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Wheezing Gekko

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Fairuz Badriyah Jamil
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"May I grant your wish?"

                                          The Tightrope Dancer

Wheezing Gekko

Fairuz Badriyah Jamil
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Would you like to know a little more about me?".

                                          Fullname: Fairuz Badriyah Jamil

                                          Role: Tightrope Dancer
                                          No being a tightrope walker just wasn't good enough and he had to take it to the next level. The next best thing he is good at is dancing to he had to put it into the works. He does an array of tricks and his dances usually consist of arabic dancing though he does quite a few others as well. His balance is impeccable which is perhaps one of his best strengths. Sometimes he even lights a fire under the rope or with a little magic he can add water or any other objects to spice things up.

                                          Race: Genie

                                          Gender: Male, obviously!

                                          Age/Birthday/Sign: 467 (Yes he is a fairly young Genie), December 24th, Capricorn

                                          Sexuality: Bisexual
                                          He can't really say he has a preference because he simply loves beauty, especially beauty that is different and strange. Considering there is beauty in men and women he enjoys both the genders very much.

                                          Bloodtype: 0-

                                          Appearance: A pretty boy in every sense of the word, he is androgynous which is a common trait among Genies, so he is a smaller man with a more lithe and slightly curvy build. He stands around 5'7" and weighs about 130Ibs. His hair is as white a snow and his skin is fair and quite soft. His eyes are typical to the Genie species as well, they are they are a strange mixture of blue, green and yellow, it's one of the only traits that set genies apart from the human race in terms of appearance. That is, besides the fact that they never age.

Wheezing Gekko

More in Depth
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Would you like to know a little more about me?".

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                                          He doesn't like it just because it's something he can do but literally because he enjoys doing it. It makes him feel carefree and at one with himself, which can be quite a strange thing because male dancers are scarce but he enjoys it despite what anybody else thinks.

                                          This can range from anything to people or simple plant on the ground. However he knows that beauty is only skin deep, which is why he prefers to get to know people. He finds beauty on the inside as important as beauty on the outside and he likes to surround himself with it. Even when he sees beautiful things or meets beautiful people he'll subconsciously touch them, though sometimes that can definitely be a problem.

                                          Something he has grown a fondness of during his life of having many masters. He loves artists and he loves looking art and he admires anybody that can create art. Of course art being a painting or performing a piano piece he loves seeing art. It's something he feels as though he can relate to.

                                          There innocent, adorable and usually they are good people, because they're too young to know any better. He feels as though they should be treated with the utmost care so that they can grow up and be beautiful people.

                                          To put it simply it allows him to do what he wants and to do and to and it also comes in handy when he's performing as well just to make it even more exciting for the audience who pays to come and see their shows.

                                          One could think of it as being judgmental but it definitely isn't something that he can stand for extended periods of time. Stupidity just makes him cringe especially in adults.

                                          For the same reasons mentioned in the other sections of the post.

                                          Alot of Clothing
                                          It makes him feel heavy, hot, and it's hard for him to dance under a mountain of clothes, considering the clothes he's used to are light and don't require a shirt or shoes.

                                          There definitely isn't much to say about it, he simply doesn't like the taste of fish no matter how it's cooked.

                                          Extreme heat
                                          Overly hot places just make him feel sweaty and uncomfortable which is definitely something that he can't take for a long time. However being in Arabia sort of made him used to it.

                                          He is terribly afraid of being confined in a small space and he would much rather be stabbed then to be sent back into that damned lamp.

                                          He has had the experience before and thank goodness that he had magical abilities because the water would have probably carried him away.

                                          Your Wish is my Command
                                          This is his main power, the only time his magic holds no limits is when he's granting a wish, no matter how big that wish may be. He cannot refuse a wish from the person that finds his lamp and frees him from it.

                                          Yes he can tap into magic and use it to his own advantage, and his magic is the same color as his eyes. He can use this to do many things and that includes shapeshifting, making things happen, levitation, etc.

                                          He is quite good at what he does also. Although he grew up with Arabic dancing his lifespan has enabled him to learn from gypsies, and actual ballet dancers as well, all of which were old masters of his. His dancers are never really fast and he usually harbors bells or ornaments on his wrists and ankles that make a steady beat as he does so. He has also learned partner dances as well which is why he would love to perform with a female partner.

                                          This was something taught to him by his last master whom he had grown to become friends with, he mastered it quite well. He has also used this in some of his performances as well, considering anything on a tightrope would be fascinating to watch by most that are wondering if he will fall.

                                          His Lamp
                                          This is mainly because he is highly claustrophobic, contrary to popular belief not many genies actually like being in their lamps. In his case, he's spent whole centuries at a time in his lamp and it has become a bit of a weakness for him. If ever he is called back into his lamp by his master then that is just what will happen.

                                          Yep, you guessed it, in all of his 467 years of life he has never learned how to swim. This is mainly because he is not allowed out of his lamp unless somebody rubs it so it is a bit hard for him to find the time to go swim. Usually when he does have a Master he grants their wishes and then returns back to his resting place.

                                          Yes it is quite certain that he almost never thinks about the consequences of his actions before he actually follows through with the acts. He'll do extreme things to make his show more exciting, such as setting the ground on fire but never thinks what will happen if he actually gets hurt. He does what he wants when he wants to do it and that is one of his major weaknesses,

Wheezing Gekko

A little more about me?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"I try to avoid talking about myself.".

                                          He is actually quite a friendly person and gets along with anybody especially if he deems them beautiful or attractive. If that's the case then they will probably fall victim to his wandering hands, sometimes he cannot help himself. If somebody starts a conversation with him then he listens with the utmost intensity, considering he is very observant and intrigued in just about everything and everybody.

                                          A man of few words. It is true that he tends to distant himself from others even though he enjoys hearing people talk and joining their conversations. It is extremely rare that he talk about himself and not many people know much about him besides the fact that he's a genie. Even when asked questions about himself he will either shrug or find a way around the question instead of simple answering it.

                                          He is so stubborn that it is annoying to a point. Though he enjoys hearing some arguments he usually does what he wants and when he has his mind set on something then steering him away from that path is definitely a struggle as well as a waste of effort. Sometimes he may give in however this is only 1% of the time and that person would have to be some sort of master of manipulation.

                                          This minus well be his middle name because it suits him to a 'T'. He is ridiculously reckless and his actions are usually harmful to him. Sometimes he is entirely too much of a risk taker and it usually results in him getting hurt. There are times when he puts himself in too much danger and he does have to be told 'no'

                                          He doesn't just talk about things he is about things. When he sets a goal he has to accomplish it no matter what the costs are and no matter how long it will be. Some can call it OCD and others can call it being a go-getter but no matter what he does what he sets out to do. Some are accomplished more quickly than others though.

                                          The process of birthing and becoming an actual genie is quite a different process to say the least. When a genie is in their lamp they aren't necessarily trapped in their for all of eternity. Just as legend states when they have the one nice master that frees them and sacrifices one of their wishes to wish for the genie to actually be free from the lamp then that wish is granted and they are free, and free to do what they want. However, once they find their new found freedom they are still a genie which means if they so happen to fall in love and have a child with somebody then that child would be a genie and that means they would would have to follow the laws and become confined to their lamp.

                                          His father is no different when it comes to him. He was a genie for thousands of years until he found a master nice enough to free him. She was a beautiful young belly dancer born and raised in Arabia. Unfortunately she was a slave given to a man to pay off her fathers debt and was forced to work for him. Well one day she so happened to stumble upon the lamp and soon enough his father came into the picture and there began their relationship together, as he was more than happy to grant any wish that she had. Well first she wished to be free and she wished to be away from Arabia and for enough money to take care of herself, but she always wanted to use the last wish to try to find her parents but instead she wished for him to be free. It wasn't too long after that, that he confessed his feelings for her and soon enough they had a big happy wedding, and soon enough Fairuz was conceived and born nine months later.

                                          They lived in quite a large mansion when he was a child and he had quite a bit of friends even though it was hard fitting in for him. He didn't truly fit in with the other Arabic children, but he did make a small group of friends like many of the other children and he enjoyed his school and his teachings. Then as he continued to grow they continued to move so that he would not be found by the Genie Master and forced to become one. It was just when they stopped being chased by him that somebody else found them instead, it was the ex-Master of his mother and he was out for revenge after she took her fortune from him. He was angry and cruel and wanted nothing more than to break them apart from each other, so he did.

                                          While the father was out he took the chance to kill his mother, and while at first he was going to kill Fairuz as well he realized what the boy was exactly when he looked into his eyes. So he kidnapped him for his own and used his power for his own personal gain, while his father searched endlessly for him, he never saw him again. Instead he was a slave to his mother's ex-master. However what the man did not realize was that the use of magic was only making him more noticeable, and the Magi came for Fairuz on his eighteenth birthday and he was finally forced to do his part in becoming a genie. So he was taken from the man and confined inside the small space in the lamp, and ever since he began to have master after master, each one using him for their own personal gain.

                                          How he came to the circus
                                          This part is simple enough is it? He was used by another man to satisfy his dream of being an all powerful millionaire but instead of sending him off he buried his lamp for further use by his children and was going to keep him as a family heirloom. Well eventually he washed up somewhere else on the shore and was found by the ringmaster of the circus. While he always assumed the ringmaster would wish for something like to have the greatest circus in the world or never ending wishes he was asked to join the circus and he did. Of course he was more than happy not to have to go back to the circus and if it were up to him he would never leave. It was the only place he ever felt at home with everybody.

                                          Of course for a Genie it would be assumed that he would work with the magician or be some sort of fortune teller but instead he wanted to dance. Though that was not good enough so he decided to dance on the tightrope and has enjoyed it ever since.

Wheezing Gekko

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"You're very attractive."

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                                          Alexander Willow Renjiro- The Ringmaster: ...

                                          Elisabeth Nimue Coventry- The Magician: ...

                                          Malice Rag Vianess- Aerial Silk: ...

                                          Evelynn Olivia Deveraux- Fire Dancer: ...

                                          Lila Kew Pollack- The Hypnotist: ...

                                          Joker Rémy Rousseau- Joker: ...

                                          Rebekah Louise Dae-The Immortal Girl: ...

                                          Adrian Matthias Schueler- Animal Caretaker: ...

                                          Duke Leopold Livingston- Security: ...

                                          Bianca Elizabeth Domani- The Acrobat: ...

                                          Annie Marie Domani- The Animal Tamer/Trainer: ...

Wheezing Gekko

Extra Info
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Is this interview over yet?"

                                          Theme Song:

                                          Colors: Teal and Darkgray

                                          Username: CookieRaider01

Wheezing Gekko

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Mister Aladdin, sir ;;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhave a wish or two or three xlxxlxxlxlxlxlll( )
I'm on the job ;;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyou big nabob xxxxl( )
You ain't never had a friend ;;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnever had a friend. xxlxlxlxxxl( )
You ain't never had a ;;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfriend like me! xxlllxxxxll( )

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                                                            Practice. It was something that was a vital part of a performer. After all, it was never fun when the audience had to watch the same thing everyday, diversity was key to keeping the audience coming back for more. The show wasn't that far away and the genie didn't want to waste his time waiting for the performance. After all, wardrobe and what not was something he could do in a bout five minutes, there wasn't a lot to his appearance because he refused to wear a lot of clothing. Not only would that be quite uncomfortable for him but it would get in the way and make him feel restricted. He did a lot of tumbles and aerial tricks in his performance and a lot of clothing wouldn't make him able to bend his body in certain ways. Though his outfits varied they usually did consist of giving him a stereotypical Genie appearance that he saw in the media so many times and seemed to be quite popular in society. Especially after that ridiculous Disney film that he had the displeasure of seeing. It gave Genies the appearance of being overly happy and singing random musical numbers whenever somebody rubbed their lamp, and they weren't large blue people either, that was just a rather strange depiction.

                                                            A thin white line painted perfectly across his room stretched from one end to the other. The furniture that surrounded it was cleared, therefore if he did stumble and fall he wouldn't have to suffer a collision with any heavy objects. Of course it seemed like a simple way to practice at first glance but it wasn't necessarily true. It took quite a bit of work to keep on the line as neatly as possible and having posture and balance perfect enough to not stumble or fall off. The male set his two feet vertical to each other and pushed off with the ball of the toe into a hand stand, his body was at a perfect 90 degree angle. Then something strange began to happen. With a nod of his hand the white line elevated from the ground as if it were being risen by something, and slowly began to change into a white rope. Luckily his room was high enough that he could get away with doing such things and of course it wasn't that high off of the ground, simply a few feet of elevation was all he needed to fulfill his practicing.

                                                            Once he was ready he pushed himself from the rope by his hands and landed back upon his feet , then slowly lowered into a split. Luckily for him he was flexible and lithe, his muscles weren't bulky which allowed him to be rather flexible and strong as well. Once he felt as though he was stretched enough he bounced back to his feet and lightly jogged across the rope until it turned into an array of tumbles all the way to the other end. Back flipping on a tightrope was certainly something unheard of among humans but the amazing thing about their freak show was that it was, in fact, a freak show. Their abilities allowed them to do many performances that regular artists could not, and he was grateful to be there, surrounded by other people that were like him, different and supernatural. At first he almost thought it too good to be true to be surrounded by performers that were demons, vampires, rag dolls, and actual witches. In a sense he was curious about all of the performers, though he didn't know that all too well he was going to eventually.

                                                            Eventually the male ceased his practicing and transformed the rope back into a simple white line on the ground. The male ran his fingers through his hair and left his tint, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. It wasn't necessarily cold outside, it felt nice actually, so maybe there would be a big audience today? Not that he cared all that much, money didn't matter any to him he was just happy that they could still perform for people that enjoyed their shows. He did manage to bypass people that were either on rides or were at the concession stands eating away at the foods, or some that were gazing towards the animals with such awe that he couldn't help but laugh. Then again he supposed that they didn't get a chance to see them everyday so more than likely it was somewhat exciting to see a large tiger, lion or elephant. Some humans were so easy to amaze that it was almost sad. Well, he didn't concern himself too much with that, his main priority at the moment was making his way to the costume rack to get dressed for the performance, of course he assumed they still had enough time to go before then but he hated waiting until the last minute because it was usually crowded with people who also waited until the last minute.

                                                            When he was finally there he began to strip his clothes immediately and folded them neatly, placing them in their respective places before going to his side of the clothing rack and picking out his clothes. They were simple enough and corresponded to what he was and his performance. It was a typical genie outfit. His blue harem pants were exaggerated and closed tightly around his ankle, and his white vest was open, showing his toned chest and stomach. The sultan had was typical and costume-like, it even had a jewel in the center with a feather sticking out. He put golden bracelets on his upper arms as well, just to finish it off. As for shoes, he preferred to go barefoot, therefore he didn't have to worry about the hole slipping off the rope ordeal that happened to many tightrope performers.

                                                            xxLOCATION The Tent/Wardrobe.

                                                            xxWITH Nobody in particular.

                                                            xxMOOD Calm/Excited

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