Welcome to Gaia! ::

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

              This is my test thread for characters.I would very much appreciate that you don't steal anything because I will find you and I will be pissed off.

              Feel free to browse, not that I have much yet by yanno.

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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⋮ ( AUDREY WINTERS ) ✧ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇
♠ _. NINETEEN tab tab ♠ _. FEMALE tab tab ♠ _. HETEROSEXUAL

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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                                                                Audrey paced her room in annoyance. She could do this, this shouldn’t be so hard. She had summoned a Griffon and almost died, so turning A brick into a cupcake should be easy-peasy, right? Balling her hand into a fist, she pointed her finger at the brick, letting the warm energy of magic flow down to her fingertips. Nothing. “Why is this so hard!?” she groaned, growing annoyed with herself as she flopped herself backwards onto her bed. Lifting her hand up, she stared at her hand. Music, persuasion, sounds and languages all came so easy to her, but basic spells were so hard. Turning her head over, she eyed her companion with teary frustrated eyes. Closing her eyes she shook her head. He was always pushing her, he believed in her so she should believe in herself too right? Shaking her head and snapping out of her frustration, she pushed herself back up and stared at the brick.

                                                                Every witch was different. Maybe her magic just didn’t flow from her fingers. Sighing, she stood up. Thinking on where it might come from. Her powers were based on sounds, languages, and music so maybe from her throat? Her face flushed red. What if it didn’t work? She’d feel silly. She had to try but Nao was in the room. Groaning, she decided to call it a day, try again later maybe when his gaze wasn’t piercing her in the back. Eyeing him from the corner of her eyes, she clapped her hands together and smiled. “Let’s go out to eat!” Hoping going to eat would make him want to end her training session early. Not really giving him time to reply as she grabbed a sweater and ran out the door. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too cross with her. God forbid he didn’t threaten her with punishment for one whole day.

                                                                With a slight skip in her step, it took all her control not to start humming. It was an old habit she had to put under control, unless she wanted everyone who heard to be in a daze. Sighing, she put a hand on her chest, willing herself to just calm down. For the first time today, she was out of the house. Stretching her arms above her head, she stared up at the full moon. It was beautiful and bright. Closing her right eye, she remembered something her mom always told her when she was young. “Wherever you are, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.” Holding up her thumb, she blocked it out and laughed. For a moment she almost felt like a kid.

                                                                It took her a moment to notice the gloom in the air. Usually everyone would be high spirited under the full moon, it was a sacred time. “Nao, tonight seems...off.” She said, more to herself than to him. Just then, a younger boy came rushing over, his chubby red cheeks and his heavy breathes evaporating in the cold air. ‘The elders have called a meeting and wish all the Witches and Warlocks attend.’ He told her, before taking one last breath and rushing off to the next house. Her eyes looked back at the door wondering if she should go grab Faust, was he even home? Word would spread, if anything Aveline would make him go. That familiar could make him do anything. Had him wrapped around her little fingers. Snickering, she turned back to her familiar, dinner was a no go then. “How about we go tomorrow? This seems important. You stay here i’ll be at town hall if you need me.” Standing there for another half second, she smiled at her beloved familiar and skipped away halfheartedly.

                                                                It took a couple of moments, but before long, the scruff white haired Warlock came into view. “Faust, hey!” She yelled, manically waving her arms to try to catch his attention. Though-- last time she did this, he had gotten sour and didn’t respond. stopping him in his tracks, Audrey abruptly grabbed his arm, a slight wide eyed expression lit on her face as she lifted his arm and walked around him. “Where’s Aveline!? I’d figure she’d be glued to your side like always.” It was a rare sight when Aveline let her warlock out of her site, but Audrey thought it was adorable. Laughing to herself, she dropped his arm and clasped her hands behind her back. “So, do you know anything about this mystery meeting?” She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes shone with a rather stupid spark of hope. Somewhere in her raisin brain she knew he probably didn't know, the elders probably wanted to talk about the full moon or something like that. Before he could even answer her stupid question, she began walking again, but to make sure he was coming, she took hold of his wrist. She had never actually held his hand, when she was younger, it was always his wrist. He was the son of the family who adopted her and she saw him like an older brother.

                                                                He was stern, gruff and seemingly aggressive. A lot of people shunned him because of his magic, but Audrey didn’t-- he was one of the more fascinating warlocks in town and she wished she could be like him. Nao was trying his hardest to try and teach her, but magic just didn’t flow through her right. It always frustrated her. Mentally sighing, she dragged Faust toward the town hall. A group had already started pouring their way in the door, one of them stuck out and it happened to be the familiar miss-know-it-all-nosy-stick-up-her-butt Idris. Groaning, she approached with a half smile. “Oh-- Heey.” Audrey greeted, letting go of Fausts arm and clasping her hands back behind her back.

                                                                Yeah, she didn’t have the best attitude toward the Elders granddaughter, but she was always so nosy and stuck her perky little nose into Audrey’s magic all the time. Not to mention her rat of a familiar was basically an a**. Her head drooped down in a manner that she hoped Idris wouldn’t bring up her magic. She had enough of Magic for today. Instead, she backed up a little toward Faust like a child. “What’s the meeting for?” She asked, hoping if anything Idris should know. “And do you guys feel the heavy gloomy feeling in the air?” It couldn’t be just her right? It traveled through her skin in an electric current, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end and goosebumps running down her arms.

                                                                After a few moments, the sound of the gavel hitting wood sounded that the head elder was hushing the crowd. “Shoot.” The girl hissed. “We’re going to be yelled at if we don’t get in there, go, go-- hurry up!” She pushed, ushering them up the stairs and into the building.

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ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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⋮ ( CALLIA CARVER ) ✧ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇
♠ _.EIGHTEEN tab tab ♠ _. FEMALE tab tab ♠ _. HETEROSEXUAL

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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I xx AM xx BROKEN xx AS xx IT xx IS xx CANNOT xx STAND xx OR xx TAKE xx THE xx FALL
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░↓◤ ❛ consider it as a bliss ( bewildered ) by your ego


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                                Callia wiped her gloved hands against her cheek, a useless attempt to warm her flushed face. Sighing, she bustled through the trail, making her way from her hut to town. She had made a special request for a few vials of various animal extractions as well as a few bones and a flask of blood. Nervously, she watched her breathes evaporate into the air. She seldom came into the town unless she needed something. The stares or resentment and the mocking at her back only made her loathe them much more. Witches had no business calling themselves witches when they all learned it from her people. Huffing, she sagged her shoulders. She was hopelessly outnumbered though. Winter was so quiet, not even the owls sang. Nor did the wolves. That was strange, it was a full moon.

                                The full moon was the only time she’d be able to do this ritual. It was only a matter of time before one of the town girls wanted a love potion that would actually work. If made on this night it would be quite potent. It would entwine their souls together, they’d fall in love and live happily ever after. If made on any other night, it’d be more of a one sided thing, so she didn’t have much time to waste. She wanted to make quite a few. Curses were more her forte though. It was fun to curse people with silly things to poke fun, a wart on the nose for witches, because the way humans depict them on Halloween were fantastic. Ugly, green monsters, and that’s exactly how Callia saw them.

                                She had to admit this silence was eerie. The only sound she could hear was the soft crunch of snow beneath her boots, her puffs of breath, and the breeze. Her eyes wandered around the trail, she was in the middle of the woods. She wasn’t scared of much, but she was jumpy when it came to hunters. Being chased all the way from New Orleans had been quite an ordeal, not to mention they had scarred Koda, and she was still mad about that. The dark skinned voodoo priestess was regretting telling Koda to stay home. She had done this a million-and-one times before but something about tonight just put her off. A prickling sense that something bad was about to happen creeped up her body in goosebumps and erect Hair on the back of her neck.

                                “It’s okay, you’re just being paranoid.” She spoke aloud, listening to her echo as if she was talking to herself. If anything were to happen the witches would warn her right...right? Okay, so they probably wouldn’t, but as the goose-flesh kept creeping up her arm, she began to jog toward town, she might feel better in the warm shop when there were people around. The dim streetlights came into view finally as she slowed herself down to a steady walk. “See, nothing happened.” She told herself, taking a moment to catch her breath as she looked around. Empty. The streets were empty. Usually the town would be bustling busy under the night of the full moon. It didn’t feel right, nervously she crept further into the seemingly abandoned town. All the witches had to be somewhere right?

                                Someone was running, her eyes scanned the area to find a young witch running toward town hall. “Hey wait!” Callia called, jogging up to the girl and spreading her arms out indicating to the empty town. “Where is everyone??” The girl’s eyes stared frighteningly at Callia as she weighed her options on telling her or not. “C’mon girl, out wit’ it!” Her nose scrunched up a little, hearing her accent flow out so heavily, but her eyes held determination. Finally giving in, (probably not wanting a wart on her nose.) The girl pointed at town hall. “All the witches were called to a meeting. So everyone’s there. Which-- I need to be too.” Callia turned her head toward the town hall before putting her arm out to stop the girl’s attempt to walk past. “Why wasn’t I told?” Callia asked, trying to suppress the anger in her voice. Tonight was not the night she wanted to be dealing with bad karma. “Well um-- You’re not a witch.” She stated, confirming Callia’s earlier question on if they’d warn her or not. Putting her arm down, she let the girl rush off before she too turned toward town hall. Grinding her teeth, she wondered if it was anything important. More than anything, she just wanted to go home and be with Koda, but her curiosity had been piqued.

                                What was so important that the whole town had gathered? Irritated, the voodoo priestess pushed the doors open, slamming them shut behind her. Oh boy. All eyes her on her now. A snicker pushed it’s way through the crowd but she stubbornly held her head high and refused to give any of them the satisfaction. “Nice to know I was invited.” She sniffed, avoiding eye contact with the elders as she slumped down in the last pew, crossing her legs and arms defensively as she waited for them to stop staring and continue. “This oughta’ be good.” She mumbled to herself.

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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⋮ ( AVELINE ) ✧ ▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇
♠ _. 156 tab tab ♠ _. FEMALE tab tab ♠ _. HUMMINGBIRD

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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████████████ ████████████ ████████████ ( &&; even the seasons change.
y o u x g i v e x m e x t h e x h u m m i n g b i r d x h e a r t b e a t. xxx y o u x g i v e x m e x t h e x h u m m i n g b i r d x h e a r t b e a t.
y o u x g i v e x m e x t h e x h u m m i n g b i r d x h e a r t b e a t. xxx y o u x g i v e x m e x t h e x h u m m i n g b i r d x h e a r t b e a t.

tab xxx xxx xxx
tab tab tab tab tab tab x x x ░░░ SPREAD MY WINGS AND MAKE ME FLY.◞*

                                Bickering with Faust on his choice of attire was becoming more of a daily occurrence. It wasn’t that Aveline didn’t like his clothes, but more to gain other witch’s respect. Aveline was furious that the town treated him like some sort of monster. The petite girl hurriedly adjusted her crimson glasses and tapped her foot, her hand on her chin as she tried to decide what clothes Faust would look best in. Somedays she wondered why she hadn’t been born to be a stylist, Faust obviously needed one. With a half chuckle to herself, she finally settled on taking his red coat but his whining and snarky remarks finally made her give up. On his own he had managed to dress himself to look like what might be a cultist and she sighed and rubbed her temple, her eye twitching in frustration. “Oi vey.” She muttered, shaking her head as she watched him go. He would have been late otherwise. Next time she’d put up much more of a fight.

                                With him gone, Aveline fidgeted about the room. Not being around Faust felt weird and strangely quiet. It wasn’t often she let him out of her sight. On any other night she would have just hid in the nest of hair atop his head, but the elders were strict when they said no familiars. It was absurd! Sighing, the hummingbird familiar stopped in front of the mirror to stare at herself. Her red frames on her face and the brunette bob of hair made her look young, it didn’t help that she wasn’t fully mature for her age, she looked maybe seventeen when in fact she was One Hundred and Fifty-six. Pouting, she wrapped the red jacket Faust had left, letting it hang loosely to her knees and drape over her small frame. That made her feel a little better. Looking around, she couldn’t think of any reason to stay here, Nao was probably home but a certain Phoenix familiar was probably at home too.

                                ‘I hope I won’t be a bother.’ She thought, the breeze blowing through her hair as she walked the empty town street, the moon illuminating the town in a white hazy light. Damian’s house wasn’t far and Aveline loved hanging out around Damian when she could. He was one of the oldest familiars and she looked up to him. Smiling to herself, she let herself in-- not bothering to knock.-- only to find Damian snoozing. He seemed so peaceful. Making herself at home, she retreated to the other side of the couch, lifting her knees up and wrapping her arms around herself. Curiously she watched his stomach rise and fall with each breath as he slept, the look of calm and complete peace on his chiseled face. She really didn’t want to bother him, but the quiet was all but thrown out the door once a nosy weasel stepped through the door. Her gaze swept over the familiar as she lifted her hand in a small welcoming wave. Her face reddening as she hoped he hadn’t noticed her watching Damian sleep.

                                The red headed weasel wasn’t very discreet as he walked past without noticing her and pacing the kitchen for what felt like the hundredth time. His loud antics were heard from the living room as cupboards were opened and closed, as well as the fridge. Curiously, Aveline followed Juke into the kitchen, avoiding stepping on the wrappers he had managed to throw about the floor. “Oh Juke, you’re so messy.” The small girl chastised as she pushed her glasses back up her nose. Shaking her head, she began picking up the wrappers but she couldn’t keep up with Juke as he rummaged about. Sighing, she gave him a sidelong glance and decided she should wake Damian up. Back in the livingroom, he still slept soundly-- although she didn’t see how he could sleep through Juke’s noise. "Um--Damian, wake up! Lessa is going to be home soon and it's kind of a mess. I tidied up some but...” Her hand came down to lightly shake his shoulder. Trying not to annoy him. Her little hand was so tiny. As he stirred, she stood up and let her words sink in. He sighed and rain his long fingers through his mess of tousled hair and finally he met her gaze. He began to ask how she got here but didn’t finish, it was a lost cause. He could lock the doors, close the windows and such-- but Aveline would always find a way inside the house. Shrugging off his almost question, she took another glance at him, only now noticing he was in a black onesie.

                                Her face was beginning to turn a shade of red, her small hands lifted to hold back her laugh but she couldn’t. Her laughter made her bend over, holding tightly to her sides as she did so. Slowly, her giggling began to die down with only the occasional burst of giggles as she tried to contain it. “S-sorry.” The small girl mumbled between giggles. "I just didn’t see you as someone who would wear a onesie.” Straightening herself at the sound of her Damian appointed nickname ‘peepers’ she gladly nodded her head to help. With a little more speed than usual, she managed to pick up the garbage around the floor in a matter of a couple seconds, trash in hand, she followed Damian into the kitchen to grab the broom.

                                In the Kitchen, a guilty weasel familiar was munching away on a peanut butter sandwich, eventually moving on to the jar by itself. Peeking around from behind Damian, Aveline decided to speak up. “Here’s the trash from the living room Jukey.” She said, walking around Damian and setting the bag down in front of Juke. Her hand reached out and patted the red head on the arm as she smiled. “Let’s clean up your mess okay?” Aveline loved Juke like a big brother, but honestly sometimes she felt like she was the older sibling of their relationship. Turning around she looked up at Damian, her hand instinctively pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “What’s for dinner?” The brunette asked curiously as her small stomach let out an embarrassing rumble. Flushing, she let her engulfed arms hold her stomach as her cheeks reddened. She hadn't noticed how hungry she was until now.

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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( GAVRIEL DUVAL ━ ❜❜ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░

s i l v e l l o ` We r - require certain skill ... -- )xx:xxxxSAGITTARIUS ♂
s i l v e l l o s i l x ( . MEEESTACHE

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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              ( GAVRIEL : DUVAL )

              If I said I wanted your body, would you hold it against me? ❜❜

              ████ ★ : x x x ON THE SURFACE 。
              s i l v e l l o
              s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o ( b a s i c * i n f o )

              。↗ && : A G ETwenty
              。↗ && : G E N D E RMale
              。↗ && : S E XBisexual
              。↗ && : B I R T HDecember 3rd, 1993
              。↗ && : W H O ?Sagittarius
              。↗ && : W H E R E ?Orlando, Florida

              ████ ★ : x x x ON THE SUN 。
              s i l v e l l o
              s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o ( p e r s o n a l i t y * b i o )

              。↗ && P E R S O N A L I T Y
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Although blessed with beautiful looks, Gavriel was cursed with a bad attitude. He knows the basics on how to get people to fall for him, a few sweet nothings, compliments and dates that all lead up to the inevitable night of lust and sexual cravings. Although he loves companionship between the sheets, Gavriel doesn't like commitment and won't stick around for long, so don't expect anything long term. Gavriel is insecure and can be frustrated easily with details, social situations and the general niceties of day-to-day existence so he procrastinates a lot, leaving the details and niceties for someone else to deal with. He tends to hide behind a frisky facade, concealing his fears behind a wall he has built up around himself. Gavriel is not the emotional or the moody type, in fact he can be downright emotionally detached but he does get irritable when bored.

              This man may be difficult to pin down. He loves the trill of the chase so he may be off trying to get other women at the same time you are trying to get him. He is sincere when we says he likes you but he means it when he tells others the same thing. He is not showy or romantic, and he tends to attract people who like the thrill of the chase themselves, which is not too bad of a gamble. Do not engage him in emotional commitment like conversations about being together in the future. Gavriel is for the people who do not want commitment or are afraid of being tied down in a relationship. He isn't one to be possessive or jealous and if friends, he will be a great encouraging friend.

              。↗ && H I S T O R Y
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Gavriel was born and raised in Orlando, Florida into a wealthy family where he had everything he ever wanted. Growing up, he was able to have everything he ever wanted, be it toys, electronics, friends The only thing he didn't have was love and affection. Living in a wealthy house came with a price. His parents always worked, they were always busy making money. It was when his parents explained what a divorce was that his view on things became different. In his own way he believed when you didn't like something anymore, you could just get rid of it. It was the beginning of the end. His teenage years he was what you would call a player. Going from woman to woman, man to man - jumping from person to person to get the love he craved, the closeness of skin and the wicked dance between the sheets.

              The only relationship Gavriel has ever been serious about was with a girl named Vanessa. He was captivated by her and she was with him, they dated for years and they seemed so perfect. Gavriel was so sure this was the girl he was going to be with forever and he was a really nice guy. After a few years, she started to become distant, unfocused and very clingy. If there was something Gavriel didn't like - it was clinginess. Vanessa became very possessive, and it irritated Gavriel to the point where he decided it was better to break it off. For a few weeks afterward, all was smooth sailing. He had already found a replacement, but Vanessa had been keeping tabs on him. She wasn't happy at the thought of someone else having him.

              Inevitably, Vanessa coaxed Gavriel with a faux apology, inviting him over and like a fool, he took the bait. Once there, he was face to face with the barrel of a small gun- a glock. Vanessa was spewing nonsense like "If I can't have you, no one can." She seemed to be on repeat. After what seemed to be another century she shot him, straight through the stomach. The ring was still in his ear as he collapsed onto the ground and for the second time, he heard a second shot and what felt to be something collapsing beside him as he passed out.

              The whole ordeal had been all over the news, she had tired to commit a murder-suicide but failed in successfully killing Gavriel. Weeks later, he awoke in the hospital. Those weeks of sleep only felt like five minutes as the boy jerked awake expecting it to have been a bad dream. The pain in his abdomen said otherwise. With his heart monitor going crazy, it took only a few seconds for the nurses to rush in and explain his situation. Apparently he wasn't even supposed to wake up, he had been on life support and his family was paying the hospital generously to keep it that way. It was a miracle.

              After being released, Gavriel felt..different. For one, he never felt cold anymore, warm always warm. If he stared at a candle the wick would catch aflame. It was the little things like that. At first they freaked him out, but he became curious, adventurous with it. It wasn't until the letter came that he decided to go to Alaska- to seek out the one who knew what was going on.

              。↗ && S T R E N G T H S / W E A K N E S S E S
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Perfect accuracy and precision

              His weapon of choice is the bow and arrow.

              He has a tattoo of a bow
              on his right arm on the inside wrist.
              When he needs, the tattoo
              will glow and will form a ghostly bow and arrow.
              With it, he can use his element of fire to set aflame his weapon
              for a deadly combination.

              Uniquely Strong with enhanced durability & speed.

              He isn't faster then Aries, but close.

              If he damages his arm, he will not be able to summon his weapon.

              ████ ★ : x x x ON THE MOON 。
              s i l v e l l o
              s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o s i l v e l l o ( i n n e r * r e l a t i o n s )

              。↗ && L I K E S / D I S L I K E S
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              「 ✰*₀₁ : Flirting
              「 ✰*₀₂ : Sex
              「 ✰*₀₃ : Coffee
              「 ✰*₀₄ : Cigarettes
              「 ✰*₀₅ : Tears

              「 ☠*₀₁ : Rejection
              「 ☠*₀₂ : Relationships
              「 ☠*₀₃ : Commitment
              「 ☠*₀₄ : Being held back
              「 ☠*₀₅ : Formality

              。↗ && C O M P A T A B I L I T Y
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Gavriel is compatible with everyone. //wink wink

              But in all seriousness; Gavriel loves chasing, being the center of someone's world.
              He loves being able to wrap someone around his little finger.
              Once someone expects more then what he's giving like commitment and relationships
              He'll drop you from the pedestal he had you on, turning into someone who will love to see you cry.

              Rejection also doesn't bode well with Gavriel. Reject him once and he won't try again, even if you change your mind.

              Astrology wise in compatibility, he is compatible with Gemini Since both of them are prone to “sample” partners in life the intensity may initially be there but it may not last.

              Aries and Leo Both of these fire signs are compatible with Gavriel because of their innate understanding of his passions and interests.

              。↗ && E X T R A S
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Gavriel has a notebook that he has recorded all of his sexual conquests in.
              It also holds thoughts of the people he was ever with.

              He writes many letters to home that he will never send because he's too embarrassed.

              。↗ && T H E M E
              ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇

              Childish Gambino - Heartbeat

              Adam Lambert - For your Entertainment

              ▬▬▬▬ ( MEEESTACHE ) ▬▬▬▬

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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                          Once upon a time ago, an Alpha was born.

                          And their parents named them NADEZHDA, KISKA exactly sixteen years ago.

                          This female eventually grew up to be 5 FT 5 IN tall and 115 lbs.

                          Things at home, would never be the same: So you want to know me? I was born January 19th. I grew up living alone most of the time. Father was usually busy and never home. His explanations always went something like “I have no choice.” Which at the time I didn’t understand, but being young and malleable, I took his morbid explanation. For the first couple of years of my life, this was all I knew. Mother wasn’t around, she died giving birth to me so it was just me, myself and I. I have a funny accent mainly because I wasn’t born in Japan, I’m Russian. Even though Father wasn’t home, I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere, I wasn’t allowed to have anybody over, I basically wasn't able to do anything other than play my Cello, eat and sleep. He was always worried about something, always on edge and one day just out of the blue, he packs us up and goes to Japan.

                          Here he began talking on the phone all the time, his whispers and secrets were beginning to scare me. This was the longest he had been here and I was uncomfortable for a little girl. I was his little caged bird. It was only a couple of years ago that my powers began to emerge. I remember on one day directly, father and I were arguing the old battle of me wanting to leave. I usually keep my temper in check, being as my cello was an emotional vent, but this argument was more heated than the rest, it ended in him slapping me hard across the face and I was not happy about it. It was the first time he had touched me in years and I remember just feeling completely angry, I was blinded by it as I left to my room, my cage, slamming the door in my wake.

                          Let’s take note that it was a beautiful sunny day before that, the world outside became dim and gray. Storm clouds formed, rain fell in my stupor, thunder boomed in my rage. The weather around me would change with my emotions. A lot of those days were sad and bleak, gray clouds were a permanent resident around my home. It was like having a large beacon strapped to my forehead because one night in my sleep, I was grabbed and thrown into Gakuen Mirai. Here I lived a little more freely than I had at home, I lived here for a good year before being enrolled into the first year. It was here that I found my second power. Temporarily I can mimic the powers of others. It’s more of a defensive for when their powers are used against me.

                          Some say I act a little too nice, you wouldn't only see a pretty face, I have mastered the softness of my smile, and the crinkle under my eyes to which people call me an “old soul” I have a permanent concerned crease between my brow as I always try to help in any way I can. I’m affectionate and supporting when it comes to friends and strangers alike it's just in my nature to help. “Generally all around sweet girl.” Most people would say. I will go out of her way to help the people I love and will always be there for anyone who needs me, i’m very hard working and is tend to get stressed from overworking myself because sometimes I just can't say no. I’m compassionate and easy going but very stubborn. Sometimes i’m known to keep to myself most of the time when it comes to my true feelings and often I turn serious situations about me into a comic relief. I never really complain and always push myself to be better, I do open up when cornered, or very stressed out, and it usually isn't to the general public but to the people I choose to cling to in private.

                          Let’s get one thing straight though, I absolutely hate to be lied to, besides being the honest type myself-- I would much rather have the truth, I can tell if you’re lying by the sound of your voice sometimes it’s difficult if I don't hear a wavering in your tone, or if your hair covers your ears. Most people have some sort of twitch. Although, if I consider you a dear friend or someone that I can trust, I shall be as loyal to you as long as you're the same. My downfalls are that I try to always look on the positive side of things, I don’t approve of seeing the bad sides of people. Rather, I like to see the good in them, even if they are not such a good person to begin with. I tend to be extremely naive and can be really gullible, I’m too trusting, and this leads to broken hearts and getting my hopes up…a lot. I have a really hard time turning people down and knowing when to say 'no.' It has caused some problems with people taking advantage of my kindness in the past. "Don't mistake my kindness for stupidity." But unlike the quote, I’m still utterly careless.Careless of putting others in front of myself, causing many sleepless nights, catching colds, and skipping meals and I usually need someone to help remind me of myself.

                          I was thrown into Gakuen Mirai because of my Atmokinesis & Mimicry abilities.

                          But that was a while ago, because now I'm a first year.

                          I do really love hanging out with: boys, especially --you almost got me, but i'm not telling you!

                          I'm in the West wing dorm, room number one.

                          Oh, please bring me some of these:


                          Oh, keep them away:

                          x spices
                          x Liars
                          x No freedom
                          x Being sick
                          x Tornados

                          You might have seen me before, I'm a member of the Music club.

                          Signed yours truly, Meeestache

ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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                      xx___ ) WE MIGHT → K I S S WHEN WE ARE ALONE

                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWHEN NOBODY'S WATCHING WE MIGHT TAKE IT HOME X WE MIGHT MAKE OUT WHEN NOBODY'S THERE
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWHEN NOBODY'S WATCHING WE MIGHT TAKE IT HOME X WE MIGHT MAKE OUT WHEN NOBODY'S THERE
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWHEN NOBODY'S WATCHING WE MIGHT TAKE IT HOME X WE MIGHT MAKE OUT WHEN NOBODY'S THERE

                      xxxIt's not that we're SCAREDxx-xx!!
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx◞◞◞ It's just that it's ── delicate *
                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, why do you fill my sorrow with the word's that you borrow?

                                        • It took what felt like forever for the presentation to begin. So this was who had sent her this red headed, foul mouthed, and rude android. Her eyes curiously looked over at Cronus. Kiska thought for sure he would have ditched her once he got here, yet here he was. He stood rigidly, his arms crossed in annoyance. Kiska only half paid attention to what the man at the podium was talking about. Green eyes swept the crowd, it was pretty packed but she still attempted to look for Anhell, he had gone to get some drinks but he still wasn’t back yet. Did he get lost? That nice android of his seemed reliable, she’d get him back safe and sound. At this point, Cronus spoke. "..so this is what bullshit sounds like." It was only then that she came out of her thoughts and back to focusing her attention back to the man at the podium. Her mind reeled at the words spewing from what looked to be a now crazed, wild eyed maniac.

                                          This whole speech was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Fidgeting, Kiska nervously stepped closer towards Cronus. She would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t a little bit afraid. Cronus was more of a comfort though, she felt a little bit safe standing closer to him. Her eyes again wandered, looking for the familiar black hair, or blue eyes of her dearest friend. It was hard to see through the crowd, but her eyes kept finding themselves looking around. Kiska’s eyes brought her eyes up at the mention of the speakers ‘Children.’ Did he mean the Wallflowers? Was she really a leech? Pathetically, she lifted her hands to examine them, she knew every crevice, indent, bump and line and yet she was comparing herself to what the man on the podium was spewing. Shaking her head of her thoughts, she heard the last sentence before all hell broke out.

                                          “That is why I decided to clean this country by removing…you.”

                                          Following those words was a sound she thought she would hear only in the movies, something she would hear in maybe her worst nightmares. That horrible, raspy, scream of the first victim, the bots all pushing their way toward the humans. Children crying, women screaming, men trying to fight them off. It was too much, Weak in the knees Kiska would have fallen if it weren’t for Cronus Grabbing her arm. The sturdy support of his hand was nice. But - quickly turning her head toward him, she froze. What if he changed too? Trying to free her arm to no avail, she finally spoke. “Are-- you’re still the same right?” While her mind was praying on repeat that he was fine. With the hustle of the crowd, Kiska was pushed, shoved, scratched and her foot was stepped on for what felt like the millionth time.

                                          Her adrenaline was running wild, the most basic human nature of fight or flight was pumping her heart hard against her chest. The only thing keeping her grounded was the firm hold that Cronus had on her forearm. She wanted to flee, ever muscle was tense and everything in her was screaming at her to run but she couldn’t. The world fell away as she watched helplessly as Cronus grabbed an innocent, probably terrified woman and shoved her at a rogue. It was bait, a distraction but why? Meekly, her legs shook, she was terrified of the situation, but if anything she was more frightened of the wallflower that held her. If he was capable of doing that, he was capable of doing many other despicable things. A shot was fired, it was only then that Kiska turned back of to the podium to see both a woman and the speaker fall. The woman had her hand through his chest. Was she also a wallflower? She was shaking, everything around her was going to fast, she couldn’t focus and what was worse was that she hadn’t thought about Anhell until now. “...Anhell, oh god Anhell." Her voice was watery, wavering as she thought she might burst with troublesome tears.

                                          "This situation is unfavorable. We must relocate."

                                          That’s all he had to say?

                                          “YOU JUST KILLED SOMEONE AND THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?”

                                          It wasn’t until the words were out of her mouth that she realized she was yelling, more so screaming at him but he didn’t let go of her arm. She was being dragged, to safety she assumed but what about Anhell, oh god if anything had happened to him Kiska would never be the same. It was then that Cronus seemed to try and attempt to make her feel better, but with so much emphasis on ‘probably’ it just seemed like he was lying. At this point, she could barely see past the waves of tears that were pooling in her eyes. She was so distressed at the thought of losing Anhell, she forgot all about worrying for her own safety. They stopped maybe once, Cronus had leaned over to pick up an item on the ground but her swollen eyes, and her tears made it impossible to gauge what it was.

                                          Again, this was too much. Kiska was overwhelmed. Guilt for the woman killed in her place, worries for Anhell and his companion, fear for herself and the situation, and the scene - never in a million years would she forget what she was seeing. People on either side of her were being attacked, bots were being shot down and the screaming, so much screaming. It was hard to follow Cronus through the crowd, she tripped, and stumbled but he didn’t let her fall. For a moment, she saw him. Anhell, he had fallen, his body slumped on the ground, she was too far away. “Anhell!” She yelled, digging her heels into the ground as she slipped out of Cronus’s grasp. She was probably doing something stupid, but she was afraid, she was so afraid of anything happening to Anhell.

                                          Then it happened. A rogue had taken notice of Anhell. Running, Kiska tried to make it, as the rogue slowly crept it’s way toward her childhood friend. There was something on the ground beside him, but she didn’t have time to look as she tackled the rogue. In an instant it was on her, pinning her to the ground as she struggled with it’s weight. Her legs were free but useless as she screamed. She hadn’t thought about the consequences, if she wasn’t so terrified she might have called herself an idiot. But if anything she would be happy too, Anhell would be okay, she saved him right?

                                        • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
                                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxAnd why - - ↷ do you ` ( sing ) → █ ▌Hallelujah
                                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If it means nothing to you. . .



ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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                                            PROJECT BLACK SHEEP
                                            ENTER PRODUCT OR IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
                                            IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 9-329-84-0237
                                            loading human profile
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                                                NAMEXXKISKA NADEZHDA
                                                      D.O.B.IX19 JANUARY
                                                    HEIGHTXX5 FT 5 IN
                                                    WEIGHTXX115 LBS
                                                    PROFESSIONXXUNIVERSITY STUDENT/ CELLIST INSTRUCTOR

                                                    Looking at Kiska, you wouldn't only see a pretty face, you would see the softness of her smile, and the crinkle under her eyes as she sends a smile your way, the concerned crease between her brow as she tries to help in any way she can. The affectionate supporting hug she gives before departing, it's in her nature to help. Generally all around sweet girl. She will go out of her way to help the people she loves and will always be there for anyone who needs her, she is very hard working and is tend to get stressed from over working herself because sometimes she just can't say no. She is compassionate and easy going but very stubborn. she is also known to keep to herself most of the time when it comes to her true feelings and often turns serious situations about her into a comic relief. She never complains and always pushes herself to be better, she opens up when cornered, or very stressed out, and it usually isn't to the general public but to the people she chooses to cling to in private. She wants to be everyone’s rock, but she doesn't want to lean on anyone else, not wanting to be a burden. She is very easily angry, passionate, and serious about anything she sets her mind on.

                                                    The girl absolutely hates to be lied to, besides being the honest type herself and would much rather have the truth, she can only tell if someone is lying by the sound of their voice and it’s difficult as it is if she doesn't hear a wavering in their tone. Although, if she considers you a dear friend or something that she can trust, she shall be as loyal to you as long as you're the same.Her downfalls are that she tries to always look on the positive side of things, Kiska doesn't approve of seeing the bad sides of people. Rather, she likes to see the good in them, even if they are not such a good person to begin with, causing her to be extremely naive and can be really gullible, she is too trusting, and thus leads to broken hearts and getting her hopes up. Kiska has a hard time turning people down and knowing when to say 'no.' It has caused some problems with people taking advantage of her kindness and at times, and it reminds her of the quote "Don't mistake my kindness for stupidity." But unlike the quote, she still is utterly careless.Careless of putting others in front of herself, causing many sleepless nights, catching colds, and skipping meals and usually needs someone to help remind her of herself.


                                                    CREATING MUSIC
                                                    HER CELLO
                                                    RAIN FALLING LIGHTLY
                                                    READING NOVELS

                                                    RUDE PERSONALITIES
                                                    NOT BEING ABLE TO CREATE MUSIC
                                                    PEOPLE WHO DOG EAR THE PAGES OF A BOOK
                                                    MISTREATMENT OF OTHERS
                                                    NOT HAVING HER MORNING COFFEE

                                                    → Kiska was born on January 19th and welcomed to the world by her somber father. Her mother unfortunately didn't make it through the birthing process, deciding to save Kiska rather then her own life.

                                                    → By the age of five, Kiska took up the cello in order to feel closer to her mother. From that point,Kiska became dedicated to becoming a cellist.

                                                    → Meeting Anhell made a big change in Kiska, they quickly became close friends and stopped being so serious. She felt like she found the brother she always wanted.

                                                    → Kiska grew up relatively normal, excelling in academics with the help of Anhell and quickly gaining popularity with her Cello, she became a Cello tutor and that's what made up her mind to help students learn the melancholy chords of her favorite instrument.

                                                    → Kiska is currently attending University for a music degree and still teachers students from time to time.



ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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HUMAN tab EIGHTEEN tab 5FT 7IN, 146 LBS tab SEI-AN



      Many would consider Oka a friendly girl with a strong past. This would be a lie, her kindness is a lie. The girl is cold, resentful and pained. Oka is easily frightened by men or the thought of demons, seeming to flinch whenever a man comes near her and has a severe temper. Oka is a strong willed girl and prefers to be alone, but will do just about anything to help her survive in this hell she was born in. Oka has a cold exterior and only people who are lucky enough to get close to her can begin to peek under her mask, it’s hard to show who you are when you yourself don’t even know, Oka prefers to be a rock, unable to be penetrated and hardened by what she went through. This doesn't mean she is unable to be kind.

      Oka was born into a poor family in a small run down, dusty building which could hardly count as a house, her mother tried her best to make it homey but it was just too run down and they were too poor to do much about it.
      Her father was an abusive angry man and took it out on Oka most of the time for ruining his life. Being poor and trying to raise a child is a heavy burden and she was just another thing to add to the expenses and increase their debt.
      A couple years passed and Oka's mother fell ill, her mother was never the most healthy, but this time she wasn't able to push through- although she made it to Oka's birthday before she passed away. Her father didn't like this, just another thing to add to his list on why he didn't like his daughter, his attitude changed and Oka should have taken it as a warning, but she was naive.
      One evening Oka came home to her father sitting eerily inside, usually he would ignore her or make some sort of remark but instead he was sitting with an axe across his lap. He looked as if he had been crying and when those bloodshot eyes met hers her lunged, trying to end the daughter he never wanted.
      In the struggle, Oka managed to grab hold of the axe and in self defense managed to swing at her father, striking him in the leg. It wasn't deadly by any means but it was then that Oka decided she had had enough and finally up and left her father to struggle to get help.
      for those wondering if he was dead, Oka never went back to find out, she moved down to the rugged, dirt poor part of town to escape and for a long time she didn't do anything until she met a few young children who had nobody. Those children reminded her of herself and it was around this time she decided to learn to fight, steal, and con her way into survival on the streets.
      Because of her father, Oka became cold and ruthless when it came to men, figuring they were all the same anyway. The only male who is ever close to her is her small rodent companion, a little white ferret in which was trained to help steal. Soon she became an anonymous hero of the poor, bringing aid to families and stealthily avoiding the guard. This was her life now.

      A decent sized dagger is her weapon of choice, it's easy to hide and light so she can move faster. She is skilled with anything from a stolen sword to a broom if need be, but her dagger has always been her favorite as it was given to her by her teacher.


          STEALTH What kind of thief doesn't need stealth? Do you want to be caught? Oka is a very stealthy person, being a thief all these years and still not being caught? That's got to have some sort of bonus.

          INCREASED SPEED Getting away from the scene of the crime or running away from the guard, this will definitely come in handy.

          CUNNING Deceiving people is how thief's make their trade. Being able to deceive someone has a higher chance in getting what you want, when you want it!

          PICKPOCKET Having a partner for distraction makes this skill so much easier, you need misdirection so having a partner to distract makes stealing valuables a lot easier.




ADONIPS's Princess

Wheezing Fatcat

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        ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ SO, HOW WOULD I CARE --- FOR OTHER PEOPLE ?!
        {{ IF THIS ME WERE TO BE }}xx xx {{ ABLE TO CHANGE }} xx xx {{ IF I WERE TO CHANGE }}xx xx {{ WOULD I TURN WHITE }}
        ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx //: OKA MIKAYO . ↯↯ xxxxx The Thief !!

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                                                Oka’s eyes scanned the crowd, with her cloak’s hood up she was able to just blend in, she stayed close to the wall and avoided eye contact with anyone. Her pink hair would easily catch someone’s eye and that’s not something she’d want when she was doing something so obviously risky. Her eyes fell to a man who stood not to far away, he was selling jewellery at a nearby stand. Her hand lifted to pat the critter who sat content on her shoulder, Yeti was her only companion, the conveniently small ferret was her partner in crime, well trained in helping her out when needed. He nudged her fingers in acknowledgement as his eyes followed hers. Taking him, she lifted him off her shoulders and placed him down on the ground.

                                                He knew what to do. Casually, she browsed the stands, taking items up in her thieving hands and observing them as if she was merely a window shopper. It started with a startled cry, the marked man had spotted the ferret as he was supposed to, now that his attention was towards somewhere else, she managed to swipe a few items before she was noticed. Oka couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as Yeti nipped at the mans pants, ran around his legs and avoided the brooms malicious slams. Letting her walk back into the crowd, he finally gave up and ran away, being careful to avoid being seen as he raced under carts, darted around feet and hid under different vendor stations until he made his way back to her.

                                                Quickly, he snaked up her leg and back into her hood as she walked away from the market and back to the ghetto. Oka lifted the earrings, and necklace she had manage to nab from the stand and admired them. “These will feed us for weeks!” She cooed happily, stuffing them back into the pocket of her cloak. Now to find a buyer. It wasn’t hard in the ghetto, a lot of illegal selling went on around dark corners. The wealthy would never know this burden. To do whatever you have to to survive, to see children starve. Speaking of the devils- It was then that a group of playing children whizzed passed, but only one took notice and recognized her, a small girl who Oka had briefly helped before. Halting, she smiled up at the cloaked woman. “Well don’t you look a lot better!” Oka observed, leaning down to admire the girl. Her skin was less pale, her eyes weren’t darkened and you couldn’t see any protruding bones. “I managed to guilt a woman of some bread yesterday! I did just like you taught me!”

                                                Oka recently had taught a few children that cute faces and tears with a convincing sob story would usually get them food to live off of, so knowing it was helping made Oka smile. Her hand reached over and ruffled the girls hair. “What were the other things I taught you?” She quizzed, wanting this girl to recite the three most important parts of her lessons. “Blend in, don’t be noticed and always know your escape route.” She chimed proudly, naming each one off her finger. “Good girl.” The pink haired thief praised, lifting herself to stand. “Go play with your friends now, and remember what you learned!” With a small smile the girl ran off down the road, dodging between people’s legs.

                                                “Good to know she’s okay.” Oka thought aloud, letting herself watch the girl run off. Just a week before she had been hardly able to stand, being bedridden and hungry, it took most of Oka’s funds to even convince a doctor to come to this part of the city. Turning on her heel, the girl stayed to the wall, heading straight to the sketchy shop who would know anyone looking to buy. Before long she had fallen in step behind a rather gossipy pair, she slowed to listen for any news. “There’s a big celebration for the Tanaka family Patriarch, it’s his birthday, a lot of people are going.” Explained one of the ladies. Curiously, Oka snuck closer to hear a little more. “It’s over at Sasa Sanctuary later tonight.” The other continued. “I wish I could go.” One of them moaned, sighing disappointedly as Oka let them walk off.

                                                A big celebration means lots of people, and lots of people meant lots of things for the taking. Connecting the dots, Oka decided she should go-- But wait. Freezing, she stared up at the sky. She had never left Sei-An. Cursing herself, she debated on what action she should take. On absolutly no occasion did she want to travel alone outside of Sei-An. Irritated, Oka headed for the gates, if she missed this chance she would never forgive herself. There was a first time for everything, and she guessed today was the day to find out.

                                                Ooc: omg it's finally up, sorry if it's terrible it's like midnight right now but feel free to come interact with Oka, unless you're a guy then prepare for war lol

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