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Cosmic Guardian

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Post 2 - Siblings

Cosmic Guardian

Siblings! These are characters that are related, close, like brothers and sisters. Open up the spoilers for their profiles as well as a short description of their relationship~

Kai and Jason

Brothers in all but blood. Both orphaned at a young age, Kai and Jason were adopted by Nes within a year of each other. Shortly after, the pair discovered that they were not exactly "normal" by any stretch of the word. Facing the challenges of quickly growing abilities and the isolation from peers that follows, the pair developed a strong bond becoming best friends, partners and, to a light degree, rivals. But the brotherly bond still remains. Though he acknowledges his brother's abilities, and sees him as an equal, Kai's responsibilities as an older brother make him protective of Jason to a degree. If it comes down to it, he will put his life on the line to keep his little brother from harm. Jason, likewise, sees Kai as a back to follow, always two steps ahead in studies and skills, but always pausing to make sure Jason can keep up. This gives the younger brother the push he needs to continue to progress and grow, in hopes that he can finally match, and perhaps surpass his godling brother.


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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:


Slightly under 6ft

Hair Color:
Royal Blue

Eye Color:
Blue, very similar to his hair color shade.


He is a natural born leader- confident, loyal, open minded, and willing to make the tough decisions. He loves to learn.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
Kai always wears a thin gold chain with a small feather pinion. Aligning the pendant are a few small beads engraved with protection and sealing charms. Wings are optional

He has a few scars that he tries to keep covered, one going diagonal across his torso which crosses over his heart, one across his left side, and one going horizontal across the small of his back.

As Kai gets older, he is able to develop and summon features more attuned to his godly heritage, including a set of white wings with blue outlining the pinons. He only reveals these when he intends to use them, however.

Bad summary is bad bio:
At the start of it all, there were three deities. One of Balance, one of Extremes, and one of Desire. Balan, the goddess of Balance, has been the major deity of the realm of Meiyana since the beginning of time itself. Yet, when she is pushed to her limits, and believes her own being may be at the end of its time, she must create another that can quickly grow to replace her. Kai is that replacement. Born a human, Kai loses his mortality in proportion to his developing godling abilities. He is a natural born leader- confident, loyal, open minded, and willing to make the tough decisions. Along with this is an insatiable love for learning. This leads him to having a fairly energetic, active lifestyle which attracts others to him, including some powerful allies, and just as powerful enemies. After all, budding god can be both a powerful ally...or a bug that needs to be squashed quickly. As far as Kai's concerned, they can try. But being a teen god back by powerful friends, he can't guarantee they'll get very far.

Often travelling with him is another of Balan's creations, an elemental spirit that often takes the form of a serpent made of water. Because Kai is human, he is physically unable to speak the language of the gods yet. However, certain gods cannot speak in human tongue, so to help the process a little, Kai picked up music as a way to call to and express himself to the other gods. His favored instruments are stringed ones, especially violin with guitar being a close second.

Jason Amdi

Some examples of modern clothes. He's got no real set style, so feel free to play with them:
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His Tenth Prince attire:
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And a little younger, but that expression is totally him XD
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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:
Yes. These images are of Jason in his Tenth prince form, but he is also human, so if you want to put him in more modern/street clothes, let me know!


Around 5ft 10in

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
On a normal basis, his eyes are hazel. However, when his power is activated, they change to a blend of red and gold.


Jason is by nature a playful character. He is full of grins and loves a good game, or completing projects that seem both improbable and pointless. He also is fairly quick witted and always ready with a response to whatever he is being told at the time. This often leaves people regarding him as the cheeky class clown. That, however, is exactly how he wants to be viewed. He is fully aware of the dark soul within him, and despite being in light's domain, fully embraces it. When put in his soul's element, his darker colors show, revealing someone who is cunning and analytic, placing his pieces right where they need to be so that whatever situation arises, the outcome comes out in his favor.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
Jason has a tiny red gem-like pendant that hangs around his neck by a thin black chain. This is actually a clear gem with a single drop of highly concentrated power in the center. If he is ever in a desperate situation outside of his kingdom, he bites the gem in half and drinks the droplet to get a temporary, yet serious, power boost.

He usually has a little black date-book looking thing with him, which is the tome of the dark king which he has enchanted to better conceal in modern day society.

Bad summary is bad bio:
For thousands of years, the fight between light and darkness has raged on, stretching from planet to planet until no part of the light kingdom Meiyana, or the dark kingdom, Desyramai, was left untouched. However, with the defeat of the ninth king of darkness, a sort of peace settled in as the tenth king came to an agreement with the reigning overseer of light. However, the ninth king is not so willing to let up his reign, and has plans to return as his soul is reincarnated into the chosen tenth prince of darkness. Jason Amdi, a human, is that tenth prince. Born with a dark soul, yet raised under the influence of light, Jason becomes a master of his element and a strong ally to his would-be enemies. But silently, he is calculating and slowly laying down the pieces for his own plan, one which both sides never could have guessed nor hoped for.

Astraeus and Lucky

Astraeus and Lucky have the relationship of a loving brother and sister. Astraeus, having lost his biological sister years before, treasures the newest member to the family as if she were blood. Lucky, being raised alone most of her life, takes to this affection and whole-heartedly returns it. While Lucky is meant to hide her dark past and any associations with it by order of the council, Astraeus strongly supports her, and provides an outlet for her to let her sweet princess guise slip for the chance at a battle of wits and the occasional blade. Being the elder and a prince, Astraeus is perfectly clear that he will protect the princess of his kingdom with his life, something that many do not take lightly, given his powerful lineage. However, what few fail to realize is that the feeling is mutual, and though it would perhaps make her lose the bond she has, if someone were to threaten her prince, Lucky would forgo her princess lifestyle and pick up her weapons once again to down the threat before anything became of it.

Prince Astraeus

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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:

Early to mid twenties

6ft 2in

Hair Color:
Silvery white with blond at the tips

Eye Color:

Draconian Stellar (A long lived species closely affiliated with and part of the stars)

Astraeus is often referred to as a perfect gentleman. He is kind and gentle with a healthy dose of charm that tends that tends to captivate others, whether he intends for it to happen or not. Being the heir to the Stellar throne, he also shoulders a great deal of responsibility, including mediating and keeping order within the stars themselves. He takes this very seriously, and will not hesitate to protect this order with his life.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
None to note.

Bad summary is bad bio:
For countless generations, the Stellar royal family has been the sole caretaker of the stars, ensuring the balance and order within a rather chaotic and vast element. This was only partially by choice, for the method in which they did so was by a rare gene, one passed to a single member of each generation, which allowed them to control such power. This generation, the gene was passed to Prince Astraeus. Charming, gentle, Astraeus is considered the "perfect gentleman" by his peers, often playing the role model or being the voice of reason. However, he is not without his faults, nor is he immune to taking risks, as he does when introduced to Ruby Amdi, a child raised by one of the most feared assassins in multiple kingdoms, including his own. When the girl betrays the assassin, saving a fellow royal and friend of Astraeus's in the process, he takes her under his wing, becoming her protector and elder brother. That risk comes with dire consequences as the past refuses to leave his newest family member be, and struggles within a neighboring kingdom starts coming close to his own kingdom's borders. Despite this, the prince chooses to remain strong, trusting that while he guards the back of the new princess, she has his as well. Even if she didn't, the trouble coming upon them hesitates. For while he may be a gentle prince, if provoked, he could also be a fierce knight, or even the fire breathing dragon itself.

Ruby (Lucky) Amdi

Any of these:
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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:
Yes, especially with outfits. She's not picky.

Early 20s


Hair Color:
Dark Red. She does, however, prefer to dye it a slight pinkish tint.

Eye Color:
Ruby red

Fire Daemonian (A long lived species that is as much a part of their natural element as they are organic.)

Outward, she is kind, compassionate, and considerate. However, she is also cunning, witty, logical and secretive, aspects of her past that she prefers to remain hidden unless she deems a threat present.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features: None to note. Occasionally she is seen with a matching pair of silvery white bracelets that look like chain linked charm bracelets.

Bad summary is bad bio:
Born and raised under a deadly assassin, Lucky was brought up to be a killer who focused on infiltrating high class society to target the elite. That changed when a dark secret came to light and she soon finds herself the target of the very person who raised her all those years. With nowhere else to turn, she takes a drastic leap of faith, going to the sworn enemies of that assassin, and betraying her secrets to them. Finding the youth a powerful asset, they place her in the protection of a powerful royal family, one that can keep her and her vengeful former guardian in line.

Lucky is in her early 20s by this point and has been with the royal family for some 10 years. While at first glance she appears to be kind and compassionate, sometimes bordering on playful, having settled into her position as the "little sister" of the crown prince, Lucky is a very logical character with a dark past that honed her wits and cunning. Though she would prefer to leave that side of her in the past, she is not foolish enough to think that ghosts of the past will stay in the grave, especially when one particular poltergeist is still very much alive. To her, it is not a question of if, but when they will finally arrive. When they do, she will be waiting with all of her wits, strength, and every growing power in order to protect those she considers family, even if it means putting an end to her past haunt and herself, once and for all.

Aiden and Aya

Twins constantly protecting and supporting one another. Growing up in a world where more than one of their kind together marks them as targets for war, Aiden and Aya have to work together to fool those around them that they are human. Having lost their parents at a young age, Aiden has grown up fast, becoming the bread winner for the family and a respectable member of their society. Aya, however, becomes a member of the seedier side of town, using her sharp mind and resources to gather information that can keep her brother and herself under the radar of potential threats. This varying lifestyle leads the two to both grow up strong, supporting each other in their own way, though not always seeing eye to eye. However, neither can deny that they would protect their twin with everything they've got, and will go to great lengths to see them well, even taking the fall for the others crime, becoming a prisoner of their own will, and leading a revolution that will change the world they live in forever.

Name: Aiden Amdi

He tends to be a difficult character to draw. Basically, his clothes include black pants/long sleeve black top/black boots. These are supposed to be plain and have no symbols as they are the uniform of a man arrested, so he has no obligation to a country. Over this, he wears a white, sleeveless coat. This can either be white, or have red and gold accents on it. He wears red and gold accented arm and shin guards. Sometimes a matching breast plate can be seen under his coat. There is a black belt (sometimes with gold and red accents) that goes over the coat to keep it snug around his waist.

Artistic freedom is allowed though, so you can change this up however you please. If you want to draw him in something else, let me know.

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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:
Yes, especially with the outfit. A lot of people like to put the cross on the front. This is a detail from a tektek reference. Crosses don't have any meaning in his culture since his race has their own religion.
Appears to be in late 20s
Over 6ft
Hair Color:
NOTE: DO NOT REFERENCE THE TEKTEK FOR HAIR COLORING! The highlight style is not correct!
His hair is blood red with many golden blond highlights. Both are very vivid in color. (Think "Fire" when you draw this guy)
Eye Color:
Fire Daemonian (A long lived species that is as much a part of their natural element as they are organic.)
Aiden is a natural born leader. He learned responsibility from an early age when he became the bread winner not just for himself, but for his sister. He is a hard worker and feels that trust and respect are something he must earn, not what should be handed to him. To most, he appears humble and kind, qualities that, along with his work ethic, make it easy to fly under the radar of those who may not take kindly to a Daemonian prince in their territory. He is also, however, fiercely loyal and has a strong sense of justice. These two can spur him into action. With fire flowing through his veins figuratively and literally, these two factors can motivate him to make the tough choices and even lead an entire army into battle.
Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
If his back is shown, Aiden has a gold outlined, red filled diamond shaped crest on his coat. On it are some flames that appear to take the shape of a phoenix. This is a seal that was placed on Aiden to ensure he would carry out his mission when takes the fall for his sister's crime and needs to repay the debt with servitude. The flames themselves show through all his clothing and will look almost like a tattoo on his back when he has his shirt off.
Bad summary is bad bio:
Fate is never kind to her heros, and Aiden is no exception. A prince to a powerful-yet peaceful-clan, Aiden and his twin sister, Aya, were swept away by a spirit in the form of a phoenix just before their clan was invaded, the majority of their people killed. Now on their own, the twins took to hiding in a port town under an enemy clan's flag, where Aiden took up blacksmithing, a trade his people held decent skill in. Despite attempting to live a quiet life, Aiden soon finds himself wrapped up in adventure as his sister, Aya, joins a theiving guild and gets caught stealing from a noble from one of the high nations. In an attempt to save her from a punishment of slavery, Aiden takes the fall, and to pay off his debt, is asked to collect a relic from another of the high nations. From there, everything is a whirlwind. Secrets, corruption, a prophesy, a strong willed princess, two countries to be saved, and a whole world to unite in one rebellion. A new legend is about to unfold, and at the center of it, the last prince of the Amdi clan that everyone thought was snuffed out, will grow to a blazing inferno once again.

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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:
Yes! Do whatever you would like to those dresses!
Appears anywhere between mid 20s to early 30s
Roughly 6ft
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Fire Daemonian (A long lived species that is as much a part of their natural element as they are organic.)
Outgoing, spunky, freespirited. She is very loyal to those around her, and loves her brother dearly, but has a troublesome streak that gets her into a bit of trouble, especially in her early days. As she grows older and matures, she becomes fairly protective.
Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
None to note. However, she tends to wear black medallion around her neck. This is the item she stole which set the wheels in motion for her and her brother's adventure.
Bad summary is bad bio:
Aya is a freespirited girl, born of nobility but taken from her family along with her twin brother, Aiden, before her home is destroyed. Now a young woman, the years of having no real parental guidance have given her a bit of a trouble making streak, which gives her a bit of an attitude, and some sticky fingers around town. That is until the day that she makes the mistake of stealing from a foreign noble, and getting caught. The punishment is servitude, and one that her brother takes in her stead. To pay off the debt, her brother is sent on a mission, while Aya is to stay in the noble's care as collateral. Unfortunately for the noble, Aya's feeling a little guilty about putting her brother in this situation, and attempts to escape, unwittingly saving the noble who tried to pursue her in the same instant. Now stuck with the man, Aya must use her knowledge and whit to get herself and the noble through a war torn nation to the safety of the Northern country. It's not an easy task, but she's willing to go through with it, for her brother's sake, and, maybe, to try to awake that valiant woman inside of herself as well.

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

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