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Shirtless Citizen

prices we must pay

3,672 words | first person p.o.v.
intro post

hunger games rp.

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                                      There was only one thing that was calming this morning, and it was the sound of the waves crashing up onto the shore of the beach. Actually, now that I thought about it, even that sound was putting me on edge. Nothing was soothing—nothing comforting. Whenever I was distraught, nervous or just too preoccupied thinking about something troubling, the crash of the waves would help comfort me—but I was past the point of no return. It was a day that had everyone on edge, worrying about the wellbeing of the other members in the district. This was my ritual every reaping day, I don’t even know why I thought this time it would be different. For six years I had been doing this, and each year that went by, a little extra hope surfaced. Another year passed, and another year I was saved. Now being eighteen—I almost had this sense of being invincible to the ways of the reaping bowl. Sure, the possibility of my name being reaped this year was higher than ever(which did make me slightly more nervous than normal), yet I couldn’t exactly help but be a little cocky about the situation. My mind was a complicated mess. After standing there for a couple more minutes, I bent down slowly and picked up the first rock I could spot. My eyes studied it, and then after a sigh, I tossed it into the ocean deciding that my attempt at a cleared and peaceful mind wasn’t going to happen at all.

                                      I lifted a hand and scratched at the back of my neck while watching the rock skip a few times across the water. Attempting to clear my thoughts had been worth a shot I supposed, but I knew it was pointless. I let out a breath before turning on my heel and heading back towards my house. Seeing the look on my mother face only brought me deeper into despair. She was trying to hide it and be strong for me—but I knew deep down her heart was breaking into pieces. It might be my last reaping but I still had two younger siblings that had a couple years left and could easily be reaped in at any time. Especially since this year was the hundredth anniversary, marking yet another quarter quell. Anything could happen today. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized I needed to straighten my act and toughen up. I couldn’t be cocky. I couldn’t be nervous. I had to be tough and I had to be neutral. Holding it together for my family was a necessity. Being the eldest child in a family of five four was proof enough I supposed. I was eighteen and was as grown up as I could be. Which, okay, probably isn’t all that grown up. Even with being the man of the house now.

                                      See, my father passed a little more than seven months ago. Today was to be my first and last reaping without the man I had looked up to for the majority of my life. This was why I had to be strong—my father wasn’t here to help me or the rest of my family through the events that are to take place within the next few hours. My mother’s taking it the hardest, thinking she needs to hold herself together for Lyon, Molli and I as she fears for the results of the reaping bowl. The wrinkles on her face only seemed to grow more prominent as I looked at her. I took a step closer to my frail looking mother and wrapped my arms around her—hoping that maybe this would offer her a sense of comfort. The brunette started shaking before long, and it was at that moment I could hear the muffled noises of her sobs. Not entirely sure with what I was supposed to do next, I just stood there until she seemed to calm herself down. Witnessing my mother cry was a rarity. She was the type of woman who would wait until she was alone and just let everything out at once. But, today was an exception to the rule for not only me, but everyone. The reaping really did have everyone wearing their emotions. Taking a step back, I flashed my mom a hesitant smile. No words could be spoken, because nothing would be able to help. Or at least none of the words I could think of would be able to help. My father had been better at words of encouragements on these days.

                                      It was hard to believe the woman in front of me was the same person who had raised me for eighteen years. The ghostly features and frail frame made me feel like I was looking at a complete stranger. This past year had been difficult, watching my mother change so drastically from my father’s death. But, it only made me realize how strong of a woman she could be. Right now though, was her time to be weak. Even if she never wanted to admit it. “I didn’t expect to see you out here so early…” Her voice still seemed a little chocked up from the crying that had occurred just minutes before, so she let her sentence trail off. With a light shrug, a turned my head to steal a quick glance back at the ocean. “Little anxious, so I had a bit of a hard time sleeping. Part of me was hoping…hoping that maybe the sound of the waves would do something.” My mother nodded, which I took as a sign of her understanding what I was trying to communicate. Silence fell, and I decided to stand next to my mother. Together the two of us watched the wave’s crash up onto the beach. I didn’t know why, but this time it seemed to a little soothing. Don’t get me wrong though, my mind was still a jumbled mess—and that wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.

                                      Feeling a hand rest on my shoulder, I reached up and held onto it without having to look down to see whose it was. “I’ll be inside getting ready. Wake your brother and sister up when you head back in, Magnus.” Nodding, I released the grip on my mother’s hand. As I heard her footsteps retreat back into the house, I ran a hand through my disheveled hair and took a few more seconds to watch the waves. It was time to quit stalling and get ready for the inevitable, so with one last look I turned around and headed towards the door. Before stepping inside I brushed off the sand from my feet as to make sure I didn’t let any in. Sweeping the floor didn’t sound all that appealing right now, even if things where too stressful for my mother to take notice. I closed the patio door behind me when I finished and then shuffled my way towards Molli’s bedroom, giving Lyon the chance to sleep for a few more minutes. Giving the fifteen year old a few knocks notice of my intrusion, I pushed the door open. “Molli, I know you aren’t asleep. So get up, get ready and dressed for the Reaping.” A grunt was the only response I received from the blonde. Letting out a quiet laugh, I shook my head. “If you aren’t ready by the time I get back I’ll be forced to dress you myself and then throw you into the ocean. So, if you don’t want your dress wet I’d suggest getting a move on.

                                      Knowing that my sister wouldn’t test my threat, I left and headed towards my room. Lyon, being newly twelve and facing his first year of the Reaping had had a rough time sleeping the night before. My door was always open, knowing at one point in time one of my siblings would wind up in my room for one reason or another at night. Molli had drifted away from the habit, but every once in a while a nightmare would surface and she’d come crawling in. I didn’t mind it, and my mother didn’t either. Actually, I’m sure she preferred that they came to me first. Sleep for her was also rare these days. Peeking through the entrance of my room, I spotted Lyon curled up in the hammock I had hanging in the corner. Even with the ruffles of his blonde hair hiding the features of his face, I could tell that he was sleeping. Having it be a miracle that he’d managed to do that, I found myself backing up from the entrance of my door. Disturbing him seemed cruel. Having Lyon wake up to face this inhumane day was the last thing on my list. I wanted to protect him. But, I knew I couldn’t protect him his whole life. Letting out a breath, I walked back into my room, being careful not to wake up the twelve year old prematurely. Two steps into the room and I decided that I would get ready for the day first, giving my brother the gift of ten extra minutes.

                                      My reaping clothes only consisted of a pair of tan trousers with a light blue button up shirt that was to be tucked in. I picked them up from where they were lying out on my bed—my mother had probably been in earlier to pick them out and make sure they weren’t wrinkled. I put them on quickly, and left the top button of my shirt open—chocking myself to death before heading to my very last day of hell didn’t sound all that appealing to be honest. My dad would have had a fit if he saw me now, even making sure I put on a tie for the day. But a tie wasn’t who I was, never had been and never will be. I prided myself in being a simple person. “Magnus?” The sudden noise caused me to pause my thoughts for a moment. The voice had me frowning slightly in seconds however, knowing full well that it was Lyon. I had been dreading this moment, but it had to come at some point, right? With a small sigh, I turned my head and finally looked at the twelve year old who was now sitting up on the small hammock. “I didn’t wake you, did I?” My brother shook his head slowly and then reached his hands out for me to take. Letting a soft laugh pass through my lips, I took a step towards him and reached up to take him from the hammock. “Alright, just making sure. Go wash up for today, and I’ll grab some clothes for you.

                                      Lyon nodded once more, and took off out of my room towards the small bathroom located right outside the room he shared with Molli—which honestly, he almost never slept in. I took one quick glance at myself in the mirror before following behind my younger brother, but taking a turn into his room instead. I took out a pair of black trousers and a white button up. After folding them neatly, I put them on top of his mattress before turning to Molli who was situated in front of her mirror fixing herself up. “Tell Lyon his clothes are on his bed when he’s done washing up. I’ll be in the kitchen helping mom with breakfast in the meantime, okay?” The blonde nodded in response while taking a quick look at me through the mirror. “Magnus, you’ve made it six years without being reaped, you can make it another one. So, chill, okay bro?” I rolled my eyes in response and uttered a quick thanks before retreating into the kitchen.

                                      The rest of the morning flowed like that—a whole bunch of pointless remarks amongst siblings in hopes that the other would somehow feel at ease about the events that were to happen. Nothing worked though, I still felt as muddle headed as I had earlier. The town square was in view now, which I was dreading to see. Even with Lyon’s hand in mine, I just felt empty. Why wasn’t there some way to save him from this world? Save him from the fate of possibly heading into the games each and every year for the next seven years. No kid deserved this. But, there was nothing I could do as a lowly citizen of District Four. Just as we were about to head towards the lines to sign in, I was shoved hard right into my shoulder. “What the he—” I started, but my sentence dropped off into the air the second I noticed it had been two peacekeepers pushing their way passed. In-between the pair was an older man who seemed to be singing a song of some sort, but I couldn’t make out the muffled words.

                                      What did he do?

                                      My brothers voice grabbed my attention, causing me to look down at the twelve year old. Confusion was written all over his face, which matched my expression. Not sure of how to answer, I opened my mouth only to close it—like a fish out of water. Finally words found their way to the front, but it wasn’t much of an explanation. “I don’t know. But…don’t worry, little man, we’ll see him again. He’ll be up and singing again tomorrow morning. ” My voice wavered with the lie, and I could already feel my mother and Molli starring straight into my back. The two of them knew as well as I that this wasn’t going to end well for the older man. Lyon shouldn’t know that though, not at this age and especially not on his first reaping. The second the horn went off, I quickly covered Lyon’s ears to protect him from any sound that came next. And, just as I had expected, a gun shot went off. Cringing at the knowledge of what had just happened, I took in a sharp breath, while releasing my hands from his ears. All the while knowing that the old man—whatever he may have done—hadn't deserved a spectacle like that.

                                      Alright you three, go get signed in. I’ll see you guys later okay? You will all come home to me.” I turned to my mom and did my best to smile, but it wound up looking like a frown. This year wasn’t a normal reaping year. Anything could happen, and my mother knew it—the look on her face said it all. “Ly, baby, come give mommy a hug...okay?” I let go of the twelve year old's hand and watched him take off like a rocket to hug our mother. My expression softened somewhat at the sight, but a smile as still an impossibility. “Be brave, okay? Magnis…Molli? You too.” Molli hugged her next, and then me. I held my mom for a few minutes, which gave her time to start up the tears. Knowing that I couldn’t stall for much longer I stepped away from her, and gave her a small nod as if to say that everything would be all right.

                                      Taking Lyon’s hand in mine once more, I stole one last glance at her before heading for the sign in table. It felt wrong to take solace in the fact that this was my last year of reaping. The horror was ending for me, but it was just now beginning for Lyon. This was a cruel day, I noted, and that wasn't going to change no matter the outcome. Once we arrived at the table I went first, extending my hand to make it easier on the book keeper in front of me. “Magnus Stout.” I breathed out, only to feel a poke a few seconds later. Stepping aside, I lifted the bleeding finger to my lips waiting for Lyon to sign in. I wiped the once bleeding finger onto my arm before taking the blonde’s hand when he was finished. Molli walked up seconds later, so that the three of us could walk in together before having to go her separate way, joining the other girls. With a one handed hug, my younger sister was gone. Making sure I wasn’t separated from Lyon, I grabbed his shoulders so no one could push him from me.

                                      Silence fell on the crowd as the important members of our district started to cross the stage. Starting with previous victors all the way to the mayor, until finally a middle aged woman took her spot at the podium. “Welcome everyone! Happy Hunger Games and Happy Quarter Quell!” The sudden sound of her voice sent chills down my spine—this was it. The same video from years before started up, silencing anyone who hadn't done so previously. Just as it was finishing it up, the over peppy voice from Lavender Girl broke through once more. “Now, we have an announcement from our President Snow.

                                      My heart began to race the moment President Snow’s voice rang throughout the Town Square as another video started up. The beginning was filled with nothing but his presidential bullshit. What caught my attention however, was the pause in his speech. It may have only been long enough so the peacekeepers could gather up in the middle of the crowd—further dividing me from my sister—but it made my heart stop none the less. “This year, the head peacekeeper shall select one man and woman who are the age of eighteen to compete.” All at once, I felt the pieces of the strong façade I had built up, slip away. My body started shaking at the same time as my younger brother. From the way he shook I assumed he had started crying, but I couldn’t hear—my ears decided to stop working. Lyon turned to me, forming fists into my shirt as he held on tight not wanting to be separated. His lips were moving rapidly, uttering words that my ears only wished to pick up on the tail end of. “...you can’t get picked…you can’t.” He broke down, and I pulled him towards my chest to muffle some of his sobs. There was a break in the crowd as my mother forced her way through to grab hold of him. As I took a step away from Lyon, I could feel my heart tear in two—but I had to go. I nodded in thanks to her quickly not wanting to watch my younger brother cry anymore. Stepping in line with the other eighteen year olds, I closed my eyes, trying to conjure up a small amount of courage that would hopefully get me through the next few minutes. I could survive this. I was invincible to the way of the reaping bowl right? So who was to say that wasn’t the same with a peacekeeper? No one.

                                      Ladies first.

                                      I stood still, only allowing my eyes to follow the head peacekeeper as he walked up and down the line of women. It seemed like a game to him, as he eyed each of them down—sometimes more than once—until stopping in front of one. "This one." I wanted to look away as he walked her up the stairs to her fate, but couldn't find it in myself to do so. In fact, my eyes seemed to be glued on the head peacekeeper as he returned to the line, only to begin again. I stared straight into his soul as he walked by, wanting nothing more than to spit on his face for the agony he was putting this district through. I felt as if I was in the clear when he passed, but he came back. I felt the world come crumbling down around me as he stopped inches from my face. Not needing to hear the words, I already knew my fate was sealed. “You.” He reached out to try and take my arm, but I jumped back forcefully. “Do. Not. Touch. Me.” I spat as venomously as I could manage, while pushing my way passed him and up the stairs to the stage.

                                      I could feel multiple pairs of eyes were on me, burning holes into the back of my shirt, as I took my spot next to the brunette girl from before. This was it. This was my year and there was no way I could escape it. I was shaking, and using every ounce of strength and energy I had left to make sure I didn't break down in front of the district. I wanted to look down at my feet, and avoid meeting the heart-wrenching gazes of my family but my eyes had other plans. They fixated themselves on the Molli first who was crying uncontrollably from the side. I shook my head, to keep my eyes from welling up with tears as I slowly turned to focus on Lyon and my mother. The two were as inconsolable as Molli, only causing further heart break as I continued to watch this unfold. It was killing me, literally just killing me that I couldn’t be down there to comfort the three of them. My place wasn't with them anymore though...no...my place was here, on this stage.

                                      By now the Lavender Girl had managed to make her way up to the microphone again with a bright misplaced situated on her lips “Now for the names of our contestants!” She position the mic in front of the girl first, but I couldn’t find it in myself to pay attention. One glance at her could cost me my life. It was easier thinking of her as a stranger than as a girl my age and just as afraid of the Quell as I. Before I knew it, the mic was dangling inches from my lips. I closed my eyes for a long moment, knowing that this was the beginning of the end. “Magnus Stout.

                                      Ladies and Gentleman! Your tributes for the 100th annual Hunger Games!

Shirtless Citizen


2,455 words | third person p.o.v.
regular post.

band rp.

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                                Feeling a hand tugging on his wrist, Elias turned around and looked down at Charlie before sighing and sliding into bed next to her. He had no plans of sleeping here tonight though—he’d stay here until she fell asleep and slip out of her grasp. All the dark haired male wanted to do was go back to his own side of the hotel room and fall asleep in his own bed. Then he could think about anything and everything. Maybe even swallow the news of Juliett having a kid. God, it was killing him. Eating him from the inside out. Elias didn’t know how he was supposed to handle it. Leave Nicolas alone. It seemed probable enough—even if it did hurt him. Sure, Nico wasn’t his kid but with the amount of time he’d spend with him today, the toddler had grown on him. But, he had to respect Juls wishes. She didn’t like the “new” him, and didn’t want to see him around her child. So, he’d listen to her. Because, honestly, what where the chances he’d even be able to see the three year old again? It had been an off chance he’d seen him tonight anyway—Juliett had had every intention to keep her son a secret from him and his band. “Charlie, you’re drunk…I haven’t always been there.” His voice trailed off, and he let out a loud sigh. He wasn’t going to argue about it tonight he was too exhausted. Elias sat up slightly when he noticed the curly haired girl get out of bed and only chuckled when he saw her putting in a movie. “You couldn’t wait until morning?” Elias teased with a light smiled gracing his lips. “Don’t get used to it, Drew’s going to kill me in the morning.” He stated wrapping his arm around Charlotte, holding her close to him as the movie went on.

                                Unfortunately…he ended up falling asleep five minutes in.

                                - - -

                                His morning…had been an eventful one at that. After waking up in bed next to Charlie—Elias had jumped out of the bed faster than you could say any word imaginable. Even “dog”. His eyes had darted over to Andrew’s bed just to make sure the male was still asleep and not ready to pounce on him for sleeping with her. But it wasn’t like they’d done anything. He hadn’t been drunk last night so he had remembered everything—no sex had gone down at all. Just a friendly movie night which started with Monsters Inc. and well, for him, ended with Monsters Inc. After that he’d headed to his own room and changed into the jeans that had been set out for him but wound up picking another shirt and jacket. He didn’t give two craps about what the stylist was going to say. Noticing that he had slept with contacts in, he ran into the bathroom and did his best to take them out. Except they were completely dried out by now, and his eyes were bothering him like insanity. A few more tries later and they were finally out, but he knew he’d be wearing his glasses for the rest of the day. It had been his own fault for leaving them in.

                                From there he made his way back to his bed and fiddled around with his phone to keep his mind occupied on other things until the others had woken up. It was an oddity for Elias to be one of the first ones up—but in a case of last night? It was needed. His head was still trying to process everything that had gone on and it still hurt. Juliett had a child. The father was someone else, and it killed him. He’d always wanted to be the one to start a family with Juls. Sure, he’d planned that down the road and not when he was in high school. It had been in his little daydreams after she’d left. Juliett would randomly enter his life again—much like she had last night—but it would have gone a lot smoother. The two would reconcile … and well, live happily ever after. Which, well, obviously hadn’t been what had gone down last night.

                                Running a hand through his hair Elias tried to focus on the game he was playing on his phone, but he couldn’t. His head kept shooting him random images of last night. It was almost like remembering everything after having a really bad hangover. Except he wasn’t drunk and he’d already recalled what had gone on. Nolan. Juliett. Nicolas. His heart was shattering just thinking about it. Nolan had been right about him hurting Juls in the red room. His words had been so harsh, so unlike him. But he’d been desperate trying to grab onto something…anything. The only thing he’d been able to grab ahold of was his anger. Of all the emotions he’d piled up over the years it had to be his anger that showed first in front of her. The blue-eyed male let out a sigh, and rolled over on his bed willing himself not to think about anything anymore.

                                What had happened to it all ending after going to sleep last night? Why wasn’t everything going back to normal? Elias wanted things to be easy again. Just completely redo yesterday. Well, minus finding Nicolas. He’d relive that part over and over. The toddler had put a smile on his face that he himself hadn’t seen in years. It was weird what that little raven haired boy had been able to do. Raven…haired…boy. No. Eli shook his head once more not even bothering to let that thought process enter his head. Juls would have told him. She at least owed him that much—so the only explanation was that Nico was in fact someone elses. Nolan had been protective of the toddler, it didn’t really surprise Elias if it was even his. No matter how hard the thought hurt. “Are you freaking kidding me?!” The chocolate haired male, grunted when he realized he was lost in his thoughts again. This wasn’t good. He needed to get out. Do something. The aquarium wasn’t until one. What was there to do in the big apple until then? Everything. Without much of a second thought he recruited Charlotte to head out with him into the big apple. The Disney movies and the small group shopping date could wait—he just wanted to spend some alone time with Charlie. Maybe check in and see how she was feeling about what had happened last night between her and Nolan. The guitarist had brought her home right? It only made sense.

                                The couple walked into store after store, holding hands—just to make the publicity happy. His heart wasn’t really in it today, so all they got out of him was holding her hand. Maybe a random kiss on the forehead or some playful teasing going around but even friends did that last bit. Deciding to head into one more store before calling it quits, the crystal blue-eyed male had pointed out Tiffany’s. Hey it was a jewelry store—and woman liked jewelry right? Right. He tried on rings while Charlotte tried on a million different things from necklaces to rings to bracelets. You name it and Charlie was there. Elias was having fun and for once, his mind was focused on something besides the night before. This was what he had needed. And after he was done with the aquarium maybe head back to the hotel and start that marathon of Disney movies. Eli had a feeling his week could still be saved. No more broken hearted lead singer. From this moment on his spirits were going to be raised up high and he’d be spending time with this three closest friends in the world with Tom-Tom not too far behind.

                                When Charlie and he had wandered back to the hotel, he made sure that she was up in the room safe and sound before grabbing his ticket and heading off the aquarium. “Time to swim with the sharks!” Elias grinned widely waving good-bye to his band mates before making his way back down into the lobby. Except instead of catching the trolly he was supposed to catch, the dark haired male figured it was time to stop by Starbucks for his morning(okay afternoon) drink of coffee. Once inside his safe haven from the night before we walked up to the counter and rattled off his beverage of choice to the barista. “Quad venti upside-down Iced Caramel Macchiato … with … yeah, with extra drizzle.” The male stated before handing off his gold card to purchase the beverage. “Can I have a name for the order sir?” With a small nod he told the girl his name before making his way over to the pick-up counter. From there he opened up his phone and checked the most important social websites. Apparently there was some buzz about a couple getting engaged today at Tiffany’s. “Huh…I was just there.” The leader singer mused quietly to himself before making a comment about it on Glory. However not even a few seconds later and Juls was attacking him. “Wait, I’m getting married?” Elias echoed out loud, not even caring that he was in a public place. A few faces turned and looked at the tall male at his sudden outburst. “Elias! I heard the news, it’s all over Tumblr! Congratulations!” A voice gushed out at him, which he assumed it was a fan. God what the hell was this? First a fan accused him of having a kid last night and now the media was saying he and Charlie were engaged. His head was spinning. “I have a quad venti epside-down…” The voice continued speaking, but the lead singer wasn’t paying attention anymore. Grabbing his drink he walked outside of the coffee shop and into the frigid winter weather of New York. Sure, and Iced Coffee when it was snowing outside wasn’t the brightest of ideas…but Elias didn’t care. Besides—other tragedies were taking place.

                                Trudging down the street, Elias let out a sigh before hailing a cab and telling him to send him to the aquarium. Walking sounded too exhausting for him and the possibility of him running into more fans? Could he handle more people throwing out ‘Congratulations’ at him? It wasn’t even happening for heaven sakes! The two of them had walked into the store just for the hell of it. If trying on rings meant they were getting married, then… he didn’t know what this world was coming to anymore. The media was literally jumping at the chance of every possible scoop they could get their hands on. Finally able to pull his thoughts together, even if for a few minutes, he got onto Glory once more and typed away a message to Charlie. Hopefully from that everyone would be able to tell that the Media was lying through their teeth. Besides, he was damned sure they didn’t have a picture of him getting on his knees. That was something he knew he would do in a proposal. It was tradition and important to him. Besides, could he even afford a wedding ring from Tiffany’s on his band budget? The lead singer shook his head, no probably not. When the cabbie announced that he had arrived at his destination Elias handed the guy the money before hoping out of the car and staring up at the building. Okay. So it said something about waiting outside before hand—but he didn’t see the point in that.

                                The dark haired male took a sip of his coffee and stuffed his phone into his back pocket before heading for the doors to the Aquarium. He was going to get through today and not think about the media and his supposed engagement to Charlie. The two of them would handle this later on. For now he was going to look at the fish and have some fun. Clear his mind. He could do this. Just as he was about to step inside the building, Eli stepped on something with wheels, and came crashing down onto the sidewalk with a thud. “My coffee!” Were the only words that flew out of his mouth as he noticed that the fall had caused him to let go off his Caramel Macchiato. The clear cup was next to him and the coffee was laying on the ground with a few ice cubes scattered around. A pout formed on the lead singers lips before pushing himself up off of the lightly snowed covered ground and picking up the cause of his fall along with his beloved empty coffee cup. Elias tossed the cup into the trash and then took a look down at the contraption with wheels. A toy car. Huh, it almost looked kind of like the one he had handed to Nicolas last night . . . Nicolas!

                                With his new found epiphany the chocolate haired male stuffed the toy car into his leather jacket’s pocket and headed inside. Not that far from him he spotted a little raven haired toddler look up at his mother, a frown on his face. Eli felt himself grinning slightly at the sight--Nico was adorable. Though not to long after a frown formed on his lips. Juliett and Nicolas were here … at the aquarium … at one o’clock. “Tommy, don’t expect your tea to be intact tomorrow.” There was no doubt that this little outing had been set up by Tommy and B.C.’s manager. It just seemed too planned for it to be a coincidence. Of all the places in New York City—they were at this one. Together. Shaking his head Eli let out a light laugh. Well he had to make the best of it right?

                                Hey, Nico!” The toddler turned around at the call of his name—pretty much confirming any doubt that Elias had of the two people in front of him not being Juls or Nicolas. “Did you happen to lose a toy car?

                                Mummy! My friend found my toy!” Holding the toy up in his hands, Eli watched as the raven haired boy came running towards him making grabby hands for the toy. The lead singer bent down and handed Nicolas the toy before picking him up in his arms and resting him against his side making his way towards Juls a smile on his lips. Yeah, he had a feeling she wasn’t happy with him. . .for multiple reasons. But well, this part wasn’t his fault. “It seems to me our managers had a little internet scavenger hunt last night."

Shirtless Citizen

we burn

1,724 words | third person p.o.v.
intro post

american horror story coven based rp

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                                                              There was only one good thing Keela looked forward to every week, and that was Saturday mornings. They were the only time where she didn’t have to worry about waking up too early for work or for another boring very educational lesson from the great Ms. Bishop. The one day that she could sleep in every day, get up at noon or later and just go on about her day from there. It was for that very reason that last night she had even allowed herself to dive into the world of comic books. Once she started…it was pretty much impossible for her to stop. So, the dark haired female had wound up going to bed sometime between three or four in the morning—which to be honest, probably wasn’t as abnormal for her as she wished to admit. But, Saturday was the only day she could catch up on her lack of sleep from during the week and not have to worry about too many repercussions. However, today was different. Different, in a very very … very, bad way. Instead of being fast asleep, curled up into a little ball atop of her blankets—she was very much awake, and sitting up with her back against the headboard of her bed. Ms. Bishop had company of some sort this morning—and the two didn’t seem to want to get a long at all; which was obvious due to the constant bickering between the two. All the dark haired girl wanted to do today was sleep…and sleep the day away. But, with this rude awakening Key had already deemed it an impossibility. Once she was up, she was up—there was no going back to bed. Not even putting a dimmer on the sunlight for a little while was able to help this girl. So, there was only one thing this witch could do—and that was get up and out of bed to start the day.

                                                              With a light whimper passing through her lips, the witch forced herself to move. Which, only got her as far as falling over onto her side. It was an accomplishment for the dark haired female, and it was also probably the only amount of movement she would make for the next five minutes. If only she could create a shower that was right next to her bed—then maybe. maybe she could actually will herself out of bed a little bit faster. But, that task was a little too difficult for her—and not because it was too early in the morning and she was too tired to even bother attempting such a thing. Making another small noise, Key finally managed to get herself to inch towards the side of the bed closest to the bathroom. Lifting her head slowly she acknowledged the rooms existence, and then face planted into the purple comforter. “They need dog muzzles…” Key uttered to herself, but the words came out too muffled and even she couldn’t decipher what she had been trying to say about Ms. Bishop and who could get the woman this riled up—and at this time of the morning! “The nerve.” Another phrase she couldn’t decipher, but Keela couldn’t care less. Her brain knew what she was trying to say, and the comforter was just in the way. Being reminded that she still had yet to get out of her bed, the young adult kicked her feet a couple times to the empty room just how much she disliked the idea—but, in the end the brown haired girl was standing up anyway.

                                                              Running a hand through her disheveled long wavy hair, Key let out a huff before shuffling her way—very slowly, mind you—to the confines of the bathroom adjacent to her room. It took a lot of effort for the brunette, but she somehow managed to find herself inside the room, closing the door behind her. Shrugging her way out of her pajama’s, the witch turned on the water to her shower and stepped inside. Maybe the water would be refreshing and in minutes the brunette could be as good as new. Within ten minutes, Keela was out of the shower and wrapping a towel securely around her chest. A yawn escaped her lips, but it seemed to be smaller compared to the others she had had earlier. The shower seemed to have done something—not much—but at least she was less of a corpse and more of a … zombie. Yeah, that seemed fitting enough. Scrunching her nose as she made her way over to the slightly fogged up mirror, Key did a small once over to figure out what she would have to do to make herself look at least semi-presentable. Except, she realized that anything short of a miracle wouldn’t help much—the bags under her eyes were too noticeable, and her skin looked paler than normal. Not to mention the headache that was beginning to form from the sleep deprivation, which would only make her feel she looked a lot worse than she probably did.

                                                              Oh today was going to be fun.

                                                              With a frustrated sigh, the witch tore her eyes away from the mirror and made her way back into her bedroom once more. Her first task, and the only task she truly wanted to focus on right now was that of finding something to wear for the day. After a few minutes of tossing outfits haplessly on the floor, she finally decided on a cream colored tank top—despite the winter weather outside—a pair of black skinny jeans, and a black jacket that would probably also be pretty useless in the cold. But, she didn’t care—and honestly she’d only be outside for a couple minutes on her way to work later that evening. After slipping her clothes on and tying her wet hair up into a messy and unkempt bun, Key figured it was time that she head downstairs for breakfast. Knowing her lucky she would probably end up being the last one down there, which honestly wouldn’t surprise her in the least. Even during the week she was the last one to wake up—and if she weren’t, it pretty much meant hell had frozen over. Amused at the analogy, the brunette picked up a pair of heeled boots and put them on while trying to make her way out the door. Which was about as hard as it sounded.

                                                              Another small yawn passed through her lips Keela finally made her way down the empty corridor. The volume of the fighting only seeming to escalate as she continued on down the hall, which resulted in a loud groan escaping the witches lips. This didn’t help her headache in the slightest, and to be completely honest she was almost tempted to turn their mouths into zippers. Though, it wouldn’t last more than a couple seconds—and then the fighting would be back on. Also, not to mention, Ms. Bishop probably wouldn’t be all too thrilled about having been shut up by one of her students. Even if the idea did sound ideal, Key knew in the long run it wouldn’t be of much help at all. The brunette sighed quietly, and took a turn so she was making her way down the stairs now. Maybe the noise of the girls’ chattering would help drown out the sound of the never-ending bickering. Oh what this witch would do to escape this place for the day—the list was almost endless. It wasn’t until she made her way into the dining room that she finally let her thoughts drift away from all her previous thoughts. Her eyes landed on Aria reading a book first, which only caused a small smirk to etch its way onto her facial expression. It was almost too easy to prank her best friend, and right now she couldn’t hold herself back. In a matter of seconds she changed the language from English to Japanese. “Ariadne, I didn’t know you could read Kanji, you’ll have to teach me one of these days.” She stated, with an amused tone as she slowly made her way over to a chair before sitting down in the seat that was always reserved for her at the table—one next to Aria. After a few moments she remembered that there was other company, and she stole a quick look at the other two girls. “Jade.” Key offered her a light smile, and then turned to Noelle and greeting her as well. “Noelle.” Stifling a yawn that wanted to surface, the brunette raised a hand to her mouth and shook her head slowly. “Sorry, not enough sleep.” She explained, just in case anyone actually cared enough to notice.

                                                              Her eyes landed on the butler next who was making his way over to hear with her usual breakfast. A glass of orange juice and a couple pieces of French Toast—even if it did get old after a while, it was still her favorite. “Thank you, Harrington.” Although it was frowned upon to speak to the man, the brunette had never really bothered listening to those rules. The kind male offered Keela a smile before backing away. The witch opened her mouth up for a moment, going to ask for a couple things of Aspirin—but figured it would be much more beneficial if she used her powers. Besides, it would be good practice, right? When wasn’t it okay to practice her powers? It took her a couple tries, but finally two white circular pills appeared in her hand and she downed them quickly with her orange juice. After a couple moments, she finally remembered that Aria’s book was still in Japanese and she quickly made sure to change it back to English—not before flashing a semi-apologetic smile to her best friend. It was always amusing to her, even if Ariadne didn’t find it all too fun on her end. Grabbing her fork, Key dug into the breakfast in front of her before taking a couple glances between everyone and tilting her head to the side. “How about some blue walls in here for a change? I’m in a blue kind of mood.” Without so much of a response, Keela had the walls changed to another color. “Much better.

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Shirtless Citizen

chestnuts roasting

2527 words | third person p.o.v.
intro post

christmas roleplay

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                                          Daddy, I can’t find my other shoe!

                                          Not too long after, a petite five year old came running down the stairs—sure enough wearing one only one shoe—and leaped into the outstretched arms of her father. A small chuckle fell from his lips, and he couldn’t help but shake his head and lean into kiss her forehead. “Is it playing hide and seek, again?” This was a normal day for Mason D’Angelo, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. When his daughter, Adalaide, nodded her head in response, a warm smile spread onto his features. “Well then, we’ll just have to find it. Won’t we, Princess?” With that, the tall male pulled his daughter closer to him and settled her on his hip as he made his way around the apartment turning over sofa cushions and moving around simple furniture in hopes of his eyes landing on his daughter’s shoe. The fastest this was accomplished, the better. Granted when it came to his daughter, there was absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for her; but, he hated being late and right now it seemed to him that they were headed in the very direction. However, there wasn’t anything he could really do in this matter—so Mason had to suck it up, which he just happened to be decently good at. “Daddy! Maybe it’s in your bedroooom!” With his hand gripping onto yet another pillow cushion, the brunette couldn’t help but stop what he was doing and look at his daughter slowly. Normally it wouldn’t bug him that she offered up another place to look, but there was something in her voice—and not to mention the small giggle afterwards—that set him for a loop. Playing off the sudden uneasiness forcing its way into his thoughts, Mase tossed the pillow down onto the floor haphazardly. “Alright, let’s go take a look.” The male motioned to his back, letting her know to climb back there for a piggy back ride. “Wrap your arms around my neck securely, Ada. Daddy doesn’t want you falling.” Ada nodded and giggled softly, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. When she was ready, he made a few horse noises, before taking up the stairs two at a time.

                                          In no time the two of them had arrived just outside of his bedroom door, with a small hesitant hand Mason pushed it open before taking a couple steps inside. His bright blue eyes scanned the room walking around slowly, hoping to god that nothing was going to jump out at him—especially one of her toys. Just as he made his way passed the bed, he stopped and noticed something black sticking out from under his pillow. “Aha! There it is, you’re good at this aren’t you?” The tall male asked his daughter with a small smile forming on his lips. So far they seemed to be in the clear, so he wasn’t worrying too much. Setting Adalaide onto his bed, the brunette reached over and grabbed his daughter’s shoe but when he did that he noticed a small picture peeking out from the pillow as well. His heart suddenly sank inside of his chest, and Mason wasn’t too sure he was going to like what he saw. The giggle coming from his daughter only made matters worse. Taking in a breath he reached out for the picture as well, and almost immediately he felt the regret forming in the pit of his stomach. It was a picture of him and Neva smiling happily in the middle of central park. Just seeing her bright smile and healthy features hurt him, this was before everything bad had happened. “Adalaide…” Mase let his voice trail off as his throat closed up slightly, he always hated it when Ada brought up he mother—it always made him feel like it was his fault that she wasn’t here. That it was his fault his five year old was growing up without a mother to care for her. “Be happy, Daddy! It’s Mommy!” The male took in a deep breath before shaking his head, and turning to his daughter with a smile on his face. It hurt to smile, but he knew he had to do it for her. Adalaide didn’t understand why her mother wasn’t here anymore, and to be honest—Mason never really knew how to let her know that she wouldn’t be coming back. “That’s right, baby girl…” Reaching over once more, he picked up his daughter’s dress shoe before handing it over to her. “Put that on and head downstairs, when you’re finished, okay? Daddy will be down in a couple minutes.

                                          Standing up from the bed slowly, the male picked up the picture of him and his ex-wife before making his way towards the closet. Grabbing the box from the top shelf, he opened it up and slipped the picture inside. His thoughts were going everywhere right now, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to hold up for the rest of the day. Today was already difficult enough for him, having to go to a funeral for a man who had meant so much to him growing up. Father John had always been a father to him, more so than his own father had been. Mason hated funerals, and he hated having to say goodbye to someone. Stack that on top with the newfound knowledge of his daughter getting to the age where she’s even more curious about her mother—you’ve got yourself a very emotionally unstable father on your hands. Grabbing the bridge of his nose, the brunette took in another deep breath before closing up the box once more and slipping it back onto the top shelf. There was one question nagging at him however…where in the world had Ada found that picture? He could have sworn single one of those photo’s had been stashed away in that box for years. But, there wasn’t anything he could do about it now. Mason grabbed the back suit jacket, and slipped it on before slipping on his winter jacket for the harsh winter weather that was bound to great him the moment he and Ada made their way outside. Slipping on a pair of gloves as well, the brunette finally made his way out of his bedroom—closing the door with all the thoughts about his wife behind him—today was not her day. Today was going to be dedicated to Father John, and he wasn’t going to let Neva ruin yet another portion of his life. “Adalaide! I’m coming downstairs, if you’re not ready I’m going to have to tickle you!” He called out, a smile returning to his face as he chuckled quietly at the squeak he could hear coming from his little girl. That was one thing, he allowed himself to note, that Neva had managed not to ruin.

                                          Making his way back down the stairs slowly, the stopped at the base of the stairs only to noticed that his daughter was nowhere to be found. “Now where oh where could she be…” Mason stated, looking around once more. Upon hearing a giggle coming from the right, he immediately turned his head in that direction and spotted her blonde hair sticking from behind the window curtain. “You’ll never find me!” The five year old called out, with another set of giggles slipping from her lips. Instead of turning to the right, where his daughter was, the tall male decided to start off towards the left, letting his daughter think she was invisible. Hey, he still had a couple minutes to spare…right? The cab company hadn’t called him just yet so there was still time to goof around. “Let’s see…is she…in the pantry?” The brunette walked into the kitchen and opened up the pantry door hurriedly “Aha! Oh…hmm…how about behind the couch?” He tried again, stealing a glance at his daughter who was cupping her hands from behind the not-so-solid-colored curtain. “You’re bad at this Daddy, I’m not there!” Walking passed the couch slowly, Mason stroked his chin slowly trying to come up with another spot that she could be. “You’re in the TV aren’t you?” He called out, reaching over for the TV remote to turn it on. “Noooo! I can’t be in the TV, silly Daddy!” A small laugh slipped through his lips, as he haphazardly tossed the television remote to the side. “Oh no, I’ll never find my Princess now…” The male trailed off, trying to pull off sounding sad. At that moment Adalaide jumped out from behind the curtains, screaming ‘Boo!’ to grab his attention. “I found her!” Mason exclaimed reach over and picking her up before spinning her around in a circle. Adalaide giggled into his chest happily, which only caused the smile on his lips to grow larger. It was always his favorite part of the day when he got to witness his little girl grinning from ear to ear. After a couple moments, the tall male set his daughter down on her feet once more. Kneeling down he picked up her winter coat that had been tossed to the floor while they had been on the set-up shoe scavenger hunt, and helped her put it on. Zipping it up slowly—to make sure none of her dress got caught in the process—Mason leaned in and kissed her forehead once more. “Alright, now that you’re all bundled up how about we watch some TV while we wait on the cab?

                                          At that moment, however, a loud blast of music sounded from the font pocket of his jacket. Or…maybe there wouldn’t be any TV. Picking up his phone, he set it to his ear and talked for a couple seconds with the cabby on the other end who happened to be parked just outside his the condominium complex. Mason hung up and slipped his Android back into his pocket before standing back up and reaching down to pick up his daughter. “Well, it seems we’ll have to watch some TV later. Maybe with some of Daddy’s pizza, how does that sound?” Adalaide nodded enthusiastically, which caused him to grin once more. “Alright, it’s settled then!” With that, the tall male grabbed his set of keys for the front door and walked outside of the Condo. Once the door was locked, her set Ada down and grabbed her hand to walk down the hallway. They were one of the few lucky people that actually got to live on the first floor of the complex. Once they were outside, Mason pointed towards the yellow cab and waved at the driver to lower the window some before walking up to the passenger door. “Cab for D’Angelo, right?” The brunette asked the cabby who in turn noticed his head and motioned for them to get in. Ada opened up the door and slid all the way to the other side with her father following quickly behind her. As much as he loved the cold weather, the insides of a warm car sounded a bit more appealing. After making sure his little girl was buckled in, Mason leaned forward and gave the address of the church to the cabby. Soon enough, they were off.

                                          The cab ride to the church took about twenty minutes with all of the traffic from the city. New York was busy to begin with, but over the winter holiday’s it seemed to triple in capacity. A lot of people hated the rustle and bustle, but Mason knew he would prefer it to a small town any day. After paying the cab driver for the journey, the brunette opened up his door and stepped outside before leaning down slightly and helping his daughter out of the vehicle as well. With her hand in his, he closed the door to bright yellow vehicle and started for the stairs. However, he couldn’t move much more after that. His feet were glued to the sidewalk. Right now he could still pretend that Father John was still alive, and ready and willing to give the male advice—but the second he walked inside that door it would make everything real. Mason wasn’t really ready to face that fact. However, with Adalaide tugging at his grip repeatedly to get him to move up the stairs, he knew he didn’t have much of a choice. Just was he was about to start moving however, he noticed that the blonde had managed to slip from his grasp and run up the stairs hurriedly. Shaking his head slowly, the brunette couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable she was. “Ada, wait up! Don’t take off without me!” His words to no avail, however, for she was up and inside of the church in seconds. “Dammit…

                                          Running up the stairs, the tall male did his best to catch up with his daughter before she could get too far ahead of him. There was absolutely no knowing on just how many people had even arrived yet—for all he knew, there could be fifty people inside talking quietly amongst themselves not wanting to face the truth of Father John’s death either. Once he was up the stairs, Mason took a quick pause to catch his breath before opening up the church doors and looking around carefully for his small daughter. Luckily, there weren’t many people here right now…so it shouldn’t be that difficult. “Adalaide Marie D’Angelo!” As much as the male wished he could pull off a voice that was much more cross, it was so difficult with his little girl. He spoiled her, and it was as simple as that. It was almost an impossibility for him to even raise his voice or more than a couple seconds with her, because the moment he saw her face his anger would crumble around him. “There you—oof!” His sentence was cut short, the moment he bumped into someone. Mason back up slowly, not really looking at who he had just ran into—too focused on trying to get ahold of his daughter who seemed to be talking animatedly with a boy a few years older than her. “Sorry, my daughter…she…” His blue eyes settled on the woman in front of him, and words seemed to be unable to come out of his mouth. He was face to face with none other than Charlotte Addkins. And damn, did she look stunning in that black lace dress of her. Shaking his head slowly, he gathered his words and offered her a small smile. “My daughter ran off…” Mason finally managed to explained, before turning his attention back to his daughter for the moment. “Don’t run off like that, Ada, okay? You worried me.” The five year old turned and looked up at her father, with an innocent smile on her face. “Okay!” Before turning and talking to the boy once more—who didn’t seem to have much to say on anything. Chuckling lightly, he looked up and turned to Charlotte once more. “We keep running into each other, don’t we? Second time in two weeks…is it? I’m beginning to think it’s not a coincidence.

Shirtless Citizen

spoiled manhatten

1,613 words | third person p.o.v.
intro post

high school roleplay

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                                Running. A nice run. That’s what she needed, hell, that’s what Sienna always needed to clear her thoughts. Today just happened to be one of those days, even if it was barely six o’clock in the morning with the sun deciding it still wasn’t time to show itself. A light frustrated sigh escaped the blondes’ lips as she made a left hand turn onto her street. It was near the end of her run and to be honest, there wasn’t one thing she could say that she accomplished—except for getting a little sweaty. What had once been a great solace was now … just pointless. Every turn she made Katherine’s face seemed to show itself. Katherine. Her best friend. No. Scratch that. Ex best friend—and Sienna had been the one to break it off. It seemed smart at the time after always feeling like a shadow to sort of branch off on her own and try to take the spotlight for herself. The question was, however, did she have what it takes? Probably not. She wasn’t exactly ruthless, and it wasn’t like people knew her for her. So why did she think breaking it off with her best friend would suddenly just make everything so much easier when it didn’t? Slowing down to a stop at the front of her long driveway, the small female leaned over to catch her breath. Running five miles after barely running at all this summer hadn’t been her brightest idea—no matter how much she needed it. Taking the white headphones from her ears, the blonde slowly started to make her way up the driveway. With the failed effect of the run, her thoughts only seemed to be plaguing her more so than ever—and she couldn’t come up with a solution at all. So, she would just have to play it off like everything was normal. That she was Sienna—whoever that person really was. Sometimes she didn’t even know. Was she the socialite her mother wanted her to be? Was she just a normal high student? The best friendex-best friend to Katherine Pierce? She didn’t know. No matter who she was—no one seemed to like her. So, it was time for a change. A change to figure out who the hell she really was—and take the world by storm.

                                Or … okay, yeah that was a little dramatic.

                                With a frustrated sigh Sienna made her way into her house, only to find her mother standing not too far from the entryway—hands on her hips. The elder woman had a look of pure disdain etched into her facial features. It was like no matter what she did, it was never enough for the woman. Whereas, with her brother Ezra—everything he did seemed to be right. With a light roll of her eyes, the blonde wrapped her headphones around her iPod waiting for the lecture to come spewing out of her mother’s lips.

                                Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

                                Sienna, how many times have I told you—running isn’t something a lady would do. Someone could have seen you!

                                And there it was.

                                Women are delicate creatures, the definition of grace. There isn’t anything graceful about… about taking a run. What if the chairman of the board had seen you? The reputation of our family would be ruined!

                                By this point Sienna had already stopped paying any attention to what her mother was saying. It was her life and she was going to run it the way she wanted to. Deciding that the lecture was over and done with, the blonde made her way towards the spiral staircase—ignoring all the calls and threats that her mother was shooting at her back. It was useless—because one thing was for certain—she wasn’t who her mother wanted her to be, and never would be. Trudging up the steps, the petite female finally made her way to her room and shut the door behind her. Sienna made her way to her dresser and grabbed a pair of undergarments and then made her way to her bathroom and stripped out of her exercise clothes to take a shower.

                                The hot water felt nice against her back, but it still wasn’t doing much to calm her never ending stream of thoughts—not like she thought it would or anything—but it still felt nice none the less. Sienna wanted nothing more than to stand under the running water for hours on end, without a care in the world. Just skip the first day of school … maybe the rest of the year. Yeah, that sounded good to her. But, a half an hour seemed to be her limit to make sure she had enough time to finish getting ready for school—which was the last thing on her to do list. Turning the water off, Sienna groaned to herself knowing that in an hour she would be standing in the halls of the school feeling … well … alone.

                                - - -

                                Eventually the blonde had finally been able to calm her thoughts down enough to the point where every other minute she was second guessing everything that had gone down as of late. Sienna was fully dressed and sitting in the front seat of her convertible, trying to find it in herself to actually step out of the car and face the school. Taking the keys out of the ignition – the small girl opened up her car and put her sunglasses over her eyes. It was show time. She could do this. The freshman didn’t know anything, and that was probably the only thing she had going for her right now. All Sienna had to do was fool them into think she was actually some big thing at the school … if someone hadn’t already beat her to it. Taking a deep breath, she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, and opened up her car door before shutting it behind her. Placing a small smirk on her lips – something Katherine seemed to have mastered – she started towards the front of the school. Which … felt weird. Weird because she didn’t have Katherine by her side. Weird because she didn’t have Katherine’s little drones. Just weird. So her only option was to text the one person she knew who could help her out.

                                TO: Levi
                                FROM: Sienna
                                Message: Please tell me you’re at the school.
                                I can’t do this alone. Be my wing man?

                                Slipping her phone back into her purse, the blonde continued towards the front of the school – this time making sure not to stop. She could do this. It was in her. There was no backing down now, no weakness could be shown. Sienna wanted the limelight, and this was the only way to getting it. Even if every fiber in her body was screaming at her to go about it a different way. Actually, no, just screaming at her to stop. But it was too late. As she approached the steps of the school her blue eyes caught sight of a small group of people. Her heart sank immediately at the sight of two of them. Joseph and Prudence. Things with Joseph were … well … she didn’t know. And things with Prudence, no thanks to Katherine, were probably going to be extremely rocky. Sienna could just feel it. But, it was time. Forcing a smile onto her lips, the blonde made her way towards them and smiled. “Luca! I feel like we haven’t talked in forever, how’s it been?” She leaned forward and gave him a quick hug, before turning to the others and trying to keep her composure. She could do this. “Prudence, I know you probably won’t believe a word I say … but I’ve missed you. Glad to see you back.” Sienna flashed the brunette a soft smile, knowing that the words coming out of her mouth were probably falling on deaf ears. She knew the s**t Katherine had done – and in turn she had done, and wouldn’t be surprised if Pru never spoke to her again. But, it was worth a shot. She really had missed her. She had missed everyone really. Even, albeit not as much as the others, Mason.

                                Well … I’m heading inside. It was really nice seeing all of you again.

                                With a quick wave the group, the blonde made her way inside of the school as quick as she possibly could without trying to cause a scene. This was hard. How many people knew she and Katherine were now estranged? And … how many people knew that Sienna felt like she was completely and utterly alone?

                                Her first stop was her locker. Sienna made her way to the hallway that it was located in, and only stopped when she heard a set of giggles coming from behind her. Turning her head the blonde spotted Lucy and Ashley – two of Katherine’s friends drones, standing there across the way watching her closely. Flashing the two girls a small smile, she turned her attention back to her locker, and put in the combination that she’d had memorized since freshman year. The giggling only seemed to increase. Brushing it off however, the small girl opened op her locker only to be faced with … nothing. There was literally nothing in her locker.

                                Good luck finding your things, Si-Si.

                                The two girls started laughing even harder, and took off walking down the hallway before turning and leaving. Their laughs doing nothing but echo through her brain as she slammed her locker door shut.

                                The first day back and she had already lost.

Shirtless Citizen

spoiled manhatten

1,687 words | third person p.o.v.
reply post

high school roleplay

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                                There were two things Sienna wanted to be able to say she accomplished during this lunch period: find her things, and avoid any sort of conflict. Lunch may had started only a few minutes ago, but so far – so good. The blonde was leaning up against her locker, trying to play it off as the cool thing to do, patiently waiting for Joseph. All seemed like it was going to be going well too, until she started to hear high pitched giggles coming from down the hall. But, they weren’t just any giggles – no, they were giggles she had been used to hearing, unfortunately, for the last few years of high school. The giggles of a few of Katherine’s many drones. A groan slipped out of her lips before she could stop it, which only resulted in the girls stopping in front of her with their hands on the hip.

                                Well, well, well… look girls, it’s Sienna – and she’s all alone.

                                I wonder if she’s found her things yet, probably not – they’re trash after all!

                                No wonder Katherine dumped you off, you’re outfit is so last season.

                                It was one thing after another with them, and the small girl was finding it almost an impossibility to keep up with what any of them were saying. One would speak, and then another would speak – just rapid fire. This wasn’t how she wanted her lunch to go down. What little courage she had somehow managed to conjure up was dissipating fast, and the blonde couldn’t find it in herself to even bother trying to patch it up. She knew she had lost already, and on the first day of class. What was the point to anything? Katherine was the queen bee of the school – and right now it seemed that everyone wanted to side with her. I mean who wouldn’t? You have the girl who you’ve known as a powerhouse for the past four years and then you have the girl who was behind the main powerhouse for the last four years. Sure, Sienna had a few girls on her side – but they were never really there when she wanted them to be. Like now for instance – she was all alone, and it was showing. You can do this. You can do this.

                                Let me guess, you can’t find Katherine – so you’re walking around, deciding you’re going to take her job into your own hands, right? ” The sentence had started out strong, but her voice seemed to only get weaker as time passed. Sienna wouldn’t let them win though, no, the only person she would actually let win over her (not by her own choice) would be Katherine. Without Katherine these three girls were useless, and the petite female knew it. A small smirk was forming on her lips as she somehow managed to find the courage she had lost just minutes before. “Do you guys even realize the amount of crap miss “Queen Bee” talks about you behind your back? Think about it for a long moment, because I’m pretty sure I was her best friend longer than either of you were alive.” Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she smiled lightly at the group – loving how much they seemed to be squirming. She wasn’t even coming up with lives or trying to be cruel, she was just being honest. Which was probably the only good thing the girl had going for her at the moment. “Lucy, remember that rumor that started mid-year? Pretty sure it wasn’t a wannabe freshman trying to look cool.” The three girls looked between them – mumbling a few words quietly. Crossing her arms over her chest, with a slightly raised eyebrow Sienna watched the scene unfold. The confidence that had been radiating off of them seemed to be crumbling away now. Without even another word the three girls turned around and scurried off in another direction – which allowed the blonde to let out a sigh of relief. Maybe just maybe they wouldn’t bother her anymore, or if they did, it wouldn’t be for a while longer.

                                Letting her blue eyes wander around the hall for a few moments, Si went on a lookout for Joe. Her thoughts suddenly flying back to him in a matter of seconds, remembering that she still needed to find her things – would he still help her? Digging out her phone from her bag, her fingers started typing away a quick text message to the male – but then started to delete it when she was halfway through a message. No. Sienna wasn’t going to badger him about helping her find her things – and it wasn’t like he was actually obligated to doing just that. Finding the contents of her locker was her own problem. Stuffing her phone back into her purse, the petite female pushed herself off of her locker and decided that Joseph probably wasn’t going to come – not like she blamed him. Who would want to go on a scavenger hunt when you could be eating? Especially when it wasn’t even something that would benefit you in anyway.

                                Enjoy class on your first day back to this hell hole?

                                Hearing the familiar voice stopped the girl in her tracks, and her eyes slowly looked up to see a taller male standing in front of her – a grin on his lips. Sienna matched his smile immediately, and silently thanked everything and everyone she could think of for having him show up. It was amazing the mixed emotions she seemed to be feeling about this situation, but right now she was completely satisfied with having her ex help her find her things. Because, for some reason, during the past few hours of class – the blonde had somehow realized she didn’t want to be alone looking for her things. Because that only made the situation even more pitiful to her. “Me? Enjoy class? Of course – you should know be by now. I’m always in the front row.” The sarcasm rolled from her mouth, something she wasn’t exactly used to using – but somehow it still seemed natural all at the same time. Rolling her eyes at his next comment, Sienna nodded slowly. She knew him – all too well. Getting a text back from him within the same day always seemed to be a miracle in and of itself. “It’s okay, don’t sweat it. I didn’t expect a reply anyway.” The words were out of her lips before she could hold them back, and all she wanted to do was clamp her hands over her mouth and apologize profusely because it probably came across as rude. However, all she did was just play it off as if it nothing. Maybe he wouldn’t even realize the comment and she was just sweating over it for nothing.

                                After a few moments, she noticed that Joseph had opened up their his locker. Slipping beneath him she put managed to put a few things from her bag that she wouldn’t be needing for the rest of the day. Stepping away when she was done, the Sienna waited for him to finish up what he was doing so they could start on the hunt. All the while, her stomach silently protesting wanting some food. The fact that Joseph now had an apple in his hand wasn’t helping her situation in the slightest. Her eyes fixated on it for a few seconds, before she managed to pull her thoughts back to the fact that she still needed to find her books. To be honest, she couldn’t think of where the minions could have hid them. A class? Nah too easy. The roof? Too far. Inside the ‘return books here’ pile in the library? Eh, they weren’t clever enough for something like that. As the mental list of possible places that her things could be at seemed to dwindle down – one clue from moments before seemed to surface back into her thoughs. Trash. No. They wouldn’t… would they? Sienna slowly started to go into full panic mode at the thought of having go digging through the trash cans. The blonde started to open her mouth, and share the depressing news with Joe – until a couple passed by – dragging her attention away momentarily. Recognizing her brother as one of the two people she flashed him a smile and then strained her neck to see who the person cowering behind him was, only to realize it was his best friend, Meg. “Broski and the Megster!” The blonde stated as a greeting, only to notice that the two seemed to be walking by as fast as they could. Confusion swept over hear features, but didn’t think much of it. Noticing a wallet fall on the ground, she bent down to pick it up – but stopped midway when she realized Joe already had it in hand and was handing it off to the dark haired girl. Watching the two interact carefully, she spotted the light blush forming on Meg’s cheeks.

                                Tilting her head slowly, Sienna let a small smile form on her lips – letting conclusions form in seconds. Did Meg have a crush on Joe? How long had this been going on? Instead of feeling a pang of jealousy or anger, the small girl only seemed to let her smile grow wider. Sure – she still had feelings for Joseph, but she had pretty much accepted the fact that the two of them had run their course, at least for the time being. The world could twist and turn in different ways, and hand off unexpecting curves. So she wouldn’t be opposed to what happened in the future, but as opposed to the present – she was pretty content with how things where between them. Albeit, a little awkward at the moment, but that was bound to go away at some point … right? But that was beside the point. However, as she looked between the two – her eyes landed on her brother. A small part of her had always thought that Meg and Ezra liked each other, though. Hmm… maybe she had been wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time she supposed.

                                OOC: outfit

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