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Sparkly Genius

**** s**t DUE ON 01.29

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                                      THE CHARMING LEAD VOCAL / LEAD RAPPER ▪▪
                                      ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━
                                      tab TELL ME BABY WHERE YOU AT CALL ME BABY I`LL BE THERE

                                                        THEME SONG: nu'est - 여보세요 (hello)
                                                        FACECLAIM: lee jong suk
                                                        USERNAME: monstre de lamour

                                                        ███ #CC2649 ███ #992C4B ███ #66324C ███ #33384E ███ #003E4F

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Sparkly Genius

User Image

                                      THE CHARMING LEAD VOCAL / LEAD RAPPER ▪▪
                                      ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
                                      tab EVEN IF YOU SAY I`M COWARDLY, I CAN`T GO ANYMORE DO YOU KNOW THESE FEELINGS ?

                                              ❉° THE BASICS ▪▪
                                              ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                        NAME: lee shin woo

                                                        STAGE NAME: lee shin ; basically took out the 'woo' because he thought it was uncool.

                                                        NICKNAMES: " the nation`s oppa " , shinnie

                                                            nickname one;; he became really famous from a drama role where he played the second guy ( the one who doesn`t actually get the girl ), but ended up winning the hearts of many fangirls.
                                                            nickname two;; secret nickname that only jae cho hyung has access to. he hates it with a passon crying

                                                        POSITION: CHECKM8`s lead vocalist / lead rapper
                                                        AGE: twenty-two
                                                        BIRTHDAY: december fourteenth
                                                        BIRTH PLACE: busan, gyeongsangnam-do, south korea
                                                        HEIGHT: 186 cm ; six feet one inch
                                                        WEIGHT: 65 kg ; 143 lbs
                                                        BLOOD TYPE: O

                                              ❉° BI OGRAPHY ▪▪
                                              ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      EARLY LIFE;;
                                                          Lee Shin Woo had always been a calculating child. Ever since a young age, he had gotten very good at getting whatever he wanted. Growing up in a barely middle class family, the Lee family that lived in Busan had a hard time getting by on some days. However, little Shin Woo had never lived a hard day in his life. Since kindergarten, he had always had a 'princely' image. All the girls, and even boys, admired and looked up to Shin. There was nothing that he wasn't good at -- but he was really just pretending most of the time. His only ever true skill was acting the part everyone liked. Therefore, thanks to his pro acting skills, he was the person that everyone wanted to be close to.

                                                          However, his family was not as doting. Shin Woo's noona, Jin Hee, had always been an abusive older sibling. Since young, Shin Woo's spoiled and immature habits had shown through whenever he wasn't in public. He was fine exposing his true self to his family since they were stuck with him. His mother wasn't any better, as she showed similar qualities to Jin Hee. Sometimes, he wondered why his father married the woman. Even so, his family was small but loving.

                                                          Shin Woo had always wanted to move to Seoul. He never thought of himself as a proud Busan native. He thought everyone was too 'country-like' in comparison to him. The mannerisms and way of speech bothered him to a great extent. He grew up being looked up to but alone. He was fine with not having friends, since he didn't want those types of friends anyway. Since middle school, he had big dreams of wanting to at least become a model, so he wouldn't be stuck in Busan. Of course, his family disapproved of this because it wasn't a stable career. What would he do when he was no longer young and good looking enough?

                                                          However, that didn't stop Shin Woo. He managed to stay at the top ranks of his school and worked part time as a 'shop model' for a lot of online shopping malls. It came to the point where it was hard to juggle school with the amount of work offers he was getting, so he ended up dropping out without his family knowing in the beginning. School wasn't ever of importance to him especially since for what he wanted to do in the future, it wasn't that useful. However, it wasn't long until his parents found out through word of mouth (Busan was still a small enough area). And what happened next? Both his mom and noona gave him a good beating. But it wasn't all laughs and smiles anymore, his family was genuinely pissed with him. Even his father who had always been so lenient with him was fuming. But Shin Woo was apologetic at all, he was equally mad. He ended up having to quit his gigs and followed a strict routine of going to school and then going straight home after for several years.

                                                          When he was 18, he couldn't take it anymore and had taken all the money he had saved up in order to get a ticket to get to Seoul.

                                                      TRAINEE YEARS;;
                                                          Life was harder in Seoul than Shin Woo thought. The money he had left after buying the train ticket could barely last him for two weeks with the cheapest lodging and minimal meals. He had started looking for work right away. But he had underestimated the size and population of Seoul --- it was at least several times bigger than Busan. And there were so many good looking and well dressed people on the streets. How would he ever find work as a model?

                                                          How he got scouted was a stroke of luck.

                                                          Shin Woo had happened to find some temp night work at a club in Hongdae. Since he was still somewhat underage, he did the small jobs around the club. It was a lot of difficult work but he made enough to pay for a few extra days' worth of lodging and food. One day, a local band couldn't make it to their gig and there was no back up replacement. For some reason or another, the manager had shoved Shin Woo on stage in order to cover the absence. He figured it was because the manager thought his good looks would help lessen the crowd's anger. Well, he was right because the atmosphere lifted. Shin Woo never really thought about his singing ability, but he knew a lot of popular songs thanks to his noona. He only hoped it would help him pull this off.

                                                          That night, an agent from PYT Entertainment happened to be looking for potential people. After seeing Shin Woo perform, the agent wasted no time in giving Shin Woo the pitch to join the company. Without hesitation, Shin Woo had accepted. That night was also the first time he had enough reason to make a call back to Busan to tell them that he had (somewhat) made it big. Even though it wasn't his original plan in life, Shin Woo figured that it was good enough. Besides, idol life seemed extravagant enough.

                                                          The trainee years were harsh and rough. It was really strange at first because Shin Woo didn't have the best social skills despite knowing how to please others --- he was only good at making a good impression, but others found it hard to get close to him. Thankfully, the rest of the trainees warmed up to him quick enough. They were his first friends, and he had a lot of faith in their co-ed group, despite their differences.

                                                          Luckily, Shin Woo's voice was good enough where after a lot of learning and practicing, he would be able to be a decent singer (and eventually rapper after debut). Unfortunately, his dance skills were lacking was a bit of an understatement. He SUCKED. He always had to spend hours practicing in order to memorize the choreography and even then, his dancing was always lacking some kind of spark in comparison to his singing.

                                                      IDOL YEARS;;
                                                          The split was a bit of a shock for Shin. He had always had strong faith that their group was going to make it through despite the criticism after the release of the pre-debut clip. He was sad to see the girls go but he knew he could only afford to worry about himself. Thankfully, both groups debuted in the end.

                                                          After debuting, Shin realized he wanted to create a good public image and maintain it. He didn't find that hard since he had been hiding his 'true colors' throughout the trainee years. He had been too afraid to act like the immature and spoiled brat that he is since his debut was hanging in the air. He needed reassurance and he got it. After debuting, he went full force on his members and was thankful that he was still somewhat accepted. Thanks to his good image, Shin had been offered a lot of CF gigs and had even managed to land a major role in a drama. Soon after, he even managed a role in a new SBS drama. Scandals and everything had never been a problem on his list since he was a homebody. He liked staying home and when he was not home, he only liked to hang out with his members or alone.

                                                ❉° PERSON ALITY ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                CHARMING :: CONFIDENT :: SHARP IMMATURE :: DISHONEST :: APATHETIC

                                                        Lee Shin is two-faced to put it in short. However, it's not as bad as one would think. After becoming a celebrity, he decided that he should always be putting his 'best face forward'. When the cameras roll on or when he's in public, he upholds a positive image - a charming idol. He is very sociable with others, but always keeping a distance. He welcomes love from many girls, but have never accepted any confessions. On the surface, his record is pretty much clean and he is the idol that many want to be associated with - a gentleman. Even though Shin is not the visual of the group, the confidence he holds for himself is extremely overwhelming. He believes it makes up for what he lacks physically and it is very true, as his personality has won over thousands of fans. He is also very sharp and quick to avert social disasters. He judges people really well and adjusts himself to satisfy others. Therefore, 'outgoing' is a trait that underestimates him.

                                                        Despite being a gentleman, there is another side to Lee Shin. He is often known to be very immature with his members (something his company makes him hide) and people close to him. He is fussy about everything - what he wears, what he's eating, etc. He acts a lot like a spoiled brat. As one can assume from his 'deception' of others, he's a dishonest person. He always sugar coats things in order to get what he wants. He does not hold back when it comes to lying if it benefits him. Other than just care about himself all the time, his members are like family to him and his only friends in life. Despite giving them a hard time, they should know that he really cares about them and would always sacrifice himself for the group.

                                                ❉° LIKES ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      ATTENTION;; so obvious. shin loves attention -- but good attention!

                                                      SHOPPING;; he always wants to be up to date on the trends, he goes on very long shopping trips. gotta attract the paparazzi for photos~

                                                      PATBINGSOO;; korean shaved ice. his guilty pleasure.
                                                      KIMBAP;; such convenience. very cheap.
                                                      THE DORM SOFA / HYUNG`S BED;; #1 best sleeping spots. he has a hard time sleeping anywhere else.

                                                ❉° DISLIKES ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      NATURE;; it`s the dirt and grass that bugs him. he thinks he`s allergic. camping trips & picnics are an absolute no.

                                                      BUGS;; especially the ones that fly. god forbid.

                                                      NOT ENOUGH SLEEP;; promotion period is hell for him. he sleeps from the dorm to the car and etc. until he gets his full 8 hrs.
                                                      EATING ALONE;; he thinks food tastes best when it is enjoyed with other people.
                                                      HOSPITALS;; will never go unless he's about to die. he hates the smell and doctors/nurses touching him in inappropriate places.

                                                ❉° FEARS ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      COUNTRY SIDE;; he thinks it can`t get worse than busan.

                                                      PEOPLE WITH DIRTY HANDS;; fanmeetings can be horrifying sometimes...

                                                      ZERO IN HIS BANK ACCOUNT;; self explanatory. so he uses everybody else's money.
                                                      NOONA;; she is scary as hell.

                                                ❉° FUN FACTS ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      MESSY ROOM;; proud owner. a top reason why he has to sleep anywhere else but his own room.

                                                      SKIN CARE;; his face is important to him. can`t be lookin' pitiful.

                                                      TECH;; has problems with it for some reason & always getting hacked. prob watching too much porn.
                                                      PHOTO TAKING;; takes photos of himself everyday, the food he eats, his members (even when showering). he`s better than the paparazzi at their jobs...

Sparkly Genius

User Image

                                      THE CHARMING LEAD VOCAL / LEAD RAPPER ▪▪
                                      ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
                                      tab BABY I CAN`T LET YOU GO I ONLY THINK ABOUT YOU GIRL

                                              ❉° CAREER STATS ▪▪
                                              ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                        POPULARITY: ████████
                                                        SCANDAL RATE: ███████
                                                        FAN INTERACTION/SERVICE: ████████
                                                        SOCIAL NETWORK USAGE: ███████
                                                        STAGE PRESENCE: ███████
                                                        VARIETY SHOW PERSONA: ███████
                                                        CHARISMA: ████████
                                                        AEGYO ABILITY: ███████
                                                        INDEPENDENCE (WORKING OUTSIDE GROUP): ███████

                                              ❉° TALENT ANALYSIS ▪▪
                                              ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                        SINGING: ████████
                                                        RAPPING: ████████
                                                        COMPOSING: ███████
                                                        INSTRUMENTS: ███████
                                                        DANCING: ███████
                                                        CHOREOGRAPHING: ███████
                                                        ACTING: ███████
                                                        MODELING: ███████
                                                        FASHION SENSE: ████████
                                                        HOSTING: ███████

                                              ❉° CLOSER LOOK ▪▪
                                              ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                ❉° ACTIVITIES ▪▪
                                                ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                      [NOTE] delete this after reading. they don't have to have done everything on this list. if they simply have not done something in a specific area. just put something like "haven't received an offer yet. or haven't appeared in any yet." you can give a reason if you want.

                                                      TV APPEARANCES;;
                                                        ▪▪ dramas;;
                                                            - name of drama, (start date - end date)
                                                            small summary of entire drama. make sure to include the part they played in the darma. like main female lead/main male lead/ supporting male lead/ etc.
                                                            - name of drama, (start date - end date)
                                                            small summary of entire drama. make sure to include the part they played in the darma. like main female lead/main male lead/ supporting male lead/ etc.

                                                          ▪▪ movies;;
                                                              - name of movie, (start date - end date)
                                                              small summary of movie make sure to include the part they played in the darma. like main female lead/main male lead/ supporting male lead/ etc.

                                                          ▪▪ variety show;;
                                                              - name of show, episode number;;
                                                              small summary of who what they did on the show and other guests involved f applicable

                                                              - name of show, episode number;;
                                                              small summary of who what they did on the show and other guests involved f applicable

                                                              - name of show, episode number;;
                                                              small summary of who what they did on the show and other guests involved f applicable

                                                          ▪▪ studio albums (w/ idol group)
                                                              TITLE OF ALBUM (month&year released)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)

                                                              TITLE OF ALBUM (month&year released)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)

                                                          ▪▪ solo albums;;
                                                              TITLE OF ALBUM (month&year released)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)

                                                              TITLE OF ALBUM (month&year released)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)
                                                                - song name (ft. idol name here if applicable)

                                                            ▪▪ MV appearances;;
                                                                song name - artist
                                                                  their role in the MV. like what part did they play? the girl everyone fell in love with or wut. just explain briefly.

                                                                song name - artist
                                                                  their role in the MV. like what part did they play? the girl everyone fell in love with or wut. just explain briefly.

                                                            ▪▪ duets;;
                                                                song name - idol name & your idol name
                                                                  one sentence desc. of what kind song it is.

                                                                song name - idol name & your idol name
                                                                  one sentence desc. of what kind song it is.

                                                            ▪▪ solo cfs;;
                                                                narangd cider (long term) ;;
                                                                basically promoted this apple-cidery drink. became a really popular cf & promoted sales for the drink because he was totally oppa-ing in the cf. this is a solo cf because the girl is kinda irrelevant in this.

                                                                skin food cosmetics x x (5ever term) ;;
                                                                sponsored the new skin food skin care line. make sure his endorsement is long term because he likes all the products he gets ~

                                                                ok cashbag x(long term) ;;
                                                                promoted a cash-back loyalty program on purchases in stores & restaurants. basically still a solo cf because girl is irrelevant and creepy.

                                                              ▪▪ partner cfs;;
                                                                  asics shoes (short term) ;;
                                                                  promoted asics sneakers with the famous ha ji won. and realized he loves noonas

                                                                  nongshim shrimp chips (short term) ;;
                                                                  promoted shrimp chips in the cutest way possible. paired up with child actor. seriously nation's oppa again.

                                                                  olleh all-ip (short term) ;;
                                                                  promoted olleh's new all-ip service with actress lee bo young. seriously loves noonas

                                                                  cass beer (5ever term) ;;
                                                                  with bro kim woo bin. promoted cass beer. and now has a life time supply even though he doesn't drink. welp.

                                                                    ▪▪ clothing brands;;
                                                                        company name;;
                                                                        one or two sentences about what they do for the company. also answer whether they're long term or simply a one time thing.

                                                                        company name;;
                                                                        one or two sentences about what they do for the company. also answer whether they're long term or simply a one time thing.

                                                                      ▪▪ magazines;;
                                                                          magazine title;;
                                                                          one or two sentences about the magazine then say how they were featured in the magazine. (i.e. being on the cover of the issue once.)

                                                                          magazine title;;
                                                                          one or two sentences about the magazine then say how they were featured in the magazine. (i.e. being on the cover of the issue once.)

                                                                    ❉° MISCELLANEOUS ▪▪
                                                                    ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                                          album of the year, mnet asian music awards, 2013 (trip for me album)
                                                                          The Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) is one of the major K-pop music awarding ceremonies held annually by CJ E&M Music and Live. CHECKM8 won Album of the Year.

                                                                              best new male/female group/solo, mnet asian music awards, 2013
                                                                              The Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) is one of the major K-pop music awarding ceremonies held annually by CJ E&M Music and Live. CHECKM8 won the Best New Male/Female Group/Solo Award.

                                                                              new artist award, seoul music awards, 2013
                                                                              The winners are selected from singers who had released albums during the year, combined with 20 percent mobile votes, 10 percent Sports Seoul’s popularity poll, 40 percent digital downloads and album sales, and 30 percent judge scores. CHECKM8 won the New Artist Award.

                                                                              popularity award, seoul music awards, 2013
                                                                              The winners are selected from singers who had released albums during the year, combined with 20 percent mobile votes, 10 percent Sports Seoul’s popularity poll, 40 percent digital downloads and album sales, and 30 percent judge scores. CHECKM8 won the Popularity Award.

                                                                              newcomer award of the year, seoul music awards, 2013
                                                                              The Golden Disk Awards is an awards show that is presented annually by the Music Industry Association of Korea for outstanding achievements in the music industry in South Korea. CHECKM8 won the Newcomer Award of the Year.

                                                                              popular m/v of the year, seoul music awards, 2013
                                                                              The Golden Disk Awards is an awards show that is presented annually by the Music Industry Association of Korea for outstanding achievements in the music industry in South Korea. CHECKM8 won the Popular M/V of the Year.

                                                                              group musician of the year (netizen vote), korean music awards, 2013
                                                                              The Korean Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea. The winners are decided by a panel of judges consisting of music critics, music radio PDs, and other professionals within the industry. CHECKM8 won the Group Musician of the Year (Netizen Vote).

                                                                              rookie of the year, korean music awards, 2013
                                                                              The Korean Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea. The winners are decided by a panel of judges consisting of music critics, music radio PDs, and other professionals within the industry. CHECKM8 won the Rookie of the Year.

                                                                              rookie of the month (january), cyworld digital music awards, 2013 (trip for me by CHECKM8 )
                                                                              The Cyworld Digital Awards are a Record Chart that is calculated by combining the digital sales and background music selections for users of the Cyworld South Korean social network. CHECKM8 won the Rookie of the Month for January.

                                                                              song of the year, melon music awards, 2013 (trip for me by CHECKM8 )
                                                                              The MelOn Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea and organized by LOEN Entertainment through its online music store, MelOn. It is known for only calculating digital sales and online votes to judge winners. CHECKM8 won the Song of the Year for 'Trip for Me'.

                                                                              top ten artists, melon music awards, 2013 (second place)
                                                                              The MelOn Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea and organized by LOEN Entertainment through its online music store, MelOn. It is known for only calculating digital sales and online votes to judge winners. CHECKM8 was placed in the top ten award, coming second place.

                                                                              netizen popularity award, melon music awards, 2013
                                                                              The MelOn Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea and organized by LOEN Entertainment through its online music store, MelOn. It is known for only calculating digital sales and online votes to judge winners. CHECKM8 won the Netizen Popularity Award.

                                                                              award name (best actress, new artist of yr, etc.)
                                                                              one or two sentences about what it was for if necessary.

                                                                              award name (best actress, new artist of yr, etc.)
                                                                              one or two sentences about what it was for if necessary.

                                                                            " LEE SHIN OF CHECKM8 WITH MYSTERIOUS GANGSTER WOMAN? "
                                                                            Shin was followed by the paparazzi when he went back home to busan ( reluctantly ) to visit his family for the holidays. He was going out with his Noona when the two got into a huge fight over something stupid and minor ( common ) and it went into a full on cussing competition on the streets. Obviously, Shin never wins and his Noona kicked him in the gut until he tumbled to the floor and then sat on him. Paparazzi got it all on camera and captured a zoom in of his busted up face under Noona's butt. And obviously, the media didn't know Shin had an older sister. So the whole 'scandal' was blown out of proportion and Shin didn't go back to Seoul until 108328392327 weeks later out of embarrassment.

                                                                            HEADLINE OF SCANDAL HERE
                                                                            Text here. elaborate on this scandal. add more if needed

                                                                            HEADLINE OF SCANDAL HERE
                                                                            Text here. elaborate on this scandal. add more if needed.

                      Sparkly Genius

                            THE RELATIONSHIPS KEY ▪▪
                            ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━
                            tab I SEE YOU FROM FAR AWAY BUT I CALL YOU AND JUST SAY 'HELLO'

                                          User Image

                                          ❉° ROMANTIC TENSION? ▪▪
                                          ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━
                                                ♡♡♡♡♡ no attraction whatsoever. basically, you're a potato.
                                                ♡♡♡♡ a little bit interested/curious in you.but still #potatolyf.
                                                ♥♥♡♡♡ ok, you're a cute potato.
                                                ♥♥♥♡♡ a VERY cute potato. might wanna get your digits and chill with you.
                                                ♥♥♥♥ a HOTTIE. mini dates and secret rendezvous please ~
                                                ♥♥♥♥♥ sexual and romantic tension to the max. gotta touch butts pronto.

                                          ❉° HASTA LA VISTA BABY ▪▪
                                          ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━

                                                ♤♤♤♤♤ no hate, only sarang sarangs~
                                                ♤♤♤♤ ok ew. you're like a dirt spot.
                                                ♠♠♤♤♤ let`s not breathe the same air, ok ?
                                                ♠♠♠♤♤ annoying as ********. can barely tolerate.
                                                ♠♠♠♠ can't be friends or even acquaintances. just die.
                                                ♠♠♠♠♠ i will hurt you.

                                          ❉° FRIENDS OR ENEMIES? ▪▪
                                          ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━
                                                ☆☆☆☆☆ not even enemy. you`re just irrelevant.
                                                ☆☆☆☆ still #irrelevantlyf but now i know your name.
                                                ★★☆☆☆ acquaintances? ok.
                                                ★★★☆☆ let`s be chingus!
                                                ★★★★ VERY good chingus
                                                ★★★★★ the best, greatest, and beautifulest to ever grace my life. i welcome thee ~

                      Sparkly Genius

                            THE RELATIONSHIPS CHECKM8 ▪▪
                            ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━

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                                          ❉° THE HUMBLE LEADER / DANCING MACHINE ▪▪
                                          kyun, jae choxxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | leader, main dancer, vocalist

                                          JAESHIN OTP 5EVER / GOLD MACHINE $$$ / SLEEPOVER CLUB
                                          from the first moment he laid eyes on hyung, shin knew
                                          jae cho was going to be the best thing that has ever happened in his lyf.
                                          from the bed to buying stuff, hyung is A+. they met at the club shin worked
                                          at and then realized they were trainees under the same company. love happened
                                          when jae cho had 'offered' his bed/food/whatever. hyung was always strict with
                                          shin, but at the end of the day, their 'sleepovers' solves any hard feelings c;

                                          User Image

                                          ❉° THE ROGUISH MAIN RAPPER ▪▪
                                          nam, dae eunxxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | main rapper, sub-vocalist, visual

                                          SLOB HYUNG / SLOTH IN PAST LIFE / THE SPA CLUB
                                          shin only loves dae hyung because dae doesn't mind his
                                          overly-affectionate skinship. and is the only one who doesn't say anything about
                                          his fussy ways ( doesn't care enough ). even though dae eun is the hyung, shin
                                          feels like he's always the one taking care of him -- he can't stand it that dae
                                          eun doesn't take good care of his appearance when he's the goddamn visual of
                                          the group. right now, he's being a busybody trying to get dae eun + sojin together by
                                          making dae constantly jealous~ ALSO LET'S NOT FORGET, shin always puts aside
                                          time for 'facials' face masks galore with dae at the end of the week.

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                                          ❉° THE ADJECTIVE CHARACTER ▪▪
                                          last, first in lowercasexxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | maknae, face, main vocalist, lead dancer

                                          FEW WORDS/PHRASE DESCRIBING RELATIONSHIP STATUS
                                          now elaborate. write this in first person.
                                          tell us how you met and how you two arrived at the relationship
                                          you're at now. also tell us how you feel about them.

                      Sparkly Genius

                            THE RELATIONSHIPS LEM ▪▪
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                                          ❉° THE EXUBERANT LEADER ▪▪
                                          lee, min heexxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | leader, main rapper, lead-vocalist

                                          THE 'SILENT' TREATMENT / KISS-AND-LEAVE / SUDDEN CHEMISTRY DUO
                                          their first encounter was at a coffee shop. they bumped into each other and
                                          spilled coffee all over one another. 5 minutes of awkward silence followed, because they were
                                          waiting for the other to apologize first. in the end, the two just "aish"ed and went on their
                                          separate ways. ONLY to find out they were together in CLARITY. they have ignored each
                                          other's presence since day one. whenever they do talk, it's always awkward for the people
                                          around them because it would either be a glaring battle while they silently fume or a passive
                                          aggressive conversation where they each have snarky remarks. and when CLARITY split,
                                          nara was definitely not one of the peeps he missed.

                                          OBVIOUSLY, their encounters never end thanks to the new sbs drama~ people say their chemistry is strong but it's really because they're so pissed off with each other that the chemistry was actually just a spark of pissedoffness ( that's how the famous 'intense kisses' came about too). doesn't help that they're stuck doing drama promotions and duet performances for the ost together. even worse, fans are actually starting to ship them??!!

                                          User Image

                                          ❉° THE SENSITIVE VOCALIST ▪▪
                                          lee, hye rinxxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | main vocalist, sub-rapper, visual

                                          PET CAT / DESSERT VENDOR / TALK s**t CLUB
                                          hye rin is like a pet to shin. he always feels responsible for
                                          taking care of her -- he makes sure she has her proper meals ( he shares from
                                          his daily stash of kimbap ) and she thinks of him as an experiment rat; whenever
                                          she has baked goods, he's always the first on the list to try them all out.
                                          when they were trainees, they both SUCKED at dancing --- uncoordinated and
                                          stiff as hell. so they got close from practicing from day until night together. he knows
                                          about hye rin's sensitivity to things so they have a "talk s**t club" where they have
                                          'sessions' and talks about all the bad/negative stuff in their lives jaemin.

                                          User Image

                                          ❉° THE FEISTY DANCING QUEEN ▪▪
                                          choi, jaemixxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | main dancer, lead rapper, face

                                          DANGEROUS ZOO ANIMAL / EPIC RAMEN TEAM
                                          jaemi gave shin the worst impression ever coming from a
                                          mascot/costumedpersonthing. he had been spending an amazing day at lotte world
                                          with the ticket he won and was making some memories camwhoring when
                                          he realized this stupid animal thing kept photobombing his photoshoot. ANYWAYS, even
                                          to this day, he doesn't know it was actually jaemin in the costume. so he believes his first
                                          actual encounter with her was at da club. she was in the men's restroom puking her guts
                                          out --- and being the nice guy he is -- tried to help her get home safely by dragging
                                          her drunk a**
                                          escorting her out. BUT not only did she puke all over his most
                                          expensive suit at the time, she was fending him off like he was dirt. even finding her address
                                          was a mess because the drunk a** wasn't even coherent in speech anymore. so he called
                                          up the 'jagiya' on her phone and finally got the address after being cussed out by the guy.

                                          and that was the end of shin ever helping drunk asses.

                                          HOWEVER, the sob story doesn't end. he found out they were in CLARITY together and he almost shat his pants. she's the only reason why he was happy about the split --- can't have some wild partying zoo animal ruin his godly image.

                                          User Image

                                          ❉° THE FEMININE MAKNAE ▪▪
                                          nam, sojinxxxx♡♡♡♡♡ | ♤♤♤♤♤ | ☆☆☆☆☆ | maknae, lead dancer, vocalist

                                          SOFT & LUMPY DONGSAENG / PHOTO VICTIM / SHOPPING BUDDIES
                                          sojin is 101% shin's type but shin has always kept his distance
                                          because he secretly figured out the sojin + dae eun thing and he didn't want to get
                                          in between that dramahotmess. SO INSTEAD, he tries to be there for her all the time
                                          while she gets over the dae eun idiot. shin loves messing with sojin --- including, but
                                          not limited to, back hugs, kidnapping, and photo spamming her with pics. he has the
                                          HARDEST STRUGGLE communicating with sojin because he has to make thousands of calls to her
                                          whenever she texts him. also, they're shopping buddies 5ever.

                      Sparkly Genius

                      ▇▇▇▇▇ #992C4B shin talking
                      ▇▇▇▇▇ #66324C thoughts
                      ▇▇▇▇▇ #33384E others
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                                                                            ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ❅ M O O D : mischievous ❅ O U T F I T : school boy oppa ❅ L O C A T I O N : CHECKM8`s casa > lotte world

                                                                            “Your food is in the kitchen. Your dongsaeng had prepared ever so nicely for you your ridiculous ten plates of kimbap. Please, do help yourself~"

                                                                            Shin could only smirk at Nara's response as he stomped down the new wave of annoyance that was threatening to overtake his handsome face. Don't get angry, you will grow wrinkles and have a heart attack, the thought ran over and over in his head to keep him in check. But it really was not helping at all. Shin opened his mouth, ready to have a snide remark come out, only to get timely interrupted by Yeong. His attention was instantly redirected and his anger levels went down.

                                                                            “Hyung, I almost killed myself getting over here. This costume is a hazard to my health. What would you have done if I fell down the staircase or something with this cape thing on? As punishment I’m eating one of your precious kimbap rolls.” Shin watched as Yeong Gwan's hand reached into the plate that was just handed to Shin and randomly grabbed a roll. Shin was so focused on Yeong that he barely heard Jae Cho's comment about his glasses.

                                                                            "Hang on, this hyung wants one too." Jae Cho came into Shin's view as his hand also reached over and grabbed a roll. Even though there was a massive amount of kimbap, to Shin, it was like half the plate was already gone.

                                                                            WHAT THE HELL.

                                                                            "YAH YAH YAH, WHY ARE YOU ALL TOUCHING MY FOOD?!" he moved the plate so that it was by his side in order to avoid more hands reaching in and stealing his food. When it comes to kimbap, Shin gets mega possessive. Besides, it was not everyday that Hyerin would make this much for him.

                                                                            He was still whining and complaining when Nara suddenly lunged forward and knocked the kimbap rolls out of Jae Hyung and Yeong's hands. The noise in the house ceased and all eyes were on Nara. The two looked slightly confused as Nara's face basically ate the floor. Shin was also confused, but was more worried about his plate of kimbap. He was proud of himself for moving the plate and himself out of the way in time. While everybody else made sure Nara was ok, Shin was moving to a safer spot in the living room in order to avoid any future disasters that will revolve around him and his food.

                                                                            Shin sat down on the sofa and placed the plate of kimbap on his lap. He was about to reach in to grab a roll (one of the spicy ones) but instantly halted when the feeling hit him. He felt skeptical and doubtful. The kimbap was emitting a bad aura. He raised the plate and looked at it on eye level. He couldn't see anything but smell the usual good smells from his all-time favorite food item. But for some reason, his gut feeling was telling him not to eat them but his stomach was dying in starvation. He was getting pissed from the conflicted feelings. He placed the plate back down on his lap and looked wearily at the rest of the humans in the house. Everybody was standing around and he was fed up with not having the attention placed on him. Was he the only one feeling the bad feels about the kimbap or what?

                                                                            His eyes landed on Jaemi, the only one who wasn't doing anything at the current moment. He eyed her outfit and for some reason, didn't get a good feeling about that either. The outfit gave him a familiar feeling but also one of irritation. Maybe it was because she was the one wearing it or maybe it was basically he was just irritated in general. He rolled his eyes and moved his attention back to the group as a whole.

                                                                            "I changed my mind." he suddenly spoke aloud. All eyes were on him as he stood up and walked over to his band members. "Since you guys were so eager~" he said as he picked up some rolls (again, the spicy ones) and started to shove them into Jae Cho and Yeong's mouths without their consent.

                                                                            Like hell he was going to suffer alone if there was something wrong with these rolls.

                                                                            ooc; LOLZ JAE AND YEONG CANNOT AVOID THIS DISASTER >D

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