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Make more FCs 0.37209302325581 37.2% [ 32 ]
Upgrade Front 0.18604651162791 18.6% [ 16 ]
More Roleplay 0.22093023255814 22.1% [ 19 ]
Other (suggest in thread) 0.22093023255814 22.1% [ 19 ]
Total Votes:[ 86 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 138 139 140 > >> >>> »|

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.:Shadows of Alaska:.
[Note: We did get permission from Dustfeather of Shadows of Africa to use the name. no flamin' now.]
A role playing/breedables shop based on the setting and creatures of Disney's Brother Bear.

Shadows of Alaska RPG/Journal Guild

Click here to go. Our first storyline event ever so check it out!

Plot Update:
See Post 9 - Featured Characters on their way
Breedings are Open:
See Post 10
Alpha Saber & Wolf Poses coming soon!

Table Of Contents
[1] Welcome | Updates | Table of Contents | Announcements
[2] Rules | FAQ | Guidelines
[3] Cave Paintings - Beast Info
[4] Small Things Become Big - Stages & Previews
[5] Raffle Information
[6] Auction Information
[7] Flatsale Information
[8] Special Events
[9] The Story
[10] Custom Information
[11] Owner's List
[12] Hands on the Wall - White, Gray, and Black lists
[13] Brother and Sister Shops
[14] Packs, Herds, Tribes, etc.
[15] Reserved
[17] Reserved
[18] Reserved
[19] Reserved
[20] Reserved


| Tuesday, October 18, 2005 | 7:05PM |
We are so sorry that the raffle was such a mess. First time around, about half way through, we noticed that one of us (:cough: >_> Who won't be named) forgot the numbers 140-160 (apparently 70 comes after 30...) so we had to re-roll... causing a lot of disappointment for those who already won. So to make up for this we'll be giving random creatures to those that didn't win. These will be PMed to you, please send us back the name you'd like for them. Thalion will be at school until late, afterwards she'll probibly be doing a lot of schoolwork and might or might not have time to spend on coloring. She will get them out! No worries.

The flatsale will be all day today, we've extended the time because of the late start. Please post all prompts here in the thread. Aroca or Thalion will gather them up and judge them. Once everyone's recieved their critters we'll be opening the guild and introducing the role play! Thank you everyone for dealing with us.

| Tuesday, October 11, 2005 | 11:20PM |
[Thalion] I must be high on something... I've managed to get lineart for every creature available for a while up to adolecent stage- male and female. I've also managed to color a good handful of them to raffle/auction off for the shop's opening event. Yeah it kinda looks like I'm running the show but once the plot and everything's up and running I'm backing out and keeping to art for this place- everything will be done by Aroca and GunSniper. Worship them!

| Saturday, October 8, 2005 | 9:30PM |
[Thalion] Got the side banners done and the certs all ready for the bears. Cubs and adolecent stages for the bears are complete and the adults are in progress. Other animals to come will include eagles, wolves, mammoths, sabor-toothed cats, moose, and firmilars (small animals like raccoons and rabbits). The front page is under construction but feel free to post.
Concerns about the title are answered in the first sentance of this guild - we have the permission of the guild master of Shadows of Africa for our title, we figured since the stories are so simular and they're both from Disney it was a pretty good idea.

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-|Cave Paintings|-
.:Beasts of the Shadows of Alaska:.

Grizzly Bear: The massive and powerful grizzly is a omnivore which means that they're fond of eating both meat and plants. They prefer to eat fish, berries, and roots. On occasion they'll go for other game animals but they're not very graceful hunters and rely on scavenging for meat. They grow to be between 300-1500lbs, and have very little to fear in the natural world. Their greatest enemy is the humans who they make a point to avoid. Litters average between 1-3 cubs and the mothers are the ones to raise them. Fathers are rarely seen after the female has become pregnant.

Gray Wolf: Skilled hunters and loyal pack animals, wolves have their true strength in the numbers of their packs. They prey on deer, elk, moose, etc. using hunting tactics and teamwork to bring down larger prey. Their largest competitors are the saber-toothed cats who are also pack animals. The wolves are horribly territorial and will kill if they feel threatened. Wolves mate manly through the alpha male producing anywhere from 1-8 pups in a litter.

The Bald Eagle: Feeding mainly on fish, rabbits, and other small game, the bald eagle is a fierce but solitary hunter. This massive bird can grow to be 7-15 pounds with a wing span between 6-8 feet. Chicks produced between a mated pair number from 1-2 per clutch. The mated pair will return to the same nest of their ancestors time and again. A young eagle has a completely brown body, only when they reach adulthood will they gain the white 'bald' head typical of the species.

Smilodon: (Saber-toothed cat) Vicious pack hunters- these ancient cats might have been slightly smaller than modern lions, but were nearly twice as heavy. Stout but muscled bodies allowed them terribly powerful blows that would stun their prey upon impact. Armed with two massive teeth and powerful claws, these creatures were feared by the humans with good cause. A typical litter ranged from 1-6 cubs.

Wooly Mammoth As large as modern elephants but a bit more bulky, the wooly mammoth was a heard creature. Females typically traveled in herds following an elder female while males typically traveled in bachelor herds. During the mating season the two herds would come together to produce calves. Between a mated pair only 1-2 calves would be born.
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Raffles will probibly be the most common of events hosted in the shop. They're fun, they're inexpensive, they normally hand out a large ammount of pets, and everyone's got a chance- how can things get better?

Basic Raffle Rules
- Be polite! Don't whine and gripe about someone who is buying more tickets than you, that we're cheating (because we'll be using gaia's randomizer), or that you don't like the options you're left with after the prior winners have chosen theirs.

- Ticket sales will vary. Sometimes there will be an unlimited ammount of tickets you can buy, sometimes there'll be a cap.

- We reserve the right to extend or shorten raffle times based on sales.

How Raffles Work

- Raffles will run between 1-7 days most of the time.
- Tickets will always cost 100g each.
- There will always be more than two creatures raffled off.
- Raffles will vary from anyone can enter to newbie-only.
- Raffle results will always be posted in the thread.
- The first drawn winner will choose from the options first, second second, and so on.

Current Raffles
-Valentines Raffle-

User Image
Auctions will be held about once a month and will give out a special creature- wheather it's special because of its age, it's color, or even its lineart, you can be sure that it'll be something worth while!

- Again, no bickering. If someone outbids you that's life- get over it.
- Don't try to guilt someone into not bidding or withdrawing their bid. It can get you disqualified.
- Be sure to mark the mid-value of everything you're bidding. We'd rather you use the Lucky Devil priceguide and quote the value of the items you wish to bid.
- Please specify which you are bidding for- if there is more than one creature up for auction.

How Auctions Will Go
- A time and a date will be set- opening and closing.
- The opening bid will always be 5k.
- There is no autobuy.
- You can bid on any ammount of creatures.
- Highest bidder wins...dur

Current Auctions


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Flatsales are our way of assigning special creatures to people we feel will do the best job bringing them to life. Wheather they're featured characters (Characters that begin with an important role. This doesn't mean other characters aren't impotant but they'll have to work to get there wink ) or creatures given roles within their packs, herds, etc- these creatures will require a decent ammount of playtime to make the story work.


- Once you've posted your prompt, there's no changing it. The only exception we'll make is if you get that annoying coding that you get from copying from word.

- All prompt responses must somehow relate to the prompts put out. If we ask you to respond as a bear we don't want to see you playing a saber, if we're telling you that a certian even is happening in the prompt and you answer with something completely unrelated you'll be disqualifid.

- Prompts aren't always judged on length! If a short response is answering a prompt better than a long one, if the character's personality is appealing, if you use good grammar and spelling, or even if you're terribly active in rpg's elsewhere you may get chosen over a longer prompt! Quality over quantity.

- Don't get angry if you aren't chosen. It's nothing personal nor does it mean that you suck at role playing. It just means that the winner anwered that certain prompt in the certain way that appealed to the judges.

- If the trade isn't completed by the end of the contest your prompt will be thrown out of the judging.

.:Flatsale Info:.

Flatsale Price: 5,000g (5k)
Flatsale requirements:
- Max. of 1000 words.
- Grammar must be used decently.
- Spellnig must at least be attempted.
- 733T is a no no.
- Newb talkz iz 2 annoying so don't do it!
- Flatsales may or may not take place in the thread. Pay attention to the info.
- All trades go to Great Spirit.

.:Upcoming Flatsales:.
--- ---

.:Current Flatsales:.
--- ---

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.:Special Events:.

Secret Santa Reindeer Event! - Check 1rst Post
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-|Rules on Ordering a Custom|-
arrow Don't order if there aren't any slots open! This means that we're too busy to take customs so please wait until they open.

arrow Don't beg us to open slots! This is nanoying and if it keeps up, you'll be banned.

arrow If you order a custom and your creature comes out not looking how you pictured it, it's only your fault! For the best results be very, very clear on what you want. Give references, detailed descriptions, etc.

arrow There are no refunds!

arrow Don't complain about the prices! gonk If they were too low we'd be too busy with customs to do growings, raffles, auctions, etc.

arrow Don't try to bribe us into opening a slot for you stare

-|Ordering a Custom|-
Custom Price: 100k - send trade to Great Spirit
Any stage, any creature (unless stated as 'limited'), anycolor, any gender.

Order Form:
Order Form

Name: -the name of your creature-
Gender: -male or female only-
Species: -bear, wolf, saber, eagle, mammoth-
Stage: -youth, adolecent, adult (when available)-
Description: -Include detailed description, references, etc.-
Payment Due: - how much you owe-
Owner Name: -you can order for you or someone else smile -

PM the order to Great Spirit, Send the trade to Great Spirit. We won't start on your custom until it's paid!

-|Custom Slots|-
1) ---Open---
2) ---Open---
3) ---Open---

1) ---???---
2) ---???---
3) ---???---

1) ---Open---
2) ---Open---
3) ---Open---

1) ---Open---
2) ---Open---
3) ---Open---

Custom Humans

Of course playing a human is completely free- in fact we encourage everyone to have a human character simply to spice things up. However, we are also offering art for the humans along with certs for them.

-|Info on Ordering a Human|-
arrow Each human will have individual lineart...therefore ordering a custom image for them will be more spendy than a typical custom.

arrow If you order a child and want it to grow, it'll be 50k when you want him to grow up. They're not a typical part of the shop so it'll take more time to do.

arrow If you're playing an adult you'll get to choose their totem.

arrow Please, please, please keep with native names. There will be no "Bill", "Kenshin", or "Farfigneugin". (English, Japanese, and German?)

arrow Thalion is the -only- human artist. If the slots are full, you're SOL.

arrow Only brown, black, red, gray, and white hair will be allowed. Keep in mind that there's no hair dye around to have outragious purple hair and there's just no blondes around. Gray and white hair is for older humans, sorry c_c;

arrow They'll all be wearing simple outfits made out of fur and skins from animals. Sorry. Again, only colors of animal fur.

-|Ordering a Custom Human|-
Custom Price: 200k - send trade to Great Spirit
Any stage, any creature (unless stated as 'limited'), anycolor, any gender.

Order Form:
Order Form

Name: -the name of your character-
Gender: -male or female only-
Tribal Rank: -Child, hunter, mother, nanny, weaver Shaman are forbidden-
Description: PLEASE include a reference or a very detailed description.
Payment Due: - how much you owe-
Owner Name: -you can order for you or someone else smile -

PM the order to Great Spirit, Send the trade to Great Spirit. We won't start on your custom until it's paid!

-|Custom Human Slots|-
1) ---Open---
2) ---Open---
3) ---Open---

Breedings are always open! However, we do have a few rules reguarding breeding and some RP-requirements. Please read everything below before requesting a breeding between your SOAlaska critters.

| Litter Size Guide |
Bears: 1-4 cubs
- 1/2 cubs if fathered by a rogue (npc)
Sabers: 1-6 cubs
- 50% mortality to rogues
- 1/2 the cubs if fathered by a rogue (npc)
Wolves: 1-8 pups
- 50% mortality to rogues
- 1/2 the cubs if fathered by a rogue (npc)
Mammoths: 1-2 calfs
- 50% mortality to rogues
- 1/2 the calfs if fathered by a rogue (npc)
Eagles: 1-5 eggs
- 1/2 if fathered by an npc (npc)
Reindeer: 1-2 calfs
- 1/2 if fathered by a rogue (npc)

| Breeding Rules |
1| Breeding costs 5k per living offspring.
2| It's required to have at least 5 rp sessions between mated pairs or a lengthy self-rp session for pregnancy by a rogue (npc).
3| Female creatures can become pregnant by a rogue for plot purposes, but there's a higher mortality rate and half the offspring.
4| Two animals of the same gender cannot breed! Please don't ask us to make this possible. Also, if you play a creature as homosexual please don't have them go streight long enough to breed, it comes off as a bit greedy. Rape happens in the wild, so that's acceptable but we'll still require some rp to back it up- wheather it's between you and another player or yourself. Keep everything PG-13 please!
5| The owners of the parents have first pick and each owner can only own one of the offspring per litter. The owners can raffle off (with the staff's permission that is) the remaining offspring with 1/2 the profit going to the shop, they can hold rp contests for them, or they can give them away.
6| Anyone caught begging for breeding rights without meeting the rp requirement or begging for offspring will be greylisted.
7| Only adults can breed!
8| To breed again, the offspring of a mated pair must at least be adolecents... old enough to leave their parents.

| To Request a Breeding |
1: PM the shop mule with the following info:
Name of the Mother:
Name of the Father:
Image of the Mother:
Image or description of the father (If a rogue):
Links to the required RP's:

2: When the offspring are PMed back to you or displayed in the shop send the trade to the shop mule. If you do not pay then the offspring will die.

User Image
.:Owner's List:.
Blue = Gift from the owners
Green = Raffle Prize
Dark Red = Auction Prize
Red = Flatsale Prize
Olive = Custom
Orange = Special Holiday Event
Indigo = Free character, no cert required
Name, Gender, Stage, Owner, Cert link

Cigala | Male | Adolecent Bear | Kitsune_Takeru | | c |
Yamka | Female | Adolecent Bear | SangoTaijiya88 | | c |
Kuruk | Male | Bear Cub | Thalion | | c |
Iiaq | Male | Bear Cub | Dustfeather | | c |
Imala | Male | Bear Cub | Aroca | | c |
Charisa | Female | Bear Cub | KasaiLoki | |c|
Catori | Female | Bear Cub | Lightning Shadow X | |c|
Igashu | Male | Bear Cub | GunSniper | |c|
Kaido | Male | Bear Cub | ushiyasha | |c|


Varavara | Female | Wolf Adolecent | Wolfgamer | |c|
Akando | Male | Wolf Pup | Nikui | | c |
Kishi | Female | Wolf Pup | Wolfgrl13 | |c|
Miakoda | Wolf Pup | Female | Kel-Chan | |c|
Howahkan | Male | Adolecent Wolf | SangoTaijiya33 | |c|
Waridi | Female | Adolecent Wolf | ~Masamune~ | |c|
Kyrea | Female | Wolf pup | Kairosewolf | |c|

Taira | Female | Adolecent Eagle | Mia Sharra | |c|
Alo | Male | Eagle Chick | SangoTaijiya88 | |c|
Nikita | Eagle Chick | Female | Ves | |c|
Paarai | Male | Eagle Chick | Remove ||c|
Cree | Male | Eagle Chick | Kairosewolf ||c|

Helaku | Male | Saber Adolecent | Nikui | |c|
Amitola | Female | Saber Cub | [[.Altia.]] | |c|
Tekiwah | Male | Saber Cub | Spunky Dasher | |c|
Grayka | Female | Saber Cub | Melo-san | |c|
Meli | Female | Adolecent Saber | Lividie | |c|
Montag | Male | Adolecent Saber | Ves | |c|
Raikou | Male | Adult Saber | Chibbit-chan | |c|
Suicune | Female | Adult Saber | Tahja Estes | |c|
Entei| Male | Adult Saber | Dustfeather | |c|
Xorbane| Male | Adult Saber | Inverstle | |c|
Miroku| Male | Adult Saber | SangoTaijiya88 | |c|


Anali | Female | Adolecent Mammoth | Kitsune_Takeru | |c|
Ayasha | Male | Mammoth Calf | SummerRaen | |c|

Igasho | Male | Hunter | Ryugen ||c|
Hinto | Male | Child | Thalion | |c|

Chochokpi | Male | Thunder Bird - Eagle God | Endejester||c|
Taigi | Female | Night Goddess - Wolf Goddess | Dustfeather | |c|
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-| Hands on the Wall |-
.:White, Gray, and Blacklists:.

Aroca - Guild Manager
Thalion - Artist
GunSniper - Guild Assistant Manager
Ryugen - She just rules
endejester - So does she
Dustfeather - Giving us permission to use our cool Name ( and for being the best^^)

[ iPod ] - Formally Wolfquest! It's not okay to make a deal for lineart then completely blow it off...-then- have the nerve to sell it off and make off with all the profits. Not okay at all.

Daimyn - A complete *** in previous shops, we'd rather not deal with her here either.

Anucachi Himoko - Can't understand the concept of real-life issues. Complained about the staff taking too long on a cert, threw a temper tantrum in-thread.

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-| Brothers to Eachother |-
.:Brother/Sister Shops:.

|-| Shadows of Africa | A fantastic breedable's shop based on Disney's The Lion King. We love them much!

|-| Shadows of the Forest | A shop with art by Thalion, colored by Ieeko Takeru, based off of Disney's Bambi

|-| Count D's Pet Shop of Horros | A wonderful pet shop with art by the talented endejester!

|-| Chimuian Beastry | Like legendary creatures? This is the place for you!

|-| Poke'mon Hybrid Generation | Poke'mon training, battling, and breeding.

|-| Kitsune Bi | A kitsune breedables


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