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The time has come for this thread to migrate to a new home where it can still be cared for and nourished. Update your subscribed threads, bookmarks, whatever, because the thread shall be at this location now.

please NO MORE POSTING IN THIS THREAD as of April 28, 2005

more room was desired for the improvement and growth of this thread in its first few posts, so it was relocated to a more sizable location.

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What is a Noob? - The documentary</center>

updated tommorrow
Please do not PM me any more "research". The size of this thread is already quite large and pretty well everything is covered well.

Noobs: Nu*bs. (adj) (n)
Noob is a word derived from chatish gaming jargon depicting someone who is new to something or inexperienced. Other forms of the word include "Newb", "Noobie", "Newbie", or "Loser-who-thinks-they-are-cool", while meanings of the variations may vary slightly, the differences are explained clearly within this documentary. The noob is a strange species of Gaian who is usually readily spotable because of the torn up, raged peasant clothes, or the commonly and overly worn pants with flame along the edges. Although the definitions here can clearly fit those of a Newb and a Noob, it may be up to you and proper judgement to decide if a person should be labled with either of these.

Where can this noob be found you ask? That is the most frightening thing. They can be found anywhere from General Discussion, to Avatar Talk, to Entertainment, to your own nightmares, and if your unlucky enough, maybe even within your own home! The best thing to do would be to keep a sharp eye out for the dastardly critters. Here, we provide several tips on how to recognize one of these oddities.

Common signs of a noob include but are not limited to...
-Wearing Peasant clothes or Flame clothes and think they are cool singularly because of it
-Inceasant begging for gold
-Begging for mod status upon joining the site (or guild)
-Posting of threads stating "Im new"
-Posting threads that have nothing to do with the overall forum, (spamming the AT, ED, GD forums etc.)
-Bumping a thread in Q&F
-Easily Taking offense to flames/critism/suggestions.
-Flaming, rating low, critisizing, etc. without explaining what is wrong and/or how to improve.
-Attempting to make unrealistic profits (selling cheap items for 30,000,000, trying to make 30k profit in lotto, etc.)
-God modding in RPs
-Trying to convice people that they have something bigger and better than others that can not be proved in any way online without breach of the Gaian ToS. (skills, RL items, boobs, other bodily parts, etc.)
-Unrealistic Bragging. i.e. "We'll, i've been on Gaia since 2001!"
-Making posts stating that they can get rares for bumping
-->believing those posts
-Making scams, thinking they wont get caught
-->similarly falling for scams
-Making posts begging for something (girlfriend/boyfriend, money, friends, sex, etc.)
-Not understanding that people make typos and grammatical erros often in a forum/chat client.
-Posts something asking a question without reading the FAQs or sticky threads.
-Posting unrealistcally long posts with the thought of getting more gold because of it.
-Not knowing what a noob is
-improper chatspeak
-->speaks in what they consider to be 1337 with and unspeakable amount of typos making you unsure if they meant to type like that or not.
*aherm* for example: OMG, ur //3r1||g flame apnts! Your SuX0rz! im 1337!!11!!!!!11!11one one!!!1

Many people, when encountering one of these strange creatures, are confused, awed, and many times frightened.
What are we supposed to do with these little monsters when encountered? Well, there are several options which include...
-Run like your being chased by a cheatah
-Flame them, telling them to go to the "welcome to gaia" forum.
-Back away slowly
-Back away quickly
-Ignore them
-Find a different thread yourself
-Grab a large heavy hunting net, gut the creature, and hang its head on your wall as a trophy.

Those of you who have a difficult time dealing with these oddities, may feel many strange side effects such as...
-The desire to grab a large heavy hunting net, gut the creature, and hang its head on your wall as a trophy.

If there are anymore questions involving the species known as "Noobius-Annoyance-Etceterous", or the 'Noob' as it is more commonly known as, you can purchase a copy of my book entitled, "The missing link: May it ever stay missing"

One concern many researchers have faced is the difference between a Noob and a Newb.
Please do not confuse the species of "Noob" too much with the "Newb". A Noob is what has been previously described, and as a Newb is somewhat similar at times, they quickly learn from thier errors and because of previous experience on this strange thing called the internet, they are quite skilled in a chat enviornment and do not bring shame to themselves or those around them as the "Noob". These "Newbs" do not have anything to be ashamed of as they are learning a new enviornment and adjusting. The key word within that is 'adjusting', depicting that they are currently in the act of improving. Unfortunatly, the nOOb seems to be in a sad state that is beyond help.

One scientist stated...
Scientist Pineapple
*AHEM* "n00bs" are the bad kind of new-comers, the ones he is defining. we werent all "n00bs". but we were "newbies"

There are several things that many people may confuse between the Noob and the Newb. Many of these things are as follows...
-Flame clothes or peasant clothes do not make you a noob, but bragging that you are awesome or you think your avatar is the best singularly because you are wearing an outfit that consists of only these items, then you are deemed a creature, noob.
-Not having gold does not make you a noob. Many old, talented, and skilled Gaians do not have much gold. It would be a mistake to think someone is a Noob because of thier financial status.
-Not wearing expensive items does not make someone a Noob. Many people dress how they think looks good. Often this does not include expensive items.
-Noobism is based largely on behavior, not monetary value.
-Noobs are not always new, where as Newbs are. The creatures known as noobs, seem to be stuck forever in thier new phase, even though they may have existed much longer than the Newbs who are no longer classified as Newbs.
-Again, a primary characteristic that sets the Noob aside from the Newb, is that the Noob is unwilling to learn and improve themselves in society.
-It is known that many Newbs make the mistakes of Noobs, but as stated, the Newb will learn from its mistakes and will not, or at least try not to make them again. It is the Noob who is consistent, predictable, and annoying.
Species of n00bs
and other starteling discoveries.

There are several Types of n00bs and classifications. We have several independant researchers who are gathering information on such creatures and we will briefly explain them to you here.

Please keep in mind, that these here that are quoted are not Sange's writtings. If you have a problem with them, please talk to the person who wrote it. If you find them offensive in any way or derogatory, then you are welcome to let me know, but i will not change it without the OK of the person who wrote it. Sange is not liable for what is said that is in quotes

I'm not sure of the scientific term, as this n00b is so far undocumented, but I simply refer to it as the "Double Edged Noob".
This type of n00b is a strange oddity, and a very annoying one. It is the rogue of noobs. It shows all the common signs of a traditional n00b, but is also against its fellows n00bs. It usually tries to act like a real member, by flaming other people labeled as n00bs, and tells them to go to the gaian welcome page, despite the fact that this kind of n00b hasn't even seen it themselves. They can be very annoying, attempting to side with anti-noobs, while annoying the anti-noob at the same time. A very rare, yet disgusting and annoying creature. It will not only haunt your nightmares, but even you day. . .mares.

The Female species of Noobius-Annoyance-Etceterous can be as follows,
-Much like the male, they will either be in (only) peasants or, finding it sexier, nothing at all.
After being on with in a week, they will normally been seen wearing
-Cast away clothing
-Regular stockings
-Goth boots
->Or maybe possibly just a simple dress some where under 1000 gold.
I mention quite a few things from the Barton Boutique not only because of many of its low prices but also because I've studied my share of n00bs that have never found the rest of the map.
You will find many of our Female specimens attempting to get Gaians of the male gender by any means. Habits most likely caused by previous, less literate chat districts where finding a boy friend was a very customary ritual to perform.
They will rarely judge by looks or clothing which, in a way could be a plus to their low brain capacity.
A pattern in characteristics many of the Female Noobius-Annoyance-Etceterous display is a lack of humor. They cease to find any amusement what so ever in what most would find very tasteful, funny jokes yet they still manage to find a way to overuse the term LOL (Laugh out Loud).

New research has led to the discovery of a virus within the noobs genetic structure that makes them greedy. Observations of the behaviour exibited by the infected noob shows that they bid pathtically low amounts for very high priced items and will begin to argue how it's not fair or will begin to moan and beg them to sell them the item. Most starteling is that this virus has been passed onto a fair portion of the gaia public via activating the "Greed" gene present in many gaians making them stupid bidding on items for far less than what their worth. One of the most common is a these infected gaians wanting a dark cape for 8-10k hense the name "Greed" gene. The infection doesn't spread to the more polite and reasonable gaians due to an natural immunity to this virus and a strong sense of reason. The information of this report was not easy to obtain after encountering many of these infected gaians and noobs. Forunately there is an antivirus in development. More news on this at a later date.

I have discovered a new species of noob known as noobius bumpus. Noobius bumpus are similar to ordinary noobs but have a slighty lower brain capacity for bumping. When a prize for the most bumps is offered these very foolish creatures will instantly assume if they put tons of bumps on one post they will win but they can also stretch the pages of a thread to ennoying proportion. In this process they risk being flamed to death. When encountering this creature it is best to warn them and if they continue ignore them and fetch a mod to devour the noob quickly.

Here's my report on the Gaianus obsessedus

The Gaianus obsessedus is pecular species, constantly on the move in the world of Gaia.They tend to be mistaken with n00bs at times, but on the oppisate time scale. Though limited study has been done on this species, some information is known. They live in packs and tend to think that they are supperior than others, often having hundreds of posts a day and on for weeks at a time before logging off. These creatures tend to have ample amounts of 'real items' or items you recieve in envelopes by giving to the Gaian government. These creatures tend to have many items, wearing no less than 25 at a time. They tend to veiw others on the amount and monetary value of the items on others, and look down on those with less than 20. With over crowded heads, they tend to over-flame noobs with no intend on correcting them and over critisize any misstakes, from typos to misspellings.

The Gaianus obsessedus is a mysterious species and needs more studying. I will report as I find more information.

The species Nubious-Pronuncious is, by far, one of the most common of the Nubious family. Lacking the brain compacity to write properly, this species tends to write either in all capitals, mixed capitals, or abreviations that no one can understand. Sentences like "I RoXoRz!!!! scream 3nodding whee scream domokun " Will be used with this species. Like all other Nubious species, they live to annoy and will respond to your anger at their annoying posts with sentences like "I DoNt'z CAREZ xd domokun !!!!! eek !! domokun !!!!one uno !!!eleven!". Although, annoying, they have the knowledge to to understand and make their own language. If you ever run into a Nubious-Pronuncious please try to walk away (very quickly).

The Templar

1: The Noobious-Quotus. Commonly seen in ED and GD, quoting the first, somtimes really long post, just to say a few words, or, sometimes just nothing. Ignoring this n00b is usually the best course of action as they just seem to quote and then move on, meaning any form of attack will be useless. Harmless and yet annoying at the same time.

2: The Noobius-Non-Readus. One of the more common Noobius types. Sadly. They either, A: Ignore the first post and respond to the Thread Name, or B: Reads the first post, miss the meaning, and flame/post irrelevant things, or, lastly, C: Reads the first post, ignore all otherposts, goes into the 500+ pages long thread and don't bother squat with what has allready been said. Course of action: Ignore and take pills for the headache.

Yes, unfortunatly this thread becomes riddled with option 2 sweatdrop

Rouroni K.
My first report in a while...
Anyway, I did a field test. I posted a very convincing "I want a gf" thread and lured many predators in. It seems that the rumors about how they hide in wait until they find prey to strike is true. I also learned that when they gather in large numbers, their main plan of attack is to circle the helpless noob so it can't escape and attack from all sides, vicously tearing at the creature until none is left to oppose them, at which time they will go back into hiding to wait for more prey. Some will venture out a few extra minutes to check for scraps to tear at. It also seems that when noobius-annoyance-etceterous see one another being attacked, they will panic and flee but contact the victim without the predators knowing and reveal their true nature. Yes, someone PMed me saying they'd be my gf. The thread is here.


The Noobius Stalkerus is an extremely unfortunate species that
stalks an older/richer/nice/smart Citizens of gaia so that the stalker
may get gold or an item. ALthough this rarely ever happens the
noobius stalkerus still follows through with the hunt for gold and
items. To get rid of these terrible fiends I've listed some remedies
*Run at them with stakes yelling "Go Awaaay and never come back!"
*Run at them saying hings that should not be said aloud
*Threaten to kill them
*Run and Hide

This is a terrible virus caught by newbies who dont want to
grow into older/richer/nicer/smarter gaian citizens. Please
avoid these gaians at all costs!

Thanks for your time!


"The 1337" n00b:
Very unresponsible animals. They use most of their time in GAIA trying to figure out new ways of typing "Hello", "Whats up?" or simply "Hows your mom's cookies crackin' ?"
A close encounter with one of these beasts have lead me to suspicion. I have tagged him k4k45h1, respecting his name in the funny language of 1337.
Though encountered mostly singularly, these animals tend to find other of their same kind, and once found, they either try to find a well-fit mate or some other creature talking their own language. I stalked k4k45h1's posts for some days now, following his every move. And it seems that the animal I have tagged is one looking for romance and not for friends. k4k45h1 also seems to only be a newborn, with only a roundup of 60 posts! It is only a theory, that this "1337" species feels loneliness due to their language, but I am not thoroughly sure about this yet. It seems that it also will talk the comon n00b language if it finds a well-fitting mate of another ethnic background. yet jsut like the normal breed, this breed is just as bad at spelling, writing and judging. I must research deeper into this, if you want certainty. This animals life may be a dangerous one, but if I must, I shall stalk it until it dies."


As I am sure you are aware, a genetic anomaly has recently appeared in all noob/newb-type creatures. This prevents them from communicating with, or being communicated to, by most conventional means, beyond the initial shout-out (first post). They still manage to make their presence felt, but this defect renders them inpenetrable to any further communication, whether attack or assistance.

Rouroni K.
I do believe that I have found a new species of n00b. I also believe we will soon have a species name for those who do everything n00bish listed on the first page. But on to the point.

noobius spammus: This noob points very stupid, pointless, and utterly annoying messages, usually to easily gain gold. This is, of course, because they don't know how slowly gold comes. They are sometimes hybrids of the above species and the "l337" noob. They spend most or all of their time on Gaia spamming, and are not to be approached without caution. Thy are mentally unstable, which usually leads to angered rampages set off by the smallest negative post.

Hybrids: This is the name for a noob who can be more than one kind of noob at a time. Usually, these combinations include the "l337" noob. The most common hybrid is that of the "l337" noob and the noobius desperatus. If you haven't seen my report on the noobius desperatus, it is basically a noob who is active in having/wanting a Gaian gf/bf. Hybrids are mostly either dangerous or too stupid to be. However, they are a force to be reckoned with when angered.

This is the conclusion of my report.

I have found a new kind of n00b...
the Nubious-Temperous ... a spontanious little creature that i very sensitive to flaming. They are most common spouting lines like " :: Chases down and stabs with pitchfork :: " and " :: Kills in a rage !! scream scream scream :: " This one is also commonly a Hybrid with the Nubious-Pronuncious, which turns out with nasty little posts like " :: stbs wth rustyz kiFe !! scream domokun xp scream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:: " These n00bs are uncommon but annoying none the less. There is still progressive reasearch about the Nubious-Temperous in progress.

a professional investigator of crimes due to n00bish activity reported:
Through conclusive studies of these "n00bs" it has come to my attention that they all posess a phychological need to annoy. I also understand that some types of these "n00bs" eat their young. Please proceed with caution as they enjoy what they call "flaming" and bugging the prominents. If you come across a "n00b" I would advise you to stay away from them. They might inject you with a chemical called "syron." "Syron" is a toxic chemical that causes your brain activity to lessen and perminent damage is possible.

Symptoms of the "Syron" are:
Feeling as you must annoy
Feeling you have to ignore the stickies
Posting dumb noncence
Running around thinking you are a monkey
and Death

Please seek help immediately if you feel any of these symptoms. Thank you and that concludes my report
The Predator of a n00b

A question that was brought up once, got us all thinking (and it hurt bad!)...

There is one species of creature that is closely related to the noob, but unfortunatly, it does not readily reveal itself until it is too late for the poor lowly noob. This creature may simply be known as the predator of the noob.
What exactly is the predator of a noob?
This is currently in research by a team of highly specialized, and well armed (for good reason) militants... er... scientists and is headed by Proffesor Kai, PhD. After their field research is complete, then we will be posting our results here. At this time, we are currently unsure of how to explain this oddity in itself, but so far, our research has shown great promise.

One of our researchers have brought us back some results concerning the promiscuous behavior of this predator...
Proffessor Kai Phd.
predators like moderatius cannibalis who has been informed by Gaianius simius the normal average form of gaian. Moderatius cannibalis quickly strikes the noob with great ferocity being the at the top of the food chain they can strike fear into the noob and instruct them in the proper ways of gaia or devour them is neccasary. And it sort of goes on like that.

It does appear that the predator, moderatius-cannibalis is not the only predator of the noobius-annoyance-ecterous. It does appear that it is heavily assisted by its co hunters, the gaianius-simius.

More from our same proffessor...
Proffessor Kai PhD.
Moderatius Cannibalis are by far the top predator of noobs. However many of you are wondering about gaianius simius well for those who must know these unusual creatures come in many different forms but i'll stick to the basics. Gaianius simius can be very nice to others of it's own kind however like all species there are exceptions to that rule and to newbies who eventually grow into gaianius simius. However when gaianius simius meets a noob the groups reaction can result in wide spread attacking of the noob. In this situation the noob either retreats or contiues to fight a battle it can't win until a moderatius cannibalis is called by one of the smarter gaianius simius group members. And that raps up my findings so far.

Concerning the noob who seems to take joy in "Bumping for rares", and what to do with them, Proffessor Kai states...
Proffessor Kai
Noobius bumpus are similar to ordinary noobs but have a slighty lower brain capacity for bumping. When a prize for the most bumps is offered these very foolish creatures will instantly assume if they put tons of bumps on one post they will win but they can also stretch the pages of a thread to ennoying proportion. In this process they risk being flamed to death. When encountering this creature it is best to warn them and if they continue ignore them and fetch a mod to devour the noob quickly.

The Noob Poacher
The creature, whom we will deem the Noob Hunter, or more accuratly, the noob poacher seems to rarely appear in public until it is ready to strike. It is a master of camoflauge and deception, but once it strikes, it creates a tremendously bloody mess that is most beautiful to watch. Common signs of a noob hunter include...
-Flaming and consistent explanations of "NOOB!" with much finger pointing.
-Guidance towards other sections of the forum, particularly, Welcome to Gaia.
-Hostilities towards Noobs, usually exhibited around other Noob hunters.
-Violent lashings and lynchings.
-Mockery of noobs.

It is quite common to see these noob hunters hunt in packs and stick together in defensible and powerful groups. Because of this, it is usually best to not anger the volatile noob hunter. Results generally turn to be devastating, whether the victim be a noob, or not.

The Noob Tamer
Keep in mind...
Not all Noob hunters are bad. Many hunt these noobs and properly... educate them and attempt to convert them from thier noobish ways. Many of these noob hunters have been seen to be very friendly and kind while others hunt for blood. These hunters we shall deem "Noob Tamers"

These noob hunters are not hostile and tend to look down on the viscious noob hunter. Common signs of this noob hunter include...
-Kind directing to the welcome to Gaia forum after some proper education.
-Reassuringly telling the noob not to listen to the hostile noob hunter
-Flaming of hostile noob hunters
-Participation in "Adopt a newb/noob" programs
-Kind asking telling to stop doing what they are doing
-Secretly reporting to a mod

Please bear with us that we do not look down on any of these activities. We are not stating anything as negative, but simply stating the facts. Please take no offense if you have done anything of any nature stated within here, as even the researchers themselves who put together this documentary are guilty of many things stated within here.

The n00b converter- the n00b converter is a cross between a n00b poacher and a n00b tamer. the converter or "murderer of n00bs if they dont act proper(M.O.N.I.T.D.A.P)" tactics are this this, they can go about in two ways flame the "n00b" until there burnt to a crisp and then try to teach the ways of acting proper, or they can try to get the "n00b" to convert right away and if it doesnt work flame them beyond belief or go to a moderatius cannibalis so the creature may be delt with i will report more of my findings in due time

Currently, we are happily accepting all helping hands with the research of anything concernign the strange creature of the noob, and its symbiotes.

A field test to bring out these Noob hunters from hiding was conducted by our Ruroni K.
Rouroni K.
My first report in a while...
Anyway, I did a field test. I posted a very convincing "I want a gf" thread and lured many predators in. It seems that the rumors about how they hide in wait until they find prey to strike is true. I also learned that when they gather in large numbers, their main plan of attack is to circle the helpless noob so it can't escape and attack from all sides, vicously tearing at the creature until none is left to oppose them, at which time they will go back into hiding to wait for more prey. Some will venture out a few extra minutes to check for scraps to tear at. It also seems that when noobius-annoyance-etceterous see one another being attacked, they will panic and flee but contact the victim without the predators knowing and reveal their true nature. Yes, someone PMed me saying they'd be my gf. The thread is here.

It appears the test was very successful and made him look like a complete utter noob. LOL, we love you anyways Ruroni blaugh heart
*Disclaimer thingy (for lack of better name) - it is well known that there are some things that may conflict with other peoples ideas. As such, some definitions may be deemed inaccurate. With that being the case, this documentary is very liable to change at times due to input of all valued Gaians. All suggestions for improvement can be posted in this thread and pmed to Sange. The goal of this thread is not to offend, but to largely entertain and with that, I am willing to edit offensive content to that which may be more accurate. And please, we all know that flaming doesn't truly get us anywhere, and I gaurantee, you will have a lot less fun than normal by flaming me, so please dont try. I just find it annoying to break your arguments like the frail spine of a Noob.*

If you do not approve of this thread and you do not like it, you are welcome to voice that opinion and tell us all we are stupid for coming up for such a thing or however you would like to voice it, but any malicious posts deliberatly attacking a member or anyone in this thread will be deleted. If the problem continues then you will be reported.

Bumpers of this thread are very much appreciated as by bumping we can allow the massess of Gaian's to view the facts on the noob.

if you do not want your name listed here, then please pm me, politely saying you wish to be removed from the list. You may also state so in the thread itself when you post. If your name is not on the list and you want it there, then please feel free to post it here or pm me. Your name will not be posted up here unless it is evident on your standing.

Supporters/Lovers/Enjoyers of the documentary, "What is a noob?" or just me razz
1. Ekstasty
2. Faded_To_Black
3. The Sharpie
4. CoCoNuTzIe517
5. NeoKii
6. Never Ending hurt
7. rpguy
8. HereticPineapple
9. Silpheous
10. Mistress FireNan
11. Cookies and Milk
12. Nostros
13. jboneandonly
15. KratosAurion
16. Jusuken
17. tequilawithlime
18. Holly
19. Departed Memories
20. cuddlymonkey11
21. Sehmicor
22. Jenn88
24. xxx~sesshoumaru~xxx
25. Hobo in a box
26. dragon_girl_z
27. Shuri_Tatara
28. Oz The Bitter
29. Herrek
30. Kai Hyugiha (proffessor Kai PhD.)
31. Jonk382
32. cheatsper
33. silkybean
34. Nexus Tear
35. Alina San
36. bucket of cheese
37. Lauren88
38. Valo
39. Rainydayreality
40. JSE
41. Kokiri129
42. Smoothcriminal
43. ~FrostDragoness~
44. sheenuh
45. Lord Shinobi
46. xXxDark_Death54xXx
47. Blade Dancer
48. Denara
49. Chianne
50. Deranged_Zeru
51. Phoebe of une
52. Fukyuu Kisaki
53. Son Tetsuo
54. Shalene
55. YukiNoTenshi
56. Jennimac
57. JaneEyre
58. liberi ignus
59. The Paper
60. Rawey
61. Crimson-Lily
62. CSI_Chick
63. Funky Kitty
64. [ xX Paradise Xx ]
65. hotandsexyninja
66. kyo89
67. YuHavery
68. Kittay Whiskers
69. Frosted Freak
70. Mimiru010
71. Amina Rayne
72. T ai
73. o0Magician0Girl0o
74. Shinzu Fauks
75. TheArgus
76. Von Miyoton
77. Despargo
78. IcePhoenix
79. Kikimeow
80. Warrior413
81. [ k a z e ]
82. Sindarin
83. tigerangel
84. rikimaru817
85. sweet666xx
86. enchanted_bunny
87. HeWhoFeastsOnTacos
88. Kamalla
89. Michan Starfire
90. CorpsClone
91. Aiko Natakashi
92. Immortal_Nuriko
93. Kagomeqt123
94. Kira-Yamato-san
95. blue_ice_eyes
96. Aya Hittori
97. Kitana_Asahi
98. EmptyDarkenedTears
99. Rising_Flame
100. Celebsul
101. [ Rikku ]
102. azureink
103. George Goat
104. Nekokaya
105. ErisApple
106. Hope Kojin
107. FReaKY_KoaLa
108. DeadlyAlly
109. Pink Sharpie
110. o+~Momoiru~+o
111. Arcius
112. Kingwarp
113. Kitana_Asahi
114. Shikai_Sama
115. Matashi
116. saphirebluepixie
117. Irish Rocker
118. llamallisa
119. XxCruel_IntentionsxX
120. Muffin Lover
121. Lollipop Lolita
122. -ProcrastinatingSpazz-
123. mumei_no_hito
124. RaistlinMajere1985
125. Tyr
126. Miro Woulfe
127. xXKujaXx
128. Zeke Sulastin
129. Xena Warrior Princess o.O
130. PrivateCreamPuff
131. Eeowynn
132. Richard_Leo
133. Duskshadow
134. Wasido
135. Kirra Kotone
136. Stuntedfreak
137. Fuzzy Boy
138. Lushiris
139. LoTB
140. Shadows of the Past
141. Birthday Boy
142. Maki-chan
143. Azume
144. dothackers
145. Daigoz
146. Rinasi
147. naggeela
148. Kamalla
149. shinji4kaworu
150. Jack man
151. Obsydia
152. Damn Straight
153. Ju Ju Be
154. Amaureahin
155. Lieutenant~Pepper
156. JinFlowwen
157. The Templar
158. Azume
159. Knives_Chan
160. Hikaru Motosuwa
161. Alice-Goth
162. Delano Aidan
163. Pary
164. Gear-Richie
165. mindless_fury
166. Lost-in-a-box
167. Showdown
168. Pineapple222
169. TheBlessedRaven
170. PiercingShadow
171. Arostik
172. Chitase
173. axlsrose6890
174. wodewose
175. darkwolf_cutie
176. Morphississ
177. Hayashi Aki
178. Demon-Eyes_Serge
179. Jaydstorm
180. Warrior_of_Boognish
181. My_Neko
182. Amaura
183. Sabura Ayami
184. Azuli
185. Kento77
186. sa.ya
187. EternalBlade
188. cHESTERbaNDmE
189. blacknred
190. explicit_lyrics
191. BevinKB
192. Kiashana
193. Vincent. V Ex-~
194. Amora Velvet
195. AeradicalSiren
196. Kain Leon
197. DiscordantNote
198. Bob_dole_42o
199. DeathByExplosion.
200. Shadounotomoshibi
201. pixie_16
202. lilangelicdevil
203. kaiko49
204. Miko_Kikyo1
205. radical_ed27
206. Dynus
207. Kyoko Toshi
208. James Evans
209. calico_mama
210. sXVampirePaineXs
211. Imagica
212. Nelowulf
213. Fang Shengnu
214. Harls
215. Cat Girl Solo
216. Demon_Dude73
217. Vlad Kaziglu
218. Rednecked Jebus
219. Sheenagoom
220. CleverConveyence
221. 2weird4U
222. Nishiki
223. Tails_Chan
224. Elemental Angel Kari
225. Darlita
226. Moiloka
227. Candira
228. jagged1
229. blackwindows
230. Ric3Paddy
231. PuffyCaveman
232. Konomi
233. Windward
234. shinken334
235. certified_gangsta
236. dark_wise_angel2
237. Joshoku
238. tasukis_gecko
239. OrangeOctopus
240. Anita_Red
241. Haunted Nightmare
242. volleybum
243. Sealer
244. dovanta
245. pinkroses
246. lexxie_lizzie
247. Kitsuko-kun
248. Amina Rayne
249. Ansata Myst
250. angel_wildfire
251. Kaira-Chan
252. JUST1FY
253. Eir Malfoy
254. WhisperALullaby
255. lyraadriana
256. Lord.Asmodeus
257. Ultima-Ninja
258. Mishikotoko
259. Qwer
260. Sheraiko
261. hieikyo
262. bbaxel32
263. Rewayna
264. forest_maverick
265. Marcivo
267. Iya Ilene
268. nightwalker22
269. Wolfster
270. gothchix2000
271. 7Konig7
272. Elarath Lunari
273. mike2115
274. hiraneko
275. wraith inamorata
276. Sandree
277. elbeanothegreat
278. WhiteWolffKiba
279. Perphekt
280. Fourth Ice
281. Narakyou
282. Genica
283. Sabura Ayami
284. Lakshmi
285. Mimiru010
286. Marcivo
287. JoGurl
288. XxHimmelxX
289. Wings of the Icarians
290. Synasia Harukadei
291. Ayumi Malice
292. SoraSono
293. kerushi_rii
294. [[Almighty_Sushi]]
295. Half_Pint
296. surfbaby89
297. quietriver
298. Doctor Powers
299. 666bloody_valentine666
300. GoddessofChaos1922
301. .Former Fetus.
302. Liquid_Soul
303. Yami_Tea
304. UchihaLyn
305. apocolyptic_intentions
306. Kohenkyo
307. [Sodium]
308. Andriana-San
309. Angels_wish
310. Lady~Mystic~Night
311. animekeeper
312. [Blueberry Muffin]
313. therockster420
314. Kohenkyo
315. Hunter2458
316. KirikouChan
317. Sir Doot
318. Angilis
319. blondyie711
320. Tikal the Echidna
321. chaos_lord2x
322. kotori-17
323. Misshelle
324. Grand Virus
325. MonkeyUgly
326. Takarashi
327. Mad Mak
328. Mario fan boy
329. Phaust
330. twinkleworm
331. JinxyLuis
332. Kari_Kitsune_Tenshi
333. mooncast
334. Locasta
335. Suzuka Shin
336. -silver_voice-
337. cake hole
338. Kieshi
339. iisgray
340. [[Neokun]]
341. bashfulkisses
342. Prozac-man
343. phobia2001
344. tainted_rhapsody
345. Tamiyo
346. Whozit
347. Yaz0rz
348. pink_a_licious
349. sanoto
350. Lord_Selios
351. Polarbeargirl
352. Blado
353. maralyn88
354. Adabelle
355. dark_one333
356. te_matare
357. Sarah Greene
358. KagomeTheCutie
359. Korya
360. [evilbunny965]
361. smurrfull
362. [KandiiKid Niyo]
363. Harry_Potter1890
364. jake_canton
365. RainPing
367. Johnny_Frostbite
368. brittle_horn
369. Shadowed_Raven
370. wacko_jacko3

Haters/Against/or just doesn't like the documentary, "What is a noob?"
1. erikasaurusrex
2. ~18a~
3. StephieSama
4. Raichiori
5. Celahir Elendil
6. Queensryche / Pirates_life_for_me
7. Elideth
8. kotomi_mitsu
9. Dosu The Sound Ninja


Again, if you do not want your name up here, then please just PM me and i will remove it as soon as I recieve the PM.
Many polls will be run within this thread to help accumulate more research and input from many of our valued Gaians. The results of the polls will be posted right here.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Any noobish polls, please send the link to me so that i may link them here.

and other loved threads and/or links.

The Ways of a n00b. - a great thread put together by Muffin Lover listing the annoying practices of noobs.

The Unnamed Market - Sange's market guild.

The Homestarmy - Sange's Homestar Runner guild.

Glitch World - Glitch Master's Anti Noob Society Guild.

The A.G.N.A. Request Shop
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

For those who wish to put this in thier signiture, the code to do so is here...

User Image


User Image

Strange Announcements involving this thread and such, most of which have little relevance to much of anything, but i feel like announcing them for some strange reason.

12.09.04 (i think could have been earlier)
For some strange reason, the regular bumpers of this thread have resorted to making noises like animals.

Ninja kai changed his name to Kai Hyugiha

For some strange reason, the regular bumers/animal noise makers of this thread have resorted to odd random quotes actually giving even the "bumps" some entertaining quality

New Years day happened.

250 people expressed thier enjoyment of this thread.

For some reason, Sange decided that he wants to collect as much junk as possible from fishing. He accepts all donations of old cans, old tires, and old boots.


This goes out to all the major regulars of the thread. I (Sange) am not going to be too active on Gaia and may have to leave it altogether for a while. I dont want this thread to just disappear into nothing as alot of work has gone into it. I will soon make a new thread with a mule account that will be used ONLY for the maintenance of this thread, after it is relocated. The format of the thread will be my account (sange) giving credit and permissions to those who are to maintain it. The rest of the first page will be the posts of the thread under the mule account. I will give the password of the mule account to those who are to maintain the thread so that they will have the capability to do so and to update it as necesary. I already have in mind several who are qualified to undertake this, but i will need them to contact me. I will list those who are to do so here. PM me for the position(s). Those who wish, who i feel are qualified will be able to consider themselves co-owners of this thread.
positions filled
link for new thread here. please don't post in it yet. http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pt=1113699790&p=302456405#302456405

Sange got an Enchanted Trunk and a Blue Box by making this thread and later a pink link. It is good Karma.

KratosAurion got a pink link

YukiNoTenshi a pink link, 2 enchanted trunks, and a pink present box.

D.niel got a pink link

Kikimeow got a pink box and a blue box in ridiculously short time intervals... like... in only two posts. And shortly later she gets another blue box. sweatdrop and she decides to continue to mooch off of my thread and get an enchanted trunk.
What people have said about this documentary... AFTER they read the whole thing. I appologize i am unable to put everyone's comments here, but in order for me to do so, that woudl require sifting through 50 pages of posts and i am far to lazy to do that.

Hah, that was great.

Never Ending hurt
Very good. I am Never Ending hurt, and I approve this message. 3nodding

wow. how true 3nodding

s**t... I saw the thread title and I was gonna come in here and say you were one... sad o well.

Dan West
wow! weird topic!!! sweatdrop

Awesome dude! Bump for you. How long did it take you to write that?

i dunno how long it took to write. Probably bout 15-30 minutes

yes was it just the unbearable annoyance of newbs that motivated you to write this?

actually it was the Sterotypes thread that motivated me. I was about to say noobs were a stereotype in Gaia, but my explanation became long enough that i thought i should give it a thread of its own.

Cookies and Milk
I must say that this should be a sticky. xp

all of us were new....you shouldn't be mean...

*AHEM* "n00bs" are the bad kind of new-comers, the ones he is defining. we werent all "n00bs". but we were "newbies"

(is it really needed that i repeat myself?)

till the day we die pineapple. Till the day we die.

When I Look In The Dictionary It Says:Sange

He just defined it and he doesnt fit the description....

we were all noobs sometime....

We were newbies, not nOObs. 3nodding

Damnit man! Read thru the posts before making a statement. Thanks Maresuke for helping me not repeat myself. FOR THE THIRD TIME

in about 5 minutes stare

n00bs are people that flame when there is no need to flame, begging, chat talk like LOLZ omgz j00, thefts and ect.

newbies are people that don't know a bit of things and just wel hang and ect.

i'm not saying you guys didn't say n00bs and newbies are same..but, I see alot of n00bs thinking newbies and n00bs are same gonk

...wow 3nodding

Dang, I cracked up reading that!!! xd

oh i know more...this one is actuly funny
when noobs cant figure out how to quote
and this one time at makeout party some noob was begging for a girlfriend and he was on a guest accont xd

"if you dont know what a noob is you probably are one"Quote Xiao-yu/AppleX

Cookies and Milk
I must say that this should be a sticky. xp

hmm... would that be a bad thing? blaugh
Heck no, that would be the best thing next to the Halloween events! biggrin

that was just plain awesome

Not bad wink

That was sort of sucking up valuable time to do more important things.

What about the nOObs who don't read the FAQ and start asking stupid questions?

Ah, yes, more useful additions to the definition of a noob

well half the time they actually do know what to do, but they like the attention for acting stupid. But some of them truly are ignorant

That was absolutely amazing...

I think I love you...

Bear my children...now... domokun


Sange, you are my god, and not in a creepy way. sweatdrop

lolz Sange I lub you!!! xd he he he biggrin

well now this is interesting but trues

omg dude, I like, totally believe u, my freind joined a month ago and thinks his flame clothes r sexy, and cybers alot gonk

Hobo in a box
That's awesome! xd It's sounds like a david attenbourgh (sp?) documentary! blaugh

User Image
No, you suck. 3nodding

eek blaugh *rolls around the floor laughing*

That was soooooooo funny!

*gasp* *choke* lol....

Well written and not wholy offensive! ... I especialy enjoyed the differance between a Noob and a newbie....

Well done mate!

Thank you. It is the wholy offensive thing that i am constantly taking input from people for to avoid. It is meant to be comical, yet make people think "That is so true" and not be offensive at the same time.

I think you accomplished your goal quite well! I thought it was funny and very true, I at first was compleatly confused by gaia but then I got the hang of things...makes me wonder about those who have been here longer and still haven't picked up on forum/thread behaviors...oh well
Nice to meet you I have to go be a tutor IRL so later!

yes. i do not believe there is a single person who struggled at first learning things. As stated in the first post, the key word is LEARNING. Of course i did some stupid things when i first became a member, but i learned, although some things may have taken longer to learn than others. I really wish people would stop flaming me for this sort of thing. It only shows that they have not thouroughly read what i wrote. sweatdrop

We should get this stickied...

Oz The Bitter
A darn good tootin' thread. My hat goes off to you.

That was a great read, it made me laugh quite hard I must admit. You get a Kirby cookie for such a great thread.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


[1.] is actively question for a halo considered noobish? ...
[2.] We all would love to have a halo, that is very evident...
[3.]We all also know that its virtually impossible for any normal Gaian to get one legally, and getting one illegally will result in you being banned.
[4.]Because we all know its virtually impossible to get one anymore, do u think its considered noobish to actively quest for one?

1. No. The nature of the quest should be taken into account. If that person has anything less than two hundred posts, it would not be logical to go questing for even an OMG or letters or something. This is where we judge Noobs depending on their posts. If we do this, we must assume that person has never attended or had an account on Gaia prior to this account, and he or she does not know too much about the economy of Gaia.

2. I wouldn't. I passed by a quest [now archived] for the Halo a while ago. This particular one however was the famous 1g Halo quest, where To The Moon! was questing for a Halo to give away to someone for 1g. The aspiration of the quest was to give a high value item to someone else to disply his protest against economy and other stuff. The aspirant was an active protester of the prices in Gaia and the properties of Halos and other stuff. The purpose, though, was of good charity. Obviously this person was not a noob, as his quest reached well over ten thousand pages before being archived, and he stayed strong throughout. It all boils down to the intent of the quest. If I say 'If that person wants the halo for himself, he is noob,' obviously that is incorrect. But the intention must not be for oneself, the few halos available should be displaying the problem in Gaian economy right now.

3. Yes and yes. Therefore...

4. ...no. This is what we studying Forensics call 'slippery-slope' or 'non-sequitor.' "If we are in Rome, we are in Italy. We are not in Rome. Therefore, we are not in Italy." Obviously, this is incorrect, but this is where the fallacy in your logic lies. Just because it is very difficult to attain the Halo, does not mean the person is noobish. If however, one of your criterion states that a person going after impossible goals is automatically a noob, I will adress that later.

isnt MOH wonderful? hes such a genius and answered the question perfectly.

*Tear* It's wonderful.

wow that was great!

I ,personally, think this thread should be a Sticky. It cracks me up *stilling bursting out laughing ever now and then* *that wheres off* *goes into fit of giggleing instead of laughing*

Blade Dancer
YES! YES! WHAT I HAVE SAID FOR SO LONG BUT WITH SO MUCH MORE DETAIL! YES! AH HA! Ah hem. Sorry. I enjoyed this thread a lot. I might even put it on my subscribed threads list. I agree that this thread should be a sticky. In the "I'm new" forum. Or whatever. Anyway, I loved it. I shall give it to as many people as I can. Thank you for the entertainment. (YES! xd )

OH WOW! eek Many wonderful thanks go out to Kikimeow for her surprising and incredibly appreciated collection of quotes in this thread!
I told you all that I would do this I just didn't think it would be this soon, wish me luck my friends for I'm sure going to need it.

I ,personally, think this thread should be a Sticky. It cracks me up *stilling bursting out laughing ever now and then* *that wheres off* *goes into fit of giggleing instead of laughing*

Blade Dancer
YES! YES! WHAT I HAVE SAID FOR SO LONG BUT WITH SO MUCH MORE DETAIL! YES! AH HA! Ah hem. Sorry. I enjoyed this thread a lot. I might even put it on my subscribed threads list. I agree that this thread should be a sticky. In the "I'm new" forum. Or whatever. Anyway, I loved it. I shall give it to as many people as I can. Thank you for the entertainment. (YES! xd )

liberi ignus
I love this thread!!! gonk heart

Im glad someone has made a thread on the troublesome n00bs. I bow to you.

This thread entertained me emensly. 3nodding Never have I read such an intellegent insight to the noob world. xd God I love you.

omfg do you think pple will read that?

I actually read it, and think it's very good. Whoever made this thread actually did a really thorough research. 3nodding

Hehe... I love this thing! heart
Two thumbs up, for sure. ^_^

Fukyuu Kisaki
xd Haha! Good one, you made my day. biggrin

Intresting research. 3nodding This answerd some of my questions.
I'll have to come back here to check for uppdates on this issue. xd
Keep up the good work! whee

Mrs. Luvett
In my opinion, this is a VERY entertaining thread well worth the time it takes to read through it. How like people to take offense to something that could be enjoyed by all. I didn't see specific names mentioned or only certain people targeted. Everyone is left to judge on their own, so why complain. Oh well, perhaps that is how they have a good time.

liberi ignus
They ought to make this required reading for people who are new to Gaia. Mabey it'll make people stop and think. "Well, mabey I WON'T act like that!" xd

The Paper
An interesting read.

This is so cool!
I never really thought about the genetic composition of greed. That was quite an elightening documentary. Have you called
The Discovery Channel?

Oh my GOD! It was so god i managed to read it without feeling pains in my eyes.. Really 3nodding That was great. And congratulations that you hade enough will to write all that whee

Beautiful, sir.

Bear my children, please. gonk heart

No, his children are mine... I have claimed them... so says me... and Bob... 3nodding

Funky Kitty
I praise you and your team of scientist for taking on this fearful task. Going deep into the n00b mind takes much bravery, I salute you.

you got yourself all done only hope its made a sticky

[ xX Paradise Xx ]
You're my hero. heart

That's all I can do for tonight, I shall return tomorrow to finish. *Huggles* 'Night 'night

Night Two!

I like the fact Sange that you took the time to clarify the freaks we call noobs...but...i'm not gonna read it cause it's so long and my brain would hurt. Btw i'm not a noob because of my clothes, just sold it all for a quest.

Just as long as you don't think that you're all high and mighty because of your clothes, its all good. 3nodding
Lol yeah i think i've been pegged down a knotch just wearing this so dont worry.

I wore peasent clothes as my Halloween costume. xd

Yay I wasn't alone in my costume choice! I mean umm... erm... hey look praise! ninja

Shinzu Fauks
I deem this thread, ^Fuxing Awesome^. O:

nice documentary

Von Miyoton
you made me laugh: you deserve a pat on the back *pats on back*

shadow dragon assasin
*eats your cheese* domokun

We should only hope to be just that deserving of your cheese eating Sir! 3nodding

I want to say that this thread is awsome and am looking into other species of Gaia. One is called Gaianus obsessedus, one that is constantly on gaia and flames those that makes a small mistake. I will be back with a report later. I am Despargo and I approve this message.

Yes, I agree with your studies Sange. Good work! The more we know about noobs, the easier it will be to effectively reduce their numbers by educating them or by more violent means.

Heh... this thread is so accurate... I'm relatively new to Gaia but this applies to so many other forums/games/etc. And I never did n00bish things! Keep up the good work.

[ k a z e ]
Dear god.

I love you, Sange. -cling-

This is an amazing, sticky-worthy thread. 3nodding


I think that this thread is the most important one on Gaia! N00bs are over-ruling Gaia and should all be killed or something. I can't take it anymore! There are no good RP's left without n00bs everywhere... *sigh* This documentary is my hero! Literally there is no where to get away from them and there 'ways'! Maybe this thread can save me... *hopes*

actually......I think it's pretty damn funny! AWESOME THREAD!!!!! xp

oh....love the Counter-Strike 101 Siggy...... xd

thats alot to read but i read it. its very well put together. just wondering if you were trying to offend the poor n00bs. but yes it was funny 3nodding

no, not to offend them. I've actually had several PMs from newbs telling me "Thank you for lettings me know how to not act so i wont be considered a noob. And thanks for letting me know the difference between a noob and a newb." Its pretty much just for entertainment purposes, much like Gaia.

g2g... be back in a bit... gotta take sister to school.

Wow, couldn't of put it better myself. Thank you. xd

That was excellent! Two parts irony, three parts offense, two parts genius...

Hmm....I liked it. Unfortunately I have done noobish things before, now I am afraid of those predetors. Hehe

Michan Starfire
whee Brilliant work. It was not only entertaining, but true! I also admire the fact that you listen to all sides, consider other viewpoints, are willing to re-evalutate your data, and provided a good description of the difference between a n00b and a Newbie. Put me on your list, cuz' I'm definetly a fan of this documentary!

this thread rocks, man xd

Aiko Natakashi
This is the funniest thing I've read so far and I think im still considered a newb ninja

*Bookmarks* Excellent Documentary! I never knew that there were so many different types of noobs! I'll be telling my friends on Gaia to read it, I bet they'll enjoy it too. This should be stickied!

100% agreement with this thread and anything else I may have missed.....good job....this could be put into an encyclopedia ^_^

This should be stickyed, no doubt 3nodding

Aya Hittori
Nice, very nice. I actually read the entire thing and I didnt get bored once. surprised I give this thread an A+. heart

Haunted Nightmare
<center>This thread is interesting.

that is hilarious lol I couldnt have put it better or have had the time to but congrats.
omfg do you think pple will read that?
All this work, and your threads still sucks. sad
Celahir Elendil
All this work, and your threads still sucks. sad

please reread
Celahir Elendil
All this work, and your threads still sucks. sad

please reread

Oh hell no. I'm not reading all that again. neutral
Celahir Elendil
All this work, and your threads still sucks. sad

Use of an impolite word. Noob alert.
omfg do you think pple will read that?

read the original thread and my list of lover/supportors and you will recieve your answer.

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