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Another charity so soon? O_O

XD Woot! *steals shi's gold* T__T 0.31952662721893 32.0% [ 54 ]
XD Stop it shi! You need tu finish your questie first! 0.22485207100592 22.5% [ 38 ]
^-^ I wanna help out! *donates* 0.059171597633136 5.9% [ 10 ]
um...*steals Mighty Muffin from Steve* Bwah! Take that! 0.14792899408284 14.8% [ 25 ]
*squishes mildred teh flying muffin* Nuu! T_T 0.24852071005917 24.9% [ 42 ]
Total Votes:[ 169 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 228 229 230 > >> >>> »|

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
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Tue 14th Nov. 06 | Setting up charity ^^

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
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-Title & Announcements
-Index & Introduction
-Shi's Little helpers & Mascots
- Secret santa ~Event~
-Contests - Avi & Bump
-Random Gift Giving
-Writing contest
-Donators & Donatees
-White List & Black List
-Comments on Shi's Charities
-memorable Moments
-Official Charity Bumps

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@_@ Dear muffins, how on earth did I get conned into hosting another charity-giveaway-event? And less than Two weeks after the last one closed?! O_O ........... Man, you guys are good *nodnod* You've been taking notes again, havent you? *looks at you suspiciously* ^_^ I'm so proud! *glomps you all*

For those of you who don't know me, I'm imagining you're a lil' bit scared and confuzzled around about now. Good! You might as well get used to the feeling if you're going to be sticking around here ^^

I am ladyshi--shi or shilady, or just 'hey, you!' as many people know me ^^ This is my third giveaway-charity-event...thing, in less than six months sweatdrop I've already given over 500k in items and pure out through my previous two charities; one celebrating my GCSE results back in august this year, the other for halloween.

I am a long-term questor *glares at those of you who convinced her to put off the chain-wallet yet again* with little hope of actually acheiving the last five or so items I need to complete my dream avi xd

Just about all of our funds (all at this time) come from shi exchange-whoring her invo on either her main account or via a mule *nodnod*

This charity is just here because they made me do it o.o *hides from things being thrown at her* Okay, okay! ..... I was considering doing one, you happy now?! stare ..... Now I'll never get a damned party-thread up in time for my b-day in january XD

Oh well; Make the most of Shi's not-so-temporary insanity. Have a great christmas ^^


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B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
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  • Firestarter 200
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-Obey the ToS
-Keep it pg13 or under
-Listen to the thread mods & helpers; They're here for a reason; They volenteered to help, not to be abused or shouted at. If they say you're out, you're out. If you have a problem with that, pm me with the page.no and I will review it.
-Never pm anyone in this thread to ask for a donation; there are forms for almost everything.
-Luffle the muffins ^^
-Enjoy your self. Or.Else XD
-donate to shi! XD <- Please note this is optional 3nodding ....or is it? ninja
-If You agree to Take Part in an event such as secret santa you must keep your word. If you do not (without a good reason), then you will be banned from all future events.

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
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Username: Ladyshi
Nickname: Hey You, Shi, Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!, Crazy muffin lady, ShiLady ^^
Position: Your Lord & Master ^^ Girl Who Gives Stuff Out ^-^
About Shi: I'm 16, from the UK, a girl (le gasp!), and I love writing, yaoi, manga, anime, and Johnny Depp *pets him from where she has him chained up in her closet* The muffins are mini-gods and must be worshipped. Cookies are evil and shall destroy us aaaall! ^^ You have been warned ^^ Gir Ish meh pet *nodnod* so ha! .... *silence* <-- normally if you ignore shi shi'll go away XD

Tsukiyomi Morningstar

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~ Our mascots are currently, er, on...rehab! ninja All those halloween candies you guys kept feeding them...tehe...he? sweatdrop They should be back up in a few days, k? ^^~

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Okie, This is How this works:
Interested in taking part? Please read the section below & the Q&A before asking any questions or applying, okie? ^^

How to take part:

-You post a form saying you want to take part ( HERE )

-You get accepted ^^
-You get sent another persons desired-pressie list
-You select & buy one of those gifts
-You then send that gift to our mule Shi_charity_mule along with a pm saying if you wish to remain anonomys or if you wish to send a message with the gift
-Gifts will then be held untill the 23-24th, then will be sent out either via trade or gift if the system is working again sweatdrop

Why send the gift to you? Why not send it ourselves?-This is to make sure that both the sender has sent, and the reciever has, ah, recieved, so that no-one gets scammed or tries to scam shi ^^

How do I know you wont just keep the gift yourself?-_- Because if I was like that I wouldnt have people damn-well following me from meh previous charities and bugging me to host another one, now would I?

Zomygod! Does this mean I can get a gift for lyke 2k & spend like 2g on someone else?-No. That is why we have a specific form and have requirements. This is also why we get the gifts to be sent via our mule; People this is the season of giving, not scamming! Be nice! Shi will personally make sure this doesnt happen

Can I spend more than 2k?-Please feel free to! 2k is just the max Shi set as it isnt enough to make you bankrupt, and isnt so little you have no choice in a gift, ne? ^^

How many items am I sending again?-Just the one ^^ Unless you wish to send more

Can I pick who I buy for?
-Again, no. This is so that no-one gets left out; If shi assigns you someone, it's a lot fairer on everyone *nodnod*

I want to buy for more than one person!
-Please feel free to do so--however this will not be part of the secret santa, this will be random-gift-giving, or will be your own gift-giving to friends ^^

I hate chu & christmas!
- o_o is that you, grinchey-kins? I knew you wouldnt follow through on that restraining order, you tease! *glomps*

Application form:
Christmas list: (list 5 items max @ 2k or less each please!)

Christmas List:


Username: Ladyshi
Christmas list: G-lol dollie shoes ~EXAMPLE ONLY! NOT REAL~

Current Participents:

Aisha Woku
[Dancing Diva]
Roddy McMay
XxFallen StarxX
Tomb robber Bakura
Enthauptete Leiche
Hint of Blasphemy

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Mini-contests - keep a look out ^^ Prizes ranging from 1k to 20k-posted in the actual thread

Banner Contest - design a Christmas themed Banner for our charity!
Requirements: Thread name (Shi's Christmas Charity 06)
Ideas: Try and include any of the following ^^ : Our mascots, helpers, christmas-themed items, anything ^^
Winner Will recieve - 3k
~Minimum of 5 entries needed! Unless we recieve 5 entries this contest will be canced.
Closing date: dec.15th

Entry form:

[color=blue] [b]BANNER ENTRY[/b]
Entry: [/color]


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As our halloween charities avi-contest was such a sucess, I thought we might need to host a christmas-themed one as well ^^

This time, our rules are a lil' bit more specific though--which could be bad for those of you who couldnt seem to read them last time! Hahahaha.... stare

Theme- Christmas! You can use any items you want, reguardless of whether you actually own them or not to create an avi (using tektek please) entry. However, at least one Christmas event item from either 03/04/05 must be used! Not New-years, Christmas!

All entries must be submitted to the correct thread ( HERE ) Before December 20th. Prize: 10k to 1st place!

Entry Form:
Why you choose this look ^^:[/color]

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Person with the highest bump-count by the closing date of our thread (TBA) Will win 10k ^^


Notice: Please take note, that ladyshi will no longer be informing anyone via pm or otherwise if their entry is invalid this time around, reguardless of if you're a friend of shi's, a regular or newcommer. This is due to the verbal abuse recieved last time when shi was trying to help people win one of her damned coco-kitties during the last writing contest & many entrants couldnt read the requirements or the challange itself.

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Bump - 10k 1st prize
Avi - 10k 1st prize
Banner - 3k 1st prize
Writing - 50k 1st prize
Awards - ~ 10k each ~

Hint on how to get a donation: Actually staying a while, conversing, making sure that shi notices you helps xd

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Random gift giving is encouraged ^^ Please pm our mule shi_charity_mule if you recieve a random gift or donation from someone other than Shi while here ^^

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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~currently being set up in writing forum. Updates soon~

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Tsukiyomi Morningstar - 3k - *luffles* thank-you so much hun ^^ This'll help charity funds lots ^^ 3nodding
Smartie of the Soul - 5.7k - o.o *luffleluffles* thank-you so much hun ^^ You sure? o-o *puts straight into the funds*
Minion` - 1.25k - *luffles* Chu sure hun? ^^ Thankies! *puts straight into the charity funds*
Cleric Sarah - 10k for our funds* Thank-you so much! <3

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week one:
Panic.Fever - 1k
Minion` 2 2k
Steve The Garden Hose - 2k
Bellevi - 2k
Frogogog - 2k
Tomb robber Bakura - 2k

Week three: (college = nu week two ;-; all week two given in week 3 *nod)

Tsukiyomi Morningstar - 5k
dancingdiva1129 - 2k
Aria Fanel - 2k
Corruption - 2k
Shaya826 - 2k
XxFallen StarxX - 2k
Bellevi - 3k
Minion`- 3k
Tomb robber Bakura -3k
joe_joe_511 - 3.5k


Mini Contests:

Current Mini-game: Guess Shi's fav. song
Hint One: It's to do with anime
Hint Two: Weather ( gonk )
Prize: 3k
Bonus - To Kura for guessing my second-fave: Fuki Mori (Inuyasha ending theme 1)

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100

B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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Comment on Shi's Charities?

(Please post http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=19550579 )


B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
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...Oh, dear. Shi's collapsed again.

Steve! o_o You're practically nakie!

Steve The Garden Hose
Smartie of the Soul
Steve The Garden Hose
My hand is cold mad
And the air is too cold
And the roof is too high
And eveyrthing sucks mad
*Ish prenteding to be an old person*

Which, adorwable wittley ickle Stevie-pie is anything but. 4laugh

*pats the 13 yr old* heart heart blaugh

Im 14 in 9 days gonk

Steve The Garden Hose
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
*Theme song plays*

Steve The Garden Hose
Steve The Garden Hose
Grrr you shi!
Grr you very much!
Super Pinecone got eated by a dog so I had to get it out, and whilst I was gone, you set up this thread mad
I knowz joo tried it mad


Bwah ! XD My evil plan has worked! teh Super pinecone cannot hurt Mildred now, bwah! xd

((When Shi read that you make shi squirt Dr.Pepper through her nose & fall off her spinny-spin computer chair XD))

When I find his other Pine-Arm, Super Pinecone is going to make a VEWY VEWY long list of complaints mad

ninja heart

minneh! XD *glomp* ....er, hi!


*transfers glomp back to Tsuki* xd
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eek *whimper*

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B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
Official Charity Bumps:

Please feel free to use these whilst bumping ^^


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B R A I N's Wife

Brainy Zealot

24,075 Points
  • Dramatic Shipping 25
  • Firestarter 200
  • Divine Donator 100
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