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I believe in n o t h i n g
Not in s i n and not in God
I believe in nothing
Not in peace and not in w a r
I believe in nothing
But the t r u t h in who we a r e

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                                          Izzy walked down the street of Diagon Alley, looking at all the people who passed him by. They all looked like they needed to be somewhere, where as Izzy looked like he had no where to go. Although, that was very untrue. Izzy was going to Hogwarts again this year, his mother had been a witch and had attended Hogwarts which Izzy hadn't known until him and his father got the letter telling them about it 4 years ago. Izzy was a 4th year student so he knew the process of the first day pretty well. He'd rather be in the Witch and Wizard world than the human world, his father was the worst. After his mother died his dad got meaner, and less loving toward Izzy.

                                          Izzy walked up to the bookstore, looking inside through the window. Might as well get my books now He shrugged and headed into the store through the door. Izzy walked along the shelves, looking for the books he needed. He looked around the store to see if he recognized any other students. He noticed that Alexander was there, a 5th year student in Gryffindor. But other than that they were the only two in the store that he knew. Izzy continued looking for a few more books, making sure to keep to himself. He did not want people to really notice him, but of course someone always did.

                                          Overly. Obnoxious. Chick;;Click side pic for song (:
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Gym Leader Rayne Ayn Nite
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I believe in n o t h i n g
Not in s i n and not in God
I believe in nothing
Not in peace and not in w a r
I believe in nothing
But the t r u t h in who we a r e

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                                          Petals of Black is on tour, going from state to state in their tour bus. They were the type to just drive rather than fly everywhere. Petals of black wasn't the most popular band, but they sure as hell had enough fans to fill their concerts. It was tours like these that kept Izzy Montague happy, he was with his friends and didn't have to worry about anyone else. His life seemed to be very good and happy. Engaged to a beautiful girl he's known for years, in the band of his dreams, and touring. What could be any better? Nothing really.

                                          "Yo! Iz. Stop day dreaming and help us pick the lineup" Izzy's blue eyes traveled over to where the singer of the band was sitting. Marc, James, and Kaleb were all sitting at the little table in the bus looking over some of the songs. Izzy nodded and walked over to the table, taking a seat next to Kaleb. Kaleb is the drummer of the band, not very loud but obviously loves being loud otherwise. James, the guitarist. Marc, the singer, could get on Izzy's nerves sometimes but oh well. Izzy has known the three of them since high school so it really didn't get to far under his skin.

                                          "Alright guys. What were you thinking?" He asked them, and they explained the songs they had picked out. Izzy nodded in agreement. It seemed like they had picked a good show. The lineup wasn't a big deal to Izzy, he just played what he needed. Bass was his outlet no matter what he was playing. It washed away all the sadness in his life.

                                          Izzy's phone started buzzing, indicating he had gotten a text. He pulled it out and read whom it was from and what they had wrote. It was his fiance, Naomi. They have been engaged for a few months, but have been dating for three years. She said that she hoped they had a good closing show tomorrow and that he slept well. Naomi had work the next day, so he wouldn't be able to talk to her until after the show. It wasn't to bad considering they all got to go back home after the next night. Izzy texts back saying thank you, and that he loved her. He also added that he couldn't wait to see her in a few days.

                                          "Alright guys. I'm headed to bed." Said Kaleb softly to them all and waved before heading to the bed he slept in with James. Marc and Izzy slept out in the living area on the couch's. James soon followed after Kaleb, leaving Izzy and Marc to go to bed. "Sleep sounds good we have an awesome closing concert tomorrow. Night, man." He told Marc before laying down on his couch, turning off the lights and closing his eyes to get some rest.

                                          Overly. Obnoxious. Chick;;Click side pic for song (:
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Drop d e a d a bullet to my head
Your words are like a g u n in hand
you can't c h a n g e the state of the nation
We just need some m o t i v a t i o n

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                                          So yeah, and i like this layout because... its so pretty. So yeah, and i like this layout because... it can make me look like a pimp.. So yeah, and i like this layout because... it let's me"Speak here!!"So yeah, and i like this layout because... it lets methink here So yeah, and i like this layout because... it is exactly what i wanted. So yeah, and i like this layout because... RayneAynNite made it for me.

                                          O.O.C;;Out of character chats
Howl's Moving Castle

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"What use is a p a p e r h e a r t when you're stuck in the r a i n stuck in the rain
'Cause all the l o v e that I hold inside; feel it w a s h i n' away washin' away
Let it fall take it all 'cause I'm so t i r e d of feelin' everything
So d a m n m e and my p a p e r h e a r t in this pouring rain"

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                                          Calcifer nodded, or what he could do of a nod, when she agreed to his deal. Then he heard her ask if she could stay in the castle. This he thought about, it wasn't his castle. But Howl wasn't here... So the best he could say was, "Tonight, but if Howl doesn't want you here..." it was obvious what he was going to say next to he just blinked a few times before sighing and going to sleep.

                                          It was a long night for Howl. He'd been trying to get rid of the Witch's men, so that he could go home. He hadn't been home for a few days, so hopefully he'd be home in time to catch Markl and ask Calcifer to do a few things with the Castle.

                                          Markl woke up in the morning, getting dressed and heading downstairs as the Kingsbury door rang. He saw a young girl in the room, sleeping. He looked over at Calcifer and asked, "Who's she?" The door bang a few more times before Calcifer answered, "She walked in from the waste's last night." Markl looked at her all confused, "She's from the Waste's? The door banged a few more times before Calcifer said, "Better get that, it's the Kingsbury door." Markl nodded and moved the hood over his head, making himself look like a short old man as he opened the door and was greeted by royal guards. They presented him with an invitation from the King for Wizard Pendragon.

                                          Overly .Obnoxious .Chick;;Click side picture for song c:

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" Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide…

Text, do something here. Do something here. do something here.“Speak”

... voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time."

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We're in the Band

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We were almost b e a u t i f u l
A b r o k e n piece of art put on display
But we were n e v e r possible
Another p e r f e c t moment thrown away
I know s o m e b o d y out there will l o v e you
They'll be the f o r e v e r we n e v e r were
Cause we were everything that's r i g h t at the wrong time

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                                          It was the first day of rehearsal, using their new guitarist that had auditioned and fairly gotten the role as guitarist for Pearl of Jade. David wasn't a very happy camper at all about the fact they were replacing Jason, his long time friend since high school. They had formed the band with their own money, right out of high school. Nothing much to start from but they obviously made it work. Pearl of Jade is now a big time band in the US, having two albums and done tours in the nation and out of the nation. The band got together to practice normally, and they were doing a new tour soon. They hadn't done a tour for about 6 months, because of Jason's issue. A lot of fans were saddened by the fact Jason wasn't guitarist, but they would have to deal with it if they were true fans.

                                          David is the vocals for Pearl of Jade, making the harmonious band come together to produce amazing music that had given them their popularity. He wasn't a stuck up b*****d like some people in the music biz. Really, he was a caring nice guy who took care of his friends like they were brothers or sisters. Meaning this new guy was interrupting his peace. Jason was like a brother to him, and for the band to just causally pick a new guitarist bothered David and has caused him to want to give the cold shoulder to the new man.

                                          David walked quickly up the stairs of where the boy's practiced. Upon arriving he saw the Kaleb, the drummer and Marc, the bassist were already up, ready to go. Marc is a tall blonde boy who had stunning blue eyes. Kaleb is a tall brunette, with a pair of blue eyes as well. Both had tattoo's but Kaleb had more. Marc was quieter than Kaleb, but he was also self-expressing. David frowned slightly when he noticed that the guitarist was late to practice. Hoping that the boy would be here soon David smiled at Kaleb and Marc before saying, "So guys, what do we want to play today? Maybe challenge the new guy with something?" The boys both smiled slightly and nodded in agreement. David clapped his hands together before walking over to a stack of extra music sheets to give to the boy for some songs they hadn't introduced to him yet. "Hopefully he won't be too lost." David said with a scoff, before setting the music that was needed for the boy on a stand. Then walking over to the couch they had took a seat next to Kaleb, they weren't going to start practice until the guitarist showed up.

                                          Overly. Obnoxious. Chick;;Click side pic for song (:
                                          I know i'm using a real artist(singer) buttt i made up the band. haha c:

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XX----xoxoxo----Pearl of J a d e

The Vocals
"Shut the Hell up."

Durp Durp Durp

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The Delinquent

Eli Manning Hill

Laid Back

              Born Eli Manning Hill to my mother Amy Nichole Hill and my father David Michael Hill. My father left me and my mother when I was around five. It didn't effect me so much.. well that's a lie. My mother was down about it for a few years before actually deciding to date again. She found this nice guy, they dated for a while and bam. We're at a wedding and I'm the ring barer. They've been married for maybe seven years, and the guy is a total douche to me. Don't get me wrong, he treats my mom nicely and that's the only reason I'm not totally pissed about her marrying him. By now I'm sure you've noticed I'm a a** hole right? Well, that's right on target. It all probably started when I was 3. Then, meeting my 'friends' at daycare and Emily as well it changed me slightly. I just become a little nicer but only towards them. When i heard the news of Emily's death it did and hasn't phased me much. I've always thought that life wasn't worth cherishing when it just turns on you eventually. When we all stopped keeping in touch it sucked. I tried forever and the hardest to talk to them, considering they were the only ones that could stand my attitude. But that didn't work too well. We'll see how this goes.

              I can be a complete a*****e if i don't like you. I get into a lot of trouble, been to juve a few times. Plenty of OSS's, ISS's and detentions. You could say I'm the loner, or delinquent. Someone who has a problem with authority. I've actually heard some people say I'm not that bad if you get to know me, although I don't know anyone other than the group that actually might know me.

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But for that, they got a p i l l
If that don't k i l l you, then the side effects will
If we don't kill each other, then the side effects will
Cape Town, I think we got a p r o b l e m

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                                          As Eli drove in his car he let out a yawn. Only days before he had received word from his parents, which had come from Mrs. Morreti, that she had arranged a summer where all the kids who used to hang out when they were younger could hang out once again. The only reason they stopped talking was because of Emily's death. Eli had been the one to try and stay in touch the longest, and had taken Emily's death well. He knew life was short lived and you couldn't waste time on the past. Well, much time. It seemed as though everyone else was stuck on Emily's death from what he had heard. Since none of them talked anymore he got the vibe that they didn't want to be reminded more of the fun times they had all had together. Which Eli didn't get, he could remember all those times and they not phase him one bit.

                                          Really, Eli was kind of excited to see his old friends. To see where they ended up and how they have been doing. It's been 3 or 4 years since they'd all stopped talking, and a lot can change in that amount of time. Hell, Eli's been to Juvenal in that time. Surely everyone would love to know that. Luckily, none of the reasons he got in trouble made him lose his licence. Of course, he had lost it before.

                                          Driving down the gravel road to the cabin was about a 20 minute deal. Not that it was that bad, Eli always had CD's in his car to listen to. They passed the time easily, and kept his mind off of other things like his step-dad. Really, being out of the house for this was just so that he wasn't around his step-dad. After 20 minutes of music, thoughts, and yawns Eli arrived at the cabin. It looked like none of the others had arrived yet, which was good. Gave Eli some time to pick out a room and a bed.

                                          After parking his car Eli grabbed his backpack from the backseat and headed up the steps of the cabin. There was a note on the door from Mrs. Morreti. He read it and sighed before opening the door and walking inside, taking in his surroundings. Liking the size of the living room he moved on to explore the kitchen, family room, and dining room. Before heading up to the second floor he found the master bedroom, thinking about taking it he shook his head and moved on. Surely the girls would want that one.

                                          Eli made his way up the stairs and examined the loft. It contained a pool table and chairs, a typical gaming/hang out room. There was a ledge looking down into the family room as well. Checking out all the rooms Eli claimed a bed in the second suite, hoping that he wouldn't get a goody-two shoes room mate. That would drive him crazy. Grabbing the top bunk Eli slung his back pack up there and took a look out the window, still no cars other than his were parked. "Might as well wait downstairs for them." He mumbled to himself before heading back out into the loft and down the stairs. Turning into the living room Eli took a seat on the couch, listening to the silence of the cabin.

                                          Overly. Obnoxious. Chick;;Click side pic for song (:
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When you're on the edge and falling of, it's all over for you

My Personal Information
My name is Rayne Ayn Nite
Birthday Wishes I have made seventeen
I tend to like everyone
My story Goes a little like this In the beginning my parents where a poor couple, living in a world surrounded by ice. Which is probably why I liked the element so much and had a knack for it. I grew up with all my friends, never knowing the dangers of the outside worlds. Until one day, my mother gets attacked by a heartless. Now, I was about... 15 when this happened. So it's only been a few years. But not soon after my mother was attacked and killed they came for me and my father. That's when my key blade came to me, chose me, and I was able to fight the heartless of. Able to save my father.

The way I battle
What Side am I on? Darkness
My Element is Ice
My Keyblade looks like this
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My Burst Form Judge me? Go ahead and see what happens.
Burst Keyblade Burst this.
On October 31st I look like Boo.
When I swim in the Ocean like a fish
Just keep swimming
In the Jungle, the mighty Jungle Rawr.

Other things about me
These are a few things I like Books, music, the cold, water.
These are a few things I don't like heat, people, teamwork
My personality Pessimistic, shy, determined, ambitious.

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Beth Joy Crawford
"If the darkest hour comes before the light; where is the light?"

The Basics
My Full Name is: Beth Joy Crawford
But you can call me: Beth, Joy, Angel
If you can't tell, I'm a: Female
There are twenty candles on my cake
We all have a part to play:member of the pack

A bit more detail
Every life has a story
et’s start at the beginning shall we? Born as Beth Joy Crawford to the loving mother Amy Joycy Crawford and the rather horrible father David Arthur Crawford, I was a rather clam and quiet baby. Which my mother loved about me and my father could care less. I grew up in a rather bad city, placed in the state of Maine, USA. In elementary school I was the quiet kid who was smart, but loved to just be in her own little world, so most kids thought I was very weird. . My teachers never paid any mind to me considering I wasn’t a bad kid compared to the other children in my class. Around third grade my mother was diagnosed with some deadly illness... Neither my father, nor the doctors ever told me what it was. But it killed her by the end of that year. I was devastated, as was my father. We moved into a smaller house than we had considering he was the only one providing for the both of us. He provided food, shelter, clothes, and items that any father would give their well-behaved son. But the one thing he didn’t provide was love. Which is probably why i am searching for it, and will do anything to get it.

The years to come came slowly but surely. I am now a strong junior in high-school, I'm the singer for a band, which means I have a lot of good guy friends. Every day we would all go down to the local diner or park and just have a good time. Junior year passed by fast, only a week in school left. My little group of friends decided to go and pick a beef with another group of boys, that were known for being tough in our neighborhood. Knowing I would just be dragged along anyways I went. People who fought on the streets daily were different and I wasn’t used to their techniques in any way, compared to people who were boxers.. Anyways, I was kind of standing out of the way when the others got into it. But, my luck, one of the boys came up to me and bit me. It was the oddest thing, I pushed him away. But got dizzy from the blood loss, and fainted. That’s when the fight was pretty much over with everyone and all my ‘friends’ had then left along with the other group. The boy who had bit me though, stayed behind. How do I know this? Well, I ended up waking up at his place. being told what had happened and that i would have to wait with him until the full moon so that I knew whether or not I was actually a werewolf or not. Lucky me, I did become one. Been traveling with my current pack ever since.

How others see me
If you really got to know me you'd see I'm a pretty nice person. I really care about people, but I don't like people getting in the way of things for me. Also, I don't like men who are around the same age as me telling me what to do if it's something I've heard a million times, or i just want to do it my way. I can be a rebel sometimes, and I really like to have a good time and party~

Give me more
♫ White Chocolate

Keep them away from me
♯ My dad
♯ Being cooped up
♯ Dark Chocolate
♯ Drawing

We all have are secrets:I've fallen for William, and just at the wrong time. His ex is back, and may be a werewolf even. Which, if she is one. They might bring her into the pack.
Other:The pack has never heard me sing, and hopefully they won't. It's something from my past I don't like to share.

Puppy Master
Gaianname: EarlxofxPhantomhive
Dodgerblue ; Blue

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