Bentotaisho
    183. Yizmo
    184. Uncle Touchy
    185. Pyg System
    186. neo_moon_princess
    187. Katherina_eclipse
    188. SleepingShrew
    189. [ kimu_maysto ]
    190. ~fatee-chan
    191. [.www.lee.beth.
    192. [.Pink.-.X.]
    193. witchdragon06
    194. NYC-animechick
    195. Hobo13Kitty
    196. Reyairia
    197. LegitimateeFeelings
    198. Flurgal
    199. The~Necro~Demon
    200. Philosophical.apple
    201. cougar_paw
    202. saphireaster
    203. Shizuka Nemuri
    204. Softheart
    205. [.Dr.Miro.Moku.]
    206. Super Sharpy
    207. mew_mew_mi-chan
    208. Wolfes Betic
    209. [Kyoshi_san]
    210. fishthing
    211. KitsuneRaven
    212. Red Jazy
    213. Mani Katti
    214. Cathmore_Ciaran
    215. [.Rasberry.Jello.]
    216. Xambesi
    217. ~+~[`Aiko]~+~
    218. Cyhara
    219. KittyPurr
    220. ForeverEnds87.
    221. DacrazyElanie
    222. Animae_god
    223. riku2425
    224. simiwings
    225. Hotlilchica2206
    226. Flameinexile
    227. Sahimi on a Platter
    228. TheOvErLoRd#2
    229. Gh3tt0 Gurl
    230. Chaos Bell
    231. Mitsuko-hime
    232. Harmonee
    233. Freamparacite
    234. Kissmeimaredhead
    235. TheFateOfTheUniverse
    236. Kaihan32
    237. Da Duck
    238. DiffusionOfTime
    239. My friends call me Ramrod
    240. MissScarlette
    241. Aryiandarkfire
    242. gummie_sourball
    243. Speedfox
    244. Snow_Vixen
    245. Cemetary at Sundown
    246. links_girl
    247. Seawolfmoon
    248. hotflameballs
    249. gothschix
    250. KanadajinGaijin
    251. d!tz
    252. darknessxmaidenxx
    253. Bishounenrockmysocks
    254. Taer Drop
    255. BlueFreezePop
    256. cometkitty00
    257. ~[GaaraLover]~
    258. Deaths_puppet
    259. Class of 07
    260. PhantomDarksGirl
    261. JackD Mage
    262. .Vindicated.of.Sanity.
    263. `Avino
    264. bishielurfer
    265. cloud124
    266. [[The Black Dahlia]]
    267. AmberEyes86
    268. CaptVampire
    269. thunderbat
    270. Glacius Daemus
    271. panic-at-the-disco-girl
    272. BraveBear
    273. darkdreamer99
    274. Paper Rape
    275. [~Even-In-Death~]
    276. Ninja Nurse Alii
    277. Rokuzeshin
    278. Lee Retalis
    279. WarrenSpike500
    280. The Cookie Whore Pirate
    281. IceburgFannel
    282. Verlierer 9.0
    283. Payton_Girl
    284. Awesome_Person4892
    285. Icigal_1804
    286. A Nonny Moose
    287. The Ugly Mule
    288. Ceatah 330
    289. Elzeothis
    290. B.longimanus
    291. Chezea
    292. Insanitys Child
    283. Meurte Hermosa
    284. Fen Daraghoon
    285. Rauxwillbemine
    286. DesertIcicle
    287. Suicidal.Socks
    288. Daralis
    289. tenega_dragon
    290. against-miniskirts
    291. Kuwanii
    292. dwarfgarf
    293. Autrana
    294. demon_girl6
    295. lightdarkling
    296. Mosstar
    297. friikki zene
    298. Kid of the Future
    299. Battle_of_the_Utensils
    300. TONKA.Bomb.
    301. Squiggle~me`Penguins
    302. Teknine
    303. Firesongfeather
    304. jantastic
    305. Mina2034
    306. mizz_sweetz
    307. eldarmunkeyz
    308. yililou123
    309. tear girl
    310. Chrystalized_Butterfly
    311. Naru Amarfi
    312. Leighanna
    313. Pickelish
    314. Burnt Biscuits
    315. Kalaela
    316. Fluffy_chan
    317. [-smiles-]
    318. [ Die Katze ]
    319. My Only Joy
    320. VChanNekoSama
    321. chachamaru-kun
    322. BlackDemonMyst
    323. -[ + sorrowful angel + ]-
    324. ardinus
    325. NoobCake238
    326. Midnight Saphirre
    327. Voluptuous Velcro!
    328. jima.zero
    329. JJ181
    330. Shadow Hunter7
    331. Holier Than Mel Gibson
    332. sailor moon x
    333. GD_blue
    334. MC Awesome
    335. Allikow
    336. [pure.innocence]
    337. riku2425
    338. Royaca
    339. PerishedDemon
    340. TonkaTruck
    341. Nakii
    342. I_Love_JJoppa_696
    343. [.Tashie.]
    344. Nutch
    345. Posiaz
    346. spittingirish
    347. ~+Lucine-Light+~
    348. Blacky The Phoenix
    349. Amechan
    350. Flynn_MacCallister
    351. DragnKnight
    352. AubreyXVI
    353. usagitsukino666
    354. nilhil
    355. KrystalWolf
    356. that1AWESOMEperson
    357. samurai scott
    358. Shinobi Ninja Ten Ten
    359. The.Choco.Panda
    360. literatedoggy
    361. Tokelau
    362. Demon Days
    363. Aki-Hoshi
    364. hate shall reign
    365. Nagis
    366. Lady_of_the_Harashi
    367. merry go-round sex
    368. ph34r_t3h_b3cc4
    369. Another Sad Song
    370. BDaichi
    371. Asiko
    372. Sarcastic Little b***h
    373. Keiichi.Tajiko
    374. +MissMajority+
    375. [-Uberlicious-]
    376. [Oasis]
    377. Natura
    378. x.shu.x
    379. konotashi
    380. TehTrinja
    381. LilyTail
    382. The_Calm
    383. _-=PowerOfDarkness=-_
    384. El Moo
    385. Alienkabalien
    386. xxkiarax
    387. The Purple Cauliflower
    388. God khaine
    389. _Chexmixy_
    390. Rikku Shadows of air
    391. O.o_Moo_Cow_O.o
    392. Krazy327
    393. Kazyan
    394. The Lunatic On The Grass
    395. PoPRoxes
    396. Aquabutterfly
    397. mini-angel melody
    398. smitty_smith
    399. Ultrapaint56
    400. arnjeca
    401. ~Zukamime.Kiku~
    402. Rananteriel
    403. drake-tora
    404. Sypherengel
    405. NightCrystal
    406. Unwilling_Crimson
    407. [~Hold your Breath~]
    408. vampite zero
    409. The Read Demi
    410. dragonteenager
    411. BloodRedOreo
    412. FlyingBagel
    413. DemonLady33
    414. Azume-chan
    415. Monkey_kung_fu
    416. dragonmonkey
    417. Sepik
    418. Ryanna Silverthorn
    419. Denara
    420. I am Z
    421. Shira Clearsong
    422. ninja-kitten-17
    423. CORMORANT_89
    424. foxtrot__xx
    425. piksoyp
    426. Crimson_Storm001
    427. Shamakan
    428. WhiteWolf999
    429. Vampire_killer10
    430. Coffee Slave
    431. `T O X I C
    432. randomstyx
    433. Trinity x Blood
    434. this_is_agrivating
    435. dum_aussie_blonde
    436. Love on a Stick
    437. [ a c e ]
    438. mooniewitch
    439. Vampralien
    440. Zeke34
    441. animer_21
    442. thunderwolfmoon
    443. ~Strawberry-Memories~
    444. Ilena_Arwenneth
    445. `T A P I O C A `
    446. Shazuri
    447. [Zol_the_grim_Reaper]
    448. ~Violet Diatom~
    449. Shadow Ice Night
    450. The Almighty Can of Corn
    451. gaari
    452. Decieving Beauty
    453. Jedi Banjo
    454. Sheena_bandy
    455. Ephibiphobia
    456. im_in_my_own_little_world
    457. Kazuki_Grrl
    458. pinky4256
    459. illlyana
    460. likkledibbun
    461. Schizorain
    462. ` D r u s t a n `
    463. magicQueen619
    464. [Pleasurable+Nightmares]
    465. acuna_ame
    466. lily_bell_2
    467. fomboy2girl
    468. bexster16
    469. Fallen_Angel_15
    470. Odkut
    471. Ledah2.0
    472. x.X.Innocent Passion.X.x
    473. Glompy-Snuggles
    474. bluefairy7
    475. laogurl96
    476. underage-thinking
    477. Angel Lady Hinata
    478. iambob1
    479. nilhilschi2
    480. sockss
    481. Saint Angel 07
    482. Retarted Fairy
    483. Coyotecom
    484. Angel Of Fayte
    485. The GD Reciever
    486. .[Glitter Poptart].
    487. Sheikeh
    488. memyselfiamweird
    489. Lady Sickness
    490. TwiztidxManda
    491. FierceGaz
    492. [-trekkie-]
    493. masochistic ambellina
    494. keiko higame72
    495. surfbaby89
    496. t(n.nt)
    497. ekirei
    498. The Boondocks Saint
    499. Carrion Kitten
    500. PlastikStarsBrokenHearts
    501. Sumoko-chan
    502. littlewonder
    503. BabbleFish
    504. [.Gaara.Kuuun.]
    505. Split_Personality
    506. my_3vil_twin
    507. Choco_Hates_You
    508. A N T I - E C S T A S Y
    509. Master Hatachi
    510. Aryra
    511. Kagra123
    512. LunaAngel45
    513. Saigoto
    514. Shadow Manner02
    515. Maverick Tears
    516. Velderia
    517. Lina_Sparda
    518. rakunman43
    519. NiteMare_Skater
    520. Mime Sex
    521. sarahgirl202
    522. Icen
    523. Pyro-Maniac123
    524. jianime_rocks
    525. Shinys
    526. Rock Star X
    527. __Penguin__
    528. Tatsuya
    529. ~Monkey~D.~Luffy~
    530. OMG~Mule
    531. Pure Chaos Kurisu
    532. GoldenSpire
    533. bluemoon-alchemist
    534. Sharish
    535. Eccentric Inoclast
    536. yayness93
    537. ENCORAJA
    538. The-Shadow-Girl
    539. Firn the Panda
    540. [ Laughing Nerd ]
    541. traceypaper12
    542. CaliberLoveLetter
    543. SuperSara13
    544. Nightmare Usagi
    545. hanyou67
    546. Pastel.Dreams
    547. Krystal Forlorn
    548. sarcasticGRUNNY
    549. Missy Elron
    550. Bombalina Meow
    551. __iLuvAnim3__
    552. dEATH.fAIRY--Glowstix
    553. Gin Kadia
    554. Cerune
    555. OkoumoSuza
    556. [JZ][Vee][E.Love]
    557. Atisela-Latina
    558. pluit
    559. Inablivion
    560. LiliFlower
    561. LufaMouse
    562. Rummy_999
    563. [Strawberry.Sushi]
    564. Glaya
    565. Hyperion_Hell
    566. willow_r_
    567. DeaDeYe The Mirage
    568. jelloh0530
    569. Al-Chime
    570. Haylee-Simaca
    571. -_The Darkly Funny_-
    572. The Magical LIma Bean
    573. Furtune Cookies Lie
    574. practicalmagicfan
    575. fcuk1992
    576. Gnomeosxcual
    577. Agethia
    578. Layla Smart
    579. ryouna
    580. ` Emerald Tears `
    581. theraputicSmile
    582. -_-Black_MooMoo-_-
    583. Inusister
    584. Kevin Video
    585. Gothic Hippie Mii
    586. Fullmetal Phantom
    587. Frank Iero
    588. Miyas Aurion
    589. Karikachan
    590. Takiama
    591. scarlet witch 42
    592. Aquies
    593. hottz_4_the_HOBBITZ
    594. LadyElendir
    595. AnimeDragonofFire
    596. AwEsOmeME23
    597. Pyro_Fishy
    598. Vladlena
    599. Felicity Charm
    600. Mars_Army
    601. grapeseed
    602. mbwapori
    603. The Kingdom Keeper
    604. MysticalAngelEyes
    605. Samayo Sukuichi
    606. cherrisoda
    607. Libris
    608. Death Inside Of Me
    609. Dark_Lady_Jade
    610. ` p e a c e
    611. downontheupside
    612. Jstar3000
    613. Sandra Arashi
    614. Shadowed_rain
    615. shadow__dragon
    616. brightgreen12
    617. Lady Zelda Dragoness
    618. Ramen-sama
    619. Lolita Kitsu
    620. TwilightStarGazer
    621. half-demon98
    622. FUNKYCOW.
    623. duckjelly
    624. Mihoshiko_Mashuba
    624. kiari12
    625. xbrokensmilesx
    626. kanu of the firestorm
    627. Rozeira
    628. Ryuk_the_shinigami
    629. Kira_the_neko
    630. Miraxe
    631. clarinetangel
    632. ephyouseekay
    633. noisebeast
    634. kingwerewolf
    636. Crystal Sorceress
    637. Sperm Flavored Popsicle
    638. Snow_Cinematic
    639. higethebroken
    640. EnTeRMakkura
    641. desijohns
    642. Alexandrea Kitten
    643. dhoffryn
    644. XaltxrockX
    645. darkness vampire1
    646. got_fun
    647. F E A R 666
    648. Saturday`Night
    649. [Eternal Blaze]
    650. Q U ! N `
    651. Scythe01
    652. Finalfantasyfiend
    653. Fizzette
    654. imusonata
    655. rabbit sushi
    656. `M i n t y. L o v e.`
    657. PinkSugaredIce
    658. Bright White Dreams
    659. Sky Blue Bubblegum
    660. alchiap
    661. LadyShizuka
    662. royalrage911
    663. frozen.butter.knife
    664. Nijihime
    665. kittygomeow
    666. Muzicfreek
    667. banana560
    668. The Pinkest Damn Chocobo
    669. Lavendar67
    670. .Sakura. no .Hana.
    671. Guardian Tenshi
    672. SootBallTotoro
    673. Soel-Larg
    674. Fistriel
    675. SweetHermes
    676. Karasu Kosen
    677. bloodybubbles
    678. Sunstar333
    679. K ! T T E N`
    680. Veripare
    681. WestFire
    682. STATiC SHEEP
    683. paloverboy
    684. Strawberry_Kraziness
    685. OniYouji
    686. BlingKitten
    687. El General
    688. jimakufox
    689. Kerisa06
    690. Dark Assasin_Katsumi 2
    691. sp0iledprincess
    692. magical pocky
    693. iwanttherainbow
    694. Shai-tan
    695. Angel_Dumott_Schunard
    696. Floo123
    696. lilangelgirl234
    697. Momlady
    698. `Ducky
    698. Depressed_Dreamer
    699. [Dreamer n' Beyond]
    700. Shino_Lover25
    701. ~[Rainbows.R.Rad]~
    702. [[huggable_poptart]]
    703. akima_rocklee
    704. Dragain
    705. waterdragon_wonder
    706. necromancer girl
    707. FlyingNeko
    708. TheStreetSpirit
    709. Pirate_Babe
    710. Celeste Chantecler
    711. kido66
    712. [.Amaya.]
    713. Depleted_Uranium
    714. Serial Experiment Lain
    715. Mr. Beer
    716. AngelLilly
    717. Stonewaltz
    718. Alilacia
    719. Daisukes_lover
    720. [efini]
    721. [--Antidaephobia--]
    721. Lenre Li
    722. midnight_m00n
    723. SwollenLollirot
    724. Dark Chaos2
    725. black-sorceress-tsukiko
    726. Kake-chan
    727. ..My.Chem..
    728. [D E L U G E]
    729. cat1616
    730. Masterimani
    731. queen_peacock
    732. Ms.Positive
    733. Fate-san
    734. Roses and Lilies
    735. [Princess_Soto]
    736. Of Qzxyntop
    737. x3LatestPlaguex3
    738. Aaronforever
    739. [.Ace.]
    740. Kobanya
    741. kaoss_master
    742. Sakki_Ryuuketsu
    743. Angel Wearing Jeans
    744. [.Ramen.]
    745. Twisted~Fairytale
    746. s02
    747. Koto Kokopelli
    748. burn_this_city
    749. Julianne_Rightchos
    750. xSilver_Sparksx
    751. t w i l i g h t . a u r a
    752. Zankotsu Da Samurai
    753. x-Neon Stitches-x
    754. nanachi
    755. china_man
    756. [the.fanatic.toothbrush]
    757. Mischief_Cwyn_Annwyn
    758. Angry_angry_Jane
    759. The Gorgotron
    760. Henada
    761. Sephiro_Dragon
    762. baka_sama10
    763. Jamie_Johnston_Lover
    764. nekoyasha14
    765. kitaly2
    766. sugernspice67
    767. Windwaker Temari
    768. samk2u
    769. LollopopLina
    770. Kyouou
    771. Matsuoka
    772. Hinata--Dreams
    773. fyren_voodeedoo
    774. Dashing_Rain
    775. -The.Producer.Bloom-
    776. Wundii
    777. Gatta Forte
    778. experiment two-zero-nine
    779. Simply Michelle
    780. Risuko Suzume
    781. Sheer_Insanity
    782. My-Vampire-Heart
    783. Oberstamm. Schrodinger
    784. `Sock Puppet
    785. shippo-chan77
    786. Tei-rei
    787. krystalevenstar
    788. rockergirl525
    789. randomshoes77
    790. Kitty_boom
    791. The Blind Squirrel
    792. Luxiaj_XV
    793. J.C.W
    794. Deflated Pineapple`
    795. [+] l e n o r e NEVERMORE
    796. Sumurika
    797. Seaside Rendezvous
    798. Disco! At the Panic
    799. nasu ariki
    800. Kakazumi_15
    801. Scary Alice
    802. opolong
    803. Secreta84
    804. Arana_Kamina
    805. [ Mina ]
    806. Midnight-mint
    807. WinNiEdApOoP
    808. Limstella_sama
    809. Chaos A.D.
    810. Kimyo ryu
    811. Dark_Serenity
    812. jolene_22
    813. [Saiyuri]
    814. [x]Miss Murder[x]
    815. ..Neko.Aimi..
    816. Child.Of.The.Wolves
    817. bold not bald
    818. blueblueBLUEFISH788721
    819. WingedTigress
    820. Queen Bella Zarah
    821. untouched_reality
    822. eternally_awakened
    823. The Almighty Can Of Corn
    824. GDI7007
    825. TheEvilChoirGirl
    826. Frulite
    827. Greenzally
    828. ToshimaX
    829. Yami_no_Eyes
    830. Kuroi Doragon Chii
    831. black dragon blood
    832. Demonic_Dingo
    833. Evadora
    834. Akumaryu_13
    835. The Boondocks Saint
    836. lily2468
    837. sola84
    838. Star~Trail
    839. magic_lily
    840. orgasmic me
    841. Yuki Baka
    842. Icy Kitty
    843. shiko_me
    844. litra
    845. Shimizu Ayumi
    846. Goddess of Sexy
    847. kagome05ontherun
    848. ayashi_satu
    849. boredboy
    850. Kags44
    851. Emo Ninja Gurl
    852. Kiki_Kat
    853. Luna278
    854. Blach Inferno Alchemist
    855. Miss_Christine_Diae
    856. vickyt110032
    857. Malvadinha
    858. Crazy Bananna
    859. -EncoreForASuicide-
    860. Matt Hardy 1.0
    861. Misha Akita
    862. bumbley_suga_bee
    863. KerioSaga
    864. gimme_chocolate
    865. O-a Mitochondria
    866. Teh Lizzeh
    867. Isnt.It.Obvious
    868. I am finally free
    869. RedHotFireBabe
    869. Chris Mercury
    870. cinderxXxsnowfall
    871. Dresden Doll`
    872. The [Original] Emo Potato
    873. Erratic Distortia
    874. KagomeSohma
    875. project-00
    876. theonewhodarestodream91
    877. Chibichibi01
    878. P i x
    879. DragonRissa
    880. Deneb Vir
    881. Bao Bao the dog
    882. Genyusai
    883. Messenger_Of_The_Moon
    884. Forever-Fornever
    885. Ryoku merc.
    886. Mees7
    887. Broker of darkness
    888. Female Punk
    889. blackgemini615
    890. !MileyCyrus4eva!
    891. SiaSetaSilvertail
    892. Odkut
    893. Lost_Yokai
    894. alyblaith
    895. Dark Knight 0
    896. Lightedge
    897. LornMind
    898. Fenrir_the_hunter
    899. lindzi
    900. Lonely__girl50
    901. [`Ultimecia`]
    902. Crimsonn_demoness_Rose
    903. Hidden_Desires
    904. ` s i l v e r l o c k e t
    905. Nelenna
    906. Capt-Cat
    907. ` L o c k [+] L o a d
    908. xXxBrokeninsidexXx
    909. Waterbender2000
    910. niche.e
    911. Hikari Minamoto
    912. jima.zero
    913. WonderChef Deluxe
    914. Super Dot!!
    915. Tennoseki
    916. moldy_soup667
    917. Angelic Tenten
    918. [The Flower Girl]
    919. marx99
    920. Akiyama_Rei
    921. Kawaii Hanyou
    922. Jesdawn
    923. Azura Bladewright
    924. Daleah The Faithful
    925. Chaos_Alchemist
    926. Claustrophobia
    927. krn_fox12
    928. Kiaichi
    929. frozen.butter.knife
    930. Deadly Skittle
    931. nami678
    932. pokkypok
    933. keikey
    934. Queen Alexandira
    935. angelcandy
    936. lev_21n01
    937. PinkKitty7
    938. Ghost_Ninetails
    939. Green-Hawk
    940. Unwantedhearts
    941. Leira Knives
    942. Payton_Girl
    943. ellreka
    944. FallenAngel72792
    945. ~Godess_Anthopa~
    946. Askikage
    947. katgems
    948. Yuna10111
    949. Reiko Namikiri
    950. Ru-Shin
    951. ~Lady Kiara~
    952. Rejected Conformity
    953. Shike Amoro
    954. Takeourfall
    946. ~The.Demon.Dutchess~
    947. Gemstone
    948. Morwynn
    949. Pete Wentz Stalker
    950. Takeourfallx
    951. madmeis
    952. The Darkness Makuta
    953. the_white_darkness
    954. Guardian-Kyosuke
    955. K the warrior
    956. shadowfaxkittycat
    957. bakuraslittlegrl
    958. Preacher Josh Monreaux
    959. Kaivi Silverwing
    960. RememberThePanda
    961. Scythe Shadrak
    962. Animemoon
    963. Kurridan
    964. [Gothic_Fallen_Angel]
    965. `Death by bunniez
    967. Nijiiro66
    968. Drakto123
    969. Screaming Photo OP
    970. Erekayu
    971. s3xYm3LLi
    972. seamon96
    973. Asuka Red
    974. panktacular
    975. Dai - Chan
    976. nami678
    977. JennyColt
    978. [ e u P H O r ! a ]
    979. Uchiha Neki
    980. Mizu Sousui
    981. Soten_Jaganshi
    982. apiyo
    983. Yo-It--=Shad=-
    984. miss_muffin_man
    985. DeviousNymph
    986. Malik.Licious
    987. ThE PaTTerN QueeN
    988. Sapphire Vortex
    989. Titan Obsidian Tempus
    990. Yule Attack!
    991. Jynxed
    992. I_R_Unorthodox
    993. NeptunianWolf
    994. Artemis Sothis
    995. [[Dan the Man]]
    996. BlackShadow03
    997. vanilla saladfingers
    998. [.Miseria.Cantare.]
    999. Rosalind
    1000. kittycatwhipme
    1001. cagalli yula atha
    1002. intelligent one
    1003. DeathSpice
    1004. Stuntedfreak
    1005. Galadedrid Damodred
    1006. Duncan_the_Soulknight
    1007. contagious emo love
    1008. Taka nackie
    1009. Megaket Genevus
    1010. im_cute
    1011. definite_blonde
    1012. ShadowAwakener
    1013. Duh Star
    1014. Sincere Murder
    1015. Elliebites'
    1016. [-Quarantine-]
    1017. Okage3116
    1018. My~Kitten
    1019. Queen Nekoyasha
    1020. secret_shad0w
    1021. HelloKitty88
    1022. The.Great.Hoboe
    1023. `candySAURUS
    1024. Ferale
    1025. plantedchaos
    1026. The Wolfy One
    1027. Rose the Homicidal Maniac
    1028. Eggmond
    1029. lovelydeathgoddess
    1030. FlamingAngel666
    1031. BloodyJuggalette
    1032. Se Ga Takai
    1033. Evelyne
    1034. Emo Dinosaur.
    1035. Ryurei08
    1036. Purpleirma
    1037. Pirate_Babe
    1038. RedRose Elric 66
    1039. azure.eyes.kairi
    1040. Kiltante
    1041. [ - Candied BonBon - ]
    1042. Neon Nightmares
    1043. Jharmari
    1044. IlianaRodriguez
    1045. rainbow~toe~socks
    1046. Mehina
    1047. superchicklova
    1048. Mansur
    1049. XX__Natharia__XX
    1050. x_tainted_vampiress_x
    1051. Patashu
    1052. Maddio_likes_candy
    1053. Magyx
    1054. Kiyama
    1055. z-bandit
    1056. KillingEdge4909
    1057. Evelon
    1058. silentscreams22
    1059. Twilightringwraith
    1060. Jai-Mei Sai
    1061. aquamizuki
    1062. [HIV positive]
    1063. Dante`s Prayer
    1065. gaimmorter
    1066. Jaithien
    1067. Masamune no Hi
    1068. Argos Ares
    1069. Sunegami
    1070. RMarques
    1071. ReaverOfSouls
    1072. Uchiha_Naomi
    1073. Call_me_kay
    1074. Shokudo
    1075. sweet-rin649
    1076. Hyperia
    1077. Mr~Fart~
    1078. saiiki
    1079. Eviesee645
    1080. animegirl78504
    1081. Vistar Monei
    1082. [The Pocky Panda]
    1083. xX[[Kenshin]]Xx
    1084. ~pawky.luff~
    1085. Nomad Rath
    1086. `Liquid Paradise
    1087. [Black.Butterfly]
    1088. xfallenxstarx
    1089. Zeit Rachen Havoc
    1090. Preathea
    1091. YouFallStanding
    1092. mainechick91
    1093. Nienna Minyatur
    1094. Oh So Dramatic
    1095. Jajauma Hime
    1096. SleptThruSummer101
    1097. ~Sam _Kentha~
    1098. sphinxy1333
    1099. nanxi
    1100. lover 20 wtf
    1101. Nekino_X
    1102. Crow Bunny
    1103. Striker_kenya_misty
    1104. ! r a w r r
    1105. Grabnar_the_wanderer
    1106. Black_Dragon99210
    1107. Humane Nirvana
    1108. [Xx Vanilla-Chan xX]
    1109. iBored
    1110. D!sko Duck!e
    1111. 1969 In My Head
    1112. seikou_kun
    1113. netamisama
    1114. lasttry123
    1115. guessboynosya
    1116. Dark_Style
    1117. prettypearlgirl02
    1118. spicecatz
    1119. mynameiszack
    1120. AkureiAzumi
    1121. Xx_missy_goo_xX
    1122. xanimecrazedx
    1123. a bunch of roses
    1124. Kiizumi
    1125. Koji-kin
    1126. . TWM .
    1127. Ecdysiast
    1128. fatpinkie
    1129. 2wenty6ix
    1130. rainexkratos342
    1131. +Candiiiiiiesssssss+
    1132. not_all_there
    1133. Darkangel212
    1134. Yami_Chaisu
    1135. Multi Colored Monkey
    1136. rasenganrunescape
    1137. RubberDuckysFriend
    1138. Oxymoronic Username
    1139. Aero~Dragon
    1140. nambichoo
    1141. Marumina
    1142. Chobah
    1143. Gooby Naux
    1144. Cozar_Hyzar
    1145. Anani Designs
    1146. ElectrikSoul
    1147. Eria_Tarento
    1148. Ceris_Majere
    1149. CimsonLynx
    1150. Commodore Sparrow
    1151. SUNGA1994
    1152. senic_orinite
    1153. ruffruff23
    1154. Ghost Tears
    1155. xXShigure_SohmaXx
    1156. KittyKatLuv81
    1157. [-chica.numa.numa-]
    1158. Sexual Cooking Hazard
    1159. ttravenfan1
    1160. TaKaren
    1161. rock_and_roll1995
    1162. pirategirl27
    1163. Midnight Rambler
    1164. The Green Team
    1165. `Mizuki-chan!
    1166. Broken_Girl
    1167. Kuromi Doragon
    1168. -(~[Polka Dots]~)-
    1169. Sexy Mysterious Darkness
    1170. Rockstar Kitsune
    1171. Fortune Cookies Lie
    1172. Wraith at Midnight
    1173. The Time Traveller
    1174. Ame-Hime
    1175. ` V a n i t y_x
    1176. .[.Stockholm Syndrome.].
    1177. Mokzii
    1178. x-bury-me-in-black
    1179. CactusThirst
    1180. angelic_moonlight_fairy
    1181. plopperscioly_in_USSR
    1182. jaime-manger
    1183. ngy922
    1184. U-la-la
    1185. gothcrystalkittin
    1186. Psycho-ocelot
    1197. Hidden Mist Ninja
    1198. Lunchy
    1199. Eternalsailorbunny
    1200. For Fiona
    1201. Badeye
    1202. e.y.e.s.t.r.a.i.n
    1203. [x.Lilium.x]
    1204. x~Mystical Soul~x
    1205. rikuu uchiha
    1206. The raspberry
    1207. jadedragonfly75
    1208. JPSDogs
    1209. Captaincarnival
    1210. ROBOGASM
    1211. lil_fairy_pwincess
    1212. Zephire
    1213. WolfbaneFenrir
    1214. Siea
    1215. Mitra
    1216. OvisCaedo
    1217. Hiro Cascade
    1218. x~~~sora~~~x
    1219. nadi64
    1220. little_evil_goth
    1221. Mayelle
    1222. ooyu.
    1223. Mahalako
    1224. [[.Dreamsprite.]]
    1225. swordtail
    1226. Riyo-chan
    1227. Simple Wanderer
    1228. Rye-Kun_450
    1229. air_mystic93
    1230. rupalianime4life
    1231. magic.faerie
    1232. xpolka_dot_pantsx
    1233. jaycub96
    1234. Hyunah
    1235. Fang-tan
    1236. green-girl-123
    1237. [ X_Bleeding Roses_X ]
    1238. X_Felix_X
    1239. [Mrs.Orton]
    1240. KittyKurena
    1241. 123meow123
    1242. [ Sailor Izumi ]
    1243. kazia asim
    1244. breaststroke lover
    1245. guitarchick33
    1246. lorr_NL
    1247. the_fruitcake_
    1248. Kira Phoenix
    1249. sikkiolepuppy
    1250. KarmaKitty
    1251. Tabloid
    1252. C o n fidently - Unique
    1253. xXx_killingbeauty_xXx
    1254. EbonyRaven77
    1255. 4[ k i w i ]7
    1256. Senki
    1257. elitemperor
    1258. UnholyConfessions_xx
    1259. Blazing Green Dragon
    1260. FEDKite
    1261. corysgirl77
    1262. meggiesman
    1263. happykappy
    1264. ThePhantomFly---x
    1265. cpt._underpants
    1266. RHAPSODY.in.BLUE
    1267. MyOwnBestCritic
    1268. kittypink9
    1269. Ryuuzaki Kusakurin
    1270. Claudia the Vampire Child
    1271. Herfefiny_456
    1272. korakuchan
    1273. Vixen_Hashiba
    1274. ferret_punk
    1275. ~Ace~of~Shadows
    1276. Xylia-chan
    1277. honoraryjackass
    1278. cottonkandynb
    1279. I blue falcon I
    1280. tigra.del.norte
    1281. N u t m e g C u s t a r d
    1282. Nachttoter
    1283. Cat1414
    1284. faythstro
    1285. the~loving~vampire
    1286. [KOo]Rime+
    1287. Disposition_x
    1288. prideofthepeaches
    1289. Sachiko-Lin
    1290. [.Suicidal.Tomatoes.]
    1291. ~Mikxy~
    1292. N A T S U
    1293. Atkins Approved Lip Gloss
    1294. YourDemonicGoddess
    1295. kittysweet33
    1296. xkilltehishxx
    1297. Tawket
    1298. SamPerson12345
    1299. Shadowfreak7
    1300. Los_Velus
    1301. lenden
    1302. psycofox
    1303. x.music.cuti3.lover.x
    1304. Ghost Dreamer
    1305. [ Innocent Doll ]
    1306. Disgraceful Pearl
    1307. [~My Wish~]
    1308. TheSpleen
    1309. The Thespian Lesbian
    1310. Nanabobo567
    1311. RazorRick
    1312. Twilight Tokyo Rose
    1313. metroidmania
    1314. Yoshimi Sujiyama
    1315. Kadzz
    1316. [PC]chibiRoxi
    1317. Ark92
    1318. Zukos_Blaze
    1319. Rei Rei Yamagashii
    1320. M.Z.D.
    1321. Evanescent Wraith
    1322. Desecrator
    1323. `Lissi
    1324. Neko the Great
    1325. Child of Horus
    1326. empressrose
    1327. Sinful Abyss
    1328. D-Yoop
    1329. Elphie Fabala Fae
    1330. Yuki Mikari
    1331. aznpwnage
    1332. The_Beautiful_Lie
    1333. Fabulo! Fo Shizzle
    1334. anakin_lover
    1335. AkatsukiLove
    1336. Haruko77
    1337. Green Sharingan
    1338. The Lunar Angel
    1339. Training Kunoichi
    1340. teh tangerine
    1341. Happy Black Sox
    1342. iCaptain Angle
    1343. Count Von Jeb
    1344. Pocket-sized Pedestrian
    1345. I-luv-smiley-faces
    1246. majca
    1347. [Narcoleptic Watermelon]
    1348. [.Snow.Blossom.]
    1349. labtrinthine
    1350. mangomew
    1351. Howls_Castle
    1352. Healer of Hearts
    1353. GojakInucrawler
    1354. tenten_girl_10
    1355. [ Dead Poetic ]
    1356. Akai Koi
    1357. ~Vampire Piggy Hunter~
    1358. The Compulsive Toe Licker
    1359. FlamingStar o.o
    1360. Variation Omega`
    1361. Kehlani
    1362. xoStarlightox
    1363. .girly.maDhatter.
    1364. Riko Usagi
    1365. Maayaa
    1366. Zoey2070
    1367. R!nalda
    1368. Shinsangume
    1369. king_magus09
    1370. Fagosaurus Rex
    1371. Chichi_san12
    1372. Me-in-a-city-of-Acronyms
    1373. tar
    1374. rosie_cheeks
    1375. uchihayuffie
    1376. Insanity Check
    1377. Sepheroth_hero
    1378. ShiningSol
    1379. mikari_avillion
    1380. Y u u `
    1381. Randi_the_bum
    1382. [ ZOMB!ESAUR ]
    1383. black_wolf676
    1384. tuitu
    1385. Liuum
    1386. wolfrained
    1387. I.v.y
    1388. EmeraldJen
    1389. Dreamway.Express
    1390. M.o.t.o.k.o.
    1391. beru-chan08
    1392. kaiserhex
    1393. Graveyard Samurai
    1394. Otakux3
    1395. Azalin
    1396. belldanime
    1397. Blippofun
    1398. CelibateButDashing
    1399. Voyevoda Makarov
    1400. sinabin
    1401. Azalin
    1402. For Promotional Use Only
    1403. WTC Christine
    1404. I am a Gilbert Grape
    1405. x4Medicate3Me4x
    1406. [ ~ Fuujin ~ ]
    1407. Punk! At the Rave
    1408. Senectrix
    1409. Chibx
    1410. Deadside Dreams
    1411. LukaMihelic
    1412. stellacadente
    1413. DizzyThea
    1414. Hey IBC RootBeer
    1415. DreamingDragon
    1416. SerenitySaiyan
    1417. Sugar Coated Strawberry
    1418. Stranger__With_Candy
    1419. KinkaGirl
    1420. zandreah
    1421. Cookies with Rabies
    1422. x_XDeath Becomes YouX_x
    1423. ~X~XDr.ThnuderX~X~
    1424. saigoto
    1425. Astar Dindel
    1426. tasogarenootome
    1427. Kalayou
    1428. Avira
    1429. Lynx Raven Raide
    1430. kitty cass
    1431. Merty
    1432. [~Sakura.Ai~]
    1433. Albert 899 Wesker
    1434. Mad~Vampire~Hatter
    1435. Elektrisk Majones [M]
    1436. Luther Kinkaid
    1437. urameshi_hikaru
    1438. Kidalana
    1439. pretty_in_punk15
    1440. Saraia
    1441. ~Cat Gojiku~
    1442. Pandora Luna
    1443. The Spork Monster
    1444. insanity. plea
    1445. ~.Sakura_Mizzuki-Chan.~
    1446. FriendofLee
    1447. ~Dancing~Through~Life~
    1448. Dantes_Heir
    1449. Virgo92Saphire92
    1450. Misunderstood Love To Him
    1451. lifestar
    1452. Dragonfyre
    1453. kawaii-janea
    1454. Scwibble
    1455. nobodyooto
    1456. FreshStep
    1457. Murasaki_Raion
    1458. Bloodthirsty Bunny
    1459. HotaruGunslinger
    1460. Aquabutterfly
    1461. xpouringx
    1462. xxxPAN!Cxxx
    1463. Nyag-Nyag Hio
    1464. Xx-Glinda the Good-xX
    1465. superdork807
    1466. superdork809
    1467. superdork000
    1468. `Toasted Karma
    1469. Evelyn Lily
    1470. Super_Fraggle
    1471. ShadowzofSam
    1472. Amethysta
    1473. samusen6
    1474. Joseph Lionel
    1475. specterryu
    1476. Mrs R.J. Lupin
    1477. Mizuhara Kon
    1478. jing14
    1479. Tamer_Daisuke
    1480. FullMentalManiac
    1481. Monstruogalleta
    1482. TasmanianTigger
    1483. KupoWrath
    1484. WolfKunoichi27
    1485. Symshia
    1486. phoenixdoll
    1487. `~Lolita~`
    1488. ChickenSpirit
    1489. Shigeru Kobayashi
    1490. AnotherBrick^_^
    1491. Cuddlescat9
    1492. [Arty]
    1493. choirperson
    1494. Lame Duck
    1495. The Phantom Of The Opra
    1496. Inconsistent Moon
    1497. Darien108
    1498. aki_Satou
    1499. Alternativemoshpit
    1500. Tiny07
    1501. Ty-Sama
    1502. Mysterious-Wanderer
    1503. perignon
    1504. Akhilles
    1505. RaveOnDude
    1506. AkitoNoYami
    1507. Moose.org
    1508. kyttie_kurai
    1509. Horse_Queen
    1510. HikariAyano
    1511. Mihailovich
    1512. crystalice24201
    1513. T-002
    1514. v777tony
    1515. The Angelic Shadow
    1516. TwilightStarGazer
    1517. Kuro_Okami
    1518. IndigoSensor
    1519. Ashley_Love
    1520. Freaj
    1521. boopbop
    1522. IIDX Kitten
    1523. sakura_8004
    1524. .Beyond..Help.
    1525. xchoco_popx
    1526. V_Vendetta
    1527. AnnieLu101
    1528. ScotlandNeedsWerewolves
    1529. Steven Hawkings
    1530. Silvery Shadow
    1531. Riku_Cloud224
    1532. arugala
    1533. Mrs. Dicaprio
    1534. SilverDragonChild
    1535. Mac Girl
    1536. The Almighty Can Of Corn
    1537. Yuki Baka
    1538. Griff_72
    1539. ~The.Mad.Hattuh~
    1540. [March.Hare]
    1541. anucha
    1542. The Rouge Ninja
    1543. GoddessOfNightmares666
    1544. COCOAnilla
    1545. WaterFairy52
    1546. anime428
    1547. ~Nakaru_the_wolf~
    1548. Hunter4435
    1549. Dante2523
    1550. Forgotten Forever More
    1551. Lilith Delost
    1552. -x-vodkababe-x-
    1553. xX25centXx
    1554. The living book
    1555. Dark__Ninja
    1556. dreamless_child
    1557. Jhueko
    1558. Fortune Cookie Company
    1559. KaleIllfarn
    1560. Sram Shadow
    1561. xchoco_popx
    1562. nambichoo
    1563. Naxts_The_Demon
    1564. DarkLordTantis
    1565. [X-.Slave.-X]
    1566. darkrose_eve
    1567. [Library Magi]
    1568. Amber_Alchemist
    1569. Mika Lunar
    1570. 1Bonjour
    1571. rosemoon_angel
    1572. silverspirit41
    1573. Everynne2006
    1574. uchihamassacre
    1575. Lay Me Down
    1576. Hattee
    1577. Dartanian Isthill
    1578. Silver555
    1579. Chibi_StarLyte
    1580. Sailor Moo
    1581. marshmallowcreampie
    1582. The(Sic)nessWithin
    1583. solar-window02
    1584. RingoTsubaree
    1585. Oompa Loompa `
    1586. Meant to be alone
    1587. K~A~W~A~I~I
    1588. [.Gaara.of.the.Desert.]
    1589. Moonlight54
    1590. [ P A C I E`]
    1591. ShikamarusHottie
    1592. xXxravynxXx
    1593. ~Xo Hot-n-sPiCy oX~
    1594. The Remover of Obstacles
    1595. Barb Dwire
    1596. [ A ] l i a
    1597. Niitsu Kakunoshin
    1598. Mizz Anya
    1599. Nangya
    1600. Shirosaki
    1601. [~ Intricate Detail ~]
    1602. PinkxDemon
    1603. lisabel
    1604. Tiger Between the Trees
    1605. MistyKitness
    1606. icecreamania
    1607. blackest blue
    1608. Neziar
    1609. eckzbeekay
    1610. Ruingaraf
    1611. BatChic
    1612. T.j-kun
    1613. Kumiko Hoshi
    1614. Panther Windsong
    1615. blackphoenixXIII
    1616. Stelphie
    1617. DanceHeart
    1618. SnowFire_Dragon
    1619. Rhoswen Gaehlie
    1620. TheMadHatter69
    1621. Starburstnova
    1622. potoroo99
    1623. Aoi-Kaze
    1624. Kadajian
    1625. slayer2071
    1626. Meat L.
    1627. honkie
    1628. Shadowix
    1629. s.i.l.e.n.c.e
    1630. P.o.e.m
    1631. i.c.i.c.l.e
    1632. mia.schiavo
    1633. Suichi Shindou
    1634. Fae the faerie
    1635. shikamarumind
    1636. Kouga_wolf_Kiba
    1637. shadowsummoner
    1638. vincent3g
    1639. [.Death . Angel.]
    1640. Gia Muffin!
    1641. sakura130
    1642. Buu-dai
    1643. Dramatica Away II
    1644. ilovebadboyz
    1645. Kreselak
    1646. [[t3h penguins]]
    1647. JLyn2307
    1648. iNSAANiTY.
    1649. daydream_analysis
    1650. Angelic Indigo Wolf
    1651. MRKO
    1652. Kyomaru_Chan
    1653. Artimis Niadd
    1654. Escara_Fox_Girl
    1655. Karxlin
    1656. FullMavryckAlchemist
    1657. Night Drifter
    1658. zphal_girl87
    1659. YumeAnimeSparkles
    1660. Takeshi Shindo
    1661. Takeshi Shindo
    1662. Dark_Side_Chii
    1663. Setsuna Hruna
    1664. viancababe
    1665. Steeleyed
    1666. Grimmy_teh_Reaper
    1667. disco ninja
    1668. degenerate316
    1669. Vorpal Doom
    1670. Hardrokaussie
    1671. [ Asami ] .FuzzyAngel.
    1672. FireMaster456
    1673. +flip.flip+
    1674. Nina Chiimari
    1675. caffeinecraving
    1676. Dumpster Queen
    1677. AryanaSky
    1678. [Instant.Alyce]
    1679. Rioana
    1680. Eternally Winter
    1681. Sighren
    1682. Neikoi
    1683. oODigital GlowOo
    1684. TheGreatSashinu
    1685. Le Fobsession
    1686. [-p.a.n.d.a-]
    1687. -l-Whatsername-l-
    1688. kotokochi
    1689. Anime Junkie 18
    1690. ReizvolI
    1691. rileyloveya
    1692. Vampire--Prince
    1693. Strawberry Myst
    1694. Murder on the Rocks
    1695. haredin
    1696. pinkissez4u
    1697. LurkingShadowCreature
    1698. NuclearWinterz
    1699. BlueFrozenFire
    1700. blubabe_o9
    1701. ithilgwenn15237
    1702. Wolf Princess of the Moon
    1703. Lunar Siren.
    1704. Koko.Dk
    1705. Shadow Dragon 51
    1706. [r]okr [k]id
    1707. Kuchiki_san
    1708. bluexdragonfly
    1709. Nyko-Reaper
    1710. [Shisuka Asahi]
    1711. emilyyamaki
    1712. kittie92
    1713. the_luna_diviner
    1714. okami_of_konoha
    1715. Fay The Fallen Angel
    1716. greenjam
    1717. Johvalo
    1718. Kiki_669
    1719. missy_sheryl
    1720. zornstin
    1721. Le Bete Noire Cris
    1722. Zodiac 64
    1723. SoundDoctrine
    1724. .[ Ray ].
    1725. bloodgod
    1726. snaily_girl
    1727. Mandapandapug
    1728. stuntman021
    1729. kyuubi33
    1730. jessie176
    1731. Saori Kiorimi
    1732. Lostchance
    1733. xXMiss_DorkXx
    1734. purest_heart
    1735. Blueberry_Jam_Hinata
    1736. .Panic![Malfunction].
    1737. Wolf_Demon_Ayla
    1738. Akari no Kibou
    1739. Xia Momo Capernicus
    1740. Kaerou
    1741. HellsBitch
    1742. [-Hells_Angel-]
    1743. Jam-Kiske
    1744. ` Mystearica
    1745. CookiexLuv
    1746. arrogantchild
    1747. Shizuko11
    1748. KeitheNinja
    1749. vesta_vesves_star
    1750. amber! stole the disco
    1751. The Rouge Ninja
    1752. Asuri-chan
    1753. [.Teh Werepire.]
    1754. ~[ Jaune Poison]~
    1755. Osakaleelee
    1756. Twilight.Hope
    1757. Mr. Flackle
    1758. Xanthera Wolfchild
    1759. [Sarcastic.Muffin]
    1760. [ Innocent Doll ]
    1761. Lutara
    1762. Ghost-Love
    1763. squall1513
    1764. [.Shadow-Death.]
    1765. AishaLove
    1766. tigerchic77
    1767. eika star forge
    1768. Valerie521
    1769. Zinam
    1770. Shigures Editor
    1771. SpikeTheCat
    1772. I_Am_Your_Geisha
    1773. Calamaty
    1774. Soldier_Dude_2552
    1775. ch4pst!ck
    1776. blaze1513
    1777. ltlevapeep
    1778. KittenTiger
    1779. [s`mOre.POPtart.Kittay]
    1780. George_Knox
    1781. Paw-P
    1782. Ruzicka
    1783. K i t t y L u f f `
    1784. AquaFae
    1785. poison_of _darkness
    1786. zanota
    1787. Lyk_Omfg_yeah
    1788. Xx~Fel_Hearts~xX
    1789. Supernatural171
    1790. Hyuuga Cairo
    1791. Succubus of the light.
    1792. aki_chan_desu
    1793. Pixelated Potatoe
    1794. zeromaster
    1795. Sarutobi Kenji
    1796. Raining_Skittles
    1797. .[Colorless].
    1798. Scary Kids Scaring Kids.
    1799. Draven McJoe
    1800. sanguinaryheart
    1801. favoreo
    1802. demonprincessshiori-hime
    1803. feel_the_rhythm
    1804. TimHamm
    1805. Jackie_Spicer_1991
    1806. Tetsudai
    1807. Bunnygirl808
    1808. Dash Windheart
    1809. The_black_P_a_r_a_d_e
    1810. lastnightintown
    1811. wkersey
    1812. [-Calixte-]
    1813. Raile_of_Broken_Hatsu
    1814. koolcatsamm
    1815. Cows Ride Buses
    1816. Hoshi-Hana-San
    1817. Kadeinko
    1818. Nappie Momo
    1819. Black Cactus
    1820. [.Ozel.]
    1821. Lady Snoogin
    1822. barashizu
    1823. LeuInwit
    1824. x MiDNiGHTS x
    1825. Larry the Lazy Fisher
    1826. _[JellyPie]_
    1827. Red Dahlia
    1828. Pshycho Maniac
    1829. janleeblack
    1830. Justin the blademaster.
    1831. Daisuke01470
    1832. Rikkuzia
    1833. diaa
    1834. Orcusmars
    1835. -TwilitElementalistDaith-
    1836. smileymileycyrus
    1837. .Rainbow.Nuggets.
    1838. Tisari
    1839. Fuui
    1840. Captain_Arc
    1841. phantomsdaydreams
    1842. Dark_Lady_Jade
    1843. Myrith Fayori
    1844. Darth Sorgon
    1845. tripkill201
    1846. x__Firebolt
    1847. strawberry curry
    1848. Aria Loraleigh
    1849. Rainbow_Hershey
    1850. AngelShadowspy
    1851. Raindrops of Snow
    1852. damphyr_synergie
    1853. `Zeffy
    1854. Avatardigan34
    1855. punk_rocker_gurl247
    1856. PizzaBoy220
    1857. Emz.in.Wonderland
    1858. Katija
    1859. katie_kibble
    1860. LOV3 TH3 DiiNO
    1861. sith_lord_matt_mule
    1862. sith_lord_matt
    1863. [[ Lorelei Royal ]]
    1864. Midna of Twili
    1865. Merokol
    1866. Neon Nightmares
    1867. WolfDaisy
    1868. REFICUL...AKA...NATAS
    1869. OMFG Fairy
    1870. !blk_N_white!PolkaDots
    1871. sparklykiss
    1872. Miss Stephany
    1873. Greenman922
    1874. Hinama
    1875. Zakura-chan
    1876. [ - That Asian Girl - ]
    1877. ZxKamikazexZ
    1878. PermeliaOpus
    1879. [rainbow ~ squigly]
    1880. my_gizmo
    1881. Ribbited
    1882. JahLoveAngel
    1883. yokokurama9000
    1884. RxnTym
    1885. SeiyaTenshi
    1886. HighFlyer316
    1887. Little.~.Dragon
    1888. dot..dip
    1889. xXKazamaXx
    1890. Allail
    1891. Bitter Ashes
    1891. Tusyo
    1892. AlexMystic1324
    1893. V!ral
    1894. Sunako Kanzaki
    1895. kidevil92
    1896. noisebeast
    1897. Tora Tenma
    1898. Cat Silver
    1899. LaaaDeeeDaaahh
    1900. Atomic Sky
    1901. flavorfulless
    1902. Saikyo Tatsuya
    1903. xX SophyPoo Xx
    1904. `Derry
    1905. Chimiyi
    1906. Voiseless
    1907. gatemansgc
    1908. XMAphreak
    1909. Ryu_Assasin
    1910. Meo the Cat
    1911. animekitkatzzzz
    1912. Pacifica-Medina
    1913. Dark_lord_15
    1914. Zion Wingmaster
    1915. Meisco
    1916. ` Dark Ninja Rei
    1917. Darcona
    1918. [Ridiculously Romantic]
    1919. lupine_eyes
    1920. ZiroYuki
    1921. fantasy_fire_kitsune88
    1922. arononkorr
    1923. filipino_wolf_grl
    1924. Mermaidoutofsea
    1925. XAngelFromYourNightmareX
    1926. derek the quick
    1928. Nainai Kagoyuchi
    1929. .Khaotic_Night.
    1930. ImTheDoctorWho
    1931. Blazing Polaris
    1932. Maewolf
    1933. bamfgirl143
    1934. To the End of Sin
    1935. Nina-kun
    1936. Ice_the_cold
    1937. [ Dark Euphoria ]
    1938. DC-Chan
    1939. Cleocatra Osiris
    1940. kenshinhimura154
    1941. MarshMallowPanda
    1942. +.-p()P._!FizZ-.s()DuH-.+
    1943. RanMinamino
    1944. x_whatever_x
    1945. MadameLee
    1946. Yamako Yami
    1947. Lives_by_Night
    1948. Egotistical Drug
    1949. lemon addict
    1950. mangavirus
    1951. ToDieLaughing
    1952. silver.heartless
    1953. Sieg The Bum
    1954. Hono_Neko
    1955. Dual Mac
    1956. Le Fobsession
    1957. [LadyPirate]
    1958. not-andy
    1959. opolong
    1960. woolie
    1961. Shidobu Cloud
    1962. cutter!4
    1963. tweilyght
    1964. Xemnas The Superior
    1965. Sonic_erizo
    1966. embercmm
    1967. Spirits.Symphony
    1968. Ammadine
    1969. AMPIX
    1970. Sarcastic Little b***h
    1971. `NOWAI Norway
    1972. LRazor
    1973. Haidee1950
    1974. HyuugaObsessed
    1975. Tuadu
    1976. Shuey Lou
    1977. [Shikamaru] Nara
    1978. XxMiosioxX
    1979. watching_u
    1980. darksin_415
    1981. Veiluri Chisuko
    1982. DayRaven
    1983. Black_Witch113
    1984. enchanted_mud
    1985. _Shouko_
    1986. Inu-yasha_Kat
    1987. Kaoru-san305
    1988. Faith Tsukiko
    1989. ambersflames
    1990. ChemicalParade
    1991. BBQ Llama
    1992. T h e L a b R a t
    1993. AndAllTheCyanideYouDrank
    1994. cuteshannon
    1995. Konekoneko chan
    1996. Me-Austin
    1997. Eminem_Fangirl
    1998. Zomiter
    1999. cool_loser_chick
    2000. Honey Plum Wings
    2001. Quantum_Zero
    2002. xPrincess Momox
    2003. [.BleuBeauty.]
    2004. saskue4321
    2005. demonic_kitty_666
    2006. SuicideAndKisses
    2007. iits dang
    2008. CheezyPoofs
    2009. IrianShin
    2010. m o n o c h r o m a t i c
    2011. `.Seraphim.`
    2012. lovelydeathgoddess
    2013. Jincks
    2014. darumapyon
    2015. Tanoshii_Ryu
    2016. Sailorcancer2004
    2017. Nemaides
    2018. Gel.Chan
    2019. Kairi_2024
    2020. blackdragon6563
    2021. Shinobi Anbu Kiba
    2022. The Rouge Ninja
    2023. edelric109388
    2024. girzy1213
    2025. retasuika
    2026. Sikuyi-chan
    2027. ~Amber loves James~
    2028. Pandahugger420
    2029. The Purple Predicate
    2030. Gillder
    2031. PurplePlatypus
    3032. Melina_Grimm
    2033. C0den4me~d34th
    2034. Hawk_McKrakken
    2035. amaya_animoto
    2036. Sasha-Ak-Amun
    2037. DeathIsInLoveWithMe
    2038. L a d y b i r d
    2039. dulcinea_wilkes
    2040. A Mad Tea Party
    2041. BowieFan42
    2042. She.Who.Shines
    2043. fluffy_universe
    2044. zva
    2045. beaulolais
    2046. foxboy2
    2048. Zonme
    2049. Sabeku
    2050. ChatOmbre
    2051. eika star forge
    2052. matwillhen
    2053. S1L3N7 SH4D0W
    2054. Pugnacious Banana
    2055. Yorugami
    2056. lonely_and_broken
    2057. Anaya290
    2058. r`a`w`r
    2059. Squiggly Man
    2060. Shen Akamatsu
    2061. inupup14
    2062. [ ClandestineX37 ]
    2063. poppy_Fey
    2064. Riu Yue
    2065. fma_fan_666
    2066. [.i_like_pi.]
    2067. Xx_Demonica_xX
    2068. XxTrainxX
    2069. Blind Toph
    2070. Rainy`
    2071. glyngaris
    2072. MGofChaos
    2073. twilightwielder
    2075. Dark197A
    2076. lightangel123
    2077. Katenator
    2078. Vipkins
    2079. everysmile
    2080. Ryu Uchiha 7
    2081. lil star catcher
    2082. fieldhockeygirlinoc
    2083. the s t a r !
    2084. Ichigo - Kurosaki
    2085. O.o__o
    2086. Captain Arr
    2087. g r o o v y t o f u`
    2088. Onlyonce_11
    2089. Heroine Slut
    2090. reader_4life
    2092. Southern Belles
    2093. ZCCharity
    2094. Kai Anne
    2095. [ B U B B L E ]
    2096. Scorpion555
    2097. zangetsu_21
    2098. MaTTy_CooL
    2099. booyaka 619
    2100. Kyu Kyu
    2101. Adrian Soralis
    2102. nerdified
    2103. Colorless111
    2105. Immortalcatz
    2106. Biohazard91
    2107. Tenchi_Neko
    2108. Inuzuka_Natsu
    2109. dragonyoko
    2110. Minny-chan
    2111. rubixcubed
    2112. [mizzy]
    2113. Risen Vampire
    2114. Reina Naki
    2115. PJCL
    2116. lorddarioush
    2118. Rovork
    2119. OMG LAWL
    2120. Natawee!
    2121. Ivan_in_between
    2122. Personwhois
    2123. tenaga_dragon
    2124. Mnonniej
    2125. Sakura_Madison
    2126. Synthicus
    2127. Ericute
    2128. ` I z z y
    2129. Caddyl
    2130. Super Kame
    2131. TigerSlash-X
    2132. Catslove17
    2133. Mradu
    2134. `S A K U R A
    2135. Looking2Kill
    2136. PuppetKay
    2137. vadania_92
    2138. Yamitoko Kazuka
    2139. Team Magma Tifa
    2140. ryokom47
    2141. Team Rocket - Jessie
    2142. Heavenline
    2143. avenger7x
    2144. Gothikah
    2145. Mark_Vernon
    2146. shirleyy
    2147. RykelBlackburn
    2148. nekojimbob
    2149. Mr.Deth0
    2150. Verucca
    2152. midori-jewel
    2153. `keilee
    2154. NemoGurl2992
    2155. [.GothicAngel7.]
    2156. Ninja Jawa
    2157. kunochi_girl
    2158. silverathena
    2159. DarkAMagician
    2160. frawgg
    2161. Akayo
    2162. ~+ Fran-chan +~
    2163. Rie_Tanaka
    2164. Covet Shadowstalker
    2165. Reasons7
    2166. FaeriiGoddess
    2167. la kajira
    2168. Lark Scarlet
    2169. KittyDarkness
    2170. T e r r i
    2171. MR. NAUSEA
    2172. Aoki Gunn
    2173. Xeddie93
    2174. NoMinWoo
    2175. Phara_Ra
    2176. [-Soubi-]
    2177. Arichu25
    2178. Orrusti
    2179. Verudellita
    2180. moritaka_kazeko
    2181. Foxcub
    2182. FullmetalEDlover
    2183. [[Pixel.dust.]]
    2184. Evanescence_Eyes
    2185. Quackers The Duck
    2186. demon_reborn
    2187. Strahbearie
    2188. black broken angel
    2189. Marivel
    2190. Kisa_Hiroshi
    2191. Sapphire.Eyed.Harlot
    2192. D - c h a n
    2193. Essence of Beauty
    2194. (Sakura)(Bakery)
    2195. AyameDrake
    2196. socceridol1
    2197. sumisueme
    2198. Saya087
    2199. ElvenAssassin
    2200. Calero
    2201. Lucky_Recluse
    2202. Makoto_Gin
    2203. Szmanda Banana ~
    2204. Gintanda
    2205. cherry_star_aus
    2206. [-...-]Nemesis[-...-]
    2207. xX~who ever I wanna be~Xx
    2208. [ Mana Wears Pink ]
    2209. i smoke daisies
    2210. Blade of Rebellion
    2211. .s.a.k.u.i.a.
    2212. Kiwee
    2213. Kahmzorz
    2214. `Epilepsy
    2215. Ershnill
    2216. Blood On The Floor
    2217. -[Devil-Akuma]-
    2218. Chikitanana Reaper
    2219. WolfLover21
    2220. Er!n-Ch4n
    2221. vampire_princes
    2222. slayer_of_Cerberus
    2223. Emily83Jayde
    2224. Synukoo
    2225. `Lee-chan
    2226. Lord Geomeg
    2227. The_VR
    2228. Koretaa
    2229. LuLu Englos
    2230. Tempest590
    2231. Miss Blah
    2232. Blade021
    2233. Kinomi Kasuimiko
    2234. [ loud! ]
    2235. yogaman
    2236. Poko-Yuri
    2237. Tiamatriaal
    2238. OneMrTrouble
    2239. Lawliet
    2240. yerbigsister
    2241. RockLee1450
    2242. Tacoly
    2243. LadyArya
    2244. Big Boss OBrien
    2245. teddiegramz101
    2246. [.The Depp Effect.]
    2247. [...Sh1rlz...]
    2248. Chisaki Briizy
    2249. Dylan_Deformed

    (p. 174)

    2250. ebony_kara
    2251. Yami Kratos
    2252. LabTech_Grunny
    2253. Cryptica~Rose
    2254. abbe faria
    2255. Magical Willow
    2256. Hemppu
    2257. Angel of Death Unbalanced
    2258. jhon555

    (p. 175)

    2259. lady_yui
    2260. Kiki Yashima
    2261. Saykee
    2262. Rena_00
    2263. sum41516171
    2264. rainbow_sparckle
    2265. D_Marx
    2266. Blazing_dove
    2267. x0xkasumix0x
    2268. M47
    2269. anna610
    2270. -The-Poseidon-

    (p. 176)

    2271. anna610
    2272. Red_Hot_Starz
    2273. american_airlines
    2274. The Blue Hunter
    2275. RouaNakie
    2276. elmon
    2277. Deadboy525
    2278. `Hatake_Kakashi`
    2279. [ Black-Soda ]
    2280. Zemalia
    2281. Boom_Sauce
    2282. Zipzap713
    2283. faerywiccan
    2284. purple richie

    (p. 177)

    2285. [ Milou.Angel ]
    2286. Aasritha
    2287. HuPerZia
    2288. GenTrigger
    2289. Rowan Birch
    2290. Tsuki_Rei
    2291. Rites_Of_Winter
    2292. Alexander Shaw
    2293. Vilhelm Luister
    2294. `[scoodles]
    2295. `Tremere
    2296. UnicornPower
    2297. UnicornPower

    (p. 17 cool

    2298. Willow The Wanderer
    2299. elisa_6_20_89
    2300. Keigh Keigh
    2301. Stella9991
    2302. nikkolaus
    2303. Amy--Chan
    2304. miniwin
    2305. kdlz
    2306. wolfofdesire
    2307. Hannah_errie
    2308. donnythephoenix
    2309. Teh Smexii Dictator
    2310. gogitit
    2311. The.Fluorescent.Mushroom.

    (p. 179)

    2312. Wicked S0ul
    2313. ecbailey
    2314. `~Lolita~`
    2315. Twitch Blade
    2316. [__Chris__]
    2317. naruto1254
    2318. malkyru
    2319. EZtark
    2320. Nightfall Shadow
    2321. Jack Hex
    2322. Mistress Severina
    2323. MoonlightHanyou
    2324. psaturn
    2325. demonic_dragon656
    2326. Basiliskos

    (p. 180)

    2327. Dsx~Retribution
    2328. nimhdragon
    2329. `Peachy.Peach
    2330. forgotten_niese
    2331. Cheese=yummy
    2332. TwistedEbony
    2333. luckyduckeez
    2334. ReaperRose
    2335. hylianbabe89
    2336. Lord of heavens
    2337. [Storm Shadow]
    2338. Xx_Vanity_xX
    2339. S p r i n k l e

    (p. 181)

    2340. dorihemish
    2341. -=Twisted=-Monkey
    2342. Omni Odin
    2343. opolong
    2344. [ - Loser Face - ]
    2345. Ace Wildcard
    2346. [x.Mew.x]
    2347. AishoSama
    2348. Ayame Askavi
    2349. altirangel
    2350. Lol Namedrop
    2351. Solemnly_Chanting

    (p. 182)

    2352. Gaicon
    2353. Lightning Fox123
    2354. Alec07
    2355. musicc_x3
    2356. maryan24
    2357. Rabid Ice Weasel
    2358. Chompa_Chan
    2359. Etereum
    2360. Little MiSS YA-Chan
    2361. SilverKaede232
    2362. lsupernoval
    2363. RedRider333
    2364. crypt (peewee_Fernando)
    2365. uniangel
    2366. Nithilsin
    2367. Mr_Lino
    2368. Violet Freak
    2369. xo[.Saskay.]ox
    2370. J E S S I E !
    2371. Toxic Watermelon
    2372. BlueShadowEX
    2373. Loki Nozumu
    2374. Kanki
    2375. Victson
    2376. NatelieOne
    2377. O_Castitatis_Lilium
    2378. grimreaper611
    2379. NekoKashi
    2380. Chris Ender
    2381. Violet Freak
    2382. Tinker Dong
    2383. lovevisions
    2384. oddball214
    2385. sakay
    2386. AvianFlame
    2387. ` AzuRe
    2388. Ambitious_One
    2389. =[Twilight-Princess]=
    2390. Trowa Winner
    2391. Robthebob
    2392. SoulSummoner
    2393. pikkonoloidlee
    2394. cresent_tears
    2395. I Chronos I
    2396. Trihexiflexagonal
    2397. Katinator [squiggles]
    2398. Xelishiken
    2399. Homosidal_Poptart
    2400. RaytheDragon
    2401. x uber flame alchemist x
    2402. Dawn Black
    2403. Evenglory
    2404. theSinlessSinner
    2405. HamsterWithLapTop
    2406. TechnoSpork
    2407. Blink`
    2408. MageWeave
    2409. Swordlady
    2410. NumbuhZero
    2411. LastDNA
    2412. Elvish Folklore
    2413. Elvin Folklore
    2414. BloodyWhiteRabbit
    2415. AutumnVixen
    2416. supfoo
    2417. hinto-chan
    2418. Yume Ikiru
    2419. Aneyana
    2420. jrpunk
    2421. CupC4k3s
    2422. Itacha-Kimoji
    2423. thedarkestredrose
    2424. Demon_Wolf_6-6-6
    2425. Shimamom
    2426. The Narcoleptic Pandabear
    2427. awall439
    2428. [dreaming.of.being.alive]
    2429. Love_Gina
    2430. darkness_quail
    2431. Inthewindow
    2432. killer keyblade
    2433. [ QUEEN BiSH ]
    2434. LadyOfTheRoses
    2435. Sasukelina
    2446. tybear009
    2447. pickle_lover
    2448. nuz4spongebob
    2449. Lady Adokenai
    2450. Cat_Slave1993
    2451. grunty_luv
    2452. AngelSilverband
    2453. IrishGreen
    2454. [Devil Chrono]
    2455. El Fauno
    2456. dark chibi513
    2457. EmoShoes
    2458. SpriteAddict
    2459. Methuselah Of Flight
    2460. orlandobloom4eva
    2461. x_Morbid Angel_x
    2462. [xXx_Redemption_xXx]
    2463. daniel_radcliffe_luvr
    2464. Samsayia
    2465. babaloushie
    2466. thorn155
    2467. snow_girl_forever
    2468. ella_lily_rosa
    2469. Teh Leddilest Injin
    2470. Pyrosco
    2471. aznbabygurlxx3
    2472. Ume Boshi
    2473. kotoami
    2474. bustinrs2kickurs
    2475. ZiCat
    2476. Snakes_Mentor
    2477. Jazzie AE
    2478. Fluffeh-x
    2479. xXsirens_songXx
    2480. E s c a p e The F a t e
    2481. Meow_chick45
    2482. Hana_Imakura
    2483. Charmed_111
    2484. [nya.007]
    2485. Palisaide
    2486. Sokein
    2487. whys_the_rum_gone
    2488. amanda1019
    2489. Laura Ryou
    2490. kitsune-silvera
    2491. toneotom
    2492. Moody_Hikaru
    2493. Moriko_Yasu
    2494. windhawk_9
    2495. BabuBabu
    2496. Uae
    2497. x_.PinkFloyd._x
    2498. [ .days. ]
    2499. hello_kitty321
    2500. tear-blooded_angel

    (p. 192)

    2501. Fr0Z3n Bu113T
    2502. RaineWinters
    2503. IceeWitch

    (p. 193)

    2504. Minkish Magic
    2505. CrimsonDestiny
    2506. sentairanger
    2507. zee_ringo
    2508. zalyana
    2509. dandylion_lover
    2510. Moo_sama
    2511. jovan3
    2512. DarkFang FoxNinja
    2513. mikelynch93
    2514. Animefan131313

    (p. 194)

    2515. djMAX
    2516. Super Spy Kiki
    2517. big_sam0
    2518. Annju
    2519. fallen_fire_dragon
    2520. polka_dot_dragon
    2521. Siren Lullaby
    2522. Vincent-is-Chaos
    2523. Virgogurl
    2524. Rainy Rishi-Miku
    2525. Scribble2006
    2526. Spiffy-licious
    2527. x~aieika umashi~x
    2528. Sailor Silver Star

    (p. 195)

    2529. Annabeatthatwhatnow
    2530. Doron Academy
    2531. monkeyjbutt
    2532. weapons_kunoichi_Xx
    2533. Su Manana
    2534. SirTracey
    2535. TheFlips
    2536. Vi3t_PlAya
    2537. Cruise Control
    2538. killer_purple_froggy
    2539. TaylaEwa

    (p. 196)

    2540. darkmoonang31
    2541. Kirpet
    2542. alexisnerillian
    2543. Alucard57
    2544. vixen4u
    2545. bERYuMon
    2546. Miao Mix
    2547. Scarred Secrets
    2548. peacelovehappiness
    2549. Heaven Help Us
    2550. Hana_Imakura
    2551. pauladanut
    2552. the ninja cat
    2553. ~^^EtErNaL-wInTeR^^~

    (p. 197)

    2554. Sabrina~Jane
    2555. X-Gabo
    2556. blackrose07
    2557. Duran Duran Duran
    2558. Sir Integra Van Hellsing
    2559. ninjaofwoe
    2560. koori kiri
    2561. Romulus Dakota
    2562. _P_E_A_C_H_I_E_
    2563. Ryoko460

    (p. 19 cool

    2564. S A C R I F I C E
    2565. Lord_Tzeen
    2566. [.trashed.soul.]
    2567. [Wick3d_Jugglette]
    2568. Amore Chiaro Della Luna
    2569. kuni-toko-tachi
    2570. Mon Rien
    2571. RyanRoxBigTimex
    2572. GBlood
    2573. Lighty-chan
    2574. Josurin
    2575. Sakura Lied
    2576. fishoz

    (p. 199)

    2577. Lady_Salsa
    2578. Lady Elwing
    2579. flyngecko
    2580. sweetpearly
    2581. annegermany22
    2582. Winterdeath
    2583. sesshys_pet
    2584. dude62

    (p. 200)

    2585. 3DGfan95
    2586. Blue_Fuzz
    2587. war-armor
    2588. KisaraM
    2589. [` Kill the Rock `]
    2590. Cjthatch
    2591. Vio-kun
    2592. ShadowXvampire
    2593. Hell Mascot
    2594. x_Silver Star_x
    2595. The Blue Hunter

    (p. 201)

    2596. ShadowXvampire
    2597. SusanYura
    2598. Collishun
    2599. .frozen.smile.
    2600. Shizuko Movahado
    2601. AzulStar
    2602. ~#1GacktFan~
    2603. eepit
    2604. Satanic Nite
    2605. Dark Shinobi 123
    2606. KushielsHandmaiden
    2607. Grover Madux
    2608. Phyrexian Demon
    2609. killerkitty13

    (p. 202)

    2610. Taylea
    2611. rosemaylie
    2612. sayingirl
    2613. XTecnaX
    2614. Soul Of A Tigress
    2615. Captain~Campion
    2616. ircomule
    2617. Captain Frozen Hotdog
    2618. Aikou Kaymora
    2619. Das_Rote
    2620. rabbits_united
    2621. Aranos Maru
    2622. Hannah J
    2623. Momo_Kitten

    (p. 203)

    2624. CeaseAllFeeling
    2625. eunzee
    2626. sujudbsk_roze
    2627. Megan`
    2628. animegoth666
    2629. Midnight_Love88
    2630. Captain Kurse
    2631. [-Hitsugaya Toushirou-]
    2632. Jafaro
    2633. Jak Prophet
    2634. Kt-Chi

    (p. 204)

    2635. bittersweet93
    2636. Mr. Knuckles
    2637. Rivers _of_ Blood
    2638. [rockstaraccountant]
    2639. MasameAizawa
    2640. Junsui_87
    2641. Jasper Leif
    2642. andy354123
    2643. XeroGeez
    2644. [ Painted ` Secrets ]
    2645. Moodyangel
    2646. evil in the shadows

    (p. 205)

    2647. Metallithrasha
    2648. NecrosLoveZombies
    2649. Ninja_Ayumi
    2650. Cloud-Willow-Leaf
    2651. rosebomb8
    2652. blueyesopn
    2653. -[Okie-Dokie]-
    2654. cenee
    2655. Caffiene f*****t
    2656. Krystall Jewell
    2657. [Arc en Ciel]
    2658. PrincessAmbi91

    (p. 206)

    2659. Romana II
    2660. Tifin
    2661. icewolfspirit
    2662. Crimzen Tear Alchemist
    2663. Miyoko Seishou
    2664. doomlei 7
    2665. The Purple Gentleman
    2666. lilfrogprincess
    2667. I_dare_to_dream
    2668. Blue Cherub
    2669. MTangel
    2670. Mephistopheles 23
    2671. CupofSugar
    2672. Celestial Priestess
    2673. LovesBrokenWings

    (p. 207)

    2674. XxLil LenkoxX
    2675. Hanada_flower1020
    2676. Haloinc
    2677. QueenOfTheDamned13
    2678. Dont deny it
    2679. Nesker
    2680. Lovely Ambition
    2681. marsgirlly
    2682. momo_bread
    2683. PinkevilBob
    2684. Bloody rosebush

    (p. 20 cool

    2685. Lilliaal
    2686. DOOM 7987
    2687. Miss.Hinia
    2688. santas_creepy_secret
    2689. The Nimi
    2690. [-alien.kiwi.queen]
    2691. Lucky_Tiger
    2692. xoxcutethingxox
    2693. Warrior_Goddess
    2694. amanda1019
    2695. Dcaf
    2696. Dragon Tulip

    (p. 209)

    2697. [ accidental stars ]
    2698. ryan the great chaos guy
    2699. Zhiege
    2700. firesapphire1226
    2701. Can_Of_Woop_Kitty
    2702. Chibi faery
    2703. Hakumei Honoo
    2704. Nakhoma of Martivir
    2705. hpfreak.abby
    2706. Daewryth
    2707. [ Anni ]
    2708. Exotic Pixels
    2709. Kahara_Michiyo
    2710. shippo315
    2711. Miss Rika Harada

    (p. 210)

    2712. aimlessshadow
    2713. iCandies
    2714. xxDarkest Evilxx
    2715. amyflower
    2716. Soulless0
    2717. Last.Angels
    2718. say good bye.
    2719. Rikir
    2720. PenutClutter

    (p. 211)

    2721. Oscillon
    2722. Better than London
    2723. _Janos Audron_
    2724. ~lawl~monster~
    2725. hello goodbye 111
    2726. [ b e a r ]
    2727. twinybabe
    2728. Ninja Trvgear

    (p. 212)

    2729. [ Your Aunt Flo ]
    2730. [Death Bunny]
    2731. Vincent_to_Chaos
    2732. DarkDenizon
    2733. Temari kim
    2734. SeaMyth
    2735. KibasKunoichi
    2736. Bat Chan
    2737. [D]u [F]ryn kulblaka
    2738. Defenestrating Monday
    2739. Auro_Arnsolmee

    (p. 213)

    2740. sakura171993
    2741. onichigo
    2742. Summer Tea Grove
    2743. Aiyaru
    2744. a_far-off_memory
    2745. koreanfaerie
    2746. princesshaichi
    2747. MaronaPossessed
    2748. Magic_Cheshire_Cat
    2749. Usagi_989
    2750. [~Itachi-Uchiha~]

    (p. 214)

    2751. Jumbo Tampon
    2752. T ! N K E R B E L L
    2753. Taroux
    2754. TheGreenStrike
    2755. Ari Nishikiyori
    2756. Maggott
    2757. TraigLighthouse
    2758. [~I~hopexyouxget~fat~]
    2759. Nogoal113400
    2760. peach_fuzz_36
    2761. Tsuruji Daisho
    2762. Nami Tsuki
    2763. Kessaria Aurion

    (p. 215)

    2764. Shessa
    2765. godly zombie
    2766. [.x.El.Oh.El.x.]
    2767. Tayuya of Otogakure
    2768. Bored Summer Girl
    2769. Moonglare
    2770. black moon girl
    2771. Vanilla Knight
    2772. PokeAsheep
    2773. Chiro4eva
    2774. Balthier
    2775. Take_Me2

    (p. 216)

    2776. the_dead_spirit_in_me
    2777. Hroth The Blooded
    2778. bloodsoaked
    2779. [[ Kakashi Sensi]]
    2780. judgement.horse
    2781. Ember Princess
    2782. beautiful--chaos
    2783. Enigmatic Kage
    2784. lady_jesh
    2785. Andrralea
    2786. Neji`
    2787. Leonaenae

    (p. 217)

    2788. EndOsiris
    2789. Novus Stillicidium
    2790. Karouchan
    2791. Serena001_002
    2792. Risk_Heartless
    2793. Kawaii Choco
    2794. Midori_Aimee
    2795. InuYashaMan74

    (p. 21 cool

    2796. Deal-Im-Emo-Deal
    2797. Best_Kagome
    2798. lilgirlsmiling48
    2799. Niecey
    2800. Jhessail
    2801. dark_lies
    2802. hup123hup123slapslap
    2803. Amazon Fearow
    2804. SirBunny
    2805. TERIkell

    (p. 219)

    2806. Libby12
    2807. Hikarumei
    2808. Candy Dahhhling
    2809. awesomesailormoon
    2810. CriptiksBrother
    2811. Artanious
    2812. Beausoleil
    2813. x3Inu
    2814. Pawky`
    2815. prettygirl24
    2816. ` Fox Hostess
    2817. Seph99

    (p. 220)

    2818. HinaMikomura
    2819. The Littleest Emo
    2820. Xx..Flame..xX
    2821. Dark Silver Frog
    2822. Kongouseki
    2823. gagu ka
    2824. [ .Tinkerbell. ]
    2825. Alarune
    2826. Kira_Aso22
    2827. DarknessXFool
    2828. blue sky star
    2829. Goldghost

    (p. 221)

    2830. IkuraGoBoom
    2831. Roran109
    2832. Judeophobia
    2833. Yuliksa
    2834. Boranu
    2835. Little_Twilight
    2836. xxUchia.Sasukexx
    2837. JessiDlux93
    2838. Fluffy Yeti
    2839. XxtwylightxX
    2840. Khy-san
    2841. Faunia
    2842. Girl_Ofthe_Heavens
    2843. Kiya_Sanaki_Hanami

    (p. 222)

    2844. Demon_Fox_Of_Doom
    2845. aelita101
    2846. p-s-y-c-h-o
    2847. Hotaru Hunter
    2848. the love puppet
    2849. [.Chibi.Love.]
    2850. [_LessThanThree_]
    2851. Ruthless Werewolf
    2852. Clone Yami
    2853. Madame Ginseng
    2854. Heart+Stitches

    (p. 223)

    2855. rukiathesoulreaper
    2856. [Ambika Chan]
    2857. Bubble [w r a p]
    2858. xXDarkness of LightXx
    2859. VampireHaku
    2860. Ixapod
    2861. ShadowKat64
    2862. snow_girl_forever
    2863. Ice Princess Kitty
    2864. Overlord Zarl
    2865. underthecherryblossoms
    2866. ninjaxman

    (p. 224)

    2867. Chinsei Umahru
    2868. lildemonboy
    2869. Kokuyokuu
    2870. lolmainiac
    2871. XxEbony without IvoryxX
    2872. 8xXEternityXx8
    2873. JynX Cat Girl
    2874. absenceofcolour
    2875. GalindaTheGoodsn3
    2876. After The Fox
    2877. kittensamurai

    (p. 225)

    2878. 3arth_G0dd3ss
    2879. Holle Engel
    2880. [PANIC!] of the NerDs`
    2881. Flounderman
    2882. The Second Jazz Freek
    2883. Algar Fleet Foot
    2884. Mission Vao
    2885. xxxdarkangel
    2886. Poki-Chan
    2887. sprinkledonuts
    2888. HHtherandomchick
    2889. [Eyes.Sewn.Shut]
    2890. saraiismad
    2891. 007wolfanator

    (p. 226)

    2892. Daypaw
    2893. Hien81
    2894. omfgwtfbbq_hi
    2895. Bitter Remorse
    2896. Le Dis
    'Case I need it.
    I sign!
    i agree with you, definitely. i can't even update my questbar due to the 255 letter limit. i sign this.
    You don't know how many times I have wanted to put more stuff in my signature. xD
    -sign'd- =3~
    Good luck with your petition!
    I sign
    Good luck biggrin
    sign me up too!
    love it *signs*
    i got bored so look at this...
    i'm kind of a noob gif maker...
    User Image
    thanks for all the support
    I'll sign. *signs*

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