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<center>The Prophesy</center>

<center>Of female twins, rich, but wise,
of a man with a past long forgotten,
of a girl, pure of heart
of a man, destined to obtain the knowledge,
of a female, not of this race, to see this gift,
of male twins, destined to love the other pair,
of a couple, who shall lead them all...

<center>Table of Contents:
I. Prophesy/Table of Contents
II. News
III. Story
IV. Rules
V. Profile Sheets
VI. Member list
VII. Submitted Profiles
VIII. Black/White list
IX. Banners
X. Prophesy Explaination
XI. Reserved</center>

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May, 2005

May 29, 2005 - The thread is opened

June, 2005

June 5, 2005 - First person added to White list! yay!

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<center>Of female twins, rich, but wise,
of a man with a past long forgotten,
of a girl, pure of heart
of a man, destined to obtain the knowledge,
of a female, not of this race, to see this gift,
of male twins, destined to love the other pair,
of a couple, who shall lead them all...

This was the prophesy of a man, with the gift, and yet, a curse, of seeing the future long before him. It was then that he foresaw this event, and wrote this brief prophesy. Hence, it was called the Prediction. People waited for these special saviors to come, to save them from something they weren't sure of yet.

Then it came. At first it opposed no threat, but gradually it worked it way up, though the ranks... a mere soldier, head of his rank, chief of the army, then, finally, ruler, or as most would say : a tyrant. He appointed few or his loyal subjects as heads of certain territories, while everyone else was thrown into extreme poverty and cast into darkness, the only thing they survived on was waiting for the day when the Prediction came true. Unfortunately, it never came. It had been many generations since then, and very few people now believe. But, unknown to them is that they're long awaited saviors have come, though, they do not even know what their role in life is, yet.

Their journey begins, in the world called Lacigam, where magic thrives, and weapons and technology is still primitive. From here, they must find one another, figure out their distinct role in their life, and then learn the meaning of friendship, and love, and defeat the Darkness.

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<center>I. No cybering! (keep it pg-13)
II. No godmodding!
III. No killing, unless you have permission from the person
IV. Please keep to the story line
V. Please no one-liners, though, an occasional one is ok
VI. Use (()) or [[]] when speaking out of character
VII. Please tell me (Tsuki112) if you are going to leave for a while (tell me for how long) or if your permanently leaving.
VIII. PM me your profile or else i won't accept it
IX. Do not post before i accept you, or else you will be banned
X. Just to see if you read the rules, title your pm, with your profile, your favorite color
XI. Be nice and have fun 4laugh

I will ban people who do not follow the rules provided</center>

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<center>Profile Sheets</center>
(note: you can send me these now, but don't post)

chosen people from the prophesy
chosen people from the prophesy
Weapon: (three max.)
Race: (please be human unless you are the one who discovers the 'gift')
Which of the chosen: (put line from prophesy)
Powers: (2-please make all of the chosen one's powers different)

Weapon: (3 max.)
Powers: (2 max)

Weapon: (3 max)
Leaning more towards which side: (good, bad, neither)
Powers: (2 max)

Weapon: (3 max)
Position: (tyrant,1, cheif of army,1, head of rank,10, soldier)
Powers: (2 max)

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<center>Member List</center>

chosen ones:
Chosen ones

Twins, rich, but wise: Iroka (Tsuki112) & Okami (FireNeko25)
Man with past long forgotten: Tyll Marvel (TyllMarvel)
Girl, pure of heart: Catalana, but most people call her Tala (Tiger Dream)
Man, destined to obtain the knoledge: (Zelos Wilder-the chosen)
Female, not of this race, to see the gift: Jezebel (jedi_princess or jezebel_in_hell)
Male twins, detined to love the other pair: &
Couple who shall lead them all: Elkana Elva (Hey_Sue_Sita) &

*Emma (Askua_Kasumi)



chief of army:
leaders of territories:
head of rank:
1. Ashi Naru (Wolfen_blaze)

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<center>Submitted Profiles</center>

Chosen ones:
chosen ones
Username: Tsuki112
Name: Iroka Mitsuki
Age: 17
Weapon: bow and arrow and a short sword
Race: human
Which of the chosen: of female twins, rich, but wise
Powers: can create and control illusions and can communicate with animals
Bio: Iroka is the younger of daughters of one the men chosen to rule over a terriroty, who was very loyal to the tyrant. She grew up with her sister, Okami, under the influence of the tyrant himself, though, she had many different opinions. Having everything served to her and having the most brilliant people as her teachers, Iroka has gained a bit of an air or arrogance and even grace. She had always wondered what it was like as a servant or as a poor townsperson, for she was not allowed to leave, for her father feared that she may come to agree with the opinions of that of the townspeople and go against the tyrant. She is wise, and yet, stubborn, arrogant at times, and sometimes acts as though she is better than those in a lower rank than her, but she is kind, graceful, thinks things through before acting, and loyal if you can get past her shell. She shows great respect and is always kind to her older sister, Okami, and would sacrifce herself for her well-being.
Appearance: click! (is the one with the shorter hair, but not dressed that way)
Other: Irkoa has a soft spot for animals, and will do anything for one, though, she is mainly rude and ill-tempered to other people, except her sister.

Username: FireNeko25
Name: Okami
Age: 17, but older than Iroka
Weapon: A sword that glows like fire, a bow and arrow, and two daggers.
Race: human
Which of the chosen: Of female twins, rich, but wise
Powers: Can control fire, and can change into animals, her specialty being a wolf.
Bio: Okami is the older of daughters of one the men chosen to rule over a terriroty, who was very loyal to the tyrant. She grew up with her sister, Iroka, under the influence of the tyrant himself, though, she had many different opinions. Having everything served to her and having the most brilliant people as her teachers, Okami has gained a bit of an air or arrogance and even grace. She had always wondered what it was like as a servant or as a poor townsperson, for she was not allowed to leave, for her father feared that she may come to agree with the opinions of that of the townspeople and go against the tyrant. Okami is very kind and laughs a lot. SHe loves to help any one in need, and loves animals very much; she also has a soft spot for little kids. She is always kind and has great respect for her younger sister.
Appearance: click! (except w/o the elf ears, wings, and in a normal outfit ^^'')
Other: Has a demon cat named Kaji. click! (this is my kitty in real life ^.^)

Username: Hey_Sue_Sita
Name: Elkana Elva
Age: 18
Weapon: Long sword, bow and arrows
Race: Human
Which of the chosen: of a couple, who shall lead them all...
Powers: Control of the Elements
Bio: Elkana grew under the rule of the Tyrant, living firsthand under his crule hand. She works in his palace as a hand maden and wants nothing more than to bring him down. Her mother is owned by the Tyrant, and though Elkana knows not what he does with her, she fears that one day her fate will be the same. She is trained in the fighting arts, and her inborn powers have been nurtured by other residing in the palace.
Appearance: click! (without the wings)
Other: Elkana is sweet in disposition, but become deadly serious when it comes to her future.

Username: TyllMarvel
Name: Tyll Marvel
Age: 21
Weapon: Dual Katanas
Race: Human
Which of the chosen: of a man with a past long forgotten
Powers: Control over the air and darkness
Bio: He is rumored to have been killing sence he could hold a weapon, but no one really knows.
Appearance: Averge height, slim build, brown, shoulder length hair, black shirt, black pants, black boots, almost looks like a former soldier. Looks completly like a human and also completely evil. He wears a army like jacket which is starting to fade. It used to be a deep shade of blue. And it has a patch over his right breast. Though it is faded as well, you can still see what it has on it. It is an insignia of two serpent-like dragons coiled around each other. Few would know what it means.
Other: N/A

Username: jedi_princess and jezebel_in_hell
Name: Jezebel
Age: looks 21
Weapon: bow and twin blades
Race: elf
Which of the chosen: of a female, not of this race, to see this gift,
Powers: elf spells
Bio: : Jezebel is a elf princess from a far away land but she does not like to be treated as one and most of the time does not act it. her elf kingdom is ruled by women. yes there is a king but the queen is the main ruler. she she has a very bad habit of treating men like she is in charge. even if she had found that most humans dont like it to much.

she is a very smart girl most of the time even if she dont act it all the time.

she left home cuz she could not stand always being nitpicked by the ladys and men of court she hated never being able to be her self.

she is very good with her bow and almost as good with her sword. she like all her family is a spell caster. but her being so young for a elf (only 550) and so untrained it makes her tired easy and if she uses to much of her life force she can die.

looks: click

Username: Tiger Dream
Name: Catalana, but most people call her Tala
Age: 17, almost 18
Weapon: Bow, arrow, and a small daggar strapped on her shin
Race: Human ^^
Which of the chosen: Girl, Pure of Heart
Powers: Ability to transform into a tiger, and put up a force-field around herself and a few others
Bio: Her parents were both killed when she was very small, on the order of The Lord, but she and her brother survived, unbeknownst to him. They traveled the land together, and he taught her everything, and, as times grew worse, they took refuge in the forest, away from everyone else. Her brother recently began to encourage her to leave the forest, and so she has, and begun her journey.
Appearance: She's petite, barely 5'4," but makes up for it in personality and optomism. She has shoulder-length sandy blonde hair, which often falls over her intelligent green eyes. Her eyes seem to see into your soul and know what you are thinking. She prefers to wear airy skirts and loose blouses, which gives her room to move.
Other: She often studies people, and doesn't talk often. She's shy at first, because of the time spent in the forest alone, but warms up quickly.

Username: Asuka_Kasumi
Name: Emma
Age: 26
Weapon: none
Race: human
Powers: Fire

Age:16 (young at age but wise at heart)
Weapon: (3 max.)
Race:fairy/human/ and Telapath
Powers:Telapathic powers.
Bio:Living with her family, Adrianna has had a hard time in getting accepted by many races because of her mix between humanity and fairy.
Appearance: :click!!

Username: ShadowArchangel
Name: Damyan Dalak Nick: Shadow
Age: 35
Weapon: A sword made of a black metal that has a strange luster to it and a guauntlet on his other hand with sharp claws as fingers. The gauntlet color is white.
Race: Unknown (some say he was the failure made from a prototype biological weapon. The number 5 carved on his side seem to prove this idea. He just wanders now)
Leaning more towards which side: Neither, he is right in the middle.
Powers: Control Shadows and light sources. Everytime he manipulates either of them part of his body opens with a wound. He seems to be the perfect balance of good and evil and if he tends to either his body suffers.
Bio: A ritual gone wrong created him. He's human born but his soul is half a lesser demon and half angel. Giving nature to his powers, yet he cannot use them at all before his body destroying himself.
Appearance: click
Other: He will never choose a side that is not his own. Helpign others for no profit pains him. Harming others to protect pains him. He will stay on his own, always thinking baout his own safety. But in the reality he suffers all days. Enjoys music as it seems to be the only neutral thing he sees worthy.

Name: Ashi Naru
Age: 18
Weapon: Ashi holds two midnight daggers at her sides, made from the finest tanzanite gems (they are blueish black jewels that are really pretty! *.*). She also has a obsidian blade with a single tanzanite jewel in the hilt. They are believed to contain a secret power that has yet to be discovered. Ashi is still trying to unlock these powers, but to no avail...so far...
Race: Human
Position: Spy
Powers: Ashi has power over storms. She can manipulate and create clouds, and make it rain, sleet, snow, or cause lightning. The problem with her power over storms is that it drains her energy a bit, but she is currently working on lasting longer when using this power. She also has the power to blend into her surroundings. If it's a street, an alley, a forest, you name it, she can blend into it.
Bio: Ashi was brought up in the castle with her mother as a servant. One day when she was 13, she went to clean the tyrant's room, which is really rare for a servant to do. She heard him coming in, so she used her blending powers to hide, but she still cleaned his room. Finally, the tyrant noticed the moving cloth on one of his tables and tryed to place his hand over it, causing Ashi to scream and appear. The tyrant, glared at her and had some of the guards hold her as he thought. Then he desided to use her as a spy for the kingdom because of her abilities. Ashi has been a spy ever since, with excellent skill of sneak attacks but barely known. She is still posing as a servant and enters into the tyrant's room daily to send her reports and get new missions.
Appearance: Ashi Naru (w/out elf ears)
Other: N/A

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<center>Black/White List</center>

<center>Black list
None! Let's keep it that way heart heart

White List
White list
Ok, for those who may be uncertain as to what a white list is, it's a list, obviously, that lists people who have either submitted or done something that i am, or someone else, is very grateful for and would like to let that person know by adding them here... so if anyone wants me to add someone, just ask ^.^

Tiger Dream - for advertising my thread for me and being loyal, thank you!! ^.^

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none yet.

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<center>Prophesy Explaination</center>

Well, just recently someone asked me what the roles of each person, or people, in the prophesy are. Well, i have a feeling that in the future someone may ask that again, so why not put it here whee .

Of female twins, rich, but wise-

Well, their role is that since they are high up in rank, they can easily get to the tyrant, or others in high positions, with out any problems, which is useful to his downfall. Also since they are wise, they can sort out problems within the group, ect. easily as well as come up with covers.

Of a man, with a past long forgotten-

His role is that what ever his past may be, which should most likely not be to great, when the rest of the group finds out it will bring about disorder, unsureness, and distrust within the group, but will eventually bring them to trust one anther more, once they learn to trust him.

Of a girl, pure of heart-

Her role is to bring them all closer together, because since she is pure of heart she will not be able to think anything negative about anyone in the group, thus, creating a bond between them.

Of a man, destined to obtain the knowledge-

His role is pretty much to figure out how to use the 'gift' (which i will explain in a moment) and figure out a plan to use their gift in a way that they can defeat the tyrant.

Of a female, not of this race, to see the gift-

Her role is to figure out what the gift is, which is friendship, which will give the group the courage and ability for them to defeat the tyrant.

Of male twins, destined to love the other pair-

Their roles are to show the rest of the group the meaning of selflessness for thier love for the other pair, aka the female twins.

Of a couple, who shall lead them all-

Their role is to be the leaders of the group, and lead them through obstacles, be the ones to discover each person's role, as well as their own, and encourage and help them fulfill their role, and to love the one another (their a couple after all), ect.

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((yay! finally open ^.^ everyone can post now))
((should we start or wait

oh yes i thought if it would be best if i just rped here with this name 3nodding ))

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((should we start or wait

oh yes i thought if it would be best if i just rped here with this name 3nodding ))

((you can start ^^

oh, ok biggrin ))
Elkana took a moment to rest, the cleaning supplys that were once in her hand now resting beside her. Her head leaned against the wall in the palace, her eyes closeing. Slowly she brought her knees to her chest, takeing a few deep breaths. Soon she would leave, free her mother and avenge her father.

It was time to stand up against her master, if only she wern't only one person. She knew others hated him aswell, but none would stand up with her. Sure, they had shown intrest, but intrest didn't save lives.

She stood again ,taking the cleaning supplys and beginning to clean again.

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