Welcome to Gaia! ::

Which Pet Species could the Shop do without?

Kitty 0.047619047619048 4.8% [ 2 ]
Bunny 0.047619047619048 4.8% [ 2 ]
Puppy 0.023809523809524 2.4% [ 1 ]
Ducky 0.19047619047619 19.0% [ 8 ]
Mushroom 0.42857142857143 42.9% [ 18 ]
Fairy 0.11904761904762 11.9% [ 5 ]
Dragon 0.14285714285714 14.3% [ 6 ]
Total Votes:[ 42 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 31 32 33 > >>

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I have reformatted my computer. Although it runs alot quicker, I have lost all my raw files for the shop... SO I shall be starting over, with a new layout for the shop, some of the same pets, and atleast one new one! ^^ This should happen in the next two to three weeks! Thank you so much for bearing with me! ^_^ I'll still be floating around, but if you need to get in contact with me, feel free to PM me ^_^

To the...
Pet Shop Of Secrets!
Here you can buy Costumized Pets for your owning pleasure! Post them in your sig, on your website, or even in your minishop! Just enjoy them! ^^
Feel Free to browse, chat, hang out, or rp! ^^

I would like to point out, that all the animals, and items are drawn by me ^_^ so... eehmm.. if you would like to commission animal drawings from me, feel to free to Drop Me a Line, and we'll discuss it ^_^

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Table Of Contents!

idea Post One: Welcome idea

idea Post Two: Rules idea

idea Post Three: Pet Window idea

idea Post Four: Items idea

idea Post Five: Lists idea

idea Post Six: Pick-Up idea

idea Post Seven: Links idea

idea Post Eight: RPG! idea

idea Post Nine: Alerts idea

idea Post Ten: Events idea

idea Post Eleven: Reserved idea

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Note: The graphics in the Headers and Footers where not done by me... Allbeit I graphiced them up, the little blobs guys are not my own! Just posting this so that i dont get sued... lol

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This is where I explain everything in owning, and buying one of my pets! You can also find the Order Form beneath all this mumbo jumbo in the Pets Window Section! ^^ Please read through these, and it'll make ordering, and buying that much easier! ^^ Thanks!

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exclaim Ordering:
Please Post your Request and Order Form in this Mini Shop, and then send the Money to me as soon as you can! Thank you!

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exclaim Terms:
Flat Sale Pet: This means that you send in a request but you dont get to customize anything on it... thus it'll cost less then fully customizeable ones ^^;

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Customized Pets: This means that you get to make everything the way you want it! Just fill out the form and post it here with all the desired information!

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Limited Editions Pets: What you see in the sample, is what you get. A price will be listed under it along with how many are left ^^

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exclaim General Rules:
-Please follow the TOS that Gaia has layed out...
-Dont steal the pets, or I'll be forced to get you banned by a mod... and no one likes that lol
-Just be polite and all that jazz, and we should get along just fine! ^^

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exclaim Order Form:
Check Pet Window!

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Simple enough huh? Great! ^^ Just fill that out, and post it here, and I'll get right on it!

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Here is where you get to pick which kind of Pet you want! ^^ Check out the Samples and Decide which one is right for you!
If you want to participate in the RPG online Gaia game with your pets, then please, go down to the bottom of this page, and read about it! ^^
Note: The Pets are in Alphabetical Order! ^^ Thank you!
Note: To get to the Full Body Anthro stage, an owner must buy an evolving critter, and start off at Baby stage!
Note: When order a Baby stage, the colors and specifics you give me will be carried on when it evolves!

Flat Sales: Open!
This is where you can see if there are any flat sale critters for sale ^^! Just check here often... Pets will stay up untill bought! A price will be posted below the pet. These will be cheaper then custom pets! ^^

When I was on my vacation in Texas, I came across a platue with numerous amounts of Dragon Eggs. >.> Being the crafty Ninja that I am, I decided to take a few to share with everyone here! Take a look, and see if you would like to have one of these for your self!

When ordering a Dragon I need to know the following:
Name Of Owner:
Name Of Dragon:
Type Name: (look under availiability)

(They will evolve to the next stage in a month after you've bought it!)

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Woo0000ooo lol I just had to do these after my trip... Damn customs at the air port were bitches! >.<
Texas Pride: Open
Canadian Pride: Open

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The First line of my Fruity Dragons Series ^^ Try these nifty and delicious flavours! ^.^ More will be coming soon! Feel free to suggest a Flavour!
Apple Speckle: Bought By Meoko!
Banana Twist: Open
Strawberry Swirl: Open

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The First line of my Elemental Dragons Series! Very Rare, and magical type dragons! More will be coming soon! ^^ If you would like to suggest an interesting element, not including, Light, Dark, Earth, Wind, then feel free to post it here or PM me ^_^ Thank you!
Fire: Bought by Lady Aria Starstone!
Ice: Open
Poison: Bought by Meoko!

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Custom Sales: Closed!
This is where you get to pick what kind of pet you want, along with what they look like! ^^ Feel free to ask questions! ^.^

Too Learn about the pets, and see samples then feel free to check out the info and pricing info below! Thank you!

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Pet Species Strain: Bunny

Information: Most of our bunnies, here at the shop are cuddley, and love to be picked up and held. Feel free to browse the bunnies that are hopping around the shop, and buy one if the mood takes you! ^^

Stages Of The Bunny:
-Baby: You get a cute little wagon for your baby bunny to ride around in ^^ Bunnies are very cute and fuzzy at this stage, and are very curious! You need to buy a Baby bunny for your strain of bunny to evolve into a Anthro! If you order an evolving baby bunny then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: Also very cute and fuzzy, abit bigger for you to play with ^^ Can wear more items as they grow! ^.^ Note: if you order just a straight Adult bunny, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the bunny's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage bunny!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Bunny Order Form: 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Nose Color: (default is pink)
-Wagon Wheel color:
-Wagon Body color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Bunny Order Form: 2.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Nose Color: (default is pink)
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Dragon

Information: These little guys are abit harder to handle... They fly about, and breath fire o.o... Little punks.. but they do have the cutest little eyes and horns ^.^ They like to be scratched under the chin!

Stages Of The Dragon:
-Baby: You get a cute little Egg holder for your sleeping dragon to rest in. ^^ Dragons are pretty quiet at this stage, as they are eggs... lolYou need to buy a Baby dragon for your strain of dragon to evolve into a Anthro! If you order an evolving baby dragon then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: They eat alot... that's all i'll say o.o Note: if you order just a straight Adult dragon, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the dragon's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^Did i mention it eats alot? (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage dragon!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Dragon Order Form: 5k
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Egg Color:
-Eye Color:
-Jewels Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Dragon Order Form: 4.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Scale Color:
-Eye Color:
-Horn Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Avatar Adult Dragon Order Form (non-evolveable): 4K
-Name of Avatar to be fashioned after:
-Avatar Example: (Either show me a picture, or tell me if it's in my shop already)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Duckling

Information: Just as soft as a ball of fluff, these little guys will follow you around as if your their momma! ^^ Control an entire flock if you want too o.o!

Stages Of The Duckling:
-Baby: You get a cute little Egg holder pillow for your sleeping duckling to rest in. ^^ Ducklings are pretty quiet at this stage, as they are eggs... lol You need to buy a Baby duckling for your strain of ducky to evolve into an Anthro! If you order an evolving baby ducky then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: They like to play in the water, with their owners! You might need to teach them how to fly though! o.o Note: if you order just a straight Adult duckling, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the duckling's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ Can you teach it to fly? (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage duckling!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Duckling Order Form: 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Egg Color:
-Fur Color:
-Pillow Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Duckling Order Form: 2.2K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Woodland Fairy

Information: They sleep alot of the day, and are very mischevious during the night, sprinkling sleeping dust on unsuspecting victims! o.o

Stages Of The Fairy:
-Baby: Trapped inside this little crysalis is a bundle of fun just waiting to be born! lol You need to buy a Baby Fairy for your strain of fairy to evolve into an Anthro! If you order an evolving baby fairy then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: They like to play games with their owners, and need to be watched over at night, when their most likely to have fun! >=3 Note: if you order just a straight Adult Fairy, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the Fairy's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ Can you handle this one? (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage fairy!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Fairy Order Form: 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Tree Color:
-Leaf Color:
-Crysalis Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Fairy Order Form: 2.1K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Wing Color:
-Body Color:
-Fairy Dust? Yes or No
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Kitty

Information: Lazy as a house cat, and as playful as a kitten! Very fluffy. They like to bounce around and follow balls of yarn! ^.^

Stages Of The Kitty:
-Baby: With this Baby you get a basket to carry it around in! ^.^ You need to buy a Baby Kitty for your strain of Kitty to evolve into an Anthro! If you order an evolving baby Kittythen it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: They like to play games with their owners, and like to go hunting for little critters in the forests! Note: if you order just a straight Adult Kitty, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the Kitty's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ Who doesn't want a Neko Girl? ^^; (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage Kitty!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Kitty Order Form: 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Basket Color:
-Basket Bow Color:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Kitty Order Form: 2.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Chest Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Cosplay Adult Kitty Order Form (non-evolveable): 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Reference Picture:
-RPG Player?

-Avatar Adult Kitty Order Form (non-evolveable): 3K
-Name of Avatar to be fashioned after:
-Avatar Example: (Either show me a picture, or tell me if it's in my shop already)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Fungi

Information: Found in any house hold... some of these fungi I've tamed and have brought here for your pleasure, and mine ^^

Stages Of The Fungi:
-Baby: Just a little under grown... But it will grow up to be a strong fungi! You need to buy a Baby Fungi for your strain of Fungi to evolve into an Anthro! If you order an evolving baby Fungi then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: Like to find from their owners while playing games in dark basements... Usually found by putting out sugar as bait! Note: if you order just a straight Adult Fungi, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the Fungi's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ Who doesn't want a live organism running around their house? ^^; (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage Fungi!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Fungi Order Form: 2.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Grass Color:
-Stem Color:
-Puff Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Fungi Order Form: 2K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Body Color:
-Top Color:
-Eye Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

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Pet Species Strain: Puppy

Information: Great addition to any home. It likes to run around in big, open yards, and play with kids and adults alike! Take one home today!

Stages Of The Fungi:
-Baby: Cute, and playful, what else could you ask for? ^-^ You also get a cute carry bag for your puppy to ride around in! ^.^ You need to buy a Baby Puppy for your strain of puppy to evolve into an Anthro! If you order an evolving baby puppy then it will evolve into an adult for free! ^.^

-Adult: Eats quite abit of food, and likes to go out into the woods with it's owners! Note: if you order just a straight Adult Puppy, it has no chance of evolving into an Anthro!

-Anthro: Not much is known how the Fungi's DNA was crossed with a humans... who cares? ^^ It's cute anyway, and that's all that matters! ^.^ A great protector for any home! (To get to this stage, an owner must have owned a Baby stage Puppy!)

Pricing and Order Forms:
Copy and paste these order forms into the shop, then tell me all that it entails! These order forms include prices for a reason, leave them there! o.o

-Evolving Baby Puppy Order Form: 3.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Bag Color:
-Strap Color:
-Bag Number and Color: (Numbers include 1-100)
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

-Adult Puppy Order Form: 2.5K
-Pet Name:
-Owner Name:
-Fur Color:
-Eye Color:
-Special markings:
-Items from items section?: (add these prices to your trade)
-RPG Player?

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This is where you can buy nifty things for your Pet to wear or to play with! ^^ Look below for what you can buy and the prices along with explanations!

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exclaim RP Items! Closed for Reno's!
These Items, If you choose to play along with my RP game System, will do specific things to your pet! Learn about each Item along with seeing pictures! You can buy as many of these items as you like. These items are unlimited!
To Read about the RPG, then go to the RPG section near the bottom of the page! Thank you!

User Image Strength Potion! 500 G
Ups the Attack Power of your pet! Grrr, your pet is Stronger! Will Also cure the 'Weakening' Condition! This item will show up on your pet's accessories part of their chart, and will up your RPG Starts on your pet card!

User Image Defense Potion! 500 G
Ups the Dfense Power of your pet! Grrr, your pet can now take critical hits! Will also cure the 'Scared' Condition! This item will show up on your pet's accessories part of their chart, and will up your RPG Starts on your pet card!

User Image Dry Pet Food! 300 G
Will Cure your pet from the 'Hungry Condition'!. This item will show up on your pet's accessories part of their chart, and will change your pet's status on your RPG pet card!

User Image Canned Pet Food! 300 G
Will Cure your pet from the 'Hungry Condition'!. This item will show up on your pet's accessories part of their chart, and will change your pet's status on your RPG pet card!

User Image Zombie Cure Potion! 250 G
Will Cure your pet from the 'Zombie Condition'. This item will show up on your pet's accessories part of their chart, and will change your pet's status on your RPG pet card!

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exclaim Useable Items!
These you use to do something to your pet outside of the RP. If you are playing the RP, then you can still use and buy these, but it wont effect the RP in any way!

User Image Magic Paint Can! 250 G
This magic paint can, changes the color of your pet! If you get your pet, and you dont like the color, buy one of these, and It'll change the color for you! (When buying this item, please tell me what color you want me to change your pet too! Thanks! ^^)

User Image Magic Paint Brush! 100 G
This Magic Paint Brush, changes the color of your pet's eyes! If you get your pet, and you dont like the color, buy one of these, and It'll change the color for you! (When buying this item, please tell me what color you want me to change your pet too! Thanks! ^^)

User Image Magic Feather! 150 G
This Magic Feather, changes/adds markings onto your pet! If you get your pet, and you dont like the markings it has, or want new ones, buy one of these, and It'll change the it for you! (When buying this item, please tell me what markings you want changed, or if you want just new ones, Thanks! ^^)

User Image Mutation Spray Bottle! 3000 G
This magic spray, when sprayed on your pet, will transform them into an Anthro Pet! Be careful though, If sprayed on a baby pet, this item will have no effect! Your pet has to be in the Adult form, grown from a baby, for the spray to turn them into a Anthro!

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exclaim Trunks and Boxes!
You can buy one of these for your pet, with a gift inside! (When i'm making your pet, i'll add the gift to it! ^^) There are only a limited amount of these per week! So get in there quick, and buy one!
(Limited one per customer, per order)

How I decide what is in it: Predetermined items are in each box/trunk (listed below), and they have a corrisponding number attatched to them. I roll a 100 sided dice, you get the item that's allocated to the number I roll! ^^ If your pet cant wear the item, I will roll again so that you are garunteed an item! ^^

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heart Pink Box! heart (0/3, 3 available)
Possible Items:
-Golden Laurels
-Phoenix Halo
-Full Size Angel Wings
-Full Size Demon Wings
-Bani Clips
-Goti Clips
-Baby Seal Slippers
-Fuzzy Penguin Slippers
-Cross Collar
-NightMare Scarf
-Angelic Scarf

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4laugh Blue Box! 4laugh (0/4, 4 available)
Possible Items:
-Angelic HeadBand
-Demonic HeadBand
-Ninja Head Band
-Nurse's Hat
-Nurse Slippers
-Face Veil
-Wind Security Blanket
-Lunar Cloak
-Solar Cloak
-Demon Tail

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domokun Trunk! domokun (0/5, 5 available)
Possible Items:
-Angelic Minis
-Demonic Minis
-Normal Scarf (random color)
-Demonic Pendant
-Angelic Pendant
-Leather Collar
-Gold Earrings
-Head Jewel (Will match eye color)
-Normal Headband
-Normal Halo

If you buy any one of these, a picture of a pinkbox/bluebox/trunk will appear in your pet's Accessories section of their chart! ^^ Let me know if your buying one in your order form! ^^ Thanks!

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This is where you can see where your order is on my To-Do list! ^^ You can see if any of my slots are open also, and if there arent... well feel free to bride me with a sealed envelope or something lol

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4laugh Flat Sale: 4laugh
-Lady Aria Starstone

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heart Customized!: heart
Note: This list includes Cosplay! ^^

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razz Secret Santa Buyers!: razz

-Sheeep (2) heart
-Tandemonium (4) heart lol
-Kahime (14) heart eek redface

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3nodding Customers!: 3nodding
-Ooki-Chan (3) heart heart
-Meoko (4) heart eek
-Sheeep (SS) (2) heart
-Faerierain (SS)
-Tandemonium (SS) (4) heart
-Kahime (SS) (14) heart eek
-ShadowStar1313 (SS)
-Lady Arai Starstone

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whee Tippers!: whee
-Ooki-Chan heart
-Meoko heart
-PoisonedPumpkin heart

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pirate Gold Raised!: pirate
48525G! ^^ w00t! heart eek

And 5 Pet Trades With:
-Kahime! heart

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rofl RPG Players!: rofl
-Meoko with Envy!
-PoisonedPumpkin with Miko!
-Trie with Alkiah!

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Here you'll get to see the most recent critters that I've made. Or, if you see your order here, feel free to save it! ^^ This is handy if you missed your Art PM From Me, giving you your pet! ^^; Your pm will have a nifty Alert graphic on it. ^^
I Will only have a maximum of 3 pets up at a time!

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Finished Pets and Owners:

Pet: Takara
Owner: Meoko
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Pet: Dante
Owner: Meoko
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Pet: Malifacent
Owner: Lady Aria Starstone
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Pet: Saphira
Owner: Divine Keesha
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Here is where you can find links to other shops! ^^ Feel free to use the banner and code below to link me to your shop! If you want to be affiliates, then PM me or leave a message here! ^^

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Links out!:

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My Christmas Tree Shop! ^^

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
This is my Portrait/Avatar Art Shop! ^^ Check it out

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Closed for right now! Sorry!!!

Here you can have a little fun with your pet along with the rest of RPG pets and owners that have bought from my shop ^^ Mind you, playing with this RPG might be abit more expensive, you choose what you buy! ^-^ To play, you MUST DirectLink your pet from me to you, so I can do all those effects, and change scores, and so on and so forth ^^;

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exclaim Stat Information!
If you choose to be an RPGer with us, your pet will have a score card on it's pet sheet, along with the regular information like name, owner, etc.
But this stat window will include:
-Attack: How strong your pet is
-Defense: How well your pet can take hits
-Speed: How quick your pet can move
-Evade: If your pet can dodge better then others
*-M. Attack: How well your pet can use magic to attack!
*-M. Defense: How well your pet can defend against magic!
-Intelligence: How smart your pet is. This effects how effective your pet is with using magic
-Charm: How charming your pet is. This effects certain condition effect spells that your pets cast on other pets in the tournament battles!

* Note: Your pet has a 50/50 chance is being skilled more in attack magic, or defensive magic. As your pet grows, it will learn new abilities! ^^ When your pet learns a new ability, I will notify you with the information!

All of these abilities will be randomly rolled for... (like D&D kinda) and you will be able to change them, increase them, and so on, with buying items in the items section! All original stats start with a chance of a number out of 12. For example 9/12... if that makes sense ^^;

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exclaim RP Effects Information!
With these stats, monthly events will happen to your pet! Sometimes it'll be a good event, and some times it'll be a bad event, usually requiring medicine of some sort, from the item shop! This will only happen once a month, and will stay with your pet untill it is dealt with properly!
Effects can also be inflicted during a tournament battle!

The status changes that might effect your pet for now, include:

More to come such as:
-Many More as I Think of them!
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exclaim Battle and Tournament Information!
Also, you can battle with your pets, against other pets. Although I dont have a real system for doing this yet, This will be conducted like an RP text battle, with rules, and time limits. I will be the judge, so none of my pets will be fighting! >=3 Only Refing! If your pet gets out of control, your pet will be taken away, never to be given back, so please respect the other fighters, patrons of the store, and above all, me. ^-^ lol

Tournaments will happen when I get enough RPGers. A Notice will be sent to all RPG players and their pets to participate if they want! An Entrance fee of 100 G will be asked of the participants, and if one isn't payed for, then they cannot participate. There will be prizes depending on the amount of people that I can get to play^^! These will probably happen on the weekend, and will include priliminaries, and so forth untill two pets remain. These will be the finals!
I will be refing all these tournaments, and I will factor in the stats of your critter. If I see someone not playng fairly, then I will warn them. If the problem presists through the entire fight, your pet will be taken away! So be careful everyone! Play fair! ^^

Prizes will be given out too the top three (thats why I need the entrance fee ^^ wink
and awards of Gold, Silver, and Bronze will be given out! ^^
Awards for participation will be given out to everyone for coming out! ^^

All rankings and scores will be kept here
The top fighter, each month will receive 100G! ^.^ just for being teh winn0r!
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exclaim Rankings!
Ranking and top players!

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Great, that about settles it, feel free to start playing! ^^ Thank you!

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Whenever you get a PM from me, it'll have a graphic of me, saying something that will match the topic of your PM ^^ This will mainly have to do with RPG stuff, but some is just normal too ^^ So check out all the symbols and good things like that... lol

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User Image razz et Delivery Alert: or razz resent Alert: - This will show up whenever you order a pet and it's ready for your care and delivery, or when you buy a present for a friend, this graphic will show up, and I will say who sent the present!

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User Image :Christmas Present Delivery Alert: - This will go along with our Event, will is a Secret Santa kinda thing. This will show up with the pet delivery to the person your getting the pet for! ^^

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User Image razz et Evolution Alert: - This is when your pet Evolves into a bigger stage. I will notify you and send the new pet, or if it's an RP pet, this will just be a normal notification because your already Direct Linked! ^^

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User Image :Stats Change Alert: - This is when, for RP players, your pet drinks a potion or does something else to change it's stats. I will also post the new Stats! A notification similiar to the Evolution Alert will be sent out to the owner!

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User Image :New Technique Alert: - This is just like the above alert, as in I notify RP players when they're pet has learned a new attack! I will give them an updated List of they're Pet's techniques! ^^

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User Image :Shop Update Alert: - I'll send this one off to anyone that is on my Mailing List whenever I add a new pet, or change a layout, or finish a new pet or whatever really ^^ I'll let you know my progress lol

If you want to be on the mailing list, then please post your request here! ^^ I'll keep you updated on all my secret happenings going on here in the shop! ^^

Mailing List:

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Previous Event: Secret Santa, Christmas Giving! ^^
Event Status: Over! ^^;

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lookie lookie! ^^ Wishful Thinking have made me a christmas gift! ^__^ I'm so happy! So i decided to put it here ^.^ i'm the middle one.. and to the left is Miss Feena, and the right is wishful thinking ^-^

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

In this Event, you can buy one or more of the pets for a friend! ^^ The Christmas boxes below, will be what your friend will see when I deliver it to them! ^^ Around Christmas Eve some time, the box will turn into the actual pet! ^^
Merry Christmas! ^.^

Themed Flat Sale Pets!! (New)
I've just added these new pets to the Christmas window! ^__^ With these pets, you get what you see. I'm only making a limited amount of these, so get in here fast! ^__^ Just fill out the form, post it in this thread, and send the money! ^^

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^^ Take this one home for only 3.5K!

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^^ Take this one home for only 3.5K!

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^^ Take this one home for only 4K!

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When you buy a Flat Sale themed pet, you also get one of these boxes for the cert and your friend to look at! The box correspondes with the pet you want!

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redface Owners Lists!: redface
Look who already will be getting pets and have boxes under their trees! ^_^
Click the X beside them to see the cert and box! ^^

[X] Tandemonium [Fairy] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Tandemonium [Bunny] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Tandemonium [Bunny] -Snow Effect Added and Star Paper!-

[X] Sheeep [Fungi] -Snow Effect Added and Swirl Paper!-

[X] Sheeep [Puppy] -Snow Effect Added and Star Paper!-

[X] Renna-Usagi [Random] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Kahime [Ducky] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Aree [Avatar Fungi] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] ShadowStar1313 [Fairy] -Snow Effect Added and star paper!-

[X] SilverDragon285 [Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Hand Drawn Swirl Paper!-

[X] Lilin Kittin [Kitty] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Nel Zepher [Bunny] -Snow Effect Added!-

[X] Mystic-Vixen [Ducky] -Snow Effect Added and Custom Paper!-

[X] Vladamir_Szinkovsky [Puppy] -Snow Effect Added and Star Paper!-

[X] Tasberen [Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Uber Box!-

[X] Yuuwaku-ne [Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Uber Box!-

[X] Kami Kasbimoto [Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Uber Box!-

[X] Tal Fel [Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Uber Box!-

[X] Bandai [Noel Dragon] -Snow Effect Added and Uber Box!-

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bump for business! ^^

Moonlight Spotter

4,700 Points
  • Grunny Grabber 50
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
heart 4laugh
I must eat them now... biggrin
They all are so cutes 4laugh
heart 4laugh

I'll take that as a compliment! ^_^
I must eat them now... biggrin
They all are so cutes 4laugh

lol nuuu eatting the pets! ^_^; lol
but thanks so much! ^^

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