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Aliahra Status: enduring 293752387423561214209 of homework due in tomorrow.
Kylira Status: Being eaten by killer cosplay pixels.

The sun is shining, the skies are clear and the grass dance along in the light breeze. You finally make it over that large, sloped hill, panting hard. And before you is a place you've never spotted before. Trees were dotted here and there, and the distant sound of rushing rivers and brooks could be heard. But the strangest of all was at your feet was the sound scattering. You bend down, and find a little gray mouse near you. It had beady black eyes and looked up. However, the tail..it seemed to be a wire instead. Puzzled, you suddenly find yourself near a black haired girl with her hands full, caused by two small eggs.

"Welcome to the land of Optical Mice."

Okai, so you've read the story(-gasp-) but what in the cheesecake is Optical Mice? Optical Mice is a breedable shop brought to life (after many plastic surgeries) by Aliahra and Kylira. They feature, well, yes, optical mice. You can get one and watch it grow from an egg to a wireless mouse, all ready to set out in the new world.


--.EASTER AUCION AND RAFFLE-- Finishing on 13th since Kylira's gonna leave on 14th D=.

--.Some of the Optical Protection Team have been carrying around new chips for mice. No one knows what will happen to your mouse if you agree to help test it...

If you /do/ agree, then look out for the OPT posts, as the first volunteer(or quoter) with a mouse is accepted to test this chip.

--.Eastah events have been rescheduled to...


NOW! =o

--.BIGSALE! Today there shall be another flatsale, an angelic auction and a speshal raffle!
Flatsale was a success! Auction will be under way! Rescheduled. =/
Auction item:
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--.Ooooo! What's this little blue computer doing here?
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Reports are that scientists of the OM hatchling center finds that ice mice don't like the sunny area we currently have, but an icy blue! This new model of computer goes to whoever buys the mouse egg, with their name ingraved on the computer!
Stars have replaced the hearts. And also, this is the first ever released new enviroment so the winner will be the first to have a different computer. Same goes for the flames!

--.Rumours a flatsale may be up again today.. ninja

--.First flatsale is underway! Flatsale's over. All eggs have been claimed. Congratulations to the new owners.

--.Easter auction is announced! It will happen on 14th of April for me and Kylira's time zone so it'll probably still be 13th 'o April wherever you live.

But here is a view of our auction item:

Optical ice mice are very rare, only found in the coldest of places. They are often hunted for their beautiful skin. Today, the Optical Protection Force has found one little egg in the mountains of Optical Hills. It is still an egg, and has been scheduled for an auction to a caring owner!

Anyhow, some photos have been taken of them. If you think you'd like to care for them, just stock up on gold till the 14th!

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Flame Eggs:
Straight from the heart of volcanos, these are extremly hard to get as they burn to touchers. The ash slowly fades away though as it gets older. Flame Eggs are creatures that are angered easily but determined and strong.

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In order of posts.

-How to Get & Customs

[x]--//Upcoming Events
List of upcoming stuff. Listed in order so that the top ones I'm working on and the bottom I'm lazy with. xD
-Easter Hunt
-Elemental Raffle Set
-New Backgrounds

Mice that have not been PMed may be picked up at the Hatchling Center. If you have order a mouse please check here every so often if you don't get a PM..you dont want to pick up a moldy mouse!


hiring;;a fellow pixel artist to make more inventory items.

current staff;

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leLikes;;Cheese, cheese, lemons
leDislikes;;Clowns, clowns, clowns, shadows, limes
leJob;;founder of optical mice, pixel line art etc


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leLikes;;CHEESE. =o graphic designing, procrastinating, etc...
leDislikes;;limes. D:
leJob;;other founder of om, graphics maker and shader
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Obey these rules, or Aliahra and I shall brandish our cheese mallets. -cough-


This means posting [chatting, roleplaying etc.] when you can, or else your mouse may stay an egg ferevah. -gasp-

&; do NOT steal;
&; same goes with claiming;
&; harrassing ANYONE in the thread will get you in TROUBLE;
&; steal our ideas to be hit in the head by a potato;
&; spam is BAD fer you;
&; bumping is allowed, just don't bump too much;
&; quotes are allowed, yet the maximum is 5 quotes;
&; flaming anyone in this thread is prohibited;
&; give us cheese. D< -elephant'd- kmaybenot. *

Save the mouse to your own server when it has fully grown, or else your mouse will stay an egg forever...you don't want that, do you?
[or do you...=O]
* We are not responsible for any;
.eaten computer chips
.head injuries
.illusions of roast duck
.lack of cheese
.and permanent brain damage

that is caused to your mouse. Thank you.

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The stages of your mouse's life. Fear it...and all it's MOUSINESSkthxbai.


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Stage 1 - Digital Egg;; your mouse starts off inside this tiny egg. Don't worry, it isn't 100% inanimate...it moves around...er, sometimes. It has really, REALLY gewd hearing as it has nothing else to focus on but using its ears.

Hearts before next stage: 2

Stage 2 - Plugin Mouse;; this is the result of a hatched egg. Your mouse develops a cord with a small plug attached to the end of it, used to demolish lime juice connect to the PC. The mice squeaks in a....er, kawaii fashion. -cough- It likes to explore, get connected to game systems. Make sure you take gewd care of it or else your mouse will catch a virus. And we don't want that now, do we? (OR do we... ninja )

Hearts till next stage: 5

Stage 3 - Wireless Mouse;; your mouse's cord will shrink into a thin wire, and its body will grow in size. It'll gain a nose -legasp!- and the ears will change color. And voila, your mouse has grown to its full potential! -dramatic music- It can also breed if you wish.

In order fer your mouse tah grow, you'll want to increase the heart rate of it. [see ...er, one of the later posts.]
Bear in mind that your mouse may retreat into the previous stage of its life if you fail to care for it. -audience gasps-

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How do I get a mouse?

Auctions: Special mice will be bidded on here. The base price for them is 500gg, minimum bid increment is 50g, and the auto buy is 2.5k, unless otherwise stated. (harhar, how expensive. oo)
Raffle: Sometimes when Kylira or Aliahra FEELS like eet we will hold a raffle. Tickets are usually 10-50gg each depending on our need for money (which is nearly always). Then we will use the gaia randomizer and stuff to pick the winner.
Flatsale: Some already made mice will be sold. These happen quite often and the prices are cheaper than customs. They are 200g each, unless otherwise stated.
Customs: They are 500g each, and you can have your own marking, tips etc...please check the slots below to see if you can request one.
* We do NOT do custom backgrounds;
* We do NOT do custom inventories.

Inventory Items:
Cert color:


Please POST YOUR FORM and send the trade IMMEDIATELY after posting to anybody on the STAFF.
If you would like your mouse to be...swirly, like this;
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Please say so in your order. Costs 800g.

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Your care guide for dummies.

[x]--//Gaining Hearts

Hearts are things for your mouse needed to grow. They are like, say, care points. When you get your heart meter to full you'll get stars all over eet and something special will happen to your mouse. (dundundunDUN)

How to get Hearts:
1.Buy lots of items for it, and just generally take care of it, not throwing it into water etc.
2.You can buy a growth item from the shops if it is in stock.
3.Roleplaying is a very big thing to earn hearts. As you roleplay your mouse more frequently it will gain hearts faster.

Curing Sickness
Your mouse's hearts will go down if you dont cure sickness quick. Sometimes if your mouse lacks food, or anything else such as attention it will gain a virus or go short circuited. You can buy a fixer from the shops to cure it.

Your Cert
Well, cause there was no where else to put it. oo You will notice on this example cert that your mouse lives inside a computer. Well, that doesnt mean it cant hop out and roleplay with you. Notice the hearts too.

When you adopt a mouse the cert will be according to what color your wittle mice is. Accessories for the computer will be coming soon, along with some optional backgrounds. -shiftyeyes-

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When your mouse is an adult, or a wireless, you can breed! Considering there are breeding spots open of course. Each breeding pair will get at least two eggs from breeding, maybe more if you take care of the female mice /really/ well. AND if both mice has a full or one heart away from full heart meter, their eggs will have a collision of traits =o

Did I mention that breeding costs 800gg? xD And always check below to see if any connection wires to your mouse's computer is open.


You can also BUY connection wires from the shops or get it from holiday events. These are very rare though, but they are only 500gg, cheaper than 800gg breeding spots.

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Here, you'll find out what's happening in the -cough- wonderful world of cheeselemonsOptical Mice. They'll happen most frequently on holidays - so check back when you have the potatoes time.


Easter events are as follows:

-Horizon Raffle
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Get the chance to win that purrdy thing up there. Raffle tickets are 10gg ea, with 50 tickets in total. Each person may buy up to ten tickets. This will be released on Easter [14th of April fer Australasians, 13th of April fer Americans, etc.] =o It is released..NOW?!?

Trade either Aliahra or I fer tickets, and please put how many you want. We are not responsible for tickets being eaten.

-Ice Auction
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Get this ice mouse with the spiffay compooter too. =o The bidding starts at 500g, the Auto Buy will be 3k and the auction will be held on Easter.

Aliahra: NU IT WON'T.
Happening, er now? xD

-Bunny Hunting
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The hatchling society has released some bunnies to help make your mouse happy. However, they have escaped. Aliahra and I will post them seperately and the first quoter for each one will get the one they have chosen. You will need a mouse to play this. A variety of colors will be released, and when the releasingness is over you can buy clothes and accessories for your bunny.

You /may/ be able to catch one now..there will also be loose mice around here that you can try to catch. =o And if succeeding, it'll be fer free. -audience gasps-
-Holiday letters
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Holiday letters are letter that can only be bought in holidays. Easters letter will cost 200g, but what will be in it? A time after easter 2006 letters retire we will show you what inside and you can open them and pick whath you want.

now available

Send trade entitled 'HL Easter 2006' to Aliahra or me with your 200gg.

-The Basket of Gewdies and Eastah Eggs
Sort of like a...quiz giveaway. Aliahra or I will post a question in the thread, and the first person to answer it CORRECTLY will get an easter egg that will crack and reveal its accessory inside a short time after you get it. You won't know what the accessory is though, and if you don't like it you can remove it.

-Fwee Mousai Giveawai
Describe your dream optical mouse. If we like your description you'll get the mouse you described. =o

OTHER EVENTS: Cert design contest! Design some kinda...er, spiffy certificate fer the Optical Mice and get a free custom...yayayay. whee
Oh, hello. Are you here for shopping?

Item Shop
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Stock:20//50g//Spray- Sometimes your mouse will get dirty. This is notified by an ugly dirty covering on grime. Buy some spray and wipe it off, since if you leave it on soon it's hearts will go down and might..retreat. =o You can also use this if your mouse doesnt get dirty, and it might earn you some hearts.

Stock:10//70g//Fixer- Sometimes your mouse will catch a virus or get short circuited. It may be because you wont feed it or for some other random reason, but use this fixer to fix it soon unless you want it to retreat into a bottom stage.

Stock:2//100g//Growth Chip- Helps your mouse grow by adding a big, full heart to it's meter.

Stock:1//80g//Lightbulb- Similar to the growth chip, but only for mouse eggs.

Accessories Shop

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Not very good, I know but however they are just accessories. When your egg grows, it will lose it's accessories. However, when the plug in mouse grows, the accessories will be inherited to the wireless!

Inventory Shop
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The most important of all =o Strangely enough, optical mice eat human food. Keep them healthy to avoid virus!

Strawberry Sweet: 2g|Milk: 4g|Cheesecake: 3g|Bouncy Ball: 5g|Potions(comes in any color. changes color of mice):140gg|Mouse Balloon: 10g|Big Lollipop: 30gg|Toy Guitar:6g|Pizza:4g|Chocolate Heart: 6g|Hamburger:2g|Muffin:4g|Fish:2g|Ice Cream:6g

Roleplaying is a great way to gain Heart Points, give your mouse a personality, recieve status in the shop...literally, anything could happen. -gasp-
Sometimes the Optical Protection Force will appear and give your mouse all sorts of different...THINGS. -gasp-

The land of Optical Mice is a beautiful wonderous area. Residing in the center is the Hatchling Center - the flatsales, auctions and stuff are held here.

[h]atchling center
Where all the sales are held. Eggs that have been found are sold here.
The entire building - inside and out - is completely skyblue, shiny, silver tiles lining the floor. It's quite large, and the corridors lead to different places - the auction room, the flatsale room, raffle sale room...
There's a room that holds all the orphaned eggs - with toys, food and everything, 100% secure so no sneaky...er, person can get in. They're all ready to be released and find a new home.
One room leads to a place where all the owners - and anyone else - can rest, filled with more rooms, with personal ensuites...all that sorta stuff, with ROOM SERVICE. -cough-

[t]he land
Eggs are scattered everywhere, hidden behind trees, bushes, between rocks - some even resting at the bottom of the rushing rivers. So it'd be good if you roleplayed your character/avatar finding the egg. whee

The Hatchling Center is right in the middle of the Grasslands o' course - and the entire land. If you trek North, you will find 2 bridges strewn across a thick freshwater river - always perfect for drinking. At the other side of the bridge lies a deep forest - peaceful at day, yet maliciously freaky at night...and strangely enough, eccentric energy sources lurk there...best not to go there, yeah?

If you manage to manouver through the forest, the temperature of the air around you will lower; the ground covered in snow and ice.
Lying across this piece of land are tall, snow-capped mountains - perfect for finding limiteds...during special events, of course. Your mouse is free to frolick in the snow, and for some reason, it's always snowing there...
At the very edge of the land lies a desert - you don't wanna go there, unless your mouse /really/ loves to explore...

South of the Center is just a stretch of grassland, with a couple of brookes and freshwater rivers. Lying down and staring at the azure sky and puffy clouds is extremely relaxing...

Your characters/avatar etc. are allowed to enter the roleplay at any time. 3nodding

name | owner | d.o.b | type | color | bought | stage | link

Pink = Female
Blue = Male

Shop Owners' Mouses. xD
1. Faith | Kylira | 9/4/06 | angelic | azure | special | wireless mouse | link

Customers' Mouses
1. Kazitra | Azulka | 7/4/06 | swirl | lavender | custom | digital egg | link
2. Cuben | Feathered Soul | 7/4/06 | normal | black/blue | flatsale | digital egg | link heart
3. Eysah | Twixtah | 7/4/06 | normal | pink/purple | flatsale | digital egg | link
4. Bono | Crouching_Tiger | 8/4/06 | normal | azure/yellow | flatsale | digital egg | link
5. Razor | Chobi_Chocobo | 9/4/06 | normal | green/gold | flatsale | plugin mouse | link heart

6. Aurora | DarkFaerie Oasis | 9/4/06 | normal | gold/azure | flatsale | digital egg | link heart [purchased by Chobi_Chocobo]
7. Hellove | Yasohiko_Yikes | 9/4/06 | normal | orange/black | flatsale | digital egg | link heart
8. Drizzt | Yasohiko_Yikes | 9/4/06 | cosplay | off purple | custom | digital egg | link heart
9. Feather | Sabrez | 9/4/06 | custom | mix | digital egg | link

10. Deity | Aksoda | 11/4/06 | custom | silver | digital egg | link heart
heart = tipped

[x]--//link us

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If you would like to become an affilate, PM either Aliahra or Kylira~! <3
none. D:

Will be held soon. Enough. Here are the eggs anyways, brought to you by our spiffy pixel artist, Aliahra, and myself, thy potato. <3

When either Aliahra or I post the following [in big letters]:


Post the quote:


People who post first will get first choice. Flatsales will end when all eggs have been claimed.
Please do NOT create posts early then edit them - we'll get you disqualified kthxbai. xx;
If you've managed to claim an egg, here's the form you'll want to fill out:

Inventory Items:
Cert Color:

Please post the order and send the trade with the gold to any staff member IMMEDIATELY after posting.

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9th of April Flatsale - OVER. Congrats new owners!

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Eastah auction. -gasp- Starting bid is 500g, just uh, post on this board to bid? xD
Ends on the 13th.

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Horizon raffle, tickets are 10gg, you can have a maxium of 10 tickets and there are 50 tickets in total. Send the trade entitled with the amount of tickets you're going to buy. Ends on the 13th.

ticket holders;;

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