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Shop Owner: Steal
Lineart and banners by by [Aidan]
Certs by PsychoAce56


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Are you in need of inspiration...?
Are you in need of inspiration...?

White List:
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Black List:
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PsychoAce56- One free custom, can be ordered from any of the staff

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Subscribe to us! PM [Muses] If you wish to make a subsscription to Inspiration of the Muses. You will be informed of upcoming events such as flatsales, auction, raffles, etc.

Note that all owners wil be immidiately subscirbed to this shop.
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Once upon a time there was a little girl who was forgotten by absolutely everybody… err… well… no that comes from a different story, and while that story also involves a wish it is much different from this story. *coughs* Let’s try again….

Once upon a time, in one of the many large cities that exist in the world lived a little girl. She was like any other little girl, she had two loving parents, she went to school, and came home to do homework. She was well off; her parents were successful business people, so there were no worries about gold. There was only one slight problem though, which is only natural otherwise we would not have a story. You see, her parents being successful and business minded worried about their daughter’s future, and like many parents before them they began to ask what she wanted to be when she grew up.

At first it was just a normal question, all parents asked that question and no one ever took the answer that seriously. For one day a child could want to be a teacher, and then the next a famous star, but as time passed like it always does the question became serious.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you want to do in the future?

But the little girl did not know, she never felt strongly about one way or another. Still, her parents kept asking, and being the good little girl she was, she thought hard on it. A day passed, and then another, and other, and she still did not know. This, depressed the little girl, who despaired in ever finding the one thing that would convince her that this is the future she wanted. She became so depressed that her parents in worry about their child’s health (for they really are good parents) took her out to the country to cheer her up.

So to a little cottage they took her, with a meadow that stretched beyond the eye could see. The meadow teemed with life, and when the sunset revealed the brightly shining stars… Her first night there, she stood in the middle of that vast meadow once again thinking about the question her parents asked her. She sighed still unable to come up with an answer, the child looked up at the night sky and with a weary heart wished.

I wished I knew… I wish for help…
Please… Please… Can I have a bit of help?
Someone to be there for me?

A shooting star shot across the sky and towards the earth. It hit the ground with a bright flash of light that sparkled and revealed a single floating wing. Her eyes widen in surprise as her hand reached out to touch it to see if it was real, and as she did so she could hear a tiny voice. A sparkle of inspiration, and for the first time she had the answer to her question. Though it was only a little idea at first, she was sure it would grow as she grew older… if only she knew how much that inspiration would grow. As she cupped the little wing in her hands and walked off, she didn’t notice a shower of shooting stars.

If you go to that meadow, on a dark night, wishing for the inspiration that could perhaps help you upon your way, then you might come across a rouge shooting star hitting the earth. If you stayed there long enough, and come back night after night you might find strange people there with the most amazing talents who are willing to help anyone who ask.
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General Rules
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~ Please following the ToS with Gaia, that itself is a given, but just covering the basics.
~ Don’t steal the art, or banners of course.
~ No ads please.... we'll link your shop but it's kind of rude to put ads about your shop in someone else's you know?
~ Be nice... everyone likes a nice person.
~ Listen to Steal and his Colourists

Roleplay Rules
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~ Try to use as much proper grammar as possible…. Like capitals are a good start, quotations, you know….
~ No god-moding (even though it’s unlikely it would happen)
~ Keep it PG-13
~ Read on the races
~ Keep one liner’s to a minimum

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~You must have all gold you bid on hand when the auction is over should you win.
~No snipping is allowed, which means that the colourist holding the auction has the right to extend the auction 15 more minutes if the bid is made under 15 minutes from when the auction is to close.
~Again send the money to the person holding the auction.
~Follow whatever other rule the person holding the auction has made.

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~Do not start until the colourist gives the go ahead.
~General rule is one Muse per 24 hours.
~You can buy one for a friend, but please make it clear to the colourist for whom it goes to.
~Send the money to the colourist please. Do not send it to me, I'm just the shopkeeper.
~Flatsale Protocol:
~~Tell the colourist which one by number is preferable and tell the name
~~Then send trade, from there the colourist should work on the cert

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~ Check to see if the colourist has a slot open for customs first before PM-ing them
~ The colourist has every right to not work on your custom until you've send the trade.
~ Note that if you do not pay for your custom the colourist has the right to:
> Disable the picture (meaning no growths for you)
> Resell or auction off the Muse after a period of.... be fair two weeks. If by then you have not sort it out with the colourist he or she has this right.
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22/07/06- Grand Opening Raffle
26/07/06- Flaffle
12/07/06- First Flatsale
14/07/06 - Raffle and Auction for Custom Slots Opens
17/07/06 - Raffle for Custom Slot Ends
21/07/06 - Auction for Custom Slot Ends
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Are they breedable?
Yes they are. ^_^

Will you make customs?
Yes, but they will cost more and the slots for those will be opened rarely.

What about cosplays?
No, this will not offer cosplays and never offer cosplays.

Do you have to roleplay them?
Nope, but we would still like to see you around you know.
Will you give me one for free?
Ahahahahaha… no.

Do you do pet trades?
Err…. No… not really… err… no.

Can I trade my pet?
No…. don’t do that… seriously. Muses are like children… you sicko.

How many Muses can I own?
As many as you like?
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It is a newly fallen star, nothing more than a wing floating in the air. The wing will stay by you, but keep in close and protect it carefully. If you listen carefully you can hear the whispers of a voice, of a beginning…

The wing as formed a child muse, they are completely curious about the world around them. On one sense they need to be taught, like how to stay out of trouble, but on the other sense they are already showing signs of some kind of talent.

They grow and transform completely into an adult muse. They are independent and ready to strike it out on their own. If they are bonded to someone to be inspired they’ve been known to led advice whether the person wants it or not.

Flatsale Angelic/Demonic --> 5K
Custom Angelic/Demonic (starting from adulthood) --> 10K
Custom Angelic/Demonic (starting from wing) --> 20K

Note: The custom prices are base prices and vary depending on difficulty, difficulty varies depending on colourist, please ask colourist for final price after submitting form.
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Angelics – Angelics are a pretty straightforward race, they’ll help you and give you advice whether you want it or not. They’ve been known to be pretty encouraging towards those they inspire and most of them are by the book.

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Demonics – Being demonic doesn’t always mean straightaway that they’re bad… they just tend to take their inspired for a ride if they have one. They are harder to control, and often go to great (if not dangerous) lengths to inspire. They’re laid back and easy going people, so they don’t mind if a person wants to take a break or two.

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Steal actually owns this shop, a great lover of roleplays and interesting ideals. Kudos to him for putting up with his two colourists.

Colourist, artist, and RP assistant

Yup, after Steal brought the shop, he hired the artist, it didn’t seem like a bad idea at the time. Aidan likes to draw, and role-play.

If you have any questions for him that is not related to the shop ((eg. art, other shops)) please PM him.

Ex.: [x] [x] [x]

Custom Slots

1. closed
2. closed

Kara Winters
Colourist, organizer and RP manager
And with that Kara came along with the ride. She likes to write and role-play.

Custom Slots

1. closed
2. closed

Thread manager

He manages the thread, amkes sure everything is updated and in order. He also makes sure people follow the rules within the thread.

Muses name may have well.. Muse in it but he is in fact, not the slightest bit a muse. He's a normal average kind of guy that got suckered into this job... poor guy.

Birth God / Deity of life

The deity of life or Brith God. Vakherur is a god with a name thats hard to pronounce and he's his own biggest fan. He tends to be on the vain side.

God of the Underworld/ Deity of Demons

Damien helps demon muses reach a higher rank. He sometimes has a bad attitude towards things.

Deity of angels/ Goddes of the light realm

Celes is the deity of angels, or Goddess of the light realm. She is kind and elegant but can be strict in certain terms. She is the "older sister" or "mother" to Damien and Vakherur. She keeps them in line and makes sure they don't cause trouble. Her fine gold chains which rest open her wings are lethal and dangerous. Only because she uses them as restraints so she can tie either one to a tree or chair whens she's pissed.


Rina is our shopkeeper. She's in love with nature, in every season. She's a nice person but will become aggressive to those who take something without paying. Of course unless the person had some kind of permission to take whatever. Though theres nothing to worry about. She's almost never grumpy.


Order Forms


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Demon Male

Wing or Adult:

Hair Colour:
Hair Style: Custom style requests only apply to Aidan.
Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Ear Wing Detail:
Wing Detail:

Shirt Colours: (Specify sleeves and cross design)
Scarf Colour:
Arm Cover Colours:
Belt Colour and Stud Colour:
Pant Colour(s):

Details: (Theme, design, markings, etc)

Demonic Female

Wing or Adult:

Hair Color:
Hair Style: Custom style requests only apply to Aidan.
Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Ear Wing Detail:
Wing Detail:

Shirt Colour(s): (Choose two, one as a main and the second as a minor)
Scarf Colour:
Trimming Colour:
Ribbon Colour:
Skirt Colour:

Details: (Theme, design, markings, etc)

Angelic Female

Wing or Adult:

Hair Colour:
Hair Style: Custom style requests only apply to Aidan.
Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Ear Wing Shade:
Wing Shade/details:

Hair band Colour:
Scarf Colour:
Shirt Colour:
Trimming Colour:
Skirt Colour: (pick a major colour and minor colour)

Details: (Theme, design, markings, etc)

Angelic Male

Wing or Adult:

Hair Colour:
Hair Style: Custom style requests only apply to Aidan.
Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Ear Wing Shade:
Wing Shade/details:

Scarf Colour:
Shirt Colour:
Trimming Colour:
Undershirt Colour:
Pant Colour(s):
Chain Colour:

Details: (Theme, design, markings, etc)

Note: Wings for Angelics are white and black for Demonics regardless that it is a custom. It is possible to shade white in different colours or to have the wing tips colour, or a design on the wings and so forth though.

In additon please keep in mind there will be no *major* clothes edits. You can mess with the colours, the markings on the clothing, but not major change to the lineart.

Remember to add in which stage to start from. Wing or Adult. Remember though that Wing costs more than a full grown muse.

Send to this account!
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The on you see before you is Vakherur. He is the Deity of Life, in orther words he is the God of Birth. Most are accustomed to where the Deity of Life is a woman. Though it is this case it is a male.

Breeding info
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Breeding FAQ

How do I get a breeding slot?
Well... techically there are no slots, rather breeding is an incentive for those that role play their muses and role play them well. (In otherwords, good spelling, basic grammar, and cut down on one liners).

Oh yea... and the two muses have to have a relationship for a while. If you do well... Vak will bless you with a child. ^_^

Our muses have been role playing as a couple, so why can't we get our Muses to breed?
Well it could be one of three reasons, one.... it's not at least a semi-lit role play, two, it was one of those fall in love at first sight things, or three, the relationship hasn't been around for that long (like don't expect miracles people).

What have you against love at first sight couples?
Nothing, except it's in unrealistic and we're afraid you're just pairing them together to get a baby....

How many babies can one couple get?
That number... >>; Is debatable up to the staff.

Can same-sex couples have a spot?
Of course, Vak believes love has no bounds... and it's Vak.

How much to breed?
It is a role play incentive, therefore it costs nothing but our sanity. <3

What We Look For In a Relationship

1) It is not love on first sight, there are crushes, but realistically speaking it doesn't actually happen. Besides it makes us feel you're shoving your mules together for breeding purposes.
2) Like be creative with it, this is a relationship...
3) And good role playing try to cut down on the one liners they don't tell us anything.

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