Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Welcome to Isle of Nalani!

All of us have been busy with school, real life issues, and so on for a very long time now. Please excuse our abscense, and bare with us. Any work which we owe will get finished. Feel free to post questions in the thread, or PM the mule if needed.

Thank for your patients,
Isle of Nalani Staff.
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"I will not lie, steal, cheat, nor tolerate those among us who do"

1.) Above all, respect others and respect yourself.
- Complaining you don't have enough gold to buy one is showing disrespect for yourself.

2.) No stealing images
- Someone worked very hard to make these and stealing them shows no respect for those who own this lineart.
- Do not claim that you made these.

3.) You cannot sell yours away after you have bought it.
- You can, however, give it back to the shop and we'll GIVE it to someone.

4.) We will not compensate for lost pets because there is no garuantee we'll keep the file. Once your snake reaches the adult stage SAVE IT TO YOUR OWN SERVER.
- We don't have an infinite amount of server space, sorry.

5.) The shop staff is NOT responsible for auctions of eggs from customer breedings aside from tagging the egg with the new owner name and growing it and that stuff.
- You run those auctions

6.) If anyone so much as whines, begs, pleads, or otherwise try to keep others from bidding in auctions, you WILL be greylisted.
- Encouraging others to bid is quite accepted, though.

7.) From this moment on, PMing anyone begging for a snake *will* get you placed on a blacklist.
- Respect yourself, remember? Begging is not respecting yourself.

8.) Don't just spam the thread
- Don't post " ninja " for five pages
- Don't just randomly bump for pages on end
- Random non-snake related convos are loved, though

9.) Try not to stretch the pages if you can possibly avoid it...
- It is hella annoying.

10.) In Auctions only bid what you have - we don't do payment plans as of right now.
- IF you make a payment arrangement (for customs or auctions), STICK TO IT, and this is a one-on-one with the colorist. Note: these are rare

11.) Although RP is not necessary, please stop by the shop everyone once in a while
- You pet can and will stop growing if you buy one and disappear
- There most definately are perks to those who RP and are active in the thread.

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Q: ZOMG, Can I luike totally have one?? I'll zoooo pay for it!!
A: Is there a flat sale going on? Are customs open? No? Then no, wait for one.

Q: These have how many stages exactly?
A: For normal people who just pop in the thread every once in a while, four stages (egg, baby, juvi, adult). For those who are here like all the time and RP and what not, there is a possible mysterious 5th stage! O.O

Q: Cool!! Tell me more about the 5th stage!!
A: No.

Q: Do I host?
A: After they reach the adult stage, yes.

Q: What happens if I buy one and disappear?
A: It'll hatch, and then stop growing until we see you again. When we see you again, it'll go to the next stage, but the cycle repeats. We don't need you to be here all the time, just pop in and say HI now and then, particularly cuz you'll need to name your baby after he/she hatches and what not.

Q: Do these breed?
A: They will eventually. We don't have that set up yet.

Q: Wait, I heard there were more than one type of these guys!! What's with that?
A: We haven't "discovered" other types yet. (Meaning they'll be released later).

Q: Can I bribe you...?
A: Everyone has their price XD For anytime bribes, it'll be a couple 100k right now, because we really aren't up and running yet. But hey, if you really want to...

Q: Do you do pet trades?
A: We don't right now, but will. Give us time to finish getting on our feet.

Q: MEEP! Can I work for you?
A: No.

Q: What if I have a question not on this list?
A: Ask in teh thread.
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News and updates
9/9/06: If this permaban for "profitting from botting" problem isn't resolved by the beginning of october, I'll have to postpone the flat until the problem is resolved. I don't want anyone getting banned by accident because they came into contact unknowingly from botted gold.
Wow, a month ago XD; I procrastinate way too much. XD;; ANYWHO. There's a third preview up in the availability post <3 The flatsale will be, hopefully, sometime next month. If not, then the beginning of october at the latest. <3
7/28/06: Two previews up in the availability post! <3
6/26/06: Teh Bfk's planning an animal-themed fs sometime in july, after she gets back from vacation. X3 Any of the other colorists are welcome to join in with whatever snakes they'd like to (don't have to stick to my animal theme XD), so yeah. :3 Oh yeah, and I grew the rest of my snakies. X3
4/1/06: Happy april fool's day, everyone! whee Growings, page 68! biggrin
3/4/06: Spell checked and added a little bit to the story, editted in my part of the customs section, fixed up the owner's section, and a few other things. xD Edit: Whoo, put up all the info in the availability section X3

2/21/06: Wrote down the story, go ahead, read it! xD Oh, and the Owner's post is set up, and editted the stages psot a bit... along with customs, but that needs to be gotten to by the colorists.. But yea!xDD
2/21/06: New poll, thinking of what to do for a flatsale.. ninja
2/11/06: I added rules and a FAQ... and Miro re-vamped the stages stuff.
2/1/06:Stages have been put up and now we're asking our public - how much should these cuties cost? Colored samples can be seen in the banners *nodnod*
1/31/06:Zomg, I have added some banners!! Wee!!! Aren't they pppuuurrrdddyyy??

1/28/06: We've figured out where all the info will go on the front page, now we just need to finish the banners and fill in all the information. xD;;
1/27/06: Editting of the front page, whooo! Hopefully we can get most, or at least some, of the information in over the weekend, and maybe plan a flatsale ninja
1/21/06: Thread creation!
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Okay okay okay, settle down, it's story time. I'm gonna tell you the story of how these creatures were discovered by yours truly, and three other wonderful people. One day, Gnatty, BFK, Miro, and I were out on a vacation from Gaia in our huge yacht, floating around, heading toward an island we heard had the best surfing.

At some point, Miro got us lost, he had been in charge of the map. Having losing our way in the Pacific Ocean, we wandered around aimlessly. Some time, an hour or so later, we spotted a colorful bird over head... Gnatty pointed out that it didn't look like much of a bird... After a while, we realized it was circling us. Watching in amazment, we realized the flying creature was some sort of furry snake.

Our mouths agape, we watched as it seemed to want us to follow it. Quick at the wheel, BFK took us after it. We had to go as fast as we could, this creature was speeding through the air very quick, turning around and doubling back a few times before just disapearing into some mist that seemed to have apeared from no where. Gulping and holding our breath, we headed through the mist, keeping a look out for any sort of land mass we might just run into.

After about 5 minutes of slow floating through the mist, we broke through, seeing a large tropical island in our path about half a mile away. Blinking in surprise, we continued on toward it, watching in wonder as we saw creatures bobbing in and out of the water, and flying through the skys above the palm trees. Miro peeked over the edge of the boat, catching a glimps of one of the water creatures, blinking in surprise as it jumped up onto the boat. Squeeling in surprise, we all ducked behind random things, all except Miro. He just stared at it, leaning on his arms, as he had fallen on his bottom. The creature smiled and slithered around him, nudging his sides, as if to help him up. And that was the first of the water kind we ever saw. Not the first we saw, but the first of this breed of the creature. We later were told this water species was called 'aliikai.'

Continuing on, the water creature following beside the boat. We touched land a few minutes later, climbing to shore and looking around; there were creatures slithering around in the sand all around us. We stopped in our tracks, as a dark blue of the flying creatures made its way up to Gnatty. It seemed to be female, and she started nudging Gnatty's elbow. She had the markings of the airforce, which happened to be what Gnatty was into, which made her fall straight in love with the creature.

This put Gnatty with that one female, and Miro examining the aliikai snake that he had fallen in love with, which left BFK and me looking around before freezing as the same flying creature that had led us here slithered toward us. It had the air of a leader, and seemed to be female. We both bowed and smiled, and she slithered toward us, nodding her head. Her coat was seafoam colored, with a tropical flower pattern dotted over her fur, giving her a tropical air, which perfectly matched our surroundings. Tropical palm trees and beaches everywhere, and off in the distance there seemed to be a volcano that was steaming, but seemed calm at the moment, nothing to fear. After a while of conversing with the leader of these creatures, she allowed us to take some eggs and come back for more later, as they needed good homes, and we could set up a hut to take care of them and another place for owners to bunk if they chose to on the other side of the island.

She explained to us that the water snake we had found, and that Miro had fallen in love with, was one of the species of snakes on and around the isle. There were different types of snakes, and the water type had been dubbed aliikai. She and the female with the air force markings were a different type of snake, called the iolana. She said there were a few other species on the isle, but we'd have to discover them ourselves...

((More to come later.))
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The Iolana species are noted to be incredibly friendly towards humans. They seem to be friendly toward others of their species, as well, although it is not known how they react towards different species. There are currently four stages of growth the Iolana go through. There might be a possible fifth stage, but this is highly improbable. These four stages are egg, baby, juvenile, and adult.

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Currently, there are only 6 ways to obtain a snakey. Through flatsales, auctions, raffles (though these might be few and far between), customs, pet trades, and the occasional gift to the good friends of the staff members. Customs and pet trades are explained further down the page by each of the staffers, on what they will or won't do for a pet trade/custom.

This post is where we'll list the flatsale previews. Auctions and raffles (when we have any) will have a separate thread.

Auctions: None

Raffles: None

Flatsales: Date TBD.
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General rules:
- Do NOT in any way shape or form attempt to stop other people from participating in the flatsale/auction/raffle. You WILL be greylisted. If anyone receives a PM or anything from someone else telling them to not participate, please PM the shop mule with the person's gaian name and they will be greylisted.
- No posting of orders (if raffle or fs) or bidding (if auction) before someone on the shop mule says 'GO' in big, bold font of whatever color they want (if fs) or that the thread is open (if raffle or auction). Especially in flatsales, it's horribly annoying if people go by the clock and not by the staff post to post which they want. It only takes one person to mess everyone up. If this happens, we won't put anyone on the grey or black list unless the same person does it more than once. If everyone gets all messed up, we will wait 10 or so minutes, and try it again to make it more fair for everyone and not a matter of whoever's lucky enough to get the first few posts after the mule.

Flatsale info:
There's no set number of eggs to be sold in flatsales, it's just however many the staff decides to put up for sale. The previews will be put up in this post about 5-7 days before the flatsale. The date and time of the flatsale will be determined by the staff, and monitored by whoever can be there at the time. You cannot choose the gender of the egg you receive, but we'll tell you which gender snakey is in the egg. We've been able to figure out how to tell the gender of what's in the egg by the heat of the egg. X3

The maximum number of eggs you can buy in a flatsale is two. Either one for you and one for a friend, or two for two different friends. One egg per post. If we find you using a mule to get extra eggus, you WILL be grey/blacklisted.

There are currently a few different types of flatsales. There could be the regular speed flatsales (first come, first serve basis), rp prompt flatsales if there are a few special eggs, and a raffle-type flatsale.

Speed flatsales:
Your regular flatsale. After whoever is on the mule posts 'GO' in
big, bold letters of whatever color they so choose, you need to post, as fast as possible, what number egg you want, who it's for (if it isn't for you), and the answer to the random question, if any.

Rp prompt flatsales:
These should be self-explanatory. We post the previews and the prompt, and there will be a set amount of time for you to write a response to it and post it in the thread. All of the staffers will read all the entries and pick their three favorites, and a winner will be decided. The top three (or more, depending on how many eggs there are) people will receive the eggs, and will have to pay the flatsale price for them.

Raffle-type flatsales:
These are a bit interesting, and I've seen them done in other shops. Previews will be posted, and at the starting time of the flatsale up until a certain amount of time (or until we get a certain amount of people), post in the thread that you would like an egg. That's it. After the time is up (or we get enough people), a list of participants will be made up, and random numbers will be chosen using gaia's random number..thing. If the same number is chosen more than once, we will re-roll to get a new number. We will choose as many people from the list as there are eggs, and from there it can go two ways.
First way: First person chosen gets first pick from the clutch, second person gets second pick, etc. Make sure you have two or three you like, so if someone takes the one you wanted, you'll have another one you like that you'll be able to pick.
Second way: From the list of people chosen, we will generate MORE random numbers between 1 and however many eggs there are. First person chosen will get the first egg number the generator picks, second person will get the next egg number picked, etc., so it will all be completely random. Only enter this one if you're sure you'll be happy with any egg in the clutch.

If someone picks all of the eggs you liked, and there's none left you want, you can opt to step out. We will pick one more person from the list of participants, and if they're willing, they'll get the last egg. All winners must pay the flatsale price to receive the egg.

Egg types and prices:
Iolana egg - 5k or this month's sealed donation letter
Aliikai egg - TBD
Other? ninja

Any type of snake other than iolana sold in a flatsale, when they actually are sold in a flatsale, will cost more than 5k (or a sealed letter), because they're more rare than the iolana species.

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You can smell the love in the air, hmmm? Oh wait, that's just a chemical pink gas that Miro and Gnat spilled in the morning while running around the shop. No wonder it smelled strange...

Anyways, back to breeding. In order for two snakes to breed, they must be adults, or they must be in the mysterious 5th stage. Unmated snakes may breed, however, if snakes are mated they will have more offspring. Pets in the 5th stage can also breed, but they must be mated. Relationships/breeding between same sex snakes is allowed, and of course so are different sex snakes. Now for the part you've been waitting for: the price of breeding is 8k. If one owner pays all of it, or if both owners pay half, doesn't matter if it totals 8k and both state that they want to breed. You can't just breed right off the bat though, breeding slots must be open and when they are, it'll probably be announced. Snakes will have 2-4 eggs depending on if they're mated or not (and how much you roleplay), and pets in the 5th stage have a chance of receiving 2-5 eggs. Once owners receive their eggs, they will be able to keep it, give it to a friend, or auction them. If you decide to auction them, you will need to make the aution thread yourself and 25% of what comes out of the aution will go to the colorist.

Breeding slots:
1. closed x closed
2. closed x closed
3. closed x closed

Once two snakes feel they are ready for a family, if they are unmated or not, head snakes of the shop (owned by Gnat, Miro, BFK or Dark) will take both snakes to a mysterious spot on the island only other snakes (and the staff) are allowed in. After a few days, the snakes come out, and the colorist handling the breeding will go in to retrieve the eggs (because I don't think the snakes would be able to carry them all). You will then be told how many eggs there are, and the genders of each, then you must tell us who gets which egg.

If it is a straight couple, the female will become pregnant and if it is a same sex couple one male will be chosen randomly. If two snakes are in love (mated), they will have a chance of producing more eggs. Please keep in mind that in order to breed you don't have to roleplay your pets, but if you do you'll also have a higher chance of getting more eggs.
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Owner -- Name -- Stage -- DoB -- Link -- Received -- Other
(snakey name) = Female
(snakey name) = Male
<3 = Mated
! = Special
~ = Cosplay

GnattyBug -- Zan'ti -- Adult -- N/A -- ^@^ -- Made for self
Suishii -- Cantrip -- Juvie -- 3.??.06 -- ^@^ -- Gift
Hotaru-Neko -- Snow -- Juvie -- 3.19.06 -- ^@^ -- Gift
Dark Ruler55 -- Scarlett -- Baby -- 4.1.06 -- ^@^ -- FS1
Fantasy_Rocks13 -- Halla -- Adult -- 4.1.06 -- ^@^ -- FS1
xx_Bullseye_xx -- Hook -- Adult -- 4.1.06 -- ^@^ -- FS1
DarkElementalDemon -- Skah -- Baby -- 4.1.06 -- ^@^ -- FS1
Ruveila Hokuten -- Shinkokami -- Baby -- 4.1.06 -- ^@^ -- FS1
Twiddle -- Fara -- Adult -- N/A -- ^@^ -- Pet trade
Pippi18848 -- Fuzzeh -- Baby -- 6.19.06 -- ^@^ -- Gift

Miro-Sakai -- Zale -- Adult -- N/A -- ^@^ -- Made for self

Snakey count:
Females: 8
Males: 2

Females: 0
Males: 1

Females: 8
Males: 3
Iolana: 10
Aliikai: 1
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Everyone is open at different times for customs, so don't just PM any random person expecting to get a custom. You have to check below if they have openings. Currently there will be very little opening if any, it's up to the colorists. But all prices will be the same, unless they say so(depending on difficulty). Keep in mind, unless you are willing to shell out the 400-500k they should all be air types for now.

100k - Simple (One to two colors)
200k - Medium (Three to four color, and a simple pattern)
300k - Hard/Complex (Up to seven colors, with a complex design/pattern)
400k-500k - Cos-play or Rare Breeds (Price varies on complexity)

BFK's Customs Section:
Um...hi. XD Since the shop is just starting out and stuff, and we're not quite finished setting up, I'll only have one or two slots open at the moment XD I'm not good with lineart edits, but I can make simple things, like rings or earrings and such, and I won't charge any extra for them. I need to talk to the other owners about it, though. @_____@ I won't do cosplays unless you just want it to have the colors of the cosplay. I can't do clothes or anything. x.x Like, for instance, a cosplay of Garfield or Stitch or..something. o____o I dunno. XD
#1: Open
#2: Open
#3: Closed

Miro's Custom Section:
Hey guys, Miro here!
Anyways, as you can tell I'm a colourist here, so often I'll have some custom slots open cause I'm just special that way. (No, seriously) Alright, enough of my psychotic-ness. So far I've coloured a few Nalas that can be found under the owner list, such as Zale, Snow, etc. (If they're not there, it's because we're too lazy to updatre. Just PM me for colouring samples.) I really enjoy colouring and trying out new things, however, I doubt I willing to do cosplays, and major linearts. (Meaning I might...) I do not have a tablet, and don't want to spend 24 hours on something I won't like. As far as simple items are involved though, it's fine, just try not to give me something that will make fitting a Nala on the cert even harder! When ordering please bear with me because I am quite a slow person, but you wont have to worry about receiving you pet. XD;
[1.] Open
[2.] Closed
[3.] Closed

Gnatty's Custom Section:
Hey y'all! I'm Gnatty, and uh, I think you can find me info about me in my post. I colored my own snakey, she's on the owner's list as Zan'ti, and in the banner for this post if you're curious as to my coloring skills. I'm not the greatest at items/lineart edits, but ask and I will at least try for you. Because the shop is just starting up, I'll have one slot open at the regular price *nodnod*
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Hiya, 'tis Dark (Your Dark Lover). Yea, I used to be known as Kat(Katoralita) But I went through an identity crisis. -sigh- I just a co-owner, I havn't got any colouring progams at the moment, so I'm sorta.. Just a co-owner, I'ma hang around, and am up for PMs from people with questions, doesn't matter. I usually help out with setting up a few thigns here and there in the thread. Anyway, I'm 14, turning 15 in July, yay! I've been on gaia for more than two years, I think, yea... That sounds right. Well, yea. Okay, well I'm a cheerleader, and my favorite color is black, but.. I'm just in for the competitions, I hate going to games, but that's a different story. My favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas, do not dis my Jack, or you shall die. Okay, maybe not, but I would be careful, I have a slight temper, tend to get annoyed a bit easy, but if you're good, then I am a very nice person, very very nice person. I tend to be very hyper, and somewhat annoying, but that's me. I love everyone who is nice, so I get along with just about everyone.
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Heddo, I'm BlackFireKitsune, also known as Bfk, teh Bfk, teh wallaby, or Mandy. xD I'll try to remember to type in green whenever I'm on the mule >.> Hmm.. I don't really know what to put here because I hate writing about myself. xD Well, I'm 17 (curse my Valentine's Day birthday >.> wink and I'm in 11th grade with hopes to graduate early next year to get a head start to financially prepare for college. On gaia, I run Krapal Dun's Pet Farm now, as Birvan no longer had the time for all of his shops. I work in the Steak and Milk on Wings shop (currently closed or something x.x), the Dawn of Time shop (still setting up.. x.x), and I help out in a number of other shops because I'm just weird like that. x.x I'm a colorist and one of the co-owners of this shop, as well xD Anyway, I'm more often than not a nice person, so yeah. xD I do get pissed off at people sometimes, so don't think you can get away with things >.> I'm also a spelling neonazi, so yeah.. xD Hmm.. My favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas (Omfc Zeroooooooo~ heart heart ), I have a few second favorites (too many to list), my favorite online comic is Dominic Deegan, my favorite comic books are the Garfield series (I don't think they even make them anymore.. x.x), and yeah.. That's about it. XD All in all, I'm just the neighborhood black and green wallaby. X3

Hey, I'm Miro! I don't have much nicknames, people just call me Miro. However, I've been called Kai, and Sakai before! ::Shruggs:: Just call me what you want, as long as I know who you're adressing. Anyways, I'm a thirteen year old male. I'm fairly hyper at times, which you can tell when I double letters, I'm a pet whore, I like bugging Gnatty, I chew out BFK's brain at times, and I'm a huge emoticon abuser. I don't like school, I like colouring/drawing, my real life friends annoy/scare me, and I like the ocean! What do I want to be when I grow up? Don't ask me, I hate that question! D<

So I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I do know I love colouring! I also like RO (Ragnarok Online), listening to music, Gamecubes, video games, cellphones, chatting, and more. We'll just stop here before the thread grows a couple of meters. By the way, I hate writting things about myself. o______o;
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Hey y'all! I'm Snickerdoodles, or Gnat, or Gnatty, or Buggy, or gNat, or whatever you feel like calling me; I respond best to Gnat. A little about myself: I'm 18 and going to the amazing Louisiana State University. I am in AFROTC, which stands for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps. So if you notice, like, ALL of my stuff is Air Force themed, there's a reason behind it. My life goal is to be an officer in the Air Force, and to work in Space and Missile Ops at Cheyenne Mountain (so I probably watched a *little* too much Stargate in the past twelve years). Anyway, I'm a colorist here and one of the many co-owners. I have made teh pppuurrddyyy banners you see before you. I listen to all sorts of music, but if you want to rub me in the right spot give me a musical. Some of my favorite movies are The Lion King (which is my all-time favorite and has been sinc '94), American History X, Saw I&II, and American Psycho. I love CS Lewis' books, my favorite being the relatively short book, "The Great Divorce;" I also love vampire books. To close out this little bio, *squats down* ONE, *kicks legs back so she's in a pushup possition* TWO, *does a sorta jump ish thing with her legs so they are in a scissor shape* THREE, *does the little leg hop thing again so her feet are back in pushup possition* FOUR, *does the down part of a push up* I, *does the up part of a pushup* LOVE, *does a little jump thing so she's back in the squatting possition* THE AIR, *stands back up* FORCE!
White/black lists..
((Banner Coming Soon))


None.. Hopefully none later..


None, and also, hopefully none later.

Suishii - For making this wonderful lineart!
Hotaru-Neko - For making the wondiferous cert! X3


Would you like to link to us and we link to you? Just say so (in the thread would be the easiest way) and we'll post your link. You get a choise of these two purdy banners:

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