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King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Unrequitedxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

His eyes were large and round as he stared up at her, and Cassidy was sure that he was silently begging for her to stop, pleading. She smiled down at him as her hand stroked the side of his bloody face, fingers tracing over his skin.

"You have only to say the words, Matt," she said. "And then I will stop."

He opened his mouth, but instead of sound coming out, there was only blood bubbling from his lips and down his chin. He coughed, gagging as scarlet flecks flew through the air.

"That's hardly what I want to hear."

His eyes looked panicked, dark with rabid fear, but it was almost physically impossible for him to speak by this point, she knew. She could see him trying, mouth opening and closing, and she thought that he might be mouthing the words, but couldn't be sure.

She brushed his blood coated hair from his face, and he cringed away from her touch, his eyes roaming about as if searching for something that might save him, end the agony. But they were alone, as she had taken careful precautions to make sure. She didn't want anyone interfering, especially not that b***h.

Her face darkened at the thought of Serena and her conniving, superior attitude. Oh, she thought that she could protect this wreck of a man, but where was she now? Where was she when he truly needed her, when he lay near the brink of death, desperately trying to speak the words that would save his life?

Cassidy giggled, and she leaned closer to Matt, her dark hair hanging just above his face. "She's not coming this time. I made sure of that. I have her running around in circles trying to find you, but you'll never be where she expects."

He coughed out another gurgle of blood, and her smile widened as she straightened up, reaching for the object that lay beside her, a screwdriver. She was most fond of using everyday objects like tools and silverware. They were easy to find and numerous.

Matt tried to pull himself away, his mangled hands inching across the ground as he searched for purchase to lever his body. Cassidy grabbed a handful of his shirt and heaved him forward. His eyes rolled up into his head for a moment, and then he leaned forward and vomited. He sagged against her, his body trembling from weakness and fear.

One hand took a fistful of his hair, and she tipped his head backwards until he was looking straight up at her. The other hand held the screwdriver. She flipped it around in her fingers a couple times, making sure that he was watching, letting him know that she was in complete control, and then she brought it closer to his face. He shrank away, coughing out a cry that brought more blood spilling from his lips.

"It's okay," Cassidy murmured. "It will only hurt for a little while."

She twisted his head around and lowered her weapon until it hovered just in front of one of his fear-crazed eyes, his pupils just small pinpricks in a wash of cobalt blue. He made a sound deep in his throat, an animal sound, something produced by his terror, and then she pushed the screwdriver down.

His scream filled the room, and he thrashed in her arms, only making the damage to his eye all the worse in his panic. Finally, he stilled, and Cassidy pulled the screwdriver free as she watched the blood drip down his face.

"You see?" she said. "Not so bad. Now, just one more to go."

He jerked in her arms as he tried to heave himself away from her, but by this point he was too weak to do much more than mildly thrash about as he made that animal noise again, tears tracing paths through the blood on his cheeks. Cassidy positioned her tool over his face again, tightening her grip on his hair, so he couldn't turn his head.


She froze and leaned forward, her eyes brightening. "Yes, come one, Matt. Speak."

His mouth opened. A moment passed and then he said, "St-stop."

She smiled. "Very good. See, it's not so hard to talk? Now, you know what to do."

She placed the screwdriver beside her, freeing her hand so that she could caress the side of Matt's face again.



He coughed and twisted in her arms for a moment before becoming still again. "I..."

"Go on."

His face scrunched up with the effort he was exerting to speak. "I...love you..."

Her face lit up, and she gave a small, exuberant cry. She released her hold on his hair, and his head rolled backwards. "Yes, yes. That's right. See, that was easy, wasn't it? Now--"

She stopped when he lifted his head up and whispered one final word, "Serena."

Cassidy’s whole body turned rigid as her expression froze on her face. Matt stared up at her and twisted his lips into a bloody smile before his head rolled backwards again.

“No,” she practically hissed as she snatched up her weapon again, although she knew that by that point it was too late. Matt was far too still, his remaining eye far too glassy and empty. “No, no, no!” She stabbed him in the chest, bone crunching. She pulled the screwdriver out and then stabbed him again. Out, stab. Out, stab. Her eyes were livid with anger.

“How dare you?” Out, stab. “How dare you? How dare you?”

She pulled the screwdriver from his chest again, holding it in her trembling hand for a moment before flinging it away. She buried her face against Matt’s bloody chest, fingers tightening into fists around the shreds of his shirt until her hands ached.

And then she began to cry.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Diminishxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

My head rested on her lap as she stroked my hair, fingers sliding through the strands and snagging on snarls that she didn't seem to notice. I could hear her breathing. She sounded as if she were about to cry, but why would she? I had never once seen her cry since the two months I had lived with her. No, lived wasn't the right word. What I had wasn't living; it was simply existing. Each day was just a struggle, a struggle to avoid her wrath.

But this time I had failed, and my whole body could attest to that. With every small gasp of breath that I drew in, my chest felt like it was being crushed beneath a tremendous weight. Every simple movement brought about agonizing, gut-wrenching pain.

"Eli." She leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"Yes." My voice came out on only a thin exhale of air, but I knew that she heard it anyway. I knew.

The hand stroking my hair suddenly came to a stop as her fingers curled into a fist, snagging my hair. She twisted my head around, forcing me to look straight up at her and that smiling, taunting face. That hateful face. That hated face.

"Tell me," she said.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears from the pain in my scalp as she mercilessly held me in place. "I lied to you." Again, my words were hardly more than a breath, but she smiled anyway.

"Yes, you did. And do you know what lying is, Eli?"

"A sin."

She nodded her head slowly. "That's correct. And what happens to sinners, Eli?"

I could feel myself trembling as I struggled to form the words. "They...they go to hell."

Her smile broadened into an all out grin. "Right, and you don't want to go there do you."

I shook my head as best I could, and finally, when she was sure that I had learned my lesson, she let go of my hair. I turned my head back to its normal position, feeling the muscles straining painfully in my neck.

She stroked my cheek for a moment and then looped her arm beneath my shoulder and pulled me into an upright position. I sagged against her, as if I would never be able to sit up by myself ever again, though I knew I would, just as I had all the other times. The pain would eventually pass. It would fade away to a mild ache, and then it would only be phantom pains, coming upon me in the middle of the night.

Her arm was around me, and though I couldn't see her face, I knew that she was smiling. The same way I had known that she could hear my barely whispered words. Because...because it was her.

She stood, pulling me up with her. "Are you going to lie to me again, Eli?"


She looked at me, as if checking to see if even now I would tell the truth, and her dark eyes burned. I trembled beneath her gaze, but she seemed satisfied with what she saw for she turned away without a word. Her hold on me was suddenly gone, and I swayed, the weight of my body threatening to bring me to the ground, but somehow I caught my balance and followed after her on unsteady feet.

We walked down a brightly lit hall for a few moments before stopping at a thick wooden door. She looked at me, a mocking smile staining her lips, and then she opened the door and made a sweeping gesture into the dark room. I went inside and she closed the door. The last noise I heard that night besides my breathing and the ghostly imagined noises in the dark was the click of the key in the lock.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Desert Sinsxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

The blood pooled beneath her still body, staining the pale coverlets a deep scarlet. Her hair was splayed out across the pillow, golden against the white fabric. If it hadn't been for the blood, I would have thought she was simply sleeping; her eyes shut, her face slack, hands lying neatly beside her. And yet...even though I knew she was dead, my mind tried to tell me that it wasn't true. Maybe she was okay. Maybe this was just a horrible dream that I would wake up from at any second. But no. She lied there, unmoving, with all that horribly red blood.

And all I could do was stand and stare, frozen in disbelief. I don't know how long I would have stayed there, immobilized, if it wasn't for the sound of someone coming out of the bathroom that was connectect to my parents' master bedroom. My eyes lifted from the dead body and locked onto the man now standing over her. He watched me silently, his eyes empty and blank. The sleeves of his shirt were stained red and though I didn't want to believe it, I knew that he had killed her.

My legs trembled beneath me, and I thought I would collapse right there on the floor.

"Daddy?" I said, choking on the word as a sob tried to spill out of my throat.

He came around the bed and stopped in front of me, kneeling down so that he was eye level with me. "Seth," he said, his voice as empty as his eyes. "You weren't supposed to see this." He patted me on the head and smiled. "Why don't you go back to your room?"

I felt my bottom lip tremble, and I tried to look past him; tried to see the body of my mother, but he blocked me, keeping himself positioned between me and the bed.

"Why?" I asked, turning my eyes to him.

He sighed and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry about it. Everything will be okay. Go back to bed, okay? I promise I'll fix everything."

I nodded my head and sniffled. My father stood up, towering over me, and I turned around and did as he told me. He would have things back to normal by morning, I was sure of it. He'd promised that he'd fix it, and my father never lied. Never.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Crimsonxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

The air shimmered with golden light as Ishmael moved through the crowded streets. The footsteps of his pursuer, though very quiet, were all too clear with his vampiric hearing, a steady pounding that told him he wasn't safe and that he might never be safe. Oh, he could kill the man if he wanted to, but that was the problem. He didn't want to, and he would never be able to change his mind about that. Maybe if they had sent someone else, but how could he turn on his own brother, even though Isaac had already turned on him.

He shook his head and pushed people viciously out of the way, ignoring the startled cries, the angry shouts that accompanied every shove. He glanced over his shoulder, his pace not faltering even a bit and caught sight of Isaac maneuvering through the throng, eyes hard and determined, as his hand rested subtly on the hilt of his knife, which was charmed to kill a vampire.

Ishmael dashed through a pool of sunlight as he moved off of the busy street, sinking into the shadows between the buildings. He pressed his back to the wall as he watched the narrow opening and shaft of light that would lead his brother to the spot. He waited, much longer than he was expecting, since Isaac was probably taking extra precautions as the instincts that had been ingrained into him would tell him that he was being led into a trap. But eventually he appeared, stance confident and yet wary. His brown eyes locked onto Ishmael, and a slight quiver overtook his body as he drew out his knife.

The vampire held his hands out to the side, placating. "Isaac, you don't really mean to kill me, do you?"

Something flickered in his brother's eyes, but it was gone a moment later. His face hardened with determination, and he took a step forward.

Ishmael retreated backwards. "Isaac, please. I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't fight." The man's eyes were cold as he watched the vampire. "Let me kill you. I promise, it will be for the best. You don't want to be this way."

He continued to back up as Issac advanced. "Put the knife away."

"And let you get away? I don't think so."

Ishmael grimaced and stopped in his tracks, his arms falling back to his sides. "Have you really thought about this?" he asked, his voice holding a soft note that was uncharacteristic of him. "I'm your brother."

Isaac froze, his resolve visibly wavering for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed and his grip tightened on the hilt of his blade. "No, you're not. My brother would never willing walk around as...as...an abomination to God. My brother is dead." His voice rose higher. "My brother is dead," he repeated as if he was trying to convince himself of the fact.

"Please, if you insist on this, I'll have to hurt you."

He froze again, eyes shifting away and then back as if he couldn't make up his mind on where he should look. The world seemed to stop for the brief moment as Isaac weighed the choices in his head, and then before Ishmael was aware of what was happening, Isaac launched himself at his brother. The vampire stumbled backwards as the knife slashed down right where he had been just a second before. The second attack came, blade whistling as it sliced through the air and then a sickening crunch of bone as it found its mark in the vampire's shoulder.

He cried out in pain and dropped to the ground, clutching the wound as blood spurted outward. His head lifted just in time to catch the fall of the knife. He rolled out of the way and swung his arm outward, catching Isaac's leg and knocking him off balance. The vampire staggered to his feet, numbly holding the still bleeding gash on his shoulder. He moved forward with inhuman speed and slammed a fist against his brother's lower back. Isaac crumpled, a startled gasp spilling from his lips. He struggled to right himself, but a foot against his stomach brought him back to the ground. He groaned and slowly rolled over onto his back.

Ishmael stood above him, glaring with barely suppressed hatred. "I'm not the abomination," he said and then ran away, leaving his brother to moan on the ground.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Inbetweenxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

She was burning. Flames licking hungrily at her flesh as she plummeted through the air. Her screams were drowned out by the roar of the wind that rushed by her ears. She had been waiting for this day to come for hundreds of years; she had anticipated it eagerly, wanting to pass on the gift of life to the next of her kind. But now that she was finally there with fire scorching her entire body, burning her flesh and wings, she wished that it didn't have to happen at all. But for the next Phoenix to rise, one had to die. And it was her turn.

Another scream was torn from her lips as she flipped through the air, trying to get her wings to cooperate so she could land on the ground, but with her feathers quickly being burned away in the flames, she couldn't. She sucked in a quick intake of air as she spotted the ground far beneath her. Far, but coming ever closer. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying for the whole ordeal to end quickly because she didn't know if she could take the pain any longer.

Suddenly, her body hit the ground. The flames hissed around her, and she pried her eyes open to see that the fire was slowly vanishing. It took her a moment to realize that she had landed in water and that she was quickly sinking, her wings not being made for such a use. Her head sank beneath the surface, and though she struggled desperately, she couldn't get back up to where the air was.

She floated there for a moment, her burned but mostly intact wings threatening to tug her even further towards the bottom of the lake. She could see the sun, a small twinkle far above her, and oh, how she wanted to go towards it, to leave her watery grave. But she knew that she would die; she had always known that, ever since her birth from the ashes of the Phoenix before her. But...this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. This mistake would break the chain that had gone on millenia before her.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

The Dead Don't Cryxxxxxxxxxxxxxby mythological irony

He was falling.

Or at least he thought he was falling.

There was an unseen force that made its presence known only by the icy wind that whipped around his body and the total weightlessness that he felt. He wanted to stop, stop his plunge into the nothingness below him, but the thought only seemed to make him fall faster, dropping him like a stone to the bottom of a pond. He wondered, through the thick hazy fog that was his mind, what would happen to him when he finally hit the bottom. If there even was one. Maybe he would just keep on falling forever.

He was dying.

Or already dead.

This he was sure of. He felt the icy kiss of Death on his cheek, reminding him that his will was not his own, that he could struggle to remain alive, but in the end Death would have her way. But he took comfort in the fact that he had fought with everything that he had, and that Death wouldn’t have him as she had originally intended. Killing him had been her second choice, a haphazard plan to prevent him from destroying her world.

And she had won, throwing him into this void where there was no sight, no sound, only the bitter cold. And though he fought furiously to be free, he was held tight in the world between life and death, between freedom and eternal slavery. He knew that when he finally made it to the end of the drop that he would be consumed by pain beyond human comprehension, pain that would make everything else mercifully gentle by comparison.

He was afraid.


The dark void sought hungrily to devour him, and he was completely helpless to stop his plummet into Death’s domain. But for the moment he was safe and able to think. He turned his mind over to all that he had learned over his life. He thought about the war that he had been thrown into. Both sides—the living and the dead—had worked to control him and his powers. They had told him that he had to choose one or the other. The dead wanted to make him as they were and had nearly succeeded in doing so, and the living had distrusted him from the very beginning. But he had gone his own way, lashing out at both groups that saw him only as a tool to be used, and in doing what he thought would be best for the people of earth, he had nearly destroyed them all. So, maybe his death was for the best. At least now he wouldn’t have to worry about who was really right and who just wanted to bring the most harm.

He hoped that his fall into death would end soon. The sensation of dropping and the chilling cold were so much worse than anything else. The agony of having to wait for the end was unbearable. But maybe this was just another torture device designed by Death specifically for him. Of course, she had known all his fears; she had invaded his mind countless times, pulling all of his deepest fears and secrets forward, and no amount of begging had ever made her stop. And he knew that now everything that he had ever been afraid of in life would be a hundred times more terrifying in death.

The dark was suffocating him; he found himself short of breath, gasping desperately for air that wasn’t there any longer. He wondered why, if he was dead, he needed to breathe. But there was no answer to his unvoiced question. Had he really been expecting one? No. He knew that whatever the reason was it didn’t matter. He was dead or at least very close to being dead, so why should he care whether or not he could breathe? The only thing that mattered was that he was dead and falling ever more swiftly to the cold pit of hell.

He squeezed his eyes shut, though there was really no point. The darkness was complete and having open eyes was not going to help him see, no matter how hard he tried. But it was the feeling that came to him when he tried to shut himself off from reality. It was calming, a brief yet reassuring place where he wasn’t afraid of what lay before him. But of course, the relief was only temporary because of that moment he hit the bottom. Jarring shards of pain ripped throughout his body and he cried out, but his voice was swallowed up in the wail of the wind. He tried to move, but was paralyzed to the spot.

Something cold brushed against his arm and he jumped in terror, his mind flashing a million images before his blind eyes of what could be next to him in the dark, but he didn’t dare dwell on the possibilities too long, afraid that just thinking about them might make them real. He pushed himself into a half upright position, his broken and battered body protesting against the movement. He didn’t know where he could go, but he knew that he couldn’t stay where he was either. There was something there, something evil, something that Death would have left just for him, just to torment him until he went crazy. But then again, it could be anywhere; it could be everywhere.

He moved across the ground, keeping his hands in front of him. From what he could tell without the benefit of sight, Death was a cold cave. He was kneeling on what felt like stone, slick with water. Other than that, he was unable to tell anything about his surroundings. Unable to determine if there was anywhere else that he could go, or if he was trapped exactly where he was. Maybe his prison had walls or maybe there was just another long, nearly endless drop that would lead him to something much worse, something completely beyond imagination.

He drew in a breath, just realizing that he could once again breathe. The air was putrid and tasted foul, making him gag and dry heave. His eyes watered and he felt his arms and legs tremble beneath him. He didn’t’ want to fall onto the ground, suddenly all too aware of what it was he was kneeling in. Not water as he had first thought. No, it was the blood of Death’s other victims. It was all that remained of people who had lived on earth just like him, people who had had fears like his, hopes like his, expectations like his. They had all been reduced down to nothing but a puddle on the ground. And he would be next. And soon. That fact was made very clear when he felt hot breath blowing across the back of his neck, and a low guttural growl sounding next to his ear. Oh yes, he was definitely next.

He braced himself, but it didn't help at all in preparing him for the sudden excruciating pain that enveloped his body. He cried out and found himself flattened on the ground, a heavy weight resting on his back. He futilely fought to get it off, struggling and cursing. Something sharp and cold pierced his back and a whimper bubbled out of his mouth. Agony scorched through him and he screamed in terror and pain. He felt his spine snap as what ever was in his back moved deeper inside of him. And he was helpless to fight it.

His eyes flickered shut. He tried to the block the pain from his mind, but was unable to even do that. It consumed him completely giving him no way to fight. Through the haze of the torture he heard the cold yet somehow sympathetic laugh of Death, but could not see her. Of course, she would not reveal herself to him. She would stay hidden in the shadows, watching as the creature on his back sucked the last bit of remaining life from him.

He was definitely dying.

He coughed and tasted blood. His eyes began to burn and then the rest of his body followed until he thought that he had been consumed by fire. But there was only the monster on him. And only the cold.

He twisted his hand beneath his body, clutching the pendant around his neck. It couldn't save him now, but he hoped that he would be able to warn future generations of the danger that had befallen him and might befall someone else. He let his essence flow into the necklace.

His name was Marcus Mayer.

He was the Gatekeeper.

And he was dying.

His fingers relaxed their hold on the pendant and more pain pulsed through his body as whatever had pierced his back slid out. The creature flipped him over. He looked at the thing above him but all he could see were the eyes. His wife's eyes. He wanted to look away, but found himself unable to move at all, his gaze riveted.

He knew it wasn't really her. He knew it, but was unable to keep the thought from entering his mind. But she would never betray him; she had helped him, fought the dead along side of him. It was a trick. Just a sadistic trick to take the last thing that he loved from him.

"Goodbye, Marcus," the monster said, the voice that emerged sounding exactly like his wife's. It lifted a taloned hand up and pushed it through his chest. Another wave of agony seared through him and then it was finally over.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Rhythmxxxxxxxxxxxxxmythological irony

She idly messes with her left earring, twirling it around, around, around. The pen in her right hand sounds out a rhythm onto the desk—tap, tap, tap, tap—as she gently chews on her lower lip, staring at the piece of paper in front of her. A book lies open beside her, her eyes momentarily turning to its pages.

Through the window, I watch her fingers—long, slender, graceful—moving along her earring. Around, around, around.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

The light flickers off, throwing her into darkness. She glances up, setting her pen down, and leans forward to whack the lamp. The light pops back on. She settles back into her chair and lifts her pen up, holding it poised in the air for a moment before scribbling something onto her paper.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

She has begun to rap the pen on the desk again.

Around, around, around.

She doesn’t notice as I slide the slightly ajar window open all the way. She is too engrossed in her schoolwork, tapping her pen and twisting her earring. She doesn’t notice as I stand in her room, feeling an imaginary heat from the glow of her lamp, feeling a sort of pre-ecstasy course through me as I close my eyes in elation.

Tap, tap

The light flickers.

She moves forward to hit the lamp again. I move forward, too, until I am right behind her. The room brightens again. She leans back, picking up her pen. She pauses, body stiffening, as if she has sensed my presence. She begins to turn around, but before she can complete the motion, I quickly slip a loop of scarf over her head and pull it tight. She jerks, her fingers flying to the cloth around her throat.

I pull tighter.

Tighter, tighter.

Her mouth opens in a soundless scream as her head tips back. Her eyes—huge and bulging—lock with mine, and I smile, an I’ve-caught-you sort of smile. I let the scarf slip from my fingers. She gasps in a breath. Her hands touching her throat, massaging.


I press my hand against her mouth, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back even further until her neck is taut and strained.

“Sh,” I say. “Don’t be afraid.”

She stares; her eyes show me everything that I won’t allow her mouth to speak. Fear, hatred, regret. I move my hand from her face, keeping a firm grip on her hair.

“What do you have to say?” I ask.

“Sorry.” The word is choked, garbled, almost inhuman due to the tension on her neck.

I smile again. “That’s right.”

I pull out my knife and slit her throat. Her eyes widen even further. I let go of her hair, but her head remains tipped back as she stares at me. Shock. So much shock. Her eyes close, and her blood sounds out a rhythm on the floor—tap, tap, tap, tap.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Redxxxxxxxxxxxxxmythological irony

Elijah hesitated in front of the door, one hand raised to knock, while the other held the piece of paper against his chest. He was afraid; he couldn’t deny that, but the overwhelming urge to present the piece of paper to his master drowned out that fear, and he found himself knocking on the massive door.


He jumped at the voice. That beautiful, deceptive voice. He took a deep, shuddering breath as he turned the knob and pushed the door. It swung open on soundless hinges, revealing the room beyond. Deep burgundy reds assaulted Elijah’s vision, and he trembled on the spot.

Micah sat behind a large mahogany desk, his dark eyes focused on the small boy. His face was cold, despite the smile tugging at his lips.

“Come in,” he said.

Elijah hesitated and then stepped through the doorway and into that dangerous red room. His breath caught in his throat, and he stared down at the ground as he shuffled forward. He stopped in front of the desk and thrust the paper out in front of him, an offering. There was a creak from Micah’s chair and a following creak from the desk. The paper disappeared from the boy’s fingers.

A pause.

“What is this?” There was amusement in his voice.

“A picture,” Elijah said, his words nearly swallowed by the vastness of the room.

“I can see that. What is it a picture of?”

The boy continued to stare at the floor. “Me and…y-you.”

Another pause, followed by the sound of Micah emerging from behind the desk. A finger under his chin lifted the boy’s head until he was staring into those vacant, animal eyes.

“Why?” Amusement again.

His face flushed red to match the room. “I thought…that you’re like my dad now.”

Painful silence.

Micah laughed. “I’m not your father, Elijah.”

“I know, but—”

“And I don’t want to be your father.”

Elijah could feel his eyes beginning to burn with the pressure of tears.

“You’re my servant. Nothing more.”

The tears escaped. He lowered his head and stared at his feet as the tears tracked down his cheeks and splashed onto the red carpet. That finger lifted his head again, baring all of his grief for Micah to see, and there was no guilt in those eyes, no shame at making the child cry.

“Dry your tears,” he said. “And get back to work.”

He turned away then, and as he made his way back around the desk, he dropped the picture into the wastebasket. Elijah flinched. Swallowing his sobs, he turned around and left the room.

Micah watched the door for a moment, as if expecting the boy to come back, and then reached into the wastebasket and retrieved the discarded picture. He studied the simple, childish figures that had been scrawled onto the paper with red crayon.

Elijah hated red.

Micah opened his desk drawer and dropped the picture inside.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Icexxxxxxxxxxxxxmythological irony

With her teeth bared, fangs protruding slightly over her lips, fingers curled into the resemblance of claws, she hurled herself at me, intense, animalisitc, hungry. It lasted for only a moment, one terrifyingly long moment, and then she froze, hand raised. The look of despair on her face made my gut wrench. The only time I had ever seen that expression before was when she had come crawling to my house a couple months ago, drenched in blood, her whole body trembling from head to toe. Her eyes had been impossibly huge as she stumbled into my arms, her breath rushing out on two simple words, “Never again.”

She never told me what had happened that night, but I was able to gather information from other sources. Savannah had gone without feeding again. At first, I used to think that she only did that because she feared hurting anyone, but I soon realized it was more than that. Starving herself was a game; she liked to see how long she could go without feeding. And usually I was close enough to her for her to find and drink from when the hunger became too overbearing. But that night, I had been with my family.

Savannah, according to my sources, had begun to succumb to her bloodlust, and in fear of going blank and slaughtering some innocent bystander, she had sought out the only being there that could help her: Seth. The details after that were fuzzy, but the male vampire somehow convinced—or forced—Savannah into the midst of a large crowd of people right as her bloodlust reached its peak. What happened after that was predictable. Place a hunger-crazed vampire with fifty or so people and, of course, there would be a blood bath.

I didn’t blame her. I blamed Seth. Of course, I blamed him for most things. It was his greed for power that brought about Savannah’s plight, and that was something I could never forgive him for, despite his claim to have done it out of love. He had a twisted sense of love if he thought manipulating Savannah into killing equated to devotion.

I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to bear the look on her face any longer. Breath rattled from her lungs, a sign that she must have finally regained her composure if she had once again fallen into the pattern of breathing. I looked at her through a partially opened eye. She had moved backwards and was standing as far away from me as the room would allow. I gave her a hesitant smile and took a step towards her.

“Don’t,” she snapped, her voice rough, showing that although she had returned to normal, she was still feeling the affects of hunger burning inside her.

I lifted innocent eyes to her. “What?”

She glowered. “Stay where you are. I don’t wish to have your blood on my hands.”

A small smirk sprang to my lips as I pointed. “You already do.”

And, indeed, she did. She glanced quickly down at her hands, staring for a moment before hiding them behind her back. She returned her glare to me. “You know what I mean.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, yeah. You don’t want to kill me.” I folded my arms over my chest. “But everything is fine now, right?”

She just stood there, and I felt a sudden chill encase my body at the prospect of what her silence could mean.

“Everything’s fine now, right Savannah?” I repeated, my voice having dropped to a whisper.

She broke eye contact with me, glancing towards the window. “Yes, Tobin. Peachy.”

The chill intensified, and I found myself taking a hasty step backwards only to run into the wall. Her eyes returned to me. “Is that what you wanted to hear?” she asked.

I numbly nodded my head, but couldn’t force my voice to work for a moment. Finally, the words tumbled from my mouth, “What happened?”

I meant why had she turned so violently angry, but I realized that I also wanted to know what had happened a couple months ago that had left Savannah—a woman that I had always known to be calm and strong, never afraid of anything and willing to fight to protect herself—broken and sobbing in my arms. It couldn’t have just been the pointless deaths. She had killed before in much the same manner, and though I knew that she hated herself for it, I had never seen that vacant, haunted look in her eyes before.

She was suddenly in front of me, and an involuntary cry leapt to my lips as she slammed the palm of her hand against my chest, successfully pinning me against the wall. I stared at her in wide-eyed confusion. She lowered her head, a flash of auburn hair hiding her face from me. “What happened?” she echoed me as she stared at the floor. “I realized the truth; that’s what happened.”

I narrowed my eyes and despite her threatening proximity asked, “And what is the truth?”

She raised her head slightly, just enough so she could see me past her bangs. “The truth, Tobin, is that I want to kill you.”

I stared at her for a moment and then to my horror found myself laughing, body trembling as I threw my head backwards. I could feel Savannah’s hand pressing harder against me until it became painful, but I couldn’t stop. The idea that she would want to kill me was just so preposterous.

“Stop it,” she hissed.

I looked at her, chuckling. “S-sorry,” I said. “But that was funny.”

“In what way?”

I tried to keep a straight face. “Savannah, I know you. You wouldn’t ever want to do something like that, and if Seth has manipulated you some way into making you actually believe this…” I shook my head, unable to even voice what I would do to him, or at least try. The outcome would probably only result in my death, but I would give it my best effort.

Her free hand lifted and stroked my cheek. “Seth has nothing to do with this. I learned it myself.” Her face came closer to mine, and I realized that once again, she was not breathing. “Every time I bleed you, I wish for your death.” Her voice had fallen to a whisper, and I barely caught the words. “Your blood…” Her eyes closed and her face took on an expression of ecstasy. “…is exquisite. It’s always been the hardest thing to stop before killing you, but I always do because I know that if you die, I will lose this wonderful source of sustenance.”

Her eyes flicked open and she stared straight at me. I wanted to look away, but somehow her icy green gaze held me locked in place. I didn’t believe what she said; it didn’t make any sense. Savannah was my friend, and friends don’t want to kill each other. But then again…Seth claimed to love Savannah, and he had killed her.

My eyes shut. I couldn't look at her, not when she was like this--so cold, so frozen. “I…I don’t believe you.”

Her hand pressed harder, forcing a small gasp of pain from my suddenly dry lips. “It doesn’t matter,” she said, voice a dry growl. “Your belief or lack thereof changes nothing.” She ran her tongue over her fangs, and I shuddered as she moved even closer until her mouth was right up against my face.

“Please, stop,” I gasped out as my ribs screamed from the pain of her crushing force. “You don’t want to kill me. Please, I know you.”

She paused, her lips having made their way to my throat. “I don’t?”

I lifted trembling hands and put them against her shoulders, pushing, trying to lever her away from me, but her vampiric strength foiled my efforts. “No, you don’t,” I said. “I’m your friend. I…Savannah, I love you.”

She lifted her head slightly until she was looking at me directly. “Seth loved me, too.”

“I’m not like him.”

“And would you tell me, Tobin, if you were like him? If you wanted to hurt me, would you admit that? If I were only here so you could use me, would you speak that truth?” She raised an eyebrow but continued on before I could even open my mouth to answer. “Of course, you wouldn’t. Do you think Seth told me that he wanted me dead? No. He didn’t once hint that he was a manipulative b*****d who wanted to drain me of blood. Your words mean nothing to me.”

I felt my face pale.

Her eyes returned to my throat, to my suddenly all too active pulse. Her body pressed closer, crushing my arms against my chest so that I couldn’t even try to move her away from me any longer. Her lips brushed against my neck, and I jerked, an involuntary cry spilling from my mouth.

“Please, no,” I said as hot tears filled my eyes.

She reached a hand up and gripped a fistful of my hair, yanking my head back to expose my throat. I stared up at the ceiling in dumb confusion as her fangs touched my skin. I struggled against her hold, desperate to be free, but she was stronger than me. And then there was pain. Agony flared through every nerve in my body, and my eyes widened in shock. My mouth opened to scream, but all the air seemed to have been choked from my lungs and not even a whisper of sound left my mouth.

She pulled my head back further, and I could feel hot traces of tears on my face. It wasn’t so much the pain, though. No, I’d dealt with pain before; it was something I was use to, but Savannah was my best friend. No, more than that. She was the only person that I truly cared about. I would have given my life for her, though this wasn’t how I had imagined it. I had expected pain, but not this excruciating, mind numbing agony. I had expected tears, but hers as well as mine. I had expected a deep sense of satisfaction at finally having done something useful with my life even if it was the last thing I would ever do, but now I only felt empty and helpless.

I suddenly became aware of a keening sound that filled the air; it started low and then rose in pitch. As the pain threatened to make me black out, I concentrated on the noise, wondering what it could be and hoping that it would distract Savannah and make her stop, if only for a moment, just so I could catch my breath. But she didn’t even pause as if she couldn’t hear the sound, but it was so loud. How couldn’t she? I wanted to cover my ears, but my arms were still imprisoned between our bodies.

It wasn’t until I ran out of breath and the sound stopped, that I realized the noise had been coming from me. I wondered at that, too. It hadn’t sounded natural, not even human, and I didn’t know how it could have been produced by my voice box. I drew air into my lungs, pain flaring in my throat where Savannah bit into me. The keening began again without me even giving it any thought.

The rest of the time passed in a blur of misery and confusion. I was not able to focus my attention on any one thing for longer than a few seconds before it sputtered and went off in every direction. I tried on many occasions. I was only aware that Savannah had stopped when I saw her standing above me, looking down into my face. I stared blankly at her. She knelt down beside me, reaching a hand toward my face. I flinched away in terror, a strangled cry jumping to my lips, but she simply brushed a strand of my sweat soaked hair off my forehead.

“Shh,” she said softly, her voice sounding almost guilty. “Don’t be afraid.”

I stared fixedly off into space, too terrified to even look at her, sure that even a simple glance would incite her to anger and she’d hurt me some more. Her hands were all over my face, touching and prodding, as she consoled me in a whispery voice. I wanted her to stop, but said nothing, knowing that it would be a waste of effort. She cupped the side of my face and turned my head until I was looking at her with glassy, blank eyes.

“It’ll be okay,” she said. “You know that, right?”

I could only stare at her and the blood—my blood—still on her lips and dripping down her chin.

She jerked my head and pain bloomed anew through my body. I cried out.

“You know that, right?” she repeated.

I nodded my head, trembling in expectation of another attack. Instead, she went back to gently touching my face, talking in that soft voice as if it would make everything better. Her hair tumbled down between us, and I stared at it with a deadened sense of fascination as if I had never seen it before. Her hand swiped the hair out of the way, and then she was looking at me again, a somewhat motherly expression on her face as she stroked my cheek tenderly.

I watched a bead of blood roll down her chin before it dropped down onto my face, making me flinch. Savannah smiled and lowered her head, licking the drop from my skin. Her eyes closed, and a look of utter satisfaction touched her features before she returned her gaze to me.

“Tobin,” she said. “Are you in pain?”

I numbly nodded my head at her question.

She frowned, her face still scant inches away from mine. “I’m sorry. I guess I got carried away.” For a moment the guilt deepened, and I thought that she might finally be coming back. But then that twisted, mocking smile found its way back to her lips.

She moved her hand along the side of my face with gentle strokes. "But it's your fault. You brought this onto yourself." Her carresses came to a stop, and she tipped her head ever so slightly to the side. "You understand that, right, Tobin?"

I nodded once again, the action becoming almost involuntary.

She smiled and brought her fingers to the wound on my throat, pressing against it and stemming off the flow of blood. "Everything is okay now. I'll take care of you. Don't you worry."

An arm snaked around my shoulders, and she roughly pulled me up against her body. Pain shuddered through me, but this time I didn't cry out, though I thought that had more to do with my increasing weakness, rather than a lessening of pain. My head rolled backwards, and I stared up at the dark expanse of the ceiling. The shadows seemed to converge, coalescing into one monstrous form. I wondered briefly if I was going crazy.


I looked at Savannah as she smoothed my hair out of my face.

"It's okay," she said. "You can stop crying."

I realized that I had been almost soundlessly moaning in her arms. I tried to stop, but the sobs only intensified until my whole body was shaking. Savannah frowned again, but she made no move to stop me. Only continued to whisper, "You can stop, Tobin. Just sleep. It will take your pain away. Go ahead. Sleep."

I continued to cry but allowed my eyes to close, making the darkness complete. I waited for unconsciousness to claim me, and when it finally came, I sank into its comfort gratefully.

King Eggbert's Waifu

Blessed Lunatic

Jellyfishxxxxxxxxxxxxxmythological irony

When Conan walked into the kitchen, he found Rachel seated at the table, a plate in front of her, sandwich in hand.

"What're you eating?" he asked.

"A jellyfish sandwich."


"A jellyfish sandwich," she repeated, slower this time, as if that would make it any less ridiculous.

He stared at her, aghast. "That's disgusting..."

She lowered the sandwich slightly and then stood up, bringing it closer to him. "You've just never tried it before. Here." She shoved the food towards his face. "Take a bite."

He clamped his mouth tightly shut and leaned backwards, shaking his head.

"Come on, C. Just a little bite."

"I'd rather swallow nails."

Rachel lowered the sandwich, pouting. "You're no fun."

"Besides...jellyfish have poison and stuff. Are they even safe to eat?"

The glower she directed at him was enough to melt stone. "Are you stupid?"

"Ah...well, I'm not a jellyfish expert..."

"I'm not eating a jellyfish. I'm eating a jelly and fish sandwich."

He stared at her.

"Do you want to try it now?"

"I'd rather eat a jellyfish."

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