Welcome to Gaia! ::

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The little farm house was far away from Barton, and the farmland that surrounded it sprawled for acres on every side. The barn at the center was painted bright red. From the bright, clean sharpness of the colors, it was easy to tell that the paint was fresh. The wooden sign on the front of the barn read "Newborns and Breeding Only" in an equally vivid crimson and under those words, in black, was "Adoption and Information" with an arrow beneath pointing to the farmhouse. A nearby white house had an open porch, giving it a homey, comfortable feel. There was a screen door on the front of the house, and, it being summer, the door was flung wide. Nailed to that door was another sign that read "Welcome All". Inside the house was a kitchen, a bathroom, and an office where the potential parents were interviewed and given information. Staff pictures, both current and from older years, lined the walls. In the office, books all about the care of the creatures on the farm were stacked on shelves. There were books like Jackson's Owners List, The Meaning of a Monocero, The Care and Feeding of Monocero Foals, and others, too. You hear a soft noise, and as you turn, you come face to face with the raccoon clerk, Serenia. She smiles at you.
"Hello. I'm Serenia and this is the main office for adopting and raising Monoceros. I hope you will find everything in order. Please let me know if you can't find anything and I'll do my best to help you in any way I can."

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Post Two: Welcome and Table of Contents
Post Three: Announcements and Rules and F.A.Q.
Post Four: Pet Stages
Post Five: Item Shop
Post Six: Events
Post Seven: Thread Staff and NPCs
Post Eight: Breeding Information
Post Nine: The Story
Post Ten: Friends and Foes and Sworn Enemies
Post Eleven: Owners List
Post Twelve: Links and Affiliates
Post Thirteen: Credits
Post Fourteen: Acquiring a Monocero
Post Fifteen: Reserved

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Possible Future Events:
Popular Anime Character Flatsale/Auction
My Little Pony Flatsale
Celestial Flaffle
3rd Year Party, Final Fantasy Event
Clothing Themed Flatsale
Secret Santa Event

Announcements by Date:
October 1st, 2007 -- Hey look, a new layout!

July 12, 2007 -- Okay first. Links to important things.
(Links are broken because of forum changes.)
Reason behind Hiatus
Pick Up Lisa Frank
Lenta telling us what happened
Second, we are coming up on page 200 and the first person to post on page 200 (excluding myself, kaen, and Amasis) will win a Butterfly from the Bug event and reserve themselves a spot for the next FS that they like.
July 3rd, 2007 -- Rehoming event over. Shop on Semi-Hiatus. See page 185. You can post but I do not know if there will be a July event. Front page getting an overhauling revamp! Hopefully this will make the shop easier to understand! Please don't forget to Friend Serenia_Tanuki (aka this account) so I can keep track of you and send out warnings if you are naughty!
June 28, 2007 -- Rehoming event get them while you can.
June 24, 2007 -- Lisa Frank FS over. Lenta is working on certing them. There is going to be a rehoming sale on Thrusday pending the following annoucement.
June 16th, 2007 -- CYO has been judged, Amasis is on hiatus so we are on a delay with the CYO certs. Sorry folks. Add Saphira_the_Mail_Fairy to your Friends list to get Newsletters from the shop. Lisa Frank FS started it's on page 159.
May 29th, 2007 -- CYO is over, Judging has started winners announced by the end of the weekend. Welcome back to the thread everyone. Do you see the difference?
April 25, 2007 -- Angelic/Demonic raffle over. Winners are on page 135. CYO starts May 1st.
April 21, 2007 -- Rainbow Flaffle over. Angelic/Demonic is on page 120. Page 115 has the Easter pets. The May Color your own contest will probably be held within in another thread. :3 Also, the flatsale price was drastically lowered. The item shop was open and if you read this then post "I like pie" in purple font.
April 4, 2007 -- CYO is staying in May. This weeked (Easter) this shop and Chrono Dragons will be having a joint Easter Egg hunt with Non-growing pets as prizes!! So the shop thread will be shut down for that event. Plus! We will be having our Flaffle.
March 31, 2007 -- The Color Your Own contest may be changed from May to April to give Lenta a month long break to catch up on everything. If the event is going to change it will be posted here and the details posted further in the thread.
Mar 14, 2007 -- Auction Over, March Event starts the 16th. Guest Colorists, Amasis and Kaen colored in 8 flatsale and 2 YGO Auction.
Mar 04, 2007 -- There's a new event to reward active thread goers as well as lurkers. (If we have any!) Powers got moved to the guild as well as old news.
Mar 1, 2007 -- For the 3rd year of running, Rain has decided there will be some kind of event each monthFeb 25, 2007 -- Flat sale is over, Auction is still running.
Feb 12, 2007 -- Rain has almost all of the Monoceros that will be Flatsaled in 8 days. There will also be an Auction at the same time for a special Japanese Monoceros. The hint the for Auction Monoceros is What do you do when all the stars vanish from the sky?
Hint #2: What video game, though having the same basic play in three versions, became quite popular?
Jan 31, 2007 --It's Rain's 22nd Birthday!And there will be a Japanese Themed Flat sale on Feb. 20th and a Egyptian themed flat sale in March.
Jan 23, 2007 -- Rain is officially restricted to Night Internet. In better news, Lenta has redone our Certs so they focus more on the Monoceros instead of the information. To Re-cert your monocero send 1K to MonocerosShopKeep with "Re-cert <Your monoceros name>" in the trade title.
Jan 1, 2007 -- Happy New Year! Zolah is going to be our new Item Maker.
Dec 11, 2006 -- Secret Santa and Auction Open!! Secret Santa in Post 15 and Auction Link in post 10!
Dec 4, 2006 -- Secret Santa Familiar sale sometime soon. [Hopefully]
Dec 2, 2006 -- New shop, New layout and New Banners. Hopefully this will bring in more customers.
(All old news has been moved to the Guild)

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1. No begging, whining, crying, etc.

2. Whatever any of the staff says is final.

3. No drama from other threads.

4. No flaming. Period. This will result in an immediate enemy listing.

5. No l337, chat, or n00b speak unless in mockery. Please don’t go overboard with it.

6. Do not harass the staff through PMs.

7. Please don’t ask if you can be on the staff unless we have advertised for it. Otherwise we have all the help we need.

8. No hurrying the staff along to get your pet. We have lives outside of Gaia, like work and school.

9. Got questions? Lovely! We encourage questions. Feel free to ask us anything, but please, please, PLEASE make sure to check the FAQ first. Someone else may have asked your question already. Also, post in the thread or PM Serenia Tanuki.

10. Don't steal my artwork/someone's pet/anything from this shop. You will be both enemy listed and reported.

11. There are not payment plans. Maybe later, but not now. Please don't ask.

12. If you are enemy listed, your pet will be removed. I would like to avoid dragging a mod into it so if you can just take the gold refund and leave, that would be great. If not a moderator will be contacted to discuss the handling of removing the enemy listed person's pets.

13. We are not responsible for keeping up with name changes. If you change your name/account/etc., you have to let us know, whether by giving a heads-up or posting under the new name in the shop. If you don't follow the Attendance Rule, you can NOT , upon receipt of a warning, blame it on having changed your name and forgotten to come back.

14. You MUST Friend Serenia Tanuki if you receive a pet. That's the account that sends out notices, warnings, etc. If you don't own a pet, you should friend Saphira_The_Mail_Fairy to receive mailings, but you MUST friend that account if you DO own a pet. (This is a new rule!)

15. Rules may added as needed. We have the privilege to do this. Don’t complain that we’re being strict or fickle.

Very Important
This is an attendance-required shop. If you buy a pet from this shop, you are required to come by once every two weeks. Nothing more than an emote is needed, but you are required to come by once every two weeks and post something.

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Q: How much for a Monocero?
A: 4K, but past ten Monoceros, it becomes 8K per pet.

Q: How long does it take them to grow?
A: 1 month between each stage unless you buy a potion or RP them.

A: No. Unless you have enough money to get a custom, you'll need to wait for an auction or flatsale to buy a Monocero.

Q: What does Monoceros mean?
A: Monoceros is unicorn in Latin.

Q: Why not just call them Unicorns?
A: Some of them aren't just unicorns. Not to mention, that's just boring!

Q: Why do some of them have two horns?
A: Those Monoceros are from space.

Q: Why Elvish?
A: Why not?

Q: Elvish isn't real!
A: That's not a question! And I don't mind that it's not real.

Q: Shar, o mael aelor?
A: Cylaeria? Bai. Ai mael Aelor sher salarys eisi tia thol eil Ai vaeraes Pyrn.

Q: What's the singular of Monoceros?
A: Monocero.

Q: My Monocero isn't growing. What gives?
A: Did you buy a potion? If yes, please send Serenia Tanuki a reminder. If no, keep waiting or roleplaying. It takes a while.

Q: How can I get my Monocero to grow?
A: You can just wait, or use potions, or RP with them.

Q: Do I have to RP them?
A: No, you don't. I'd just really enjoy it if you did. Plus, you get special things if you do, such as faster growth.

Q: Do they talk/read?
A: They can. You have to teach them but yes. English comes easily for them.

Q: You can't take my pet away!! WTF!
A: I can and will if you are blacklisted. It is clearly posted here that you WILL lose your pet if you are blacklisted. You will be refunded, but your pet will be removed.

Q: What about the Familiars?
A: Familiars are little friends for your Monocero. Currently, they have no other purpose than to befriend your pet.

Q: How do I get a Familiar?
A: Buy one or earn one.

Q: Can I get a Familiar without having a pet?
A: Currently, yes. If you have one, it will increase your chances of adopting a pet.

Q: What does K stand for?
A: K stands for thousand, as in 4k = 4,000.

Q: OMG! You cussed! Or were perverted, or something else! I'm telling.
A: There is a word filter to block my cussing and I keep it under PG-13. Be mature and just ignore it. Or, tell me and I'll try to be nicer.

Q: Is attendance required?
A: Yes; If you do not post at least an emoticon once every two weeks for 3+ months, your pet will be rehomed. This rule affects all pet owners whose pet is stage is lower than teen. You do not have to attend if all you have is a CYO pet since your pet is an adult.
If you go on hiatus, please post that so we know.
You will be warned via PM if your pet is going to be rehomed.

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These examples are not exactly like the Monocero you would receive, but they give you an idea. They come in other colors besides blue and red, too!

Newborn Monoceros tend to be cranky, and easily irritated, though not all are (this depends on your RP). Since they don't have powers yet, newborn Monoceros have plain gray horns. Like all babies, they like to drink milk. The rare two-horned Monoceros are from outer space, and the more common single horned varieties are from Earth, though no one is sure where they first came from.
Males have short, shaggy hair. Females' hair is long and wavy.

Monocero children are able to speak (you have to teach them!), walk, and eat solids. Their horns start changing from gray to the color of the elemental power.
Their hair still varies according to their sex.

Teenage Monoceros... Woe to those who have teenagers. They tend to act, well, like teenagers. Some are angsty and angry, while some start flirting with the opposite sex. By now they can talk and walk. They have very pronounced likes and dislikes.
Their horns have now changed to the color of the power they will have.They still do not have their powers, but some changes do occur:
Green-horned Monoceros will sometimes be able to help things grow.
Red-horned Monoceros are unusually warm.
White-horned Monoceros' hair seems constantly tossed by the breeze.
Blue-horned Monoceros can swim almost as well as fish.
Yellow-horned Monoceros emit static shocks when touched.
Olive-horned Monoceros begin to sag and rot.
Dark red-horned Monoceros seem constantly angry.
Pink-horned Monoceros will run up to nuzzle anyone they meet.

Adult Monoceros can finally breed. An adult will grow older but it will not die. Females tend to be more relaxed or laid back where as males tend to be more agressive or playful. All Monoceros find their power by adulthood and are fully capable of using it.

Growing Up:
There is one month in between each stage, but these can be accelerated either by using potions, or by roleplaying according to a point system:
1-4 lines: 1 point
5-10 lines: 2 points
11-15 lines: 3 points
16-21 lines: 4 points
22+ lines: 5-10 points (Depending on length and detail.)

Roleplaying with others earns you an extra 2 points per post!

Points needed to grow to next stage:

Baby to Child: 25pts
Child to Teenager: 35pts
Teenager to Adult: 45pts

Extra points made in a previous stage roll over to the next stage.

Elemental Powers:
Since they are all unicorn based, all Monoceros have the ability to heal by touching their horn to the wound, and purify water or air they same way.
Babies show no magical abilities but by childhood, they start to show their elemental powers. They will only have elemental powers, which are predetermined. (This means it's luck of the draw!) Their horn color indicates what their power is.

Red - Fire
White - Air
Dark Blue - Water
Green - Earth
Yellow - Electricity
Olive - Death
Dark Red - Hatred
Pink - Love
Orange - Creativity

The representations of the colors are not necessarily accurate to horn color on the Monoceros.

Rumor has it there are sub-races of Monoceros... I heard some of them even have wings!

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Slow Growth Potion: A potion that will move your pet ahead one stage.
Price: 1,000 gold
Use: Infant - Adult
In stock? No.

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Quick Growth Potion: A potion that will speed along the growth so that it will reach the final stage within 3 weeks.
Price: 3,000 gold
Use: Infant
In stock? No.

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All Grown Up Potion: A potion that will change your infant into an adult.
Price: 4,000 gold
Use: Infant
In stock? No.

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Eye Drops: Magical eye drops that will change the color of your Monocero's eyes.
Price: 1,500 gold for a solid color/2,000 gold for dual-colored/3,000 gold for multiple colors
Use: Child-Adult
In stock? No.

To Order:
1. Send PM to Serenia Tanuki
2. Send Trade to Serenia Tanuki
3. Be patient!

Order Form for Items
Your name:
Monoceros Name
Color/Shape:(For the eyes and wings)

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Bug Catching Event

There are a ton of bugs in the farmhouse! Rain being lazy ever-thoughtful, decided to make a game out of catching those bugs! You get to catch them, and there will be prizes!

Ways to Earn Bugs
All bugs are free but you have to earn them!
You cannot buy bugs. (No bribes!) You can earn them by:
Talking and/or RPing frequently.
Winning in a game/event (games/events will be held randomly where the prizes are bugs)
Take the affliate link to another shop and get them to put the link in their Affliate post. You must show proof of you getting the link accepted to earn 1 Roly-Poly.
Doing something else that makes Rain think you deserve a bug.

All shop rules apply.
You may proxy for someone else for free.
You may give away bugs if you want.
Do NOT sell bugs or BEG for bugs.
Blacklisted people cannot participate.
No games/events will be announced. They will be free and random.

Using Bugs
You can let Rain know when you want to use your bugs for whatever purpose.

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Caterpillar, Pill Bugs (Rolly Poly), Lady Bugs, Dragonfly, Lightning Bug, Butterfly

10 Capterpillars = 1 Rolly Poly
10 Rolly Polys = 1 Lady Bug
10 Lady Bugs = 1 Dragonfly
5 Dragonflies = 1 Lightning Bug
5 Lightning Bugs = 1 Butterfly

Once you convert to new bugs, you can't change back.

1 Caterpillar = 5 Raffle Tickets
2 Caterpillars = 1K Discount on anything in the shop
3 Caterpillar's = 1 Non-Growing Custom Color Familiar
10 Caterpillars = Reserve Spot for Flatsale
3 Rolly Polys = 1 Free Item from Item Shop
5 Rolly Polys = 5K Discount on anything in the shop
10 Rolly Polys = 20 Raffle Tickets
1 Lady Bug = 1 Growing Custom Color Familiar
2 Lady Bugs = 1 Custom Colored Plushie
5 Lady Bugs = 1/2 off Breeding
7 Lady Bugs = 3 Free Items from the Item shop
10 Lady Bugs = 500 Raffle Tickets
1 Dragonfly = 10K discount
3 Dragonflies = 1000 Raffle Tickets
5 Dragonflies = 1 Custom Item
1 Firefly = 1 Monocero from a Flatsale
3 Fireflies = 1 Free Breeding + 2 Free breeding Items
5 Fireflies = 15K Discount on anything in the shop
1 Butterfly = 1 Cosplay Growing Monocero
5 Butterflies = 2 Custom Growing Monocero

When you catch a bug, you will be added here:

C----P----L----D----LB---B : User Name
2----0----0----0----0-----0 : Kaen
3----0----1----0----0-----0 : Natelie
1----0----0----0----0-----0 : Dixie
8----0----0----0----0-----0 : Amasis
0----1----0----0----0-----0 : Mors
3----0----0----0----0-----0 : Illogical

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User ImageUser Name: Radiant Rain
Call her: Rain
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Mules: Serenia Tanuki, Myra_MoMNPC, Saphira_The_Mail_Fairy
Position: Owner, Dreamer, and Manager
General Likes: Roses, Wolves, Rabbits, Cats, Mythology, Semi-Bara Men, Furries
General Dislikes: Trolls, Spammers, Mean People, Annoying People
Attitude: Mostly carefree.
Quote: "Sure, I'm perverted, and I'm proud of it."

User ImageUser Name: Amasis
Call her: Amasis, Ama
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Mules: None used for the shop.
Position: Co-Owner, Advice Giver, Second Colorist, Line-Art Editor
General Likes: Yaoi, Kaen, Bunnies
General Dislikes: Annoying or Mean People
Attitude: Mostly Harmless
Quote: ?

User ImageUser Name: KaenSepihiri
Call her: Kaen, Bunni
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Mules: None used for the shop.
Position: Shop Helper, Guest Colorist
General Likes: Yaoi, Amasis, Bunnies
General Dislikes: Annoying or Mean People
Attitude: Carefree and Fun
Quote: ?

Other Staff:
Damakist: Investor and Co-Owner
Lenta/Mnara: Shop Colorist, Shop Angel
Alxkat: Shop Helper, Colorist, Item Maker
Kylaena: Thread layout and banner maker.

No Longer Employed Staff:
Toushin: Line Artist
UnderTheRed: Rewrote the story.

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The following are non-playable characters in the thread.

Serenia Tanuki

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Guidelines for Breeding
1. Any gender can breed with any other gender. In other words: M/F, M/M, F/F couplings are welcome.)
2. Zombies cannot breed. Getting bitten with turn a non-zombie into a zombie.
3. Breeding produces 1-3 offspring. 1 is very common, 2 is uncommon and 3 is rare. (See pricing guide.)
4. There are only 3 breeding stalls open at a time.
5. Only adults can breed.
6. Monoceros do not necessarily breed for life, but they can. (This is your choice.)
7. After breeding once, a 'Pregnant' Monocero (usually female) cannot breed for another month.
8. Elemental powers are a male based gene: babies' powers are inherited from their father.

Pricing Guide for Breeding
Regular Breeding (M/F): 4K from both owners, or 8K from one owner and the consent of another owner.
Same Gender Breeding (M/M, F/F): 5K from both owners, or 10K from one owner and the consent of another owner.

Breeding Items
"Oh Baby" Potion: Increases the chance of having twins. 2K
"Luv Luv" Potion: Increases the chance of having triplets. 5K
"Firey" Potion: Gives the baby fire power. 1K
"Wet-Wet" Potion: Gives the baby water power. 1K
"Air-Head" Potion: Gives the baby air power. 1K
"Dirt Flavored" Potion: Gives the baby earth power. 1K
"It's Electric!" Potion: Gives the baby electric power. 2K

Breeding Stalls
Breeding Stall One: Closed
Breeding Stall Two: Closed
Breeding Stall Three: Closed

Order Form
Order Form:
Breeding Stall: (Which Stall Number)
Mother's Name: (Either the female's name or the 'mother' male)
Father's Name: (Either the male's name or the 'father' female)
Type of Breeding: (Heterosexual or Homosexual)
Extra Items: (Any extra items)
Total Cost: (How much everything costs)

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A Recall of Rain's first meeting of the Monoceros

"One fine summer (Rain began), I went on a week's visit to my grandmother's farm. She had requested me to come visit her, though I was dreadfully busy at work, and my boyfriend was reluctant to let me leave his side with our baby on the way. Still, I explained to him that family came first and went to see grandma all the same. After all, I hadn't seen her in some time and it was quite nice to see her again. I admit, though, that things got painfully dull after a while. On the third day, desperate for a distraction and needing to stretch my legs, I set off on a hike up the road.

"While traveling to my Grandma's house, I had seen a dilapidated old abandoned farm not too far south of grandma's own. It had piqued my interest, so, on a lark, I decided to walk over and investigate it. The buildings were really old, and the lawns and fields were unkempt and overgrown. The old dirt driveway hadn't seen so much as a wagon in years, and yet there were tracks all over. At first I dismissed them as deer tracks, but they weren't quite like any deer tracks I'd seen before. More curiously, they led straight up to the closed barn door, and it seemed that the deer (or whatever the creatures were) had somehow stood up and opened the door. I told myself it was impossible, but wonder forbade me to simply forget it, and I cautiously opened the door a crack and glanced inside.

"The light was dim and pale inside the barn, coming in shafts through the gaps in boarded up windows and cracks in the walls. In the center of the barn, standing amongst the piles of old scattered hay, was a pair of fantastic, strange creatures. Each stood no more than four feet in height and was graced with a pair of long, spiraling horns. My mind raced to catch up with what my eyes saw (or thought they were seeing), and when my mind arrived at a conclusion it almost refused to believe itself. Why, I daresay I thought I was seeing unicorns.

"However hard I tried to conceal myself, I obviously failed. The two animals spied me. The female (I guessed) of the pair gazed upon me with large, dewy blue eyes that were wide open in trepidation. Stepping up in front of her came what must have been the male, who stood tall and firm, protective of his mate and with a bold gaze that said he was ready to charge if necessary. I held up my hands in a gesture of apology and unconditional surrender, and slowly, carefully stepped inside, letting the door shut softly behind me. The male still seemed uneasy, but as the female gave him a reassuring nudge on the shoulder, he seemed to relax. With that, the female stepped forward from behind her mate. I think there she began to speak, but I was far too awestruck to hear her words. Suddenly I noticed something strange: her voice was resonating not through the room but in my very skull! I clasped desperately at my head... This was just too much.

"The female calmly explained to me how she and her mate had arrived here. She spoke of her people, an intelligent and peaceable lot who lived on the distant planet Myrana, far beyond the farthest stars. Their race enthusiastically developed technology after technology, but, strangely, weapons development had been entirely neglected. One grim day, their planet had been swiftly and mercilessly invaded and conquered by a widely feared tyrant whose name I still can't quite pronounce right. The people of Myrana fled en masse, but many, even most, were captured or killed before they got far. 'Not even a handful managed to successfully escape and land here on your planet,' the female concluded. 'In fact, the only ones to survive were myself, my mate, and a set of four newborns.'

"Silently I stood for a moment, struggling to stomach this unbelievable tale. Finally, the last statement she had made clicked, and I gasped in surprise, before stammering out 'Wait? f-four newborns!?'

"The female smiled warmly at me, and with a nod she motioned for me to follow her. At the far end of the barn was a line of stalls. She led me to the last one in the row. I peered over the door to see inside and was immediately dumbstruck. There weren't just four newborns... there were eight. Even more peculiarly, some of them bore two horns, others just one. I was about to inquire about it, but the female seemed to instinctively know my question. She looked expectantly at me, and then I realized, not without a touch of embarrassment, that she herself had two horns. As the male came up to join us, I realized with further embarrassment that he bore three horns on his head. I guess my mind had been too busy trying to categorize these animals as something familiar that I had failed to notice even the most obvious of things. I gulped, then threw another, somewhat better question into the open than the one I had been about to ask. "You said that only four newborns escaped, but there are eight here. Where did the other four come from?"

"The female shook her head wearily, and the male simply lowered his head. "We're not sure," she said. "They were here when we arrived. It's almost like... like they were waiting for us here. They were so small and helpless; we had no choice but to take them in as well." She stared up anxiously at me. She looked worn out. I didn't blame her. Caring for eight wailing babies had to be hectic. I resolved to aid her, but that was still eight infants between three adults, and even if I was able to convince my boyfriend to help us, that was still two little ones each. The fact that my own child was on its way didn't help matters much. Besides, with work and all it was going to be hard enough to just take care of my own problems. Even so, I couldn't just stand aside and not help these noble creatures.

"An idea struck me suddenly. Eagerly I addressed the pair. "What are your people called?"

"'Monoceros,' responded the male, 'We are called Monoceros.' It was the first time he'd spoken to me. His voice echoed in my head much like the female's had.

"I smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, help is on the way." It was time, I decided, to appoint the help of the Gaians..."

Damocles' Journal

Once there was a magical world named Myrana. It was a beautiful planet that had one orangeish sun. It was a pleasant world with a dominating race of anthropomorphic unicorns and some lesser species that were hardly noticed by the unicorns. They were called Ialolys and they were like the kings, queens and nobles of the land. There were peasants but this story is not about them. The Ialolys were a smart race, they had many abilities. Every Ialolys could heal anyone with a touch of their horn; they could purify dirty or poisoned water; and even clean the very air they breathed. In addition to their race’s abilities there were sub-abilities, which tended not to be similar at all. The powers were elementally based, having 9 known ‘elements’. Their powers were obvious to others based on the horn that stuck out of their head. A different color indicated different things. Some of the Ialolys were able to become Masters of their element but there was only one Master of an element. Masters were often identified by mutations their bodies had taken during their training. An apprentice could only become a Master by surpassing their Master in a battle to the death. They never used weapons as they found it disgraceful to use something else to do what you could do yourself.
They were a very proud race and worked very hard to advance themselves in every other area. Neglecting any form of weapons advances including defensive weapons. They would never use such disgraceful objects.
As the years passed, different Kings would take over and they would continue on with their lives. One day, as the orange sun shone down on the planet’s surface, everything began to fall apart. The king had suddenly died and they were trying quickly to find a suitable heir since his son had only been born two days before. The royal advisers were arguing over who would take over when the ground shook like an earthquake was splitting the ground. They scrambled over to the window and looked out to see the sleek fleet of ships blowing apart the buildings. There was shrieking and panic on the dirt roads below. The advisers scrambled to push the position to each other, trying to avoid the blame as the people panicked in the streets.
The current fire Master, a male named Damocles and his mate the current Air Master, watched in horror as the buildings began to burst into flames. He flapped his large leathery wings and moved to start putting out the fires, snuffing them out of existence as his mate helped to gather the people in the center court of the palace. There wasn’t enough time though, the attacks just kept coming. Damocles gathered up a small herd of children that were screaming and ran towards the palace. He gave them to his mate who tried to calm them down as he ran back.
He wasn’t going to let his people die out! He ran back towards the burning city just as the ships began to unload their ‘cargo’. Large ugly males who began to tear through the city like it were tissue paper. They had shining weapons that made a odd noise and burned a hole straight through a male who had been trying to help a female out of a burning building. Damocles’ eyes widened before he snuffed out the fire and yanked the female out of the building and pushed her towards the palace. The males spoke in some foreign language and laughed but it sounded sick, twisted. Damocles carefully prodded at their minds to try to quickly learn their language. The male didn’t seem to notice as he moved towards the city, shooting up the males and grabbing a female. He yanked her off her feet as she screamed and tried to get free. He tossed her towards the group of males and Damocles suddenly knew what they were doing. They were gathering slaves! He was appalled, their race was not slaves! They were not going to be slaves to some horrid race of males.
He closed his eyes and opened them; he would not let this race of males take his mate from him. He snorted and smoke curled up his short muzzle, he cracked his knuckles and ran at the race of males. They noticed him and one began to smirk, he lifted up that silver weapon and pulled its trigger, the shot missed as Damocles jumped to the side without losing momentum. Another shot and he jumped again, he kept dodging the attacks before he swung around and slammed the tip of his scorpion like tail into the head of the male who had been shooting at him. The male’s eyes went wide before he slid off the tip and hit the ground.
The other males looked surprised and they scrambled to pull out their weapons but were stopped as a large ball of fire exploded outwards from the central point that was Damocles. They screamed in agony before hitting the ground. A communicator crackled on one of the males, a new voice came to Damocles ears. The voice asked why they were taking so long and what was wrong. He moved to crush the communicator under his hoof and looked back towards the palace.

His mate was looking for him. He could feel her worry in the back of his mind. He turned to run back towards his mate. He needed to protect her and as many of the foals as he could. He didn’t look back when he felt the new ship land and shake the ground. He didn’t look back when he heard the large door open. He didn’t even look back when he heard the yelling. He ran to his mate who only had 4 infants who had no one to take care of them. He took two from her and led her away. He headed towards the spaceships that the palace had. He loaded them in, putting his mate and the two babies into a cryosleep chamber. He hoped that they would be okay. He got into the other one as the ship rumbled to life and began to take off. As he drifted to sleep, he prayed that they would make it out alive; prayed that his mate wouldn't fall victim to those horrible males who had attacked his home.

Four Standard Galactic Months Later

The ships sensors beeped as the oxygen levels in the cryosleep chambers were growing dangerously low. There was a hiss as the chamber doors slowly opened, giving the occupants a chance to slowly wake. The process would take 2 standard galactic hours before the first one woke. The male known as Damocles, he addressed the ships computer asking it where they were, the ship replied that they were entering the atmosphere of a planet known as Gaia. He nodded as he looked to his mate and the four babies. They all looked safe and he was grateful. He moved to get comfortable in one of the seats, leaving the babies to sleep. They'd be hungry when they woke and he wasn't sure if there was even food in the ship to feed them. He looked down to the planet they were going to land on through the large window in the front. His mate’s voice drew his attention away from the window. He looked to her and smiled brightly. There was no worry in his mind anymore. She was awake and alive. They were far from the horrible planet and even though there was a pang of regret as he wished he could have helped the others more, he was happier that they had a chance to make everything better for his mate and these infants.

Soon, the ship came to a mostly gentle landing on the planet’s terrain. Damocles helped Tir’ala get the infants off the ship. He moved back on and sent its autopilot for home. He didn't want the people of this world to know where they had come from. He helped them into the barn that looked run-down. He moved into the barn and fluffed the straw that was there. The babies quickly adjusted to their new sleeping areas and were back asleep. Damocles moved to watch the ship as it took off, sad to see it go but knew that he couldn't go back. He couldn't leave his mate and their adopted children behind. He looked to the yellow sun of the planet and wondered how long it would be until it went down.

Two of the planets days passed and they had gotten into a routine. There was much to do with small ones around and they had gathered enough food from the surrounding land to feed everyone but the babies were still bored, crying and whining often. Plus, Damocles had found four more babies in his wanderings of the area. So now there were eight babies and only two adults. During the nap time of the infants, Damocles heard something coming towards the barn. He used his mind-powers to prod the mind of the intruder. It was a female who was with child. There was nothing to fear from her. The female entered the barn and looked around, surprised to see walking unicorns as her mind called them. He let his mate do all the talking while he probed her mind. Eventually, the talk turned to what they were called and finally he spoke.

“Monoceros; we are called Monoceros.” He said simply. He could feel his mate’s confusion but he didn’t want to be that proud race anymore. He wanted things to change for the better. He wanted to learn how to properly protect his mate and their adopted family. Things would be better here, he just knew it.

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These people are amazing!

For being a great help and great colorist.
For offering their help.
For helping out a LOT.
For offering their help.
For offering their help.
Another shop Angel and my hubby. I just made her one. ;3
Bumps a lot and is mah wife. ^~ (Not really.)

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This is probation, but not blacklisting.

No one here.

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These people are blacklisted. They have lost their pet, and should go away and not come back.

No one here.

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Fire Monoceros

Layne*, M, owned by Amasis
Key , F, owned by Zolah
Kouchou, M owned by Amasis
Mshai, M owned by Sinfully_Innocent_Kaen
Sasuke*, M owned by 1bonjour1
Kakashi*, M owned by Kaen
Ichigo*, M owned by NC-chan
Annabelle, F owned by Alisite12345
Damocles, M owned by Damakist
Mekt, M owned by Arrikanez
Erryn, F owned by Chaeval
Swift, F owned by Dragonz_Luvr
Telyn, F owned by RougeRoxness

Air Monoceros

Subaru*, F owned by Tandemonium
Fiona, F owned by Natelie
Arian, F owned by KadyKabana
Sadane, M owned by Hawk_heart
Snuffleferd, M owned by Alisite12345
Tsuki, M owned by ZeroDream
Suki, F owned by KarelElliot
Chibi Chibi, F owned by Wispytear3
Edward Elric*, M owned by Seth K. Amon
Kbaibit, M owned by Nagisa Kaoru
Kirset, F owned by Amasis
Brody, M owned by Monet
Gallows, M owned by TiggzH
Tirala, F owned by Rain
Yin, M owned by Chaevel
Zhen, F owned by Quicksilver

Water Monoceros

Leena, F owned by Natelie
Kaia, F owned by Natelie
Kaze, M owned by EtherealEnding
Nigiri, M owned by Tulip
Saphira, F owned by Nefidean
Takehiko, M owned by Des
Anko*, F owned by NC-chan
Brone, M owned by
Nieva, F owned by AmylaEdana
Taivas, M owned by EvensongSunsoar
Yui, F owned by UrashBunny

Earth Monoceros

Quin, M owned by Natelie
Nefertum, F owned by Amasis
Sakura, F owned by Wings
Kodi*, M owned by Amasis
Lust, F owned by 1bonjour1
Enjiron, M owned by Efetmie
Aluna, F owned by OverfiendChocobo
Byron, M owned by Cideon
Sabrielle, F owned by Zolah
Tiombe, F owned by Lenta

Electricity Monoceros

Chigo*, M owned by Rain
Al*, M owned by Ajax Blacknight
Khai, F owned by Sunchai
Sprocket, M owned by Cideon
Tincture, F owned by LadyOurania

Death Monoceros

Necron, M owned by Rain

Hatred Monoceros

Alucard, M owned by Sinfully_Innocent_Kaen
Thief King Bakura*, M owned by flamingshadowfox

Love Monoceros

Rinoa*, F owned by Dr.Zeon
Trinity, F owned by Sinfully_Innocent_Kaen
Arlia Suan, F owned by Dixie
Ribbon Wishes, F owned by Roniel Revolution
Sharlete, F owned by 1bonjour1
Silver Rain, F owned by NC-chan
Solei, F owned by Ajax Blacknight
Talli, F owned by Demon Ronin
Midnight, F owned by Resmi
Mooni, F owned by RaenSephiri
Relm, F owned by Woofa
Pineapple, F owned by Candyeland
Sweet Sparkle, F owned by Taneko
Chii*, F owned by Mekers
Freya, F owned by MeltedWings
Desert Rose, F owned by SkyDragono

Creativity Monoceros

Haja, F owned by Ajax Blacknight
Giai, F owned by Bouncy Pineapple
Mokona, F owned by Bouncy Pineapple
Damia, F owned by Natelie
Link,* M owned by Dixie
Raver, M owned by Mors

Unknown Element

Yuki , M owned by Sinfully_Innocent_Kaen
Ai, F owned by 1bonjour1
Amaya, M owned by 1bonjour1
Charlie, M owned by NC-Chan
Daizzy, F owned by Illogical Chronicle
Esmerelda, F owned by Illogical Chronicle
Faith, F owned by Isabelle
Hawk, M owned by Shai
Henery, M owned by Mors the Meticulous
Jilli, F owned by Stina
Toby, M owned by Natelie
Akina, F owned by Tyus
Devi, F owned by Sierre_penman
Fawn, F owned by Korena_The_White
Jake, M owned by 1bonjour1
Jasper, M owned by UbastainJade
Jingle, M owned by Korena_The_White
Angelique, F owned by 1bonjour1
Kashti, M owned by Amasis
Khaibit, M owned by NagisaKaoru
Kirset, F owned by Amasis
Kuroi, M owned by TWizTed_SoUl
Leviathan, M owned by viktor_The_Fallen
Miel, M owned by TellahAmna
Moonair, F owned by Purister_The_Mysterious
Paine, F owned by Xnedra
Pharaoh Atemu*, M owned by mistalina13
Ray, M owned by Inuyasha_Manga
Sky, M owned by Takakun
Sol, F owned by Tulip
Tink, F owned by Lovely
Valiant, M owned by Taneko
Veles, M owned by KitSephri
Nayimi, F owned by Amasis
Arsenios, M owned by Dizzy Kati
Klaus, M owned by Ajax Blacknight
Lani, M owned by Amasis
Sid, M owned by Ajax Blacknight
Romano, M owned by Ann Rimiko
Silveroz, M owned by Seth R. Amon
Skyler, M owned by 1bonjour1
Israfel, M owned by Mors the Meticulous
Fawn, F owned by Rain

* Cosplay pet.

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Idea and Shop Idea are (c) Rain.
Line Art is (c) Toushin
Coloring is (c) Lenta/Mnara
Power Names are (c) Pokemon

Rain does not own any of the cosplays, characters, or anything else of that nature.

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Just like any other flatsale!
No flatsales are currently planed.

Prices: 4k, or 10k if you own more than 10 Monoceros.

No auctions are currently planned.

No raffles currently planned.
5000 tickets per event (unless otherwise stated), at 10g per ticket.
All trades should be sent to MonocerosShopKeep.
Buying for others is allowed - but no mules allowed!

This is a flatsale raffle!
1 entry per person.
You may proxy* for another person - but no mules allowed!
There are two different was to win a flaffle - so check that flaffle's individual rules!

Entering a flaffle:

I want to enter the Flaffle!

I want to proxy for (their username)

To proxy is to stand in place of another person in a flaffle - therefore, if you win, they will receive your prize. Depending on the rules of the flaffle, you may or may not be able to enter for yourself when representing someone else by proxy.

Rain may give out freebies at her discretion. Don't beg, don't even ask. You will be graylisted just for asking.

Custom Monoceros
20k for no line-art edits.
25-50K for simple line-art edits. (This includes wings.)
50-100K for cosplays/complex edits.
+10K per stage for growths. (A total of 40k if you want all stages.)

Lenta Slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Amasis Slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Kaen Slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

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Take a look at our shop pets.

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