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Hikari King

"Please call me Prince Hikari."


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Jung-Hwa Hong-Lee

“I’ll be you Guardian Angel, so please don’t worry I’ll fight till the end to keep you safe in my arms.”




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Mister Guardian Angel
xxx Also known as- Couple Two
xx Jung-Hwa Hong-Lee
xxKind | Short tempered | Protective.

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Jung-Hwa Thomason

"짧은 퓨즈가있는 수호 천사.”

Wearing:My Get Up

Jung-Hwa Thomason or Tom as he would rather be called was hearing a voice telling him to wake up so he did and man did his head hurt. “Man my head hurts.” He moaned under his breath as he slowly got to his feet and noticed that everything was different and it kind of freaked him out a little. “Um what in the hell is going on, why is everything look like the fifties?” Jung-Hwa asked as he got to his feet to look at the area around him in wonder and shock. All he knew was this place was not home it looked like home a little bit but this was not home at all. Jung-Hwa then walked up next to Thebes and stood next to her still wondering what was going on because he had no idea was it a dream or was this really happening to them did they end up in the past somehow? He shook his head no way there was no such thing as time travel so this had to be some kind of act. “Hey Thebes you ok, need some smokes to calm the nerves?” Jung-Hwa asked calmly while he pulled out a pack from his pocket and pulled one out offering it to her.

Jung-Hwa could feel people staring at them all giving looks of all kinds and it was really pissing him off, but he knew he had to keep his cool because he didn’t want to hurt someone without meaning to. He then heard snickering and his eye twitched as he looked around to see who was doing it, and soon his eyes locked on some guy with greasy hair. So without thinking at all Jung-Hwa stormed over to the guy and grabbed his shirt and gave him his most evil look making the guy shut up real quick as Jung-Hwa began to yell at him. “WHAT’S SO FUNNY GREASE BALL DID I MISS THE JOKE, OR ARE YOU TOO SCARED TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO OUR FACES! COME ON TALK YOU RUNT TALK!” Jung-Hwa shouted as he started to shake the poor guy with anger. Yep it was very obvious that his temper had got the best of him yet again but he felt like this punk was mocking him and his friends so he went off.

Jung-Hwa was well known for his bad temper but for some reason he would never snap a female, he just couldn’t do it he just can’t yell at a girl for some unknown reason. Another thing e was well known for was protecting his friends and those who were weaker than him which earned him the name The Guardian Angel with a Short Fuse. Well after some swearing and shouting Jung-Hwa let go of the purified guy’s shirt and walked back over to Thebes trying not to make eye contacted he was a little nervous that she might get onto him for losing his temper again but he couldn’t help it that grease ball ticked him off with his annoying snickering. “Sorry about that but he ticked me off with that snickering of his.” Jung-Hwa said calmly to Thebes once her reached her and waited to see or hear her reaction.


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User Image Name: Jung-Hwa Thomason
Age: eighteen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: Hanging with his friends, cooking, cats, helping others, pranks, and running
Dislikes: Being asked if he is Chinese or Japanese, having his name mocked, Cocky assholes, any form of abuse on an animal, woman, or child, and seeing girls cry
Bio: SMALL Jung-Hwa Thomason is half Korean and half American, his mother Korean his father an American both parents very much in love with one another and their only son, but enough of them and back to Jung-Hwa who rather be called Tom the only people who are allow to call him by his given name is his close friends and family. Well now let’s talk more about Jung-Hwa, fist off he is a very sweet guy who gets allow with everyone despite having his short fuse of a temper he is an easy person to get along with. As for his childhood it was a little hard growing up with an odd name but he managed to get by when he didn’t snap and beat someone up for making fun of his name or making fun of his friends. Jung-Hwa is very protective to those he cares for and is jokingly called The Guardian Angel with a short fuse.

Username: MissDestinyDrpepper

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Name: Tori Marshall
Disorder:Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine

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Vincent Marshall

"The sun, the daylight, and the sun's shinning all of them are evil! Please make it all go away!"

Wearing:My clothes

Vincent Marshall is tall, handsome, smart, and loving, but he is also a worry wart, freaks out easily, can be too over protective, and to top everything he has Phengophobia, meaning fear of the sun and sunshine. Yes Vincent was horrified of the sun thanks to his birth parents for locking him in a cage in the burning hot August summer sun and he started to see things and looked at the sun and saw the face of a monster. So ever since then he has had the fear of the sun and the sun’s light and would freak out if the sun’s says touched his skin making him faint or run like hell to the shade. Thankfully child serves was called and Vincent was taken to a safe orphanage where he made lots of friends but still he only wanted to play inside in in the dark with his friends because of his fear of the sun, well he did go in the sun but not without a blanket covering his body from the sun’s evil rays, and because of bring a blanket with him wear ever he went he was made fun of. Still he didn’t care that blanket kept the sunlight off his body.

Well as of right now he was in a car with Dianna and her son heading to their new home since all of them had been taken in by the Marshalls. As the car drove to their new home Vincent had a blanket covering his whole body from the sun and he was holding a umbrella in his hand for when he had to get out of the car, the more the sun was off of his body the better as long as he was in the shadows he was fine because if the sun’s light touch his skin he would flip out or faint onto the ground. Yes his fear of the sun was that bad and most therapists think that he might never get over his fear of the sun and its light but they try their best. As the car drove on Vincent spoke in a soft voice, “What do you think these people will be like Dianna, do you think they’ll be nice?” he asked while he shifted a little in his blanket.


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User Image Name: Anna Bell Samantha Blackthorn
Age: seventeen
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual

Likes: Winning, weed, Milkshakes, kittens, beer, and cooking
Dislikes: Wimps, Losing a fight, small dogs, getting too drunk, and the Heat
Bio: SMALL Anna Bell is a loud and proud girl that loves to cause trouble and have a good time with her friends. Anna Bell is the daughter of a Doctor and Nurse who both love her very much but disapprove of her wild behavior and always getting into trouble and getting into fights with people including guys and not verbal fights she fist fights with guys and wins. Still Anna Bell is a good girl at heart and always stands by her word and cares deeply for her friends. She is Jung-Hwa's grandmother in the present time.

Username: MissDestinyDrpepper


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Anna Bell Blackthorn

"Come on, don't be a wimp fight like a man!"
Wearing:Not a damn dress



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Sakujun Umeboshi

:Jonin, Sensei of squad Three:




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Name: Sakujun Umeboshi
Parents: Mother: Hana Umeboshi Father: Unknown
Sex: Male
Rank: Jonin Sensei of squad 3
Team:Sensei of squad 3
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Shadow Clone Justu
Kekkai Genkai ;; Animal Mimicry Sakujun has the ability to inmate the abilities of animals but he cannot turn into the animal. This power allows the user to have the constricting power of a boa, to run like a cheetah, to move around like a cat, track like a dog, and many other things. He can also use many animals at one but this power has a down side you see since he has the strengths of the animals he also has the weaknesses for his senses are very sensitive such as his smell and hearing and with the right type of Jutsu he can be taken down real fast. Now when using his Animal Mimicry his chakra forms the animal that his mimicking which is incased around him. He calls this ability Beast Releasing Justu.

Bio: Sakujun Umeboshi birth was a disgrace to his mother’s family, for he was the product of a rape and he was considered a thing instead of a person. The only one that didn’t see him as a monster was oddly his mother even though he was that child of the man that raped her. For she did not blame him for what happened in her past because he did nothing wrong but her family saw otherwise. To them Sakujun was a demon seed that did not deserve love or kindness from them and showed it anyway they could by talking down to him to slapping him around, but his mother was always there to protect him. Her family could not understand why she cared for the child that was the creation of her rape. But she just could not bring herself to hate her son and she loved him with all of her heart. So even though life was hard for Sakujun he still was a very happy child who loved life.

As Sakujun grew he started his training as a ninja at the age of four and was cheered on by his mother who wanted him to be that best that he could be. As Sakujun learned and trained at the Academy he became one of the top ten students in his class and this made only his mother proud his other family members could care less. Well as Sakujun attended the Academy he mastered the basics rather quickly and became very skilled in fire release justus. Also he discovered his odd and unique Kekkai Genkai power. Sakujun discovered that he could mimic the power of animals but he could change into the animal that he was trying to mimic, but instead his chakra formed the animal that he was mimicing around him. This new skill fascinated Sakujun and he would experiment with this new skill that he had discovered and see what all he could do with it. By the age of thirteen Sakujun became a Chuunin along with the rest of his team.

When turned seventeen he had mastered his Animal Mimicry ability and he learned the strengths and weakness in the animals he would inmate. Also at this age he had mastered fire justu and was very skilled in Taijutsu. Sakujun’s mother was very proud of how far her son has gotten with his skills as a ninja and was ecstatic when he became a Jounin and a sensei ready to train the next generation of young ninja. Yes life really turned out well for Sakujun and he was very proud with how far he had gotten in his life. Well now that he is a sensei and a Jounin he has vowed to make his students the best that they can be and would risk his own life to keep them safe.
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Name: Sakujun
Bio: When Sakujun was alive he was the youngest son of merchant and a dancer and both of them were water benders as well as the rest of his family and himself. Growing up was pretty boring for the young Sakujun because nothing really big ever happened to him and as time went on he would practice his bending and help out in his father’s store until he became seventeen when he decided to leave home and expand his horizons and so he traveled all over, he discovered many new things and made tons of new friends. He was about twenty-seven when he found his true love in the Fire Nation and her name was Sukato and the two quickly fell in love and over time the married and had many children which made Sakujun unbelievably happy because he loved children with all of his heart.
Sadly when Sakujun turned thirty-five he was killed in cold blood on his way home from a walk close to his family home and his murderers were never found. When he was being buried he was still in the human world at the time his youngest child was crying asking her mother why he was being buried and screaming that daddy promised to take her to the mountains to pick the white flowers. It truly killed him inside to see his family grieving over his death, and then before he knew it he was in the spirit world and his appearance had changed. His hair was now snowy white, his skin was as pale as the clouds in the sky, but also his eyes became the same color that of the rain he was now a water spirit, and he had another form as well he could change into something completely different something not normal.

He was now a spirit and his new home was the world of spirits and so he had no other choice but to live in this place. As a water spirit Sakujun would stay close to water or he would hang around places that reminded him of his family and of home, he truly missed being alive he really wanted to see his children grow and have families of their own but now all he could do now was watch from small openings from the spirit world and watch his beloved family grow. Then one day as the water spirit was watching his family Shendu appeared before him telling him that the people of living world were enslaving women and children but also he could help him find the people who killed him and allow him to destroy them and so Sakujun became infuriated and decided to take action.

Water bending

Supersonic scream

Accelerated healing

The power to heal others

The power to create force fields

Super speed

Super strength


My other self

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:The Water Spirit:

Wearing:My Clothes



Sakujun let out a very bored yawn as fought some random fire bender, the human that he was fighting was unskilled and weak. So to fish things quickly he grabbed the bender by the throat and squeezed it very hard and using his super speed slammed him to the ground and jumped back with a lazy smile on his face and then he heard the boss call out to all of the spirits telling them to be close to the portal so they could here permanently. So with a with a small sigh he began to make his way to the portal and as he ran his way onto the portal he looked at his right hand that held a wedding band that his wife and himself had made together and smiled, because once the world was under the boss’s control he could find his family and be a father again but he just had to hope they still remembered him. Also another thing he could finally do was kill the men that took his life away and he was going to do it anyway he could but he thought drowning would be the best idea because hey he is a water spirit so why the heck not?

Then within moments he was he was with the rest of the spirits and was fighting going on but the spirits were given the order to stay back and that what the white hair spirit did, and as he stayed back out of the way he took out his smoking pipe and as some random fire spirit if he could light it only get a nasty glare from them which just made him give a comical smile as they lit his pipe. Now that he had his pipe lit Sakujun was watching the fight go on but if he had somebody attack him he would quickly take action if he had too, but granted he would just mess around and play with the opponent until they became enraged and attack him full force and then he would just rattle their cage even more just for the fun of it.


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Child of Sakujun The Water Spirit

Wearing:My Clothes

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