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In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

Because I didn't plan well enough xd

Here's the space for all the testimonials.

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In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

Testimonials pulled from Verge petition:
-My name's Drakokatze.
I've been a member since 2007.
Through gaia I have met amazing friends, some of which I now hang out with irl. I have learned a lot more about making my art better, and been able to have a place to get to know people better from all walks of life. I love this site for so many reasons, please don't try to make it into something it's not and remove the reason we keep coming back. Let's keep making it a great place for people to join/ stay. Fix it up and keep it up <3

-Username: Raff_sapphire6
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: Being able to connect with people and RP.
Anything else you wanna say: I would really like you to fix this site first and then go and do other things. Such as make a new site for adults. Thank you very much.

Member since: 2005
Why do I love Gaia: I've been coming on this sight since I was 12, i've used it for many different purposes. Right now I love it for the guild im VC for, and for all the friendly people who gather here.
Anything else you wanna say: I've given eight years of my life to gaia. when I first joined you really had to struggle for gold, and that was what made it fun, You had to post and chat to get "Expensive" items. It would be nice to have some of that old spirit back.

-I'm MagusPaladin
I've been a member here since 2005 initially when I joined I didn't do much just stuck to my profile page and whatnot but after a while I got out made good friends some enemies, met and lost someone wonderful but regardless I've always loved coming to the site to chat it up with my friends, now a days not so much with broken promises more cash shop items then an old man can shake his cane at and seeing the one item I've always wanted since joining being a crusade that takes a guild or two to attain just one

Member since:February 2013
What do I love gaia:I got good friends here I got a good boyfriend here they both make me happy gaia had changed my life alot.I like to go in towns 2.0 at the pond with my boyfriend and watch people talk at times XD.
Anything else you wanna say:I wish for you to slow down on the sales I wish some features would get updated

-Username: -I- Niveus Flamma -I-
Member since: 2006, though I changed accounts in 2009
Why do I love gaia: I just have so many awesome friends here and I really don't want that to change because of everything that's going on.
Anything else you wanna say: Less sales, and more focus on features you say you're working on.

-Username: Loquacious Loralei
Member since: May 2012 officially, but started back in '06
Why do I love gaia: All the friends I've met here, the bonds we've created together.
Anything else you wanna say: gaia. stop making horrible deciciions. You're making too many promises you can't keep.

-Username: SayaAki
Member since: 2009 on this account, 2006 on my original
Why do I love gaia: How many reasons can I give? I've been on this site for over six years. In that time, not only have I made incredible friends, but I met the love of my life. I took a 'hiatus' but I never really quit. Lately I spend almost ALL day on Gaia. What got me hooked back into it again was my wishlist was almost empty. I could finally finish my personal Gaia dreams and open a charity! But no. Inflation, and a RUSH of new items hit, and I've made little to backwards progress.

Anything else you wanna say: Gaia isn't supposed to just be able making an avatar with shiny 10 mill gold/50$ pixels! In the short time I've returned to being a HIGHLY active member, I've made over 10 friends. 10 wonderful, helpful, generous, caring, fun, entertaining friends! They make me happier than any item, and it makes me sad when the ones who are question give up on their quests because all of the inflation discourages them.

Yes, you are a business, but business needs to cater to all it's clientele, even the ones who only want the free things you offer. Those people might one day decide they like Gaia enough to donate. An investment, of sorts. As a business owner, I understand the importance of sales and building a bigger client base and all those good number raising tactics, but I also know you usually need to give to get, and right now you're doing a lot of taking and not so much giving.

Personally, I feel like you guys are hiding behind your "We're working on" and "it's coming" promises. Did you give us a new game recently like we've been DYING for? Yes. A Game you have to spend GC on to get a CHANCE of winning gold. I understand some of these things probably take more time, effort, and man power than most of us realize, but if you stopped trying to pump out 100 new items every month, you could be spending a lot of your time working on new/old features. Instead of having a whole team (as you probably do) working on new ideas for sales, you could have them divide their time between that and other projects that need attention.

I even supported and defended Verge and it's prices when it first came out. If you can sell something for that much, and someone will buy it, I don't blame you for doing it. but this MONTH of CONSTANT sales has really torn it for me. I can't sit idly by and have item after item thrown in my face.

What I think really needs to be thought about is "If I were a new member- even a new member in their late teens or early twenties (instead of the 13yrold audience we always refer to) would I want to join?"

I'm sorry if this was all very long winded but I feel very strongly on this.

-Username: Luxent
Member since: 2004.
Why do I love gaia: What can I say, Gaia is an amazing place in which people can talk freely about anything they wish, and it had an amazing sense of community. I used to even have a solid group of people I legitimately called 'friends' from here in which we would talk, joke, laugh, and go on MSN in group chats. Those were fond times that Im happy to remember, all because of Gaia-Universe! There was always something to do, like fish, explore the world map, check up on the stories of NPCs, etc. and that's honestly what I loved, and kept me addicted to the site.

Anything else you wanna say: With what I said above, the sense of community [usually tied down by group quests, arenas, and the like], has really died as of late, and I think a good reason of it is because of the incessant push of new items/gaia cash on us.

Because of the cash push, things like fishing, [and other features you've added over the past few years] have been neglected, all to make things more profitable for you. Things like Flynn's booty completely eliminate the purpose of quests, as anyone can just buy a Flynn's chest bundle, and earn 40mil on the MP, and get their item. This eliminates the time spent on the site, and also eliminates the possible conversations/games/friendships that could have been formed.

Gaia Cash may be profitable for you guys, but ultimately its draining to keep up with the constant sales/rushes of new items/push of gaia cash.

You guys received roaring applause with the Dernier Cri 2003 Re-colors, so take a hint and keep going in that direction! smilies/icon_3nodding.gif

P.S: Who are these 'economists' you claim to have hired and said Flynn's Booty wouldn't detonate the marketplace? I would like to speak to them... smilies/icon_stare.gif

-Username: Sweet Angel Mary
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I love the events and the users here. I love playing zomg with friends.
Anything else you wanna say: I'm tired of gaia spending more time either working on games for facebook or some 18+ site instead of focusing on keeping this site updated. I know companies should profit and expand but when we can't even keep guilds updated or get new games that don't involve paying cash to earn gold, then there's something wrong. The staff should be focused on keeping this site fun and enjoyable and that can't happen if management wants to take gaia's resources to use on other projects. I love zomg and I'm tired of staff saying it didn't make enough when it was obvious management at that time wanted to abandon it before it even had a chance.

-Username: Balbora
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I love spending time with playing games, posting in forums and just browsing. I met a bunch of nice people -even from germany like i am
also i met my boyfriend here. i just like spending my time here because i can't get much outside...

Member since:2008
Why do I love gaia: It connected me to friends from faraway places, provided me something to do on a boring afternoon, and through the forums i met my beloved wife
Anything else you wanna say: I went on a hiatus for a few years, and I semi-returned this year because I thought "man, this site is going places!" then it turns out the only place you're going is into my back pocket to take money, and not even through me! My wife has recently been spending ridiculous amounts of money on the site because of all of the constant "sales". She spent over $100 in the last month, and though she generally asks my permission first (usually by begging and being upset for days until I cave) her last purchase upset me to the point that i had to take away our credit card and change the password on our paypal account. This is money that I work hard for, and I want to work hard for me in the form of food, repaying my mortgage, and bills so I can lead a content life. But then you wave your flashy pixels in people's faces and that all disintegrates.

I'm not saying you force people to buy what you sell. But there comes a point where you have to say enough is enough and at least take a break. How can you expect back to back sales to yield profit? I bet by just waiting two weeks between sales your profit would double. Since most people get paid bi-weekly.

Also, I feel like nothing I'm saying will be adequately considered because I'm not a Club Verge member. We haven't been listened to for a long time, but throw a few bucks your way and suddenly something a select few have to say is EXTREMELY important.

also, BEAR MODE.

-Username: Pornim Maryam
Member since: December 2004
Why do I love gaia: I am allowed to do things I can not do in real life - cosplay! It makes me feel great knowing I can express my enjoyment that way since money is tight for me in real life to dress up like my friends. I also love the roleplaying here and the fun features like Towns and Zomg.
Anything else you wanna say: You guys need an intervention with your cash shop updates I'm afraid. We all think you should be more concerned about more than just making money.

-Username: Byaggha
Member since: 2003. I go way back.
Why do I love gaia: I've been here forever. It's always been a fun place to be; I've made a lot of friends, encouraged the start of actual art careers by egging on people who drew for Gaia Gold, and just loved every part of the community I spent a lot of time in (ED, Supernatural, Art, Questing.) This site has always been the one massive, lovable bbs I come back to time and time again.

Anything else you wanna say: Since the advent of cash shop, I've watched a steady decline in people being here. My old friends couldn't afford stuff, they stepped off the site because their avs weren't good enough for their own standards anymore. I've seen projects abandoned because they weren't huge hits immediately, despite the fact people had put money into them and wanted to see them evolve. It feels almost...lazy. And it hurts to watch a major home of mine online crumble like this. Please stop trying to expand so far and be 17 million different things, Gaia! You were at your best when you were a chat site with cute avs, not that plus 60000 half finished flash games, an mmo or three and a cash for items shop that feels like it cycles daily. Come back to us, we miss you!

-Username: ganchroi
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia:I really love that I've found a place where there are tonnes of other like-minded people that I can talk to and not have to worry about prejudice or any constraints like that. It has lots of different things for me to do, whatever humour I'm in - games, serious discussion, avatars, homes, cars, vending and just chatting with people I've gotten to know. I run a guild on here that's all about avatars and gaian fashion, and I've made some really great friends in there and throughout the fashion community. What's really amazed me and really made this wonderful for me is that IRL I've never really been girly and never cared too much about my appearance or what others thought of me; but through the fashion community on here I've found something I love and have started to take more pride in my appearance as well as having the knowledge to give advice on the area now. As a vendor I've also gained an understanding of economics and business that I've never had before and can carry on throughout my life now. Overall my experience of the site so far has been wonderful and I hope I don't ever have to leave.

Anything else you wanna say:
But with all that said, I feel that the site has been going downhill terribly over the past year. I feel that items have become too expensive for my trade on here to be viable anymore (not that it was pretty profitable in the first place - I'm a tekteker). The budgets that users need for nicer avatars has sky-rocketed and gotten out of hand - Little Lucie has been a staple for years in female avatars, and now with a minimum price tag of 1m only people who spend months playing booty grab, those with a knack for vending or those privileged enough to have spare cash can get it. Gaia needs to understand that there's a real life recession and allowances should be made to take this into account. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to make money using GCash, but try to tone it down a bit and stop directly selling gold for cash. Club Verge for me was the nail in the coffin; you made a guild exclusively for people who have money to spend on gaia just to sell them even more exclusive items that have huge price tags on them ($500 for a doll!?! Really!?!) Flynn's Booty is also just driving me crazy; why would you create that much gold with nowhere for it to go! Nobody can afford anything anymore; people I've talked to are either leaving the site now or hoarding what they have in gold until this "all blows over" - but they waited the last few times for it to all blow over as well! If I lived in the US I'd genuinely go to your main office to complain to you in person - the only reason I feel you can ignore us is because we're not in your face, we're just pixels. And that's how I feel about the site - even with all the joy it has given me it's just pixels, and I can give it up anytime I want and you can't justify users spending so much real money on something they will never physically hold in their hands - we have to eat damn it! Food costs money, rent, electricity and gas, healthcare, education, travel - all of these are necessities, and you're trying to rip what little money people have from them for something they'll never physically have!?! At least if I spend my spare cash on ornaments or video games or a TV or a bicycle, I will have those things until I get rid of them or they break. Gaia doesn't even have the security to protect our investment - so many people have been victims of hacking and been left with nothing after investing real money in the site. That's the equivalent of stealing, real life stealing. Yet you, as the police of the site, stand idly by and allow us to spend even more money as you line your pockets.

If you can't even bother to read all of this, gaia admin, then take this small note from my rant;

All social networks have a life span of about 10-12 years; are you prepared for the same fate as MySpace?

-Username: Hugs for Marik
Member since: 2010 on this accout 2008 on other
Why do I love gaia: When I moved a few years back I found myself in a place where I had no friends. My step sister told me about this site and I joined with nothing else to do and found many friends here. I soon fell in love with Gaia and it's community and was on everyday. On top of that, zOMG was released and it is a great game to play.

Anything else you wanna say: When I felt like showing my appreciation for this site I would get a little Gaia cash here and there. However, now that Gaia is constantly trying to push cash shop items on me I feel less inclined to do so. Gaia has turned into a money hungry site and this I do not appreciate and won't spend money on. Almost everywhere I go on Gaia nowadays, people complain about how bad prices for these virtual items are. Also, zOMG needs an update. There are still so many Gaians there that play almost everyday but doing the same thing over and over, well, zOMG is losing it's charm. I would really like to see Gaia get back on it's feet and have less of it's users angry at it all the time.

-Username: h1sarmyw1f3
Member since: 2010
Why do I love gaia: This is a place where I can come home from a long day and relax. I can always be my self on the site and I feel like I do have people on here I have met and grown to know very well that I care for and would not have met them any other way.
Anything else you wanna say: I have put so much blood, sweat, and tears into my gaia account, including thousands among thousands of dollars. I love the site and I will continue to support it but I really want to see some changes to the site as well. I know they are having these flash sales and special offers because they are a business and they need the GC purchases right now, but after all the gold they flooded into our economy I would really like to see them have a gold sink. I saw the announcement and I know they have something coming but it didn't seem like the kind of gold sink that would really balance back out the economy. I was hoping they would do some kind of drawing of a sort, for like a really really fancy item, and people could buy tickets or something. I don't know maybe I am blabbing now but I would really like to have Gaia do something to show the community that it doesn't just want the money for business but that it also wants to make proper changes to the site to help improve everyone's experience.

-Username: LemurNipples
Member since: 2009ish
Why do I love gaia: I enjoy the people, the art community
Anything else you wanna say: The recent Flynn's booty chest? Personally, I thought Gaia wanted to drive down the inflation. It used to be a lofty and near impossible goal was trying to save up for an item that was 500,000 gold and would take a lot of work. There is too much emphasis put on Gaia cash items and CI's (and this is from someone who is kind of addicted to them). Gaia - please trend back to your roots

-Username: II BlazeoftheCookies II
Member since: 2009
Why do I love gaia: Because of the amazing variety of the community. I have never seen so many nice and kind-hearted people on my entire life of social networking. This site truly is a blessing and it would be a shame to see it go down by inflation.

-My name is SakuraSyaoran
I have been a member since 2005

I love gaia so much. I have been on here for so long, I wouldn't dare think of quiting. I log on here every single day. I have made great friends on here of various kinds. Back in the day my favorite thing to do on here was to have adventures on zOMG with my crazy firends. Sadly those days are over. Many of my zOMG friends have stopped playing and sadly so have I. I didn't even play to earn gold. I played because it was a great adventure for me, so I was heartbroken that they quit working on it, even more so when a lot of my friends quit playing all together. I 'm happy that I still get to spend my good times in the forums and meet some really great people. Gaia is just a place for me where the adventure never ends and I meet firends to go along with me on that adventure. It also was the one place I could go to to forget about stressful days and just cut loose and have fun.

Gaia has changed so much, and not for the better. In fact it's starting to become suffocating to log on here everyday. Now I have to look for places to get away from the stresses of Gaia. There are still some great things about this place, I still have hope that things will be for the better. But I'm just so hurt that Gaia doesn't even take the time to think about us users anymore. Now it's just one big cash cow. Gaia doesn't even make improvements that are wanted anymore. All it does is focus on making more money with all these crazy sales and gc based additions.

-Username: [Zol_The_Grim_Reaper]
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I have met some wonderful, talented people here and it has effectively become a "home" to me.
But for one unknown reason or another all I see now is dollar signs. There was a time when I felt good knowing I spent money on this site to help maintain it and was given awesome items and an awesome site in return. And now? I feel like I've thrown money at a problem that cannot fix itself, and no matter how much I want to see this site flourish and continue to be the community oriented "home" I once loved it just isn't happening.
I see so many people leaving and others already gone, and if it wasn't because I feel so strongly about this place, I too would have left.
I don't want this place to crash and burn. ;A;

-Username: murder is kawaii
Member since: 2009
Why do I love gaia: friends, mostly! and the art community. I also love, or used to love, dressing up my avatar.
Anything else you wanna say: Well, there's a reason I sold everything and made a permanent avatar.

-Username: Ephesius
Member since: 2007
Please read this and pay attention Gaia! I want to continue to support and love you!

-Username: Mademoiselle Talbot
Member since: 2003, hacked in 2006, re-joined in 2009.
Why do I love gaia: Meeting people, derping around forums, being a nerd, playing games, having an animated alter-ego.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia is where I go to de-stress after a long day at school. I'm slightly older then the new fan base, but I plan on staying here for a while. Gaia makes me feel at home, like I have a family here that really gets me! I wish everything could be back to the way it was before everyone started getting all nutty; before all this GC came about. I like the idea, I mean, I've spent quite a bit of money ; - ; ... but things like sales and extremely high prices shouldn't just be thrust upon us like "buy more buy more" ... Ya know?
Sidenote: I reaaaally miss the chat bar.

-Username: Ham_leecan
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia because it's the place where I met a lot of dear friends and learnd how to speak English
Anything else you wanna say: Please stop this mess. The marketplace is a mess nowadays.

-Username: angel allure
Member since: June 2004
Why do I love gaia: The close-knit community, the ability to express yourself through various mediums (avatars, writing, art)
Anything else you wanna say: I feel like Gaia is on the verge of a change and I can only hope that it is for the improvement of the site. I already see the potential for a serious downfall, but I also see the site testing the boundaries of what it can get away with. I only hope that Gaia will seriously take a look at the concerns of its community, as opposed to only seeing us as dollar signs.

-Username: Chaos_Bunny
Member since: 2003

-Username: CW_0range
Member since: 2004, rejoined in 2011
Why do I love gaia: The community and RP c:
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia was such a nice place when I was pretty new, people were (and still are) pretty welcoming. But really, I've been pretty stressed out with all these things coming out. Really, too many cash shop items come out too suddenly with too high of prices. I don't have time to prepare! smilies/icon_gonk.gif Hopefully, it'll slow down or somethin'. I had a relatively large amount of gold, until the recent inflation. Now I it's hard for me to fulfill my wishlist! I wanted to join a gifting thread recently, but I lack sufficient funds.

-Username: DarkHellBoy19
Member since: 2010
Why do I love gaia: It's a place I can hangout and discuss nerdy topics with other nerds like myself emotion_smilies/icon_awesomeface.gif I love roleplaying here, honestly I only rp here because I like the guild set up unlike other places.
Anything else you wanna say: Please, just PLEASE listen to what your Gaians (Customers) have to say other than doing what you wish. Without us you would be nothing and only focusing on money is making us unhappy, angry and sadly losing our loyalty to you.

-Username: Pinque Von Fluffendorken
Member since: 2/15/2004
Why do I love gaia: My friends and ZOMG
Anything else you wanna say: The changes are too many and too fast, it's sucking the fun and life out of the site. The money isn't going to fix/upgrade things. This just needs to stop

-Username: St._Jimmy
Member since: 2004 on alternate account
Why do I love gaia: the people you meet
Anything else you wanna say: every time I leave and come back, Gaia gets worst and worst

-Username: Patzu
Member since: August 24th, 2003
Why do I love gaia: I've been here since I was twelve. It's more important to me than facebook.
Anything else you wanna say: The inflation is ridiculous. In real life, interest needs to go higher to counteract inflation. In game economies, we need a healthy way to spend our in game currency, or it becomes worthless. I remember when 40,000 gold for the fairy wings was a quest! 20,000 gold to start a guild was a hefty fee. I bought a ninjaband off of the market for 6,000 back when it was released. All of this is draaaaaaaaaastically offset by the inflation of now. Gold isn't worth anything right now, and it's upsetting.

-Username: My Hairy Bells
Member since: AUGUST 7TH, 2004.
Why do I love gaia: It's my home online. My best friends, my boyfriend, and my community is and has always been Gaiaonline.
Anything else you wanna say: I just hate this.....cash cash cash to fuel projects that ARE NOT AIMED AT US.

-Username: Carcer King
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: Having a social site where I actually meet and enjoy the company of new people. Love going to towns and just interacting with everyone.
Anything else you wanna say: I love Gaia. I joined originally to try and talk to a girl I went to school with, but 5-6 years later, here I am. She quit the site ages ago, but I stayed because I loved the community. You can still fix this place up, but at the rate you're going things will get worse and people will quit.
Sidenote: No more ads with no mute on Towns / virtual spaces. I hate them so much : O

-Username: Den Ro Kun/kam Tenria
Member since: May 2004
Why did I love gaia: I put did because I used to actually give a crap about this site
Anything else you wanna say: blah blah blah boo boo boo

-Username: Pwnder
Member since: March 07, 2004
Why do I love gaia: The fun events, features, avatars and the general not-so-serious attitude of the site all around.
Anything else you wanna say: I've been spending my hard earned money here for over nine years, typically buying something for my avatar and not for resale, aside from an MC or Supercharger for my silly quests. I'm burned out by the flash sales that I can't afford or missed. If I could afford it, it would not be for resale profits, just for the love of my avatar. Questing has been fun and Flynn's Chest was the only thing I bought, putting me up in the game a bit. However, with money to spend, marketplace inflation ruined it and sadly I contributed to it. Hating myself and feeling betrayed...

-Username: Vampire Toy
Member since: 05/19/2006
Why do I love gaia: I love to roleplay on here. The community aspect was phenomenal. Now, there's not much that interests me on Gaia anymore sad
Anything else you wanna say: They're losing lots of people. I wonder if they realize that?

-Username: Akira S Wolfguard
Member since: 2008 on my old account
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia just in general for the guilds and comunity.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia you need to find a average for you cash offers. I'm sorry but 500 - 1,000 USD is not what we want. We love you and what you've done but please stop being anti-consumer it will not keep customers but rather turn them away. Also I would love to see the Guilds updated, Heck I would agree to perhaps a V.I.P offer for guilds to have more customization then there currently is.

-Username: vampbeat17
Member since: May 2011
Why do I love gaia: I love playing booty grab, playing zOMG when I can. I have also met some great people on this site.
Anything else you wanna say: I am a broke college student who is only working part time. Having items on here that are a thousand dollars is way beyond my budget and most people on this site. Most people don't have that kind of money to burn on pixals!! I love this site and want to keep it going but if gaia keeps this up, people will leave and the site will be no more.

Couple of other things, why would you release Flynn's chest again? I only ask because I am wondering what person told Gaia that it would be a good idea and inflate the market further, since I joined Gaia has been saying that they are trying to deflate the market...
Listening to your users is also very important, when asking us how we feel about having Gaia centered and most people vote no but you guys decide to do it anyway with no option of it being changed. Is very frusttating because it feels like you do not care about us at all!
Put time and money into other games like Booty Grab and zOMG. Seeing how much my booty grab profits have decreased is so very sad.
Better inventory system would also be appreciated.

-Username: Darth Daddicus
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: It's an outlet for my inner child and a way to bond with my talented wife and children. They are the artists.
Anything else you wanna say: I waited a long time for new fish to be put in Phin Phang and for the cordoned off areas of zOMG! to be opened up. I love these games! I sure hope you use the money you're making to improve the things that have made me stay for so long!

-Username: Sellesion
Member since: February 2006
Why do I love gaia: Because it is a place where I've met many friends, seen a lot of artistic talent, and because, for a long time Gaia was a site that I could log into in order to relax.
Anything else you wanna say:
I want Gaia to be balanced again. I want to feel like the users are cared about, and for Harmony between users & admins, Gaia Cash & the worth of Gold, and the site and it's features, to be restored.
I want there to be gold sinks sufficient enough to compete with the gold put into the economy from using Gaia cash and things such as Flynn's Booty, and more than anything, I want those gold sinks to be fun.
I feel that all features should be available to both free and paying users of this site, in one way or another.
I want less cash sales, and to stop feeling like I'm EXPECTED to spend all my money here.

- Username: Gwendolyn Barrett
I will sign this. I've been apart of gaia since 2005. I love all the people I have met here and I have too much at stake here to just up and leave. I love it here, but I am frustrated not only with the addition of club verge, which makes no sense to me at all. Well the guild is fine it the shop I can't stand. it's a secondary cash shop that is not needed. Who in their right mind would spend $500 on a stupid doll that looks like your avi? it dumb and a wast of money. Yes I go to the cash shop and buy the birthday items, the rigs and monthly letters(from time to time ) If I like the item enough. I also buy EI's as well. The Rosamund's Devotion was the most I have ever spent in the cash shop and event that was over priced,. It should have been at most 2000 gc. Yes I would have still bought it.

Get rid of the club verge shop, keep the guild, though I don't see the point in it. Put things back the way they were and don't fix what ain't broke. The sight worked fine last month and now I have no formatting in the guilds, I can't use BetterGaia (which I love to death) and if i do use it my PM's become FUBAR

-Username: RurouniMori
Member Since: 2007
Why Do I Love Gaia: I've always loved the amount of freedom and creative expression given to the user. From your avatar to your profile, there are really no bindings. And from there, the community as a whole is generally very accepting and open minded. I have made some great friends on this website. I have, in fact, been friends with someone from this website since the year I first started. We still talk today and even intend to visit each other in each other's countries! This website has so much potential, it has always been growing, always been amazing. I don't ever want to see this website become a pay in order to be a member type of place. Ever.
Anything Else You Wanna Say: I don't entirely hate the cash shop items, but sweet jesus, this is unreal. $50 for one item!?! And yet the Gaia store, where we can buy real items, not pixels, does not even exist in compare to what it once was! I understand it costs money to keep a website of this caliber running, but seriously. You will always have loyal supporters. If we are paying as much as we are, enough for you to mock us with a special "club" guild, then make it show across the whole site. Please make an effort for the changes I am signing for.

In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

-Username: Lizmutt
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I grew to love gaia as a way to keep in touch with my friends at school and play online games with them. What kept me on this site was the role-playing community, which has been seeming to be dwindling as people move to other sites that bring them less issues. I also get a rush out of making gold by collecting trash and selling while working on a goal avi. Plus I don't hate the cash system, I have used it in the past, and I love to see what type of items they will come up with next.
Anything else you wanna say: I agree with just about everything that Drakokatze said above. It kinda bothers me that when I joined I worked for a week or two to get 10k so I could buy a past monthly collectible and now that wont even buy you a really bad rig fail let alone a monthly collectible. It also bothers me how commercialized this site has become in the last several year, but I do understand with more people on the site the more work Gaia needs and work cost money, but we should feel like our money is actually doing some good to further the site and I don't feel like it.

"Create a better inventory system and don’t just mention that one is in the works." YES! YES!!! we need this and they have been taunting us with this for years. AND MORE GAMES!!!

-Username: gummie_sourball
Member since: february 2005
Why do I love gaia: i started gaia fairly early on. at first it was just somewhere for me to kill time when i was bored but when i discovered the forums and the community; it quickly became so much more. since that point i've had many fond memories of spending time on this site making friends, randomly chatting about anything from hobbies, participating in rp's, and just talking to people about my day. i also met my husband on here shortly after joining. it was a long and hard relationship (he lived in florida while i was in michigan) but being able to log onto gaia everyday made it easier and kept us going. since then; we've been married for seven years and have two small children. if gaia hadn't been here; i never would have met him.

i honestly don't go a day without logging on gaia if i have internet access in some form. (this includes sitting in mcdonald's on my 3ds.... or using my ps3's browser and using the controller to type when my laptop charger broke during the last holiday event) over the years i've had friends go on hiatus and even leave for good. it makes me sad to see them leave, but still i'm here. i'm not going to leave regardless of what happens, but please.....stop doing this to my site. i love it here. i really do.

each week i lurk in the ata and when i see the amount of unhappy users and threats to quit; i find it very disheartening. granted i don't spend as much cash as i "should" but i have been buying mc's almost every month since i started, i buy rigs when i can afford them and i buy the ei's when i can afford them. i buy them not only because i love the items; but i want to support you guys where i can; so i buy from the cs and not the mp. i've also stood up for you through a lot of this when talking to people that are complaining about the amount of cs and now cv items. but i just can't do it anymore, i can't come up with a reason why you would increase the demand to spend this much gaia cash in this short of a span of time.

you really do have a wonderful staff, but these actions are causing more and more users to direct anger and hate at them. this isn't fair on any accounts; nor was it fair that so many members have been cut due to "lack of budget" when all the users see money being poured into the site. we've helped you keep this site running for ten years, TEN. YEARS. i don't want to see it crash and burn over this. i've spent too much time, invested too many memories and made too many friends i would lose. please listen to us.

-Username: 2sarahgate
Member since: 2006
Why do i love gaia: my friends, and this. also art.
Anything else you wanna say: remember that hoarders and venders are also taking another hit because the items they hoard/vend could be released in a flash sale at any time. so there's no guarantee that even they can make gold anymore. nothing has value anymore.

Member since:2003
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia for its community. Its as simple as that, I've been coming to the site for almost 10 years now for rps, events, and random shenanigans I have made close friends incredibly close, friendships that will last a life time.
Anything else you wanna say:So I've been coming to this site for 10 years now, Will be exactly 10 on november 30th, I've seen this website change. From its early roots of Go-gaia, to Gaiaonline, Going from an anime centered website to a more casual 'for the masses' type of website.(although this anime does still have heavy anime roots)
This said I've seen gaia change, and it has, back in the day, where the website was much more oriented to actually having to talk and barter with people to get what you wanted, the site has since changed to simple 'Swipe your credit card for anything you need' and then you decide to price everything ridiculously high (500 bucks for pixels bro?).

I'd like to see a change, and while I have spent quite the bit of money on this site, and will still do so, I do so with a bad taste in my mouth, because I want to support the site, and I do support the site, but sometimes, I feel like I'm giving an alcoholic more booze.

-Username: Striker the legend
Member since: August 9, 2008
Why do I love gaia: (My English is bad so don't harass me about it.)
For the pass 5 years, I made good friends here and I cherish that ya? But ever since that Flynn Booty Chest or whatever. It started to change alot of people including my friends on Gaia and now its all about money. I thought this will be like temporary but no the damage is so bad it changed alot of people. I went through threads and threads in the GCD and Site Feed Back to see everyone's reaction towards this Flynn's CI and it was very negative, guess its about money now geez. I love this website too much, hell I don't want to think of BigLankey gone from Gaia seriously.

Anything else you wanna say: Gaia's bridge is so broken, not even money can't fix that.

-Username: Retired Fisherman / Gorn1120 / Ito-Dai
Member since: 2013 / 2011 / 2006 (Respectively)
Why do I love gaia: Because the community is awesome; the incentive to have cool s**t and money is great, especially when you have loads of flash games themed with the site itself. The amount of loyal users is amazing.
Anything else you wanna say:
× I originally joined because my friends told me to. Now, I realized how nice it is to just chat here and occasionally switch up my outfit. If I cared about my wealth, I'd be complaining a lot more.

× Before, I wanted to get rich, like many others. I wanted the good items, of course! But not being around since the beginning required a lot of work to save up without donations. I had no job at the time, so I obviously cheated on my now banned account to get rich. Now, I have a job to help me have a "healthy" amount of wealth.

× I only bought gcash to get myself some cash; I'd love to regularly donate to support the site, but you're using GCash way too much. Being a former game moderator, forum moderator, and administrator - this is a clear sign of one of the two following situations:
-You've become greedy and know the site won't immediately die from over-promoting "donations"
-You're hurting for money to maintain the site at it's current standing; usually from previously loaning from others or the cost of servers/external website or game development/site or server protection.

× If I donate anymore, it will be to help others or just to get one monthly collectible. Otherwise, I'm slowly getting more and more tired of the gcash. It's too much of a business to you.

× I like when staff can flat out speak about their finances with their community.
-Where's it all go?
-Are there any major changes in expenses for Gaia?
-How does gaia interactive affect Gaia Online and vice-versa?

-Username: Sundri
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I love the community atmosphere, the ability to share thoughts and ideas, and to connect with people from around the world.

Anything else you wanna say:
1.) I love the amazing items, your artists are fantastic and inspired, but there are so many items now that it makes you almost want to just forget about them... amazing or not. How many people can handle sifting through a 10,000+ item inventory to create a new look? It LITERALLY takes an hour or more to do! Slow down! Not only can we not keep up/keep track, but you are burning us out on the concept. It is to the point that I see the weekly announcements and say 'new item, big deal' and ignore it. And the rigs? I don't even bother. 7/10ths of the time you get junk, and then you have wasted your time and hard earned gold on it... it's disheartening!

I actually joined back in '04 on a different account, gave up, and came back in '05 on this one to try things again. I can still remember back then 5,000gold was EXPENSIVE for an item and I worked so hard to save up so I could give out gold to people who were questing. Now, even newbies laugh at how cheap that is. You have inflated the market so much and so fast - in every social situation in the world where this has happened BAD THINGS FOLLOW!

LEARN from history & society outside of the digital realm! Even the blind can see that you CANNOT sustain this level of growth forever... and then what is there left to do but fall?

2.) I understand that Gaia needs to be lucrative in order for the CORPORATION it has become to stay functional - but if you drive away the users who have been dedicated to you for years you are eventually going to run out of steady people who are WILLING to pay big amounts for things because they have been here for the long run, and plan to stay around!

3.) I hate programs that you get used to using because you want them to work, and then instead of FIXING the BUGS the company just redoes the whole thing in a new version and changes everything. It's like a whole new program all over again. New program, new bugs. Process continues... and then I get fed up and refuse to buy the newer versions because they are just more of the same crap in a different wrapper.

The same goes for Gaia. As a user, if I have to adapt to a new mess every couple months, I am going to eventually get to the point that I say 'enough' and move to someplace more stable, with less pressure and advertising, and more of what I want the most: COMMUNITY.

-Username: King Awesomolocity
Member since: May 5th, 2009
Why do I love gaia: There's so many great people here. And I've actually learned about economics from here. (Recently, I've learned what not to do)
Anything else you wanna say: I can't bear to see the site go down like this. I know they keep saying that Gaia isn't going down or whatever, but...if they keep going like this, they'll cause irreparable damage. Hell, they've already damaged half of everything anyways. (They ruined the economy, ruined the Angelic Halo's status, ruined alchemy) But...I'll go down with the ship.

Member since: October 2008
Why do I love gaia:Mostly the people I've met, the Aquarium community, booty grab, cool items
Anything else you wanna say: I want so badly for the Aquarium community to stop being ignored, and treated like mushrooms. I've loved my tank since before booty grab, but have seen so many of my people leave gaia, or all but quit because of so much crap we've been dealt, starting with the big mistake that GAIA made with the dolphins.

-Username: Spinz96
Member since: August 2008
Why do I love gaia: I love the idea of meeting new friends online with the same interest as you, and I love the fact that your able to do so much on Gaia (forums, zOMG, ect.)
Anything else you wanna say: The recent cash sales that have been going on has really put a bad view on Gaia. It all started out in the summer sale when they re-released the Halo, when they said they will never re-release an MC, hence thats why they are MCs...They tried to play it off by saying how there is only a low quantity, but thats the point! Its so rare that players should strive for it, but they shouldnt be able to technically get it by just paying. With the new admins of Gaia, they seem to be money hungry and only care about themselves instead of the rest of the Gaians, they'll screw with the people who helped them get to where they are now and will screw with the people who have been with them since 03'. Now they are just coming up with random things to try and make money off the Gaia cash sales, inflating the economy, and ignoring other things such as Aquarium and zOMG. Gaia's losing more players than it is gaining, and I can't wait until their plans to make money falls apart and they have to shut down the company.

-Username: YamiTyger
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia because of all the amazing people I meet, on a near daily basis. A lot of people are more about caring for others, than pixels on the whole. And I've made a great many friends, that I call friends.
Anything else you wanna say: With all these rereleases and whatnot.....Im not finding it easier to come on here. C'mon Gaia, stop with the cash sales on a daily basis. You're sucking the life out of your group.

-Username: Madame lee
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I have met many friends and have learned various ways to rp as well as to open up.
Anything else you wanna say: Just because people have found easier ways to get Gaia cash doesn't mean you can have sale after sale after sale. not all of us can drop life on a dime to go and buy pixels. Gaia should be about relaxing and having fun. not making people scream over and or kill people over getting fantasy rich.

-Username: Elymnesis
Member since: Roughly 2006
Why do I love gaia: I have never found another community as loving, giving, warm, and open as crowd here on Gaia. My friends on Gaia have been with me through the lonely years of junior high when I had no other friends. They comforted me through my parent's difficult divorce. They have kept me from throwing away my life on more than one occasion just by their mere presence. Children have been born, friends and parents have died, there have been difficult breakups and joyful marriages. But they have always been there. Please don't take this away. This website has a heart and a soul. We are not just wallets to be milked. We are people who are eager to support and to love.
Anything else you wanna say: This is a lean time for everyone. And the age bracket this website is targeted at is one of the most hardest hit. In my area, the unemployment rate for ages 16-24 is more than 20%, and more than 40% for blacks of the same age. We understand. The money is tight. Believe me, we understand. But if your foundation is shaking, you need to consider building a smaller house. Don't just lay the burden on us. We respect this site immensely, and we want to feel respected in return.

-Username: A Deathly Affair (I have also gone more known by as Queen Kianra or Princess Kianra)
Member since: 2004
Why do I love gaia: I USED to love Gaia because it was a safe haven to make friends and have fun in my free time.... now I can't stand it.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia is too money hungry, and they never work on actually FIXING the site I once loved..... I have been looking for another online community to join for two years now, to no avail. I am basically on a semi-hiatus on here these days. I'm sure my friends have all forgotten me too, seeing as they never hear from me.

-Username: Cinibunny
Member since: 2004 on other acc
Why do I love gaia: Loved it not so much right now.....Avatars, community, art ect.
Anything else you wanna say: I miss the old gaia iv NEVER seen a game or site push so many cash items at you than right now its ridiculous.

-Username: CyCyDark
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: I am a lurker at heart. I won't deny that the main reason I visit Gaia as frequently as I do is mainly because the other 2 forum sites I used to visit have both shut down since I joined here. However, the reason I have stuck around for so long rather than simply find another site to visit is because I have made some great friends here and I also enjoy running my little art shop and drawing the unique outfits that Gaian Avatars can create. I also feel like I can't just up and leave any more, since I don't want these past few years of quests and investments to have all been in vain.

When GCash became readily available internationally, I eagerly bought some so I could feel like I was able to better support the community I had grown to love (bearing in mind I spend more than the listed price after going through the exchange rate from NZD to USD). However, I am now finding it difficult to continue supporting this site with GCash when it appears to be becoming more and more exploited as the months go by, what with the absurdly high price tags and ever increasing number of 'sales' coming out.

Anything else you wanna say:Honestly, I wouldn't mind the prices or the sales as much if they were handled more tactfully. If Gaia expects people to spend hundreds of dollars on virtual items, then the sales advertising those items should last longer than one weekend. That way more people have time to earn and gather the funds necessary to purchase the items directly, which would boost the overall profit Gaia makes from selling that item, no? I understand that having a short sale time can increase the sense of urgency surrounding it, prompting more impulse buys, but that tactic only works if the sales are spaced further apart, since the novelty starts to wear thin after a while.
Less is more, wouldn't you say?

-Username: Albruna
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia:
Throughout the years I met many new friends on Gaia which have by now left but I am still in contact with them. Through these friends I met even more people which I now consider my closest 'online' friends. I was never awfully active on the forums but I did play zOMG! a lot and that was a really good time.

Anything else you wanna say:
I admit to liking pretty pixels but as of now it is getting out of hand. The last month has been showing a pretty greedy site of Gaia. I am part of Club Verge as a loyal customer in Gaias words - a cash cow to be milked further in my words and that is just a kick in the fact.
I can afford donating money to a website or a good cause simply because I want to support and help. But Gaia lately just makes me want to not spend any more money on them.

-Username: Yorugami
Member since: 2004
Why do I love gaia:
Mainly the art community here. I learned how to draw and improve on Gaia and on the way I met some wonderful friends who have supported and chatted with me through the years. Some of my best memories were made on Gaia and I hope I would continue to do so. The Crosstitch Contest as well has been really kind to me. So I want Gaia to live another 100 years if that is even possible.

Anything else you wanna say:
Now to the crux of the problem: from what I hear and read from other members posting about Gaia. They don't stay on Gaia mainly to play games. They don't stay on Gaia just to dress up their avatars. They are on Gaia to be with a COMMUNITY! But being a part of that community means you can chat (ye olden but removed Meebo or Towns or forums) and while chatting you might feel like dressing up to impress (avatar) or when no one is online to entertain you, you skip on over to the games. So basically one is on Gaia for the community and everything else is added on perks with which Gaia lives on. (i.e. earns cash from)

So when Gaia is prioritizing all these perks WAY MORE than the COMMUNITY it should be bolstering. The average Gaian would wonder why they need to buy these items especially at ridiculous prices like 500-1000$ when there will soon be no one to show off their wealth to?--Because Gaia, with the aggressive sales push and badgering with cash you have been doing lately....a lot of people don't want to stay anymore. Many successful sites and companies make their mark by having non-obtrusive ways of earning cash.

Here are some words from one of the most successful CEOs in business lately the CEO of Amazon.com Jeff Bezos:

"If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful."

"If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful."

"We have so many customers who treat us so well, and we have the right kind of culture that obsesses over the customer."

"We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better."

"We watch our competitors, learn from them, see the things that they were doing for customers and copy those things as much as we can."

"You have to use your judgment. In cases like that, we say, ‘Let’s be simpleminded. We know this is a feature that’s good for customers. Let’s do it.’"

"I love people counting on me, and so, you know, today it’s so easy to be motivated, because we have millions of customers counting on us at Amazon.com. That’s fun."

"You can do the math 15 different ways, and every time the math tells you that you shouldn’t lower prices because you’re going to make less money. That’s undoubtedly true in the current quarter, in the current year. But it’s probably not true over a 10-year period, when the benefit is going to increase the frequency with which your customers shop with you, the fraction of their purchases they do with you as opposed to other places. Their overall satisfaction is going to go up."

"You know, if you make a customer unhappy they won't tell five friends, they'll tell 5,000 friends. So we are at a point now where we have all of the things we need to build an important and lasting company, and if we don't, it will be shame on us."

"If you think about the long term then you can really make good life decisions that you won’t regret later."

Please Gaia.
We love you.
Don't force us to leave for better pastures.
We really don't want to. : /
But we will if the environs of Gaia become so hostile
that the user experience is just not worth it anymore.

-Username: Fatallity
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: ******** Nostalgia. I love what Gaia used to be. What it was before the Cash shop. Now... I'm only here to RP. I don't give a s**t about anything else on the site. And that's what makes me sad.

-Username: Metal Kumo
Member since: 07'
Why do I love gaia: i love gaia for the company of all the great people i meet on here. i also love gaia for being able to express my creativity through avatars.
Anything else you wanna say: it's very sad what has been happening lately on this site. it's been nice to be around to see the changes gaia has made over the years but the changes it has made this year has impacted it a lot and not in a good way sadly.

-Username: TH3_G1ITCH_
Member since: '08
Why do I love gaia: I've made a few friends, but they're all very precious to me!
I enjoy coming online to chat with them, and others!
I enjoy zOMG, and am truly grateful of when DMS came out for the players who had beat the game.
That game me hope that it hadn't been forgotten.
I also enjoy creating these avatars and admiring the items that are brought out.
In short: It's a fun place to be!

Anything else you wanna say: Please don't become like what TinierMe had utimatly become.

-Username: Bluegeam
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I grew up with this site. I was but 12 when first introduces to this site by my cousin. In the beginning I was abit hesitant, still new to the whole world of the internet. But over time I became more comfortable, meet people, and joined many roleplays. I have Gaia to thank for the person I am today. Being that socially awkward girl who didn't have many friends because I moved around allot, Gaia gave me a chance to keep in touch with people. I became more outspoken and was able to make friends quicker in real life. I learned what and what not to do, how to be dedicated, and learned how to write. Oh how I learned to write! Thanks to Gaia I was the best in my class when it came to writing. I could think of essays on a dime and they were able to help me with my exams. I love Gaia and the people in it, but I am not happy with it today.

Too often I see people drop out because they find no interest in the site anymore. Many turning to becoming hermits with in their inbox's and not wanting to take part in the gold markets. Before, I would collect everything. All the special events, played all the games. It was the cake at the end of the journey for me. But lately, I feel as if it is all a lie. No longer are the story lines interesting. No longer are you pushing people to do things as so they can earn something great and worthwhile. I was disappointed with the fluff in truth. While I myself did not like hem, others did. His why when they were pulled completely I saw an air of gloom come over this site. Zomg has been left to rot, pinball has never changed, towns are never decorated anymore, and the things like 'Grunnys', 'vampire wars', and 'the overseers' all but unknown to the new members. Bring back the classics, push more stories as to interest people. STOP WITH ALL THE ITEM ANNOUNCEMENTS. It seems everytime I get on here, I have three new ones promoting an item. And now were going to have random pop ups? Yeah, because the internet wasn't annoying enough. Take a break from the items, focus on a new game or perhaps think of ways to improve the site? This place could really use some.
Anything else you wanna say: What ever happened to the rallies? I remember I would always go in and race a few friends just for giggles. The cars haven't been updated in YEARS. Please, we all love this site. The people on here are like my family. If this place goes, then I don't know where I would go.

-Username: BellaMuerte1
Member since:January 2004
Why do I love gaia: Since being here in 2004 I've seen gaia before it went crazy with cash shops. Before everything exploded into what it is now. I loved the fact that gaia for me was like a get away from life for a bit, to make new friends and just have fun and interact. The community then was fantastic and welcoming.
Anything else you wanna say: I feel like gaia is going downhill with how much cash items they keep spewing out. This site was never focused on the money. Don't stray away from what gaia used to be and stood for. Your just going to loose users, and piss more people off at the rate your going.

-Username: NightSymphony
Member since: 2004
Why do I love gaia: I have made so many wonderful friends here, friends that I believe will always be there for me and loved. This place was here for me when I was going through a very difficult time in my life and I know that if I am ever feeling sad I can come here and my friends will cheer me up.
Anything else you wanna say: Ever since I lost my job in 2010, I have been unable to spend money on this sight. I was able to donate every month for a long time and am now no longer able to. It is depressing seeing items on my wishlist always going on sale for real money that I do not have. Everything has gotten so insanely expensive in the last few years. It's almost impossible to quest for things these days. There was a time where I was on Gaia all day everyday, just bumping threads like mad and I would make so much money that way...not anymore. Posting doesn't give as much money as it used to. And I used to get random boxes and pink links almost every week..now I'm lucky if I see one every three months or so. And they used to be worth a lot more too. It just seems like lately, Gaia cares more about making money than making their users happy.

-Username: Nidorous
Member since: ( First account was made in 05 )
Why do I love gaia: I enjoy Gaia because of the people on the site. The USERS make Gaia what it is. And I have fun with them.

Anything else you wanna say: I have plenty I could be saying, but rather than writing it all up:
A thread I had made.

-Username: BatChic
Member since: 2006

When I joined Gaia in the autumn of 2006, I found it to be a place to explore ideas, get involved in creative guilds, make friends, and have fun dressing my avatar~ especially for thematic events and forum parties. Somewhere along the way there seemed to be a lack of emphasis on all of the above for users on Gaia, to, instead, concentrate on having Gaians participate with Gaia Online commerce -- empty our pockets to pay with real money for virtual items.

As an artist in real life, I value creating and appreciating imagery. But the idea of spending outrageous cash amounts on virtual items to enhance online game-play, is beyond my comprehension. In the end, each of us, on Gaia, must make the decision whether to justify paying for a limited-edition pixelated image, or for paying for the groceries, school textbooks, or the rent.

I am saddened with the current marketing pressure by Gaia for its users to spend more, want to buy more, and let Gaia suck the life out of its community during this process. As NightSymphony has said, "It just seems like lately, Gaia cares more about making money than making their users happy." ★ Kudos, Batty

-Username: UU O L F, previously known as oOSkyeWolfOo/GhostMiester.
Gaia age: 984 days.
Why do I love Gaia: I just love doing art for people, talking, going on forums, and I especially love creating many different avatars.
Anything else you want to say: It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to want to stay on this site, however. This massive economy crash is pulling everything and everyone into a downwards spiral. Many artists are increasing their prices, items are becoming increasingly expensive every day. To make it even worse, you're adding to this chaos by putting up all these sales and pop-up's. People are getting tired of it.
Soon you'll have to make a choice.
What are we to you?
Walking cash machines, or people?

-Username: Ninina
Member since: 2003
Why do I love gaia: It's a great community, with lots of creative, fun people and it's been my home for 10 years now.
Anything else you wanna say: I have been here for a long time and I've seen Gaia grow. We all want to see Gaia thrive and prosper. We also would like it to continue being a community where everyone can enjoy themselves regardless of how much money they spend on the site. That's what we have experienced as the most important of Gaia's core values. Gaia's focus has always been to provide a fun and safe place for people to interact for free and, not surprisingly, that's why people voluntarily started to send Gaia money, in the first place, back when it started. Times have changed, but I feel this core value is one of the reasons we enjoy this site so much. Users will always support Gaia monetarily, but Gaia should not waver in its commitment to put user experience first. Treating users merely as sources of revenue, compromises the user experience. Alienating users who do not spend significant amounts of cash, compromises the user experience. Negatively affecting the site's virtual economy (via sanctioned gold generators or otherwise), compromises the user experience.
Gaia is not just another internet site. It's our community. We have lore, tradition, customs, an economy and unique, beautiful avatars to reimagine and reinvent ourselves everyday. As Gaians, we agree and disagree, but ultimately, we love this place passionately. We have helped shape the site and with our support it's become, hopefully, bigger and better. Hear our voices, respect us as customers but also as citizens of this fantastic place. Let us continue to have a say in the future of our community.

-Username: momo-ai13
Member since: 2007
Why do I love Gaia: I love it because it's the one place that has been stable for me over the past 6, going on 7 years. It's like a home to me and I have met some pretty amazing people on here. Gaia is my virtual home and has been here for me when I felt like things couldn't get much worse.
Anything else you wanna say: I recently bought gcash using my own money for the first time ($10 worth). Despite buying it, I feel like I'm getting left behind because of all these cash sales and offers lately. I cannot keep up and I don't feel welcome anymore on Gaia because I cannot afford the "premium" items. 99% of my gcash is obtained by offers from the tree, it's not enough anymore. On a side note, I find it funny "premium" items aren't that premium anymore, they're actually regular.

-Username: Ourania Mei
Member since: 2012 Oct
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia cause of people and items.
Anything else you wanna say: I will not be buying more cash until I see some changes.

-Username: Sweet Sugarness Cupcake
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I've been a member here for eight years (not entirely no this account). I could easily go on and on about the many different reasons why I love Gaia. I love to roleplay. It's one of my go to things when I've been having a bad day, or things are really stressful. I've made friends here. I met new people, and I feel accepted here.
Anything else you wanna say: I don't have a lot of money. I could explain my situation, but I feel that it too personal to have to share. The bottom line is that I'm not exactly the richest person here. I don't have the extra money it takes to get Cash and buy really nice expensive item, or buy ones that I can sell for the Gold I would need for items in the market place. It took me nearly three years to get the dream avi I wanted because one of the items was 3.4mil in the market place. Sure, me and some friend started playing zomg to get gold, but that quickly got boring, especially with a limit placed on it. So I started playing Heralds of Chaos. It also had a limit, but it was higher than zomg. I was making 50k a day! For me, that was pretty exciting! Then I moved, wasn't able to play for a while, finally got a chance and you know what happened? The game isn't there any more! The one game I liked that I could easily make gold on, and it's not even there! There's a game there that, the only way to make gold is my spending Cash that I don't actually have and can't afford. I could watch the little video clips to get Cash, but that only gives you maybe 3 at a time! You know what else happened from me not being able to log on for three days while we were getting our internet fix? The daily chance got screwed over. I've been logging on almost very single day for the passed few years, and I miss a couple days and suddenly the daily chance is only giving me 5-10g and garbage. As well as crappy items that no one wants and don't even sell. It's been two weeks and it still says I've only logged on 6 out of the last 7 days. What the hell?! And don't even get me started on the ungodly high prices in the market place. It's outrageous. I love this site dearly, but there are some issues that need to be figured out.

-Username: Candycane Scartissue
Member since: April 27th, 2005 on this account, my original account was created December 8th, 2003 (I still sign into that regularly for Daily Chance items and for events)
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia because it is a fun and unique place for people to meet other people and talk about their interests. I have made amazing friends through this website who are irreplaceable to me. The added bonuses such as avatars, items, and games have made this website that much more enjoyable, of course, which means more fun and more incentive to stay.
Anything else you wanna say: I really hope that Gaia takes some time to appreciate their users who have gotten them so far and reward that kind of dedication by easing the cash sales and focusing more on site-wide activities and things that benefit all of the users rather than just the ones who can afford it.

-Username: yohabroha
Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: Gaia has given me a second home and a second set of people I am able to look forward and talk to and basically my own little world with the gaian community.
Anything else you wanna say: Ive seen how the site has switched from caring about the community of gaia to caring about the money that comes into gaia. I understand it is a business however we are the people paying for the business.
I personally have invested hundred of dollars and I feel like it goes unnotice (The Club Verge is just a way to get someone to spend more money, not a reward).
Instead of doing monthly collectibles every month that everyone had a chance to look forward to, you have the next big sale, or the 2 new ei's released every week. I feel like the efforts you put out there or too strenuous and a little ridiculous. If a person wants to come on and spend 500 dollars on mc's in a month to get rich, fine. But as a member who has been with you almost since the beginning I dont think its fair to allow someone to join and spend a little bit of money to surpass myself or any other member who has spent long hours to get where they are in this game.

-Username: Aureaule
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: The people & customizing outfits

-Username: SkyVespa
Member since: 2006
Why I love Gaia: Well thats because I've been a part of it for a long time, made many many friends on here. And I'd like to see it around for a long time. But the way things are going now, it will absolutely require that you spend oodles and oodles of money just to do anything on this site.

-Username: Kiro_Shinigami
Member since: 2003
Why do I love gaia: I could feel free and escape my life on here
Anything else you wanna say: I want the old gaia back.....Gaia was not broken it never needed this kind of fixing!! Im sad to see the greed is in everyone's eyes now and all I loved lots is gonna be a thing of the past sometime soon.....Gaia became a monster....I cannot love a monster..

-Username: Ceeshnia
Member since: October 13th of 2007
Why do I love gaia: This is where I go to wind down and play games with friends. I came on here because I heard good things about this site from a friend of mine, so I thought I would check it out. I was getting burned out by Neopets, so why not? Here I have made some wonderful friends that I will keep close to my heart. The avatars are a form of expression, and I love it dearly. I also use them as muses to kick my butt into drawing something so I don't go all chicken-scratch again. I love the well planned events and zOMG. My sister, friends and I will go around zOMG together, sometimes with matching avatars, and hang out. Sometimes we just hang out and don't do much for hunting, but it's a lot of fun. One of my best memories of this place is my friend and I playing zOMG when it first came out. She got stuck on something, but it was fun nonetheless. I live in a charity where we are a family and have been for years with new members coming and going.
Anything else you wanna say: Please do not be like Neopets. They started pushing cash down our throats akin to what is now becoming reality here on Gaia. I was young, I didn't have cash to spend virtually. We were also poor. Now that I am older and have a job, I'm happy to spend money on here to keep the site going. To keep the site free for users who don't have any money. To have an open community for those who move around and can't stay near to their friends. This has always been my sanity money expense, but with this feeling that gold is worthless I cannot bring myself to spend any more cash on this site until that monster of greed is slain. I understand you need money, you have many good members willing to help out. Until you start treating us like money cows to be milked bone dry. Trust us, and please, please stop suffocating us!

-Asian Sins Asians
I joined back in 2007. I have seen many good changes. Though there have also been too many changes people don't like. And, these do outweigh the good ones. I would definitely like to see this site stick around for at least another 10 years if not more. So, please, Gaia change your ways before it is too late. Or, it will be the death of you. The death of us all...

-Username: minaki c h i i
Member since: late november of 06.
Why do I love gaia: i love gaia because i grew up with it in my pre-teen and teenager years. i've seen it grow and change, and sometimes i absolutely hate the changes they have made. especially the changes gaia has made in the last year and a half. i have gained so many friends from role playing on this site, and from zOMG!. the only reason i have stayed on here for so long is because of my friends and some of the games. otherwise, i would have quit by now.
Anything else you wanna say: gaia, fix your s**t before you get a bunch of hate mail, if you don't already.

-Username: Nikko Roseus
Member since: 2003
Why do I love gaia: Friggin' fun and I love customizing my avatar with pretty items.
Anything else you wanna say: I just have a nice warm soft spot for this site, plus I met my bf of almost 4 years now from here. heart

-Username: Sillanod
Member since: August 2010
Why do I love gaia: It was my first roleplaying site, and it will always hold a special place in my heart for that, as well as for the friends I've made here.
Anything else you wanna say: It gets really old having all this advertising flung in my face.

-Username: Nurvy
Member since: August 06
Why do I love gaia: Hahaha... I've had some really good memories on this site, and also met the guy of my dreams here, and plenty of close friends. It's really taught me also how people are, whether they live near you, or far. It taught me that doing stuff online isn't going to hurt you, and it's a great way to make friends online.
Anything else you wanna say:
Honestly, in the recent years of being on this site, I've noticed a lot of change in the ways Gaia is trying to advertise itself, and seen a lot of supportive people leave because of the choices the owner has made for the site. To me, it isn't about money. I mean, gosh. Even if I have a steady paying job, the first thing Id worry about is myself, and with the extra cash I have, possibly put it into this site, but with the way things are working, I'd rather not.
I have put over 500 hundred dollars into this site, and to be honest, I regret it. You get the occasional "gift" or "rare item" for helping out, but the thing isn't close to what you've invested. It's time for Gaia, as the website, to just focus on what they have now. You have people who care about the site enough to still stick around, But, so many of the older folks have moved away for the same reason people are complaining.
Simply, all I have to say is, bring back the old Gaia. .u.

-Username: Rhys Renau
Member since: August 2005
Why do I love gaia: I formed many friendships on here and I, like many others using this site, started when I was a young teenager. It was a great, safe site to explore and I developed my writing skills for my English classes by roleplaying on here. Some of the friends I made are still on here, and others are not (one of which I regret to relay quit because of what has been going on with Gaia this past year, ie. severe inflation from all of the flashy "get it quick" cash sales). Some of the friendships I have made on here have been as long lasting as those I made with my highschool friends. It is a place to express my creative side with writing, and I appreciate that.
Anything else you wanna say: Even though I appreciate the outlet for writing creatively, I can find other sites with which to do so that don't have a focus on spending your hard earned money on pixels in order to dress your avatar properly. I am really disappointed with this new focus of greed, and if it continues, you will lose more than just me as a member.

-Username: Koska_Arcus
Member since: my gaia age is 1718 days
Why do I love gaia: I enjoy gaia for the sheer fun of it all, dressing up! making friends, and the B/C shops! I love the events, The trade, its just all fun!
Anything else you wanna say: I am tired of Gaia making me feel like a lesser person because I can't affourd thier RETARDED prices on things! I nor anyone should feel that way. its turnign into a franchise on a level that makes me sick! and now they ahve made a club where you can only get these items if you have spent over a specific amount of RL money to even get these items? THATS NOT FAIR!

-Username: Leonaenae

Member since: 01/18/2006
Why do I love gaia: The People I have met here!
Anything else you wanna say: I tried to quit last year. Donated EVERYTHING, I was worth...before this inflation lmao over 100mil. I gave it all away because Gaia just pissed me off so much. But I deeply missed my friends. And found myself back on gaia starting from scratch.

-Username: DjAngelicHentai
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: It is a place that i can express my creativity and meet people.
Anything else you wanna say: Me and my wife have used this site since about 2008 or so. we used to buy gaia cash every week, this is when alruna's rose was still evolving. As of late i have grown to dislike the site in general due to the constant cramming of Gcash down our throats. When you released the '03 recolors i actually thought to buy some gaia cash to reward you guys for making me happy. then, very soon after, you released the chests. do you guys even realize what the chests have done to this website. booty was fine, although quite frustrating, but the chests are quite scummy. the site has evolved into a place where you can just exchange cash for currency (in high amounts i might add)

-Username: BinaryVolts
Member since: 2009
Why do I love gaia: I love the community, I love the people, I love that it allows me to be creative. I interpreted my avatar as an OC and I love to draw her and my friends' avatars interacting. Together we've created an entire series and every virtual item helps add to their ongoing story.
Anything else you wanna say: I respect Gaia needs to make money and I wholeheartedly support that. I want to see this site last for years, but I feel like the worst sting of all these sales lately is that you're inadvertently turning Gaians against each other, separating them between the have's and the have-not's. Not everyone has money to spend on the website, but those people do contribute to the site by keeping it active and giving each other a reason to return. Not many of my friends have the means to spend money on the site, but they keep me coming back every single day. Besides the impossible-to-win contests you release every so often, there's no way for loyal Gaians to make money without GCash. Guilds are dying, threads are dwindling, the marketplace is in ruin, and every time I visit Ask the Admin I do not get satisfactory responses, if any at all. And I see many other Gaians getting put off as well regarding valid concerns to the site's usage, activity, and overall longevity. In closing, I feel that all these recent sales are actually hurting what you've built more than you realize. I'm happy you're making money, but please put it to good use now that you have it. Give us something we need now, something we don't have to buy in order to receive. Guild help, inventory arranger, better security! Why tempt us with expensive things if you're not going to protect us properly? Please Gaia, I don't want to lose faith in you.

In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

-Username: Cao
Member since: 2003
Why do I love Gaia: There's a community here and a way of connecting with people that I just haven't found anywhere else online (well, since I found Gaia I stopped looking as hard). It's not really a hard place to find a place that you belong in the forums, because there are so many different topics out there. I do love the fact that there are a ton of items out there to dress up my avatar with, it creates such a freedom in that you almost never see the same avatar on some other person.

Anything else you wanna say: Yes, I have been here a long time. Yes, I have invested a fair bit of time and more than a fair bit of actual money into this site. I believe that these two things (especially the latter) give me the right to at least say something towards the current direction of Gaiaonline. It's crap. I don't mind occasionally spending money here just for fun, but when twenty four of forty of the last community announcements have pushed the sale of Gaia Cash items (whether they be Flash Sales or RIGs or MC), I think it's gone too far. It used to be okay, occasionally there would be a cash-exclusive item that everyone would be talking about (okay, so I thought the RIGs were bollocks when they first came out), but only occasionally. Now, it seems that the only things that ever get released are for Gaia Cash. We get a Gold Shop update maybe once every three months; whereas, since August 26, we've had 24 Gaia Cash events.
I lament where this site is going and despite all my connections here, I will not hesitate to sever all connections with gaiaonline.com if something isn't done to balance things out. This is my official declaration that I will not spend one more cent on Gaia until something is done about the imbalance and the s**t-economy that all this money-mongering has caused.

Gaia is not the loving community it used to be like back when I joined in 2007. It was a wonderful experience and the users made it something to come home to every day and participate in games, meetings, and discussions. Nowadays I don't know why I am still on Gaia, the users are not friendly and think that everyone is after your gold/items not for friendship. I even think like that now and I mostly lurk in guilds now looking for a friendly, thriving community. Gaia needs some big changes to become the once great community I knew and loved so dearly in the past. </3

-Username: Leifeh (Leif the Pirate, Ieifeh, Lei, ect...)
Member since: August 30th, 2007
Why do I love gaia: Let me be up front: I'm a Verge member. I've squandered an unholy amount of birthday and babysitting money on this site. This wonderful site, it brought be out of my shell, I had literally no skills talking to people before I joined. I joined with honest intentions; my cousin was moving across the country and we were too young to have myspace and get away with it(our parents disapproved of anyone under 16 on such a site. ). She had been on this site for about a year and wanted us to keep in touch. Ever since then I've made so many friends on this site--Even met my boyfriend of 5 years on here.
I remember when it was rare to see people decked out in the Elegant stuff from HR Wesley. When the Long Drag from the ticket place made you ballin'. Rally was still rally; had that car show place and everything. Everything was simple, no one really cared all too much about what hair you had, or what shoes you wore.
I miss that.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia stop. I don't want to leave you, but I will if you continue.

-Username: Samurai XIII
Member since: 2006

About to quit if this get even crazier than it is..95% to do so.

-Username: Sash0
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: because of my few friends, the Guilds I belong to including the kind members of verge and having my customisable avatar items Ive collected over many years, it is my favourite website to escape too online.
Anything else you wanna say: I'm very shy in real life so I really do like and care about depend on Gaia a lot I agree that it feels like with all the sales your treating us kinda more like wallets lately which isn't very fun, Less sales would be nice and I would like to see sale warnings like it used to be in advance for upcoming sales I miss looking forward to just new EI announcements and like new Season item announcements etc with bundle options with extra item inside that were interesting like and possibly improvement to inventory and my favourite gaia game zOMG! Thanks kindly from Sash0 (I normally don't talk this much *blush*)

-Username: jellykans
Member since: November 2009
Why do I love gaia: Friendships and mutual support, the site-wide story that has been neglected of late.
Anything else you wanna say: No, the thread author said it well, and I am getting tired and also am thinking of giving up on the site if current trends continue to erode Gaia's many good points and sense of community.

-Username: Il Corvo di Verona
Member Since: 2012 on this account, 2005 on my original (and still-active, if not often-used) account.
Why I love Gaia: Despite the changes, it's one of the few places, on or offline, that's consistently been there; there's always some corner of Gaia for me, regardless of new users or changing interests. It's also the site I've most consistently used for roleplaying due to ease-of-use, variety, and a lack of the outliers encountered on less-regulated sites. I've met a lot of funny, interesting, and awesome people on Gaia, which may well have only happened because of Gaia, and even if we've lost touch, I still have fond memories of this place. It's even helped me spend more time with people I know offline, but never really hung out with (at least, not as much as I should have) until we both started using Gaia! ... And yes, I've really gotten into items and avatars, at least in recent years.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia felt more like a community than a lot of other places, and I feel as if that's no longer the case. While I don't intend to leave, the barrage of "sales" and recolors and BUY GAIA CASH NOW is making me less likely to buy GC, and I'm getting tired of it. I acknowledge that Gaia is a business, and that we'll never regain those halcyon days that everyone who signed up in '03/'05/'07/'09/etc/etc remembers so fondly -- I don't even think that 'turning back the clock' would necessarily be a good thing. But I do believe that Gaia will only thrive as a business if it continues to thrive as a community, where people invest their time and money in the site because they enjoy being on Gaia. If the use of hard-sell tactics continues apace, more and more people are going to start resenting or even abandoning Gaia, and they'll take their money with them.
If Gaia's profits are derived from its users, why do things that will drive those users away? If Gaia puts such a high priority on user feedback and support, why does it feel as if communication between Gaia and its users have gotten less open/more haphazard? If there's a reason for the Cash push, I'd prefer to know more about that reason and less about the latest item they're trying to sell us as they reassure us that everything's totally fine. I'd rather see features that have been a long time coming - for example, a new inventory arranger - than new GC items, or games that cost GC to play (with a belated free-to-play option that, as of now, doesn't even give out the gold pittance offered by Word Bump). I admit that transparency might be too much to ask from a business, but the fact that we've come to this is pretty disheartening.

-My name's Mischievieous Takaton
I've been skulking about on gaia since 2008.
I've met new people and made a few good friends. Gaia helped me express myself artistically in ways that weren't possible until I got out on my own. It's been fun, a way to plonk down and de-stress, and sometimes indulge my inner child.

I know that cash shop purchases are great,
but I don't want it to be mandatory to spend money
just to stay a member.

also, when are we getting more makeup items in the gold shops??

-Username:: Lost Melfanian
Member since:: June 24th, 2005
Why do I love gaia::
Gaia is the best hangout place for me. I am a reclusive, defensive, awkward person in social
situations outside of the internet. Physically being around people makes me edgy and paranoid,
so a place where I can be myself (if digitally and in-and-out of unrealistic semi-roleplay that
defies physics and whatever) is perfect. Gaia has not only been the only forum site I've logged
for the past 8 years, it was my introduction to forum sites in the first place, and no other site
had ever been worth comparing because I never before saw reason to look for any other site.

Also, since my moving half-way across the country, all of my friends I now find online. Here.
On Gaia. It is home to me, and I would not choose to leave it unless it no longer felt as such.

Anything else you wanna say::
In all the years of my being on Gaia, I've been here doing the same stuff (hoarding pixels,
chatting with friends, and drawing stuff) for the reasons of simple enjoyment and love of/for my
digital community, and have been relatively content to do so, and can technically continue to
do so (even if the hoarding part of it becomes very difficult), until a day comes that Gaia does
something SERIOUSLY idiotic like not allowing the forums and accounts themselves to be free.

I don't think I'd be the only old Gaian in the angry lynch mob if Gaia ever did this, btw.

Since they haven't done this, the only things I really have to complain about are the frequency
of being bombarded by announcements regarding sales and new items and rigs and "what-have-
yous" that I (and possibly some other Gaian's out there doing the check-to-check living thing)
shouldn't be spending money on, even if it was remotely appealing and didn't look like a blatant
money-grab (which it pretty much always does these days, really).
And, of course, the lack of some sort of either closure (i.e. stop BSing us and just say ye're not
gonna do it) or REAL progress (i.e. screenshots or lab testing, maybe?) regarding old promises
for fixes to the site that have not yet been implemented, as they should have been when they
were initially addressed and promised to us in the first place.

-Username: OMG Dragon
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: For the memories. The better phrase would be why DID I love gaia because now it's too one-sided to be called love. Also the community, which was my reason to think about gaia all day long, is nearly dead.

Anything else you wanna say: The concentration of snobs and unoriginal people is too damn high! The thing that people love about the internet and online games is equality. No one knows your age, gender, looks, income or nationality unless you want to tell it yourself. Only thing that matters is your character and skills. That's why online world is so loved and popular. That's why I truly loved gaia and kept thinking about playing zOMG! 24/7. I've never felt so happy and addicted. But then everything changed when gaia turned greedy. The community was shaken and collapsed because the equality was gone. Your character means zero if you look like a noob (in most cases). And the only way to get really rich is cash. People are divided like in real world. And they hate that because online world is usually where you run away from reality. Most of smart and funny people abandoned the sinking gaia ship and quit. Now there's no personality in this site. It's like a huge corrupted supermarket, which only cares for those who pay the most. And if some extremely skilled gaians get loads of gold without buying with cash they are considered bots!

TL;DR: Gaia,you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

-Name: Sunshine In My Soul
Joined Gaia; 2009
Even though I've been on Gaia for a while, only recently have I really been active and actually meeting some great people here. This site really is amazing, but like what was listed, I'm feeling quite left behind with all the Cash sales and everything since I don't spend real money on this site. I want this site to succeed, and I know the admin are doing what they can, but if they could correct this, then I think that they will be coming a little closer to making a perfect site.

-Username: Cree -anon-
Member since: *this account 2008* however I have been on Gaia since 2006
Why do I love gaia: I am shy in person, I have High functioning Autism and I can't communicate well in person so Gaia gave me a way to talk to people. In 2006 I had very little social skills, I was a wreck between school and coping with my autism. Gaia became a place where I learned to be social, figure out how to talk to people, overall Gaia helped me come out of my bubble.
Anything else you wanna say:
I love Gaia with all my heart and I hate to see so many people upset with it. I admit even I am getting overly irked with the way it is going.

--I am Pelokas Mieli and I've been a member of gaia for over four years now. Despite difficulties with my original accounts I still return. Gaia has always been a place I could enjoy, make friends, and get excited about logging on to daily. It is a place that encourages creativity for me and offers plenty of unique avatars for practicing my artwork, and a place where I have grown several ideas for stories. In addition I have met the love of my life here, giving this website even more personal value. However now it has become a place where almost all of the announcements I receive are of sales or new items that honestly are impressing me less and less. There are people on this site that I hide from due to my inability to get along with them.. which is a fact that keeps me out of towns and rally/virtual Hollywood. Little by little I'm seeing a site I grew up spending all of my time on be less of what I remember and more like a badgering and money hungry false hobo. What do I mean by that? Well they're acting as if they haven't received enough support to stay alive when you can clearly see their healthy bellies and smiles. I do not know much about how gaia works.. but what's been going on lately isn't working. Should this continue I'm sure to continue spending less and less of my time in gaia until I eventually stop logging in entirely. I'd hate to leave, but I couldn't dare stay with how we're being treated. You're better than this Gaia, I know you are.

-Username: Lost Retort
Member since: 3/19/2009
Why do I love gaia:
Because of the people and the fun games (which have all been removed now), and the avatars and the tekteking.

Anything else you wanna say:
I would like to let you know that what you have been doing recently has made it seem like you don't care at all about the community. It seems like you have taken for granted the fact that we love gaia, and are therefore assuming that gaia will die no matter what you do, so you don't need to worry about pissing people off, and should just focus on milking us for all we're worth while you can.

But this is not true. Gaia wants to live. May I draw your attention to the classic textbook problem from 8th grade, where you learn that it is better to make 9x+5 dollars than 0x+100 dollars? While gaia may be smaller than it used to be, the people here are the ones that really care, and it would take nothing less than a catastrophe to make them leave.

I am one of those people, and I am considering leaving,
because you are causing the beginnings of a catastrophe.

-Username: Hell Tutor
Member since: 2007 (but had an account before so 2006)

Why do I love gaia: I spent most of my teenage years logging in and meeting talented and kind people. I met my fair share of jerks too but mostly the first sort. So long I live and have the time to dedicate to this site I'll log in and be part of this community.

Anything else you wanna say: Please! Drop the prices of the cash items. Please! Focus more on what you have: the community the manga and the items for the avatars.
Develop this, focus on this for this is the trinity of the site's soul and what made it work and get so many people in.
Stop firing your artists.
Make even more items more often if you want but make them five dollars and bellow.
Take to heart how hurt some of the users feel.

-Username: Anafae
Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: When I first joined Gaia, I wasn't sure what to expect..it was new and confusing. But over time, I met folks..and made friends who have become longlasting ones, pretty much family to me. If I didn't have Gaia, then I more than likely wouldn't have had the chance to meet such amazing people. I also love the events Gaia hosts, most especially the Halloween ones...trick or treating in towns has always been a fun time :] Gaia has always been a place for me to relax and just unwind after a busy day. This goes back to my freshman year in highschool, to my times now training to be a nursing assistant...it's a reprieve from my stresses..I don't want it to change into some huge ..thing that considers money more important than its users..
Anything else you wanna say:...I do agree that certain things need to be fixed before new things are added to this site..you're only bogging yourself down with more work :l

-Username: Fatal Irony
Member since: October 16, 2003
Why do I love gaia: It's a community full of diverse and creative people. I've met and maintained many friendships here. It's also a fun way to kill time.
Anything else you wanna say: I absolutely do not need or want PMs ever from Gaia Admin reminding me of sales or offering me coupons to get me to spend more cash. It actually made me angry when it happened. I already spend far more money than I should on this site. To be begged for more is insulting.

-Username: Scarbi
Member since: June 2003
Why do I love gaia: The community and the whacky admins.

As a former moderator I had the pleasure of working with other moderators and administrators for Gaia Online. I truly feel that the love for the community and the interest in the site itself (not just profit) is there. I hope that this petition will reach the people who can make these changes, because Gaia has strayed far from the path that most of the original members would have wanted for it.

-Username: Formally Kah0ticGypsy, now VieraDear
Member since: 2007/2008
Why do I love Gaia: Since I was introduced to Gaia when I was in fifth grade, I loved the site mostly for it's emphasis on social interactions with many people all over the world, and with it's interesting games, dress-up aspect, and loving community. I've met dear friends through here that I really care for and respect. I didn't even start spending money on the site until this year, 6 years after initial sign-up... So it is obvious that I didn't even care about the items for a long time. It's the community that fuels the fire that is Gaia Online.
Anything else you wanna say: I've seen things come and go on this site: I saw zOMG come into existence (Being given the opportunity to play it in Beta), I've seen the introduction of Towns 2, tons of new items created, new users to befriend, etc. It's been a fun ride... But the website has gotten increasingly reliant on its Premium members, and even I, being one of the users who spends my REAL MONEY ON VIRTUAL ITEMS, has gotten fed up with it. Inflation plagues the Marketplace and the younger users/non-Premium users are at an even lesser advantage than ever before! You're not going to bring in more users by narrowing margins, Gaia. Make the site for the community again, and put an end to this greed you've developed! You'll get more support and love this way.

ALSO: I believe that if you, Gaia, would like to keep an emphasis on Gaia Cash, at least have more affordable prices for purchasing Cash. I don't know about other countries, but a lot of U.S. families are still suffering from the country's horrible recession (my family being one of them). Start selling GC at ~$1.00 instead of $5.00. It may sound ludicrous, but I am not given an allowance, and it's easier to beg a parent for just a dollar, especially for VIRTUAL ITEMS.

Not everyone is willing to pay money for items that are not tangible. Come on, Gaia. Get real.

-I'm Moonstruck Illusion,
I've been a member of Gaia since 2008
I love Gaia because it's a wonderful place to be with an online community. It's very challenging to find people who are rude on this site and over the years I have made many friends. I have been a very dedicated user ever since I joined and come on almost every single day. I have spent huge amounts of time on this website and have always loved it. I come on to roleplay a lot and create avatars I like. I often find myself trying to make good avatars, but coming up quite a bit short on money. I have been on Gaia for five years now, and still don't have enough for even one item over 10m. I have spent actual money on Gaia several times in the past and still find it incredibly challenging to accomplish getting what you want. Since I have been on the website, Gaia has lost a lot of it's warm atmosphere it used to have and the site has started to focus more on the money than on the wonderful community that it has built inside of it. I remember when the admins of the site were often close to the community and each member felt they were important to the creators. Being close to people was a big reason I stayed on this site and now that the 'family feel' this website had in surplus is going, I'm finding it harder and harder to get back into respecting the creators of the website. I know it's a business, but to us it's a family, and now that it's focusing in on making money and it's quite obvious to the members of the community, many of us have stopped feeling the connection we used to have to this website.

-Username: Ramiele.
My feelings for Gaia are on the first page of 9/9/13's ATA.

-Username: Little Miss Pip
Member since: 2013, but I had an old account that was hacked called Handsome Stanly I don't remember what year that was though sorry ><
Why do I love gaia: Well to be honest it's mostly for the role play, I used to be addicted to that fronteer skys game, but now that's gone, I mostly just mill about on forums, to be honest there isn't much to do.
Anything else you wanna say: Please stop making things so expensive, it's ridiculous to ask for 50$ for a small item, and that 'club verge' is an absolute joke. To be honest if things don't change soon I'm selling everything and leaving /:

-Username: MonstersOfMen
I don't mind buying cash when I have the money to spare, but lately they have been throwing too much attention into getting us into buying cash. And well, I don't have the money to do so in an almost weekly basis. So yeah, I agree with not throwing out so many gcash items/sales so quickly, give them some between each other and turn their attention to other things like fixing bugs and I do miss the IM. Would like to see that back.

-Username: Sangria A T A R I
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: The community as well as the marketplace (long time vendor and exchanger).
Anything else you wanna say: I understand that Gaia is trying to make more money, as any business would logically do, but some of the steps they've taken have/had negatively impacted the users a great deal:

Adding ads despite having user-supported income source led to:
Adding Gaia cash offers which was a good idea in essence, but eventually led to people getting computer viruses because of shady affiliates. (Also, in many cases people had not been rewarded the GC amount promised.)
Zodiacal, which was the first cash shop item to be priced above 1000 GC. This was somewhat of a red flag, but considering the item's high quality it didn't seem like a big deal but led to:
Cash shop items far exceeding this amount, into ridiculously high prices (I supported Gaia but seriously? Like 10000 GC for a freaking set of pixels??)

Of course, neither of these had that much impact of the economy, and actually supported it despite the road of shady practices. But.. The thing that really set me off was the recent release of Flynn. The economy tanked because of the sheer mass of gold influx, and created unbelievable inflation. I remember when Gaia asked Dolphin Paradise (or whatever it was called) to be taken down because too much gold was being generated and negatively impacting the eco, which was a good move because it stabilized the market. Now that people's money is involved, however, Gaia seems to not give a crap at all whether the eco is impacted in the least.

Main thing is that I am angry about spending 1000+ hours over the past 5 years tending to my investments and becoming completely immersed in the marketplace, and all of my effort has seemed to be recently taken from me. ;c

-Username: Daffodil the Destroyer
I realize that Gaia Cash is an important part of keeping the lights on at HQ, so to speak. In general, I support the cash shop and Club Verge as they are Gaia's biggest source of revenue. However, the constant flash sales with items going for over $50 and even as high as $500 on a regular basis is really creating some fatigue. There needs to be some balance there - I really want to see some new items that cost under $5 in the cash shop every month. I would love to see some of the older items rotated back in, like the heartstrings or dashing gentleman sets, and I would really like to see some new ones added too. It would give smaller spenders more incentive to buy and use GC, which is good for you, and it would be good for us in that we would have more affordable cash shop options.

The biggest problem I'm having right now, though, is Flynn and her body parts. The constant flash sales are often irritating, but they are the kind of thing I can learn to ignore, personally. What I can't ignore is how you guys talk about how Booty Grab and zOMG pump waaaaaaay too much gold into the economy and have to be capped (which is completely correct, by the way) but then turn around and basically SELL absolutely MASSIVE amounts of gold for a very low cash price as if that isn't worse than the gold already generated by games. If you'd released Flynn's Booty once, that would have created a brief rise in market prices but then it would have evened out relatively quickly and would have been fine. But how many times did you release it? And put it up for an incentive for first-time cash buyers that you KNOW is going to get taken advantage of with mules? And THEN released a souped up version of it on steroids for Club Verge members? It's absolutely out of hand and you guys are killing the economy. I took advantage of the first release because I thought it was a one-time thing, but now that I see you are going to keep doing it I'm sorry I did, and I will not be buying any more of them unless you go to a once-a-year model or something more reasonable. And if it gets released again anytime soon then I might have to seriously reconsider spending any more cash to support this place and say goodbye to my Verge membership. Actually, I've already disabled Autocash and I'm watching to see what HQ's next move is.

-Username: Vanna1994
Member since: I never remember the answer to this... 07 I think?
Why do I love gaia: I like the forums really, and interacting with the other users. The avatar use to be fun (But I'e turned it into a complete pain for myself like I usually do with things...) but I've made a couple or so really good friendships on here ^.^
Anything else you wanna say:
I've never bought gcash, and can't afford it and personally, I do agree with rewarding people who can spend the money and keep the site going, but at the same time, it seems like club verge goes above and beyond to ignore (or make feel left out since ignore is not the word I'm thinking of...)
If they had a debit card option, I may actually be able to send them $5 here and there though
(More of a rant I guess? )
It's a bummer that they took Heralds of Chaos down as well... I seriously don't even want to play gaia's games sometimes because I know they will just get shut down in the end... : c

-Username: Ultima228
Member since: 06/21/2008 (thats over 5 freakin years)
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia because it let me grow and learn as a Roleplayer and a Writer, to let me be creative and flow with new ideas and begin trying new things. It has helped me on my path to my dreams of being an author by helping me grow and learn as a writer.
Anything else you wanna say: Not giving me what I FREAKING PAY FOR GAIA is the straw that broke this dragons back.

-Username: Leonidas Peridot
Member Since: September 10, 2010
Why do I love Gaia: I love Gaia Online because it's where I first learned about roleplaying, and also to improve upon my skills as a roleplayer in terms of creativity and detail. Not only that, but if I hadn't been cajoled by a friend of mine to join the website, I wouldn't have met all of the awesome friends I've made here, and it's because of them that I've grown in my roleplaying skills.
Anything else you wanna say: Yeah, a couple of things. First and foremost, I ( and I'm sure many other Gaians) would appreciate it if an IM system were created for Gaia, since the shutdown and removal of Meebo resulted in many of my friends using Skype. Second, if the Gaia users are continually petitioning for something, then it would be appreciated if the staff would take the time to consider what their members are saying about the changes to the website. Just because something new is released doesn't mean everyone's going to be favorable about it; plus, zOMG and the older games could use a bit of a facelift. The tfinal thing is though I am honored to be a Club Verge member... I'm pretty disappointed, mainly because most of the new or recolored items released last up to either a week or a month before they're taken out of the store, forcing people to spend their GCash to immediately get their hands on it before the item is gone. It's not good for people who want an item but are unable to afford it, and not favorable to those who are saving their GCash for the Black Friday season. If more time was given to allow people to save up to buy said items, it would be more worthwhile. Instead, such actions are leaving us wondering whether Gaia is actually showing appreciation for people who keep the site going, or using them to squeeze out more money. By listening and acting on the concerns and opinions of the members instead of acting on the belief that everyone will simply be okay with the result, not only would the site improve greatly, but us members would be more willing to remain on a website that cares for those who keep it going.

-Username: Captain KyuKyu
Member since: late September or early October of 2009
Why do I love gaia: The avatars, the customization, the forums, the characters, the manga, the everything!
Anything else you wanna say: Firstly, Gaia needs to realize this isn't good business and there needs to be some tact in the money making scheme here. I know gaia needs money to operate like any company but there are good ways to do business and BAD, horribly atrocious, ways to do business. Ask Nicolae, he'll fill you in on that.

I'm not asking them to stop EVERYTHING they're doing. Some of the loyalty programs like verge are interesting new concepts for Gaia. A website that SOLELY relies on it's benefactors no matter how small needs something like Club Verge. The re-releases of old items bother some but honestly I enjoy the the idea. Albeit, the flash sales are bit annoying. The whole idea of flash sales is cumbersome since I don't always have GC on me at any given moment. And, secondly, because It's annoying for some seeing it in the Site-Updates every other day. These limited time sales either need to be on a calender we can look at whenever or there needs to be an optional system created JUST for announcing these things. (Plus, for the amount of money I have to spend to obtain some of these items; I could be buying in hand copies of video games and consoles.)

Alienating your most loyal costumers is NOT good business. Making it hard for new users to get settled in by constantly bombarding them with two opposing messages i.e. by saying "FREE TO JOIN, PAY OPTIONAL" but then portraying another message "BUY, BUY, BUY." -It's confusing to say the least. While I enjoy supporting Gaia since it has been such a cathartic and enjoyable pass time for me since I joined in 09'; the feeling of losing this outlet so soon is truthfully heart wrenching.

Lastly, I want to feel like a valued customer again. Now, I feel more like someone's bank rather than a valued member of this website. My voice is utterly silenced and my options are to sit by idly while my favorite website collapses in on it's self. I want my voice heard, I want change and I want it now.

-Username:V for Virtuoso
Member since: August 3, 2007
Why do I love gaia: My reason for loving gaia is the same as the rest, I loved the community. I've loved the items that came out and the different things I could do with my avatar. There was always something to do on Giaa.

Anything else you wanna say: I used to spend hours upon hours on here talking to and making friends, playing games, playing zomg, roleplaying etc. There was always much to do. I still sign in everyday, but hardly for the time I did before. After they nerfed most possible ways of attaining gold, it wasn't fun anymore. With all these changes and not listening to the users, I feel that it's really gone downhill from the Gaia that I used to run home from school just to be with.

-Username: Vestal
Member since: '06
Why do I love gaia: Gaia gave me a place to retreat to when I was extremely sick as a 13 year old with no idea what was going on with them and whether my treatment would work or not. I'll always be grateful. The roleplaying the community here, as well as the Life Issues thread have done a lot for me.
Anything else you wanna say: Please don't make things so bad I have to leave. I don't want to finish off here that way.

-Username: Keaka Kureiji
Member Since: 04/26/2008

-Username: Cat Sapphire
member since Feb. 29, 2008

-Username: Zanaphine / Shu-Yanna
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I've met so many wonderful people on here, seen some amazing art work, and had some really fun RP days which helped me spur my writing.
Anything else you wanna say: I miss the days when this was an actual RP site, and the forums, events and what not reflected that.
Not a place focused on making us spend all the monies. emotion_8c

-Username: TIME L0RD
Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: I love the gaia community mainly the lovely people of the aquarium forum. Only reason why i still come back everyday.
Anything else you wanna say: please don't let things die out.

-Username: Laugh Now Die Later
Member since: Late 2003
Why do I love gaia: I used to love it because it was a fun place to come, hang out, chat, swap skills, role play, etc. Now it is corrupt with GaiaCash and all this rotting of the economy and everything is overpriced.. I remember back when a quet was grinding for months to get 100k... Which is chump change now...
Anything else you wanna say: Get rid of GaiaCash or at least take away its total control over the economy and give it back to us, the ones who work on the site to get gold, not just feed dollars into pixels...

-Username: Black Dawn Rose
Member since: 02/06/2005
Why do I love gaia:
I started gaia because I loved that it was a more fun and colorful version of myspace as the time. I could chat with friends, make new ones.. EVERYONE in my school had a gaia account and I was no exception. I've role played, chatted, fought, cried and laughed with people all over the world and as a matter of fact, met my WIFE on gaia! We loved this site because, no matter how nerdy, quiet and uncool you were in school, you could hop on here and be ANYTHING you wanted! There was no spending money on items, you saved gold and traded items. There were no achievements and you navigated with the fun little map of the world! I remember the nervous thrill of and "Intimate" or "Friendly" hangout! You'd accept the request and your character and a friends would be at the top of the screen beside each other or holding hands.... and everyone was happy! Gaia was small and sweet, built for the role players that it harbored.... gone are you days when you could just shop out of the stores and be ok with it, and very much further gone are the days where you weren't made fun of for wearing those expensive things. I'm so sad to see this site and it's state of affairs... the gaia team have lost the purpose that they strove for in the community. They treat this place as a back burner company that is just another money hole instead of facing the facts that they themselves made it a failing money hole with their own greed. When they implemented cash, that was the first down fall and it has trickled further since. I miss my old gaia, my fun and happy pick-me-up after a long day of middle school, the sought after reward of escaping the reality of a crummy first job in high school, and the joys of saying hi to old friends when I moved towns after graduation.
I love gaia because, it was the one thing that connected me to people I cared about, it pulled me from the dregs of monotony, and I became a better writer from weaving tales of romance, fear and intrigue... and I miss it.
Anything else you wanna say:
I miss those simple times where everyone was kind because we were all there for one reason, to be the thing we couldn't be outside. The cat girl, the hero, the guardian angel or the demon... even magical forest creatures! Most of all, I miss how easy it was to become those things. All you had to do was go to Barton town and click the highlighted store.... There was soul in gaia, it had the potential to be an amazing and massive place... But now... you run into the same person every five seconds because there are a mere handful of people actually on...

-Username: Lady Of Verona
Member since: 2011
Why do I love gaia: Avi friendship among players and tank owners in Booty Grab.

Anything else you wanna say:
Economics 101 formula:
Website + Happy Tank Owners (Booty Grab) + Happy Players + advertisers = success for Gaia.

Its fun to come in here. The synergy is upset when one group becomes too greedy, tramping on the other partners in this world and the site slowly but surely crashes as users get disenchanted and leave for greener pastures. Lessons abound in history - remember the French revolution, the Russian Monarchy, The Economic Crash, Hostess, etc, etc, etc?

-Username: Ona Elric
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: The friendly and quirky community, as well as the fact that it really promotes creativity and generosity.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia has been with me for five years. It has seen me through a lot. Through this site I've met my closest friends and confidants, helping me to come out of my shell. It was this community that was there for me through the darker parts of these last five and a half years. I've laughed, I've cried, and I've found myself staring at some of the weirdest scenes a person could imagine, all thanks to this site.
That isn't even touching on just how much it helped to improve my writing abilities, or how much it served as an escape I could go to when life got to be a bit too heavy.

....I miss that Gaia, and I want it back dearly.

In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

-Username: Aircutter
Member since: 01/09/2007
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia because there are so many memories I have made, so many great friends, and the roleplay communities are just my kind of place. ^^
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia has been my home away from home for almost seven years... I have made so many friends and memories in my time here, and the possibility of this place going down....it breaks my heart. I hope that Gaia turns back around soon. Despite many others, including many good friends of mine, I will not leave Gaia until it goes down, or I go down.

Not sure if this petition will help, but....I definitely will try. Gaia means too much to me for me to sit still and stay silent.

-Username: Broken Logic BHP
Member since: Like, 3 years ago, maybe 4?
Why do I love gaia: I've met many friends on this site, including my boyfriend; this is the only site I can role play on, because it's the only one I like.
Anything else you wanna say: I hate how Gaia is making itself look like it only cares about money now, I don't mind new items, or sales like this, but so constantly, and enough that it ruined the Gaian marketplace? A site called Tinerme or, something like that, died from bankruptcy for doing the same exact thing Gaia is doing now, and I'd hate to see that happen to Gaia, there are a few friends on here that I can only talk to on here, and I can only RP on here, so I can't quite Gaia like I've seen many others doing, and I don't want to, but I really hope Gaia finds a way to improve soon and start caring about it's users again.
( EDIT ) Also! My boyfriend just reminded me, I'd also like to see the Guilds codings and stuff updated. They were saying they couldn't because it costs money and not enough people use the guilds, but that's poop, because I know a lot of people use guilds, I'm in several active ones, 2 of which that have over 1000 active users. With all this money they're getting, that is not an acceptable excuse at all.

-Username: SooperNoobie
Member since: Some time in early 2012
Why do I love gaia: I rarely ever visit outside of roleplays with my girlfriend, but I have met plenty of people in my time here, just like a lot of other people here. I can easily understand how so many people grow such an attachment to this place, since it's practically a home away from home - an escape - for so many people, even if a lot of these things don't affect me, it's still sad to see it affect the rest of the community.
Anything else you wanna say: Everything mentioned in the OP is accurate, in regards to the improvements I'd like to see, but I'd also like to add that I'd like to see improvements to the guilds as well, seeing as I spend a lot of time in my own with my girlfriend (Who I met on here, by the way; another reason I can say I love Gaia). I don't exactly spend money here, but it would certainly be nice to see the funding Gaia receives to go into improving the site rather than devising more sales to throw out. By maintaining the base website, Gaia stands to actually keep and maybe even regain its former userbase, and that has a much brighter outlook than the current way things stand now.

-Username: Ravagraid
Registered: 01/26/2005

That's a long time gaia.
But honestly, I have lingering attachment to this site.
I remember when the monthly items were called Donation Items
I remember when gaia fishing was "omg, this is awesome"
when we were happy just talking to eachother and making neat avi's with the stuff we could buy in the gold shops.

Hell, you'd share, you'd roleplay and have fun.
The npc's, were awesome, they involved people in the story, you had world that was far more vibrant then this.

Especially when I saw the notice about the halloween event today.
Jack's, asking people for their money?
The evil, ridiculously powerfull god of halloween, that punched the ******** out of the Easter bunny?
That badass that menaced around towns...

Jack used to be like "I have an announcement for you all,that something will be happening soon. something grand you see, you'll be scared, and you'll be busy.."

And you had a hint to what might be the plotline.

Jack now, is basically scumbag steve
"Hey, uh, I'm throwing a party for you guys, but I'm gonna need your money to do it."

Things like those kinda make me sad.

How can you still have affinity for these fourth wall breaking characters, that only just seem to advertise for sales and the likes?

"Rufus is promoting a sale"

yeah, cause..Rufus, isn't part of a certain gold shop, and ofcourse he's going to advertise for the cash shop...err, wait, what,? "

...I have people here I like.
Thank god, Thank god, I never cared too much about items
I've never quested, but I managed to get some nice items back in the day because I posted a lot.
Actively roleplaying even.
I had a post average of several hundreds a day.

But, it's not just gaia that's changed, the world has aswell.
..Gaia is gone, this place is still a chatboard, but, nobody seems to realise that.

I remember the first really big layout change, the background colour, going to rather white, hurt the ******** out of my eyes, it was horrible, the easygoing manga like gaia had slowly taken a step to looking more modern and corporate.

Now, several years later, I come back after a break, and see that gaia is..one, gigantic, money-hungry company.

Thankfully for gaia, people are retarded as ********.
Cause, if you're willing to pay five-hundred bucks for a pair of digital wings, you're either really damn loaded, or dumb as ********.

I'm going to take a bite of my pizza now.
It's as cold as gaia feels.

But I've been around so long, that the lingering affection with never leave.
I'll see this ship go down.

-Username: R u r i D u r i
Member since: The first year after Gaia was started.
Why do I love gaia: Gaia has been like a family to me, and I love all my friends here. My favorite part has to be dressing up my avi, and the new items that are released time to time.
Anything else you wanna say: Please fix your attitude about us spending money. We know that you need to make a profit as well, and I understand that. But there are so many things that need to be improved, starting with the trainwreck of an inflation. I am not happy with the way things are going in the economy, and I demand that you stop making gold sink events and make a real change about the rich and poor classes that are starting to appear in Gaia.

-Username: ii Q u e e n P a n d a
Member since: June 2008
Why do I love gaia: i met so much awesome ppl here. i enjoy spending time here, especially zomg and exchange and guilds.. but its been a really pain past weeks and months.. i spend some cash and made good money with that. but now you cant spend some cash.. you need spend a huge amount. and i dont have that much money. hard to achieve any goal here.
Anything else you wanna say:eh nothing else ^.^
just a huge Thank you to the owner of the thread for putting exactly my thoughts in words ^.^

-Username: August Star Of Heaven
Member since: 2009 (my first account, this is an alt that became my main)
Why do I love gaia: The site is my safe haven from rl
Anything else you wanna say: I know you guys are now acting more like a business now more than ever. But a business cannot succeed without its customers. We Gaians are your customers. Either cash user or not we do deserve a fair treatment when it comes to account problems. It's understood some are privileged enough to get into Verge and many of us non cash users will not enjoy the service the shop offers. But basic customer care service is a right of every user. A number of friends and acquaintances have left the site out of sheer disgust of not being acted upon on something as simple as unlocking a disabled trading pass which some have waited for months.


-Username: Rune Shine
Member since: 09/08/2005
Why do I love gaia: It's always been fun. Or it used to be... I've always enjoyed dressing up my avi!
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia has been becoming more and more ridiculous! We can only take so much more of their greed and I think a site like this would have been better off promoting someone who's been working for them since day one than bringing an outsider in who may or may not have an agenda of his own that involves destroying the site...

-username: E.Beth
Things I love:the games and the people, having actual conversations with them and getting advice when needed

Somethings I'd like to add:
I loved the games back when people played them. zOMG and Booty Grab are fun and I wish they could get more love. Same with so many of the other games. Heck, just hold a contest for jigsaw again where a user's image gets turned into a puzzle again this year please!
Update the Manga again. Try to include some of the other NPCs that have been around for a while. New ones are nice but the players that have been around for a while miss them, just look in the petitions for a few of the specific NPCs.
I don't use Gaia Cash much; I am poor and just get the free cash you get for activities. I hoard that for the chance items. Having popups telling me this item is on sale for 5000 cash is pointless. Being able to turn that off would be nice.

I know that it is hard to run a website but some simple changes could really boost moral for those who use the site. Things like referencing ongoing storyline instead of leaving them hanging, using parts of the site (shopkeeper NPCs) instead of just forgetting about them, fixing bugs, saving games instead of letting them rot, etc. Not just turning the site into a money pit.

-Username: KelsoTheGreat
Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: Because it has been a wonderful community of people and characters.
I have been a dedicated user for years. It has been a wonderful source of entertainment.
I originally joined because it was FREE.
Anything else you wanna say:
This period has been an unprecedented one. Never before have we seen sales of these kinds, demands for us to spend REAL money most of us don't have, inflated prices or devalued currencies. In these times of Economic crisis we must do what we can to stay together.
I am willing to stick it out through there tough times, but others may not...
If these recent changes are permanent and are only going to get worse then you may not see us around here much longer.

-Username: tables_turned
Member since: December 2006
Why do I love gaia: I was brought to Gaia kicking and screaming by a good friend and artist who I adore, she has since moved on and rarely logs in more than once a month. Since then I have met many good people, some are still here others have moved on. I have almost 5000 items and I dearly love each and everyone of them. I change my avatar at least once a week and have over 42,000 forum posts (granted most are bumps for booty grab or guild posts). Speaking of guilds I have joined twenty one over the years, everything from sports guilds to booty grab guilds. I've played games, chatted in forums, profile hopped, lurked, role played literately and not so literately, changed my avatar, changed my profile, participated in the avatar arena, picked up trash in towns, decorated a Gaian home that I love. I have participated in every event/mini event possible since 2006. My latest obsession are the aquariums and achievements. I collect, I quest, I play, I rejoice, I support this site monthly with GC purchases and MC purchases with my 'in real life' money. I don't regret this because I love this site but maybe you are taking it a bit too far Gaia, it is starting to feel cold here. Please Gaia bring the community feel back, show us you care about us as people, as individuals, not just wallets. Update old features, fix glitches and slow the rate at which GC items offered.
Anything else you wanna say:
sugar ain't poison
but sugar will kill you
too much of a good thing
maybe not so sweet

I am also a Club Verge member and would buy tons more IF I felt I was getting value for my money, as stated things have gotten SOOO expensive. Also, there is little chance for me to buy later if I see something will work with my current inventory AND it was a good value, but I can no longer afford it.

I mean saying that something is 70% off and it is 5000 GC means that it was 16666 GC before - I don't think so! I have never seen anything in the shop for that amount and think that selling things like the October Mythrill bundle for 55,000 GC (or $550.00) is really outrageous for 13 year olds to afford, much less adults. I don't know too many folks who can afford to spend that kind of $$$ on pixels; lord love them if they can, but I'd rather pay the light bill and have a night out with friends for $550 I can do both.

I am not a wallet, I am a person and would love to continue supporting this very cool site ( member for a bunch of years now) but I remember when 5000 GG was high for a monthly collectable envelope, now - - well check out the pre-sale for the October sealed, it hit over 500,000 GC for awhile that's a hundred fold increase in just a few years, if all expenses in life multiplied in cost like that NONE of us would could afford much of anything. HELP!

Love Gaia, hate high costs!

-Username: Maid of the Evening Storm
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: Because its the place where I first started roleplaying and trying to improve my writing skills. Plus I have a lot of friends on this website that I can say I'm closer to than some of the people I know in real life.
Anything else you wanna say: Gaia now makes me feel poor if I have under a million gold on hand. I'm not against Gaia having a cash shop and such since I know that the site needs money to run, HOWEVER, it would help if we didn't feel like we were being gouged. I would love to spend money on this site if I had some extra, but I just can't justify spending so much as $25 or more on one bundle of pixels. If gaia would at least make the items cheaper, I think more people could justify spending a little on the website every now and then and it wouldn't hurt them.

If gaia just did these two simple things, I think we as a community would all be more accepting of things (spoiler'd because long):

1. Price most cash shop items cheaper - Because not everyone can justify spending a ton of money on one item, lowering them so that they are more affordable to the average Gaian would prove beneficial. It would also add more quantity into the market and lower prices, making things more affordable to the average Gaian who can't obtain an item otherwise. Monthly Collectibles are perfectly priced at $2.50 and always have been, however, Gaia now comes out with items that have as many or even less poses than the MCs, and are of relatively the same quality in design, and yet they charge us more (I'm mainly citing the items that they come out with in those various themed bundles). I believe that Gaia should base the price around the item in question an its quality/poses against MCs. Also, Evolving Items should keep all their poses as they evolve like their Rapid counterparts. Personally, I would rather wait until an item is fully evolved and buy it in the marketplace than sit around with this gamble of an item waiting for a pose I like, and then losing the previous poses if I happened to like them until the thing's finished evolving. When gaia rereleases older REIs and other items that it once sold in the cash shop, they should not be priced more expensive than they were before. The fact that Gaia was selling Dark Heart for 1000 cash instead of 499 like all REIs are priced personally made me rage. And lastly, they should have a limit to how high one can price things. I mean, $500 for a set of wings? Who are they kidding? Sure, some people might want them, but that is just the most ridiculous price ever. That's how much my apartment rent costs.

2. Make gold-exclusive "flash sales" - If Gaia put out some really good recolors of older items, even for a butt load of gold, I'm sure those who had the money would invest. This will help allow some new items to enter the scene as well as work as a gold sink. If not this, then I would like to see maybe a gold-exclusive version of MCs, only around for a month and maybe they are priced at 250k so its similar to a real MCs price, but it would still work as both a gold sink and a nice way to get cool items out. Brennivin's shop is a good idea for a place to put these things, and I've always just generally thought his store was a good idea, just not when everything is at least one million gold an item.

-Username: Singing Seraph
Member since: November 2007
Why do I love gaia: I've made excellent friends here, people I've even met in person and remained friends with. I've lost friends, gained friends, made memories. Incredible memories that I will never ever forget. The fun I've had on this site with my real life friends and Gaia buddies cannot be expressed in words. This is my home. This was always more than just a site to talk to friends on. It was a community of creativity, fun, and friendship.
Anything else you wanna say: I'm very disappointed in what Gaia has become these last few months. This is the first time I've genuinely considered quitting. I'm just tired of feeling like I have to sift through advertisements just to talk to people I care about. Back in the day, beggars on Gaia were seen as noobs or major annoyances and were generally scolded or avoided by the other Gaians. Now Gaia itself sounds like a beggar. "BUY MY STUFF. PLEASE BUY MY STUFF. PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE."
I used to coach newbies and tell them the most important thing to remember when they wanted to make gold: "The more you ask for something, the less people want to give it to you."

-Username: Missibug
Member since: Originally 2005
Why do I love gaia:
Because I can meet people from all walks of life who all have a common interest. And the avi's are fun :3
Anything else you wanna say:
I think Gaia needs to start focusing on why people are drawn to this site rather that how much money they can make. Stop creating such expensive things no one can afford or cares to try and afford. Thanks. Your loving member, Missi

-Username: BankisH
The should have use some forum or something with regards the actual trend. I mean wats with the costumer support ? If they cant support or satisfy the costumers need. Its over with this cash shop, theres no balance here. Also they made club verge but then they do some flynn booty that is unnecessarily.

-Username: catt725
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I can meet people with similar interests in a fun, colorful and artistic environment, play games with people I know, and the avis are pretty interesting.
Anything else you wanna say: I agree that the original games have always been a main draw, and that their maintenance and updates should be priority over the new games. I also agree that these constant item releases could be a total turn-off to new members, who don't have much money. I remember being in middle school, and I couldn't afford to buy any fun rl items sold, no matter how much I wanted them. When Gaia Cash became I think, I held back for awhile, but eventually spent a bit, but felt that it didn't go as far as I would've liked.

-Username: Elyria Stone
Member since: 2012
Why do I love gaia: I have met so many people, played so many games, joined Guilds, booty grabbed and just had a wonderful time exploring my creative side in RP's and such
Anything else you wanna say: I feel Gaia is getting too expensive - I'll pick up a $10 gift card every week - sometime more, but items selling for $50 and $100 seems crazy when they are only virtual..it makes me question the values that are changing in just the short time I've been a member - even charging gold and cash during events was a negative in my opinion. I love Gaia and I hate to see what it's becoming. Tone down the money making and concentrate on the community!

-Username: HardLinesAndKevlar
Member since: 2009
Why do I love gaia: I've met some really nice people here; enjoyed Booty Grab much (before Gaia destroyed it); enjoyed the various special events (especially Halloween and Christmas); and have always liked 'playing dress-up'.
Anything else you wanna say: The money grubbing attitude Gaia is pushing is appalling. It only makes me more disgusted with them that they so obviously truly wish to cater only to their paying 'clients' who fork over way too much REAL money. They're just another greedy, self-serving corporation, now. So sad.

-Username: edokitty

Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: chatting with friends in the forums. The old Gaia Online Safety Videos are so silly. Thanks Safety Marshall!
Anything else you wanna say: I'm trying to make Gaia fun again buy ignoring the cash shop aspect. I don't want to be focused on my inventory's worth.
Before the cash shop, there was an option to buy store credit. Essentially, paying money to buy items in the gold shops. Since gold was much harder to earn, this was very tempting. Then my friend pointed out that buying the sealed letters and selling them for gold was a better deal.
I used to spend a lot of money buying letters. There are lots of items on Gaia that I would buy with money but they are way out of my price range. I think they forgot the decimal. $25, $50, $75? That should be $2.50, $5.00 & $7.50. I'm sure the people that can afford to spend $25 would be glad to buy a $2.50 x 10

-Username: Eli the Sun Princess
Member since: 01/18/2009
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia for many reasons. It gives me activities to do in my free time or when I'm bored. You can basically design your very own anime character. You can meet new people and hang out with friends. BUT! It's much more that. Here, we can express ourselves and find other people like us. We can trade art and find entertainment in each other. There's too much to say here to list it all in a timely manner.

Anything else you wanna say: When I first got on gaia, you could buy a monthly collectible off someone for 20,40,or 60K gold before it'll increase. Now that number starts at 200k. People try to match up 1000 gold for every 1 cash, thus the price being 499GC to 499,000 GG. That's the problem. People feels it's the only way to turn a profit with that high GC rate.

*I had to resubmit this for some reason

-Username: this is my name XD
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I've been on this site since I was in middle school and I still hop on every day.
Anything else you wanna say: All this mess with Flynn's Booty/Chest is disheartening. The Gaia Gods need to get their heads on straight. This is pushing loyal users who come on every day- which is just as important as the ones who have a bunch of money to dump here- away in a mass exodus. I know I've contemplated leaving. With prices for everything in the market so high it would take ten lifetimes to get enough gold to buy them. And not every item people want is still in the Cash Shop. (If they have money for it.)
Now don't get me wrong, I've given my few dollars on an item or two- so I have supported Gaia in that way- but I see no reason to continue doing so if you're going to just trample on us like this.

-Username: floralsnow
Member since: 2006
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia because of three reasons. First, I've met a lot of people who are very friendly and are willing to help you in anyway that they can, and listen to your problems. Second, Gaia is like a place for me to escape reality, even for just a short time. Because of this, I manage to forget some of my stress and problems and smile. Lastly, the concept of avatar has really entice me ever since I've joined gaia. I really like customize it and I'm very willing to buy items that would really look good with it. Please continue to keep gaia a place where everyone can have fun and a loving community.
Anything else you wanna say: As I've mentioned from above, I really want to buy new items, but the current inflation in the marketplace discourages me from doing so. A lot of my wishlist items have multiplied their values into a very unreasonable and unattainable amount for me. As of the moment, I don't have the means to buy GC and my only way to gain gold is through selling and booty grab. But the amount I get from booty grab is not enough for me to buy an item, or a fish for my aquarium, and I don't have much item to sell with in the first place. I do understand that gaia needs real money to continue its operations, but please don't force us to USE real money because not all of us can do that.

-Username: cutester
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: It's my home away from home. I love zomg and its a world I can escape to and get rid of my stress. I love dressing up my avi. She has more clothes than I do!

-Username: MadHatterzMouse
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: My friends are here and it's lots of fun talking to and helping new people here.
Anything else you wanna say: While the whole GC thing doesn't bother me the constant flash sales are annoying. Maybe do things a little differently? The Black Friday sale and Summer Sales are okay, but maybe stick with big sales like that twice a year or such instead of the constant flash sales we have currently. If these flash sales must continue, can we just maybe have 1 a month or 1 around the holiday events? It's a bit much to expect to be able to buy items back to back to back like this, it should be spaced out a bit better.

Another thing, if you introduce a REI (rapid evolving item) for a original price of 499GC, when you re-release it don't raise the price by double. What happened to the 1299GC bundles that used to be released with various EI or REI that had come out recently.

Please put more into the games systems and inventory system, they do need a update/overhaul. Also, I was disappointed to see the removal of Heralds of Chaos, it had a lot of potential and was a great way to play PVP here. It was a little difficult to get the hang of but was a good game overall. I don't appreciate Smashbox in the least, that game more or less requires you to play using GC so that you have a chance at the jackpot. This goes back to the Cash to Gold thing we don't appreciate.

-Username: Kara Madora
Member since: uh.. 05 I think
Why do I love gaia: I love the outfits and th friends I have made on here. I like the games, and zOMG especially. I like the community
Anything else you wanna say: Dude, Gaia, Are you in SERIOUS financial trouble, and is that why you have been shoving so much GC stuff at us? Becuase I'd understand if THAT were the case, but really... Long time members shouldnt get pop ups. We shoulnt get pop ups ANYWAY. And lately your prices have gotten really expensive, for a poor college student. I still want those Club Verge wings, eventually, but I cant SAVE UP. Youve been throwing new GC items at us almost 3 times a week, and I think you really need to calm down and focus on some of th other things Users have been asking for, instead fo "NEW ITEM FOR GC'
And it used to be that you could buy MOST Gcash items the GC you'd get from a $25 card.
Go back to that.
$400 for a single pose pixel item leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If it going to be that costly, it's got to be WORTH IT.
Put more Gold Shop items out. We'll pay you cash, but dont let the Cash items overwhelm the gold items.

-Username: Ariele Thibodeaux
Member since: 2008
Why do I love gaia: When I lost my mom in 2008, I was very sad and depressed. I found this game online. For once I was not sad, I found people who were just like me. I love this sight because I have made real friends on here, who care when Im sad and dont judge me on my looks, class, size or status. I like the fact that there are people all over the world who come here. I enjoy learning about people not on what color they are or nationality. Not many sights can boast of allowing people to be themselves.
Anything else you wanna say: Unfortunately due to the rise in prices and the limits on booty grabbing and making money from games. I no longer feel like I can afford anything. I would love to be able to get the new items but it is like bam one sale after another. I dont think gaia cares for us as long as our wallets are empty. I used to love booty grabbing and playing the games but dang I cant do it all day just for a measly crumb of 150k when items are 3 mil or up on most stuff that a month ago was 150k. I hope Gaia realizes we are not all rich, we all dont have mommy and daddy's money to pay for stuff. With the economy and such I think the prices are absolutely ridiculous.

-Username: Sugar Shy Studios
Member since: 2004
Why do I love gaia: it's my home away from home, and I love the art and the community it once had. I love the roleplayers I've found on here, and all in all it was a great site....

-Username: EbeleRoderick
Member since: 2006 (on another account)
Why do I love gaia: I love Gaia because of its unique avatar system, the fact that I've made friends here, how much inspiration its given me to create art, and brought development to my original characters. It has a special place in my heart that other avatar sites didn't achieve when I first joined their community.

Anything else you wanna say: Despite that though, I strongly feel that Gaia is going down. When I read that people are jumping ship for other avatar sites for better customer service, that says something about this site in how they treat their users and how they operate as a business. I have been disappointed in the constant cash atmosphere that has been forced upon us through announcements, the staff alerts, our personal PMs, and now through pop-ups while the site's features are left to collect cobwebs. Its infuriating how Gaia allowed that one survey to slip by with hurtful comments and blatant art theft and then made their apology invalid through failing to properly revise their survey again. They can't even give their customers actual rewards to spending money on their site. Feedback and suggestions are being ignored and it makes me wonder why the Site Feedback even exists at all. Gold shops have been skimpy - how are any new users going to adjust if there isn't more variety besides having to pay real money to achieve the looks they want?

As a freemium site, Gaia can do a much better job than they are now. They must listen to the feedback that the community gives them in regards to the things we care about enough to bother posting with in the forums. The community isn't upset for no reason - we're like this because we still care.

-Username: Aliareana
I've been here since January 2004 and I've watched this site grow so much. It's truly amazing and the reason I have stuck around. I met my husband on Gaia. It was seriously the only thing online that we have ever had in common. I would not have met him if it wasn't for this site.

I am sick of the constant cash sales thrown in my face. I'm sick of the high prices, too. 1,000 gcash for one item was always hard to choke down, and so I quit spending money on Gaia. I can't even imagine how people can really afford these "sales." Good for those who can and are willing, but I am not one of them. Also, I'm pretty upset by smashblox giving so much gold. What was the point of nerfing booty grab if you're going to just dump all that gold into the system?

-Username: Lucifernium
Member since: 2004
Why do I love gaia: the people mainly, and it is a chance for me to escape the chains of reality
Anything else you wanna say: , I'm also trying to do Alchemy and the price increase is really stunting my progress, I miss the once a month sales, and now black friday was suposed to be something to look foreward to, now it's oh, just another sale

-Username: Sabishisa (used to be Yokuutsu on another account)
Member since: 04 on Yokuutsu
Why do I love gaia: I'm not sure anymore because it doesn't really look like Gaia anymore.
Anything else you wanna say:
One suggestion: Gaia needs to encourage communication between it's workers considering the Flynn's Twerking came back right after a gold sink started. That's piss poor communication (which shows that Gaia is falling heavily) or them not caring at all (which is even worse)

-Username: FaithBlack
Member since: 2003 (with various accounts)
When I first signed up, I loved that I got an avatar, & that there were so many things I could do to change it to express myself in ways that I couldn't before. Have you seen how awesome avatars have gotten in the last 10 years? The community here was pretty awesome, too. I met some really nice people, many of them I started offline relationships with - & this was when I was 13!
Since then, we got games, & much, much more stuff for your avi. Some of it was crap, but most of it wasn't. I was really excited when Fishing came out, then Cards, & I have friends that quickly got addicted. I still have yet to find a site that offers puzzles as awesome as the ones that Gaia has to offer.
After a very, very long waiting period, we finally got the MMO that we were promised, & it was EPIC. zOMG! was so much more than I imagined it to be... Until I got to the end of the storyline... Which didn't take me long, & not just because I'm a rather serious gamer... Am I the only one that notices that the game still says "BETA" on it, there's no talk of a new one, & all the devs working on it were fired? It's in perpetual BETA mode!
Then came items that you could buy with real money, aside from the monthly collectibles. I remember a time when the idea of buying an MC was some distant dream that I might have had one day, because they were so far out of my price range. I finally got a real job of my own, & started giving some of my money to Gaia. For about 2 years, Gaia got a chunk of my monthly checks - At least $5 a month because I just had to have those MC's... Then the MC's started to suck... Royally... Like, nobody was buying them... The ones I'm thinking of are still pretty damn cheap on the marketplace & they're 3 to 4 years old... So I started signing petitions for better MC's, & instead, we got a whole shop full of cash only items that were just as bad, but more expensive... After a while, I finally stopped coming to Gaia. I gave up. I moved to MySpace, Neopets, & other sites.
Last November was the first time I had gotten on Gaia & played it seriously in almost 3 years, & I was sickened by what I saw. Sure, you expanded on zOMG!, but all that did was make players even more Elitist than they already were. And shortly after that, you fired everyone that ran zOMG!. Rumor has it that Gaia has a new CEO, who hasn't even glanced at the site since taking over & has a bad reputation for running businesses into the ground. If I'm wrong, please prove it - The rumors about him are nuts & make me want to cry over what I know he will do to Gaia.
I looked back at some of the petitions I signed before I left Gaia, especially this one (made in 2008, last post in 2011), & I found that the majority of the complaints in it are still extremely valid, despite the fact that the creator of the petition no longer uses Gaia.

Complaints from 2008:
- Fix the numerous, annoying glitches around the site. This is still valid because there are lots of problems related to the new centered site, which, by the way, we all told you we didn't want.
- Update the free parts of the site that those of us that can't buy cash want to play.
"Those of us that can't buy cash are left to enjoy only the free aspects of the site while we struggle (very hard) to buy cash items with gold. But how can we do that when the free things are left to deteriorate? Update Towns, Homes, Guilds, Forums, and more, so that those of us that can't get cash can be happy here as well."
This is still completely valid, to me. "Towns 2" is not an update to the original towns, & none of the other things listed has received much of an update, if any, since 2008.
- Lower the cash shop prices and make cash items more fair. Make cash more accessible.
"$10 for an evolving item is much. $2.00 for a fish that will die in two weeks is too much. $.25 is too much for a Null Fragment when you consider the fact that you will need over 40 just to make two plushies. People overseas still cannot get cash unless they have a Paypal account, and yet, you're advertising and trying to appeal to teenagers, who most likely won't have a Paypal account or even a good source of income. Cash shop items are released at a rate at which users cannot keep up with, whether with gold or with cash. Make buying cash items more worth our time and money."
I don't know whether or not overseas users can now buy Gaia Cash, but if they can, good for you, you now have a wider audience to take money from. Cash shop items are still released at a rate that your customers simply can't keep up with, which is just plain bad strategy on your part (seriously, many of us would be happy to give you a certain amount a month, but we give up when it becomes clear that we should save our money because if you had it your way, our checks would all go directly into your bank account. Greed is not sexy). We were complaining back then about an Evolving Item being worth $10 & yet I see several items listed for $50! WTF? I will, however, state that I like the fact that we can earn cash now, & we weren't able to before. I also like that these are optional ads that earn you money, presumably to upkeep the site, but I don't like that you must have a smart phone in order to earn enough cash to be able to keep up with just the MC's (which are damn near worthless now, compared to the other, more coveted items you have in the cash shop). You are still appealing to teenagers, so that part is still valid as well, but rather than focusing on improving this site, you're talking about opening another, to target adults... Who have fatter wallets & who you hope to get even more money from, right? Yeah, we're on to you.
- Get more moderators.
Instead, you've been firing them, from what I hear!
- Be more professional.
"Cut and paste responses to hundreds of users that were unfairly banned, losing hundreds of dollars in the process, is not professional."
This is still EXTREMELY valid, considering that you recently released a poll that offended thousands of your users (an extremely unprofessional poll, mind you), & gave the fakest apology I've ever read in my life! You're supposed to be a business/corporation, & yet you somehow allowed something like that poll to be released to the public? As if you didn't have enough people upset with you as it was. Cut & paste responses are NEVER welcome, & even your apology was copy/pasted several times. We're not that stupid, but thanks so much for showing us just how much you care about what we think.

The petition that I linked to had over 4000 signatures before the creator left Gaia. How many more signatures do you need than that to make these petitions effective? Who do they need to be delivered to?

-Username: Mallori_Cantare
Member since: '08 on lizzy395
Why do I love gaia: I learnt about gaia through an advert and clicked on it and I was blown away by the nice community and all the items they had. People didn't care about the forums as much for the group I was in used to just ZOMG and play tiles and all those flash games. I've met so many nice people on the site and met up with a few people in my city. I loved to help people with donations and so many people were online back then which made me stay on the site up till the present.
Anything else you wanna say: Just some constructive feedback; Can gaia please fix the majority of areas that do need help such as that inflation (SERIOUSLY HOW MUCH BOOTY's HAVE BEEN RELEASED) like towns and the gaia app, add more content to the zomg because there are still loyal players out there. More updates are needed for gold items as well (more detailed too.)

-Username: Whispering Embers
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: The people. I've made some great friends here. Ones I hope I can keep. Gaia used to be such a community center site. Instead of being mad, I'm just so disappointed in the staf of gaia. What has happened to this site?
Anything else you wanna say: Admins you have always been there for us. Why turn your back on us now? You have so many loyal gaians and such a big user base now. Do not all of us count? What happened? Such a shame.

In a relationship with A Fictional Character

Magical Librarian

-Username: Reiko Iwamaru
Member since: 03.29.12
Why do I love gaia: Role-playing, the events, just hanging out with my friends~~ As well as familiarizing myself with the rules to become future site mod.. possibly~

Anything else you wanna say: I can understand where they're coming from with all this money, since well... Gaia is very popular! And you know, to run a popular site, it costs lots of money, so they're probably really really low on their budgets and need cash... But honestly, I hate seeing the Market Place get like this after Flynn's Booty. Everything got so inflated.... It makes it hard for me to quest for items now because of Flynn's Booty.

So I sign~ I know the Admins have their reasons, but there's a big dark shadow over the company now and I hate it... Have them change their minds? :3

-Username: Todes Sehnsucht
Member since: 06.08.09
Why do I love gaia: A friend told me to join Gaia. I did and soon I found out that Gaia has a great community. I've met lots of interesting people and made friends. Many of them are already gone and some of them will leave. I really love being on Gaia, talking to people, dressing up my avatar and playing games. But this has stopped since all the flash sales and Flynn's Booty and Chest were released. I don't buy GC, the prices for many items skyrocketed and I can't afford anything right now. It's less fun to be on Gaia. I know Gaia needs money to keep the site running but this is just too much...

-Username: Ryuza
Member since: 2003
Why do I love gaia: I have a lot of friends in this community, it's always been a creativity outlet, and I've loved to do avatar cosplays!
Anything else you wanna say: I can understand that exclusive things on websites cost money now. So many gaming, community, etc websites do it now, it's not unheard of. However, having these exclusive items be UNREASONABLY EXPENSIVE is insulting and unfair. You can get FAR more enjoyment for MUCH less on other websites, so I would seriously reconsider how you're handling this money situation.

I was here during the very beginning, when it was about the MEMBERS. It was totally fine when you implemented the MCs for $2.50, because it wasn't a huge amount of money for some really cute items. But what you're doing now...it's extremely disappointing, and you are currently (if not already) ruining the initial idea of GaiaOnline.

-Username: KittySongLUVs1D
Member since: 10.27.2007
Why do I love gaia: Gaia gave me the chance to 'meet' a lot of my friends that I have now. Granted, I've never met them irl, but that doesn't matter; because the friends I have here are some of the best ones I've had. Along with that, I love to roleplay and Gaia gave me a chance to let it out.

-Username: Aura Leigh Dragon
Member since: 2007
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia from the beginning for the community. over the years ive made many friends on gaia and still keep in contact with them in rl. i love gaia for the role pllaying forum and guilds, not to mention the games.

Anything else you wanna say:but gaia has begun change and i do not believe for the better (maybe for them). though i love the idea that you guys are trying to add new games, i dont think they need to give out unimaginable amounts of gold nor have any connection to Gaia Cash. i was very content on farming zOMG for gold which gave reasonable amounts.

-Username: KirinKin (formally known as) Digi
Member since: '03

-Username: Phaeton
Member since: 2003

-Username: Starro Star
Member since: 01/11/2012
Why do I love gaia: It's a place I can express who I am. Though I've been on this site for about almost 2 years I've met some wonderful people and joined some wonderful guilds. I've met all kinds of people who I would stand by no matter what. I wouldn't trade them for the world. Meeting them, made me happy.
Anything else you wanna say: This site was wonderful and the items that were here when I first started were cheap and wonderful. Now with all these sales and gold inflation the marketplace is becoming a battleground...and the new people joining are unable to keep up with the rise in prices.
Please...rethink this Gaia.

-Username: Tala Grey
Member since: July 2005
Why do I love gaia: I used to. Was fun and great place to meet people. Affordable, didn't have to rely on real money.
Anything else you wanna say: None that has already been said.

-Username: Lorelei Sonafaire
Member since: 01/08/11
Why do I love Gaia: On this site I found many friends, many news ideas for writing, and many interesting people and opinions. I've had the opportunity on this site to know the people I was about to go to school with and formed a bond with them. They recognize me now, and they view me as a better person because of my ideas on this site.
Anything else you wanna say: I know it doesn't seem like I've been here long, but I can see a trend when it's started. It's been too much. This is as much of a worthy cause as any. I've lost enough friends on Gaia out of lack of activity in roleplay guilds, I don't need something like this to add onto that list.

-Username: Oswald IV
Member since:i dunno but it was 3 years ago
Why do I love gaia:i love gaia cause i came to find my gf on here. i made lots of friends of which most left because gaia didnt get rid of pervs,money issues, or try to notify people of wrong choices
Anything else you wanna say: theres more i could say. most of which i wont and will bum it down to. gaia needs to go back to normal. to the way it was 7 years ago. back when i was on.

-Username: Wolfertons
Member since: '07 - '08 I cant remember, had too many accounts (got hacked 2 years in a row even tho I had nothing lol )
Why do I love gaia: Gaia is the only place I can make friends at actually. And here when I present my art, nobody is going to jump at me like "wtf is this? why do u draw asians wow omg" (unlike my family).
Anything else you wanna say:I wish they brought Gaia back to what it was a year ago or so 4laugh

-Username: You Are Gorgeous
Member since: 2008 i think
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia because I can really express myself on this site. I've made some really nice friends on this game! Of course there are your annual 'immature' people on this site, if you push that away it's really a great site! Now see, I have little problem getting cash on this game, but I don't want to feel forced to get it frequently. The way this site is acting is what pushed me away from other sites before. Please turn back to the way you used to be!
Anything else you wanna say: I am a junior in highschool, and I'm going to college soon. I may not be able to stay on this site for long (another two years unless this site pushes me away). Even if I do quit, thanks for all the memories

-Username: Maerua
Member since: Jan 5, 2007
Why do I love gaia: Always loved it for roleplaying in guilds, liked the earlier manga plot, and appreciated the art community here. I even made friends here, which is nearly impossible elsewhere on the internet.
Anything else you wanna say: Users who don't pay cash are not 'leeches'; we bring in page views and generate content that keeps others on Gaia.

-Username: Minajerie
Member since: December 2004
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia because it is a wonderful place to come and meet new friends, to chat with those you already know, and to have fun. Also, as an artist I have grown greatly since I opened my artshop some 4/5 years ago.

Anything else you wanna say: While adding new items to the site is not necessarily a bad thing, it is also not great when in order to get them you have to spend exorbitant amounts of money to do so. I liked gaia better when items were more reasonably priced. I have been on here almost 9 years, and I have stuck it out- I remember back when it took FOREVER to make just 4k for something an individual wanted. Now in order to get many dreamed of items we need 4 mil. Something that, for the average joe, is almost all but impossible (notice I said almost- there are some perseverant people out there!).

If you want to give us something to spend our money on, go back to the evolving items. NO not the rapid ones- while some of them are very nice, I do miss the long wait between releases of something new and fun to work with. While I know we do have one, why not come up with a few more- we used to have two or three going at the same time. That is something I would buy- because it has a good value as far as an item goes and it still helps gaia.

But anyways, I am getting off topic, The inflation right now is crazy, and the flash sales happening what seems like every two seconds. Would I buy something? Maybe, but not over 10 dollars because I have bills to pay and money to go to other more productive things for living.... like food. But that is that. And THAT is what I had to say.

Member since:2007
Why do I love gaia: A place to hang out,meet people simular to me,and maybe find my true love here
Anything else you wanna say:I dont want this site ruined by greed

-Username: Formidable Dusk
Member since: 2005
Why do I love gaia: I've been here a long time, I was too young to have a computer for myself back in the days of the site being Go-Gaia but I remember watching with rapt fascination as my friends older sister played games, chatted with friendly people, and participated in events and the Art arena. So a friend and I made a joint account (that has long since been lost to us), but the amazing memories I have made here ever since I joined and the wonderful people I have met have kept me here for years now. I love this site dearly, I and people around me grew up with this as common ground, both online and IRL, and even though we have grown up and there is distance between us, Gaia will always be something that brought us together, something we shared and had many laughs and tears over as we grew.

Anything else you wanna say: Gaia never used to push for money, sure there were the MC's, two cool items you could have for five bucks if you felt like showing your support, I donated a few times by mailing in my allowance via snail mail, username and amount donated written in pencil on a piece of notebook paper. And the site grew and flourished, it was great, but then as most things need money to grow, and with people flooding in Gaia slowly started introducing the idea of GC, and things started to change. It was no longer about how much fun the events were or what the NPC storyline/comics had going on. They seem to care less and less now about what makes the site good,and it has all been dissolving into this constant mindless push for money, more more more. And for a while, I was willing to give because I loved the site and wanted to support it and help it grow, and now I am a member of this stupid verge club and enough is enough. The madness has to stop, Gaia's takeing a turn for the worst and I don't want to see it crash and burn under poor management that's too busy scrambling for money to take notice of what's really important.

-Username: RafiCat
Member since: 2010
Why do I love gaia: Friends - I originally stayed for zomg, but I made so many good friends that I'm unable to leave easily.
Anything else you wanna say: The site isn't fun any more. It's often laggy, and the constant urging to spend money is tiresome to say the least. It really doesn't seem like our input is valued at all. Even when there are threads asking us our opinion, they seem to be ignored. Forcing site centering was very annoying. It has made it difficult for me to pick up my freebies, so I mostly don't bother any more. In general I spend very little time here now, because it's become so unpleasant.

Instead of taking measures to stabilize the economy, you've made things worse by dumping a ton of gold in. And for those of us without hundreds of millions of gold, the donation sink is not practical, leaving us out of the activity. It really seems like you only like the rich users.

Sooner or later we will find a new and better community and leave, unless things improve.

-Username: Alpaca with a mustach
Member since: 06 ( through an older account )
Why do I love gaia: I love gaia for many reasons. I love how friendly users are, how much fun it is to go and talk to people. I love how users were able to give input on things and really have their comments and concerns taken into consideration. I love being able to dress up my avi with so many unique and lovely items. And one the biggest things I have always loved about this site is the way that you can code posts. Most role-playing sites I have been on doing have this nice bbcode set up and if I tried to make a nice format it wouldn't look that good. This is one of the reasons I love rping on gaia. Not to mention i have been able to expand a great deal on my writing through this site. I also enjoy being able to interact with people in towns and compete in contests with other users.
Anything else you wanna say: I am hopeful that gaia will be able to recognize how important it is to keep everyone happy like they had before. We aren't wallets and we shouldn't be expected to pay to be heard. I don't want to lose gaia but this is something that really depends on being able to look past gcash, money matters and being able to heal the damage to the community that has happened from this onslaught of crude customer service.

-Username: TygerMyke87
Member since: July 11, 2012
Why do I love gaia:I love actually having a site where like minded individuals can share their art and stories, with people from all over the world. People can be open and free to express themselves in any way they want.
Anything else you wanna say: please on focus on improving current features instead of making new ones where people feel like they must spend real money. I'm sure alot of us Gaians can't afford half of the items anyway.

-Username: Reve Casse
So much of what is being stated and asked for is exactly how I feel. After more years on Gaia than I care to count, a cash user, I definitely do want to see us heard.

-Username: Blood Maverick
Member since: Join date: 12.18.06

Anything else you wanna say: -purrs very happily and scratches behind one ear with hind leg and then stretches out wings and then sits back still and purrs even louder- BLOOD GOOD GRIFFIN!!!

-Username: Shinku No Shi
Member since: 2011
Why do I love gaia: It's a good place to design things for one, with their tektek stuff and enjoy playing around with friends. It builds creativity and relaxes ya, you know? I mean yeah, it's got all these issues, but I still like it all the same. The games like zOMG are nice, the items are kinda cool, playing on towns is different and I like it, so, I like a lot about gaia. Short, sweet, simple explanation.

Anything else you wanna say: The inflation, and all these other issues, are, as said, ridiculous. What's worse is when you don't have time to try and meet the ridiculous standards to get even one thing now a days. Mashing up all these cash things one right after another after another ain't helping either. It's driving users broke, all your business leaves then and all you do is anger the rest of the community. Now, if there's time for this, there's time to fix already existing issues rather than working on all these new things and driving this place into the ground. I know money is needed to keep the site running but please, stop turning into one of those gold digging money grubbers. Now, gaia is fun, yes but, it's losing that with how hard it is to get anything anymore. I'm starting to like it less and less now. I just want some of these issues resolved before everything burns.

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