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Star Seeker

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Star Seeker


      Q U E S T I O N :
        What Does It Mean To Be "White Court?"

      A N S W E R :
        It means I'm an incubus, basically. I'm pretty, I'm handsome, I'm seductive and charming. I have the strength and speed to back it all up, but I rely more on my good looks and the hormones of humans to get my meals. Do I sleep with my victims? Sometimes, if that's what it takes to get close enough for a bite. I don't like it, but I'd rather be White Court than Red Court. At least in White Court I get to look human and don't die in sunlight. I'm actually a pretty damn lousy White Court member, but I'll get to that later.

      Q U E S T I O N :
        Wait, you don't burn up in the sun?

      A N S W E R :
        Isn't that what I JUST said? No. I don't burn up in the sun...or at least I don't die. You're not going to see me at the beach any time soon though. I get "sunburn" and sometimes I even get hives. It's like an allergy. If I'm out in the sun for any amount of time, I react poorly to it, and it hurts and itches at the same time, and I'm not some knightly man who's going to suck it up. I'm going to b***h about it, and you're going to hate me/the sun for it.

      Q U E S T I O N :
        Is that...a cross around your neck?

      A N S W E R :
        Why yes, it is. Made of silver ( Silver is for werewolves you dolts! ) and handcrafted. What? I'm a vampire...but I'm Jewish. You don't get it, do you? Let me spell it out for you. Crosses are Christian, and I'm Jewish. Why would a Christian symbol have any effect on me? I'll probably laugh at you if you flash a cross at me and expect it to repel me. What does effect me? The Star of David. It's...rather saddening that I can't look upon one anymore.

      Q U E S T I O N :
        Do you drink animal blood?

      A N S W E R :
        *stares* Humans are animals. I can drink non-human blood, and it will satiate me, but only for an hour or two before I get even more thirsty than before. It's like drinking salt water. It's liquid, but it's not what I need. I need human blood, once a day. Now, when I say once a day, this doesn't mean I'll die if I don't get it in exactly twenty-four hours, but it's like humans and eating. Have you ever been around someone who hasn't eaten in a day or two, they're irritable, and they want food. Bad. That's how I get. Like a human and water, I will die in about a week if I don't drink, but if I want to be in my best mood and in top health, once a day, every day. That being said, I do not need to kill all my victims, and biting a victim will not instantly turn them into a vampire if I don't kill them. Geez.

      Q U E S T I O N :
        Are you invincible?

      A N S W E R :
        Yes, and immortal too. No. Idiot. Wood of any kind will burn if it gets below the epidermis ( which makes splinters hell ) and a stake through the heart really will kill me. You can cut me, but anything other than wood heals quickly. Punches don't bruise long, if at all, and while breathing is a good idea ( do you like the look of blue skin? ), I don't need it, so drowning is out of the question. Fire is a weakness, but no more than it is to any other human, same with beheading ( good luck with that. I heal really fast. ) so, seriously, no. I'm not invincible, but I'm really hard to kill. Can't make it easy to kill what's already undead, right?

      Q U E S T I O N :
        You were a human once, doesn't all this rub against your morals?!

      A N S W E R :
        ...Yes. I'm so sorry! Have I hurt you? I'll go cry in the corner and die again now. Just kidding! I was human, and as a human I ate things like chicken. I'm not a chicken and I felt no remorse over it. In the same way I'm not a human, and I feel no remorse over eating a human. In fact, the only reason I don't kill more than I do is because killing a human is highly illegal in the society I have to put up with and if I do it too often, I'll get caught. I ooze charm, but really, you're a hamburger to me, just...one that hasn't been cooked until I bite into it. Sure, I can care about people, and I do. ( I love you guys, I do. <3 ) But hot damn if I'm not going to take a drink from them too, if they'll let me. My mentality changed when I ceased being human. I used to be against killing, and I used to also be against sex before marriage, to name a "less extreme" and "more human" example. I'm not against either one now. The only things that really bother me is that my mental state still screams my religion at me, and drinking blood is NOT kosher, and I do fear for my immortal soul...oh yeah, and my human friends don't understand me anymore, and that really hurts, but with most everything else I'm fine with it. If a normal vampire would do it, I probably will too.

Star Seeker


      P E R S O N A L I T Y:
        s a r c a s t i c
          Did you read the FAQ above? If you didn't notice my sarcasm up there, man, you can't read tones. Did you grow up in a cardboard box? ...And see. There I went again. Admittedly, I'm not so bad around people I know/like/don't think are idiots, but even then, I can be teasingly sarcastic, or not so serious/strictly truthful in my way of wording. My sarcasm ranges from playful and lighthearted teasing to scathing hurtful comments accompanied by eye rolls. It all depends on what I think of you and what kind of mood I am. Obviously the more I think you're being dumb or the worse mood I'm in, the more scathing I tend to be. I doubt I'm much fun to be around when it's scathing. *coughs*

        c h a r i s m a t i c
          When I want to be, at least. I can be such a b*****d...and when I am...it's fun, however, when I'm not in a pissy mood, or actually want something, I'm quite the gentleman charmer. This comes naturally to White Court vampires. We have to eat, we have to be equipped to get that food/drink. As a result, I walk into a club or bar, and within five minutes I tend to have at least one person hanging off my arm or clinging to my every word. Also, as a result, people tend to like me. You know that guy that's a b*****d, but everyone loves him anyway? Yeah. That guy is probably a White Court vampire...I like to think I'm not quite the b*****d that guy is, but eh. Whatever.

        i m m o r a l
          I'm that guy that thinks killing is okay. I'm that guy that thinks sex and lust are fine. I'm that guy that thinks torture is great, so long as you have a reason to do it. Rape? No. I still don't go for that. Sex and lust are fine, but it's no good if it's not mutual. I dunno, I guess that for me, it just doesn't feel right... Well, rape aside, I'm pretty much okay with whatever you throw at me. Now, also realize that this is all circumstantial. It's likely to be a bit of a different story if I know you personally...which yeah, makes me a hypocrite, but does it look like I care? Pft. If you answered yes, then god damn are you dumb.

        p h y s i c a l
          All White Court vampires are, whether they realize it or not. In life, I would have never dared to touch someone in the way I do now without even thinking about it. What exactly do I mean by physical? I mean I'm touchy. I like to touch. It's nice. When I'm in a pleasant mood, it'll probably just be the shoulder, hand, elbow. When I'm happy I'll hug, kiss, cuddle, ruffle hair, things like that. When I'm, well, when I hunt, I cross the line into what you think of as very intimately physical, and I'll just let you imagine what they entails. When I'm angry, I kick, punch, hurt, pull, shove, whatever it takes to cause who I'm angry at ( if it's not one of those people I like ) pain. Now, when I am sad/upset, you will DEFINITELY know I'm sad/upset...because I don't touch at all. So, generally speaking, if I'm being touchy-feely, everything's fine, it's when I'm not that, if you care about me, you worry.

        u n s t a b l e
          Never, ever, EVER tell Mallory that I'm really unstable, and will be for two more years. It comes with the whole "Hey, I'm a fledgling!" thing. I'm like a woman on PMS, I can change moods rapidly, whether these moods are positive or not depends on the situation. I'm overprotective of the ones I love in this state, and to be honest, Mallory's a little bit right. I am dangerous. I would ever hurt anyone I care about knowingly, but I still haven't completely settled into my real...self yet, and I don't have the control that older vampires have. If I go for more than a day or two without eating, I'm obsessive, and it's entirely possible I'll lose my clear thought and just go looking for blood, wherever I can find it. This won't happen when I cease being a fledgling, but until then...Well, let's say I do kind of look forward to being a full-grown vampire. I'll be cooler, calmer, more elegant. I'm like an awkward teenager right now, believe it or not.

      H I E R A R C H Y :
        r e d - c o u r t
          Animals. Freakish animals. They are humanoid, but unlike me and my like, they clearly not human, constantly. The sight of one would alert any human that they are something other than human, and they do not have a human mind in any shape of it once they become...that. They are like animals, animals that can speak, only doing what it takes to survive. They have no laws or customs. Only the most powerful of these creatures can look even somewhat human and try to blend in, but even they...everyone knows there is something wrong with them. They fear fire and sunlight, for both will kill them with ease, but in return they gain a strength and speed that no other human-like creature can imagine. If you want to look at it in one way, you could say this is the type of "classic" vampire most people think of when they think vampire.

        w h i t e - c o u r t
          This is the court I belong to, and this is what modern day people have tried ( and failed ) to interpret vampires as. We are handsome and/or beautiful. No, we don't become this way when we're made, we're like this because the White Court only changes people who fit this bill. We aren't just good looking though, we ooze charm and charisma even when we don't mean to, and it draws our prey to us without us much trying. We look human, and we think more like humans, and retain logic/intelligence. We also don't die in the sun, although we are allergic to too much sunlight. Things like that, as a consequence, we aren't as strong or fast as the Red Court, but we heal just as fast, and can outwit them. Trust me, if you have to be a vampire, you want to be White Court.

        c r e a t i o n
          All vampires are created in the same way. The vampire drinks from the human, bringing them to the point of death, and just before they breathe their last breath, the vampire lets the human drink from them. The human in them dies, and is reborn as a vampire, the change is just physical at first, but then, they start to change mentally too, until they aren't recognizable as the person they were as a human, unless they're white court, and they're acting. Vampires are a lot rarer than you might think, many attempts at making one fail because the timing is off and the human completely dies, or it's too soon and the vampire's blood is poison and just kills them faster. Vampires are NOT created by just biting someone and not killing them. That's stupid. There'd be a LOT of vampires if that were the case.

        l o y a l t y
          At least in White Court, when a vampire is created, its supposed to be taken in by its creator for three years, during which the older vampire will teach the younger one, and control them. Fledglings ( young vampires ) are supposed to love their creator in some way ( it varies. ) and they obey the creator without question. At the end of the three years, they can leave or stay with their creator, starting a family/coven. In the case of a creator leaving their creation, the creation is supposed to seek out the heads of the White Court ( Which is stupid, how is a fledgling supposed to know? ) which will take the fledgling in for the three years. In this way, all fledglings are loyal and follow the rules...supposedly. This doesn't always happen. It didn't happen with me.

      R E L I G I O N :
        j e w i s h
          In life I was an orthodox Jew. What does that mean? Not a heck of a lot anymore. I read the Torah, I had a bar mitzvah when I was thirteen, I believe in only one god, and I had a strict set of laws/beliefs...most of which because of what I am, I can't afford to follow/believe anymore. Let me tell you I used to have this thing about homosexuality and women positions in the world that I really don't have anymore.

        k o s h e r
          As an orthodox Jew, I keep/kept kosher. It's...impossible to keep strict kosher as a vampire, because it says in kosher law that you must drain any animal of its blood before eating it, because the animal's blood contains it's life and it is wrong to eat something's life. To survive, I must drink blood, which in and of itself is not kosher. Outside of that though, I try to keep kosher. I don't eat dairy with meat, I don't eat pork ( yes, I've been told what I'm missing out with on bacon... don't care. ) and all the other laws. Kosher is actually not that hard to keep, the hard part is that the rest of the world doesn't follow kosher. Pretty much my favorite thing in the world to snack on is this particular type of applesauce that comes in on the go packets. It says right on the package that it's certified kosher. Kinda makes me happy...

        d e v o t i o n
          It's perhaps the one true thing that remains of my human self, which kind of makes sense, because if I didn't still believe in my religion, why would any religious symbol, let alone the Star of David, affect me? No, I'm still a devout Jew. Well, at least as devout as a Jewish vampire can be. Sadly, I can't really do much with it at all. I can't face a Star of David, which means I can't go the synagogue anymore, which means I really can't interact with people of my own religion, and since I've lost my soul, I can feel that my prayers do not reach God... The most I can really do is keep kosher, and even that's halfassed as I stated above. I'm not a very good Jew, am I? *sighs*

Star Seeker


      Let's face it, my human life has little to nothing to do with how I am now, so I'll just breeze over everything I think you need to know about it. Perfect child. Perfect grades, perfectly religious, always did what I was told, never stepped out of line...never even kissed the girl I liked. I was shy. Really shy. I had a younger sister, who was much better than me out friends and stuff. I was always too afraid to take any risks. What if I upset my parents, or even worse GOD? That was really how I felt. If I wanted to go to heaven, I had to be devout, and I had to be mild.

      When I graduated high school, I applied to a good college and began to attend it. I was thinking of being a librarian. Nice, quiet occupation, although what I really wanted to be was a zoologist. I was too afraid to reach for it.

      A little less than a year ago now...my life shattered.

      I always heard about it, the people who would disappear at parties or clubs, the person who would be walking halfway across the city and would be found dead in a back alley...but I wasn't even that bold. It was pathetic. It was when I was going from the campus to my dorm-room. I was a fool.

      It was a man. He was having trouble with his car, I approached and asked if he needed help, because, as a Jew, I'm supposed to help all those in need, even if I was afraid to. He looked at me...he was beautiful. My heart leapt, and I mentally slapped myself before he smiled and told me he had left his cell phone at home, and that if I could just call a tow truck, that would be great. So...that was what I was going to. I turned away, for just a second to call, and then he grabbed me and shoved me in the back of his car.

      I'll admit it. I screamed, but he silenced me with his own lips. My first kiss was stolen by the very man who killed me. He was beautiful, but my body was raked with terror and disgust. If it felt good, I don't remember. I just remember his lips against mine, his weight on top of me, and his hands holding me down while I kicked and screamed and tried to bite him, but nothing seemed to help...he was too strong.

      Naturally, the moment his mouth moved away from mine I screamed bloody murder, but no one came, and only a moment later I felt it. His fangs in my neck. It burned. My entire body burned and I felt the liquid being pulled from it. I lost my voice instantly and my body arched and writhed while my very soul screamed for release. I begged for it to be a dream. It was torture. If it wasn't a dream I wanted to die. Let God take me, I had been a good person, I had no reason to fear death.

      I could feel it coming. I knew he was a vampire, something I had never believed in, but he was drinking my blood, there was nothing else. He'd drunk too much of my blood. He'd killed me. I could feel my heart slowing...and that was when he pulled away. My vision was blurry, but I think I saw him looking at me with something like regret, or sympathy. I know now that he had probably not eaten in a few days, and that he had not meant to kill me, but it had been done...he turned soft. I remember his hand against my face, gentle, almost loving. I remember him whispering something in my ear, I think it was something about being enough.

      My first taste of blood came moments later, and I rejected it, and he again held me down, but only with one hand, and forced his wrist at my mouth, the blood dripping through my lips down into my throat. At first I was forced to swallow...but then I began to take it of my own accord, and my heartbeat became stronger again. My vision cleared, but I couldn't move. My murderer, my creator held my face in his hands and kissed me again, and then I fell asleep.

      When I woke up it was night again and I was hungry.

      The next long time I don't remember much. I remember I eventually found my way back to my dorm, and I slept there in the day, only to go out at night and drink blood. No rhyme or reason, I don't even think I knew what I was doing. It was pure instinct. I had no guiding hand, and I was lost, being torn from my life in such a traumatic and sudden manner.

      When I woke up one evening, I had my mind again, but it wasn't "Micah's" mind. It was mine. So much had changed, I felt like I couldn't be that same person, "Micah." I left the dorm and went home. I was failing my classes, naturally, "my life" was gone. All because of some vampire who had abandoned me as soon as he made me. I thought going home would be a good idea, but it wasn't. Micah was gone, and so was any love I had for his family. I looked at them, listened to them, and I knew I should love them, but they were nothing more than faces to me. Memories of someone else's life.

      I could only stand it for about a month, and I think my parents noticed that I was different too. I think they think I was raped, kidnapped, or something horrifying in a normal way. I would never talk about it. They would think I was crazy, and then they would lock me away and I would die because I couldn't get any blood.

      I told them I wanted to live somewhere else, I wanted to go back to school, but on my own terms. I didn't want that college campus thing. I wanted something...independent. They were very understanding, like loving parents should be. My father even said that he would pay for all my expenses until I graduated, no matter what they were. He held my face like my creator had and said he wanted me to recover.

      But I knew I never would, not in the way he meant.

      I went looking, and in an ad in the paper I found an apartment that had an extra room, and I went to it in the middle of the night. Surprisingly they let me in, and out of everywhere I looked, I decided that place was best. They were a family. A man, his girlfriend, and is little brother. I wouldn't be disturbed. I could be alone. They wouldn't care about me...

      I was really wrong. Nathan likes me, and I...I really really hope Jonathan likes me. It would actually hurt me a lot if he didn't. Mallory...not so much. We "get along." Especially after it was discovered by them that they had let a vampire live with them. Nathan and Jonathan were all right with it, but I don't think Mallory likes me at all. That's okay. If she kicks me out...well, no, I won't be okay, but, if me being gone will be better for them, I can't say I'll blame them. I try to not think about it, but I disgust myself. It's those moments that I remember who "Micah" was, and who "I" am. So different. I wish I could go back, but I can't, and it's all I can do to embrace myself as I am. At least now I can do what I want, and God smite whoever tries to stop me. I will LOVE who I want to, and I will STUDY what I want to. If my immortal soul's been taken from me, and heaven is beyond my reach...then I will make every second on this Earth pleasurable until I'm dragged to Hell.

Star Seeker


      N A T H A N :
        A nice, open, loving man. Protective too. Sometimes, when he can't sleep at night he'll get up and walk around, checking on Mallory and Jonathan, as if he thinks they'll die in their sleep if he doesn't. He, despite what I am, likes and seems to trust me, which I really do greatly appreciate, especially since I know he must have argued with Mallory about it at least once, and she's his...mate/girlfriend/someday wife. I dunno, he's just...warm, like a ball of light. I think if he ever hurt someone or did something that caused someone to be hurt, he'd die of guilt. That's the type of guy I think he is. He drags us all from our room to play games, talk, or eat sometimes. People are very important to him, and I think that, more than anything, makes me like him.

      M A L L O R Y :
        There's...not much to say about Mallory. She does not trust me. She never will trust me, and that hurts, because I like her just fine. I know that the moment she thinks I've stepped a toe out of line, that I will be gone from the flat and I will never ever see Nathan or Jonathan again. I think she might also try to kill me with a truck or something if that happens. I dunno, I could just see it happening... She's nice enough around me although I can feel that aura of...distrust. The worst part is that I wonder if she's right, for the next two years I'll continue to be unstable, I hope I make it out that long, because once I reach that third year...unless I haven't eaten in four or more days ( I assume. ), I will be able to control myself perfectly...I hope to God that I don't prove her right.

      J O N A T H A N :
        Jonathan...I could go on forever. The one little thing I will get out of the way is that I hate his powers. Do not like them. On the other hand, I know he would never use them in the way that makes me hate them, but...imaginations are wild things...Just sayin'. Beyond that, I love him. I really do. I love Nathan too, but...it's different. It's not friendly, it's not familial...and the only other way I can think to describe that type of love is sexual, or romantic, but I don't want to have sex with him. Kiss him...yes, but I'd kiss Nathan too if I didn't think Mallory would kill me. It's just...I love him. I want to make him happy, but I know it's impossible. I can't do it. He makes me...So happy. He cooks special kosher things, just for me, and he's so adorable and shy, and he's so thoughtful, and fragile, and... *sighs* I love him. Is that so wrong? To simply love someone, even though I'm...a vampire?

      J E Z Z I E :
        So much fun. She's not one of my flatmates, I don't have to be nice to her or like her in any way. She's a witchling, most adorable thing ever, with how little she knows of our world and how easily she'll believe whatever I tell her. First time I met her, I told her the "bush monsters" would get her...AS A JOKE. I didn't know her, and I didn't know she'd believe me. She's afraid of bush monsters to this day, and I'm not telling her they don't exist. Too priceless. She's got a little spark in her, she got mad at me once and poured a "boil potion" on me. Sadly for her all it did was give me round red marks on my body for about a day. Sorry kiddo. I'm immune to most things you throw at me...seeing as they are made for humans. <3

Star Seeker

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______M I C A H c a m e r o n
w h i t e c o u r t V A M P I R E_______

                      At last Jonathan seemed to finish up his lunch, pulling out the last thing, which was a cookie. When that happened, he got up, and both he and Jezzie followed. The boy broke the cookie into pieces and offered the cookie bits, to each of them, but Micah shook his head. "Thanks, but I can't." To be honest, the cookie was probably fine, but he couldn't be sure. What if it had been made with Crisco, lard, and milk? If nothing else, he was sure that the pan it was baked on hadn't only ever been used for chocolate chip cookies. Non-kosher families just didn't think like that.

                      With cookie eating underway, conversation on the way to the nurse's office was very limited, but once they got there, the words started almost instantly. Micah craned his neck a little to get a look at the nurse, even though he was taller than both of his companions. Micah wasn't sure if it were possible or not, but it certainly felt like the blood drained out of his face at the sight. That wasn't just a particularly good looking man. There was something inside of him that told him exactly what he was looking at. Someone like him. A vampire.

                      Micah felt like something inside of him snapped. A vampire was their school nurse?! There was little that Micah could think of that might be worse than that. What kind of nefarious purpose could he have for being a nurse? For blood? For torture? He simply could not handle it. Had it been this man that he had seen earlier when he'd thought he'd been seeing Lyle? They both had dark hair, and naturally as vampires of their kind they were beautiful. He'd thought seeing Lyle was bad, but this was worse, way worse, with horrible implications.

                      "Okay, we've seen him," the blond actually reached out and lightly tugged at both of the other's elbows, "Let's leave him alone, shall we?" He mumbled something about not wanting to distract the nurse from his work, but really he just wanted him, and the people with viable blood pumping through their veins, to get out of here. They now all knew where the nurse's office was, and Micah now knew he wanted neither of these two people to ever set foot in here.

                      Their nurse was a vampire. Micah could think of nothing more horrendous.

Star Seeker

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►►► M I C A HC A M E R O N

                                Micah was decidedly not looking forward to this. Jonathan and Jezzie were, and, really, that was all it took for him to put up with it, but looking forward to it....no. Both Jonathan and Jezzie were...people people. They liked people. They charmed people. They just had to smile and they had people falling all over them. It wasn't like Micah couldn't do that too. He could! In fact it was a trait ingrained in him so that he could hunt without too much physical force and suspicion. He could do it. It didn't come naturally to him like it seemed to for his roommates.

                                For Jezzie, he knew that today was sort of a second birthday party, full of excitement and potentially new friends. For Jonathan, today was a housewarming party, dressed up for Halloween as a Halloween party. It was an excuse to cook and be adorable, and simply make anyone who even looked at him adore him. Hell, Micah wasn't easy to charm, and look at how pathetic Jonathan had made him. It hadn't even taken him long, a couple of weeks way back at the beginning and Micah was his. Then he'd pined, and pretended he wasn't pining and...now they were dating.

                                Micah would never figure out how that had actually happened.

                                So, a housewarming party, a second birthday part, and a Halloween party all rolled up into one. That was what this was. His roommates, his boyfriend and friend were excited, but Micah would honestly rather just curl up on the couch and read a book or watch a movie, or do something that didn't involve new people and actively having his "face" on. He cared about Jezzie and Jonathan's happiness though, and so. With the deepest of sighs in his soul, he was dressed up as a black cat, make up whiskers, nose, and all, and was going to actively try to not make the new neighbors hate them.

                                The doorbell rang. "I got it!" So far, all the people at the door had been trick-or-treaters, which, Micah had to admit, had left him with a sort of feeling that he'd missed out on something as a child, when he had been at the synagogue, learning Jewish while other children celebrated a horrid holiday. Once, before he'd gotten the makeup and ears on, a little girl had asked if he was Edward. Micah had to admit, that had made him laugh.

                                Now, though, the person behind the door was definitely too old for trick or treating, so he had to be a guest. Micah didn't want to let him in. Not because he didn't want to have this party, that suddenly had nothing to do with it, but every hair on his body was standing on end, hackles definitely raised to the max. Bright red eyes stared up at him. Contacts? Something told Micah the answer was no, those were his actual eyes.

                                Micah almost slammed the door shut, but then the guy spoke. "Aren't you going to let me in?"

                                For a moment, just long enough, all his doubt fell away. What had he been worried about? He couldn't even remember. "Uh, yeah. Come on in."

                                "Thanks." The man with red eyes was in the house then, and the moment the door clicked shut, all that panic came flooding back. s**t. Whatever this was, it wasn't good. Now, all he could do was keep an eye on this man.

                                "We have a guest!" He yelled in the direction of the kitchen, not sure whether or not he hoped they heard the note of distress in his voice.

                                "I'm Robin," the unnerving young man said with a flash of a smile that revealed...fangs? No. It couldn't be. He didn't smell of vampire like he did. He smelled of something more dangerous. He shouldn't have let him in.

                                "...Micah. Welcome?" The word sounded especially hollow coming from his mouth, but Robin didn't seem to mind.

                                "Thanks," the word from his mouth sounded dainty and delicate in a way Micah suspected Robin wasn't at all. Penny and Ellis will be by soon, if you were wondering. Penny wasn't...quite ready." Robin paused. "They might be doing a couples costume?"

                                "Are...they that sort of couple?" Not that Micah was at all sure who Penny and Ellis were supposed to be.

                                "Yes," Robin deadpanned in that sort of resigned, yet still disgusted sort of way. Well, at least it didn't seem like Robin intended to attack. Yet.

                                Micah's head spun around as he heard a soft tap-taping at the window closest to them. ...Was that a ******** bat?! He knew it was supposed to be Halloween, but come on!

...I love you so much that I sometimes don't think my soul can take it...and then I remember...I don't have a soul anymore, it was traded away for power. Do you love me too? Tell me again, I'm so insecure...
...I love you so much that I sometimes don't think my soul can take it...and then I remember...I don't have a soul anymore, it was traded away for power. Do you love me too? Tell me again, I'm so insecure...

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