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samples... blah blah.
                                                              xxxxC H a R L o T T e . J e a N . B L a C K w e L Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE CITY IS AT WAR ...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlaytime for the young and rich.
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIGNORE ME IF YOU SEE ME,
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'CAUSE I JUST DON'T GIVE A s**t.

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                                                                  xxxCharlotte leaned with her back against a brick wall, waiting. There was a thundering 'boom' and the car she had been watching exploded as it pulled up to the seemingly abandoned warehouse. The girl smirked and disappeared down an alley, picking up a backpack from behind a dumpster and sliding it over her shoulder without even stopping. If she had slowed her pace, there was more of a chance of her getting caught. Pfft. A Blackwell getting caught? Now that was the most ridiculous idea she'd ever thought of. She shook her head and smiled. Obviously someone needed more sleep.

                                                                  Now that was a challenge, seeing as Charlie didn't really sleep. Her eyes were closed and her mind was shut down but in her subconscious she was alert and ready to wake up at the slightest of touch. That's why people didn't really touch her. If they did they'd have their arm behind their back faster than they could blink, even her siblings, but especially these new classmates tomorrow. Ugh. School. Did their guardian hate them? Apparently because if there was one thing that was wrong with this late night 'take out' it was that she'd have to get ready at six thirty tomorrow morning. Why so early? Simple. Charlotte was a teenage girl and she had never been to school. In the movies they all fixed themselves up and made themselves look good so Charlie decided she'd give that a go.


                                                                  Beep. Beep Beep.

                                                                  Charlie's eyes shot open and she smacked her alarm. She'd only went through two before they were smart enough to get her one that was virtually indestructible. Mostly they needed it that strong because when she got pissed, a lot of her things wound up broken. Especially the annoying, beeping ones. The time was five o'clock. Did I mention she trained in the mornings? "Mmm!" she groaned as she rolled out of bed and stood up, putting her hair up in a pony tail and grabbing her new school cellphone. They were trained assassins, the Blackwell kids, they couldn't go to school with their 'work' phones.

                                                                  Yawning, the girl went downstairs, hitting each stair with a heavy foot. She just wanted to lay back down since she usually got to sleep for more than two and a half hours. She looked at her new cutesy, pink cell phone. Would she get to be a normal girl? It wasn't a desire of hers prior to this but now that it was almost time, she was kind of excited to see what school was like. The only contacts were her siblings' numbers and the house phone, should they ever actually need to use it. Charlie also put herself in as a contact so she knew her cell number without having to look it up in the settings somewhere.

                                                                  In the kitchen she pulled out the ingredients (raw eggs included) for her morning protein shake. For actual substance she decided a granny smith apple would work. The girl took her time at the kitchen island before heading to the basement training room where she worked light, only using the punching bags for kicks and punches.

                                                                  Back upstairs at six thirty on the dot, it was then time to go to take a shower, brush her teeth, do her hair, and play with makeup. She had trained herself for this a few nights before. Some eyeliner, mascara, a bit of eye shadow after curling her hair. Still wrapped in towel she hurried off into her room to get dressed. What to wear, what to wear? Oh right, she had a uniform. There was the collared button up shirt, the vest, and the skirt. Then she pulled up her knee socks and slipped on her shoes. Looking in the mirror, the girl felt ridiculous... and colorful. She was used to wearing just black or white or gray. It was all that she owned up till this point in time. Now she had weekend attire, popular band t-shirts, random colored skinny jeans. Basically anything she'd find in a magazine that looked interesting.

                                                                  Completely ready for school, new backpack included, Charlie went back downstairs and sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for one of her siblings to join her.

                                                ooc || let's hope I did this right! =/ sorry it's a bit short, it'll get better once I know what I'm doing! xD

                                                BANG BANG SHOOT 'EM UP,
                                                xxxxxxxxxSHOOT 'EM UP, YEAH.
                                                              d a v i d . a l e x a n d e r . b l a c k w e l l

                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBUT YOU CAN CALL ME ...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDAVID, NOTHING ELSE.

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                                                    xxxDavid knocked the handgun out of the man's hand and it skidded across the floor an equal distance from the fighting duo. They looked at each other before the man pushed the boy to the ground and ran after the gun. When the man looked up he found a gun in his own face. David pulled the trigger and was instantly showered in blood. He wiped the gun off with a handkerchief before pocketing them both.

                                                    "David, you have a talent for stealth and yet you choose to be reckless? You've at least got to somewhat keep your identity a secret or you're an immediate target. You and your siblings, do you understand? You're an assassin not a secret agent."

                                                    The boy sighed at his guardian's words. "It seems far more fair to face them head on. Besides, my siblings can all take care of themselves, you've trained them long enough." David loved his 'siblings' like they shared blood but he wouldn't bother worrying about them unless he needed to. Like in the case that one of his sister's met a boy.

                                                    There was a sigh on the other end of the earpiece. "Get yourself home so we can clean you up before you find yourself in trouble with more of Linguine's men."

                                                    "Roger that."

                                                    Back at home David forced himself into the shower, falling asleep under the steamy conditions. Then he brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and got dressed in his boxers since that's all he really liked to wear at night. It was six thirty when he landed on his bed, shutting his eyes, ready to dream for a bit. But not a second later, his guardian had knocked on the door. "Up David, time to get up." David groaned and rolled over.

                                                    "Daddy B, you know I just laid down right?" How could he not with all the gizmos and gadgets that watched over the house?

                                                    The man just smiled, knowing he could go to sleep after this, "up."

                                                    David yawned and forced himself out of bed, dressing in the stupid uniform this school was forced to wear. The boy was so tired and in a definant mood that hey left his shirt untucked and folded his socks down (not that anyone could see that part unless they had x-ray vision). He slipped on the standard black shoes before looking in his mirror and running a hand through his hair. Eh, good enough. It wasn't like he was ready to impress anybody. All he cared about was his family and his work. The young man reached for his brand new school backpack before heading downstairs to get some food.

                                                    In the kitchen he started with a glass of water before finally just deciding to go with some sugary cereal. What the hey, you only live once. He sat down with his Cinnamon Toast Crunch and poured a bit in a bowl before adding the milk and getting out a spoon. After the first few bites, though, he started to feel sick. Maybe that much sugar to start out with wasn't a good idea after all. He outed he cereal at that point and opted for a bagel with some cream cheese. The boy liked his dairy.

                                                    When David was all ready to go he wandered around looking for some of his siblings until he finally heard some voices. His three sisters were in the living room; Charlotte, Olivia, and Angie. He smiled at the three. His first sister looked perfect other than her swelling knuckles (he noticed this out of the corner of his eye) and the blood smear on her cheek. His other two sisters (Charlie and Liv) were both similar in the sense that they looked clean and tired but Charlie looked a bit more excited about today than Olivia did. "Ready for school Liv?" He didn't know why he was in a joking mood, perhaps because he was so tired, but school wasn't really bothering him as much as it did before. He was actually a bit nervous which was weird seeing as he took out people as a job and none of his jobs ever scared him in the slightest. But new territory with people he would have to try not to maim, that was going to be a challenge. Especially since David was a bit touchy like his sister Charlotte. But weren't they all?

                                              ooc || I hope this wasn't too bad. I just wanted to get David in as well! =D

                                              || HEY MISS MURDER CAN I | HEY MISS MURDER CAN I ||
                                              xxxmake beauty stay if I ... TAKE MY LIFE?
                                                              xxxxC H a R L o T T e . J e a N . B L a C K w e L Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE CITY IS AT WAR ...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlaytime for the young and rich.
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIGNORE ME IF YOU SEE ME,
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'CAUSE I JUST DON'T GIVE A s**t.

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                                                          xxxCharlotte didn’t have to wait for long as her younger 'sister,' Olivia, entered the room. When her sister asked about getting sleep last night the girl grimaced and reflected on this morning. Last night she had gotten home in a fair amount of time, she wasn’t too far away, but she still did her training this morning. Just the thought of the work this morning got her blood pumping right away. “I did alright, I guess. Although I didn't get as much as I would have liked.” They both knew that Charlie got in and got out when it came to her work so she could get sleep but the girl wasn’t about to miss a moment of training. The assignments didn’t stop coming so why should she stop training? "How about yo--" Angie had come into the house from a job at this moment in time. Charlotte bit her lip and chuckled to herself before turning to Olivia and re-asking, "how about you?"

                                                          After Liv answered, Charlotte watched as her older sister, Angie, came back down the stairs and into the room. Charlotte shook her head as her sister declared herself ready. Standing up the girl showed her older sister the white cuff of her shirt as if to say, ‘I’m going to touch you now,’ before rubbing the blood off the girl’s cheek, dirtying her sleeve a bit. “There.” Charlie laughed, “how is it you always manage to get bloody but have completely no smear in your makeup, Ange?” How was it that her sister could look so good after just being out battling the enemy was the real question? “And how did you bruise your knuckles up?” Charlie knew for a fact that her sister didn’t really do confrontation, even if she didn’t say anything about it. Something happened that the eldest Blackwell girl hadn’t intended on, that was for sure. Mostly the family didn’t do hand to hand combat unless they really had to. A bullet here, a detonator there, but all the fighting was usually done from a distance.

                                                          Just then the girl heard some approaching steps.

                                                          Hey David.” Charlie gave her eldest 'brother' a small wave and he greeted the three before asking Olivia about her thoughts on school. Why David wanted to tease Olivia on a morning such as this (the first day of school ever) was a mystery to her.

                                                          Charlie turned to Angie and nodded before saying, "alright, well it's obvious, you're never going to look better so let's get going but I'm so driving, I got some sleep last night." Both of the dark haired girls grabbed their backpacks and headed out to the 'Gizmos Garage,' as Charlie had nicknamed it, before backing out in the beautiful black, 2009 Jaguar XKR S. It wasn't the latest and greatest but Charlie loved that car, her first car.

                                                          There was barely any traffic and Charlie tried to go the speed limit the whole way to school. "Blend in, blend in, blend in," the girl chanted to herself as she drove and as she entered the parking lot she, with a ton of ease, glided into a spot within the lines perfectly, but that she could do with her eyes closed.

                                                          Unbuckling (wearing a seat belt was a law right?) and grabbing her backpack out of the back seat she closed the door and began walking with her sister into the school, making sure to press the car keys' lock button, not that she really thought she'd have to worry about that. She was big on her personal things, however.

                                                          Entering the building with Angie, Charlie pulled out the school map and her schedule. "So I think the office is that way?" she said, nodding off to her right. "And it says here we just have to check in and then we'll have to avoid the office for the rest of eternity." She laughed, "that may be a hard concept for David, though, his shirt wasn't even tucked in." Charlotte always caught little things like that but especially when her nerves were up.

                                                ooc || woot woot! (again I hope this is up to standards) =D

                                                BANG BANG SHOOT 'EM UP,
                                                xxxxxxxxxSHOOT 'EM UP, YEAH.
                                                              xxxxC H a R L o T T e . J e a N . B L a C K w e L Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTHE CITY IS AT WAR ...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlaytime for the young and rich.
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIGNORE ME IF YOU SEE ME,
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'CAUSE I JUST DON'T GIVE A s**t.

        User Image
                                                          xxxCharlie and her older sister had finally worked out where the office was but as soon as they shook the curious secretary (who asked way too many questions than she should have), they were approached by a boy and a girl that briefly held hands. Based on what she had seen in the movies, Charlotte figured they were going steady-- er-- dating. For a brief moment she wondered how it felt. Were the two in love? Did she have a lovely singing voice? Was he the quarterback with poetic personality or perhaps the best friend? That seemed to be what the people in the movies did and who they were and that's what she believed, even if their guardian had warned them that life was different than in the movies. The boy gave the girl next to him a gentle push to introduce herself before he went and introduced himself. Charlie looked up and locked eyes with the boy for a second before she became uncomfortable and looked away.

                                                          The Blackwell children never had these confrontations. Sure Charlie had been out to the supermarket with the nanny when she was younger but it wasn't like she went out to the movies on a daily basis and had anything remotely close to what this new world called a 'social life.' Charlotte Blackwell was quick and strong and great in a fight but when it came to boys and besties, she knew nothing.

                                                          Charlotte gave the two a small smile and waved once, feeling like an outsider as she always did but this time feeling uncomfortable about it. Angie said something but Charlie was too deep in thought to figure out what her sister said to her. She wondered what these people would be like. The new girls always got picked on, right? But then again there were no movies about six assassin teenagers. That would seem way too larger than life. She breathed out a quiet laugh to herself and then looked up, trying not to look at the boy whom she thought was staring her down.

                                                          Quietly the dark haired girl began to give the duo her name. "Hi. I'm Charlotte and this is--" Charlie looked over but Angie wasn't there anymore. Where did her sister go? Turning, the girl found out Angie had walked away. Oh, that's what her sister said, that she was leaving. "Well that was my sister Angelina. We're new." Right away she looked like she regretted saying what she did since it was the most stupid thing she could have possibly said. Of course they were new, the school kids weren't the only ones to do their homework! Charlie had researched the school again and again, apparently it paid to be wealthy. At least her guardian could vouch for that. God she didn't like this pressure! Rewiring bombs, she could do it in her sleep, talking to people... that was way too difficult.

                                                          Clearing her throat she said aloud, "anyway, it seems I have 'P.E.' first?" She wondered what P.E. could mean before she looked down and saw it was the acronym for 'physical education.' Uh oh! Physical education? Gym class? Nothing good could come of that. Surely 'Daddy' didn't sign her up for it? Next to the listing there was a star and it noted that this was required for graduation. Perhaps she could fake an ankle sprain? Or she could be extra cautious? Oh this was ridiculous! The hardest job of all, blending in.

                                                          "Excuse me?" Charlie said to the receptionist and turning away from boy and girl (who had previously called themselves Gabbi and Dante). "This physical education class, is there any substitutes for it? Perhaps a nice musical theory class or--" The woman raised her eyebrow and Charlie slouched a bit for a second. "I see."

                                                          She turned back to her classmates. They looked a little too friendly and eager to help. 'Blend in, blend in.' Sighing Charlie asked, "would either of you like to point the way toward the gymnasium?" The funny thing was, most wouldn't expect her to be as athletic as she was, even with her build. She could do a one handed hand stand, she could flip, and she was extremely flexible and yet Charlie didn't want to be in a class like that? Most people would assume that she wouldn't want to be in that class because she was poor at the curriculum, not that she was too good at it. Then again, most people preferred to show off while she liked staying in the shadows.

                                                ooc || crappiest post ever. forgive me! D=

                                                BANG BANG SHOOT 'EM UP,
                                                xxxxxxxxxSHOOT 'EM UP, YEAH.
                                                              d a v i d . a l e x a n d e r . b l a c k w e l l

                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBUT YOU CAN CALL ME ...
                                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDAVID, NOTHING ELSE.

          User Image
                                                    xxxDavid laughed at his sister's response to his question. The serious look on her face just proved to be a comical sight for him. His family could be so entertaining at times. More people entered and exited and before long Liv asked if he'd like to ride with her. He shook his head at her question. "Nah, I think I'll drive myself." David usually liked driving himself because he had that need for speed and because it meant that if his sister wanted to stay after for any reason whatsoever (although that was highly unlikely), then he could go home whenever he felt like it. So he followed Liv out to the garage before he started up his own nice, red, and most importantly fast Ferrari and revved the engine before driving off like a maniac. Of course he could get away with these things, there couldn't be a better driver than David Blackwell.

                                                    When he got to the parking lot of the school, he parked farther out so there was less of a chance for someone to hit his baby. Walking up to the school, David was too preoccupied with trying to remember his schedule that he missed his siblings completely and didn't even notice the weird glances that were thrown his way.

                                                    Inside of the building the boy basically followed the signs to the administrative area.

                                                    He noticed the girl held herself up as she walked, almost in a snotty kind of way, as though she was better than most other people. That was just his opinion, though, David had no idea what was happening in this girl's life, no back story, nothing. The dark haired boy watched as she went from the charming girl asking for a schedule copy to a rampaging psychopath that swiped a book off of the secretary's counter. Perhaps the book would be a good conversation starter. Psychopaths were always interesting to David. Really, though, who was this girl? She was the first girl he'd noticed in the school. The first person, really. That also made her the most interesting of targets so far. After a while there was no doubt he would feel the need to meet the rest of the student body. It wasn't like this girl yet meant anything to him.

                                                    Picking the book off of the polished floor and passing right by the office, he jogged to catch up with this girl. "Livia?" he asked, reading the cover. "What's that?" Of course the boy could read and all but he never read young contemporary things such as this. It actually looked fairly new and he wondered what caused her to just knock it off the counter like that. Did she despise reading that much? He smiled to himself.

                                                    The novel looked like it belonged in a series but it was pretty obvious with the number four on the binding. "I take it you don't like books that are about..." Looking at the back cover he read off the first thing he saw, one of the descriptions by the reviewers. "The greatest vampire love story of all time? What?" He suppressed a laugh. "Well, I wouldn't blame you. Vampire love stories? What do these people write these days? Who is this author anyway?" Again the boy looked on the back of book. "Joel Bixby... odd name."

                                              ooc || ooc goes here

                                              || HEY MISS MURDER CAN I | HEY MISS MURDER CAN I ||
                                              xxxmake beauty stay if I ... TAKE MY LIFE?
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                                                        xxxxT H E . W I T C Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                  xxxMax yawned as she shelved yet another book. Most people were fascinated by bookstores but after working in one since she was ten (nine and a half years), it gets kind of old. The shelving, not the books. Max loved to read and write, though writing was more of a hobby because her mother told her that very few people could support themselves by writing novels. So the girl shrugged off that dream and decided she'd like to open her own bakery eventually. One would ask why she was in school for the culinary arts and not business but don't get her started on it. The business in the town is fair but Max would have to move away to actually start up her own business and actually receive some customers and as much as she wanted to leave, she couldn't. Her mother was sick and she had no other family except a mysterious father that no one really knew about because she never quite talked about him. Once in a while she'd let slip a fact or two. 'Spaghetti is Dad's favorite' or 'Dad loves baseball.' That was as far as she got, though. She supposed she'd talk about it eventually if someone ever asked, but no one seemed to bother asking. Other than the fact that she had no family keeping her down, she was also young and broke and that didn't exactly help get loans to start up her own bakery.

                                                  Ackles, Margret. Shelved. Hansen, Denise. Shelved. That was the last book from the new shipment that just came in that morning. "Mom. Can I leave yet?" Max stood and dusted off her jeans. Her boots clomped on the hardwood floor as she descended the stairs. The bookshop wasn't too big but it was floor to ceiling stuffed with books. Old books, new books, books about princesses, books about anthropology. The place basically had everything in it, even some spellbooks in the back room where Max studied her magic.

                                                  "Alright Max just make sure you feed Gracie before you let her outside." Gracie was Max's beautiful black cat.

                                                  "Okay, I will." Taking the name tag off of her long sleeve plaid shirt, Max set it on the counter and rolled up her sleeves. Leaving the shop to go out back where her little guest house lay, the light haired girl opened the door and gave Gracie her scoop of food. The black cat hadn't been eating in a while and both the mother and the daughter of the Watson family thought that their cat was possibly sick, getting too old. They wouldn't let the poor cat wander until it ate something first.

                                                  Going to the dresser, Max grabbed her thin wallet and put it in the back pocket of her jeans. She was ready to go out to Trudy's and she was definitely in the mood for a sandwich and some tea. Perhaps then she'd be able to find Kate. Was she working today? There was a good possibility, that was for sure. Opening the door and then closing it behind her, Max jogged to the road before she began her journey to the cafe.

                                                  Outside of the cafe was a big sign that spun saying Trudy's. It was more a diner than a cafe but Trudy wanted people to refer to it as the cafe. "If you referred to it as a cafe, people won't expect it to be open all night" Trudy would say. Whatever that meant.

                                                  Maxie saw the sign said closed but she pushed through anyway and the bell jingled. "Trudy? Kate? Mel? Hello?"

                                                  Trudy came out of the back and smiled at Max. "I already made that sandwich for ya." Trudy finished drying her hands on a towel and then pointed to a booth where a plate and steaming cup sat. "Green tea, right?"

                                                  "I wasn't sure about tea but green sounds great, really." Max laughed, "how do you always know?"

                                                  "A good witch never tells." Trudy was a witch, indeed, which was why Max could get away with walking into a closed cafe and having food waiting there. Trudy and Bridget, Maxie's mom, were the best of friends. They shared spells and they brewed potions together. Max was pretty sure Trudy had a hint of psychic in her. Trudy never told the girl but she had her suspicions after the woman with the cafe told her everything she was thinking. It was a little weird at first but Max grew to not mind it so long as she kept her thoughts to herself around Trudy.

                                                  "Well thanks anyway!" Sitting down, Max sipped her hot tea and then took a bite of the sandwich. This one was grilled cheese which wasn't what Max wanted originally but it was way better than what she had thought. Perhaps her subconscious was craving a grilled cheese? Whatever it was, the sandwich was delicious and Max brought her plate and cup to the back where everyone worked to close up early today for that carnival.

                                                  Max spotted Kate immediately and jumped up to sit on the counter before her friend. Kate was the closest thing to a best friend the young Watson girl could get. As much as she tried, Max couldn't get as close with other people. Mostly because they had been here their whole lives when Max moved into town at around age five.

                                                  Anyway Max grinned at Kate. "So, you ready to go to the carnival?" Kate was a bit more antisocial than she used to be since her 'condition' started up but Max made sure that the girl got her daily dose of fresh air and socialization.
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                                                        xxxxT H E . W I T C Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                                  xxxWhen Max had been eating, Mel made her way into the kitchen from the bathroom but Maxie hadn't spotted Mel until she spoke up, which was odd because most everyone was always aware of her being in the room. Melissa Tanner was a flirt, it was part of her nature, and so everyone did the things she asked because, let's face it, who wasn't attracted to Mel at one point in their lives? Max just guessed that was a part of her personality. Mel came into sight as they heard the ding of the bell in the front, meaning someone was coming in. The girl wondered why there was another person coming in after Trudy’s had closed. Max had to laugh and tell Kate, though mostly just to get it aloud, "maybe you forgot to turn the sign to close after all. Did I imagine said ‘closed?’"

                                                  She couldn't stop smiling as Kate just pulled her into the front, though, where Till was talking. Of course, he wondered where June was but before Max could even say hello, he had his hands full with Kate and Mel's responses, though mostly Mel.

                                                  Then there was adorable little June, knocking on the window. She was so polite even though Trudy would have let her walk in without fuss like she did the Max and Till.

                                                  Next came Dimitri, although he really shouldn’t have counted because he worked there, but in Max’s mind, he counted as part of the mass. Kate had her phone out and seemed to be texting, but Max wasn’t one to look over people’s shoulders while they were on their phones… wasn’t polite and all that. Dimitri asked if he could tag along and Kate seemed exasperated as she put her phone away to answer the boy.

                                                  Their group was getting a bit large, even by Max’s standards. Trudy asked the two waitresses to deliver her oh-so-famous pie to the mayor’s house. As Kate got her coat on, that reminded Max that she left her phone on the counter where she had eaten.

                                                  Her dishes were cleared away but her phone was still right where she left it. She picked it up and saw she had a message… from Avon. Max’s heart skipped a beat –though she would never admit it was because of him, and would merely say the only logical explanation she could think up, she must have had a heart palpitation- as she read Avon’s text. It was sent to her and Kate. That must have meant that was who Kate had texted? Probably, since Kate only truly socialized with Avon and Max.

                                                  Melissa had insisted they leave and Max smiled at Kate, who seemed ready. So there it was, her, Mel, Kate, and Dimitri were on their way and rounding the corner. Something felt off but Max couldn’t really put her finger on it. That was, until Kate asked about Quin. “Oh my gosh! I was going to text him when I woke up! How could I forget?

                                                  Max skillfully pulled out her phone and texted whilst she walked.

                                                  tab tab To: Quinnie
                                                  Wanna meet up at the carnival? Kate, Mel, Demi, and I are on our way.
                                                  We just saw Till and June but I’m not sure if they’ll be going as well.
                                                  My guess is yes. =P Let me know!!

                                                  tab tab xxxx- Max

                                                  There! He Quin has officially been invited to hang with us! Thanks for reminding me Kate!” Max smiled and looked up, putting her phone back into her pocket. They just had to cross the street and they’d all be at the mayor’s house.

                                                  Mel and Kate had the pie but Max came up the porch steps like it was nothing, like she did this every day since she moved here because for a while, she did. Upon ringing the doorbell Max went into a bit of a panic. Did she look okay? She was wearing her boots, her jeans, a black t-shirt, a gray hoodie, and a jean jacket to go over that, since it was pretty cold out. Her hair was down and all curly as it usually was. Quickly she fussed with her hair as she heard footsteps approaching but she made sure to stop when she heard someone arrive at the door.

                                                  What was she doing? Max was worried about nothing. Avon was just a friend. A very cute friend. Nevertheless, they shared sleepovers and secrets back when… well, when his mom was alive. After that they sort of drifted apart. It wasn’t his fault, it was actually more Max’s. She didn’t mean to, but she was very finicky about her dad. Anyone who brought him up was sure to get a nice talking to. And that’s what happened with Avon. Still Max found herself holding her breath, just waiting for the door to open. Quickly she let it out and focused on breathing normally. No. There was no way she liked him more than a friend.

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